Ecological project “Be a friend to nature. "become a friend to nature" Be a friend to all living things

diets 03.09.2019


Ecological upbringing and education of children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, an ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.

The formation of a responsible attitude towards nature in children is a complex and lengthy process. When a child gets to know the world, it is important that objects of nature also enter into the sphere of his activity. A child should be able to breathe in the smell of a flower, touch a leaf, bark, run barefoot on the grass, hug a tree, and independently discover at least one secret of nature.

This work should begin from the early preschool age, when the foundation of cognitive activity is laid in children, interest in the environment awakens.

The entire moral orientation of the child should be focused on the development of such feelings and states as love, the education of conscience, the experience of communication with nature and people as the highest happiness. It must be remembered that the often careless, and sometimes cruel attitude of children to nature is due to their lack of necessary knowledge.

Children who feel nature: the breath of plants, the scents of flowers, the rustle of herbs, the singing of birds, can no longer destroy this beauty. On the contrary, they have a need to help, to live this creation, to love them, communicate with them, treat them with care.

Project participants.

Children of the eldest and preparatory group, educators, parents, teachers MKDOU.

Project leaders.

Deputy head of water resources management Kalutskaya O.L., educators Kabanova N.N., Volik I.B.

Project type.

Goals: formation of elementary ecological culture, general erudition, education of moral ideals as the basis of the child's behavior.


  • the formation of initial skills and abilities of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and the child, the ability to observe natural objects and phenomena;
  • management of sensory-emotional children's reactions to the environment;
  • education of a loving, caring attitude to nature through systematic, purposeful communication with the outside world;
  • formation of a conscious understanding of the relationships in nature and taking this into account in practical activities;
  • education of the moral qualities of the individual, aesthetic and patriotic feelings;
  • strengthening friendly relations between children;
  • establishing mutual understanding and mutual respect between teachers and children, their parents;
  • ecologization of everyday life and family traditions.

Principles of organization of the educational process.

  1. Consistent distribution of program material, taking into account the increasing children's competence.
  2. Integration of educational areas.
  3. The developmental nature of learning, based on children's activity in experimentation, solving problem situations.
  4. Rational combination different types activities (according to age, intellectual, motor, emotional loads).
  5. Providing psychological comfort, increased attention to the health of children.
  6. Attitude to the child as a person, orientation to his interests and motivational sphere.
  7. Collaboration between children, teachers and parents.

Project stages.

The project includes three main stages:

  1. preparatory - setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research, preliminary work with teachers, children and their parents, selection of equipment and materials;
  2. research - search for answers to the questions posed in different ways;
  3. generalizing (final) - generalization of the results of the work in the different form, their analysis, consolidation of the acquired knowledge, the formulation of conclusions and, if possible, the preparation of recommendations.

Expected results:

  1. Children will have a pronounced interest in objects and natural phenomena. Making a difference wildlife(plants, fungi, animals, humans) and inanimate nature (air, soil, water). Children will learn about nature native land.
  2. The children will take care of nature, will strive for correct behavior and relation to the natural world.
  3. Children will master environmental skills safe behavior in nature. They will get acquainted with prohibiting and permitting environmental signs, invent their own signs.
  4. The children will develop a desire to study objects of nature, they will learn to draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  5. Children will confidently distinguish and name the characteristic signs of different seasons. They will be able to explain the reasons for the change of seasons.
  6. The children will learn the importance of water in the life of all living objects of nature and its properties.
  7. The children will learn the importance of air in the life of living objects of nature.
  8. Children explore the earth, soil varieties, their properties and significance.
  9. The guys learn a lot of interesting things from the life of plants (trees, shrubs, herbs, plants of the forest, garden, meadow, field, indoor plants), explore by experience the conditions necessary for the growth of plants; learn how to properly care for plants in a corner of nature, in a flower garden kindergarten(loosening, watering, weeding).
  10. Children will consolidate their ideas about animals: the living conditions of domestic and wild animals and their cubs, animals and birds of the polar regions of the earth, animals and birds of hot countries, wintering and migratory birds, and insects. The children will form the idea that it is impossible to divide objects of nature (plants, insects, animals, birds) into useful and harmful, and even more so, to be guided by this in their actions in relation to them.
  11. Children will develop skills in caring for plants in a corner of nature.
  12. The children will learn how to observe objects living and inanimate nature, explain connections and chains in nature, fulfill the Laws of the common house of nature:
  • all living organisms have an equal right to life;
  • in nature everything is interconnected;
  • in nature, nothing disappears anywhere, but passes from one state to another.

13. Many children will learn how to conduct simple and complex experiments, research objects of nature, and will be usefully engaged in search activities.

14. The guys will humanely treat all objects of nature and observe the rules of safety in nature in relation to themselves. Nature is also fraught with danger to human life.

15. Parents will be involved in the environmental project. Environmental education of parents will give a big plus in the environmental education of kindergarten children.

16. Children will learn to show emotional responsiveness to the beauty of natural objects.

Representing the interests of project participants:


Interests of project participants


Introduce your children to new knowledge through joint activities

Opportunity to improve psychological and pedagogical competence in environmental education of children

Opportunity to expand your horizons


Deepen your knowledge by getting to know natural phenomena in a playful way

Develop children's imagination, creative imagination

To form the ability to draw conclusions, inferences, develop communication skills

Get the opportunity to participate in joint environmental projects with parents


Raise the level of professionalism in the education of environmental culture

Improve skills in organizing active forms of cooperation with the family

Achieve positive results in the development of environmental knowledge and ideas by preschoolers

Forms and Methods environmental work with kids:

  • GCD on the formation of elementary ecological ideas (thematic, integrated, complex, combined);
  • ecological excursions;
  • panorama "Good deeds";
  • kindness lessons;
  • drawing up ecological maps;
  • collecting;
  • maintaining calendars of nature;
  • environmental exhibitions;
  • holidays;
  • games and travel games;
  • environmental promotions and auctions;
  • reading and writing environmental stories;
  • quizzes, competitions of children's drawings "Nature through the eyes of children."

Ecological-developing environment of the group and kindergarten

A developing environment has been created in the kindergarten, providing a variety of joint activities for children and adults in the following areas: recreational, educational, social.

  • Experimental corners with mini-laboratories;
  • Playgrounds, sheds, verandas, gazebos;
  • Garden of fruit plants;
  • Flower beds, experimental beds;
  • vegetable garden on the window;
  • Corner of the forest (spruce);
  • Bird dining room;
  • Glade of riddles;
  • Autoprodok;
  • Ecological trail on the site of the kindergarten;
  • Methodological aids (illustrated material, phenological calendars, friezes, travel games, labyrinths, crossword puzzles, environmental passport, modeling material, card file with developed events and holidays, didactic games);
  • Library.

Promoting environmental awareness among parents.

We consider ecological education of preschool children as a process of continuous education and education of parents, aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of all family members.

The method of organizing work with parents includes:

1. Creation of conditions for organizing work with the family:

  • drawing up a long-term plan of work with parents;
  • definition of goals and objectives;
  • provision of specialized literature;
  • the study of visual propaganda on the topic;
  • development of notes, scenarios, joint interactions in the light of new approaches to working with the family;
  • selection of texts, compilation of questionnaires and memos for parents.

2. Organization practical work with parents:

  • parent meetings;
  • questioning;
  • individual conversations;
  • pedagogical education of parents;
  • lectures, discussions, consultations;
  • release of thematic folders-movers, memos, environmental stands and mini-newspapers;
  • holding evening meetings with parents in the ecological living room;
  • holding joint ecological holidays.

3. Organization and greening of the developing subject environment:

  • equipment of ecological functional zones of the group: education, collections, relaxation, libraries;
  • creation of a laboratory (acquisition of equipment for experiments with the help of parents);
  • organization of a living corner (garden on the window, corner Have a good mood, a calendar of good deeds, making decorations for holidays, making ecological games and albums).

Forms of work with parents

Work form



  1. Ecological education in the family
  2. Book in the family (reading fiction in family).

Organization of a subject-developing environment, visual propaganda

  1. Creation of the collection "Ecological Tales"
  2. Piggy bank "Grandma's Secrets"
  3. Album " Helpful Hints for children and adults"
  4. Book-baby "Look into the beautiful"
  5. Creation of the "Red Book of the Kursk Region"
  6. Album "Beauty around us"
  7. Promotion "Your drawing - on the calendar"
  8. Issue of the newspaper "Ecological Almanac"
  9. Expanding and Renovating the Experimentation Corner in the Group
  10. Competition of photo essays “Spring Kaleidoscope”, “Colors of Autumn”, “Summer sails on the earth under sail”, “Sorceress winter”
  11. Folders-sliders "Green Pharmacy", " poisonous plants and mushrooms, Folk omens spring (summer, autumn, winter)
  12. Making homemade books "Birds of the native land"
  13. Drawing up family crosswords, riddles about birds
  14. Poster "Let's protect the friends of the forest!"


  1. Craft competition "Miracles for people from unnecessary things"
  2. Competition of crafts from natural material "Autumn fantasies"
  3. Recipe competition "Tasty, healthy, beautiful"
  4. Drawing competition for parents and children "My beautiful, clean city!"
  1. Action "Let's help wintering birds" (manufacturing of feeders, food preparation)
  2. The action "I will plant a flower, I will decorate my flower bed" (a joint action for children and parents)
  3. Ecological subbotnik with parents on landscaping the territory of the kindergarten

Parent meetings (round tables, family meetings, KVN)

  1. Family meetings "Learn together"
  2. Parent meeting-KVN "Secrets of nature"
  3. Parent meeting "What do we know about nature and its protection"
  4. Round table "Let's save the nature of our native land"
  5. Intellectual and creative game "In harmony with nature"

Conversations, consultations

  1. Rules of conduct in nature
  2. Let the herbs bloom
  3. Treasures of the forest
  4. We educate with kindness
  5. Playing, we learn nature
  6. With us green friends


  1. spring primroses
  2. Earth Day
  3. Forest Lessons on Civility



Forms of work on the implementation of the subproject.

GCD on the formation of elementary ecological ideas:

  • How beautiful this world is;
  • What do birds sing about in spring?;
  • Visiting a woodman (animals listed in the Red Book);
  • Ball of spring colors;
  • These amazing insects;
  • Green leaves emerged from the bud.

Ecological entertainment:

  • Game-journey "Along the forest edges";
  • Ecological brain-ring "Let's save all living things!";
  • Ecological performance "We are all friends of nature";
  • Leisure "We are seeing off the spring."
  • "Ecological landing": cleaning the group's site, the ecological path of the kindergarten, flower beds, vegetable garden, planting seeds and seedlings of flowers in the flower bed, caring for seedlings; planting seeds in the garden on the window; caring for the garden on the window (watering, thinning, loosening).

Individual conversations:

  • “Why are plants, butterflies, birds happy and sad?”;
  • "Thanks and angry nature."

Conversations (with a group):

  • Vitamins from the garden;
  • When the edible is poisonous;
  • Forest pharmacy in the service of man;
  • Plants in our corner of nature.

Speech development:

  • Drawing up stories based on your drawings “Spring is coming!”;
  • Creative storytelling on the topics: “Spring Adventures of a Brook”, “Forest News” (animals in spring), “Why I love spring”.

Thematic walks:

  • Walk with elements of experimentation "First breath of spring";
  • Tour of ecological path kindergarten "Stretch the hand of friendship to nature";
  • Walk-event "Happy birthday, Earth!";
  • Walk-entertainment "Inhabitants flower city visiting the guys";
  • Walk-labor action "Let's save the flowers."

productive activity.


  • Our friends are medicinal plants;
  • Portrait "The plant is smiling";
  • Exhibition of drawings "Magic Plants";
  • My blooming kindergarten;
  • Drawing environmental signs;
  • Contest of drawings on asphalt "What is the most beautiful of all."


  • Application on paper plates "Blossoming tree";
  • Panel "Spring";
  • Spring balloon;
  • First snowdrops.

Manual labor:

  • Dandelions from viscose napkins "Sun on legs";
  • Spring bouquets for moms;
  • Every girl, every boy - a spring bird;
  • Vesnyanka - a doll made of colored paper.

Didactic games:

  • "Let's save nature";
  • "Man is a friend of nature";
  • “I love nature at any time of the year”;
  • "Feed the birds";
  • "Casket of riddles";
  • "Collect the landscape";
  • "Alone with nature";
  • "Who wants to become an ecologist?";
  • "What do we feel";
  • "Wonderful Journeys into Nature";
  • "I am a leaf";
  • "Good bad";
  • "What if...?";
  • "Learn a medicinal plant";
  • "Who eats what";
  • "Is it true that...?";
  • "Guess the animal"

Role-playing games:

  • "Shop of seeds";
  • "Journey to the Park";
  • "In the forest clearing";
  • "Spring Ball".

Municipal state preschool educational institution
Kindergarten №22 "Rodnichok"
Be nature's friend!

senior group "Fidgets":
Tolstikova N.I.,
the highest qualification category.
With. Krasnogvardeyskoe, 2017
Project passport
Theme of the project: "Be a friend to nature!"
Type of project: information and creative.
Participants: children 5-6 years old
Project implementation period: short-term.
Problem: Why is it necessary to protect and love wildlife?
Relevance of the problem:
Global climate change, depletion of the natural layer of soil, natural resources, reduction of drinking water supplies are problems that affect us all. Together, they create a continuously deteriorating human environment.
The acquisition of ecological culture, ecological consciousness is the only way out of this situation. The formation of ecological culture should begin from preschool childhood.
The work on environmental education of children has great opportunities and prospects. Its goal is the formation of the principles of ecological culture, the formation of a consciously correct attitude to nature in all its diversity, to the people around it, and, moreover, an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature.
The environmental project in preschool educational institutions is one of the newest practices that comprehensively develop the personality of the child.
Firstly, environmental education in kindergarten is impossible without the use of elements of the game, this fact is due to the peculiarities of the psyche of children in this age group.
Secondly, each environmental project in kindergarten is carried out by the child with the active help of educators and parents, which contributes to the correct formation of his social adaptability.
Thirdly, doing environmental projects, children get the opportunity to fully and in practice understand the basics of the structure and functioning of nature and the world around them.
Project goal: Formation of the principles of ecological culture in children,
development of ecological consciousness, thinking, ecological culture in adults who educate them.
Project objectives:
Provide conditions for the development of environmental awareness.
To acquaint with representatives of animate and inanimate nature.
To tell about the interconnection and interaction of all objects of nature, to promote the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards the planet Earth and towards humanity, as a part of nature.
Familiarize yourself with the problem of pollution environment.
To form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.
Project implementation forms:
Conversations with children
Ecological excursions
Ecological promotions
Kindness Lessons
Creation of the "Red Book of Stavropol"
Ecological games
Recipe competition "Tasty, healthy, beautiful"
Labor landing
Ecological tales
Project support: Creation of an ecological zone in a corner of nature, methodological literature, illustrative material, information in the form of fiction, video films about nature were used to develop the project.
The result of the project: to raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children, environmentally literate, to cultivate a humane attitude towards all living things.
Personal effects: Independence, responsibility, creative activity, desire to actively influence the world around appears.
Stage 1 - preparatory
(Problem Identification)
Stage 2 - main
(Organization of joint work of children and the teacher on the project)
Stage 3 - final
Expected results of the project:
1. Children understand the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical value for a person.
2. Mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practice.
1. Together with the children, think over the product of the project. 2. Draw up an action plan for the implementation of the project. 3. Preparation of material: a selection of images of trees, animals, birds, plants; children's literature about nature, fiction, physical education, board games, etc.
4. Excursions to the Yegorlyk River, to an underground source
5. Presentations "Nature and Man"
6. Compilation of the "Red Book of Stavropol".
7. Presentation "Nature of the Krasnogvardeisky region".
Directly organized activity:
1. NOD "Underground inhabitants".
Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the features of the structure and behavior of underground inhabitants, to show their adaptability to the soil environment.
2. NOD "Visiting medicinal plants the village of Krasnogvardeisky.
Purpose: to introduce medicinal herbs to. Krasnogvardeisky.
3. GCD "Observation of the turtle."
Purpose: to introduce children to the land tortoise.
Walking observations:
1. Watching ants.
Objectives: To deepen knowledge about ants, their way of life; form an idea of ​​their role in nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards insects.
2. Topic: "Rowan and mountain ash - is it one type of plant?"
Purpose: to expand the understanding of the plants of the immediate environment; teach children to compare, find common differences and make generalizations.3. Theme: "Grass-ant."
Purpose: to introduce the popular names of the bird mountaineer: knotweed, bird buckwheat, goose, ant grass; show food connections in nature, teach to see the unusual in the ordinary.
4. Ecological trail.
Targets and goals:
Development of skills and abilities of observation of natural objects and phenomena.
Formation of the foundations and initial experience of natural behavior of children in nature.
Formation of an emotionally positive, responsible attitude towards the environment.
The development of various types of children's activities (cognitive, playful, labor, speech, creative)
5. Acquaintance of children with the nature of the village of the Krasnogvardeisky Stavropol Territory.
Research short-term projects:
1. "What are the seeds for?"
2. "Conducting experiments with soil."
3. "Observation of water."
Joint activity on artistic creativity "Be a friend to nature!"
Reading fiction after sleep.
Riddles about plants and animals.
Proverbs, sayings about plants and animals.
Reading: the story “A Walk in the Forest” by T. A. Shorygin, B. Zakhoder’s poem “About Everyone in the World”, the story “Girls in the Forest” by V.A. Sukhomlinsky, G.Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina", N. Sladkov "Zhaleikin and the Frog", N. Pavlova "The Big Miracle".
Didactic games.
Physical education minutes.
Project presentation - Exhibition of children's works "Be attentive and careful to nature!"
Creation of an ecological developing environment in a preschool educational institution.
One of essential conditions problem solving environmental education is the organization of the developing subject environment. The subject environment surrounds the child and has a certain influence on him from the very first minutes of his life. It is important that it becomes developing, that is, it ensures the development of active independent children's activities. However, in order for the subject material that is given to children for free use to become a stimulant, a source of research, search activity for preschoolers, they must have a minimum of knowledge and methods of action that they can rely on.
In her group, she took a special place for an environmental laboratory. Conditions have been created in the laboratory for conducting experiments with water and soil, so that during work, children are not afraid to spill water or scatter sand.
In the training area there is a table and chairs for conducting GCD, for working with didactic aids.
The collection zone is designed to introduce children to various natural objects, to develop their skills in classifying objects according to various characteristics, sensory skills. The collection material serves as visual material for children. When collecting samples, the following aspects should be considered:
 Availability of collection objects (stones, plant seeds, dry leaves, branches, samples of sand and clay, various soils, river and sea shells, etc.)
 Diversity
 Regional aspect (any object brought can serve as an excellent opportunity to talk about countries, customs, nature, peoples of the Earth, etc.)
 Security
When organizing plant care activities, I emphasize the need to take care of them, that we need to take care of plants not for ourselves, but for them: they are alive and need our care.
Equipment and materials
Collection Examples 1. Flying Seed Collections
In summer and fall, invite the children to look for flying seeds in the park. Flying seeds are plant seeds carried by the wind. Using their example, you can show children one of the ways to distribute seeds. They are distinguished by their lightness and special devices for carrying by the wind.
2. Collection of other seeds and fruits
A collection of seeds and fruits of trees, a collection of "nuts", a collection of "berries", legumes, a collection of seeds, fruits of cultural and wild plants, medicinal plants and others. The collection has cones, chestnuts, acorns that children can play with.
3. Collection of inflorescences In spring, you can collect an interesting collection of inflorescences different trees and shrubs known to us as "earrings". On many of them, stamens and pistils are noticeable, which are interesting to examine under a magnifying glass or microscope.
Making plant collections
Samples of seeds, fruits and inflorescences were placed in transparent jars. A drawing of a plant or its leaf was attached to the lid of each jar. I use this design of the collection for a didactic manual.
4. Collection of stones. In kindergarten, the collection of stones is aimed at the game through which the learning and development of the child is carried out. Therefore, we made our own collection of stones.
Children in the kindergarten find a lot of different stones. Together with their parents, children bring stones from the banks of rivers and lakes, from the seas. Rinse the collected samples well and place them in the cells of candy boxes.
5. Collections of sand, clay, soil Sand differs in grain size, color, impurities. River and sea sands are well distinguished. Clay also comes in a variety of colors. The soil is also different: black chernozem, yellowish-brown podzolic soil, dark peat, etc.
The laboratory is a new element of the developing subject environment. Under the laboratory of nature, we mean a specially equipped room in a kindergarten for independent activities of children, aimed at identifying the properties and qualities of objects of nature, relationships and dependencies in the natural environment through experimental and search activities. The laboratory is created to develop children's interest in research activities and contributes to the formation of the foundations of a scientific worldview. At the same time, the laboratory is the base for specific gaming activity child. The starting point for independent activities of children in the laboratory of nature is the information they received at the NOD. Gradually, elementary experiments become games-experiments, in which, as in a didactic game, there are two principles: educational-cognitive and playful-entertaining. The game motive enhances the emotional significance of this activity for the child. As a result, the knowledge about relationships, properties and qualities of natural objects, fixed in games-experiments, becomes more conscious and solid.
Experimental activities, solving problem situations improve the ability to analyze, isolate a problem, search for its solution, draw conclusions and argue them.
Constant observation and care of plants instill in children a humane attitude towards natural objects based on knowledge of the characteristics of their lives and the accumulation of emotional and sensory experience of communicating with them.
Stage 3 - final
At the stage of preschool childhood, an initial feeling of the surrounding world develops: the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life. Thus, already in this period, the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture are being formed.
The material presented by me shows my work on the environmental education of preschoolers.
I would like to note that environmental education is closely related to the development of a child’s emotions, the ability to sympathize, be surprised, empathize, take care of living organisms, perceive them as brothers in nature, be able to see the beauty of the world (and the entire landscape, and a single flower, a dew drop, a small spider). Preschoolers develop an active position, a desire to change something around them in better side. Teachers make children feel that even their feasible, seemingly insignificant actions determine what the world will be like. Preschoolers learn to understand their responsibility for the state of the environment.
Exactly at preschool age children show great interest in the objects of nature and easily absorb a variety of information if it attracts them.
The results of the work done show that the methods and techniques used by me support and develop the children's interest in acquiring new knowledge. Throughout the project, the work of the educator with parents on all aspects of the issue of environmental education of children was traced.
I want to believe that love native nature will remain in the hearts of my pupils for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.




Work theme : "Be nature's friend!"

Completed: student 2 "M" class

Shvarts Artem Alexandrovich

leader: teacher primary school

Moskovchenko Natalya Mikhailovna




Main part



III. How to become nature's friend?………………………………………………6


List of sources used…………………………………………..8

Manager's feedback .................................................. .........................................9.

Without nature in the world to people

You can't even live a day.

So let's go to her we will

Treats like friends .


Our planet Earth is rich in animals and flora, but many of them are now threatened great danger disappearance from the face of the Earth, and some of them have already disappeared.

Every year, the environment itself becomes more and more dangerous for human health. People do not always care about nature, do not know how, and sometimes do not want to protect and protect it.

How to convince people to take care of nature and not harm it?
This question interested me. I believe that the problem of protecting the environment is obvious today. After all, man is part of nature. To grow up happy, surrounded by different animals, plants, so that the sun smiles, you must be able to be friends with nature.

Objective: find out what each person can do to save nature.


    To study information sources on the state and protection of the environment.

    Find out what the "Red Book" is and what information it contains.

    Formulate the rules of human behavior in nature.

Hypothesis: if you know the rules of behavior in nature and follow them, then we can save the planet Earth for future descendants.

Object of study: environmental protection.

Subject of study: human actions that harm nature and ways to preserve the environment.

Research methods: the study information sources, conversations, excursion to the museum and the zoo.

Nature is the house in which man lives.

Dmitry Likhachev

"There is no forest - plant,

Little forest - do not cut,

A lot of forest - take care.

I. Our environment is in danger!

We are surrounded by fantastic beauty of nature, which we sometimes do not notice. But if you look closely - forests, fields, lakes, animals ... cause delight. Only every year this beauty becomes less and less. And who is to blame for this? We are people.

Mankind cuts down forests, exterminates animals for the sake of fur and skin, or even just for fun. Many people relaxing in nature, forget to put out fires, from which hectares of forest and hundreds of animals suffer in the future.

Thus, among the main reasons for which nature suffers, one can single out:

Illegal shooting of animals


Illegal fishing

plant destruction

Environmental pollution (air, water, soil).

With our own hands we are destroying our home - the planet Earth!

Conclusion:People do not properly care about the state of the environment, they do not know how to enjoy its beauty and appreciate the riches that nature gives us. If humanity today does not think about what deplorable consequences this may lead to, then tomorrow we may lose our Earth.

II. The Red Book is a distress signal of the living world!

Due to the fault of people, many species of plants and animals have already disappeared or are on the verge of extinction.

AT last years On Earth, from one to ten animal species disappear daily and one plant species per week. This is more than new ones appear.

Scientists began to study which plants and animals need help in the first place. Their lists were compiled and published in the form of a book. This was the first Red Book in a very unusual form. It had a red cover and multicolored pages. The Red Book is not only a distress signal, but also a rescue program rare species endangered.

Why is she called that? The fact is that all over the world it is customary to consider red as a signal of alarm, danger. If we look at the Red Book, we will see that it has a red cover. Inside the pages are multi-colored: black, red, yellow, green, white.This is done so that it can be seen in what position this or that animal and plant is located.

    On thered The pages have placed those who may disappear in the coming years and cannot be saved without special protection and restoration measures. For example, the blue whale.

    On theyellow The pages contain animals, the number of which is still large, but is steadily declining. Conserved species (polar bears, pink gull, red wolf).

    On thewhites The pages talk about species that are generally rare on Earth: spotted deer, platypus, snow leopard.

    On thegreen - about the species that managed to be saved by man, and their numbers are not yet threatened.

    On theblack - animals that are already extinct (sea cow, passenger pigeons).

We know about the existence of the "Red Book", however, we continue to kill animals and destroy plants.

Conclusion:The Red Book has a special place - because it contains information about those species that have become rare and are in danger of extinction. Red is an alarm signal of impending danger.

III. How to become nature's friend?

What does it mean to be a "friend"? In the explanatory dictionary "A friend is a supporter, a defender of someone or something." So, to be friends is to protect, protect, help those with whom you are friends.

Based on the reasons why nature suffers, in the class we compiled the “Rules of Friendship with Nature.” These rules can be communicated not only with the help of words, but also with the help of conventional signs:

Do not break tree branches

Don't make fires

Don't leave trash

Do not touch bird eggs

Do not pick bunches of flowers

Don't make noise in the forest

Do not catch insects and do not kill them

Feed the birds in winter time

Plant trees

sort garbage

In these conventional signs there is a red color. And we already know that red is the color of anxiety, it warns of danger, attracts attention. And the cross line is a signal that you can’t do this!

It is very easy to follow the rules of friendship with nature! And if every person on Earth adheres to them and does something useful for the environment, then we can make our world a better place, save the planet from destruction!

Conclusion: By cutting down forests, polluting the air, water and soil, destroying animals and plants, man causes enormous damage to our nature. To save the planet from destruction, a person must learn to be friends with everything that surrounds him. To be friends means to help and protect the one with whom you are friends. Based on the reasons why nature suffers, we have compiled the “Rules of Friendship with Nature”. By observing them, we can change to best condition environment.


This project addresses the issue of human impact on nature; about the importance of nature in human life; about the rules of behavior in nature; about the actions of everyone to protect the environment.

Of course, it cannot be said that humanity does not deal with environmental issues at all. For example, there is a "Document of human conscience" - this is the Red Book. This is a book of rare and endangered species of animals and plants. If we don't protect plants and animals, they will die. Their salvation is not possible without a ban on hunting, protection in reserves, and care for their reproduction.

Based on the information that we studied during the work on the project, we compiled the “Rules of Friendship with Nature”. Thus, the goal of the project has been achieved, and now we know what each of us can do for nature and how not to harm it.

If every person on our planet was friends with everything that surrounds him and followed the rules of friendship with nature, then for sure, many animals and plants on Earth would be alive, which, unfortunately, we can no longer see.

List of sources used

  1. Anween M., Parker D., Hawkes N.: The world around you. Encyclopedia of ecology for children.

M.: Makhaon, 2011. - 128 p.

    Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary Russian language. M.: - Oniks-LIT, World and Education, 2012. - 1376 p.

    Skaldina O., Slizh E. The Red Book of the Earth. M.: - Eksmo, 2013. - 320 p.

4. K. Zhunusova, N. Zhapanbaeva. Knowledge of the world

Textbook for grade 2. Almaty "Atamura", 2013.

Environmental project

in senior group

"Be nature's friend!"

Compiled by: Konovalova Tatyana Yurievna

Group teacher number 7

Essentuki 2016

Project passport

Project theme : "Be nature's friend!"

Project type: information and creative.

Members: children 5-6 years old

Project implementation period: long-term

Problem: Why is it necessary to protect and love wildlife?

Objective of the project: familiarization with the diversity of wildlife and the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards representatives of the flora and fauna.


1) to consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about the protection of the nature of their native land;

2) develop team cohesion, logical thinking, ingenuity, in the process of gaming activities;

3) to cultivate love for the beautiful, the beauty of the surrounding world.

Expected results of the project:

    Children understand the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans.

    Mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practical activities.


Stage 1 - preparatory

(Problem Identification)

Stage 2 - main

(Organization of joint work of children and the teacher on the project)

Stage 3 - final



Directly organized activity:

GCD No. 1 "Animal Kingdom" Attachment 1

GCD No. 2 "The Kingdom of Plants" Annex 2

Purpose: to bring children to the understanding that in nature there is an amazing kingdom - the world of plants; introduce and justify the classification of plants as wild and cultivated (according to relationships with humans).

Joint activity on artistic creativity "Be a friend to nature!"

Reading fiction after sleep.

    Riddles about plants and animals. Appendix 4

    Proverbs, sayings about plants and animals. App. 5

    Reading: the story "A Walk in the Forest" by T. A. Shorygin, a poem by B. Zakhoder "About everyone in the world", the story "Girls in the Forest" according to V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Appendix 6

    Didactic games. Appendix 7

    Physical education minutes. Annex 8

    Viewing the presentation "Animals and plants in the world's oceans"

    Advice for parents

    Exhibition of children's works

Attachment 1

Directly educational activities"Animal Kingdom"

Purpose: to bring children to an understanding of what is in nature wonderful world animals; introduce and justify the classification of animals into wild and domestic (according to relationships with humans).

Lesson progress:

Educator: children, during the year we got acquainted with many fairy tales, visited many kingdoms - states; and, today, we will get acquainted with an amazing kingdom.

Let's close our eyes and move to a magical land - the kingdom of animals: here we see a squirrel jumping from twig to twig, and here a duck, waddling from side to side, leads its ducklings to bathe, a mole digs the ground, red fox hid - hunting for someone, a bear - a clubfoot woke up from hibernation and sucks his paw, hares play leapfrog.

Suddenly, an evil sorceress flew in and bewitched the whole kingdom, but one bunny ran away and asks you to help the inhabitants of this country. Can we help?

Children's answers: yes, we will help!

Educator: the evil sorceress broke the arrows. The trouble happened - a magic clock on which you must correctly indicate what time of year it is. The inhabitants do not know what season it is now: either it will snow, or it will rain, or it will be unbearable heat, or the leaves will begin to fall. Toli the bear goes to sleep, toli the birds make nests or fly south, toli the squirrels and hedgehogs store food for the winter. Let's answer this question.

The teacher distributes circles to the children, which are divided into 4 parts, each covered with different colored paper (white - winter, yellow - autumn, green - spring, red - summer).

Educator: You have completed the first task. Well done. Children, what time of year is it now?

Children's answers: Spring.

Educator: And now we will play the game "Confusion". Among animals, there are those that live with man, and there are those that should not live with him. Here the evil sorceress mixed up everything, and they got lost and ask us to help them find their houses. (The teacher puts in front of each child: a house, trees, an ice floe).

Educator: children, but the animals that live with man, what do we call them?

Children's answers: home.

Educator: What about animals that don't live with humans?

Children's answers: wild.

Walked with rattles

Ding, ding, ding, ding. (Children imitate the game with rattles).

It is carried out 2-3 times.

Educator: imagine, what if our cow strayed from the herd and did not return home to her mistress in the evening. She, along with her neighbors, searched for her, but could only find her on the third day. The cow was hurt, scared.

What do you think could have happened to the cow if its owner had not found it? Could she survive in the forest alone without a man.

Children's answers: no, I couldn't survive.

Educator: The hunter found a wolf hole, and in it he saw little wolf cubs. He brought one of them home while the wolf cub was small, the children played with him, and when he grew up, the owner was afraid for himself and his children and decided to let the wolf go into the forest. What do you think will happen to a human-raised wolf when it is back in the forest? Did the hunter do the right thing? What did he do wrong and why?

Children's answers: no, they could not survive in the forest.

Educator: right, animals that are born in nature (for example, in the forest) and grow in it - they do not need a person. They exist according to their own rules and laws. And if a person interferes in their life, then trouble can happen - the animal dies. That is why we have settled wild animals in the forest, and domestic animals in the house.

Educator: children, but the evil sorceress did this. Animals that live in hot countries came to the North, and animals from the North - to a tropical forest. We need to help the animals return to their homes.

If a polar bear wants to settle in a hot country, can he survive there? Why not?

Children's answers: he will overheat - he has too warm skin and a large layer of subcutaneous fat. He will not be able to hunt - he will be visible from everywhere and there are no animals in the shroud that he hunts.

Educator: and if the lion wants to settle in the North, can he survive there?

Children's answers: he will freeze - his skin is not adapted to frost. The lion will not be able to hunt - he is visible in the white snow.

Educator: what about a zebra? And the elephant?

Children's answers: no.

Educator: children, but the evil sorceress has bewitched some animals and they need to be disenchanted. Take the cut pictures that lie in front of you. You need to connect them and see what kind of animals are in front of you, and name them. (Animals puzzles lie in front of the children, you need to collect them).

Educator: Well done, everyone did a great job. We helped the animal kingdom, but the bunny can't come back. Before us is a bridge, the sorceress has bewitched it. It is necessary to disenchant every log.

Listen carefully, answer the questions correctly, then we will help the bunny and disenchant the logs.

1. How many times a year does a bunny change color? (2)

2. Is a pike a bird? (Not).

3. Big fish with whiskers? (catfish).

4. Which bird does not hatch its chicks? (Cuckoo).

6. Home of ants? (Anthill).

7. Shaggy honey lovers? (The Bears).

8. Who carries their cubs in a bag? (Kangaroo).

9. Small flying "bloodsuckers" (Mosquitoes).

10. Explain the name "Red Book"?

Educator: Well done! All the logs were correctly disenchanted, because they answered all the questions correctly. Children, but the bunny is afraid to go across the bridge. Let's find out who he's afraid of.

The teacher reads the poem:

I'm afraid. I'm afraid

wolf and cuckoo.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid

toads and frogs.

Look how they tremble

ears on top.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid

ants and flies

and snake, and hedgehog,

and siskin, and swift.

Educator: What animal is the bunny afraid of?

Children's answers: wolf, hedgehog.

Educator: what kind of birds?

Children's answers: cuckoo, swift, siskin.

Educator: what insects?

Children's answers: toad, frog, fly, ant, snake.

Educator: well done. Bunny, run, don't be afraid of anyone, we drove everyone away, run to the animal kingdom, where we helped all its inhabitants, Here our journey to the animal kingdom ends, let's close our eyes, turn around - and here we are again with you in the group.

Annex 2

Directly educational activity "Kingdom of Plants"

Purpose: Through the cognitive activity of children, bring children to the understanding that in nature there is an amazing world of plants; introduce and substantiate the classification of plants into wild and cultivated, give the concept of fertile soil, seeds, seedlings.

Enrich children's vocabulary, develop coherent speech.

Cultivate love for nature.

Lesson progress

1. Finger gymnastics "Hello, golden sun."

2. Statement of the topic and tasks:

Educator: guys, today we will get acquainted with the "Kingdom of Plants". Do you want to go on a trip and visit the "Kingdom of Plants"?

But what is a plant? it creature or not? (children’s discussion, to bring to the understanding that plants are living beings, they are very different: from tiny algae to huge trees. In addition, plants differ from animals in that they themselves “make” their own food from air and sunlight).

Where do plants live?

Children's answers: in the forest, in the fields, in the ponds.

Bring to the understanding that there are a lot of plant species on Earth, and they are literally everywhere: in fields and forests, in mountains and deserts. In addition to air, plants need sunlight and water, so they do not live in places where it is very dark and dry).

Guys, try to imagine that all plants have disappeared from our lives, an entire kingdom-state has disappeared: trees, bushes, herbs, and flowers ... What will happen? (children's discussion, to bring to an understanding that it will become not only empty and unattractive without plants, but you and I will not be able to live. And why?

Children's answers: because there will be no oxygen and we will not be able to breathe.

Educator: since plants produce oxygen, and the more forests, gardens, fields, meadows on Earth, the cleaner and richer in oxygen the air is, the easier it is for a person and all animals to breathe. This is one of the reasons why every bush, every blade of grass, wherever they grow, must be protected.

What do plants need for normal growth and development?

Children's answers: water, air, sunlight.

Educator: But not only that, but what else?

Children's answers: still need fertile soil-soil.

Educator: but the soil is different everywhere. Where it is fertile, that is, rich in nutrients, healthy plants grow there, but on a poor, meager one, stunted, weak ones!

Next, remember how to plant seeds on the beds, how to care for the sprouts (water, loosen, hill, remove weeds), and until the harvest is harvested, people take care of the planted plants. Bring children to the understanding that plants that live only with human participation are called cultural plants.

Picture display:

Educator:"Where does this plant grow?"

Children's answers: in the garden, in the garden, in the field, indoor plant, on the flower bed.

Physical education "Leaves"

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on branches.

(sit down)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

(easy running around)

And they sat quietly on the ground.

(sit down)

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves.

(easy running around)

Twirled, flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

(sit down)

Now think and tell me, are all the plants of the meadow, garden, field cared for by a person? (discussion of children)

Yes, of course, some plants grow with the help of a person, while others themselves call them wild growing . Mother Nature helps them survive. The wind carries the seeds, and when they fall into favorable soil, they germinate, grow and become trees until the very blue sky, flowers that argue with their beauty with butterflies, silky grass.

Display of wild flowers (these flowers without human intervention, that is, they themselves grew in meadows, fields, forests).

Who knows what these berries are called?

Children's answers: cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.

Educator: and who planted them?

Children's answers: grew up on their own

Educator: Yes, they also grew up on their own and are called ... (wild).

And people come to the forest: to relax, gain strength, pick mushrooms, berries.

Wild plants live according to their own laws - they do not need human help at all. They adapt to conditions wildlife themselves.

And now we will solve difficult problems. Answer the questions:

    What does a plant need to grow well?

Children's answers: light, moisture, fertile soil.

    How long will a plant live if it sprouted on infertile soil?

Children's answers: no.

Educator: can we help such plants? How?

Children's answers: transplant into fertile soil.

3) The game "Wild and cultivated plants"

I will name a wild-growing plant-silence, a cultivated plant-cotton.

Final part.

Today we learned that in the "Kingdom of Plants" there are wild and cultivated plants. In front of you are inverted pictures depicting wild and cultivated plants. You need to carefully consider them and determine what kind of plant it is, where it grows, in the forest or in the garden, I’ll see if you have learned to distinguish between wild and cultivated plants in the amazing “Kingdom of Plants” (Children look, identify, fit and insert their cards 2-4 children ask why they put it here).

Outcome: What plants live in our "Plant Kingdom"?

Annex 3

Artistic creativity"Be nature's friend!"

( drawing with children "prohibiting signs" of human behavior in nature)

Guys, today a blue bream flew to me from the forest and said that there was a mess in the forest. Dunno came to visit us in the forest and does not know how to behave in the forest. He ruins anthills, catches butterflies, listens to loud music, does not look under his feet, he made himself a slingshot. Let's draw pictures and show Dunno what not to do in the forest.

Appendix 4

The poem "About everyone in the world"

Everything - everything, everything in the world,

Needed in the world

And midges are no less needed than elephants.

You can't do without absurd monsters

And even without predators, evil and ferocious

Everything in the world is needed!

We need everything - who makes honey

And who does bad things

A cat without a mouse, a mouse without a cat,

Not the best things!

And, if we are not very friendly with someone,

We all really need each other.

And if anyone seems superfluous to us,

That, of course, will be a mistake!

Everything - everything, everything in the world, in the world is needed.

And all children should remember this.

B. Zakhoder

The story "Girls in the forest"

Olya and Lida went to the forest. After a tiring journey, they sat down on the grass to rest and have lunch. They took out bread and butter, an egg from the paper. When the girls had already finished dinner, a nightingale sang not far from them. Fascinated by the beautiful song, Olya and Lida sat, afraid to move. The nightingale stopped singing. Olya collected the rest of the food, paper and threw them under the bush. Lida wrapped the eggshell in paper and put it in her bag.

Why are you taking your trash with you? Olya asked. - Throw it under the bush. After all, we are in the forest. Nobody will see. Lida quietly answered her friend: ______________________________

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Question to the children: What do you think, Lida answered and why?

The story of T. A. Shorygin "A walk in the forest"

AT dense forest there lived a bear named Angelina, and she had two cubs: a son, Pasha, and a daughter, Dasha.

Once a mother bear went for a walk with the kids through the forest. The cubs happily ran after their mother. Everything interested and amused them.

Right in front of Pasha's nose, a small gray bird with a pink breast fluttered up and chirped merrily, greeting the kids.

A large bumblebee in a striped velvet vest perched on a forest geranium flower, and the flower bent slightly under the weight of the bumblebee.

Pasha immediately broke a branch and swung it at a bumblebee. He wanted to see how it, with an indignant roar, would fly off the flower.

What did Pasha do wrong?

Bear Angelina stopped her son:

- Pasha! Why did you break the hazel branch? Firstly, the hazel is alive, and it hurts, as it hurts you. And secondly, in the fall, delicious nuts will ripen on a hazel branch, and squirrels, chipmunks, wood mice, and woodpeckers will feast on them. Yes, you yourself will be happy to eat sweet nuts!

- I wanted to drive the bumblebee away. Why did he sit on a flower? Might break it!

Do you think a bumblebee can break a flower?

- A bumblebee will not break a flower! Angelina objected. - He flew to him for a drop of sweet nectar. Believe me, son, the flower is very happy with the bumblebee, treats him with honey juice, and for this the bumblebee pollinates the flower. There will soon be honey in the bumblebee's nest. And we bears are big lovers of honey! If you politely ask your bumblebee uncle, he will share with you a sweet fragrant honey.

- Okay, - Pasha agreed, - I won’t break branches anymore and drive bumblebees from flowers, let them collect honey for themselves!

- Mommy! Look what beautiful flowers! Dasha exclaimed, noticing large blue bells in the grass. – Can I pick a bouquet?

Is it possible to pick flowers in the forest?

- Don't, don't tear! Let them grow, decorate the forest, treat bees and butterflies with nectar. Forest flowers love shade and moisture, and if you pick them, they will quickly wither.

Is that also a flower? Dasha asked when she saw a butterfly sitting motionless on a stalk.

- It's a flying flower! - Pasha exclaimed in surprise, when the butterfly, spreading its wings, fluttered from the stalk.

It's not a flower, it's a butterfly! Mom explained.

“Let's catch her,” Pasha suggested to his sister.

- Let's! - Dasha was delighted.

Can you catch butterflies? Why?

The cubs rushed after the butterfly, but, fortunately, they could not catch it.

“No need to offend butterflies and dragonflies,” Angelina shook her head. Butterflies pollinate flowers, and dragonflies catch mosquitoes right on the fly.

- What kind of heap is this? - Dasha was surprised, noticing a tall anthill built from dried pine needles under a pine tree.

“Now I’m going to bombard this pile with cones!” – decisively declared Pasha. Teddy bear raised pine cone and wanted to launch it into the anthill, but Angelina stopped him:

- Don't do it, Pasha. This is not a pile, but an anthill! Forest red ants live in it. Would you like someone to break your house? Mom asked the cubs.

- Of course not! Dasha and Pasha shouted in unison.

“Then you take care of other people’s houses,” said Angelina.

She showed the kids an ant that was carrying a bark beetle larva.

Ants are very useful insects. No wonder they are called friends of the forest. They destroy harmful beetles and caterpillars. Also, ants carry the seeds of many plants and spread them through the forest,” my mother explained.

A she-bear with her cubs wandered through the forest for a long time, telling the kids about forest customs, taught them to understand animals, birds, insects and take care of everyone.

Remember that the forest is our home. He waters us, feeds us and gives us shelter!

Although the cubs were a little tired, they liked the walk very much, and they remembered their mother's lessons.


    Why didn't mom let the bear cub Pasha drive the bumblebee off the flower?

    Why is it impossible to break branches of trees and shrubs, to pick forest and wildflowers?

    Why can't you catch butterflies and dragonflies?

    Why can't you destroy anthills? What are the benefits of ants?

    What do you think, what other rules of behavior in the forest did the bear tell the cubs about?

Annex 5

Riddles about plants

He grows under a snowdrift, He is a stepmother and mother,

Drinking snow water. Like a flower, this one is called

(Snowdrop) (coltsfoot)

Hides a flower White flower,

Sweet honey. sour flower

And in the name of honey lurk In the soup come in handy,

Do you recognize? His name is...?

(Lungwort) (Sour)

Grandfather is standing in a white hat, On which flower they guess

If you blow, there is no hat! Are the petals cut off?

(Dandelion) (On Chamomile)

Along the road at the boundary Green raft

In golden ripe rye, Floats along the river,

Like a blue eye, On a raft - a beauty.

Looks at the sky... Smiling at the sun.

(cornflower) (water lily)

From the yellow dot, the hot wind blew cool,

The leaves have grown, What kind of ball did he shake?

Turn white in a circle, the whole family on parachutes

Touching each other. It flew past us.

Such a flower (Dandelion)

I like it very much!


Bells appeared - He stands in clothes -

White peas. Like fire on a leg.

The bells have blossomed, it will become without clothes

On a green leg. Ball on the leg.

(Lilies of the valley) (Poppy)

The doctor grew up by the road, A friend came out from under the snow,

He heals sick feet. And suddenly it smelled like spring.

(Plantain) (Snowdrop)

On a thaw in the forest there is a curl -

I met spring first. White shirt,

I'm not afraid of frost, Golden heart.

I'll be the first to break through the earth. What it is?

(Snowdrop) (Chamomile)

White lanterns Every leaf is mine

On a green leg Loves trails

I met in the spring By the side of the road.

On the forest path. But once good people

(Snowdrop) Helped heal wounds.


Covered in dust, at least a little strength,

By the road it sticks out, At the top of the stalk

His legs were bent. Sun and clouds.

He is inconspicuous in appearance. (Chamomile)


White basket, flower peeked out

Golden bottom, In the semi-darkness of the forest.

In it lies the dewdrop Little scout,

And the sun is shining. sent in the spring.

(Chamomile) (Snowdrop)

A green bush grows, Blooms from under the snow,

Touch - bite. Welcomes spring first.

(Nettle) (Snowdrop)

Burned in the dewy grass You run along the river bank

A golden flashlight, Or a forest path,

Then it faded, went out Everywhere you will meet on the way

And turned into fluff. plant…

(Dandelion) (Plantain)

In meadows, forest clearings Flower with petals

The flower is full of nectar. various colors,

It's called bee porridge, beautiful name

Adjacent to chamomile. (Pansies)

Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,

There is not a spot on beautiful clothes,

If you happen to catch a cold:

A cough will be attached, a fever will rise -

Move towards you a mug in which it smokes

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

(Chamomile officinalis)

Small, tender This nickname is not without reason

Right by the water. At beautiful flower,

As if in the midday heat A drop of juicy nectar

Asking for a drink. Both fragrant and sweet.

They are friends with the blue of the sky To cure a cold

These lovely flowers. Will help you…

I know them, Ksyusha knows. (Lungwort)

Well, do you know them?


Head on a leg Four bright red

Peas in the head. Brilliant petal

(Poppy) And grains in a box

This flower.

The girl holds in her hand pitchers and saucers

Cloud on a stem. They don't sink, they don't fight.

(Dandelion) (Waters)

What a small flower, Hungry bumblebee

We know you and I - He sighs heavily:

Not white, not scarlet, -I would like to eat porridge.

And pale blue. - Yes, here she is "porridge"!

By the forest stream, try, bumblebee,

It can be seen a little bit, It has honey juice,

Remember its name for Bumblebees, a wonderful dinner ready.

And don't forget afterwards. (Clover)


Green, not a meadow, white, not snow,

Curly but no hair.

The house is open on all sides

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it.

Planted a seed

Raised the sun.


Broken cramped house

into two halves

And poured out from there

Beads are pellets.

green beads,

Sweet vigorous.

Grew up in the field house -

the house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded

the shutters are boarded up.

And worth it new house on a golden pillar.


I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights,

elegant, funny,

on the New Year i'm the main one.

prickly balls,

Very addictive.

They will be attached to everyone by a loafer -

Dirty weed...


I can't understand at all:

Similar bushes, like brothers.

And they have different berries -

black, white, red.


She dies in autumn

And comes alive again in the spring

A green needle will come out to the light,

It grows and blooms all summer.

Cows without it are in trouble:

She is their main food.

mother spring

I'm in a colorful dress


I am alone in the shroud

(Bird cherry)

Low and prickly

Sweet and smelly

You pick berries

Take your whole hand.


What kind of bead is here

Hanging on a pole?

You look - saliva will flow,

And you will bite - sour

In the meadow by the path -

Red peas.

Who will pass by

Puts them in his mouth


Vanyusha took a tuesok,

Vanya went into the woods.

Sees: a berry on a tussock

Covered with leaves.

- What kind of berry is this,

Like the sky, blue?

Berry whispered softly:

- I, Vanyusha,


Riddles about animals

Toothy, grayish

prowling across the field,

looking for calves, sheep.

Who is cold in autumn

Walking gloomy and hungry?

We are green like grass

Our song: "Kva-kva".


Piglet digging in the ground,

I swim in a dirty puddle.

There is a nickel, but he won't buy anything.

Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.

Short legs; afraid of cats.

Soft Paws,

And in the paws - tsap-scratches.

Grumbled a living castle,

Lie across the door.

Two medals on the chest.

Better not come into the house!

Itself motley, eats green, gives white.

water masters

Building a house without an ax

House of brushwood and mud.

And good dams.

I'm fine with:

I have a closet with me.

Where is the closet? For the cheek!

Here I am cunning!

Sleeping in winter

In summer, the hives stir.


Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

long tail,

red hair,

the trick itself.

In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it.

Green frog. Who is it?


Crocheted tail, snouted nose.


Not a mouse, not a bird, frolic in the forest,

Lives on trees and gnaws nuts

water masters

Building a house without an ax

House of brushwood and mud.

And good dams.

Here are the needles and pins

Coming out from under the bench

They look at me

They want milk.

Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

Lying quietly

Then she suddenly ran away.

Not a mouse, not a bird, frolic in the forest,

Lives on trees and gnaws nuts

water masters

Building a house without an ax

House of brushwood and mud.

And good dams.

I'm fine with:

I have a closet with me.

Where is the closet? For the cheek!

Here I am cunning!

Sleeping in winter

In summer, the hives stir.


Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

Here are the needles and pins

Coming out from under the bench

They look at me

They want milk.

Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

Lying quietly

Then she suddenly ran away.

red cheat,

cunning and clever

got into the shed

chickens counted.

Slender, fast, horns branched,

Worn all day long. Who is it?

Appendix 6

Proverbs and sayings about plants

The first flower breaks the ice.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with fruits.

Where there is a flower, there is honey.

Flowers that children, care love.

A good flower, but it will fade soon.

A scarlet flower catches the eye.

On the nice flower a moth flies.

And beautiful flowers are poisonous.

Where there is water, there is willow, where there is willow, there is water.

You will wait, as from willow apples.

From a willow, an apple will not be born.

Willow covered with frost early - by the long winter

The sky will give rain, and the earth - rye.

There will be rain - there will be fungi.

Rosehip - treasure for health

That's what the people say.

Decoction of rose hips

A natural gift.

Proverbs and sayings about animals

The dog barks, the caravan moves on.

A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

A kind word and a cat is pleased.

A goose is not a friend of a pig.

Feet feed the wolf.

Every cricket, know your hearth.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

This is a hedgehog, you can’t take it with your hands.

Each toad praises its swamp.

Appendix 7 .

Didactic games

Didactic game "Good - bad»

Didactic task: cultivate a sense of love for the native nature.

Good clap, bad - stomp.

Take care of nature

cut down trees

Shake snow off trees and bushes

Sprinkle tree trunks with snow

break branches

whitewash trunks

Trampling and tearing grass at the root

Water plants

Plant trees

climb trees

River, forest, flowering meadow

Get a legacy

Guard them young friend

Take care of them since childhood.

Didactic game "Does it happen or not?".

Didactic task: to develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments.

Game progress: The teacher explains the rules of the game:

I will tell a story in which you should notice what does not happen.

“In the summer, when the sun was shining brightly, the guys and I went for a walk. They made a hill out of snow and started sledding from it. "Spring has come. All the birds have flown to warmer climes. The bear climbed into his lair and decided to sleep through the whole spring ...

Didactic game "What time of year?".

Didactic task: to teach to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with a certain season; develop auditory attention, speed of thinking.

Game progress: Children sit on a bench. The teacher asks the question: “When does this happen?” and reads a text or a riddle about different times of the year.

Didactic game "Where what can I do?".

Didactic task: activation in speech of verbs used in a certain situation.

Game progress: The teacher asks questions, the children answer them. What can you do in the forest? (Walk; pick mushrooms, berries; hunt; listen to birdsong; relax.) What are they doing in the hospital? What can you do on the river?

Didactic game "What, what, what?".

Didactic task: to teach to select definitions that correspond to a given example, phenomenon; activate previously learned words.

Game progress: The teacher calls a word, and the players take turns calling as many features as possible that correspond to this subject.

Squirrel -red, nimble, big, small, beautiful...

Coat - warm, winter, new, old...

Mother - kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear ...

House - wooden, stone, new, panel...

Didactic game "Finish the sentence."

Didactic task: to learn to complete sentences with a word of the opposite meaning.

Game progress: The teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it, just say the words with opposite meaning.

Sugar is sweet and pepper is... (bitter).

Leaves are green in summer, but in autumn... (yellow).

The road is wide and the path... (narrow).

Didactic game "Who has who?".

Didactic task: To consolidate knowledge of animals and their cubs; be able to agree on singular and plural nouns.

Game progress: The teacher names the animal, and the children must name the cub in the singular and plural. The child who correctly names the cub receives a token.

Didactic game "Find out whose sheet."

Didactic task: to learn to recognize a plant by a leaf (name a plant by a leaf and find it in nature).

Game progress: On a walk, collect fallen leaves from trees, shrubs. Show the children, offer to find out from which tree and find similarities with not fallen leaves.

Didactic game "Guess what kind of plant."

Didactic task: describe the object and recognize it from the description.

Game progress: The teacher invites one child to describe a plant or make a riddle about it. Other children have to guess what kind of plant it is.

Game progress: The teacher quickly points to the plant. The one who first names the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant) gets a point.

Didactic game "What is planted in the garden?".

Didactic task: to teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (according to their place of growth, according to their application), to develop speed of thinking, auditory attention.

Game progress: Children, do you know what they plant in the garden? Let's play this game: I will name different objects, and you listen carefully. If I name what is planted in the garden, you will answer “yes”, but if what does not grow in the garden, you will say “no”. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Carrot (Yes), cucumber (Yes), beet (Yes), plum (No) etc.

Didactic game "Children and the wolf".

Didactic task: to teach to understand and use past tense verbs and imperative verbs in speech.

Game progress: "Wolf" is chosen. Children gather strawberries and mushrooms in the forest, they say:

The children were walking in the woods, But then the boughs crackled...

Collected strawberries. And the eyes sparkled...

Many berries everywhere - Children, children, do not yawn,

Both on the bumps and in the grass. Wolf behind the spruce - run away!

Children scatter, the "wolf" catches. The captured child becomes the "wolf", and the game starts over.

Didactic game "What is this bird?".

Didactic task: to clarify and expand ideas about the life of birds in the fall; describe birds according to characteristic features; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Game progress: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe the bird, and the other one must guess what kind of bird it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup asks their questions.

Didactic game "What can animals do?".

Didactic task: to expand the semantic content of the word in the mind; learn to create a variety of word combinations.

Game progress: Children turn into "animals". Everyone should tell what he can do, what he eats, how he moves. The one who told correctly receives a picture with the image of an animal.

I am a red squirrel. I jump from branch to branch. I make supplies for the winter: I collect nuts, dry mushrooms.

-I dog, cat, bear, fish, etc.

Didactic game "Who am I?".

Didactic task: indicate the named plant.

Game progress: The teacher quickly points to the plant. The one who first names the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant) gets a point.

Didactic game "Take - do not take berries."

Didactic task: increase vocabulary on the topic "Berries"; differentiation of forest and garden berries; auditory development.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The teacher explains that he will pronounce the name of forest and garden berries. If the children hear the names of a wild berry, they should sit down, and if they hear the name of a garden berry, stretch, raising their hands up. (Strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, cranberries, red currants, strawberries, black currants, lingonberries, raspberries.)

Didactic game "Where what grows?".

Didactic task: to teach to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of ​​the importance of plants; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of vegetation.

Game progress: The teacher names different plants and shrubs, and the children choose only those that grow with us. If they grow up, the children clap their hands or jump in one place (you can choose any movement), if not, the children are silent.

    Apple tree, pear, raspberry, mimosa, spruce, saxaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, sweet cherry, lemon, orange, linden, maple, baobab, tangerine.

    If the children did well, you can enumerate the trees faster:

    Plum, aspen, chestnut, coffee, mountain ash, plane tree, oak, cypress, cherry plum, poplar, pine.

    At the end of the game, they sum up who knows more trees.

Annex 8

Physical education "Three bears".

Three bears walked home (children walk in place waddling)

Dad was big-big (raise hands above head)

Mom is with him shorter(hands at chest level)

And the son is just a baby, he was small (squat)

Walked with rattles

Ding, ding, ding, ding. (children imitate the game with rattles).

Physical education "Homka, hamster, hamster"

Homka, hamster, hamster (children puff out their cheeks)

Striped barrel. (stroke their sides)

Homka gets up early, (stretching movements)

Washes cheeks, rubs neck, (rubbing face and neck)

Homka sweeps the hut (movements imitate sweeping)

And goes out to charge (marching in place)

One, two, three, four, five (3-4 movements imitating charging)

Homka wants to become strong. (arm muscle tension)

Fizminutka "Squirrel is not lazy"

Physical exercise squirrel is not lazy

Engage all day long.

From one branch, jumping to the left,

She sat down on a branch.

Then jumped to the right

Circled over the hollow.

Left and right all day long

The squirrel is not too lazy to jump.

Fizminutka "Two frogs in the swamp"

There are two frogs in the swamp, two green girlfriends,

Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel,

Hands clapped, feet stomped,

They leaned to the right to the left and returned back,

Here is the secret of health.

Fizminutka "Bunny"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Paws up, paws down.

Pull up on your toes

We put our paws on the side,

On toes, hop-hop-hop.

And then squatting

So that the paws do not freeze.

Jump hare much

He jumped ten times.

Fizminutka "To the watering place"

The animals went to the watering place

A moose calf stomped behind the moose mother, (They walk loudly stomping.)

A fox cub crept behind the mother fox, (Sneaking on toes.)

A hedgehog was rolling behind the mother hedgehog, (They squat, slowly move forward.)

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They are waddling.)

The squirrels galloped after the squirrel mom, (They squat.)

Behind the mother-hare - oblique hares, (Jumping on straight legs.)

The she-wolf led the cubs behind her, (They go on all fours.)

All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Face in a circle, make tongue movements - “lacquer”.)

Fizminutka "Birds are small"

Paw, one! (Push forward one leg.)

Paw, two! (Push out the other leg.)

Hop-hop-hop! (jumping on both legs).

Wing, one! (one hand to the side).

Wing, two! (other hand to the side).

Clap, clap, clap! (flapping their wings).

Eyeball, one! (close one eye).

Eye, two! (close other eye).

They opened their eyes and run, flap their wings, chirp, squeak.

The birds flew

Birds are small.

Have fun jumping

The grains pecked

Physical education minute "We are autumn leaves"

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on branches.

(sit down)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

(easy running around)

And they sat quietly on the ground.

(sit down)

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves.

(easy running around)

Twirled, flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

(sit down)

Fizminutka "Trees have grown in the field"

Trees have grown in the field.

It's good to grow free! (Sipping - arms to the sides)

Everyone is trying

Reaching for the sky, for the sun. (pulling arms up)

Here is a cheerful wind blowing,

The branches immediately swayed, (Children wave their hands)

Even thick trunks

Leaned down to the ground. (forward bends)

Right-left, back-forward -

So the wind bends the trees. (Tilts right-left, forward-backward)

He turns them, he turns them.

But when will the rest be? (body rotation)

The wind died down. The moon has risen.

There was silence. (Children sit at tables)

Physician "Cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We mash cabbage, we mash cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage, (“they take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press cabbage, press, (flexion and extension of the hands)

Physicist "Tree"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

The wind blows in our face, (movements of hands to ourselves)

The tree swayed, (swaying with raised arms)

The breeze is quieter and quieter - (gradual squatting)

The tree is getting higher and higher, (get up, stretch on your toes)

Fizminutka "Our delicate flowers"

Our delicate flowers

The petals are unfolding.

(Smooth finger opening)

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

(Waving hands in front of you)

Our scarlet flowers

Close the petals

(Smooth lowering hands)

Sleeping quietly

They shake their heads.

Fizminutka "Leaf fall"

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

Wave your hands.

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Turns around.

Fizminutka "Fruits"

We will cook compote.

March in place.

You need a lot of fruits. Here.

Show with your hands - "a lot."

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

Simulate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, put, pour sand.

We cook, we cook compote,

Turn around yourself.

Let's treat honest people.


Fizminutka "Vegetables"

Let's go to the garden

March in place.

We'll harvest.

We carry carrots

And we're digging up potatoes.

We cut a head of cabbage

Simulate how they cut, drag, dig.

Round, juicy, very tasty.

Show with hands.

Let's pick a little sorrel


And we'll be back on track.

Walk in a circle holding hands.

List of used literature and methodical aids.

1. Riddles for the development of speech, attention, memory and abstract thinking / comp. O.V. Uzorova, E. A. Nefedova. – M.: Astrel, 2005.

10. Shorygina T. A. Berries. What are they? Journey into the world of nature and the development of speech. Moscow: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 200zg

11. Tsvetkova I. V. Ecological traffic light for younger schoolchildren. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.

12. Village house. Demonstration material for classes in groups of kindergartens and individually. G. Kirov 30.03.05

13. Garden berries. Visually - didactic manual. Publishing house "Mosaic - Synthesis". Moscow 2005

14. Vohrintseva S. The world around. Didactic material. Publishing house "Country of Fantasy" 2003.

15. Animals living on the territory of our country. Demonstration material for classes in groups of kindergartens and individually. G. Kirov 2004

16. Flowers meadow, forest, field. Demonstration material for frontal lessons. Publishing house LLC "Knigolyub" 2000.

17. Grizik T.I. Rainbow. cognitive development children 2-7 years old: method. Handbook for educators. Moscow. 2010

17. Garden flowers. Demonstration material for frontal lessons. Publishing house LLC "Knigolyub" 2000.

18. Shorygina T. A. Polite tales. Etiquette for kids. - Moscow. Prometheus; Booklover, 2003.

2. Popova T. I. The world around us, Moscow, 1998.

3. Dryazunova V.A. Sada.- M.: Enlightenment, 1981.- 80 p., ill.

4. Shorygina T. A. Berries. What are they. LLC "Publishing House GNOM and D", Moscow, 2003

5. Shorygina T. A. What animals are in the forest?! Journey into the world of nature and the development of speech. Moscow: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2000.

6. Shorygina T. A. Vegetables. What are they? Journey into the world of nature and the development of speech. Moscow: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2004.

7. Shorygina T. A. Shrubs. What are they? Journey into the world of nature and the development of speech. Moscow: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2004.

8. Shorygina T. A. Birds. What are they? Journey into the world of nature and the development of speech. Moscow: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2002.

9. Shorygina T. A. Pets. What are they? Journey into the world of nature and the development of speech. Moscow: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2002.

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