Red cheat: a description of the fox, its habits, diversity and purpose of holes. Fox - red cheat of Russian forests Red cheat

Health 16.08.2019

red cheat

Alternative descriptions

Cunning predator with a fluffy tail

Animal bred for valuable fur

Fox, a mammal of the canine family

Cunning, flattering person

I. Krylov's fable

. "Daughter" of Patrikey

Alice from Tolstoy's fairy tale

Alice, friend of the cat Basilio

Alice, Basilio's Comrade

fabulous swindler

Fable "... and grapes"

The animal most often featured in fables

Animal bred for valuable fur

The beast on the coat of arms of Totma

A beast named Alice

Insidious beast in fairy tales

Who asked: "Sing, little light, don't be ashamed"

Who hurt the gray neck

Who wounded the Gray Neck from the story of Mamin-Sibiryak

Who stole the crow's cheese

Who taught the wolf to fish

Kuma wolf

Kuma wolf (sk.)

Kuma from Russian fairy tales

fox fox m fox, fox, fox, fox, tail; burrowing animal of the canine genus, Canis vulpes. Fox, and southern. fox, male, fox male. Fox, crafty, cunning man, sneak, rogue; selfish bastard. Fox, underside pole, sometimes with a curvature, connecting the front and rear axles or pillows of wagons and carts; drogues serve for the same connection of the upper edges of the pillows. Psk. cross-tie on rafts, races, reinforced with bindings, or wicks, moorings, twists. Yaroslavl gingerbread, brought by relatives to the young, on the next day of marriage, under a white veil. sea ​​fox, Chernomorsk. fish of the stingray family, Raja clovata. Where a fox, where a wolf. Fox pass, cheat. Do not promise a fox a year, but give it to your mouth. The fox will cover everything with its tail. The fox washes its tail. good fox for three otnorka. It’s hard for a fox to put his paw down, or else he’ll get away from the fairy tale. A fox is always fuller than a wolf (lives). The fox will lead the seven wolves. Whoever entered the rank as a fox will be a wolf in the rank. The fox also counts chickens in a dream. The fox will come, and the chickens will cackle. Foxes Patrikeevna ears on the top of the head, a bit. The fox sleeps, and in a dream he counts chickens (sees, nibbles). Each fox takes care of its tail, from a fairy tale where the fox put out its tail to the dogs. Every fox praises his tail. The fox's tail is long, but it won't sit on its own. The fox does not stain his tail. The fox does not hunt near the burrow. Where I pass like a fox, there are no chickens for three years! When you look for a fox in front, then it is back. The fox was hired in the poultry yard, to protect from the kite, from the hawk. If the fox had not arrived, the sheep would have eaten the wolf! The fox got to the left (in trouble), and look at the sky! The fox runs along the sixth, the fox licks the sand, tongue twister. Fox, fox, barefoot all winter? plow. A fox fox, an azure underbelly, a beaver's ridge, crawling on the sand, melting on the water? boat. Chanterelle ryaz. edible mushroom, a genus of russula. Chanterelle, Agaricus flabellatus, probably the same mushroom; also honey agaric, sploen, Сantharellus cibarius. Foxes to tear, puke with booze. A fox to sing or let a fox in, to cunning, to flatter slyly. Fox, according to suit and breed: simple, red or gray-haired; the steppe is more motley, the forest is redder; moth, the reddest, with a bluish belly; red-brown, with an admixture of brown wool; krestovka, with a dark brown cross along the ridge and shoulder blades, transition to silver brown; black, very rare, like white, princes. The steppe fox and the sublisk are also called two smaller species, the corsun and the karaganka. Furry fox, young, with light groins. Fox cub m. fox, fox cf. fox cub. Fox (en) yata play at dawn. Lisov and fox, fox; liskin, lisichkin, lisochkin or lisonkin; foxes, -kin, foxes, foxes, foxes, fox, fox, fox belong. Fox, fox, fox, pertaining to the fox, or belonging to it. Fox fur can be: spinal, horn, rump, ventral, puffy, pawled, pubic. Fox holes, in mine development, wrong moves following ore veins in vain: predatory mining. The fox tribe only flatters and beckons. Wolf tooth and fox tail, strength and cunning. Fox tail, plant. Alopecurus, foxtail. Fox sugar, sib. corrosive sublimate. Lisogon m. hound dog that chases a fox. Martin-lisogon, April day. Martin's foxes are attacked by chicken blindness. On Martyn, foxes move from old to new holes, and a raven bathes children, releasing them to the department (to the section). Foxhook, foxhound m. greyhound or canine dog that takes a fox. Fox coop, cage, pit, dressed with a frame, in which Siberians feed their foxes, for furs. To fox, fox, cunningly flatter, forging. Lisutka vol. fox, cunning flatterer. Foxy, cunning, sneaky. Foxing, hunting foxes with dogs. He will lick everything, he will cheat. Got to shame. Lisied again. I poured and sang sweetly. He will lick anyone, otlisitsya from anyone. Polisil a little; flirted, let the fox go. Vek prolisil

Fire in the animal world

Gingerbread man did not run away from her

Chicken hunter


Patrikeevna from fairy tales

Kolobok was the last to see

bird in a red coat

Fluffy Alice, but not an actress

Red beast

Red-haired beast in fairy tales

Red-haired beast from Russian fairy tales

Fairy tale redhead

Red wolf godfather

Red-haired deceiver of crows and koloboks

Red naughty (sk.)

Red-haired naughty in fairy tales

redhead cunning

Red-haired sly in fairy tales

With the development of trade and money circulation in Japan, the former patron of agriculture, Inari, began to be revered as a deity that brings good luck in trade, and what kind of animal served as the personification of this god

Firefox browser symbol

Fairy Alice

fairy godmother

Crow companion with cheese

Ate Kolobok

Ate Kolobok

The one called Patrikeevna

Kolobok sang a song on her nose

Killer Kolobok

Sly godfather wolf

Cunning cheat

Cunning, flattering person

Predator of the canine family

Predator that can be caught with a golden eagle

predatory mammal

Whose head is Kikimora

Bitten by a wasp in the fairy tale about Aibolit

With the development of trade and money circulation in Japan, the former patron of agriculture, Inari, began to be revered as a deity that brings good luck in trade, and what animal served as the personification of this god?

I. Krylov's fable

A radio transmitter camouflaged in the forest, periodically giving short-term signals

Red winter fisherwoman (fabulous)

He praises his tail

Tale of Tolstoy AN

forest animal

. “behind the trees, bushes, a flame flashed quickly. It flashed, ran, there is no smoke, no fire ”(riddle)

The beast on the coat of arms of Salekhard

Fable "... and grapes"

She counts chickens in her sleep

With the head of what animal was Kikimora depicted?

. “sleeping ..., but counting chickens in a dream” (last)

Who wounded the Gray Neck from the story of Mamin-Sibiryak?

Who does the foxhound hunt?

. “a bird-girl in a red coat came from the forest to count chickens” (riddle)

Redhead and sly

red fur

The wolf is godfather

Who taught the wolf to fish?

Riding on a beaten wolf

Who hurt Gray Neck?

bitten by a wasp

Whose head does Kikimora have?

Gingerbread man did not leave her

Tailed Alice

Who asked: "Sing, little light, don't be ashamed"?

Who stole the crow's cheese?

silver fox

. "daughter" of Patrikey

She sang a song Kolobok on her nose

What animal did Kolobok eat?

What animal is considered cunning?

The fishermen from the middle base of the trading post decided to go to Chebachka, to catch a big ide, but at Vasily Balabon, the guard of the base, Buran messed up something, started fixing it. And a little higher up the river there is a small stretch, what time to waste for nothing, you can sit on it for now. They threw their backpacks over their shoulders, took the Boers in their hands and went to the river along with the dogs.

Seryoga Peshin settled upstream, Konstantinych settled closer to the base, and Pavlovna drilled a hole between them. Everywhere a normal measuring path is caught. The watchdogs from the base are spinning around them, they want to have breakfast.

The dogs are young, they live on the river, fish is their main food. They revolve around the fishermen, begging for a path. No one refuses them, they throw the fish pulled out of the hole, the Herods grab it on the fly. Their mother, a hefty Caucasian shepherd guards warehouses at the trading post. Last year I walked with a Nenets husky, the result of love was shaggy kabyzdohi with a parent growth and tails bent up, not suffering from appetite, and striving to get into the fish warehouse. No matter how healthy, but the path is caught perfectly, occasionally a large mohtik comes across - three fishermen fed two voracious animals. Swallows fell into the snow, they rest from the labors of the righteous.

The fox came out on a high cliff, looks at the fishermen and dogs attentively, she has her own worries. Vasily has a tooth for this fox, once she made her way to the warehouse, dragged off a lot of state-owned fish. He threatens to shoot her, but his hands do not reach. Watchdogs do not threaten, they are very stupid in their youth, they jump at once and rush to the cliff.

The fox stands like a statue, does not move, but she measures the distance with her eye and estimates the speed of the kabyzdohs. What the hell is the instinct invented by Academician Pavlov, everything is much more complicated here - it smacks of intellect, and not small. Bad watchdogs rush, sinking into the chest-deep snow, rush forward, punching deep trenches, and the red-haired beast is in no hurry, waiting for the very measured line, beyond which the gallant bravery can turn out to be stupidity. And only when the long-legged enemies were under the cliff, the fox waved its tail and moved into the forest.

For a long time, deaf barking from the taiga was heard, until it ceased. The dogs returned tired and downcast, their tongues hanging down, they fell into the snow pits, there were no thoughts in their heads, only the instinct of Academician Pavlov. It will take you a long time to gather your wits.

Finally, Vasily Balabon showed up on Buran repaired. The fishermen left packages with fish, backpacks and drills into the sledges, climbed into them themselves and headed for Chebachka. Until the evening, a good ide was caught, the dogs were fed from the belly. The setting sun began to cling to the tops of firs and cedars, it's time and honor to know, to gather on the way back.

They had supper in the hut, Vasily and Seryoga got better at drinking vodka, Pavlovna got ready to rest with exhaustion, and Konstantinych, after drinking a bottle of beer and having a snack, again went to the reach. He has his own interest.

In the short time of the last nights of early May in Yamal, after sunset, a large hornbeam begins to take. But it's not about the fish, and for a long time cold winter fished enough, here the fisherman is similar to the artist, making the last strokes on the soul invested in the picture. The long quiet northern twilight excites large fish, it comes out of daytime stops and bites so artistically, with such amazing beauty that it is impossible to sleep in a warm bed, it is difficult to resist the poetry of twilight and the quiet under-ice dance of fish in cold water.

Konstantinych sits, dragging a horn, and in his soul the bow of twilight plays on the string of a nod. Everything goes together: peace, and fish, quiet and gentle bites, and the approaching night, which in a couple of weeks will not be at all. On the cliff again the fox showed up, sat a little, looked at Konstantinych and disappeared into the juniper - it got better to rest. And before the morning and a couple of hours left, it's time to sleep at least a little. He threw snow on the fish so as not to drag it in vain, anyway, he would soon return, and went to a warm hut.

Konstantinych got up early in the morning, when the lilac twilight thinned, ghostly flowed into the predawn blue, picking up light tones and shades that were not yet clear. He boiled some water in a smoked teapot, brewed tea. He gently pushed Pavlovna aside and whispered in her ear:

Get up, it's getting light, it's time already.
- I'm tired of something, I want to sleep, go without me.

The East burns with a clear crimson, not a thick sunset, but a light morning one with a lot of yellow and green impurities. From the frost, steam comes out of the mouth, the snow creaks underfoot, it’s quiet on the river, it’s calm. The hole was covered with ice at night, but this is so, an optical illusion, he snorted a couple of times with a drill and you can sit down, set up a fishing rod.

What is it? Next to the catch hole, Konstantinych sees a deep pit empty in place of a fish hidden in the snow, and from the pit a narrow, neatly trodden path goes straight to the shore. Oh cheat, oh you red-haired beast, deceived, showed that she had gone to sleep, and she herself, hiding in the juniper, guarded, waiting for her hour.

Konstantinovich was not upset, he only laughed at his stupidity: to leave a fish on the river close to a cunning and roguish chanterelle is like entrusting a cat with fat sour cream.

The path did not make you wait in the morning, it is regularly caught, the bite did not worsen at all during the night, only the size of the night fish is inferior and takes sharply. Konstantinych sits with his back to the rising sun, facing the shore, sends one fish after another into the snow hole dug by Patrikeevna, and thinks about how many times the redhead had to go from the taiga to the river and back. About fifty paths were caught for sure, and everything turned out that a rogue had walked a hundred times one way, did a good job.

Konstantinovich tears his eyes away from the hole, looks at the snowy swan bedspreads, sparkling in the morning sun; above them is the bright emerald green of cedars, which shimmered with gloomy darkness in winter, and now they are running, spring juices seething in them, awakened by the sun, although the roots rest in the winter frost; next to it, the pine trees have freshened up, faded to yellowness in frosts, have already gained strength, shone with malachite stones; under the trees, juniper cheerful trembles in a weak breeze; above all this taiga splendor, the sky with cirrus clouds, and framed by this beauty on the edge of a cliff, a red river precious stone the forest cheat sparkles. The night thief could not bear it, returned to the scene of the crime.

Patrikeevna glances at the fisherman, but he does not give a look, know for yourself one by one the track is removed from the hook. He sees, he sees a fish in his hands, in the sun with silver gleaming scales, and he can’t do anything with himself, his legs themselves carry him down to the river. Cautiously, along the trampled path, she went down the cliff and sat down on the ice.

Well, - Konstantinych turns to the red-haired beast, - it’s not enough for you to catch a night, you still want fresh fish. No, don't think that I'm sorry, I'm worried about you. Look at what path you trampled at night, the kabyzdohs will snuggle up, rush after you like on asphalt, and catch up with something good. Although no, it is unlikely that you will leave them in deep snow, turning off the path. But they can find your supplies, because they also hunt for fish.

Konstantinych says calmly, taking off the path from the hook and sending it to the general pile, does not hear the threat of the fox in his voice and moves even closer. It is clearly visible now: the paws and ears are black, the tail is sprinkled with coal powder and silvered on top with talc, it is wide along the back to the tail, and along the muzzle two narrow brown stripes stretch to the ears. Again Konstantinovich starts a calm conversation with her:

Konstantinovich pulled out another fish, showed it to the fox and, without getting up, threw it towards the shore. The fox jumped up, twitched sideways, but, seeing no threat, calmed down and cautiously leaned forward. And the silver path, exactly on the path, trampled down at night, fell, wriggles in the snow, bounces. The fox grew bolder, went up to the fish, gently took it in its teeth and leaned on the shore at a leisurely jog.

And so it went with them: Konstantinych catches fish, keeps one for himself, gives the other to the fox, and she takes all the prey into the bins. And here the smoke from the hut was pulled along the coast, which means the fishermen woke up, the dogs barked, they could soon run out onto the river.

That’s enough for today, and it’s time for you and me to have breakfast, ”Konstantinych says to the fox in parting,“ keep the last fish and wind up the good health, you need to race it with kabyzdohs.

And they parted ways different sides- Konstantinych went on the ice to the hut, and the fox with the path in his teeth disappeared into the juniper, waving his tail in farewell.

Fox- one of the most popular heroines of children's fairy tales. But the Fox, as a fabulous image, is endowed with features characteristic of these animals in reality. The fox is beautiful: a magnificent tail, which is a little less than half the length of the body, a red coat and a roguish narrow-nosed muzzle with beautiful brown eyes. Besides Fox slim, graceful, weighs 6-10 kilograms.

What does a fox look like

fox they also call it red, and this is actually true, only her belly is white, gray or slightly brownish, and her chest is light. The back and sides of the Fox are colored differently in different parts: from bright red to gray.

In the northern forests, Foxes are fiery red and more, in the forest-steppe - yellowish-gray and less. Sivodushki, krestovki, silver fox - these are ordinary foxes with deviations from the usual color. The most beautiful black-brown fur: guard hairs with white upper parts give the fur a silvery tint.

Such Foxes have been bred many years ago on fur farms, black-brown Foxes are very rare in nature.

summer fox fur hard and short, in it she looks lean, big-headed and even long-legged, he suits Lisa less than winter. And by autumn, winter fur grows - beautiful, thick. Shedding Fox once a year - in the spring.

Fox habits

The fox is a good hunter. In addition to being observant and quick-witted, she has an excellent visual memory, a good sense of smell and sharp hearing. The mouse squeaks a little, and fox hears it is a hundred meters away, a vole rustles on dry grass under a half-meter layer of snow - and hears it. It climbs well on steeps, swims, and on the shore it is exceptionally maneuverable. Her ingenuity on the hunt or when escaping from her pursuers is admirable.

Fox will be able to climb a tree if it is slightly inclined or branches low from the ground. The fox is very active. She knows her hunting area to the smallest detail, systematically inspects it. patterned chains in winter fox footprints fancifully cross fields, copses, ravines, getting lost on roads and paths and intertwining around stacks of straw, stacks of dry soybean stalks, piles of deadwood and in other places where mice and voles live.

There was, and still is, an opinion that the fox food - hares. Of course, the Fox loves the hare, but she can not catch up with the hare often - where can she keep up with such a runner.

However, Foxes do well without hare. It is estimated that there are more than 300 different animals in the diet of the Fox, from insects to large birds.

And yet the main fox food - rodents. They occupy 80-85% of her diet. To get enough, the Fox needs to catch and eat at least two dozen mice and voles a day. And where fox feeding- and the area of ​​​​its feeding area is on average 10 kilometers in diameter - there are much fewer rodents than where there are no foxes.

After the rains, the fox collects earthworms in abundance. in shallow water Fox successfully catches fish, crayfish, takes out shells. It happens that half-eaten prey remains, and then the Fox hides it, taking it to different places. Then she will certainly find these reserves and eat them.

It is characteristic that, being a typical predator, the Fox is happy to eating berries, apples, some vegetables.

Fox hunts, as a rule, at dusk and at night, during the day it can be seen only in a low-feeding period, most often in winter, and even in summer, when foxes grow.

Norami the fox uses mainly during the rearing of offspring, and the rest of the time it prefers to rest in the open: under the roots of a twisted tree, in a ravine, on a haystack.

fox breeding

Mating season for foxes starts from the end of January - in February, and in the north and in March, although even before that you can often see a male and a female in a pair. At wedding time, in March, several males court one female, and fights between them are a common occurrence. During the rut, the Foxes are very excited, often yelping and howling, especially loners who have not yet found a mate for themselves.

Males and females can be distinguished by their voices. Fox female makes a triple bark and ends it with a short howl, and the male barks more and more like a dog. Having retired, couples play a lot, they even arrange peculiar dances: the Fox rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. From this dance got its name foxtrot(The word "foxtrot" is English and means "fox step").

Male foxes are good family men. They not only take an active part in raising young animals, but also touchingly take care of their girlfriends long before they give them lovely foxes: they carry food, improve burrows.

fox cubs in a litter there are from 4 to 12, but most often 5-6. They appear after 51-53 days of pregnancy, usually at the end of April or in the first half of May. fox cubs born weak and helpless, deaf and blind, weighing only 100-150 grams, but grow quite quickly. In less than a month, they already see, hear, weigh about 1 kilogram, come out of the hole, and soon begin to play and frolic. From that time on, Fox's parents bring them half-dead game so that the cubs acquire hunting skills.

As soon as a person even accidentally stumbles upon the Fox hole, as on the very next night The foxes will be transferred to another place, in a spare hole, there are usually several of them at the Foxes on the site. If a Foxes are in danger, adults discover amazing presence of mind. Even when a person breaks a hole with a shovel, they try to the last to save their children - to bring them out through one of the otnorks.

fox cunning

Sometimes you can see in fox behavior actions resembling episodes from fairy tales. For example, to the black grouses, gathered on the current in an open meadow, the Fox approaches surprisingly cunningly: she pretends that they are not at all interested in her, does not even look in their direction; sometimes it will lie down, take a nap, and the birds lose their vigilance, go about their business - very much Lisa is a good actress.

In the meantime, Patrnkeevna will advance a meter or two towards them. The Fox does not spare time for the game: sometimes such a performance lasts an hour or two. Then a few lightning-fast jumps - and the hunt was victoriously completed.

Not many animals are called by name and patronymic. But the Fox is often called that way. Moreover, her middle name is unusual - Patrikeevna. About 600 years ago, there lived a prince named Patrikey Narimuntovich, famous for his resourcefulness and cunning. Since then, the name Patrickey has become equivalent to the word cunning. And since the Fox has long been considered by the people as a very cunning beast, then as the heiress of the famous prince, she received Patrikeevna's patronymic.

Being a typical predator, the Fox eats berries, apples, and some vegetables with pleasure.

Little foxes they fight well with pests such as May beetles.

The fox in his life knew only one great joy - to live in this world, move along with the planet, drown in snow in winter, run through puddles in summer, dig passages in snowdrifts and sleep in the grass to the whistle of quails and the twinkling of stars. There was no greater joy for him, no less.
The fox loved all sorts of transformations. He liked that the seasons change, that firewood becomes coals, that water becomes ice, and ice becomes water. He loved this world, for the fact that it always changed - every day and hour, and never repeated.
It's just that Fox wasn't human.

I. Malyshev

Foxes are one of the most attractive predators: red wool, a long and fluffy tail, a narrow and long muzzle, as well as cunning and intelligent eyes. The tone of the fox fur coat varies from gray to fiery red.

“A fox will lead seven wolves”, “When a fox reads sermons, drive your geese” “A fox counts chickens in a dream” - this is what they say about this red-haired cheat, she earned such a reputation for herself by constant robbery, theft of poultry and other tricks and tricks.

At the same time, along with such petty hooliganism, the fox is known throughout the world for its bright, eye-catching fur; this creature won special love with its magnificent tail, which can melt the heart of even the most noteworthy coquette.

Foxes are graceful and nimble creatures. Usually they move at a leisurely trot, leaving behind a neat chain of tracks that are clearly visible in the snow. If the fox is pursued, then it quickly jumps or practically stretches out into a string above the ground, stretching out its tail, and leaves the pursuit.

At the same time, it can reach a fairly high speed of up to 48 km per hour. The fox is also a very dexterous animal; it costs nothing for it to catch a particularly attractive bug in the air. The excellent hearing of the fox helps her to hunt mice, which she hears for a hundred meters.

The redhead usually goes hunting at dusk or at night, during the day she prefers to rest in a secluded place next to a bush or hummock, she will gladly climb a haystack or a tree so that she has a good overview.

Before lying down, the fox makes a couple of jumps to the side or cuts a couple of circles so that it is not immediately possible to sort out its tracks and find a cunning cheat. She carefully looks around at the place of lying, makes sure that there is no danger and fits comfortably, curled up and turning into a fluffy tail.

Foxes are clever beggars, they can settle near human habitation, in places where they are not persecuted, and beg for a treat.

The fox is very useful for the forest, despite the fact that she is not at all averse to tasting a hare or catching a black grouse, as well as ruining a couple of bird nests. The main diet of the fox consists of various kinds of rodents (ground squirrels, mice, voles, etc.), which cause irreparable harm to farms. And little foxes fight well with such pests as May beetles.

The fox's dwelling is a hole, but she does not like to engage in construction herself, she prefers to occupy other people's holes. They say that having noticed a badger's habitable hole (and this is usually a structure with many exits and even an air vent), she waits until the owners leave, sneaks into the nesting chamber and shits there. An extremely clean raccoon, having smelled the smell of a "present", will not return to this hole again. But when a fox thoughtlessly gives birth to offspring in one of the corridors of a residential badger's hole, the fat man takes revenge on her: he bites the puppies.

The fox lives in burrows during breeding or when hiding from the chase and prolonged bad weather. For rest, the burrow is practically not used by the fox. Most often, fox burrows can be found on the slope of a ravine or hill, in places where they will not be flooded with rain, as well as with melt and groundwater. Often, foxes use natural shelters and settle in a rock crevice or in the hollow of a fallen thick tree.

The fox loves to bask in the sun, so it often climbs onto a tree trunk or stone and lays down on it for sunbathing.

Interesting facts about foxes

Foxes are monogamous animals, if they organize a couple, then this is for a long time.

Foxes, like hyenas, feed at night and singly.

The fox can make many different sounds. Some of them resemble dog barking, which sometimes contributes to its conspiracy.

The fox does not chew food, but tears the meat into pieces and swallows them.

The tail of the animal changes in color depending on the season, many believe that it is especially beautiful in winter.

On the paws of the beast there are sensitive hairs that make it easy to navigate in space and find the right direction.

We are all used to the fact that foxes are usually red, but as it turned out, they can have a black scruff, chest and belly. Some representatives of this breed have a black cross on their back.

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