What stones are contraindicated for Capricorns. Precious and semi-precious stones of Capricorn

Tourism and rest 17.10.2019
Tourism and rest

A gemstone will be a beautiful trinket if bought for the occasion or as a tribute to fashion. But "his" pebble is able to protect, bring good luck, happiness and even wealth. Those who were born in late December - January are interested in which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman.

earth element

What cannot be taken away from Capricorns is their stubborn disposition and desire to stand firmly on their feet. Their patron is the earth, and the colors of the elements are brown (soil) and green (grass is the favorite food of goats). Minerals of earthy origin can become a talisman for representatives of this zodiac sign. Think about what function your lucky stone should perform first of all. After all, it is impossible to find universal talismans suitable for all occasions. If you are looking for a stone amulet for a Capricorn woman and want it to help you make the right decisions in life, protect you from reckless actions and mistakes, turn your attention to obsidian. The most earthy of all existing minerals will protect against negative impacts and make fate work for its owner.

Tourmaline - a talisman for health

No wonder people say that you can buy everything except health. And if you ask yourself which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman and which one will keep her healthy, then this is undoubtedly tourmaline. Carrying this mineral with you, the owner of the amulet will forget about fatigue, muscle pain during exercise, as well as problems with the heart and back. Tourmaline has a positive effect on the entire body, it is able to energize and heal from the blues. Green and black stones will work most diligently for the benefit of their mistress. It should be remembered that black tourmaline protects well from dangers, and the green mineral is considered to be healing, it gives a woman strength and energizes.

Black onyx: for the successful completion of the work begun

Each talisman has its own strengths, and what stone of Capricorn (women according to the horoscope) will help give confidence in the begun and very important work? Among the precious minerals there is a mysterious and mysterious stone of black color. It's about about onyx. Wearing a ring with such an amulet, a woman will never lose faith in herself, even if the work begun is extremely difficult. In addition, black onyx will drive away the troubles associated with an evil and envious eye from its owner, and it can also help speed up the postoperative rehabilitation period. As you can see, the gem of a Capricorn woman is by no means a diamond. And by the way, there is no need to be sad about this. Diamonds may be on the list of jewelry, but sparkling miracle crystals will not bring any benefit. However, as well as harm.

For different characters

In fact, there are no identical women, just as there are no identical characters among them. One may be impossibly unsure of her abilities and be afraid to take on new challenges, while the other is not at all accustomed to trusting people, which she later sometimes regrets. On the one hand, the habit of trusting strangers with caution can in itself save a woman from disappointment. However, not all so simple. There are such suspicious natures who are able to find a colossal catch in the most seemingly harmless act. What is recommended in this case? The stone of the zodiac sign Capricorn (a woman will be delighted with his beauty) is rock crystal. This mineral will help create sincere and relaxed communication, and the owner's character will become softer and more accommodating. It is very good to carry rock crystal with you if you notice a lack of emotionality.

Garnet stone for Capricorn woman

The girl who at least once read the book by Alexander Kuprin " Garnet bracelet”, probably thought about the crazy power and magic of the blood red stone. Young ladies and married Capricorn women are incredibly lucky, because pomegranate is their lucky love amulet. A married lady wearing jewelry made of such a stone will protect her husband's thoughts and actions from betrayal and the destruction of family ties. In addition to attracting the attention of a beloved unmarried young lady, a pomegranate will bring good mood and popularity.

What do all these minerals have in common?

We talked about the fact that each stone of Capricorn (woman) according to the horoscope performs only its main mission. However, having studied all the characteristics, it is easy to identify that almost all amulets have one similar feature: they give a woman confidence in own forces. And let somewhere this confidence is connected with love relationship, and somewhere with business. The main thing is that the stone is able to work for the benefit of its mistress.

Bright agate will bring longevity

Agate is a mineral that has many interesting shades. Which of the existing shades will Capricorn choose? A talisman stone for a woman will definitely be bright, rich and original. The brighter it is, the better it will work. In fact, agate is a very strong amulet. Take a closer look at it if you are experiencing health problems, and it will bring you longevity; be with him if you are afraid of danger, and he will charge you with energy.

Favorite talisman

Buy agate, and you will forget about what poverty is, because your career will rush up high. Put a pebble on a chest of drawers in the form of a cute souvenir, and your family will get rid of empty and useless quarrels. That is why bright agate is so fond of wearing Capricorn. A talisman stone for a woman will make her more sexy in the eyes of the stronger sex, because everyone knows that what attracts men is not the packaging, but the inner content. However, if there is little secret Why not use them?

Stones for unmarried women

Among the amulets and amulets that can attract the love and attention of the chosen one, in addition to the pomegranate, there are also purely girlish pebbles. Which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman if she is not yet married? There are several such minerals, but the main amulet for unmarried women is carnelian. If you wear jewelry with such a pebble, then the young lady is provided with long youth and beauty. For those who want to get married, and be sure to Great love, carnelian will be a real find.

Carnelian saves nerves

This stone, like all other amulets of the sign, is able to give strength, it would seem, in the most hopeless situations. It will also fulfill cherished desires, eliminate depression and help you gather your courage at the end of a tiring day at work. It is useful to wear such a stone for a girl who is unsure of her own psychological stability, and then she will forget about sudden bouts of hysteria.

Which stone suits Capricorn (woman): colors of the zodiac constellation

Who is Capricorn? Mythical goat-footed hunting god, gifted with a fish tail while helping the warriors of Olympia. We have already talked about the native colors of the elements (earth). Let's look at the lucky stones of the zodiac sign, based on the shades inherent in the star patron. If we take into account the mother-of-pearl iridescent color of the tail donated by Zeus, then it will be milky white with a shimmer of pearls. This version among astrologers is new and quite controversial, so if you are asked which stone is suitable for Capricorn (woman) as a talisman, do not rush to answer.

Black Diamond

Well, let diamonds in the usual view are not talismans for those born in January, but an unusually rare black diamond belongs to the group of “their” jewelry. Most likely, you can’t buy it in a regular store, but in the Turkish bazaar you risk getting a painted fake. But if you manage to get a real black diamond, then be sure of your exclusive chosenness. Such a mineral in itself opens up additional astral powers, in addition, it can act as the main character in real magical rites at the highest level. The woman herself will not be able to set up the amulet, she will need to seek help from a professional in the field of magic. You won’t have to do anything bad, because the pebble will be set up according to the boomerang principle: to drive away bad thoughts and actions of other people, turning all evil against the offender.

Zodiac Opponent

What gem of Capricorn (female) symbolizes grass? Of course, emerald. So it might seem to an uninformed observer. However, astrologers back in the distant Middle Ages unanimously announced that the emerald categorically does not fit this zodiac sign and is its opponent.

A properly selected talisman stone will attract the desired events into your life, strengthen your health, and protect you from troubles. However, natural stones affect women and men differently. Find out which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman in order to achieve the result you need.

About Capricorn Women

Representatives of this sign are active ladies, careerists who strive for financial success. A Capricorn woman can marry by calculation, but even in this case, family members will never complain about the lack of attention and care.

If a girl is a Capricorn according to the horoscope, she is painfully experiencing failures, prone to depression and melancholy. That is why the best talismans for Capricorn are those stones that help achieve the desired goal, talismans for good luck in business.

The main stones-talismans of the Capricorn woman

Which are suitable:

From precious stones suits you best

This is the main stone for Capricorn, it plays the role of a powerful amulet, protecting the hostess from the negative thoughts of others.


Able to enhance the negative qualities of its owner, therefore it is not recommended for quick-tempered women. Balanced ladies in ruby ​​jewelry will become even more calm, gain protection from hidden enemies. Remember that you can not wear together with other stones.

Of the semi-precious stones you need first black .

It will help to complete the work begun, save from envy and.

Malachite jewelry

They will give patience, wisdom, spiritual strength. So that malachite does not attract excessive or unwanted attention of men to you, choose silverware. Malachite has a positive effect on the health of the joints, restores damaged tissues, improves vision.

To stabilize emotional condition, wear rhinestone

The stone will soften the violent character, and inert ladies will help to open up.

black agate

It will protect from poverty, family quarrels, gossip, establish a connection between generations, make a woman attractive and desirable in the eyes of men.

By date of birth


It all depends on the decade in which the woman was born:

  1. If you were born between December 22 to January 2 inclusive, suitable stones for you are agate, malachite, rock crystal, serpentine, moonstone. These stones will help you not to lose your own point of view and achieve material success.
  2. A woman born between 3 to 13 January, recommended onyx, . Talismans with these stones will strengthen your leadership skills and help you reach your goal.
  3. A woman born with 14 to 20 January, it is worth wearing a ruby, opal, tourmaline, as a talisman. These are talismans that charge their owner with vital energy, making her active.

Stones for success in love

The love talisman of Capricorn women is considered. He will make a free girl popular, and save a married girl from adultery. Pomegranate will relieve depression in case of unrequited love, and timid girls will help express their feelings.

Jewelry with pomegranate will help get rid of the fear of public opinion and also make a wise decision in a difficult situation.

Shouldn't be overlooked cornelian. It will become an effective marriage talisman for a girl who wants to meet her whole life.

Carnelian gives its owner youth and attractiveness, soothes nervous system and gives strength for the fulfillment of cherished desires.

What stone promises prosperity?

A career woman is suitable as a talisman green chrysoprase. It will protect you from unscrupulous business partners and help you properly manage large sums.

green chrysoprase

It will help to achieve the support of colleagues and the recognition of superiors. It will become a talisman on the way up the career ladder. The stone will not allow you to succumb to emotions and commit a rash act, it will give its owner leadership abilities.

To achieve well-being for a Capricorn woman will also help green pomegranate -. Protects from envious people and enemies.


Making Capricorn sociable and successful can rhinestone, but this stone is more suitable for men. For a Capricorn woman, it is better to choose hair ornaments It is a kind of rock crystal. The stone enhances women's intuition, promotes professional growth and, as a result, financial independence.


Talisman stones for health


To improve health and ensure good health, a Capricorn woman should choose tourmaline. It will help out in case of fatigue, relieve muscle pain and back pain, and strengthen overall immunity. Jewelry with tourmaline gives vivacity and energy, helps to improve the functioning of the heart.

Green tourmaline gives strength and heals, being a talisman. Black tourmaline is suitable as an amulet - a talisman against diseases and danger.

During the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses or injuries, Capricorns are advised to wear black onyx as a talisman. Additionally, it strengthens self-confidence, helps to complete the work begun.

Not every stone is a talisman

To make the gem become a real talisman and amulet, wear it as often as possible. The most effective talismans are stones that were presented to the owner or passed to her by inheritance.

Be careful - the donor presents the product, putting his energy and thoughts into the gift, even if subconsciously. Choose jewelry as a talisman only if you are sure of the sincerity of the donor.

What can't be worn?


Negatively affects the life of a Capricorn lady. Products from this stone lead astray, make a woman stubborn and principled. For the same reason, sapphire jewelry is not recommended for Capricorns.

If you are going to wear a talisman stone as jewelry, give preference to jewelry made of gold and silver, excluding costume jewelry.

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac. The constellation is unusual, ancient astrologers gave it outlines mythical creature: this is an amphibian, which is half a horned mountain goat with sharp hooves, half a fish - instead of hind legs, Capricorn has a fish tail.

In general terms, we will talk about semi-precious stones that can serve as amulets and lucky amulets for Capricorns, only an astrologer based on a specific horoscope can detail the set of your stones. You will also learn which stones suitable for Capricorn, you should choose by date of birth, and which ones are better to avoid. However, remember that even Capricorn-friendly stones may not be compatible with each other.

And at the end, as always, for our inquisitive readers, a list of the most famous Capricorns in all fields of activity - from politics to mysticism - has been selected.

  • The planet Saturn rules the fate of Capricorns.
  • The element of this zodiac sign is Earth.
  • Lucky colors are brown, grey, black, dark shades of blue and green
  • Lucky metal - zinc, lead
  • Favorable numbers are 3, as well as all numbers that are multiples of three: 6, 9, 12, etc.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn

People born under the sign of Capricorn are distinguished by restraint of emotions. Among them there are excellent psychologists, wise leaders, successful diplomats and intelligence officers, fair judges, wonderful teachers. Capricorns often have the charisma of a true leader, the stars endow them with eloquence and a rare ability to convince.

Experiencing the regal influence of Jupiter, they are calm and reasonable, which allows Capricorns to deftly and discreetly manipulate the environment. In achieving their goals, representatives of this sign do not go ahead, but use the weaknesses and mistakes of competitors, slowly waiting for the right moment. In a word, Capricorns are masters of raking in heat with the wrong hands.

But excessive caution can also harm Capricorn, who often doubts: is it necessary to use an unexpected chance? An individual selection of energy stones-amulets will help overcome this shortcoming.

Which stone suits Capricorn

  • ruby
  • red tourmaline
  • red, orange and green pomegranates
  • obsidian
  • black schorlomite garnet
  • morion

Please note that black stones should not be worn all the time, it is recommended to wear such jewelry in certain days weeks or phases of the moon. Such a calendar is very individual, check the nuances with a lithoastrologer.

Capricorns can the best way approach almost all opaque semi-precious stones and ornamental minerals, for example:

All these minerals are multicolored. The lithoastrologer will select the colors, taking into account the characteristics of the stones and your own inclinations. Your individual horoscope will tell the specialist about this.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Capricorns, who were born in late December - early January, as a rule, are self-confident people. They strive for leadership because they consider themselves the best candidates for leadership - after all, they were born under the influence of Jupiter, the king of the planets. In one of the three decades of the passage of the sign of each Capricorn by date of birth, a certain set of stones awaits.

I decade: December 22 - January 02

Those born in the first decade of the sign can be described as prudent, cautious analysts, thinking through and honing their strategic life plans to perfection. Their stones:

II decade: 03 - 13 January

Capricorns born in the second decade can be haunted by bouts of depression, when everything seems to fall out of hand. To overcome disappointment, gain optimism and continue what you started, such talisman stones will help:

  • sardonyx;

III decade: January 14 - 20

Well nourish the energy of Capricorns born during this period, precious stones ruby, sapphire and hyacinth. The following stones are also good for them:

Stones for Capricorn women

Astrologers advise which stones are suitable for Capricorn women at different ages.

In youth and adulthood, the best gems for a Capricorn woman are red pomegranates(pyrope, almandine, spessartine). These stones, placed in a row, are good for Capricorns in a thin gold ring or bracelet.

Ladies who have crossed the fifty-year mark are recommended to replace the red amulet with a talisman more suitable for age: green pomegranate - grossular.

Unmarried Capricorn women are shown semi-precious red stones, for example, carnelian. Another stone of Capricorn women - onyx. But astrologers do not recommend wearing corals, pearls and mother-of-pearl for the Capricorn lady in jewelry.

Stones for Capricorn men

Capricorn boss often unconsciously shows arrogance, and this interferes with contacts with subordinates. In this case, the talisman for Capricorn men is a stone. onyx, he will restrain the owner and help him become more benevolent.

green chalcedony chrysoprase- an obligatory stone for Capricorn of a man who is engaged in business and seeks to expand the business.

For a Capricorn man who is considering a difficult task, energy will be a good help rauchtopaz(smoky quartz). It is no coincidence that this translucent mineral is considered a stone of contemplation in Hinduism. Rauchtopaz is able to move the owner to the real brainstorm in search of a solution to the problem.

Talismans of the zodiac sign Capricorn

As a talisman and amulet, lithoastrologers recommend men and women of the zodiac sign Capricorn blue sapphire with the effect of asterism, emitting rays-stars in the light. The following stones are good for amulets born under this sign:

  • rock crystal crystal;
  • dark blue aquamarine.
  • black jet (petrified wood of ancient trees).

A lithoastrologer will help you choose a talisman depending on your date of birth.

Have a successful career grenades different color. For Capricorn men, such a garnet set can be placed in some accessory - for example, in a silver case for a lighter. The number of stones must be odd. The talisman-ring with several colored grenades will bring the greatest effect.

A good talisman of Capricorn, who has chosen a scientific field of activity, is a green patterned malachite. An additional amulet can be a stone zircon.

Zircon will contribute to the development of Capricorn's intuition, and the secret intrigues of enemies against their master will reflect onyx.

One of the most powerful and versatile Capricorn charms - nephritis. This is also a special, distinctive symbol that the Capricorn zodiac sign wears. Indeed, with the owner, born under this zodiac sign, the jade amulet most fully reveals its magical properties.

What stones should Capricorns avoid?

Based on thousands of years of experience, lithoastrology and astromineralogy have long identified stones that are contraindicated for Capricorns. Among them:

  • light blue shades;

These stones should not be worn or kept at home.

Famous Capricorns

The most famous astrological Capricorn in the history of mankind is Jesus Christ. The birthday of the Messiah is celebrated by three billion Christians in all countries of the world on December 25 Gregorian calendar and January 7, Julian reckoning. Both dates are included in the cycle of passage of Capricorn.


The model for all subsequent generations of public and political figures was the Roman politician and brilliant orator Mark Tullius Cicero, born on January 03, 106 BC. His speeches, preserved in a vast literary heritage- the standard of oratory. The list of famous Capricorn politicians is continued by the Chinese leader Mao Zedong (XII.26.1893), the 37th US President Richard Nixon (January 9.1913), American politician, FBI Director John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895).

Among the influential Capricorn women stands out national heroine France Jeanne d'Arc (06.I.1412) and Marquise Jeanne de Pompadour (29.XII.1721), favorite of King Louis XV, who decided the fate of France for two decades.

Art, culture

French comedian Molière (15.I.1622), famous Russian ballerina Galina Ulanova (08.I.1910), Russian landscape painter Ivan Shishkin (13.I.1832), composer Isaac Dunayevsky (30.XII. 1900), Czech playwright and writer Karel Capek (09.I.1890).


The constellation Capricorn inspired Italian film director Federico Fellini (January 20, 1920), German film actress Marlene Dietrich (December 27, 1901), French actor Gerard Depardieu. The rating of Capricorns in Hollywood is headed by Mel Gibson (03.XII.1956), and in Soviet cinema - Mikhail Boyarsky (26.XII.1949).

Show Business

The king of rock and roll Elvis Presley (January 8, 1935), charming dark-skinned singer Sade (January 16, 1959), Georgian singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli (January 18, 1962), Italian actor and singer Adriano Celentano were born under the sign of Capricorn. (06.I.1938).


Among the zodiac Capricorns there are many famous writers whose books are known all over the world. Among them are the Briton Rudyard Kipling (December 30, 1865), who wrote The Jungle Book about the adventures of Mowgli, the French baron Charles-Louis de Montesquieu (January 18, 1689), and the Russian aristocrat Alexander Griboyedov (January 15, 1795). The list is continued by the author of adventure novels and short stories American Jack London (January 12, 1876), the famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov (January 2, 1920), who formulated the three laws of robot ethics.

There is no person in the world who has not known fairy tales about Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Bluebeard, Sleeping Beauty since childhood. They were presented to us by the French writer Charles Perrault (January 12, 1628). It is curious that he wrote his book of fairy tales at the age of 67.

The constellation of Capricorn inspired the professor of philology at Oxford University John R. Tolkien (January 3, 1892) to create the epic saga The Lord of the Rings.


The most successful and wealthy Capricorn was the Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis (January 20, 1906), who owned the world's largest fleet of oil tankers.


Capricorn was the famous American heavyweight boxer, multiple world champion Cassius Clay (January 17, 1942). At 22, the athlete converted to Islam and changed his name - later he was known as Muhammad Ali.

The science

Under the stars of Capricorn was born the "father" of the Soviet atomic weapons Academician Igor Kurchatov (January 12, 1903).


The stars of Capricorn led the German entrepreneur and adventurer Heinrich Schliemann (January 6, 1822) to his dream. Conquering skeptics, to the amazement of academic historians, this self-taught archaeologist unearthed the legendary Troy, and proved that the Trojan War described in the Iliad was not Homer's invention.


The legendary Chicago mobster Al Capone (17.I.1899) was born under the sign of Capricorn.


In the mystical world of astrology and magic, the most famous Capricorn is the seer and healer Michel Nostradamus, who was born in the town of Saint-Remy-de-Provence in southern France on December 14, 1503. His book of vague prophetic quatrains is a real bestseller, published in many languages ​​for half a thousand years.

During the Renaissance in Germany lived the great scientist, mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler (27.XII.1571), who discovered the law of the orbital motion of the planets solar system. An interesting story is connected with his name, which tells about the accuracy of the horoscope. In those days, astronomy was still inextricably linked with astrology, and Kepler was known as a skilled astrologer. Once he made a horoscope for the famous commander Duke Albrecht Wallenstein. But Kepler's predictions did not come true. Then the astrologer found out that the duke had told him the time of his birth with an error of half an hour. Kepler made an amendment to the horoscope, and the events in the life of Marshal Wallenstein "obeyed" the stars.

Another famous Capricorn magician is Carlos Castaneda (December 25, 1925), PhD, anthropologist and mystic, author of a series of books on Indian shamanism.

Capricorn is one of the most purposeful, stubborn signs of the zodiac. In an effort to make all their dreams come true, Capricorn does not know what rest is. This applies not only to men, but also to women. Capricorn ladies are serious, solid people. They have many envious, ill-wishers. Therefore, it is important to have talismans with you and figure out which stones the Capricorn woman has by date of birth.

Capricorn woman and universal stones

Under the influence of Saturn and the elements of the Earth, Capricorn women are reliable, ambitious, stable, stubborn. Capricorns are characterized by vitality and a large supply of patience. Women of this sign are active, self-sufficient, do not know the word "laziness" and are purposeful, although they are inconsistent, painfully experience failures, and are vulnerable. They are often self-absorbed, falling into melancholy and introspection. Demanding on others: they make excellent leaders and managers.

Too trusting, sometimes selfish. Charming and serious, sometimes outwardly restrained, cold, they build a wall between themselves and those around them. They hate addiction, communicate with trusted people and always keep in touch with them, avoid the company of unfamiliar people. To reduce the negative qualities of character and enhance everything positive, you need to responsibly approach the choice of a precious stone for a woman.

Studying which gems are suitable for Capricorn women, astrologers came to the conclusion that one should choose stones that are energetically powerful and cold.

For example:

It should be said that it is worth wearing a natural mineral at least once a week.

Only then will he find a balance with the biofield and show his properties. It is also helpful to practice meditation using these minerals. Stones must be cut in gold, silver or metal. The magical talisman of Capricorn is a cat.

Pest Stones for Capricorn

Knowing which stone the Capricorn woman has according to the horoscope, astrologers found out that not all gems fit this sign. Among them are stones that can't be worn. These include:

  • Citrine. It makes a person a liar, a stubborn one who cannot navigate life.
  • Sapphire. Strengthens cynicism, conservatism, takes away all vital energy.
  • Emerald. It will increase closeness and tightness, lack of feelings, emotions, take away optimism, interest in life. Capricorns do not have the energy to carry and manage this gem.

Also undesirable for this sign are pearls, moonstone, mother-of-pearl, beryl, aventurine, amazonite.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

To strengthen beneficial features stone, you need to take into account the time of birth. It turns out that you can choose a stone for Capricorn by date of birth:

Talismans for the stronger sex

What stones are suitable for a Capricorn man? Too much restraint, sedateness and conservatism, uncertainty and complexes in these people. Onyx will develop and strengthen leadership qualities, will become protection from disasters and troubles.

Rauchtopaz will help to cope with stress and depression. Thanks to him, all new information is better absorbed, logic develops.

Chrysoprase helps to abandon everything old, to accept everything new in life, it will open a little adventurism in character. Thanks to him, the Capricorn man develops physically and spiritually, and also receives protection from the evil eye, damage. Rhodolite helps to reveal potential opportunities and direct energy in the right direction. Pink pomegranate will enhance charisma and passion. Pomegranate will attract a soul mate to life, help to accept the shortcomings of people, focus on their dignity, reduce conflict, develop the ability to feel and understand people, the desire to build one's personal life. After all, the Capricorn man is often not up to it.

Finally It is worth saying that all Capricorns are serious and solid personalities.. Therefore, the gems suitable for them are also serious in the properties attributed to them. It is important to choose your amulet correctly and never part with it.

Earth sign Capricorn is strong and more than self-sufficient, so he almost doesn't care what stones to wear. Moreover, he can afford to limit their set and wear any stones, regardless of the time of year and without looking back at the month and the signs of the Zodiac that dominate them.

Capricorn is considered a sign of hope, because according to the horoscope, he effective December 22, on the day of the solstice with the most short day per year, but after its completion, the night begins to wane. Therefore, people born under this sign are characterized by activity, assertiveness and offensiveness. However, along with this, they have difficulty in completing the work they have begun and some inconsistency in actions. Fire stones that are considered dangerous for other signs (for example, labrador, serpentine, Arabic onyx) will help to cope with these women - Capricorns.

Also, dark cold stones with strong energy will help Capricorns achieve their goal, which no other sign can cope with, because its planet is a gloomy but powerful Saturn.

It is enough for women of this sign to choose only a few stones for themselves. different type and wear them at will regardless of the circumstances. This set must contain one dark color, one fiery and one rich green, they will help the owner in different moments of life.

  • Black or steel hematite.
  • Black and gray pearls.
  • Black or bright red corals.
  • Black or blue Labrador (Moon).
  • Dark blue lapis lazuli (with pyrite).
  • Black or dark brown obsidian.
  • Dark green malachite (with patterns).
  • Arabic onyx (preferably with contrasting stripes).
  • Green serpentine (serpentine).
  • Bright green pomegranate (uvarovite).
  • Blood red garnet (pyron).
  • Intense dark red ruby.

Let's take a closer look at the properties of some stones.

Talismans for women

As already mentioned, Capricorn is one of the most powerful signs of the horoscope, so it can easily wear those stones that are contraindicated for most other signs. In Capricorn, on the contrary, they reveal a powerful inner essence and allow you to cope with some confusion and inconsistency. How do stones affect the character of this sign?

Arabic onyx. This is a stone of a person - a leader. Onyx will help to achieve success on a difficult career path, will help the owner to achieve the respect of colleagues and recognition of merit from his management. And in modern world For women, this is no less important than for men. Also, this stone helps the owner to control their emotions and actions. At first glance, this is not necessary for the cold-blooded-looking Capricorn, however, sometimes a whole whirlwind of emotions can be hidden under an ice mask.

Malachite. This stone is simply necessary for the health of Capricorn, maintaining his mental, as well as physical strength, improving well-being and restoring the internal balance of the body. Women of this sign strive for stability in everything, so malachite will be an excellent talisman for them.

Ruby. One of the most beautiful gemstones, which will also help in career and advancement on the path to success, will add financial stability. It should be among the decorations of any business woman striving for recognition in this area. But among other things, the ruby ​​will be an excellent assistant in his personal life, will help create a strong friendly family will ensure understanding and harmony between partners.

But remember that this is a very strong fiery talisman that has too powerful energy, so you should not often wear it to women who have health problems ( high blood pressure and heart).

Coil. It has a second name - serpentine and is considered one of the most dangerous semi-precious stones. It is rare that a horoscope sign can afford to wear it, because quite often serpentine, on the contrary, puts up barriers instead of help. But from Capricorn, he takes away negative energy without a trace, but it is not advisable for him to wear a serpentine all the time either.

The most valuable stone is considered to be inherited, as it has the ability to remember family problems and helps protect its current owner from them.

Other useful stones

Also useful for a Capricorn woman will be:

Jasper. This red stone will strengthen heart health women, as well as reduce pressure, relieve headaches and insomnia. For Capricorns, the stone will also bring prosperity to the house, help to find strong friendships and achieve success in study and work.

Agate. Black agate is more suitable for men, it will help them become more attractive to women, as well as strengthen relationships that are already taking place. White agate is suitable for both sexes, it will make its owner softer, help to awaken good and kind qualities. In addition, a stone of any color will relieve a lingering cough and throat diseases.

Nephritis. This stone is an assistant in married life, it will preserve relationships in the family, find understanding between a woman and a man, help avoid quarrels and increase sexual desire. But jade cannot be worn as jewelry; its place is on the nightstand by the bed in the form of a talisman figurine.

What not to wear Capricorns?

Capricorn, of course strong sign, but there are stones that he is not recommended to wear. And there are those that are completely contraindicated, because they can turn all its advantages into disadvantages and put obstacles in achieving the goal.

  • Sapphire.
  • Amethyst.
  • Aventurine.

The first two stones will take away all the strength from its owner, bringing in return irritability and constant fatigue, which will not pass until Capricorn takes them off and puts them away. But aventurine will endow the owner with unnecessary frivolity and a penchant for rash acts, which is highly undesirable for this sign of the horoscope, which sometimes finds it so difficult to bring its undertakings to an end.

Yellow pearls, mother-of-pearl, beryl, emerald, amazonite, white opal and yellow diamond are also contraindicated for Capricorn.

It is not recommended to wear jewelry made of blue aquamarine and turquoise, moonstone and black opal, orange agate and carnelian, and also use chalcedony, carnelian and chrysolite as talismans.

Obsidian can be used in rare cases when it is necessary to concentrate one's energy on a particular matter or hone the art of a speaker, but it is also unsuitable for constant wear, as it turns a person's caution into elementary cowardice.

We wear stones correctly

It is not enough to choose a stone that suits the owner’s horoscope, you also need to learn how to wear it correctly. Each stone requires a special relationship, and the strong fiery and dark talismans of Capricorn even more so. Otherwise, they can be "offended" and instead of helping, bring one harm to the owner.

For example, malachite cannot stand excessive pretentiousness and categorically will not accept a gold frame. His ideal companion in jewelry will be silver, which will reveal the true rich essence this stone. For a Capricorn woman, jewelry made of large malachites framed in silver will be ideal.

Onyx also does not like gold settings, it is a modest stone and simple silver chains will be a great companion for this stone pendant.

Ruby- a precious, expensive and very strong stone, therefore only special works are created with it jewelry art which, of course, flatters him. He loves gold in any form and will look great in rings, earrings and pendants. But remember that it should not be worn too often, especially large stones.

agate jewelry Capricorn women are best worn in the form of beads or as a pendant.

Serpentine is a special stone, one of the most powerful and dangerous, but at the same time he does not like to be flaunted. It is best worn in a breast pocket or as a pendant on a long leather cord or chain hidden under clothing. He will be good, albeit covertly, to protect you.

Jasper, on the contrary, loves to show off and will be an excellent helper in the form of rings and beads.

If there is a temporary need to use obsidian, put it away from the heart, for example, in a trouser pocket, or insert it into a silver ring and wear it on the middle finger.

Well, and most importantly - remember that all the stones that suit you according to the horoscope are, first of all, amulets and talismans, respectively, they drive away all the negativity and bad energy, absorbing it into themselves. To clean the stone and allow it to work well again, do not forget to put it at least once a week under running cold water, which will take away all negative emotions with it.

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