Culinary recipes salad pomegranate bracelet. Garnet bracelet - reviews. Delicious salad with beef and pickled onions without beets.

Recipes 09.05.2018

The salad has a very attractive appearance, but at the same time it is very easy to arrange. There is nothing complicated or inaccessible in the ingredients; every housewife can buy these products at any store. Quite a lot of gourmet salads, but just Garnet bracelet(classic salad), the recipe with a photo of which we will describe below, is so striking in its combination of flavors.

It is worth talking a little about why this one was called the "Garnet Bracelet". In fact, everything is simple: the surface ready meal sprinkled with pomegranate seeds, and a hole is made in the middle - this is how the shape of the bracelet is obtained. If the pomegranate was not found in the store, then it is sometimes replaced with lingonberries, which also have a sweet and sour taste, although the salad will still be different from the original. To create such a salad snack, it is best to use a good soft pitted pomegranate, but if there is none, then it is better to choose a fruit in which the pits are quite soft.

If we consider the basic products that are included in classic recipe salad, then in it you can always see boiled chicken, eggs, pomegranate, mayonnaise, garlic, walnuts, potatoes, carrots and onions, beets, as well as salt and pepper to taste. In some recipes, chicken can be replaced with boiled tongue, while others add pickle extra layer. If the hostess did not find eggs, then they can be replaced with grated hard cheese. Over time, several more variations of this snack were created from the classic recipe, and each housewife makes it in her own way.

To make such a salad with a hole in the middle, it is enough to put a jar in the middle of the plate, put the finished salad around it, and after all the layers have been laid, you can remove the jar and get that very round hole.

Food preparation

To choose the right pomegranate for salad, you need to find a fruit that will be completely dry on the outside, but at the same time have juicy and soft grains inside. If the surface of the pomegranate is a little rough, it means that it managed to ripen and was plucked on time, but when the surface of the fruit is smooth, it has not ripened and will not please with its bright taste and juiciness.

This option can be used as or for any other holiday.

Classic garnet bracelet

To begin with, it is worth considering a garnet salad bracelet a classic recipe with a photo step by step, since it is original recipes are considered the most delicious. What is the classic "Garnet bracelet"? This is a salad that is laid on a dish in layers, and topped with pomegranate seeds. Some used to call this salad a little differently - "Meat Coat".

Ingredients for making salad: medium-sized beets - 2 pieces; chicken eggs - 3 pieces; boiled carrots - 2-3 pieces; chicken (you can smoked brisket) - 200-250 grams; pomegranate (depending on size) - 1-2 pieces; medium-sized potatoes - 2-3 pcs; onion - 1 pc; garlic - 3-4 feathers; mayonnaise for lubrication of layers; salt and pepper to taste.

Preparing a classic salad

We will tell you how to cook a classic garnet bracelet salad according to a recipe with a photo from our website. First you need to prepare all the products, and after that you can start creating a salad. All boiled vegetables present in the composition must be grated on a coarse grater.

Next, the garlic is peeled and rubbed or passed through the garlic, garlic is added required amount mayonnaise to lubricate the layers. The onion head is cut into cubes and fried in a pan until golden brown. Chicken fillet boiled or smoked, cut into cubes or thin strips.

To make a ring inside, you can put a small glass on a plate in the middle. After that, you can start assembling the salad. If desired, a layer of potatoes or eggs is salted so that the salad does not seem too bland. After cooking the products, you can start laying out the layers.

First of all, the chicken is laid, then potatoes, eggs and carrots go, after that a layer of boiled beets is laid and everything is sprinkled with walnuts on top. When the salad is assembled, you can remove the glass from the middle and after that proceed to decorate with pomegranate seeds.

So that ours is not dry, it needs to be given time to infuse, so the snack is put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If you wish, you can not add nuts to the dish, but on the Internet you can still often find a pomegranate bracelet salad classic recipe with nuts. Nuts add a special zest to this cold appetizer.

Garnet bracelet with cheese

Every housewife should at least once try to make a pomegranate salad bracelet a classic recipe with cheese, most often cheese is used if there are no eggs in the dish, since the combination of these products is not desirable. This salad is prepared in the same way as the pomegranate chicken bracelet, the only difference is the use of a layer of cheese instead of eggs.

Ingredients for cooking: chicken breast - 2 pieces; potatoes - 2-3 pieces; cheese - 200-250 grams; onion - 1 piece; carrots - 2-3 pieces; boiled beets - 1-2 pieces; walnuts- 100-150 grams; salt and pepper, mayonnaise, garlic.


To create a classic garnet salad bracelet, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Grate cheese and vegetables on a coarse grater, chop the chicken into strips. Garlic can be passed through a garlic maker and then added to mayonnaise. Put a layer of potatoes on a dish, then chicken breast boiled or smoked, each layer must be coated with mayonnaise, if desired, the potatoes can be salted.

After that, a layer of fried onions, boiled carrots, cheese and beets is laid out. Everything is covered with mayonnaise, sprinkled with crushed nuts and garnished with pomegranate seeds.

"Garnet bracelet" with cucumbers

Almost all recipes for this salad differ from each other in that one of the ingredients is added or eliminated to the appetizer. At the same time, when a new ingredient is added, the taste of the resulting dish will change.

For example, there is a pomegranate bracelet salad classic recipe with chicken, but the bird can be replaced with boiled tongue, beef or smoked meat. In this dish, the beets were removed, and a pomegranate bracelet was obtained; a classic recipe without beets with cucumbers, and new recipes for a delicious "Bracelet" are being created.

Ingredients for cooking: eggs - 4 pieces; hard cheese - 200-250 grams; crushed walnuts - 100-150 grams; pickled cucumbers, carrots and onions - 3-4 pieces of medium size; mayonnaise and garlic; chicken - 300 gr.

Salad preparation method

As before, all the ingredients are prepared - brought to readiness, rubbed or chopped. A glass is placed in the middle of the dish, and layers of lettuce are stacked: first comes a layer of boiled chicken, then grated cucumbers, onions, potatoes, eggs and carrots. Each layer is smeared with garlic mayonnaise.

The last layer is sprinkled with nuts and covered with cheese. When the salad is garnished with cheese, you can continue decorating with pomegranate seeds. And so that the salad is well saturated with mayonnaise, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Pomegranate bracelet with Tabasco sauce

Unfortunately, the ingredients cannot be completely changed, because then this salad cannot be called "Pomegranate Bracelet", but to add something new, you can use another dressing, for example, not mayonnaise, but the famous Tabasco sauce mixed with sour cream. Due to sour cream, the salad will have more airiness and lightness, and since there will be an additional sauce in sour cream, the Pomegranate Bracelet will turn out to be more piquant and spicy.

Ingredients for cooking: Tabasco sauce; sour cream; vegetables - onions, carrots, potatoes, beets, garlic; eggs - 2 pieces; smoked chicken fillet - 200 grams; crushed nuts; ripe pomegranate.


The salad is prepared in the same way as the pomegranate bracelet, a classic salad, the chicken recipe of which we have provided, with only one difference - the sauce. It is about how to prepare the dressing and it is worth talking in more detail.

To prepare the salad dressing, you need to take the garlic and crush it in the garlic press, then add it to the sour cream, mix everything thoroughly and pour the Tabasco sauce into the sour cream. This dressing can be smeared on each layer of the Garnet Bracelet. Due to the fact that sour cream is very tender, it will easily soak the layers and you can serve the appetizer immediately after cooking.

Wash vegetables for salad (potatoes, carrots and beets), put everything in separate pans, cover with cold water, add about half a teaspoon of salt to each vegetable and boil until tender.

Cooking time for vegetables will depend on their size. Potatoes after boiling water will be ready in 25-30 minutes, carrots - 20-25 minutes, and beets (and we need a large one) all 50-55 minutes on low heat. Do not cut off the tail of the beetroot and immediately fill it with cold water after cooking. Beets need to be cooled immediately, so change the cold water more often to cool the vegetable faster.

For eggs, boil water, salt it and carefully lower the eggs. When the water boils again, boil for 9 minutes. After the indicated time, drain the hot water and pour cold, and even better ice. Cool the eggs well.

When all the vegetables have cooled, remove the skin from them and grate on a coarse grater. Do the same with eggs - peel and grate.

Boil the chicken breast in salted water until tender (25-30 minutes), cool and cut into strips or cubes.

Grind walnuts, but not into dust, but into large crumbs. You can wrap the nuts in a towel and beat them well with a rolling pin. Alternatively, you can cut it with a knife. If you are using a blender, then a few short presses of the button will be enough.

Fry onions (small cubes) for salad in vegetable oil. The color should be golden, and the onion itself is soft. It is advisable to put the onion in a small sieve to remove the remaining vegetable oil and thus prevent it from getting into excess fat into a salad.

Place a glass in the center of a large plate. Place all ingredients around a glass. The larger the dish, the wider the glass should be. The height of the salad depends on the size of the plate and glass.

The first layer is pieces of chicken fillet, salt and pepper to taste, a mesh of mayonnaise.

Do you know how to cook Pomegranate Bracelet salad? We made this salad today. To be honest, we cooked it today for the first time, it turned out to be a very beautiful and tasty Pomegranate Bracelet salad. This salad will be a wonderful table decoration for a birthday or any other holiday. The salad has an unusual, refined taste. And besides, this salad is easy to prepare, the products are all available. Pomegranate spices up this salad. Most likely, this salad got its name because of the annular shape and due to the fact that its surface is decorated with pomegranate seeds.

To prepare the salad we need:

  • Red beets 3 pcs
  • Carrot 2 pcs
  • Eggs 2 pcs
  • Potato 2 pcs
  • Walnuts 10 pcs
  • Chicken (smoked or boiled) 300 grams
  • Pomegranate 1 pc
  • Mayonnaise


Let's prepare the ingredients for our salad. You need to wash carrots, beets, potatoes. I have smoked chicken legs, 2 pieces, you can take chicken fillet and boil it in salted water, in my opinion, the salad is tastier with smoked chicken, you can take smoked chicken breast instead of chicken legs. Today we bought a very tasty, sweet, juicy, well, of course, pomegranate seeds are not very red.

We need to boil potatoes and carrots.

We also need to boil red beets.

We also need to put the eggs to boil, and in the meantime, while the vegetables and eggs are being cooked on the salad, we need to peel the walnuts from the shell and chop them finely.

We also need to clean the pomegranate and separate the grains.

Boiled potatoes we need to peel and grate.

We also need to peel the boiled carrots and grate.

We clean the beets, it also needs to be grated.

Peel and grate the eggs too.

Chicken meat cut into cubes.

Now we will lay out this salad in layers, we need to take a plate in which we will lay out the salad and put a glass in the center of the plate.

Put the potatoes in the first layer.

Grease a layer of potatoes with mayonnaise.

Next, lay out a layer of chopped chicken meat in a circle.

Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Next, lay out a layer of eggs.

Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Next, lay out a layer of carrots.

Grease a layer of carrots with mayonnaise and lay out a layer of walnuts.

Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Next, lay out a layer of beets.

Next, take out the glass, grease the entire surface of the salad with mayonnaise and decorate with pomegranate seeds.

Surprise your family and your guests. Make a salad for your guests

Nobody in my family really liked pomegranates until one day I decided to experiment and make a salad. Everyone knows that this fruit is useful, prolongs youth and strengthens the work of the heart. You can list the benefits for a long time, but it's not about that. We'll talk about taste - saturated, rich and unique, about the taste of salad with beautiful name"Garnet bracelet".

Its originality is noted in everything - from the form to the combination of products in the dish. "Garnet bracelet" always looks elegant and will decorate any table. Admit it, no matter where you try this dish, it is always somehow even scary to violate its ideal shape and start trying first. This is probably comparable to a birthday cake: you look forward to when the hostess of the house cuts off the first piece. Do you already have an appetite? Then we immediately start cooking.

What do we need to make a salad

I fell in love with the classic salad recipe from the first fork. That is what we will prepare. Let's start by stocking up on ingredients. Finding them in stores is not difficult. If you live in a private house and have a vegetable garden near the house, even better. Pomegranates are sold all year round. I like when all products at hand. Therefore, before cooking, I imagine that I am hosting a cooking show and line up all the necessary ingredients on the table. In our case it will be:

  • the king of the pomegranate dish - 2 pcs;
  • chicken fillet - 300 gr;
  • beets - 2 pcs;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • walnuts - 70 gr;
  • mayonnaise - 200 gr;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The number of products may be slightly less or more. It all depends on the taste preferences of your family. Do you love nuts? Add them a little more. Kids don't like onions? Choose a smaller bulb.

Salad pomegranate bracelet with chicken: a step by step recipe with a photo

Choose a bigger pot. We put it on the stove. We put potatoes, carrots and beets in it. Don't forget to wash your vegetables well first. If you have a microwave, you can cook vegetables in it. So it will be faster.

We boil the eggs separately. Chicken fillet cooked in salted water. While everything is gurgling on the stove, and the kitchen is filled with vegetable aromas, pickle the onions. To do this, finely chop it, pour vinegar, add salt and sugar. Set aside the onion bowl for 15 minutes.

Making Pomegranate Bracelet can bring the whole family together in the kitchen. Ask the children to clean the pomegranates, and ask the spouse to fill and chop the nuts. Keep track of what's happening on the stove. Take out eggs, chicken, potatoes, carrots and beets in turn. It will take the longest to cook.

Laying out each layer, do not forget to salt it a little, pepper and grease with mayonnaise. Garnish the salad with pomegranate seeds and carefully remove the glass. Happened?

  • If you don't want too much mayonnaise, you can lubricate with salad not every layer, but after one.
  • Trying to eat less salt? Use only mayonnaise. This will be enough to give the dish the necessary taste.
  • In an onion marinade, you can use Apple vinegar . It is healthy and natural.
  • Salad onions can also be fried. purple bow does not require processing and looks unusual in a salad, giving it a spice.
  • Boiled fillet can be pre-brown in a pan in a small amount butter, and only then send to the salad.
  • Instead of boiled chicken meat is sometimes used smoked.
  • You can replace the eggs with hard cheese, grated.
  • Sometimes one of the layers of lettuce is formed from pickles.

Keep in mind that there are pitted pomegranates. If the presence of the latter in the salad somehow bothers you while eating, then you can choose just such fruits.

Leave the salad for several hours in the refrigerator, as my younger daughter so that the products "make friends". Before serving, the dish is decorated with greens or a mayonnaise net is drawn.

As you can see, the "Garnet Bracelet" allows for various experiments with products. The main thing is to keep the shape and the main ingredients. Don't skimp on pomegranate seeds. The more accurately and closely you lay them out, the more beautiful the dish will turn out. Every hostess has culinary secrets. I'm sure you'll add something of your own to this recipe.

Today you will learn how to cook the Pomegranate Bracelet salad according to the classic recipe. Each hostess periodically receives guests, many attentive wives and caring mothers strive to please the household with new culinary delights. Salads are ideal for this, as they can provide a variety of flavors.

For an everyday table, a salad is prepared from any products available in the refrigerator. Of course, for a festive feast, the usual recipes are inappropriate. In this case, an attractive-looking and extremely tasty salad "garnet bracelet" is suitable.

Pomegranate bracelet with prunes and nuts

People who strive to master the culinary art to perfection are not afraid of experiments. Having tested the recipe for a salad with prunes and nuts in practice, I came to the conclusion that it was extremely successful. Beetroot in the composition of the snack perfectly sets off the taste of prunes. From meat, chicken or ham is suitable.


  • Boiled beets - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled meat - 300 g.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Prunes - 100 g.
  • Walnuts - 100 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml.
  • Salt and pepper.


  1. Peel and press the garlic cloves, add the resulting slurry to the mayonnaise and mix. Pour the prunes with hot water, wait a bit, separate the liquid, chop and add to the mayonnaise “flavored” with garlic.
  2. Peel and grate boiled beets and eggs. Cut boiled meat into cubes. Lightly crush the nut kernels. The main thing is not to get a crumb.
  3. Place a clean glass in the center of the dish, around which lay the prepared products in layers in the following sequence: beets, meat, eggs. Sprinkle the layers with nuts and season with mayonnaise. Repeat layers in sequence.
  4. If you want to get more hearty snack, try adding some carrots and potatoes to the composition. These vegetables are also boiled and grated. It is better to put potatoes first, and place carrots between meat and eggs. In conclusion, cover the appetizer with pomegranate seeds.

Summing up this variation of the pomegranate bracelet salad, I note that in modern cooking there is little delicious meals that cook so quickly and boast irresistible appearance. This masterpiece is part of our family New Year's menu and other holidays.

Garnet bracelet with beef

When a holiday is approaching, every housewife puzzles over how to delight dear guests and delight her beloved household members. For this purpose, a non-standard-shaped salad is suitable - a garnet bracelet. It is prepared in a matter of minutes without any special knowledge in cooking.


  • Beef - 250 g.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Salt and mayonnaise.


  1. Boil meat, vegetables and eggs until tender. Grate vegetables and eggs, chop the beef into small cubes. Fry the chopped onion, and divide the pomegranate into separate grains.
  2. Next, comes the assembly of the dish. Place a cup upside down in the center of a flat-bottomed plate. Lay food around. First meat, then carrots, potatoes, beets and fried onions.
  3. Repeat the layers, keeping the order. Each layer must be greased with mayonnaise. At the last moment, pull out the glass, decorate the appetizer with pomegranate seeds and send to a cool place for 120 minutes.

Garnet bracelet without beets

The absence of beets will not prevent the pomegranate bracelet salad from looking unusual and spectacular. If you are not without imagination, you can use the recipe as a basis for experimentation and expand the list of products at your discretion.


  • Meat - 300 g.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves.
  • Garlic, salt, mayonnaise, walnuts, pepper.


  1. Boil eggs, vegetables and meat. Grind the ingredients into small cubes or straws. Do not cut the vegetables too finely, otherwise they will release the juice and the salad will fall apart.
  2. Crush the garlic and chop the walnuts with a blender. Combine garlic with mayonnaise, chop onion and fry in oil.
  3. Arrange lettuce leaves on a large dish and place a glass smeared with mayonnaise in the center.
  4. We form a snack by laying out products in layers. In what order the products will go, decide for yourself. The main thing is that at least two thin layers are obtained from each ingredient. Do not forget to salt the vegetable layers and season with pepper.
  5. At the final stage, carefully remove the glass, and cover the surface of the salad with pomegranate seeds. The result is the so-called "bracelet".

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