A nut similar to a walnut with a taste of chocolate. Pecan Nut: Health Benefits

Tourism and rest 01.07.2020
Tourism and rest

In the territory where the pecan grows, it is easily recognizable by its large, elongated leaves, which reach a length of 50 centimeters. They have a smooth texture and slightly shine in the sun. It should be noted that during the flowering period, both male and female inflorescences can be found. Women have a more sitting position and are located side by side in an amount of three to ten pieces. They can be found at the ends of each shoot. The period of ripening flowers in a country with a warm climate lasts from May to June. For pollination, just a few gusts of wind are enough. At the same time, it is important that heterogeneous trees are located nearby.


Pecan is high deciduous tree, which reaches from 40 to 60 meters. The crown is dense and wide. It spans up to 40 m in diameter. Trunk covered with bark light brown with small cracks. Its diameter is from two to three meters. The kidneys have a characteristic yellow, by which it is easy to distinguish this plant from others. Shoots of similar color to the bark are pubescent at the first stage of development, and then become naked.

The pecan tree produces fruits in a drupe that is about five centimeters long. The mass of each of them ranges from 15 to 20 grams. The leathery, dense shell cracks after the nut is fully ripe. The maximum number of fruits in a bunch is eleven. The walnut has an oval shape, which is distinguished by a characteristic sharpening on one side. The tree can be recognized by carefully examining the surface of the nut:

  • smoothness;
  • shine;
  • shallow ribs;
  • small wrinkles;
  • characteristic brown color.

The inner contents are edible and have a slightly sweet taste. Some people note similarities with walnuts. The advantage is that there are no baffles that make cleaning difficult. In climates where the pecan grows, the tree may bear fruit between September and October. As soon as the fruit is suitable for consumption, it falls off the shoots on its own.

A good harvest can only be harvested if the tree is more than nine years old. The first fruits will appear only after four years of life. From a young seedling, you can collect no more than five kilograms of fruit, while an adult gives about fifteen. You can benefit from the tree for the next two hundred years. On average, the life span of a tree ranges from three hundred years.

Growth area

Not every resident of the CIS countries knows how a pecan grows. After all, in this area the plant cannot be found. Its homeland is considered to be North America. Pecans were actively eaten by the tribes of the ancient Indians. To date, large plantations are located in the United States and Asia. They come to our country due to export. The pecan nut, the cultivation of which can be seen in the Caucasus and the Crimea, has not acquired industrial scale in our country.

There are some peculiarities in how a pecan grows. HE bears fruit only if there is enough heat and light. Its high resistance to frost is noted, so it can be grown even in the northern region. Botanists claim that the tree can withstand frost down to -30 degrees. To date, there are more than 150 varieties.

Growing procedure

Pecan seedlings quickly adapt to different weather conditions. There are varieties that are grown in cold or severe drought. The plant is unpretentious. However, it is rarely seen in our country. This is due to the fact that not many people know exactly how to create right conditions for cultivation.

You need to know for those who want to plant a pecan nut - planting and growing it can be done from seeds, by grafting, from cuttings or budding. It is important to transplant the resulting sprout into the ground no later than three months after its appearance. Seeds should be deepened into the ground by seven centimeters. For this, a layer of special mulch is used. The first shoots should appear within a month.

A similar scheme is how to grow a pecan from a fruit. After the appearance of the first sprouts, it is necessary to ensure proper care for them. The roots are regularly treated with moisture until the tree gets stronger and takes root. This will take two to three years. If necessary, a layer of fertilizer is applied to the soil.

The procedure for growing a tree from seedlings is more complicated, since they instantly respond to changes in external living conditions. The root system can at any time suffer from external influences. It is best to root the plant in mixed soil. The seedling is tied up near the support, and then covered in a circle with a thick layer of mulch. Some growers vaccinate. For this, a white pecan rootstock is used. It will be possible to get the first fruits from it no earlier than in four years and only if the necessary care is provided.

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Pecan is the fruit of the nut tree of the same name. His homeland is North America. The benefits and harms of pecans have long been known to the local population. Americans actively use pecans in cooking: they are added to hot dishes and salads, used to make cookies and pies. In Russia, this nut is little known, since it does not grow independently on its territory. Where does pecan grow in the CIS? Walnut likes the climate near the Black and Caspian Seas, so gardeners have learned to grow it in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Outwardly, an in-shell pecan resembles a hazel or an unripe olive fruit. Inside, it looks like a walnut: it resembles in shape human brain. The pecan also tastes like a walnut, only it is a little softer and more tender. A photo of a peeled and in-shell pecan can be seen below.

Main outward difference walnut pecan - no partitions inside the shell, therefore

kernels are easily removed and do not have a bitter taste. Hard shell reliably protects the kernel from external irritants: bacteria, mold, pests. Thanks to a strong shell, nuts can be stored for the winter without fear that they will lose all their vitamins.

Pecans are nutritious and high in calories. 100 g of nuts contains about 690 kcal. Pecan fruits contain:

  • fats - 72%;
  • carbohydrates - 14%;
  • proteins - 9%.

Nuts are very high in fat, so they are difficult to digest in the stomach. But the benefits of such fats are much greater than those of animal fats.

Benefits of Pecan

Pecan has a rich composition of trace elements: calcium, magnesium, iron and others. In addition, the kernels contain a lot of fiber, glucose, fructose and lactose.

The fruits of the high North American pecan tree contain such useful vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A. Has a positive effect on the organs of vision.
  2. Vitamins of group B. Have a positive effect on thyroid gland, muscles, circulatory system, accelerate metabolism.
  3. Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system, removes toxins from the body, reduces blood cholesterol.
  4. Vitamin E. Promotes regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.

Health benefits of pecans:

  1. Increase in hemoglobin level.
  2. Removal of fatigue, filling with strength and energy.
  3. Increased appetite (if you eat a couple of nuts before meals).
  4. Saturation of the body with vitamins.
  5. Increase concentration and attention, increase efficiency.
  6. Prevention of the development of varicose veins, ischemia and atherosclerosis.
  7. Decreased blood sugar levels.
  8. Improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  9. Prevention of pathologies in the development of the neural tube of the fetus during pregnancy due to the presence of folic acid in the composition.

Pecan oil

Not only nuts, but also oil have healing properties. It is prepared from the kernels by cold pressing. It has a light nutty aroma and pleasant taste. Pecan oil has a golden color, it can be seen in the photo below.

Walnut oil is used:

  1. Inside for treatment colds and reduce headaches, in the treatment of heart failure.
  2. Externally for the treatment of skin diseases. It relieves irritation, fights fungal infections, reduces hematomas. The oil is applied to burns, bites and rashes.
  3. As a massage oil. It moisturizes the skin well.

Harm nuts

If used improperly, pecan fruits can cause serious harm to the body. To avoid this,

Obesity is a contraindication for nuts

you can not eat more than the established norm per day. The recommended daily dose of nuts is 18 pieces.

Pecan has practically no contraindications. It should not be used:

  • people with individual intolerance to nuts;
  • prone to allergic reactions;
  • obese people;
  • in the presence of liver disease.

For people who follow the figure, the harm of pecans is manifested in its high calorie content. If you do not monitor the amount of food eaten, you can gain weight.

When using nuts, the following precautions must be observed:

  1. Do not store peeled kernels for a long time. They quickly deteriorate, start to taste bitter.
  2. Use with caution in case of constipation or skin diseases.
  3. During pregnancy, you should not eat more than 2 nuts in 3 days. A large amount of protein in pecans can provoke allergies and intolerance to nuts in a child.
  4. It is strongly recommended not to give nuts to children before they are 3 years old. They put a lot of stress on the child's digestive system.

Attention! When offering nuts to children, you should carefully monitor the reaction of their body. You need to start with small doses. A nut allergy can lead to throat swelling and choking.

The human stomach is able to digest no more than 100 g of nuts at a time. If the dose is exceeded, it may appear headache, rash on the skin and in the mouth, disorders of the digestive system.

Buying and storing nuts

Pecans can be stored for a long time, but only in the shell. When buying nuts, you need to make sure that they are intact. protective skin. It should not have cracks or chips. You also need to pay attention to color uniformity. Spots on the shell can indicate a disease of the nut or its improper storage.

In order for the nuts to retain their pleasant taste and all the vitamins for as long as possible, they must be stored tightly. closed containers in a cool place. So in the refrigerator, nuts in the shell are stored for up to 1 month. You can extend the shelf life by placing the product in the freezer. Frozen nuts keep up to 6 months.

It is recommended to buy shellless pecans only from trusted sellers who offer freshly peeled nuts to their customers. When buying pecans in the store, it is better to take the product in vacuum packaging, which allows you to keep the freshness of the nuts for a long time.

Pecan is not the most popular kind of nuts in Russia, however, it is very healthy. The benefits of pecans are due to the high content of trace elements and vitamins. To use this type of nuts for the benefit of health, you need to know the rate of their use, contraindications and possible adverse reactions with an overdose.

I had scant knowledge of what a pecan was. What are the benefits and harms - I did not even think about it. Quite by chance, a small article in the local newspaper caught my eye. So much has been written about the benefits of pecans! Interested. Pecan is little known in our country, since the industrial cultivation of this walnut tree is practically not common in our country. Mostly pecan grows in the south of our country, but it is quite frost-resistant, so it can be grown further north. Once I saw on the shelves small bags of pecan kernels brought from the USA were very expensive. Compared to walnuts, pecans have a softer, more buttery taste. I liked.

Photo of pecan fruit on a tree

What are the health benefits of pecans?

Nuts have been part of the human diet for many, many centuries. When the Almighty created our unique planet for Man, He insured this super-intelligent but weak creature for all occasions. He created man as a complex of all trace elements, substances found on Earth. There are plants that are inseparable from human existence, like a reserve train in times of crisis to support or save him. These are nuts, among which pecan is in the first place.

Calorie content, variety of nut fruits is exceptionally high! AI Vavilov very aptly called them "the bread of the future." Yes, indeed, the kernels of any nuts contain a lot of first-class fat, protein, carbohydrates, almost the entire group of vital vitamins, trace elements, and other substances. It turns out that nuts are bread with butter, cocoa, fruits at the same time.

But I would call this beautiful creation a great healer. Almonds improve the functioning of the stomach, reanimate the performance of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys. improves vision, which is important for everyone over 40. It also, like the enemy of atherosclerosis, improves the functioning of the brain, lungs (for asthma).

A pecan is a collection of these nuts. He deserves special attention.

Where does the pecan grow?

The long-fruited pecan (carya illinoensis N) comes from the Mississippi Valley (North America). They have long paid attention to it as a valuable culture, harmoniously including everything necessary for life support. human body, which does not require special costs for growing, storing fruits. Industrial cultivation of this crop is significant in the Southeastern United States, where pecan pie and pralines are traditional sweets.

In Russia, the pecan settled at the dawn of the 20th century, starting with Black Sea coast. It is from that period that the Sochi alley of pecans (Research Institute of Horticulture) traces its history. A little later, his seedlings appeared in the Adler park-arboretum "Southern Cultures".

The height of trees can reach up to 50 m with a crown width of up to 40 m. The trunk of a tree at the base reaches a diameter of up to 3 m. A hollow of such a tree in bad weather can cover the rider along with the horse. Young trees freely withstand frosts down to -30°C, so it is not surprising that the long-fruited walnut began to quickly move north.

There are many varieties of pecan at the Adler variety testing site. As the best varieties, Uspek, Indiana, Stuart, and others have become widespread. They already grow in groups on the northern slope of the Caucasus Range, in the Stavropol Territory, the Rostov Region, Ukraine, and Moldova. But it has no industrial significance on the territory of these regions. It is not on the shelves, except that there are bags brought from other countries.

Walnut leaves, photo

Unpaired compound pecan leaves up to 50 cm long. According to its characteristics, the pecan is close to the walnut, because this plant is also dioecious, monoecious, which is very important for its survival. Male staminate catkin flowers hang on two-year-old shoots. And pistillate females are formed in bunches on shoots current year. Usually flowering occurs at the end of spring and beginning of summer, which is not dangerous during spring frosts in the North Caucasus.

Photo of pecan fruits from Sochi

Pecans ripen in September-October, crumble like walnuts. It is the crumbled fruits that are considered ripe. The fruit is a drupe weighing 12-20 g. Due to the variety, the shape of the pecan nut varies from elongated-spherical to elongated oval, 3-6 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter. The pecan kernel is golden brown on the outside, beige inside. The shell is smooth, clean, free from convolutions, cracks, holes, mold. Unshelled nuts should be heavy for their size. The nucleus is similar in shape to the nuclei of walnut, but the convolutions are, as it were, smoother, there are no partitions, i.e. the pecan kernel is easily removed whole from the shell. If unpeeled pecans rattle when shaken, it may mean that the inside is dry and unfit for eating.

It depends on the type of pecan nut whether it is difficult to crack it or not. I came across nuts brought from Sochi. Not large, rather, even smallish. It was hard to break them apart. The shell was quite thick. And the core is small. You apply a lot of force - the core is soft-boiled. If you hit it lighter, the nut will remain intact. But judging by the reviews, there are varieties with a thin shell. Such pricks are not difficult.

The shell of a pecan nut has neither a slit nor a hole (like, for example, a walnut). This is both a plus - pests, different bugs cannot penetrate inside, and it is also a minus - it is difficult to split if the shell is thick.

Sometimes I met questions why a pecan is sold cracked. Haven't seen any replies yet. But I think I can answer it.

The reason is a dense but thin shell. Manufacturers make life easier for us, anticipating our difficulties, dissatisfaction when we have to wield a hammer, breaking the shell. I experienced it myself - it is difficult to calculate even the force of a blow with a hammer. You hit a little harder - it turns out "porridge" from a nut or it flies to the farthest corner. A little weaker - he lies whole, unharmed. And so, thanks to a crack in the shell - everything turns out fine.

I would like to warn: be sure to read the information about the date of packaging, the expiration date. A cracked pecan is not stored for a long time, it becomes rancid, tasteless, even dangerous to health.

Pecan kernels not only taste good, they are healthy, especially when we are talking on lowering cholesterol levels. Not only do they help lower cholesterol levels, but they also cleanse the arteries.

The results of a 2001 study conducted by Loma Linda University (USA) showed that eating just a handful of pecans daily can inhibit unwanted lipid oxidation in the blood, thereby helping to prevent coronary heart disease.

Health Benefits of Pecans

The health benefits of pecans are hard to describe. Pecan nuts contain more than 19 vitamins, minerals - A, E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc. One hundred grams of kernels provide 30% of the recommended daily fiber intake. Pecans are also a natural source of high quality protein that are very low in carbohydrates. Does not contain cholesterol, sodium. Among the nuts, pecans are the fattest - more than 70%. It satisfies hunger well, ideal as a snack for children or adults.

The merits of this nut are very high. The pecan kernel, in addition to the highest quality fat, contains up to 10% pure protein, up to 15% carbohydrates, the entire chain of vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids.

Pecan kernel oil - nut oil - is superior to olive oil in many ways. Ripe fruits, having a thin shell, do not lose their qualities when shedding, are transportable, can be stored for a long time, while not spoiling at all, not being afraid of pests. But the cleaned ones are not stored for a long time. Due to their high fat content, they become rancid and tasteless.

There is nothing better than eating these valuable pecans for the body during fasting instead of meat or animal fats. Within two or three weeks, you will feel lightness, body strength, eyes will become sharper, your heart will work more calmly, itching and insomnia will disappear. It is your body that is getting rid of vicious toxins accumulated by an illiterate, ruthless attitude towards yourself.

Harm can cause excessive consumption of pecan kernels. Firstly, it can ruin your figure, since pecans are very high in calories. And, secondly, there is a possibility of allergic reactions in susceptible people. In any case, you need to know the measure.

Cultivation and reproduction

Fruiting of pecan trees is annual. When propagated by seeds, the pecan tree begins to bear fruit from 9-14 years. The harvest of a young tree is from 1 to 5 kg. Average yield ten to fifteen year old tree - from 8 to 15 kg (US data). Back in the seventies of the last century, pecan production there reached 150 thousand tons per year. Life cycle tree - 300 years. Old trees yield up to 250 kg of nuts.

Pecan growing technology is completely similar to walnut. This wind-pollinated, light-loving plant grows on soils various types: typically forest, rich in humus, heavy, stony, clayey. But, like most plants, it does not tolerate waterlogging.

Pecan propagates vegetatively or by seeds (seed germination up to 100%). The incidence of plants has not been noticed, there are no pests, even fruits, in comparison with walnuts, are not damaged by them.

Now the pecan has become very widespread not only in the USA and Europe. This therapeutic dietary product should be consumed by everyone. With pecans in your diet, you will live long, not painfully, optimistically rejoicing in the whole world around you.

The nature of the Creator is generous, rich, there are infinitely many unique and beautiful things in it. One of these noble creatures is the pecan.

When I learned in more detail what a pecan is, that its benefits are enormous, and the harm is minimal, I wanted to grow it in my country house. And now I have one pecan seedling growing. He is still very small. He's three years old. Grows very slowly. It is too early to share the experience of growing, but I will definitely tell you about it.

Yes, one more small addition: where, at what price, from whom you can buy a pecan - read the comments.

The benefits and harms of pecans are the subject of controversy for many people. An exotic product is increasingly appearing on the shelves and raises questions. It has a lot of useful properties, but its composition is not yet fully understood.

Where does a pecan grow and what does it look like?

Pecans are native to North America. More than 85% of the crop is harvested there. However, the plant can be seen in the southeastern United States, Asia, the Caucasus and the Crimea. The walnut grows on a deciduous tree, the height of which reaches 40 meters. Many trees are over 300 years old. The crown is spreading, the leaves are elongated. The plant blooms in May, the nuts grow in the leaf axils.

Externally, the product looks like a walnut. This is not surprising, since they are close relatives. The surface is covered with a brown shell, and under it is an oblong-shaped fruit. Its color is red, the pecan taste is delicate, creamy.

The chemical composition and calorie content of pecans

Pecan is a nut with a high calorie content, a large amount of fats and proteins, and a lot of useful properties. The calorie content of pecans per 100 grams is 690 kcal.

The composition includes: vitamins E, A, C, K, group B. It contains the most important amino acids: glutamic acid, arginine, leucine, glycine, valine, proline.

Benefits of pecans

The benefits of pecans for the human body are undeniable. It has been proven to have a positive effect on health and a huge number of useful properties:

  1. An exotic delicacy is characterized by a high content of protein, which is a building material for the body. Thanks to him, tissues grow and regenerate.
  2. B vitamins are involved in the metabolic process.
  3. Vitamin C benefits a weakened immune system.
  4. Manganese is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Copper is involved in growth processes, helps the immune system.
  6. Magnesium lowers blood pressure normalizes blood sugar levels.
  7. reduces intraocular pressure, is used in the prevention of atherosclerosis, cleanses the body of ammonia.
  8. Leucine protects muscles from breakdown and injury.
  9. used in the treatment of epilepsy, depression, anxiety.
  10. Vitamin A improves eyesight.
  11. Pecan is recommended for diabetes as it does not raise blood sugar levels.

For women

Fats are essential for women's health. They support the beauty of the weaker sex. With a lack of fat, great harm is done to a woman: the skin deteriorates, hair falls out, nails weaken. Walnut has a sufficient amount of fat. Thanks to this property, the nut protects the fragile body of girls.

Some studies claim that pecans are used to prevent breast cancer. Everything is currently more women are facing this problem. According to the data, breast cancer ranks first among all tumors detected in women. Sad statistics report that every year tens of thousands of patients die from this disease. Even if a person coped with this diagnosis, the harm from taking medications is indelible. In order to protect yourself, you need to make it a habit to eat a handful of nuts every day.

For men

It's no secret that some foods improve men's health. Pecan belongs to this category. It increases testosterone, which is the main male hormone. Testosterone ensures the normal functioning of the reproductive system, is responsible for the structure of the figure, hair growth, voice timbre. These properties are very important for the male sex.

A snack with nuts will benefit every man. In addition, the exotic delicacy is rich in arginine. This amino acid increases blood flow to the penis. The result is an increase in potency.

For the elderly

The health of older people should be kept under control. Pecan contains antioxidants that prevent the risk of disease of cardio-vascular system. Vitamin A in the composition improves visual acuity. Pecan effectively fights joint diseases, which are a common ailment in old age.

Is pecan good for pregnancy and breastfeeding

A woman expecting a baby tries to carefully monitor her health. Each dish is carefully studied before use, its benefits and harms are clarified.

Pregnant women should appreciate the health benefits of pecans. Folic acid in the composition helps the baby to develop and grow properly. Vitamin C makes the body stronger and more resistant to colds. Vitamin E has a positive effect on the condition of the skin; during the period of bearing a child, this is especially important, since expectant mothers often experience stretch marks.

However, do not get carried away with a delicious delicacy. During pregnancy, it is better to eat no more than 10 nuts per week. Otherwise, they will seriously harm the body: they will cause allergies, indigestion.

When lactating, pecans should be eaten with extreme caution. Although it has huge benefits, excessive consumption causes allergies.

At what age can pecans be given to a child

Experts believe that it is possible to give nuts to a child from the age of 3. In more early age there is a serious health risk. For example, a child may develop an allergy.

As for the pecan, it is included in the diet from the age of 4, although some doctors insist that this can only be done from the age of 6. Walnut accelerates the growth of the child, improves memory and strengthens the immune system.

Important! Each parent makes their own choice. However, before use, it is better to consult a specialist.

Pecan for weight loss

When losing weight, the diet must be supplemented useful products. One thing that really benefits is avoiding "empty" calories. This nut is one of the most favorite treats for losing weight. It satisfies hunger well, can be used as a snack. Due to the high calorie content, it makes a person more energetic, gives strength.

Often, during the period of weight loss, people become more irritable, this condition not only harms the body, but also seriously spoils relationships with others. In order to calm down and recover, it is enough to eat a handful of pecans. Glycine in the composition fights against aggressiveness, stress, fatigue.

Pecan in folk medicine

The benefits of a delicious treat have long been noticed by experts in the field. traditional medicine. It is used as a cure for atherosclerosis, muscle spasms, cramps, arthritis, inflammatory diseases, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, gallbladder and heart disease.

To prevent problems gastrointestinal tract pecan milk is used. For cooking, you need to take 100 grams of nuts, 250 milliliters of water, mix the ingredients and achieve a uniform consistency with a blender. Ready milk must be drunk during the day, they can replace cow's milk when preparing various dishes and desserts. This option does not cause gas formation and swelling.

During the cold season, the body suffers great harm. People prepare a healing medicine: they mix the pulp of one lemon, 100 grams of honey and a handful of ground nuts. The finished medicine must be transferred to an airtight container and consumed in the morning. The tool fights infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system and improves mood.

Benefits of pecan oil

The oil is extracted by cold pressing. For Russians, a useful elixir is exotic, its cost is much higher compared to other oils.

A useful elixir of pecans is used internally for headaches, in the treatment of colds, to strengthen the cardiovascular system. The oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral properties.

Used for external use. For example, in the treatment of hematomas, sunburn, bites of various insects.

Important! The oil is also used in cosmetology.

The use of pecan nuts and its oil in cosmetology

Due to its beneficial properties, pecans are widely used in cosmetology. After all, he cares not only about health, but also about external beauty:

  • pecan scrub: ground nuts (20 grams) are mixed with fat sour cream (15 milliliters) and applied to the face, washed off with cool water;
  • gentle cleansing mask: pink clay (15 grams) is diluted with water, mixed with ground nuts (15 grams), the composition is applied to the face for 30 minutes;
  • mask "deep hydration" for all hair types: coconut oil (15 ml) is added to pecan oil (30 milliliters) and applied to the hair, wrapped with a film, the composition is left for 2-3 hours, washed off with shampoo.

It is enough to try one of these remedies once to be convinced of its benefits forever. Pecan will not disappoint the fairer sex and will not harm the natural beauty.

Pecan in cooking

This exotic product has conquered many gourmets. It is used in the preparation of salads, soups, main courses and desserts.

An unusual taste can be obtained by adding a nut to a vegetable salad or preparing a sauce that will perfectly complement salads with meat and fish. It is enough to take a small handful of nuts, crush it with 1 teaspoon of dried Provence herbs and add plain yogurt.

Nuts are often used in baking. For example, famous Danish buns with and pecans are baked. To prepare them, you need puff pastry, nuts are used as a filling, syrup is poured on top. In addition to buns, the nut is added to cakes, cakes, cheesecakes, pies, etc. You can even make homemade chocolate with it!

How many pecans can you eat per day

In order to benefit the body, healthy person you should eat no more than 35 grams of delicious treats. That's about 18 pecans. Do not get carried away and eat too much, excessive consumption is harmful.

How to peel a pecan

First you need to sort: throw out bad fruits and leave only fresh, edible ones. Bad fruits can be harmful. Next, you need to take the tongs for chopping nuts and crack the nut. If there is no such device at home, you can use pliers. In extreme cases, a hammer will do.

Which is healthier: pecan or walnut

People often argue about the health benefits of pecans and walnuts. It cannot be said that one product is better than another. Both nuts have important properties, the choice depends on taste preferences and specific goals.

Attention! Walnuts are lower in calories and contain less sugar.

Pecan harm and contraindications

The list of contraindications is small. Pecans should not be eaten by people with:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergies;
  • obese (high calorie).

In other cases, the body will only benefit. This nut is unique, and its beneficial properties will surprise anyone.

How to choose and store a pecan

There are several factors to consider when choosing. The shell should be smooth, uniform in color, without damage. After an external study, you should shake the nut near the ear, if something rattles inside, the fruit is stale. It can do harm. Peeled nuts should have a red color, they should not be broken.

It is better to store the fruits in the shell, in a dark place. For example, in the refrigerator, putting in an airtight glass jar. Under these conditions, pecans will keep for up to 6 months.

Important! If the room is hot enough, the nut may take on a bitter taste.

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