How to cook julienne with chicken and roast. Julienne with mushrooms and chicken is a delicious and satisfying snack for the whole family: how to cook julienne at home, simple recipes with step by step photos.

Recipes 28.09.2018

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Today we will cook a fairly simple, yet tasty, fragrant and very satisfying hot appetizer. Julienne with chicken and mushrooms is a very suitable prelude for a festive lunch or dinner. Serve this hot appetizer to your guests in portioned cocottes, decorating them with cute paper napkin lanterns. Believe me, everyone will be delighted - both from the type of snack and the taste of the dish, of course!

Talking about julienne, I will not delve into the name (in particular, describe the method of cutting vegetables of the same name), but simply dwell on the products for this dish. Which part of the chicken carcass to choose, for example. I advise you to use chicken legs - in my opinion they are best suited for julienne: the meat is very juicy and tender. Breast? You can do it, but it will most likely be dry.

I personally prefer forest mushrooms, but in the absence of such, you can safely take fresh or frozen champignons. Wash them, cut them into not very large cubes, and then fry them well in oil. About cheese: choose any hard or semi-hard cheese that you like best. It should melt well and stretch when hot.

Regarding the sauce, I want to note that, as a rule, julienne is prepared with heavy cream, but I suggest the variant with sour cream. Believe me, it will turn out a little differently, but in any case it is very tasty. If you want, replace sour cream with cream and cook according to the recipe.

What to bake julienne in? Most often, for this purpose, special portioned dishes are used, which are called cocottes. This is such a small saucepan with a long handle. It is not at all necessary to run to the store and look for this same kokotnik if you really want to cook julienne at home. Bake it in any other molds - not only iron ones, but also ceramic or glass ones will do. Alternatively, in one common baking dish.

And a little more lyrics: ready-made julienne is served at the beginning of lunch or dinner as a hot appetizer. Kokotnitsa is placed on a small plate (pie or diner) with a napkin. A napkin with a flashlight is wound onto the handle, which turns to the left (you cut the napkin from one edge with scissors) so as not to get burned. They eat julienne with a coffee spoon, a knife is not needed.

In total, from the indicated amount of ingredients used, 7 servings of julienne are obtained (if you expect to serve them in metal cocotte makers with a capacity of 100 milliliters). Tanechka, thank you for the order and inspiration!


(550 grams) (300 grams) (300 grams) (200 grams) (150 grams) (100 milliliters) (50 grams) (1 tablespoon ) (1.5 teaspoons) (3 pieces ) (1 pinch) (1 piece )

Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare this simple, but very tasty and satisfying hot snack, let's take chicken meat, mushrooms, cheese, onion, sour cream, vegetable and butter, wheat flour, salt, ground black pepper. In addition, I strongly advise you to add a whole onion, salt, bay leaf and allspice to the broth when cooking chicken.

First, let's put the chicken on the boil. Pour cold water into a saucepan, put chicken in it, one peeled whole onion (I did not indicate it in the ingredients), lavrushka, allspice peas and about a teaspoon of salt. Place over medium heat and bring everything to a boil. We remove the foam, reduce the fire to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid (not completely) and cook the chicken for about an hour. In general, when cooking chicken, it is important to understand why we are doing it. I mean, for the first courses, in particular for the broth, the meat is put in cold water - so the aroma and taste of the same chicken will remain in the broth to a greater extent. But if you need just boiled meat, so that it turns out fragrant and juicy, it is immersed in boiling water. IN this case I deliberately set the chicken to boil in cold water, as I planned to cook soup in the broth in the future.

While the meat is cooking, let's take care of the mushrooms. For julienne, you can use absolutely any mushrooms of your choice, but it will be tastier and more aromatic, of course, with forest mushrooms. I suggest using boiled ones - squeeze them well from excess liquid, otherwise you will have to evaporate for a long time. If you have fresh ones (about 400 grams), boil them in slightly salted water for about 30 minutes after boiling, strain, let cool, then squeeze. I had stocks of boiled chanterelles here (and a few butters) - the julienne with them is simply magnificent. Pour 50 milliliters of refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil into the pan, heat it up and put the mushrooms.

Salt to taste and fry the mushrooms over medium heat, stirring, until golden brown. At the end, add 20 grams of butter, let it melt completely and heat the mushrooms for another minute. It's fragrant...

While the mushrooms were fried, we managed to peel the onions. In general, it is believed that the onion in julienne should be in proportion to the meat. This is how it turns out for me: 300 grams of peeled onions and two chicken legs with a total weight of 550 grams (after cooking without bones and skin, it will be about the same in weight).

You can not wash the pan - just wipe it with paper towels. Pour the remaining 50 milliliters of vegetable oil, heat it up and put the onion, which we cut into quarters of rings.

And let's cook champignon julienne with chicken today: classic recipe, traditional serving, cream cheese sauce - everything is as it should be? Yes, yes, it is the classic julienne, without any additives, changes and reservations. In principle, I am a supporter of the fact that recipes can and sometimes even need to be changed to your liking, but, perhaps, in this case I will insist on leaving everything as it is.

The fact is that the classic julienne recipe is very successful, you are unlikely to want to add something to it. Chicken and mushrooms are a great combination, these two ingredients complement each other well, and in the company of julienne sauce of cream and grated cheese, their taste is revealed quite brightly.

I often use the classic julienne recipe if I want to treat guests to a hearty and spectacular appetizer: the dish is not difficult to prepare, but it looks very appetizing. Well, and the taste ... We are talking about julienne (the classic recipe, of course, unchanged) - how can it be tasteless?

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 300 g fresh champignons;
  • 150 ml cream 20-30%,
  • 150 g chicken fillet,
  • 100 g hard cheese,
  • 1 onion, medium-sized;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of flour with a large slide;
  • ground black pepper, salt.

How to cook classic julienne with chicken and mushrooms:

Boil the chicken fillet and cool it, removing it from the broth in which it was cooked, and covering it with a lid (so as not to weather). We cut chicken fillet small cubes.

We thoroughly wash fresh champignons, removing dirt and cutting off spoiled places. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.

Peel the onion, rinse with cold water. Cut the onion as small as possible.

In a frying pan, heat half the butter and fry the mushrooms on it until tender, about 8 minutes (first, the mushrooms will be stewed in the released juice, and then they will be fried). Salt and pepper the mushrooms to taste, remove from the pan.

In the same pan, put the remaining butter and spread the onion. Sauté the onion until translucent, without browning.

Sprinkle evenly with flour, mix and fry over low heat until the flour is golden brown.

Pour a little cream in a thin stream, stirring so that lumps do not form. Then pour the remaining cream, mix thoroughly and put the pan on the fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil and simmer the sauce for 1 minute.

Add the chicken fillet to the mushrooms, about half of the total amount of cheese, grated on a medium grater, and the sauce. Mix gently and thoroughly.

We spread the mushroom mass in cocotte makers or portioned baking dishes.

Sprinkle our classic julienne on top with the remaining grated cheese.

We put cocotte makers (or molds) with julienne in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C and bake until the cheese is completely melted, about 7-10 minutes.

Before serving, you can decorate the classic julienne with greens. Serve julienne hot.

I hope you liked my julienne: a classic recipe with chicken and mushrooms. Cook it, you will see for yourself how tasty and satisfying it is! And you can leave your feedback about this dish in the comments or in our VKontakte group.


If earlier few people even heard of such a second dish as julienne with chicken and mushrooms, today even inexperienced housewives dream of preparing this delicious food correctly.

Initially, in the cuisine of France, julienne was called a light green salad of vegetables, cut thinly and very carefully. Julienne with chicken and mushrooms appeared a little later, and in front of him, eminent French chefs were preparing vegetable soups, to which vegetables were added, it was called “julienne”. In our modern kitchen julienne with chicken and mushrooms is often cooked in a pan or baked with cream (most often bechamel sauce is used for julienne). Many people like this dish, cooked under a bright cheese crust, they also bake julienne with any meat or even seafood. Today, even a julienne recipe with chicken and champignons or any other mushrooms is used in almost every restaurant or regular culinary menu. Most often, our housewives cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a slow cooker using sour cream sauce or creamy. It is this nutritious dish that is considered traditional for both the festive and daily family table.

To make julienne with chicken and mushrooms fragrant, refined, unusual and tasty, it is better to pay more attention not only to the preparation of this outwardly beautiful dish, but to the careful preparation of the products. Remove the skin from the chicken meat, wash the chicken itself and boil it. Then cut into strips or small cubes. For this dish, which has its roots in France, you can use chicken fillet, breast, drumsticks, as well as other parts of the chicken. From the fact that each part of the chicken will be in the dish, it will not lose anything from this, but quite the opposite, julienne with chicken and mushrooms will become even richer, even denser and juicier.

Mushrooms for julienne are better to take either champignons or fresh porcini. You can also use chanterelles, then it will turn out very tasty julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a slow cooker. It is better to wash the mushrooms in several waters, cut finely on the board with a knife and fry in oil. To get a fragrant dish, it is very important to fry the mushrooms well so that they are necessarily soft, not otherwise, and in no case stand out from the general background, but only complement the julienne, giving off their aroma, always so unique and special.

The basis of julienne is sour cream or creamy fatty sauce. Sometimes the sauce is made from mayonnaise, but then the julienne is incomparably tasty if you add meat components to it - chicken, shrimp, ham and fish.

So, if you are wondering how to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms, then welcome to our culinary site! There are a lot of recipes for cooking julienne with chicken and mushrooms now, the taste of this dish will also change. After all, in many respects it all depends on what ingredients will be added to it.

Cooking in cocotte makers and julienne pots with chicken and mushrooms. Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a pan

Very often, when we talk about julienne with chicken, we mean the second dish, the composition of which must necessarily include fresh mushrooms (the French usually use universal champignons for julienne (these mushrooms are not only the most delicious, they can be used in any dish), however, we know that white mushrooms are not inferior to them). The mandatory addition of mushrooms to julienne is not an immutable rule, but with it you will feel truly French cuisine.

Here is a chicken and mushroom julienne recipe with a photo, which is a traditional French dish national cuisine. Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a pan is one of the most delicious and simple recipes.


  • champignons - 700 grams,
  • cream - 20% fat,
  • chicken fillet and hard cheese - 200 grams each,
  • butter - four tablespoons with a top,
  • ground white pepper,
  • onion - one piece,
  • wheat flour - two tablespoons,
  • salt, herbs.

Cut the prepared mushrooms and chicken into slices as thin as possible. Put both of these ingredients in a frying pan, in which you pre-soften the butter, two tablespoons. Fry mushrooms with chicken in oil, add white pepper and salt to taste.

In a separate small skillet, fry the onion in the remaining butter (cut the onion into small cubes). Onions must be stewed on low heat, otherwise they will overcook, and the julienne will be bitter. When the onion softens and does not brown too much, sprinkle it with flour and fry until golden brown. Pour the cream into the flour with cibula gradually, while not forgetting to stir the sauce, gradually bringing to a boil. Rub the resulting sauce through a fine strainer.

Take a grater to rub hard cheese on it. Put the fried champignons with chicken into small cocotte bowls, pour over the creamy sauce, and sprinkle well with cheese on top. Put julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a well-heated oven (cocotte makers must be metal and withstand high temperature). If the cocotte makers are ceramic, then you can put them in a cold oven. Bake the future julienne until the cheese is all melted. Sprinkle julienne with herbs and serve.

Instead of champignons for julienne, it is good to use mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms.

Cooking julienne with mushrooms in cocotte makers

The recipe for julienne with chicken and champignons is always great, so this dish is number one on banquet menus. If you also want to show your skills to your future guests who were invited to the celebration, then, following our rules for preparing julienne, you can easily show yourself with better side, and as a master of delicious cooking, and as a real designer in the design of such an exquisite and sought-after dish as julienne with chicken and mushrooms. While you prepare the hot julienne for your family holiday, check out the rest of our julienne recipes below.


  • chicken breast fillet - 400 grams,
  • fat sour cream - 250 grams,
  • grated hard cheese
  • canned olives - one hundred grams,
  • onion - fifty grams,
  • flour - 1 tablespoon,
  • 3 tablespoons butter,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt.

How to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms in Greek.

Boil chicken meat in advance until tender (you can add onion, bay leaf, black peppercorns, and other seasonings to add flavor). Dry the chicken fillet on a napkin, and cut into thin strips. In order for you to have a delicious and unique julienne, it is better to brown the chicken meat a little - almost in butter, but in olive oil. Separately, in butter, fry the onion, very finely, chopped into cubes. After that, add mushrooms crumbled with ringlets to the onion, mix with chicken meat.

Fry the flour in a separate frying pan, then add the butter there, mix it and pour in the sour cream. Bring the dish to a boil, add salt and pepper, boil over moderate heat for no more than three minutes. Put the chicken with olives in cocotte bowls little by little and pour over the sour cream sauce. And, as usual, sprinkle well grated cheese on top. We bake julienne in cocottes on melted cheese until a bright golden blush appears.

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a slow cooker

This is a julienne recipe for those who cannot make a beautiful and tasty julienne. Do you have any idea why? Maybe you are simply exhausted by the process of preparing this dish, when you need to fry everything separately, cook the sauce in a separate bowl, cook it ... It is much easier to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a slow cooker - this is the solution for busy women.


  • pickled mushrooms (white, but champignons are better)
  • chicken meat, fillet
  • onion, garlic
  • hard cheese
  • Wheat flour
  • any greens, salt, pepper


In the slow cooker, turn on the soup / steamer mode in advance. Prepare the chicken fillet, finely chop. Also cut the onion into cubes, and the mushrooms can be cut arbitrarily. Initially, pass the flour in the bowl of the multicooker, then put it aside. Fry the onion in sunflower oil, then add the chicken and marinated mushrooms and fry. Add heavy cream, then passivated flour, mix everything intensively with a wooden spatula so that the dish does not turn out with lumps. Add a little garlic, black pepper and salt, mix again. Cover the dish with grated cheese and cover the multicooker for ten minutes.

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a bun

If you really liked the julienne dish with chicken and mushrooms, then you can try to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a bun using the same recipe or the one presented by us, it will be much tastier and more satisfying. If you want to surprise your household or guests, pay attention to this chic option for serving your favorite julienne. You can bake julienne either in a bun or in bread, removing the crumb beforehand. When the bun in the oven is fried a little, it is she who will give the dish an incredible aroma and unusual taste.


  • 200 grams chicken breast, chilled
  • 250 grams marinated champignons
  • 1 onion
  • 150 grams semi-hard cheese
  • 1 teaspoon wheat flour
  • 3 art. l. cream or sour cream
  • 6 buns
  • greens to taste

How to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms.

Carefully cut off the top of the buns and remove the crumb from them, leaving only the walls, but so that they are not too thin. Place the buns on the baking sheet immediately.

Cut the chicken breast on the board into cubes, and the onion into rings (you can chop it on a grater). Drain the marinade from the pickled champignons, squeeze the mushrooms slightly and cut into slices. Fry the onion in a pan first, and then the mushrooms a little. After that, add chicken meat to the mushrooms, but it should be fried in advance separately, in a pan. Fry all ingredients together for two minutes. Set the fire to a minimum so that the dish is stewed, add your favorite spices, be sure to black pepper and salt. If the julienne is cooked in winter period, and fresh herbs were not found, then dried herbs will do. After greens, add sour cream and cream. Simmer the julienne for three minutes over low heat until the sauce thickens. Remove the julienne from the stove.

Let the julienne cool down a bit. Turn on the oven, heat it up. Meanwhile, spread the julienne into buns. Top the julienne with plenty of grated cheese and sprinkle with herbs. Send julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a bun until hard cheese begins to melt (it should become a crust).

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in the oven

Juicy, melting in your mouth, tender and delicious chicken fillet, fragrant champignons fried in butter and wrapped in a delicate creamy sauce, and topped with a cap of melted amber cheese. This dish - julienne with chicken and mushrooms in the oven just wants to be cooked urgently. Julienne is delicious with cream, however, if they are not available, then you can replace them with fat sour cream in the same proportions. It will be very tasty for sure.


  • chicken breast or leg - 1 piece
  • onion - two pieces
  • fresh champignons -350 grams
  • flour - two tablespoons
  • hard cheese - one hundred grams
  • cream - 200 ml.
  • butter for frying
  • pepper, salt

How to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms.

Onion, as usual, very finely chop, pass it to a transparent color in oil. Wash mushrooms and cut into cubes. Then add them to the onion and fry until the juice has completely evaporated. Pepper, salt as needed. You can put a few bay leaves in the pan during frying, but not for long, they should be removed after a few minutes.

Wash and boil the chicken beforehand. After separating completely from the bone and cold, finely chop. Put the meat to the fried mass in the pan. Pour everything with 20% fat cream. You can use a little cream for the flour to dilute it. Fry the flour for three minutes in a pan. Then dilute it in cream. Gradually pour the cream diluted with flour into a homogeneous mass to the meat, mushrooms and onions. Do not forget to mix all the products. You will see the mixture begin to thicken little by little.

Fill prepared pots or cocotte makers with julienne. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top of each dish. And immediately send this beauty to the oven to bake until you get a bright cheesy, outwardly beautiful crust. Julienne with chicken and mushrooms is cooked for half an hour. It looks like a very beautiful dish that you strive to eat all the julienne right away.

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in tartlets

Just nine years ago, some culinary experts had not even heard of such a word as “tartlet”, and they also had to explain what julienne is and “what it is eaten with”. And not only for them, but also for people who are ignorant of cooking, these beautiful baskets caused considerable bewilderment. But some time passed, and tartlets in our everyday life firmly settled down, as not only adults, but also kids liked it. That is why the julienne with chicken and mushrooms in tartlets prepared by you will please all the guests gathered for the celebration with its unusual, original look, as well as the most pleasant taste that cannot be forgotten.


  • half a kilo of chicken
  • three hundred grams of mushrooms
  • two hundred grams of hard cheese and onions
  • 350 grams of heavy cream (25%) or heavy sour cream
  • two tablespoons of high-grade wheat flour
  • vegetable oil (butter, olive, whatever)
  • pepper, salt

How to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms in tartlets.

Cook the chicken fillet until completely softened, remove it on a napkin, cool and chop very finely. Also, finely chop the washed onion and fry in oil, immediately add the mushrooms to it. You will see that the mushrooms should be fried until all the liquid has evaporated from them. Lightly fry the wheat flour in a dry frying pan, pour the cream over the flour, bring the mixture to a boil, pepper and salt. Mix everything together. Divide the mass among prepared tartlets and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place the tarts on a baking sheet in the oven until browned.

Julienne recipe with chicken and champignons

The real recipe for julienne with chicken and champignons came to us from France itself, or rather, it is a traditional dish there. Products for julienne (mushrooms, chicken meat, vegetables and even pork meat) are chopped quite finely. Maybe that's why this dish is always very tender. We invite you to cook today our julienne with chicken and mushrooms. Believe you are further to this delicious dish you will not be indifferent!


  • 450 grams of chicken fillet
  • 250 grams fresh tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 150 grams of hard cheese
  • 300 grams of cream (25% fat)
  • wheat flour - two tablespoons are enough
  • mushrooms - 200 grams
  • pepper, to taste, salt
  • vegetable oil

Recipe for julienne with chicken and mushrooms.

Rinse the mushrooms well, peel them and chop, as always, very finely. Peel the onion, washed and cut into small cubes. Boil the mushrooms until cooked in lightly salted water, cool them and cut them very finely. Fry the onion in a pan with vegetable oil until transparent (do not pour a lot of oil). It is impossible for the onion to be overcooked, otherwise the dish will be bitter.

Add the mushrooms to the onion and fry like this, remembering to stir them periodically until all the liquid has completely evaporated (ten minutes will be enough). Add finely chopped chicken fillet to the onion and mushrooms, mix again and fry further all together. At the end of frying, pepper the dish, add salt to your taste.

As in previous recipes, also fry wheat flour in a dry frying pan, pour in the cream. Mix mushrooms, cream and chicken, fry for a couple more minutes in a pan. Arrange chicken and mushroom julienne in tartlets or beautiful pots. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the julienne as usual and put it in the preheated oven until it turns red.

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in pancakes

Lent is preceded by Maslenitsa week, when you can no longer eat meat, but you can still eat dairy products. Shrovetide is honored in many nations, and during this period, pancakes are baked at every housewife. You can diversify the menu a little if the family has a holiday or a birthday by preparing delicious julienne with chicken and mushrooms in pancake bags. Please your kids, cook them not just pancakes, but a very tasty, unusual dish - julienne with chicken and mushrooms in pancakes!


  • ready pancakes
  • two pieces of chicken
  • 250 grams of mushrooms
  • 3 bows
  • 150 grams of homemade sour cream (it will be fatter)
  • two tablespoons of flour
  • two tablespoons of butter
  • 0.5 cups of butter and fresh milk
  • dill, parsley
  • pepper, salt

Recipe for julienne with chicken and mushrooms in pancake bags.

Fry the onion in oil as usual. Boil the fillet, cut. Separately, boil mushrooms in a bowl (if there are already salted homemade mushrooms, then they should be cooked much more than fresh ones).

Add chicken fillet and mushrooms to the fried onions, stirring, salt, and add black pepper. Sour cream dressing is mixed in a separate bowl. To do this, add wheat flour, diluted a little with chicken broth and milk, to meat and mushrooms. Pour sour cream there, simmer for a couple of minutes. Sprinkle the dish with herbs. Immediately remove from heat so that the sauce hardens a little.

We make bags of ready-made pancakes. So, put two tablespoons of julienne in the middle of each pancake, sprinkle grated cheese on top of it and lift the edges of the pancake up so as to form a bag, and then tie it with one strip of green onions, or a sprig of parsley, dill.

Place the finished pancake bags with julienne in a well-heated oven, brushing each bag with oil. Such a delicious miracle is baked in a very hot oven for no more than fifteen minutes. It turns out so delicious!

Bon appetit!

For the first time, the word "julien" was introduced into use by chef Francois Massialo. The name is translated as "July". There are only three stages in the preparation of julienne with chicken and mushrooms: filling, bechamel sauce, assembly of the dish. And it's the sauce that gives it the flavor. Yes, and the food is prepared quickly.

Cooking time: 50-60 minutes

Servings: 6

Time in the oven: 15-20 minutes at 180°C

How many servings, how long

It takes less than an hour to prepare six servings at home. Yes, and there is no need to look for cocotte makers either: you can cook in one form, for the whole company.


You need to take:

How to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms

If there are no cocottes, you can replace them with tartlets. Looks very interesting in them. Yes, and in pots, cooking julienne is not bad. And it stays warm longer.

Step 1

Start cooking with the filling. Components are prepared immediately. Chicken fillet is cut into thin flat slices, salted. Cut smaller mushrooms. The onion is cut very thin and finely. All it takes is 10 minutes maximum.

The pan is heated over high heat, vegetable oil is poured in and the chicken is fried until golden brown, a couple of minutes on each side. Set the meat aside to cool. After that, it is finely chopped.

Fry onions until golden, set aside. The pan is heated again, pour in the oil and fry the mushrooms at the maximum. It will take about a quarter of an hour.

Mushrooms and onions are combined in one bowl. Cooled chicken is added to them.

So that the mushrooms do not let the juice in, put them in a hot pan and in small portions, in one layer. The temperature must be maximum. Then there will be no wateriness, but there will be a ruddy crust.

Step 2

Now it's time to prepare the bechamel sauce. A frying pan, dry and clean, is heated without oil. Flour is spread on it and fried, stirring constantly, until the color of baked milk.

After adding butter, immediately mix vigorously until a homogeneous mass without lumps. Constantly stirring, pour in the cream, add salt, nutmeg. Set to medium heat, cook until thickened.

The fire is turned off, but the sauce is not removed from the stove. The filling is added to it, mixed well and left for a few minutes. Try to see if you need to add pepper and salt. The oven is set to 180 degrees, warming it up. Tinder coarse cheese. The filling is laid out in molds or sent to one common.

Step 3

Sprinkling cheese on top of the dish, put in the oven for a quarter to a third of an hour. Serve immediately after being ready. Molds are wrapped with napkins, the dish is decorated with parsley.

It is desirable to serve on the table on coasters. Serve toasted garlic toast and add a glass of dry white wine.

It makes no sense to prepare a dish during the visit of guests. It is better to lay out the filling with cheese in the forms, and send it to the oven before serving, not earlier.

To save time, mushrooms, onions and meat are fried at the same time in different pans. Together on one, this should not be done: the mass will turn out to be watery.

The dish is perfect for dinner. It will improve your mood and leave no heaviness behind. Yes, and extra pounds after a small portion will not allow to be deposited. The only "but": it is impossible to cook julienne for the future. They eat it right away.

exquisite julienne

The recipe for the classic version of the dish has its own small nuances. The basis is one, but you can diversify it a little to get more tenderness of taste or richness.


For a festive homemade meal take:

How to cook

Step 1

Start cooking by boiling the fillet until tender. The process will take a third of an hour, as soon as the liquid boils. The meat is cooled and finely chopped. Finely chop the onion. Peel the mushrooms and cut them finely.

Onions are fried in vegetable oil. Until the liquid is completely boiled away, they are fried, adding mushrooms to the onions. It takes about a quarter of an hour. Add the fillet to the onion with mushrooms, salt, pepper, mix and remove from heat.

Step 2

The flour is fried in a dry frying pan. Add sour cream, pepper, salt, bring the mass to a boil. After adding the fillet with mushrooms, mix, remove from heat.

Coarsely rub the cheese. The mass of the filling is laid out in cocottes and sprinkled with cheese on top, without covering with a lid. Cheese for the dish can not be spared!

Step 3

Putting the dish in the oven, bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour until golden brown.

Exquisite and delicious of hot appetizers, julienne, is prepared with mussels, shrimp, mushrooms and any meat, baked in the most delicate sauce under a cheese crust.

In julienne, in addition to white mushrooms or champignons, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms, and other mushrooms are also added.

Julien in Greek

And the dishes have enough varieties for festive celebrations. True, they are prepared less often than traditional ones.


For julienne in Greek you will need:

Step by step cooking

Step 1

Chicken fillet is boiled until tender, adding peppercorns for flavor, bay leaf and other seasonings as desired. The meat is dried, cut into strips and slightly browned.

August 4, Alexandra Bondareva

Julienne is a French dish very popular in our country. It is considered a hot appetizer, that is, it precedes the main course. It can be made from different ingredients, but the main parts - the base, complemented by mushrooms, cheese and sour cream sauce - are unchanged.

In French cuisine, this dish is known as "kokot" ("cockerel"). This name appeared due to the special dishes in which julienne can be cooked. Small cocottes - metal cups with long handles- served hot. In order not to get burned, paper "lanterns" resembling a cock's wing are put on the handles.

The taste of the dish is greatly influenced by the variety of cheese and mushrooms, as well as the composition of the sour cream sauce.

Try to cook a delicious julienne of champignons and chicken.

classic julienne

To prepare 4-6 servings you will need:

  • semi-hard cheese - 200 g.
  • chicken fillet - 500 g.
  • mushrooms - 500 g.
  • butter - 50 g.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • seasonings: salt and black pepper.

cheese varieties are suitable: Danbo, Russian, Kostroma, ValioFinlandia.

Sour cream sauce ("Bechamel")

You will need:

  • sour cream - 150 g
  • flour - 2 table. spoons
  • butter - 50 g
  • milk - ½ cup (or chicken broth)
  • seasonings: salt, black pepper

choose heavy cream.

Step by step recipe

  1. To prepare the chicken base, boil the chicken fillet, cut into small slices. To do this, fill the fillet with a small amount of boiling water and bring to a boil over high heat. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon, salt and remove from heat. The chicken broth must be cold. Then take out the meat, chop, and strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  2. Get some mushrooms and onions. First cut the mushrooms into thin strips. Chop the onion and fry in a hot frying pan in butter until translucent. Put the mushrooms on top, mix everything, hold on high heat for another 5 minutes, then salt and pepper.
  3. It's time to make the sour cream sauce. Preheat the saucepan, fry the flour in it without oil, then put the butter and cook for 1 minute. Add sour cream and stir to get a homogeneous mass. Now pour in milk or broth, mix thoroughly. The sauce should be very thick. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Separately, mix the prepared onion with mushrooms and chicken. Divide the mixture among the cocotte bowls. Top with sauce, generously sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven. In order for chicken julienne with mushrooms to succeed, the temperature oven should be low, 180-190 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, when the julienne is covered with a golden crust, you need to get the cocotte makers and immediately serve the finished julienne on the table.


Always season your dishes with freshly ground pepper! To do this, purchase a special grinder.

Use only high-quality, mature cheese! Saving will affect the taste of the dish - the julienne will be mediocre.

What kind of cheese do you prefer for cooking?


To effectively serve fragrant chicken julienne with mushrooms, first decorate each serving with chopped parsley. After that, they put the cocotte maker on a small plate, put a coffee spoon next to it. The handle of the cocotte maker is wrapped with a paper papillot and turned to the left.

Traditional chicken julienne baked with mushrooms is ready!


To get a new taste, try cooking regular julienne with other products. Can be replaced:

  • a variety of mushrooms (champignons can be replaced with any fresh mushrooms, such as mushrooms or even truffles. Or completely abandon them).
  • broth for sauce - on cream.
  • type of cheese (choose a hard cheese with a pungent smell or, conversely, a delicate one with a creamy taste).
  • base with chicken on shrimp or other seafood.

You can also try removing the onion altogether.


If you do not have cocotte makers, it is enough to spread the mixture with chicken and mushrooms into any refractory small bowls or cups. Option: make square foil plates.

Chicken julienne baked on a dough or bread base will look spectacular.

Julienne in a bread loaf

To prepare 6-8 servings you will need:

  • semi-hard cheese - 150 g.
  • chicken fillet - 700-900 g.
  • loaf of bread (white or rye) - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 50 g.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • seasonings: salt, black pepper, herbs (parsley).
  • choose varieties of cheese: Russian, Poshekhonsky, Kostroma.
  • meat option: pork or beef if you don't want to cook with chicken.

Sour cream sauce ("Bechamel")

You will need:

  • flour - 2 table. spoons.
  • butter - 50 g.
  • milk - 0.5 liters (or chicken broth).
  • seasonings: salt, black pepper.

Step by step recipe

  1. If the julienne is with chicken, then you need to cook it as in the previous recipe (classic julienne with chicken and mushrooms). If the base is from pork (beef), then the meat should be cut into small thin layers, then beat them off and cut.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings, heat the pan and fry the onion in it until soft. Take it out, put it on a plate. Fry the meat in a pan for 10-15 minutes. Combine it with an onion.
  3. Prepare Bechamel sauce as in the previous recipe, thanks to milk it will be liquid. Pour the meat into the pan, add salt and pepper and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  4. Cut the loaf: first cut off the top, carefully cut out all the bread pulp with a knife. Coat the walls of the loaf with butter, lay out the meat and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cover the loaf with the top and bake in the oven with medium heat for half an hour (if the base is with chicken, the time should be reduced).
  5. Before serving, lift the lid and sprinkle the julienne with chicken and mushrooms with chopped herbs.


Chicken julienne with hot mushrooms is served. Prepare and set the table in the Russian style, make a loaf on a wooden board. Lift the lid of the bread, spread the meat with a spoon, and at the end break the walls of the loaf into pieces.

Julienne with mushrooms under a delicate cheese cap is a tasty and satisfying dish that is easy to prepare if you choose good quality products and process them correctly. Baked tender meat, seasoned with vegetables, will decorate the festive table.

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