What are the benefits of onions. What happens if you regularly eat onions? M

Helpful Hints 19.09.2020
Helpful Hints

How the life of the overnight stays changed with the appearance of Luke in the play.

    How does Luke appear in the play?

Luka enters the rooming house with Natasha.

    Is his presence in the play important? Why?

Luke is a very important character in the play. It appears and breaks the habitual rhythm of life and thoughts of overnight stays. He speaks to everyone those words that cannot leave indifferent, for everyone he has a consoling phrase. Luke knows how to notice the main thing in a person.

    What description can we give to this hero?

He is old, not conflicted.The appearance of Luke in the rooming house becomes like a ray of light in the dark kingdom of the bottom. The wanderer differs sharply from all the other lodging-houses of this bottom of life.

    What is your first impression of Luke? What does he immediately call the roomers?

The impression is positive.Entering, he wishes everyone good health and calls the honest people.

    What principle of attitude towards people does Gorky show in Luke?

The principle of compassion. He comforts the overnight stays by painting illusions for them.

    Do lodging-houses like Luka?


    From the very beginning we see the life position of this man. Find quotes in the text.

His answer to Bubnov is very important: “I don’t care! I respect crooks too, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad: everyone is black, everyone jumps ... ”What a vivid comparison! (He reveals Luke's attitude towards people. All people are equal, Luke has the ability not to distinguish between people "no flea is bad"

    What was life like in a rooming house before Luka appeared? How did people get into the hostel?

The inhabitants of the rooming house hate each other,In a rooming house, at the bottom of life, people find themselves for various reasons: some did not know another life, they were born in a similar rooming house, others can be called " former people", that is, those who once had a different life.

    Where do we see the moral degradation of heroes?

when Vaska Pepel suffers from boredom. What kind of entertainment does a young man invent for himself? He says to the Baron: “Well, lay down! It will be funny for me ... You are a gentleman ... you had a time when you didn’t consider our brother a person ... and all that ... ”.

    Which of the overnight stays wants to escape from the "bottom"?

The actor, Ashes, Nastya, Natasha, Kleshch - strive to break free from the "bottom" of life. But they feel their own impotence before the constipation of this "prison". They have a feeling of hopelessness of their fate and a craving for a dream, an illusion that gives at least some hope for the future.

    Who is particularly receptive to Luke's consolations?

Nastya (talk about love)All the heroes of the play are sitting in a wasteland behind a rooming house and listening to Nastya talk about her affair with a French student. The baron catches her in a lie. Nastya screams in despair that he cannot understand true love. Luke asks her to continue. Bubnov continues to mock Nastya, but Natasha and Baron ask her to tell more. She continues the hysterical story of parting with her beloved. At the end of the story, she cries, and Luka and Natasha comfort her. The baron says that Nastya read this tragic story in the dime novel Fatal Love. Luka says that if Nastya believes that she had this love, then it was so. They leave with Nastya.

Actor (believes in the asylum for drunkards)Luka tells him about some free hospital for drunkards, says that later he will name the city in which she is located. The actor also encourages while to refrain from alcohol. The actor excitedly talks about his plans to go to a drunken asylum, saying he's on the road to a renaissance. He says that according to the stage he had the name Sverchkov-Zavolzhsky, but no one here knows about it, that he no longer has a name, and even dogs have nicknames.

Anna (believes that after death she will find peace)Anna complains to Luka about the impoverished, hungry life she lived, saying that she saw nothing but beatings and resentment. Luke comforts her and says that she will rest in the next world. The old man comforts her again, tells how, after death, the Lord will kindly look at Anna and reward all the suffering by sending her to paradise. Suddenly Anna has a desire to live. She believes that if the torment ends there, then here you can endure.

Ash (new life in Siberia)Luke persuades Ash to leave for the "golden" land - to Siberia, where it is good for anyone who has strength and reason.

    Is the poem read by the Actor significant in the work? (pp. 378-379)


People are ready to believe even in a lie, if there were a person who could instill a “golden dream” in the minds, hope and faith are the only things that keep a person afloat.

    What is the essence of the story about the righteous land? (p. 387 - 389 read by roles)

a man lived, overcoming all misfortunes and pains, and believed that there is a land where there is nothing of this, where everyone helps each other. The scientist, immersed headlong in a mountain of books, replied that there was no such land. It turns out that there is no place on earth where you will simply be treated like a human being. As a result, the hopeless gloom of life remains and will forever remain around.Indeed, in the story about the “righteous land”, the scientist could really help a person by simply saying yes. The scribe would instill faith in him, and he would be able to find a righteous land for himself, that corner where he would feel good.

    What hope is instilled in the souls of the overnight stays after the story of the righteous land?

and what if they are the lucky ones, and they will be able to find that righteous land that they dreamed about. And Pepel, who most adequately assesses the situation, is influenced by the "righteous earth." He calls Natasha with him and wants to start life from scratch. The actor believes that his “righteous land” is a free clinic that will be a ticket to a new life.

    Which of the hostels does not believe a single word of Luke?

Satin, from beginning to end, does not accept the truth of Luke. He is sure that a man who once killed another killed his own. inner world. In the future, he will not be able to count on a righteous land where everyone helps each other - he is not worthy of this. Although his act has a justification: he defended his sister - he is sure that "after prison - there is no way!".

    Should Luke even talk about the “righteous land”?

Of course, the events after Luke's stay and telling him the story of the righteous land changed dramatically, showing that a person is able to build his own life, despite external obstacles and the neglect of those around him. The actor nevertheless earned some money and managed not to drink it,Pepel asks Natasha to leave with him, says that he will start life anew, stop stealing and go to work. He believes that Natasha can help him change.

    What does Luke call for overnight stays? Find quotes.

For example: "You - hope, you - believe!"

The ashes nevertheless ended up in Siberia, but not as a worker, but as a convict (Could Luka influence the course of events? Yes, he could. He heard Vasilisa ask Ash to kill Kostylev)

The actor, who found hope for salvation, hanged himself. (Why?

With the disappearance of Luka, all his dreams of recovery collapsed, since Luka did not show the way to the hospital)

D.Z. In the next lesson, we will have a lesson - a dispute dedicated to Satin and Luka. Your choice will have to be justified, defended. Consider the life positions of each hero on faith, conscience, love, truth, life. Decide which hero is closer. And who is the hero - the reasoner in the play. The statements of the heroes about the truth, about the person, write down in a notebook, whoever wishes. Can conduct a small study on the topic “The aphoristic language of M. Gorky's play “At the Bottom” (those who wish to do this work by Monday in writing).

Feb 03, 16:30

"Daughter" of "LUKOIL" has reduced oil production in the Kaliningrad region ... OOO " LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft" in 2019 reduced oil production at Kaliningrad fields ... subsoil" paid almost 217 million rubles. OOO " LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft" is a subsidiary of the Russian oil company " LUKOIL". In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation provided the enterprise with...

Finance, 03 Feb, 05:00

Gazprom shares provided a quarter of the entire growth of the Russian stock market ... VTB Capital Investments Vladimir Potapov. Heavyweight companies - Gazprom, Sberbank and LUKOIL(the weight of each is 12–15%) - a priori have a greater influence, but ... upward movements. Gazprom shares grew on expectations of high dividends, LUKOIL- on the buyback program, " Norilsk Nickel" - on the rapid growth the cost of ... non-residents, so their actions lead to significant changes in the bank's quotes. LUKOIL launched in October new stage share buyback programs... The head of LUKOIL announced plans to invest $100 billion in the next 10 years ... The president LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov said that the investments of the oil company in the next ten ... export potential,” Alekperov said. Putin asked about the average salary in LUKOIL Now LUKOIL is developing three deposits in the Caspian, one in the Baltic Sea, two ... was called public policy and the OPEC+ deal. According to Gazprombank's forecast, dividends LUKOIL will double in 2020. Putin asked about the average salary in LUKOIL ... Vladimir Putin, during a meeting in the Kremlin, asked the head LUKOIL Vagit Alekperova the size of the average salary in the company. This was reported ... 2019 and the current activities of the oil and gas holding. Among other things, the President LUKOIL said that the Russia-Africa summit, which was held in Sochi in the fall ... of the world. It included seven Russian companies, including LUKOIL. In addition to him, the list includes Norilsk Nickel, the Moscow Exchange, Rosneft, United... Alekperov positively assessed the preservation of the posts of ministers from the oil sector ... Chapter LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov positively assessed the fact that the sectoral ministers associated ... . “I am glad that everyone has remained [at their posts],” said the head LUKOIL. Technocratic bust: how did Mikhail Mishustin's cabinet turn out In the Russian government ... Alekperov called the conditions for the return of oil prices to $100 per barrel ... lead consumption growth in the absence of new openings large deposits Chapter LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov believes that oil prices may return to ... per barrel suits both producers and consumers. In the forecast LUKOIL about the main trends in the development of the liquid hydrocarbons market until 2035... . We must be ready for this, ”the businessman said then. Vice President LUKOIL Leonid Fedun said a year before that he was ready to argue ... LUKOIL announced the consequences of a fire at a refinery in Komi ... from a fire, repair and restoration work is underway, the press service said LUKOIL. They explained that the block of the plant, where the fire occurred, is ... a hospital. Now his condition is assessed as satisfactory. Fire at the refinery LUKOIL in Ukhta. Photo report A fire broke out at an oil refinery on the evening of 9 ... . Ukhta Oil Refinery - one of four refineries LUKOIL located on the territory of Russia. In May, Vice President LUKOIL for oil and gas processing and petrochemistry... During a fire at the refinery in Ukhta, fuel spilled from the tanks ... residents of the city do not. Fire at the refinery LUKOIL in Ukhta. Photo report Fire at an oil refinery LUKOIL started on January 9 around 17:00 (coincides... Fire at the LUKOIL refinery in Ukhta. Photo report On the evening of January 9, an oil refinery of the company caught fire in Ukhta LUKOIL. The fire spread over the territory of 1 thousand square meters. m A video of a fire at the LUKOIL refinery in Ukhta appeared ... at the Ukhta oil refinery in Komi, owned by LUKOIL. The fire area at the industrial facility of LLC LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftepererabotka" in the city of Ukhta of the Republic of Komi amounted to ... evacuate the Yarmarka shopping center located on Stroitelnaya Street. Fire at the refinery LUKOIL in Ukhta. Photo report Information about the victims is being specified. Presumably one person... Oil refinery of Lukoil caught fire in Ukhta ... LUKOIL, which owns the Ukhta oil refinery. According to an RBC source, LUKOIL at the refinery in Ukhta, a loading rack is on fire. Fire at the refinery LUKOIL... there was a video of the fire filmed by eyewitnesses. Oil refinery caught fire in Ukhta LUKOIL According to ProCity, due to the incident in the city, trade ..., Volgograd and Nizhny Novgorod). May 2019 Vice President LUKOIL for oil and gas processing and petrochemistry Rustem Gimaletdinov reported that ... LUKOIL warned about the risk of reducing the consumption of gasoline for cars ... development of the global market for liquid hydrocarbons until 2035”, which was published LUKOIL. The authors explained the slowdown by a further increase in the efficiency of cars with an internal engine ... the dominant type (more than 80%) will remain traditional cars with internal combustion engines. AT LUKOIL also indicated that in the next decade, the car fleet will continue to grow high... still significantly lower than in more developed countries. Chapter LUKOIL reported on the study of potential successors "China has already entered into an active ... Underfilling and sulfur: fuel market problems voiced in Tatarstan ... species and 33 tank farms. Three vertically integrated companies (TAIF, Tatneft, Lukoil”) owns 45.8% of all filling stations. 54.2% belongs to small companies... Nizhny Novgorod Region increased trade with Belgium by 60% ... oil refining and organic chemistry. Among the main exporters are LLC " LUKOIL- Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez”, JSC “SIBUR-Neftekhim” and LLC “Sintanol Plant”, in addition ... The head of LUKOIL announced the study of potential successors ... to work,” Alekperov said. Alekperov called it impossible for a woman to head LUKOIL This is not the first time Alekperov has answered a question about ... last year, Alekperov said that he considered it impossible to appear at the head of LUKOIL women, because the oil industry has always been "male", and women do not have enough experience. The head of the company noted that the next head LUKOIL must have experience engineering work and experience in manufacturing. Alekperov personally denied rumors about the sale of Lukoil to Surgutneftegaz ... that Surgutneftegaz intends to buy a stake in LUKOIL Head and co-owner LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov said that neither he nor other managers ... sell their stake LUKOIL no,” said the largest co-owner and president LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov (his words were reported by the press service LUKOIL). This is how he commented on media reports about the possible purchase of a stake by Surgutneftegaz LUKOIL, which... What happened during the day. Top RBC news ... Interview with CEO of Yandex in Russia, new dividend policy LUKOIL, the connection of the Zakharchenko case with the “Moldovan Laundromat”, the return of the claim to the FBK ..., not far from the city, an explosion occurred. LUKOIL allocate all free cash flow to shareholder payments Board of Directors LUKOIL approved new principles of the dividend policy... based on the results of the first half of the year and the entire year. Earlier dividend policy LUKOIL implied the payment of at least 25% of net profit. The case of Colonel Zakharchenko... LUKOIL will allocate all free cash flow to shareholder payments. He changed his dividend policy to keep up with competitors from other sectors. ... of the company,” said the largest shareholder and president LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov (his words are given in the message). Why LUKOIL changed the dividend policy The former dividend policy...% free cash flow,” he said. As a result, the dividend policy LUKOIL ceased to comply with the best market practices and lost its competitiveness, admitted ... LUKOIL will pay $190 mln for entering the Ghasha concession in the UAE ... mln. It is reported by Reuters with reference to the ADNOC statement. LUKOIL plans to invest $190 million as payment for a stake in... plan to produce more than 120,000 barrels of oil and condensate. Apart from LUKOIL, other partners of ADNOC and participants in the concession are the Italian oil and gas company ... as part of the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the UAE. LUKOIL became Friedman's partner in gas production in the UAE The day before it became ... LUKOIL became Fridman's partner in gas production in the UAE ... Russian Oil Company LUKOIL acquired from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) 5% in... ADNOC by Ghasha is Wintershall's oil and gas company. The corresponding agreement is the President LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov and ADNOC CEO Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber signed... within the framework of the concession, a trilateral cooperation agreement was signed between LUKOIL, ADNOC and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Ghasha - project for... LUKOIL announced an agreement on compensation for the recipient of dirty oil ... tripartite agreement, most likely between MOL, LUKOIL and Transneft,” Alekperov said. According to him, at LUKOIL strategic relationship with MOL, the company is interested in long-term oil supply contracts. LUKOIL plans to stabilize them at the same ... on Schroeder's proposals for quality Russian oil In the end of August LUKOIL received notifications of claims from counterparties due to an incident on... VEB.RF intends to bankrupt the Tatarstan "Ammoniy" through the court ... that the Ammonium plant is planned to be acquired for $ 1 billion by the company " LUKOIL". Another contender was named fertilizer company Eurochem.... On June 21, Kommersant reported that " LUKOIL”, Eurochem, SDS-nitrogen and Akron. Oksana Sotnik Liberalization of access to the Arctic shelf laid in the Energy Strategy ... sent inquiries to Rosneft, Gazprom and the largest private oil company " LUKOIL”, the head of which Vagit Alekperov has repeatedly advocated the liberalization of access ... Shares of LUKOIL have risen in price by more than 6% against the backdrop of a new buyback of securities ... a receipt (corresponds to an ordinary share). After the message about the buyback stock quotes LUKOIL on the Moscow Exchange rose sharply: at its peak on October 1... as part of the implementation of management proposals aimed at increasing shareholder value LUKOIL. Initially, this stage was also calculated until December 30, 2022 ..., compiled annually by the consulting company Boston Consulting Group. Average return LUKOIL for five years (2014-2018) amounted to 27.1%. Company...

Business, 16 Sep 2019, 10:44

Quotes of Russian oil companies rose following the prices of raw materials ... up 3.76% from the previous close. Share price LUKOIL also rose by more than 3% - at the peak of the price of securities ... LUKOIL's net profit for the first half of the year grew by 19.6% ... %, up to 630.2 billion rubles. In June it became known that LUKOIL for the first time entered the top 10 largest global companies in terms of total ..., annually compiled by the consulting company Boston Consulting Group. Average return LUKOIL for five years (2014-2018) amounted to 27.1%. The company... Group and ahead of the Indian bank HDFC. 40% of the final TSR LUKOIL provided revenue growth in five years. At the end of 2018... LUKOIL received notifications from counterparties about claims for an emergency at Druzhba ... will not materially affect its financial position, the report says LUKOIL under IFRS for the first half of the year. "The company and a number of other companies ... Transneft) in the second quarter of 2019," the report says. Now LUKOIL“cannot reliably assess the amount of claims and the likelihood or prospects of ... difficulty. The negative consequences of the incident were announced, among other things, by Rosneft, LUKOIL, Gazprom Neft, Bashneft, Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz and KazTransOil. LUKOIL redeemed its own shares on the stock exchange ahead of schedule for $3 billion ... $ 3 billion, completing the buyback program, the press service said LUKOIL. The launch of the buyback program was announced on August 30, 2018... (one receipt corresponds to one share) LUKOIL, the company said in a statement. Back in May the board of directors LUKOIL recommended to reduce the size of the authorized capital of the company ... taking into account oil prices and business stability LUKOIL. At the end of 2018, net profit LUKOIL under IFRS grew by one and a half times, to ... Lukoil shares jumped more than 5% ... the closing level of the previous trades. The jump in quotes occurred after LUKOIL announced the summing up by the board of directors of the company of the results of the presentation of statements by shareholders ... on August 28, 2019," the statement says. LUKOIL. By 17:35 Moscow time, the share price LUKOIL on the Moscow Exchange was 5275 rubles. (+5 ... Finance", estimates the fair value of shares LUKOIL at 5927 rubles. a piece. He notes that the share capital LUKOIL will decrease to 715 million ordinary... The court took the side of LUKOIL in a dispute with Rosneft over the price of oil transshipment ... a complaint in the manner prescribed by law,” Rosneft told RBC. Representative LUKOIL did not respond to RBC's request. The reason for the dispute Varandey is the only possible one ... Andrey Polishchuk called positive news about the court decision in favor of LUKOIL, referring to the peculiarities of the location of the terminal. "Varandey is a private Arctic terminal...". A representative of Rosneft noted on March 14 that the FAS recognized the fact of abuse LUKOIL its dominant position in the port of Varandey. Varandey terminal turned to... Business, 04 July 2019, 17:01 Gutseriev agreed to restructure debt to Sberbank for ₽170 billion ... three long-term contracts to traders Coral Energy, Vitol and Litasco (trader LUKOIL). “According to market participants, after the change of ownership, the long-term contract remained ... according to words, as a result, Coral Energy made concessions. Sberbank representatives, LUKOIL, Vitol declined to comment. The representative of "Safmar" did not answer questions... Former Chancellor of Austria joined the board of directors of LUKOIL ... , Chairman of the Board of Directors of RITEK Valery Graifer, First Executive Vice President LUKOIL Rostov authorities asked LUKOIL to return money due to water cutoff ... its scheduled shutdown Governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev demanded from LUKOIL recalculate for hot water, the supply of which was not resumed in ... sent a request to LLC " LUKOIL-Rostovenergo. Rosstat named the regions with the worst provision of residents with hot water LUKOIL-Rostovenergo", as follows from ... - Vasily Golubev's secretary Irina Chetvertakova told RBC that from LLC " LUKOIL-Rostovenergo" "did not receive any comments" after Golubev's message on Twitter. "Except... Siluanov criticized benefits for oilmen on the example of LUKOIL investments ... according to the NDPI. Now here I am just reading - our esteemed company LUKOIL invested $ 800 million in the shelf in the Congo. And we give them ..., and when low prices oil is the opposite. June 6 chapter LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov said that the company intends to enter the Marine ... LUKOIL cuts capex amid production cuts due to deal with OPEC ... external restrictions on oil production in Russia,” the report says. LUKOIL. As part of the deal of the cartel of countries - exporters of oil and other large ... oil production of 228 thousand barrels. per day. Net profit LUKOIL relating to its shareholders, based on the results of January-March 2019... capacities. Compared to Q4 2018, quarterly earnings LUKOIL decreased by 6.2%, which the company also explains by growth... NOVATEK overtakes LUKOIL in terms of market capitalization ... NOVATEK shares hit a new high, the company overtook LUKOIL by capitalization. This is evidenced by the data of the Moscow Exchange. As of... this company's capitalization has grown to 3.985 trillion rubles. Capitalization LUKOIL at that moment was 3.915 trillion rubles. NOVATEK for... 86 trillion rubles), Rosneft (4.49 trillion rubles), NOVATEK and LUKOIL. In September 2018, NOVATEK for the first time surpassed Gazprom in terms of capitalization...


What happened to Luke's green lightsaber?

When Luke goes to pay for his late night call to Ben, he uses his green lightsaber as a night light, but it seems too bright and loud and wakes up Ben.

Throughout The Last Jedi, I can't remember Luke having his own green or any other lightsaber.

Do we know where that lightsaber disappeared?

Jane C

I thought he gave it up along with his X-wing.


@JaneS Was the X-wing dropped? He could just break it and, seeing that he did not want to leave, he simply did not bother to get it.


I don't know, any answer is speculation, I would close this according to our FWP, but there is a cloudy situation going on.


I lol in the "night light".



The last time we see it is when

Luke and Ben fight at school.

This leaves a number of possibilities:

  1. It was destroyed. Not convinced of this.
  2. Luke took it with him to Ahch-To but didn't use it. For example, it could be in his X-wing at the bottom of the bay.
  3. R2 has it. This won't be the first time, and in Rey's vision in The Force Awakens, you see Luke from R2 looking at what is likely to be a fire at the school. Either Luke gave it to him, or being the eternally practical droid we've come to know from nine films, he may have just taken it himself. This is the one I think most likely personally.

And a couple that gives out the aforementioned spoiler.

  1. Ben took it as a trophy. What doesn't kill me... and so on. This is also less likely, as he is far more interested in his grandfather than his uncle.

  2. He's still there, under the rubble of Ben's house. If Luke was that excited about what he almost did with it, he might as well put it behind him.


Hello. I have edited your question to show non-spoilers. We love Q&A to be able to stand on our own without looking at spoilers if possible. It was possible with your answer, so I've corrected it.


Cool, no problem. I tend to err on the side of caution with spoilers. :)


As for your spoiled number 1, I think it's less likely that he doesn't have it as he would most likely use it rather than the imperfect design he has in this moment.


Oh, I agree it's less likely, but equally, he's got his own since that time.


The film doesn't indicate one way or the other.

In the climate battle

Force Designed Luke

uses a blue lightsaber, which we assume was his refurbished one.

The one that was destroyed during the battle between Rey and Kylo Ren.

The ultimate fate of Luke's green lightsaber (first seen in Return of the Jedi and last seen in his hands before he had a fight with Ben) is unknown, but is most likely to be found on the island where Rey found it or near the ruins the school he built.

Gorky's play "At the Bottom" at the beginning of the 20th century made a huge impression on the public. Without embellishment, the world of people who had sunk to the last degree of misery to the very “bottom” of life, to the world of cheaters, prostitutes and murderers of thieves of various stripes, was exposed. Maxim Gorky imbued the play "At the Bottom" with a protest against the social foundations of capitalist society and a call for a calm, equal and just life.

Getting to the topic “Luka: Characteristics” (“At the Bottom”), it should be noted that people living in the cheapest rooming house, reminiscent of a dark and dirty basement, became ugly victims of the cruel and unjust practices of society, when a person thrown out of normal life, begins to live in the laws of the wolf and turns into a powerless and miserable creature.

Luke: characteristic

"At the bottom" is a play that brought together several different characters. One of the inhabitants of the rooming house is the old man Luka, who became the most controversial and controversial hero of the play. It is with him that the main philosophical question of this work is connected: “What is better - compassion and“ a lofty and comforting lie ”or truth?”. Is it necessary to be so imbued with compassion in order to later use lies as a saving tool?

"People" and "People"

Delving into the topic “Luka: Characteristics” (“At the Bottom”), it can be noted that it is this hero who becomes the only person who truly sympathizes with the inhabitants of the rooming house. He also notes that there are "people" and there are "people". "People" by nature are very weak and weak-willed, they constantly need the support and strength of another, and faith and hope can serve as a powerful incentive for them. "People" - on the contrary, strong-willed people. These are the ones who don't need pity, compassion, or soothing lies. This is exactly what Hero Satin is, who believes that a person, first of all, must be respected, and pity only humiliates him, although Satin himself is a big cheater who lives with lies and deceit.

The play "At the bottom". Luke

Luka tells Tick's dying wife Anna that she should not be afraid of death, and that she will soon be well in Heaven with God. He gives the actor hope for a city where alcoholics are treated for free, however, he forgot the name of the city, but he promised to remember.

In the play "At the Bottom" Luka is affectionate, kind and merciful to everyone. He doesn’t say much about himself, he only jokes that he was “crumpled a lot, that’s why he is soft.” He does not have bad and good people, in everyone he finds something good and bright, and he consoles and instructs everyone. He tells the prostitute Nastya that if you believe that you had real love so she was.

Luka in the play "At the Bottom" advises the thief Ash and Natasha to leave for Siberia for a free life, where it will be much easier for them to start all over again.

The unfortunate inhabitants of the rooming house had no choice but to believe his words, which, although they sounded implausible, gave faith, like rays of the sun in pitch darkness.

White lie or bitter, but really?

Luke in the play "At the Bottom" with his philosophy in some way calls for Christian humility, patience and sensitivity to others. He says to one of the characters: “What is true to you?”. After all, it can be like a blow to the head for you.

The good that this hero carries in himself awakens in a person of a rooming house, even a doomed one, a desire to live and be better. But when the old man disappears, the whole life of many people of this damned place will collapse.

In conclusion of the topic “Luke: Characteristics” (“At the Bottom”), it should be noted that there is no unequivocal answer to this eternal question, but Gorky himself believes that truth is better than compassion. The author himself expresses full confidence that only truth and a correct understanding of the significance of human compassion will help save humanity.

AT recent times the son of the artist Nikas Safronov, 25-year-old Luka Zatravkin, is haunted by failure. On March 11, on one of the Moscow streets, a young man knocked down an elderly woman to death. The artist's heir fully admitted his guilt and declared that he was ready to answer before God and the court for his deed.

While the investigation is underway, Zatravkin admitted that he had serious health problems - Safronov's son weighs more than 200 kilograms! According to doctors, if he does not lose weight soon, he may die. Luka spoke about his illness on the program "Live" of the TV channel "Russia".

The young man said that all the problems come from childhood - he lacked the attention of his father, who was always strict with him. Nikas himself appeared in the studio of the show. The artist said that he knew about the problems of his son, but did not think that they were so serious.


“The son is an independent person, of course, but I'm worried. It's physiology, and I've made arrangements with a hypnotist who might be able to influence him. He has a predisposition from his mother, and it is very difficult for him to cope with this now. When Luca was 16 years old, he was dependent on me and I supported them. But I set a condition: “Come on, lose weight, otherwise I will end the relationship with you.” He began to lose weight and lost weight. But at the same time he became closed. Stopped answering calls. Some stressful moment appeared, and he began to communicate little with people, ”said Safronov.

Safronov regrets that he did not pay due attention to the heir, but now he is ready to do everything so that Luka gets better. "I think with today we will start practicing together,” said Nikas.

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