Manasir Ziyad with his family. The world at my feet from mink diapers: how the children of Russian oligarchs live

the beauty 18.07.2019
the beauty

Ziyad Manasir stole so much that he also owed
Timchenko and Rotenberg pushed Stroygazconsulting Ziyad Manasir away from Miller
Bin Laden's accomplice Ziyad Manasir took over Russian billions
Ziyad Manasir, unlike millions of Russians, dreams come true
Dear friend of Gazprom Ziyad Manasir withdrew billions from the country

Problems for Stroygazconsulting (SGK), once the largest contractor of Gazprom, began several years ago, but now this backbone company, apparently, is simply in critical condition. Former profitable orders were divided between Stroytransgaz and Stroygazmontazh, the gas monopolist does not give money for the work performed, and the fat years are replaced by lawsuits from creditors and subcontractors. Moreover, the workers, driven to despair by non-payment of wages, sabotage and steal everything that comes to hand.

Spring 2015 former billionaire sold the Stroygazconsulting company. Forbes figured out why, and what does Ramzan Kadyrov's friend Ruslan Baysarov have to do with it
In August 2015, hundreds of former Stroygazconsulting (SGK) employees from the Urals and Siberia received invitations to come to Novy Urengoy. In this northern city, the unofficial gas capital of Russia, a construction company gathers its shift workers and distributes them to sites. The invitation was unexpected - for almost a year, work under the contracts of Gazprom was suspended, construction equipment was mothballed, and the shift workers themselves were engaged in household chores. The fact is that the former owner of the SGC, Ziyad Manasir, deteriorated relations with the main customer and the construction of Gazprom had to be frozen. Under the new owners - Gazprombank and the UCP fund - Stroygazconsulting managed to resume old projects and get new ones. Therefore, an urgent mobilization of shift workers was announced.
According to Forbes estimates, at the end of 2015 the company received new contracts from Gazprom for 20 billion rubles - not bad compared to zero a year earlier, when the majority of the contracts went to Arkady Rotenberg's Stroygazmontazh and Gennady Timchenko's Stroytransgaz. In the next five years, the monopoly must build at least 6,000 km of gas pipelines, including the Power of Siberia and Nord Stream 2. And three major contractors are always better than two, notes a source close to Gazprom.
The battle with the vultures
A few years ago, Stroygazconsulting was the largest construction company in Russia. She was building up her power by leaps and bounds, the manager of one of Gazprom's subsidiaries told Forbes with admiration. SGK had about 60,000 employees and more than 16,000 pieces of construction equipment. Now there are almost three times fewer workers. "We have a lot of problems and difficult circumstances related to the history of the work of the previous owners, ”explains a source close to one of the new co-owners.
The key to the success of Stroygazconsulting's business is its relationship with Gazprom.
It is generally accepted that they arose thanks to Manasir's former junior partners: Pyotr Polyanichko is the son of a friend of one of the founders of Gazprom, Viktor Chernomyrdin, and Olga Grigorieva is the daughter of a friend of his youth, Vladimir Putin.
But the businessman himself had a different version of good relations with the gas monopolist. “After all, we started small and proved by deed that we are ready for large projects,” he explained in an interview. One way or another, SGK received multibillion-dollar construction contracts from Gazprom from year to year. According to Forbes, from 2008 to 2012, their amount exceeded 800 billion rubles. And if in 2008 SGC's revenue amounted to 154.9 billion rubles, then in 2012 it increased by 2.5 times.
But in 2013, everything changed. The flow of construction orders from the concern dropped sharply - to 35 billion rubles against 80 billion a year earlier. A significant part of Gazprom's orders now went to Arkady Rotenberg's Stroygazmontazh and Gennady Timchenko's Stroytransgaz. Why has the situation changed? Here is one explanation: in 2011, Alexander Ananenkov left the post of deputy chairman of the board of Gazprom, with the patronage of which Manasir's success was also associated. However, the businessman himself called this version "nonsense" in an interview with Forbes.
Manasir unsuccessfully tried to reverse the situation. “Ziyad came from the very different parties and wanted to negotiate, but the answer was “no”. Manasir simply could not believe it,” recalls a source close to the company. Then the wounded founder of the SGC took a risk - he complained about Gazprom to the presidential commission on the fuel and energy complex, which was headed by the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. Manasir wrote that Gazprom was delaying payments on already concluded contracts, so the contractor had to continue construction at the expense of its own working capital and loans (the total cost was 150 billion rubles).
The owner of Stroygazconsulting tried to play on the difficult relationship between Sechin and the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller.
"It's a big chessboard, and Manasir has made his move," says a source close to the gas monopoly. The move turned out to be fatal - the complaint only aggravated the situation. In 2014, SGC did not win a single Gazprom tender, which immediately affected the company's financial position. At the end of 2013, SGC's revenue amounted to 259.7 billion rubles, and a year later it decreased to 140 billion rubles. At the same time, the company had a significant debt. According to SPARK-Interfax, at the end of 2014, long-term loans of SGC amounted to 57.7 billion rubles, and short-term loans and payables - 2 billion and 69 billion rubles, respectively.
Left without an influential customer, SGK became vulnerable - people appeared who wanted to receive its assets for debts or without explanation at all. And there was something to profit from: the company owned more than 300,000 square meters. m of office space in Moscow City, railway carrier "Spetsenergotrans", construction equipment. “There were people who were going to take away the company from Manasir,” says Forbes source, but does not name them. According to him, they believed that the owners of the shares were weak people (Manasir had about 58% of SGC, top managers owned minority stakes. - Forbes), they expected to frighten some of them, to negotiate with someone.
According to the source of Forbes, Manasir did not want to part with the company, but when he realized that this was inevitable, he began to look for an opportunity to receive compensation, and "certain paths" led him to Ruslan Baysarov, a friend of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.
In this case, Manasir could have been assisted by King Abdullah II of Jordan, with whom both Kadyrov and Manasir have special relations, a person close to the SGC suggests.
One way or another, in December 2013, Baisarov's Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEPC) announced the purchase of 30% of SGK for an incredible $4.8 billion. In the summer of 2014, it became known that Baisarov plans to increase his stake in the company to 74%. The amount of the first transaction seemed to be at least an order of magnitude too high, and the second transaction was never closed. Nevertheless, Baysarov, who took the post of chairman of the board of directors of the SGC, scared away those who wanted to take away the business from Manasir. “In fact, Baysarov played the role of a “roof” and made it clear to everyone that it would not be possible to squeeze out the company so easily,” says a source close to Stroygazconsulting.
Under Baisarov, in January 2015, SGC made another attempt to negotiate with Gazprom. In a letter to Alexey Miller, SGK President Mikhail Yakibchuk wrote that the company was in a critical financial situation, due to lack of funding, it was forced to stop work at Gazprom's construction sites and send employees on unpaid leave. The company also asked to be included in Gazprom's investment program for 2015 and subsequent years. Miller did not respond to the letter.
In the spring of 2015, Baisarov and Manasir sold Stroygazconsulting to Gazprombank and Ilya Shcherbovich's UCP fund in equal shares. In April, the parties announced the purchase of 100% of the company. Gazprombank became a co-owner of SGK, counting on large contracts from Gazprom, a Forbes source explains. The amount of the purchase was not officially disclosed, the parties did not comment on the terms of the transaction. Ruslan Baysarov, in an interview in the winter of 2016, stated that he considers the deal profitable: "Everything I invested paid off." Ziyad Manasir, having sold the company, moved to London, rarely visits Moscow and refuses to communicate with journalists, says a person close to the businessman's family. And now it seems that he is connected with Baysarov not only by business relations.
Spring 2014 eldest daughter Manasira Elen married Bulat Khunkaev - young man, which one of the Forbes sources called distant relative Baisarov, and the other interlocutor - a person from the inner circle of this Chechen businessman.
Under the new owners, Stroygazkonchalting resumed work at facilities in Western Siberia.
Heading for Gazprom
What did Gazprombank and UCP get? A distressed asset is recognized as a representative of one of the new owners of the SGC. According to the representative of another co-owner, a queue of creditors and disgruntled partners lined up to the new owners. Gazprombank, by the way, was also one of the major creditors of SGC. In 2015, Stroygazconsulting received 496 claims for 46.6 billion rubles, and another 39 claims for 23.4 billion rubles were received by its subsidiary Gaztechleasing. Baysarov and his managers came to the company to help Manasir in its defense, and they did not particularly deal with the business of Stroygazconsulting, says a source close to SGC. “Manasir traveled everywhere himself, at minus sixty he regularly ran around his construction sites, and Baisarov’s managers didn’t even go to the facilities,” says a representative of one of Stroygazconsulting’s customers.
However, the Forbes interlocutor, close to the SGC, admits that Baysarov personally participated in one of the construction projects and even showed interest in him for some time. We are talking about the first section of the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) around Moscow, the tender for the construction of which SGC won in the spring of 2014 (the tender was held by Avtodor, the contract amount is 48.9 billion rubles). “Baysarov lobbied for this contract,” says Forbes source. “And he participated in the ceremony and laid the capsule.”
A year after the start of the project, a row was transferred to Aras Agalarov's company Crocus International. SGK admitted that it could not fulfill its obligations under a long-term investment agreement, a representative of Avtodor explained to Forbes. According to an interlocutor close to the SGK, everything is much more complicated. “There was a whole tangle of problems,” recalls the interlocutor. “The company’s business was not going smoothly, there were problems with obtaining a bank guarantee.” In addition, he said, the new owners made it clear that priority for the company, the construction of gas pipelines should again become, and not road or other projects.
Now non-core (not related to gas construction) departments in the SGC are being liquidated. The course towards Gazprom is also confirmed by the main personnel decision. In the summer of 2015, the company was headed by a native of Gazprom, Stanislav Anikeev. Since autumn, the company has again begun to win Gazprom's tenders. And in February 2016, Anton Ray, the former co-owner of the Argus Pipeline Service company (now ZAO Stroytransgaz), joined SGC. Ray became the first deputy general director of SGC and oversees the production unit. He has known Anikeev for a long time. In addition, ZAO Stroytransgaz, which he owned, was one of Gazprom's permanent contractors.
So far, the owners manage to negotiate, but it is clear that “they are not from the same pod,” said a Forbes source close to the company. A Forbes source familiar with the new owners of SGK says that UCP does not yet consider investments in the former Manasir company successful. According to another Forbes interlocutor, UCP may sell its stake in the foreseeable future.

People and technology
According to RBC, at the end of January, Stroygazconsulting sent a letter signed by the company's president Mikhail Yakibchuk to the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller (the document is at the agency's disposal). In it, the company informs the monopoly that the situation at Gazprom's construction sites is rapidly deteriorating: SGC was forced to completely stop construction and installation work, send all its employees on unpaid leave, and withdraw equipment.
“Multi-month non-payment wages employees have already led to the creation of hotbeds of social tension in many regions where SGK operates,” the letter says. The company does not have funds for compensation payments to reduce staff, it is stated in the same place.
Yakibchuk also informs that due to the lack of funds for the conservation and protection of equipment and other material and technical resources at the SGC, there is a risk of losing them: the company revealed numerous cases of attempted theft.
The head of SGC asks Miller to make a decision on the full participation of the company in the investment program of Gazprom in 2015 (and beyond) and give several specific instructions to Gazprom's subsidiaries and customers. In particular, to instruct the structures of the monopoly and customers to pay until February 10 for the work performed by the construction company in the amount of 0.99 billion rubles: 284 million rubles. “Yamalgazinvest” for compressor stations “on account of the redistribution of the total limit of capital investments for the construction of the Bovanenkovo-Ukhta GMS” and 706 million rubles. "on account of the redistribution of the total limit of capital investments for the customer."
In addition, Yakibchuk asks to instruct a number of Gazprom subdivisions and customers to pay accounts payable for work performed in the amount of 4.32 billion rubles by February 5, and also to pay a number of Gazprom subdivisions and Yamalgazinvest by February 10 the costs of CJSC PSO "UPGS" in 2013 for the maintenance and restoration of the road CS Vorkutinskaya - CS Yarynskaya - in the amount of 2 billion rubles.
The president of the construction company notes in a letter that earlier, on December 26, Stroygazconsulting had already addressed Miller with a letter in which he reported that the company was in a critical financial situation.
Who owes whom
Yakibchuk himself refused to comment on RBC's working correspondence and confirm the authenticity of the letter. A representative of Stroygazconsulting also declined to comment on the letter. However, she said that the financial situation in the holding is now difficult. “There are objective reasons for that. There is an economic crisis in the country, volumes are getting smaller, revenue is declining. This applies not only to Stroygazconsulting,” she added.
According to a representative of SGC, now the company continues to diversify its business. She also recalled that by decision of the government, the SGC was included in the list of 199 backbone organizations. However, the minister economic development Alexey Ulyukaev explained earlier that this does not provide for automatic state support for enterprises included in the list.
A representative of TEPK, which is owned by businessman Ruslan Baisarov (one of the co-owners of SGK), declined to comment. The founder and other co-owner of SGK Ziyad Manasir did not respond to a request from RBC.
Yakibchuk's letter to Miller was handed over personally, bypassing the general office of Gazprom, a source in Gazprom told RBC. According to him, the demands to urgently pay off both debts and contractual obligations, as well as to take into account the interests of Stroygazconsulting in Gazprom's investment program, look excessive. “SGK owes Gazprom more than Gazprom owes SGK, and it is unlikely that anyone will urgently save this company,” RBC’s interlocutor believes. In the office of Gazprom, RBC was told that a letter with such an outgoing number was not registered. A spokesman for Gazprom declined to comment.
Matryoshka effect
A source close to one of the pipe companies also told RBC that Gazprom's advances on some outstanding projects significantly exceed the amount owed to SGC. “They have large offsets, so no one is going to pay the SCC in the near future,” he suggested. The representative of the contractor does not comment on this.
Relations with Gazprom at Stroygazconsulting deteriorated in the fall of 2013. Manasir, who was then president of the SGC, complained to Igor Sechin, executive secretary of the presidential commission on the fuel and energy complex, that the gas monopoly was delaying payments and not giving new contracts. Later, as Vedomosti reported, Mikhail Sirotkin, director of the Gazprom corporate cost management department, suggested that Miller transfer all contracts for the repair and maintenance of the gas transmission system of CJSC Stroytransgaz by Gennady Timchenko, Stroygazmontazh by Arkady Rotenberg, a subsidiary of Gazprom Tsentrremont and Salavatneftekhimstroy. Stroygazconsulting was not included in this list.
Stroygazconsulting is tailored to Gazprom contracts, the absence of such a powerful customer is a huge problem, says a RBC source close to SGC. He adds that, like other monopoly contractors, SGC had a matryoshka effect: when the business grew, liabilities increased, and now everything is collapsing. The equipment purchased for Gazprom's projects is imported, leasing payments must be made on it, and in a situation of downtime it is like a stone around the neck, and the diversification of the SGK business does not save, the source notes.
The management of "Gazprom", it seems, has not yet responded to the requests of the construction company. On January 30, Gazprom published a list of companies that had passed the pre-qualification selection for the construction of Power of Siberia, but Stroygazconsulting was not included.
old debts
At the end of last year, Stroygazconsulting started having problems with creditors. The Moscow Arbitration Court registered Alfa-Bank's first lawsuit against the company on December 23. Now the amount of legal claims of the bank against the company has reached almost 3.5 billion rubles. The company is also being sued by the structure of Spetsstroy of Russia - Dalspetsstroy. The contractor demands to recover 1.8 billion rubles from SGC. for the work done. The appeal to the court was caused by the inability of the parties to resolve the dispute out of court, a representative of Spetsstroy of Russia said.
Another major creditor of Stroygazconsulting is FC Otkritie. On December 29, the court accepted for proceedings the bank's claim against a construction company in the amount of 1 billion rubles. A representative of Otkritie declined to comment on the essence of the bank's claims against SGC. ?
As of January 12, according to SPARK-Interfax, Stroygazconsulting is 48.42% owned by Manasir, 25.69% by Vostokservice LLC, close to Baysarov, the rest of the shares are distributed among the top managers of the company. On June 3, 2014, Baysarov's representative reported that he had increased his stake in SGK from 30 to 74.1% by purchasing the papers from Manasir. But in December, the media reported that this deal was not completed.

Gazprom pays for the VIP fantasies of Jordanian Ziyad Manasir

$ 1.6 billion, villas in Russia and Europe, Bentley, Aston Martin, Berlusconi neighborhood and a new young Russian wife.
Having built a family estate in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region, Alla Pugacheva was looking for silence and solitude. In 1990, when she acquired 50 acres in the village of Berezhki, the prima donna could not even think that private helicopters would fly over her head, 30-meter yachts would glide along the river, and people with immeasurable fortunes would take the place of her neighbors - peasants and summer residents. Of course, Ziyad Manasir, a businessman close to Gazprom, outdid everyone here. A kilometer from Alla Borisovna, he built a palace complex, for which they can’t even pick up a name. Either "Peterhof", or "Versailles". Boris Kudryavov flew over the most expensive real estate in the Moscow region.
Ziyad Manasir was born on December 12, 1965 in Jordan into a poor family of an army officer. Was the 12th child. In the 80s he came to study in the USSR. In 1990 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after A. M. Azizbekova. Then he accepted Russian citizenship. First workplace- consultant in the Moscow association of cooperators "Koopsoyuz". Traded in timber, mineral fertilizers and metal. In 1994, he bought a house-building plant in Tyumen. He got into the construction business. Today he is the head of the Stroygazconsulting holding, the main customer of which is Gazprom. Last year, the holding's revenue amounted to $ 2 billion. According to the Russian Forbes, his personal fortune is estimated at $ 500 million. But the UAE Internet portal Arabian Business estimates the businessman's fortune at $ 1.6 billion and puts him in 45th place in list of the richest Arabs in the world.
Information from IA Ruspres: in addition to being close to Putin’s colleague in the Leningrad KGB Alexander Grigoriev, partnership with his daughter Olga Grigorieva and, in particular, corrupt ties with the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller (the main reason for the transformation middle class businessman into a billionaire in just a few years), mention should be made of Ziyad Manasir's commercial relationship with Osama bin Laden's family, represented by the Saudi Bin Laden Group.
Vrez IA "Ruspres", Tatler, August 2009. Victoria Manasir (pictured), new wife Ziyad Manasira. 27 years. Former soloist of the Moiseeva Ensemble, now the owner of the ROS dental clinic. Six years ago, Ziyad was fascinated by Victoria Sagura, dancing on stage, since then Vika has been named Manasir. In the summer, he practices sailing on the Sardinian coast and hones his Italian in conversations with his neighbors in the villa - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Swarovski family. In winter, conquers the peaks of St. Moritz in the company of the King and Queen of Jordan. Ziyad gifts his wife with Arabian generosity - Graff stones, an Aston Martin convertible, a white Bentley and a Viktoria yacht, named, of course, in honor of his wife. Ziyad's mother has sixty grandchildren - three of them were presented by a Russian daughter-in-law. Last year, Manasir received the "Person of the Year" award marked "For the Improvement of the North." In the list of laureates, he was next to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. [Ruspres: in reality, Victoria Manasir is not 27, but 28 full years. Her Native sister, 19-year-old Margarita Sagura entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University together with the daughter of a Jordanian businessman Helen (Elena) Manasir]
Filmed a couple of months ago by a French military satellite, the palace complex under construction on the banks of the Moskva River, Western newspapers hastened to call the new government residence. Foreigners could not even think that there is an oligarch in Russia who is ready to invest such gigantic funds in personal real estate.
For the past ten years, corrupt officials and home-grown criminal billionaires have preferred to pin their hopes for a future quiet, secure old age on mansions in Mallorca, Capri and London. From there, in the event of popular or state anger, they will not be extradited, and they will not have to be responsible for the plunder of their native Fatherland.
Russian media quickly refuted Western disinformation about involvement in government building. The local residents convinced the journalists that the palace was being built for the Gazprom company. And respectable dacha residents, who, at least on the basis of the price of their four-story dachas, cannot be suspected of insanity, assured correspondents that they personally saw the chairman of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, walking “right down this street” in a tracksuit with a retinue ...
Well, who else but Gazprom? Oleg Deripaska is deeply in debt, Roman Abramovich is a long-cut piece, he can only be lured to Russia by an exhibition in Dasha Zhukova's art gallery. Mikhail Prokhorov - not in this part ... Divination on coffee grounds was stopped by the "hero of the occasion" himself.
- I am building the complex in the village of Berezhki! - like a genie from a lamp, 43-year-old Ziyad Manasir, the head of the Stroygazconsulting company, the owner of $ 500 million (according to Forbes), appeared before the general public.
- It all started before the crisis, a few years ago. When you build on the rise - this is one thing, but on the decline - another. Everything even looks somehow different... But, on the other hand, I build here in Russia, my whole business is here, my children study here. The crisis will end, I'm sure. And everything that is built will remain.
Thanks to this timely recognition, the relations between this businessman of Jordanian origin and Gazprom have become even warmer. Analysts do not exclude that Manasir, not without a hint of the latter, brought his main customer, which provides up to 75 percent of Stroygazconsulting's turnover, out of too close attention of the press.
Sardinia for a snack
Ziyad's passion for real estate - not building, but buying - only came to light this year. After a long time of collecting stones, it's time to spread the "grandmothers". Since the beginning of the crisis, Manasir has already managed to become famous as a wholesale buyer of villas in Sardinia.
For impressionable Italians, his behavior was a real shock. Moreover, many Russian nouveaux riches are now, on the contrary, putting their houses up for sale.
In order not to waste a lot of time, Manasir refused to leaf through the catalog. He carefully explored the Emerald Coast from a helicopter, flying low over rich estates, flowery lawns, gazebos and private beaches.
One day, Ziyad landed in Punta Nuraghe near the beach of Ira, not far from the estate of Silvio Berlusconi.
The layout of the palace complex of Ziyad Manasir is reminiscent of French 18th century
- What a beauty, - the construction magnate looked around and bought everything that came into his field of vision: three mansions, including the luxurious Verdiana villa, for which he offered a double price to the intractable owner. According to realtors' estimates, the wholesale purchase is worth 50 million euros. Thus, Manasir surpassed his closest neighbors - Alisher Usmanov, who bought a villa from the industrialist Antonio Merloni for 30 million euros, and Oleg Deripaska, who did not spare 20 million for the "Valkyrie" - a palace in the old part of Porto Cervo.
Half a kingdom in addition
Why Mr. Manasir has so many villas and palaces is best explained by a short line in his official biography: "married, has four children - three daughters and a son." Three palaces is at least a dowry. Plus, you have to live somewhere.
- Most likely, we will hold receptions in the palace, receive delegations. It is possible that the estate will be used as a summer residence of Mr. Ziyad, - said the head of the public relations department of the Stroygazconsulting company Victoria Mironova.
The settlement of the top managers of Stroygazconsulting impresses with a variety of architectural styles. The construction of the estate has been going on for five years already and, according to preliminary estimates, will be completed in two or three years. The interior decoration has just begun, but outside the snow-white palace and park ensemble, consisting of two mansions located opposite each other, connected by an artificial riverbed, is almost completed.
- I can imagine what a gorgeous wedding this will turn out to be, - the security guard squints dreamily at the object. “The girl has already come to watch,” he gave out the secret of the purpose of the construction of the guard.
According to the description of the security guard, with whom I talked after flying around the palace on our branded editorial helicopter, this beauty one to one resembled Manasir's eldest daughter, a student of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University Helen. Millions of viewers will surely remember her. Luxurious brunette embodies unbridled glamor in the reality series "Journalist", where she plays herself. She was remembered by many for her magnificent monologue, during which she explained that wearing dark glasses indoors is not a desire to hide the consequences of drinking alcohol, but a commitment to style.
The area of ​​the main house is about 9,000 sq. m, and reception houses - a little over 3,000 sq. m. However, the guard of the construction site may have hurried with the wedding.
- She's not going to get married yet! - Helen's classmates dissuaded Express Newspaper. - Especially since she, as a princess, cannot choose her party on her own. Until her dad and mom find a prince, she will hang out.
Students have heard about the palace under construction. The male half of Moscow State University dreams of receiving it as a promised dowry. Women's - visit as a bridesmaid. There are really a lot of chances for fellow students to walk at the wedding of Helen Manasir. When the palace is equipped, she will just finish the journalism faculty.
True, the builders are not so optimistic about the future of the palace.
- If we are also dynamized with wages, then this "gas Versailles" will turn into a long-term construction, - the multinational team complains.
At the construction site, the turnover has already begun. While some people are slowly plastering the cottage complex located next to the palace (where, most likely, the top managers of Stroygazconsulting will live), other hard workers roam Berezhki in search of shabashki.
wall to wall
- At Pugacheva we are now working, - the plasterer Tahir boasted to me. We're making a wall.
According to the guest worker, the prima donna's house gave way and a crack went along the back wall. A little more, and it could even be divided into two halves. But Alla Borisovna did not wait for the sad ending and ordered, sparing no money, to eliminate the troubles in a week, while she would have fun on the New Wave in Jurmala.
- We work day and night. Should be finished by her return. So that our spirit would not be there, - the builders say.
According to the architects, the palace does not represent any artistic value. It is incorrect to compare it with Peterhof. Near the artificial reservoir, already filled with carps and carp, there is a bathhouse and a fishing lodge. The two palaces are connected by a 70-meter water cascade, along which black and white swans will swim. From the house of Alla Borisovna to the palace complex is 20 minutes on foot. Some mansions are real temples of bliss and hedonism. Even 15 years ago, Berezhki was the most ordinary shabby village, and now they are turning into an elite village. The prima donna's house costs about 10 times less than the neighbor's palace. Pugacheva built a swimming platform last year, but, according to neighbors, she is afraid to dive from it. On the outskirts of Berezhkov, the familiar girls of Alla Borisovna's grandson live. Nikita often runs to them to play spin the bottle and ride scooters. The back wall of the prima donna's house is being repaired by people from five former Soviet republics. In this rotunda, Maxim Galkin likes to play backgammon with his beloved until they are bitten by mosquitoes. Six people permanently live in the security house, including two drivers.

Ziyad Manasir was born on December 12, 1965 in the capital of Jordan in the city of Amman in the family of an officer in the army of the Kingdom of Jordan. Ziyad was one of 12 children.

In 1983 he studied in Romania.

In 1984, he came to Moscow under a student exchange program and, according to distribution, he could enter either the Institute of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkin, or to the Baku Institute of Oil and Chemistry. M. Azizbekova. After 15 days, the choice fell on Azerbaijan, where he entered the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry. M. Azizbekov and received the specialty of an engineer-technologist of the oil and gas industry. According to his own statement: “For the first six months, I didn’t see anything except for my dorm room and classes at the faculty. I didn’t talk to anyone, I didn’t go to parties.” Since then, Ziyad had one friend left - a Syrian, with whom they lived in a hostel and in 2009 led joint business in Russia. At the institute, at the request of professors, the rector, the dean of the faculty, he was engaged in translations. At the same time, he was engaged in other business: he brought computers, bought office equipment in the Beryozka currency stores, and then resold it.

In 1988, he brought from Lebanon and sold five BMW cars, he drove one of these during his studies.

After graduating from the institute in 1990, he did not want to return to Jordan because of the need to serve in the army, he moved to Moscow. At first he worked in the COOP Union ("Koopsoyuz", consumer cooperation) a specialist in foreign economic activity as a specialist in the department of external relations. Subsequently, he became vice chairman of the board.

In the early 1990s, Manasir met Viktor Polyanichko, who was well acquainted with Viktor Chernomyrdin.

In 1992, he founded the MV company, named after the first letters of his and partner's last names, which traded in yellow phosphorus (imported from Kazakhstan, processed in Ukraine, sold at Moscow chemical plant, timber, metal, oil products and others. Six months later, he created the Baltika company, which did the same. In this company, Pyotr Polyanichko owned 20% of the shares (Victor Polyanichko's son). Four years later, disagreements arose with Petr Polyanichko, and Ziyad Manasir bought out his share.

Since 1993, working with Orenburgneft, he launched the sale of petroleum products at retail, where he met many oilmen.

In 1994, he acquired a house-building plant in Tyumen. In the same year, an oil energy forum was held in Tyumen, and Ziyad Manasir

invited all the oilmen, including the then Minister of Energy Yury Shafranik, to look at the plant he owns. After that, he began to build dormitories for Tyumenburgaz, a subsidiary of Gazprom. Construction lasted 6-7 years.

In 1994, he created the Stroygazconsulting company on the basis of Stroybusinessconsulting, together with Alexei Likhachev and Petr Polyanichko (20% at the time of creation).

In the mid-1990s, Stroygazconsulting received its first orders from Gazprom.

He returned to Jordan in 1999, having Russian citizenship.

In 1999, he merged Stroygazconsulting with PSO Urengoyprom-grazhdanstroy (Mikhail Yakibchuk).

In 2001, Stroygazconsulting got another co-owner - Olga Grigoryeva (daughter of Alexander Grigoriev, a friend of Vladimir Putin), "the daughter of a friend", as Manasir calls her. In February 2009, Olga Grigoryeva sold her share to Stroygazconsulting's subsidiary Stroygazconsulting-Sever (owned by Ziyad Manasir, Alexei Likhachev, Mikhail Yakibchuk and Roza Prilepa).

From 2007 to 2009, Stroygazconsulting acquired nine related to Gazprom construction companies with a total revenue of about half a billion dollars a year (according to the SPARK system).

In early 2009, he sold his Gazprom shares.

In 2009, the Stroygazconsulting holding won the Transneft tender for the construction of a 415 km oil pipeline as part of the ESPO-2 on a site located near the gas pipeline route, which was already being laid at that time.

In the spring of 2009, Gazprom secured a credit line for 11.2 billion rubles for its contractor, Stroygazconsulting.

A family

Married, wife - Victoria Manasir. He brings up five children, three daughters and two sons (according to other sources, three daughters and a son, Alexei Ali Manasir).

About his family, Ziyad Manasir says: “We lead a very correct way of life. I don't go to discos, I haven't gone to any casino in my life. All free time I spend with my family. Once a week, we definitely go to a restaurant with the children, we sing karaoke.”


Included in the Forbes magazine rating since 2009. Ranks 75th (2009) to 78th (2010) with a net worth of $500 million (2009) to $900 million (2010). In 2010, he ranked 78th with a fortune of 900 million US dollars.

With a personal fortune of $ 2.1 billion, in 2011 he took 46th place in the list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia (according to Forbes magazine).

Once our oligarchs were ordinary people. They were just beginning their journey to wealth and success. Then they lived simple things - created families and gave birth to children. Like all normal people, they tried to give their children everything they lacked, and they did it perfectly ...

Helen Manasir is the daughter of billionaire Ziyad Manasir (36th place in the Forbes ranking)

Helen's father, Ziyad Manasir, has been included in the Forbes magazine rating since 2009. His personal capital is estimated at $ 2.8 billion. The main profit of Ziyad Manasir has been and is brought by the Stroygazconsulting company, which received orders from Gazprom and Transneft.

Helen Manasir is the eldest daughter of Ziyad from his first marriage. In addition to Helen, there are four more children in the family.

Now Helen Manasir is 26 years old, she is a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 2014, she married Bulat Khunkaev, a Chechen from a very wealthy family. He graduated from the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University, and now he is engaged in business and works in the IT field.

Where do you think the billionaire's daughter and wife are supposed to live? successful businessman? Of course, in the castle! They live in a mansion on Rublyovka, the interior decoration is more reminiscent of a palace. Helen Manasir has a yacht, a house in Sicily, and a bunch of servants who do whatever the girl wants. Helen shares photos of her carefree life with subscribers on her Instagram.

The girl has an account on, where thousands of people tend to ask her their questions in order to somehow open the veil of the life of the rich in this world. She answers everyone very kindly and judiciously, shares beauty secrets, uploads photos of her surroundings. Subscribers find her a very sweet and unspoiled luxury girl. What does she look like to you?

Maria Chigirinskaya - niece Russian businessman, Shalva Chigirinsky, daughter of his brother Alexander

Shalva Chigirinsky - Russian billionaire and a construction magnate whose income, according to Forbes in 2008, was $ 2.5 billion. Her father is a large investor, Alexander Chigirinsky, owner of the Vitesse club.

Maria Chigirinskaya also maintains her blog on and here is how she describes herself in brief:

When communication with the president is "nothing special."

Maria Chigirinskaya is 19 years old, and last June she married Semyon Krutir, the son of businessman Arkady Krutir. The wedding was held according to Jewish traditions, and the ceremony was led by Berl Lazar himself, the Chief Rabbi of Russia.

The dress was custom-made by Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad and cost, according to various estimates, from 10 to 15 million rubles. Among the guests of the event were seen many Russian stars. And the main star of the holiday was the American rapper Busta Rhimes. They say that a total of 50 million rubles were spent on the wedding.

In general, Maria likes to collect joint pictures with various famous people on her Instagram. Their family has a special, warm relationship with Roman Abramovich.

Maria with her beloved uncle

Masha studies at MGIMO and drives around the streets of Moscow in a Porsche Panamera worth five million rubles.

Kristina Ozimkova is the daughter of investor and builder Roman Ozimkov

Roman Ozimkov, the girl's father, co-owner of the Tashir group of companies, general director of Maryina Roshcha Plaza LLC.

Kristina is 20 years old, she is a student at Moscow State University. Studied at the Faculty of Journalism. Her beauty, as Christina writes on a page on the social network, she owes to her mother's genetics. Christina surrounds herself with branded items and loves to be photographed against the backdrop of her cars, including: Porsche, Range Rover, Mercedes.

And Christina is in close contact with Maria Chigirinskaya, whom we have already mentioned above.

Diana Chervichenko is the daughter of businessman Andrey Chervichenko

The girl's father, Andrei Chervichenko, is the former owner of the Spartak club, the ex-president of Khimki, now a construction businessman.

Diana is 18 years old and she is studying art at Moscow State University. Apparently, her love for painting was passed on to her from her father, who collected paintings by Russian painters, especially Aivazovsky.

Diana communicates with her microblog subscribers, answers their questions, many of which are dedicated to her appearance, cosmetics, clothes, fashion brands that the girl prefers.

By the way, a large number of questions are asked to Diana about how she was able to turn from a plump girl into an elegant and slender beauty. Diana replies that she goes in for sports every day, and also adheres to proper nutrition.

Artyom Govyadin is the son of the oligarch Sergey Govyadin

Father Artyom Govyadina is the owner of Glavprodukt. Artyom is a graduate of the Lomonosov School, now studying at MGIMO.

Among his close friends are Diana Chervichenko, as well as the son of the singer Jasmine, Mikhail Semenduev (by the way, they have been dating Chervichenko's daughter for a long time), Semyon Faifman, the son of the general producer of Channel One Alexander Faifman, Yuri Kiselev, one of the sons of Vladimir Kiselev, producer and founder of the Federation Foundation.

The young man is dating Alina Razumova, a graduate of the Lomonosov School, whose fashionable images are followed by many fans on social networks.

Semyon Faifman - son of the general producer of Channel One

Alexander Faifman, Semyon's father, is a Russian producer, first deputy CEO- General Producer of Channel One.

Semyon Faifman himself does not have social media accounts, like his friends, but while still studying at the Lomonosov School, he had a Mercedes Gelandewagen worth 10 million rubles with a personal driver. Semyon also has a girlfriend, Sofia Shlyaga, with whom he is pictured in a photo in Cannes. On the this moment Semyon Faifman is a student at MGIMO.

Elizaveta Mamiashvili is the daughter of the President of the Wrestling Federation Mikhail Mamiashvili

Liza Mamiashvili just turned 16. A student of the 10th grade of the Lomonosov school "Intek" is fond of dancing, drawing, horseback riding, takes guitar and foreign language lessons. For a while, the girl dreamed of entering the faculty international relations after graduation, but then she realized that acting is much closer to her.

Lisa celebrated her 16th birthday at Royal Arbat karaoke with her friends and family. They performed various popular hits, and it became possible to tear them away from the microphone only when the cake was taken out.

Anastasia Kudryashkina is the daughter of the commercial director of UMMC-Holding Igor Kudryashkin

The biography of Victoria Manasir is a vivid confirmation that a modern business woman does not have to give up her personal life for the sake of a career. Being the wife of one of the richest people in Russia and the mother of four children, Vika successfully develops own business, travels a lot and always finds time to communicate with his sons and daughter.


Victoria Vladimirovna Manasir (before her marriage - Sagura) was born in Moscow in 1981. The girl's mother was a professional conductor and from childhood she instilled in her daughter a love of music. In 1990, Vika's younger sister Margarita was born.

Parents brought up their daughters in strictness, always making high demands on them. Thanks to this, Vika grew up as a disciplined and responsible girl. At the age of 12, Victoria Manasir became passionately interested in ballet, but they did not want to accept her into a choreographic school, because she was too old to start dancing. In this difficult situation, her mother helped her, who agreed to work in educational institution concertmaster only on condition that her daughter is taken on probation. The doubts of the choreographers were in vain. Flexible and graceful, Vika quickly mastered the ballet steps and achieved unprecedented success in the art of dance.

Acquaintance with Ziyad Manasir

After graduating from the choreographic school, Vika was invited to perform in the famous ensemble named after. I. Moiseeva. In the early 2000s, the Jordanian oligarch Ziyad Manasir, who does business in Russia and is the founder of holding company Stroygazconsulting. The entrepreneur liked the soloist of the ensemble Victoria Sagura, and he began to court her. Soon after they met, the lovers began to prepare for the wedding. For Victoria, this marriage was the first, and for her chosen one - the second. Ziyad Manasir, who turned out to be 16 years older than Vika, was already married before meeting her and raised two daughters, Helen and Diana. The latter, after the new marriage of her father, began to live with him and her stepmother.

Birth of children

Marriage with a businessman opened a new happy period in the biography of Victoria Manasir, giving her the joy of motherhood. In 2004, Vika gave birth to her husband's daughter Dana. A year later, the son of Alex appeared in the family of Victoria and Ziyad. But the couple did not stop at two common children. After 4 and a half years, the former soloist Victoria Manasir gave her husband a son, Roman, and on September 1, 2017, another boy appeared in the family of a businessman and his wife, who was named Andrey.

The status of a mother of many children does not scare Victoria. Since childhood, the oligarch's wife dreamed of a large number of kids and even literally begged her little sister from her parents. In an interview with reporters, Manasir says that in the future he plans to give birth to at least one more child. The husband of Victoria's aspirations supports, since he himself was born in big family, in which, besides him, 11 more children grew up. To date, Ziyad Manasir has more than 50 nephews, given to him by his brothers and sisters.

Further education and business

The biography of Victoria Manasir is not limited to raising children. After marriage, the girl graduated from the Financial Academy under the MBA program. In addition, Victoria has degrees in design and psychology. An excellent education and financial support from her husband allowed her to establish her own business, which brings her not only income, but also moral pleasure.

In 2003, Victoria Manasir opened a private clinic on the right bank of the Moscow River " french house medicine". Later, the businessman's wife had the idea to create an institution in which children and their parents could reveal their creative and intellectual abilities. This is how the Vikiland children's and family leisure club appeared, for which Manasir chose Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street in Moscow. At the same time, the Vikiland club opened a branch in Barvikha Village.

In her club, Victoria Manasir offers children to study foreign languages, master acting, drawing, vocal and dance art. Vikiland also has teachers who teach kids sports, pottery and chess. The club can prepare the child for school. So that parents do not get bored while their children are in class, they can meditate in the yoga room in Vikiland, get painting or vocal lessons. Victoria often visits the club she created, not only as a hostess, but also as a visitor. Here she enjoys working with the potter's wheel and doing yoga.

Secrets of parenting

Journalists interested in the biography of Victoria Manasir often ask her about children. The wife of a businessman answers these questions with pleasure, joking that motherhood is her biggest life success, profession and hobby. Despite her busyness, Vika always puts the interests of her children in the foreground. Manasir does not trust domestic education, which, in her opinion, suppresses the freedom of students. In order for her older children to receive a decent education, she sent them to study at the Bilton Grange boarding house in London. Roman is still too small to study abroad, so Vika assigned him to a Moscow school. In his spare time, Alex is engaged in hockey, rugby, horseback riding and music. The daughter of Victoria Manasir and Ziyad Manasir Dana loves to draw, her works are shown at art exhibitions. Roman plays basketball, tennis and swimming.

Victoria brings up children in strictness and instills in them respect for older people. She never punishes them, but all conflict situations prefers to deal with them through conversations.


The age of Victoria Manasir allows her to remain cheerful and energetic, despite the busy rhythm of life. She loves to travel with her husband and children. Victoria's favorite vacation spot is cozy European resorts, but she does not refuse trips to Africa and Antarctica.

Victoria received several educations, but is not going to stop there. Her dream is to enter the directing department at VGIK. Manasir feels the potential to create films and is sure that in the future she will be able to make interesting films.

Oligarchs, after all, they are also people and, of course, they have children who know from their very birth that they are destined for a prosperous and wonderful future. Some of them boast of their origin and status, some prefer to be more modest, but all of them, of course, consider themselves exceptional representatives of the "golden youth", a circle where only the elite fall.

Helen Manasir is the daughter of billionaire Ziyad Manasir (36th place in the Forbes ranking)

Helen's father, Ziyad Manasir, has been included in the Forbes magazine rating since 2009. His personal capital is estimated at $ 2.8 billion. The main profit of Ziyad Manasir has been and is brought by the Stroygazconsulting company, which received orders from Gazprom and Transneft.

Helen Manasir is the eldest daughter of Ziyad from his first marriage. In addition to Helen, there are four more children in the family.

Now Helen Manasir is 26 years old, she is a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 2014, she married Bulat Khunkaev, a Chechen from a very wealthy family. He graduated from the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University, and now he is engaged in business and works in the IT field.

Where do you think the daughter of a billionaire and the wife of a successful businessman should live? Of course, in the castle! They live in a mansion on Rublyovka, the interior decoration is more reminiscent of a palace. Helen Manasir has a yacht, a house in Sicily, and a bunch of servants who do whatever the girl wants. Helen shares photos of her carefree life with subscribers on her Instagram.

The girl has an account on, where thousands of people tend to ask her their questions in order to somehow open the veil of the life of the rich in this world. She answers everyone very kindly and judiciously, shares beauty secrets, uploads photos of her surroundings. Subscribers find her a very sweet and unspoiled luxury girl. What does she look like to you?

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