Huseyn Hasanov is a millionaire blogger and successful Azerbaijani businessman. Huseyn Gasanov - biography and personal life of a blogger Who is the Hussein Huseynov by nation

Tourism and rest 19.06.2020
Tourism and rest

sein Hasanov gained his popularity in Russia and abroad very quickly. Today, the guy is in the top of young and successful businessmen. Among other things, he is engaged in creative activities, posting short humorous videos on social networks.

Childhood and youth

And it all started on June 5, 1994. It was then that Huseyn Hasanov was born. He was born in St. Petersburg, where he lives to this day. The young man was always interested in activities in the restaurant business.

Literally from childhood, he dreamed of creating his own institution.. He made every effort to achieve the desired result. And now, today, Hussein owns a whole chain of restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

To achieve his goal, immediately after graduation, the guy made a choice in favor of entrepreneurship. He easily entered the Faculty of Economics and Finance in his hometown.

And by the end of the university in 2015, Hussein, in addition to a red diploma, acquired the title of one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in Russia. In his arsenal of shares in several large enterprises. In addition, the young man continues to develop his own network.

Creative activity

Undoubtedly, such success fascinates, inspires, gives self-confidence. Despite this, Hussein decided not to stop there and continue his personal development also in the creative field. Here he preferred to record short humorous videos, which are called vines.

By posting such sketches on his Instagram account, the guy gained his popularity. He managed to win the love and support of a huge number of people. Judging by the subscribers, which are already over 2.5 million, Hussein really understands what he is doing. It should also be noted that this account, on this moment, one of the most popular in Russia.

In addition to a successful Instagram account, Gasanov is developing his creative activity and on YouTube. There, the guy managed to gain 6,000 subscribers already. There he uploads all the same vines that his regular audience likes so much. The blogger posts videos about once a week.

Many people wonder what caused Hussein's popularity. Perhaps the point is the relevance of his videos. They really reflect the current picture modern world. With his inherent irony, Hasanov ridicules the vices of society, which makes him the favorite of millions. By the way, the guy often shoots collaborations with other bloggers and even with celebrities of modern Russian show business.

Personal life

Despite the huge success and popularity, Hussein remained an extremely modest and well-mannered guy. He inspires many to achieve, arguing that the main thing is not to give up and go forward, no matter what. But the guy's heart is free.

He does not like to advertise his personal life However, it is known for sure that he does not have a girlfriend. It does young man even more attractive to subscribers.

Hussein highlights his idea that self-development is the fundamental link in life. The guy sticks healthy lifestyle life, loves to read and attend cultural events. The blogger speaks very negatively about bad habits. And in those around him, such qualities as sincerity and kindness are important.

Other activities

Hussein Gasanov is a member of the Association of Young Businessmen of Russia. Among other things, he manages to organize holidays in his own restaurant. By the age of 22, he has achieved a lot, and is not going to stop.

Success in business does not prevent a guy from remembering his family. In addition, he is very respectful of traditions. Hussein managed to master three languages, he even learns a fourth. He has many awards and titles. The guy gives interviews to famous publications, is engaged in charitable activities, supports cultural projects.

There are a few interesting facts about the blogger, which he voiced in his interviews. For example, a young man is crazy about horror movies. He especially enjoys watching Stephen King films. Hussein is a huge fan of Japanese cuisine. Among his friends there are a huge number of stars and video bloggers. By the way, the guy achieved his incredible success on his own, because his family belongs to the middle class.

Hussein Gasanov was born on June 5, 1994 in the city of St. Petersburg. Ros Huseyn is in a full-fledged family with mom and dad. Hussein Gasanov's father owned a chain of restaurants in Moscow. For Hussein, his father was a role model - the guy always wanted to follow in his spots.
Hussein's family is of Azerbaijani origin. Huseyn Hasanov's nationality is not a secret for his followers on Instagram.
Since childhood, Hussein was a very active child. He was engaged in various sports sections. In some, the young man was able to achieve great results, become the winner of regional competitions.
At school, Hussein studied well. In his certificate there are only fives and fours. One of Hussein's favorite subjects at school were the lessons of the Russian language, literature and history.


For the parents of Hussein Hasanov and for himself, it was always important to get higher education. After leaving school, the young man entered the St. Petersburg State University to the Faculty of Economics.
Studying at the university gave Hussein great pleasure. He was interested in learning new disciplines, in order to then apply them in practice. Hussein Hasanov's father has always supported his son in various endeavors.

We can say that the biography of Hussein Hasanov as an entrepreneur began at the university. Back in such early years, a young man came up with startups and dreamed of their implementation.
In 2015, Huseyn graduated from the university with honors. And began to apply the acquired knowledge in restaurant business my father.

Catering business

Hussein Hasanov's parents are successful entrepreneurs. Mom owns a chain of large cafes in Moscow. Hussein's father has a modest but very cozy cafe. However, he later gave all the reins of ownership to his son, due to health reasons.
After such a gift from his father, Hussein plunged into the restaurant business with great enthusiasm. Literally in a year of work on the institution, Hussein was able to make his own chain of restaurants. Now the restaurants of Hussein Gasanov are in great demand among the residents of St. Petersburg.
The restaurant business of Hussein Gasanov is very successful in St. Petersburg. The young man plans to open another chain of restaurants. But this time he wants to carry out in the city of Moscow.
Now, Hussein combines several things, manages restaurants, and is also engaged in blogging. A young man has to live "in two cities": St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Humorous career

Hussein's love for humorous creativity woke up long before the appearance of his vines on Instagram. Even while studying at school, Hussein loved the stage, and at every opportunity performed with his schoolmates with sketches and miniatures at various school events.
Mine creative way as a humorist, Hussein continued at the university. The young man played in the university team of KVN. Huseyn performed there, and also wrote the script, and after that he already became the team captain.
Even after Huseyn Gasanov became a successful restaurateur, his love for creativity did not fade away. Then Hussein began to act in some projects as a stand-up comedian. He tried himself as a comedian on the TNT channel. It was there that he was able to make friends in quality, and many others.

popularity on instagram

Hussein Hasanov started shooting vines on Instagram thanks to his friend. In 2015, his friend asked Hussein to appear in his vine. After these shootings, Hussein wanted to create such humorous videos.
Hussein approached the shooting of the Vines very responsibly. The young man wanted the video to be funny, but at the same time professionally filmed and well edited. All financial costs, time and work of Hussein were justified.
Almost after three removed vines, a large number of people began to subscribe to Hussein's Instagram. Huseyn gained his first hundred thousand subscribers in about a month. Popular bloggers are filmed in Huseyn Gasanov's vines:, and many others.
Now more than 6 million people are following the life of the popular blogger Huseyn Hasanov. And each guy's video is gaining more than 7 million views.

frame project

Like many popular bloggers, Huseyn Gasanov has enough haters. Under almost every video on Hussein's YouTube channel, there are negative comments about pranks on popular bloggers. Many haters say that this is not funny, and in some ways even cruel.
However, everyone is entitled to their opinion. In Hussein's video, it is clear that almost every blogger who was pranked is not in bad mood, but on the contrary is very pleased with this denouement, and admits that it was fun to take part in such an experiment.

Personal life

Blogger Huseyn Gasanov is an ideal for many girls. On his Instagram, Hussein has repeatedly touched on the topic of the relationship between a man and a woman. As the guy himself admits, he clearly understands what kind of girl he wants to see next to him.
Huseyn Hasanov's nationality is Azerbaijani. He honors many Caucasian principles about women. The girl should be modest, and not vulgar.
Not so long ago, Hussein began to upload joint photos with a girl named Mariana. The young couple looks very nice together. And in 2018, Hussein posted a video on Instagram in which he was on his knees and proposed to his beloved. Signing modestly "She answered Yes!".
Hussein Gasanova's girlfriend also posts joint photos with the blogger on her Instagram. Also, it is worth noting that Hussein's girlfriend never starred in his vines. Some subscribers believe that Hussein is doing everything right, he does not combine the work of a blogger and his personal life.

Huseyn Hasanov is a millionaire blogger and successful Azerbaijani businessman. He is the owner of a whole chain of cafes in the city on the Neva and in Moscow, as well as a clothing store, where, in particular, he offered for purchase an exclusive collection of stylish men's suits created by him under the GG brand (his initials).

In 2018, the number of his followers exceeded 6 million people, and only in social networks he earned more than 4 million rubles a month.

Childhood and family

The future popular blogger was born on June 5, 1994 in Kolpino, a suburb of St. Petersburg. His father, a native of Azerbaijan, after serving in the army, which he once took place in the cultural capital, decided not to return to his homeland. He stayed in Russia, opened a small cafeteria and was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Mom was a housewife.

AT Kindergarten and Hussein went to first grade in Baku, where he had many relatives, but he graduated from school at home, in St. Petersburg. It is known that he has an older brother.

FROM early age Gasanov dreamed of his own cafe, cozy and with good food, where you want to come more than once. After school, he entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Economics and Finance. True, according to him, he chose this faculty not because knowledge in this area seemed completely necessary to him for the family business, but because a girl, the object of his adoration, entered there.

Hussein's father in his youth was a good amateur musician, he played the synthesizer at anniversaries and weddings. Mom also loved art with all her heart, she played the violin beautifully. The creative inclinations of the relatives were passed on to the son. At the university, he was the captain of the KVN team and enthusiastically competed in wit, demonstrating a great sense of humor and acting skills.

Career Development

When in 2015 the young man received a red diploma from St. Petersburg State University, his father handed over the management of the restaurant business to him. The son managed to develop it and turn it into a network of high-level establishments. At the same time, the young entrepreneur became interested in creating short humorous videos - vines, posting them on his Instagram.

His first vine, which literally “blew up” the Network, was the “I messed up” video. Per a short time he scored about 30 million views. According to the plot, the hero of Hussein wants to meet a beauty, but she refuses him. However, when he sees that he gets into a "cool car", he terribly regrets his hasty decision (and all this - to the sound of the Serebro song "Confused").

The blogger also called Vine one of his best creations under the name “Four Types of Date”, where he first appeared in a blonde wig, which even his father laughed at. Subsequently, he tried to make the theme of his video works not only humor and satire, but also plots from which each viewer could learn something interesting and useful for himself.

In 2017, Gasanov moved to Moscow and focused on his blog, transferring the care of the restaurant business in his hometown to his brother. In the capital he went to new level- created a team of creative like-minded people, a YouTube channel, where he launched the prank show "Setup" (similar to Ashton Kutcher's TV show of the same name with pranks of stars).

In record time, he managed to become one of the most popular representatives of the blogosphere. They agreed to cooperate with him not only ordinary people, but also idols of domestic show business. So, the model Stefania, the daughter of the beloved singer Dmitry Malikov, played a beauty in his video, where the song “I met a girl” from the Soviet film of the same name sounded. According to the story, while walking in the park, she received a marriage proposal from a young man performed by Hussein.

Celebrities not only starred in the commercials of a successful blogger. They themselves began to invite him to their projects. For example, in 2017 he played the fiancé of the singer and actress Anna Semenovich in her cheerful video for the song “I want to be with you.”

In addition, the young man often became a guest of popular radio and television programs, including “Friday Morning”, “Let them talk” with Andrei Malakhov, “Male / Female”, co-hosted by Alexander Gordon and Yulia Baranovskaya.

Personal life of Hussein Hasanov

The video blogger and businessman is not married, but does not suffer from loneliness. Previously, he was attracted exclusively by girls with a beautiful appearance, later, when there were a lot of such beauties around him, he began to give preference to persons who were distinguished by kindness, sincerity, and a sense of humor.

One of Hussein's lovers was a model named Niki, whom he played as the heroine of his prank with the witch "Paranormal Activity". The next chosen one of a successful businessman was a certain Mariana. He actively shared joint photos on Instagram.

next sweetheart enviable bachelor name was Zhibek Holdas. She is a Kazakhstani model, who became vice-miss in the summer of 2018. international competition Beauty "Miss USSR UK", held in the United Kingdom. Its participants were representatives of the former republics of the Soviet Union.

The young man is a supporter of the idea of ​​self-development, in particular, studies foreign languages, as well as a healthy lifestyle, speaking very negatively about bad habits. He is a fan of Stephen King and Japanese cuisine.

Huseyn Hasanov now

In 2018, Gasanov wrote on social networks that he would like to ask President Vladimir Putin about rumors about a possible ban on Instagram and YouTube in Russia. After that, representatives of the Russia-1 channel contacted him and provided such an opportunity. During the annual presidential live broadcast” he asked this question of concern to many bloggers and received an assurance that freedom on the Internet would not be restricted.

In the same year, Hussein starred in the video of Bakhtiyar Aliyev, known under the pseudonym Bahh Tee, and Oleg Gazmanov for the song "It's time to go home." The video told the story of two people who met in a foreign land after a long separation.

The young man is not only successful Russian blogger, who shoots funny videos on the topic of the day, but also a party organizer, as well as an entrepreneur from Azerbaijan. He was born on June 5, 1994 in St. Petersburg in a family of entrepreneurs.

His father owned a restaurant business, but for health reasons was forced to pass it on to his heir. Hussein's mother is also the owner of a chain of cafes. As the blogger admits, with a laugh in one interview, they are competitors with her.

The life path of Hussein Hasanov

Since childhood, Hussein Hasanov dreamed that he would have his own cafe and purposefully walked towards this goal.

After Huseyn graduated from the 11th grade of the school, he was firmly convinced that his vocation was to be an entrepreneur. That is why he becomes a student of the Faculty of Finance and Credit at St. Petersburg State University, who graduates in 2015 and receives a red diploma, but by that time he already owns the status of one of the most popular Russian young businessmen. Now Hussein owns a chain of restaurants in Moscow and the northern capital.

The young man also created his own GG clothing collection, which is currently only available on the Internet, but soon, as Hussein says, they will open a store in Atrium.

As for his income, Hussein Hasanov admits that only on in social networks a month he earns about four million rubles, however, he says with confidence that he can easily live on two hundred thousand rubles a month.

The creative path of a successful blogger

Hussein became interested in creativity while still a student, when he participated in the KVN team and was its captain. After the young man received his higher education, he decided to develop his talent for jokes.

He is also engaged in blogging, that is, he shoots interesting humorous videos about the relationship between a man and a woman, which he subsequently uploads to his Instagram, where he has more than three with half a million subscribers. In his blogs, the young man makes fun of golden youth, corrupt girls and show-offs.

At first, the guys recorded the video on the phone and it was just a hobby, but later it became his main activity, and by the past 2017, about 10 people began to work on the filming of one video in his team, and the assistants spend about 7 days. But, as Hussein admits in one of his interviews, he did not plan to become a blogger.

The fact is that one day Hussein was called by his friend and asked the young man to come, because a car of a certain brand was needed to shoot the video. But it turned out that Hussein Gasanov himself starred in this video, and later became popular: the girls kept asking in the comments under this video “how to find that black one?” Hussein even created his own Instagram account as a joke in order to meet girls. On the basis of this, he even quarreled with that friend, as he accused Hussein of taking away the audience.

Personal life of Hussein Hasanov

As for the personal life of Hussein Hasanov, at the moment he is unmarried and has no children.

The young man admitted to the press that he wanted to tie the knot and start a family, but he was ready to marry only when there was a “right girl”, the existence of which the young man had already begun to doubt. However, as Hussein himself said in one of his interviews, he found a representative of the type of girls that he likes. Her name is Stesha Malikova and she starred with Hussein in one of his videos.

Huseyn Hasanov is a millionaire blogger and successful Azerbaijani businessman. He is the owner of a whole chain of cafes in the city on the Neva and in Moscow, as well as a clothing store, where, in particular, he offered for purchase an exclusive collection of stylish men's suits created by him under the GG brand (his initials).

Gasanov also became famous as the author of short witty videos on Instagram and YouTube videos with pranks of famous people, including rapper Doni, video blogger Nikolai Sobolev, singer Maryana Ro, MBAND group, model Diana Melison.

In 2018, the number of his followers exceeded 6 million people, and only in social networks he earned more than 4 million rubles a month.

Childhood and family

The future popular blogger was born on June 5, 1994 in Kolpino, a suburb of St. Petersburg. His father, a native of Azerbaijan, after serving in the army, which he once took place in the cultural capital, decided not to return to his homeland. He stayed in Russia, opened a small cafeteria and was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Mom was a housewife.

Hussein went to kindergarten and first grade in Baku, where he had many relatives, but he graduated from school at home, in St. Petersburg. It is known that he has an older brother.

From an early age, Gasanov dreamed of his own cafe, cozy and with good food, where you want to come more than once. After school, he entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Economics and Finance. True, according to him, he chose this faculty not because knowledge in this area seemed completely necessary to him for the family business, but because a girl, the object of his adoration, entered there.

Hussein's father in his youth was a good amateur musician, he played the synthesizer at anniversaries and weddings. Mom also loved art with all her heart, she played the violin beautifully. The creative inclinations of the relatives were passed on to the son. At the university, he was the captain of the KVN team and enthusiastically competed in wit, demonstrating a great sense of humor and acting skills.

Career Development

When in 2015 the young man received a red diploma from St. Petersburg State University, his father handed over the management of the restaurant business to him. The son managed to develop it and turn it into a network of high-level establishments. At the same time, the young entrepreneur became interested in creating short humorous videos - vines, posting them on his Instagram.

At first, he did not plan to become a blogger - he registered on the social network, as he joked in an interview, solely for the sake of communicating with girls. But once Hussein starred at the request of a friend in a funny video, which aroused great interest among the fair sex. This circumstance was the impetus for his successful career online.

His first vine, which literally “blew up” the Network, was the “I messed up” video. In a short time, he scored about 30 million views. According to the plot, the hero of Hussein wants to meet a beauty, but she refuses him. However, when he sees that he gets into a "cool car", he terribly regrets his hasty decision (and all this - to the sound of the Serebro song "Confused").

The first wine of Hussein Gasanov "I mixed up"

The blogger also called Vine one of his best creations under the name “Four Types of Date”, where he first appeared in a blonde wig, which even his father laughed at. Subsequently, he tried to make the theme of his video works not only humor and satire, but also plots from which each viewer could learn something interesting and useful for himself.

Hussein Hasanov played his girlfriend in the "Setup" project. Prank with a witch

In 2017, Gasanov moved to Moscow and focused on his blog, transferring the care of the restaurant business in his hometown to his brother. In the capital, he reached a new level - he created a team of creative like-minded people, a YouTube channel, where he launched the prank show "Setup" (similar to Ashton Kutcher's TV show of the same name with pranks of stars).

In record time, he managed to become one of the most popular representatives of the blogosphere. Not only ordinary people agreed to cooperate with him, but also idols of domestic show business. So, the model Stefania, the daughter of the beloved singer Dmitry Malikov, played a beauty in his video, where the song "I met a girl" from the Soviet film of the same name sounded. According to the story, while walking in the park, she received a marriage proposal from a young man performed by Hussein.

Huseyn Hasanov in the video of Anna Semenovich - “I want to be with you”

Celebrities not only starred in the commercials of a successful blogger. They themselves began to invite him to their projects. For example, in 2017 he played the fiancé of the singer and actress Anna Semenovich in her cheerful video for the song “I want to be with you.”

In addition, the young man often became a guest of popular radio and television programs, including "Friday Morning", "Let them talk" with Andrey Malakhov, "Male / Female", co-hosted by Alexander Gordon and Yulia Baranovskaya.

Personal life of Hussein Hasanov

The video blogger and businessman is not married, but does not suffer from loneliness. Previously, he was attracted exclusively by girls with a beautiful appearance, later, when there were a lot of such beauties around him, he began to give preference to persons who were distinguished by kindness, sincerity, and a sense of humor.

One of Hussein's lovers was a model named Niki, whom he played as the heroine of his prank with the witch "Paranormal Activity". The next chosen one of a successful businessman was a certain Mariana. He actively shared their joint photos on Instagram.

The next beloved of an enviable bachelor was called Zhibek Kholdas. She is a Kazakh model, who in the summer of 2018 became the vice-miss of the international beauty contest "Miss USSR UK", held in the United Kingdom. Its participants were representatives of the former republics of the Soviet Union.

Interview with Hussein Hasanov

The young man is a supporter of the idea of ​​self-development, in particular, studies foreign languages, as well as a healthy lifestyle, speaking very negatively about bad habits. He is a fan of Stephen King and Japanese cuisine.

Huseyn Hasanov now

In 2018, Gasanov wrote on social networks that he would like to ask President Vladimir Putin about rumors about a possible ban on Instagram and YouTube in Russia. After that, representatives of the Russia-1 channel contacted him and provided such an opportunity. During the annual presidential "Live" he asked this question of concern to many bloggers and received an assurance that freedom on the Internet would not be restricted.

Vladimir Putin answers questions from Hussein Gasanov

In the same year, Hussein starred in the video of Bakhtiyar Aliyev, known under the pseudonym Bahh Tee, and Oleg Gazmanov for the song "It's time to go home." The video told the story of two people who met in a foreign land after a long separation.

Huseyn Hasanov in the clip of Bahh Tee and Oleg Gazmanov - "It's time to go home"

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