Star marriage. Rustam Tariko: “Why does a billionaire need alimony from his ex-wife? Vladimir and Marianna Saveliev

Design and interior 24.06.2020

Strange decision

About how big businessmen win in courts, in Russian media a lot has already been written. However, the "children's theme" is still a special issue.

Judging by the publications, even in the legal community, such a decision in the "Tariko case" caused misunderstanding - the court did not even take into account that Tatyana has her own housing - an apartment of 45 square meters. m and the constant work of an accountant, which means that she may well educate and support her daughters.

“Such a decision of the Solntsevsky Court will be protested unambiguously,” independent lawyer Valery Angelov told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - It is unrealistic to bribe all the courts!

“Rustam sought me for eight years”

Along the way, Tatyana Osipova, who is fighting for children today, is trying to dispel the myth of "a young fool who fell for a rich businessman." It wasn't like that... Below are some excerpts from her interview with

- ... Tatyana, as I understand it, you got a "Tale of Cinderella" - a billionaire picked you up, an ordinary girl, practically on the street and made you a rich queen?

- Not true. It's not about me at all! Tanya is outraged. - I am from a decent Moscow family, not poor. I am not at all a hunter for oligarchs, I don’t go to nightclubs, social events in order to “pick up” a rich pinocchio, no! Yes, and Rustam Tariko, when we met by chance almost 16 years ago, was not a billionaire.

He was an ordinary businessman, as it seemed, rather modest. And I was not at all interested in either his income or himself. We just met at the birthday party of a mutual friend. Rustam's eyes immediately lit up when he saw me. He asked for a phone number, I did not give. True, they told me later that he asked all our acquaintances about me, said that he liked it. And years later he told me that his heart skipped a beat - this is the girl of his life, his fate. He then set a goal to conquer me and went to her for eight years! He's a man who gets his way, that's for sure. But with me he had, frankly, not easy, and endured, and waited, and hoped. And at that time I was in love with another person, married him. My ex-husband is a wonderful person. You know, now, when I feel very bad, when I ended up in difficult situation He is the one who supports me! I have been happily married to him for five years.

And then, probably, as it happens in any family, we began to cool down, we began to quarrel. And here Rustam Tariko reappeared on my horizon. He is certainly a very charismatic man, charming, interesting, erudite. Probably, women will understand me - here the husband does not pay attention to you, does not notice, and you feel abandoned and unnecessary, and then a bright, prominent man appears, ready to kneel for days, talk about love and admit that he only dreams for eight years about you, only you he needs, only with you he dreams of a family! Probably, this will flatter any female ego. But I still held out for a long time. Refused Rustam. And he was relentless.

He entangled me like a cobweb with his love, care, beautiful words. When we began to meet with him, he brought me to a restaurant, led me to one place and said: “That's exactly where you were standing, I approached you, asked for a phone, you looked down on me and said no. He brought me to the place where I once refused him, and asked: “Now say yes!” In general, at some point I relaxed and believed him. And... surrendered to emotions, fell in love. My husband and I no longer lived together. Although I stayed in our country house and my husband helped me financially. Rustam just pulled me out of this house and I moved in with him.

I emphasize that at that time Tariko was not a billionaire, just an average businessman, but very generous, courteous, caring. There was no Forbes in sight, no billions, but there was love in which I believed.

- Did he already work at Russian Standard then?

- Yes, there was already a "Russian Standard". I saw that he was a wealthy man. But we lived with him in a small house, which had one kitchen with a living room, one room, and on the second floor there was a bedroom, an office and a bathroom. No attributes luxurious life. And Rustam was different. I was building a relationship with a completely different person, not with the one he is now ...

We lived together for a year. I officially divorced my husband when I was already pregnant by Rustam. Rustam did not want me to work, he wanted me to take care of the house and him. I also wanted to devote myself to my family. Rustam and I dreamed of having children, creating real family. Rustam was happy when I got pregnant. Who would have thought that in a few months everything would change.

"He could not curb his amorousness"

- Pregnant, I was sitting alone, but Rustam was not there. I was told that they saw him in nightclubs. He himself did not hide that he was running around the girls. I wanted to get away from him. I packed my things, he came to his senses and began to persuade me not to take rash steps - he promised to improve. For some time he again surrounded me with care, but not for long ... In his Moscow apartment, I once found a strange woman in our bed ... But I was already late in pregnancy, I decided to endure ...

You see, he grew up without a father, he was raised by one mother, and he simply did not see an example of a full-fledged happy family. He is a Muslim. A woman in his understanding should always be in complete submission. And I am quite a full-fledged person and could claim my rights, argue. He was pissed off at my disobedience. And still, for the sake of my daughters, I was ready to endure bullying. He isolated me from my friends, said he didn't like them. And my meetings with girlfriends stopped. He put me in the house, placing me just in some kind of vacuum. But even that I endured. Because I love my daughters and devoted all the time to them. But if he could at least manage to tame his love of love!

“Refused to go to America”

- Rustam and I traveled a lot around different countries- He has a business. I just went crazy: we will just settle down, get used to the new housing, again we have to pack our bags. Over the years, I just became a real packer!

And then Rustam said that I should come with the children to America. And I wanted my children to study in Moscow. I bucked for the first time in my life and told him firmly: “No!” It happened a year ago. Rustam was furious. I stayed with the children in our house near Moscow, which he rents, but in which we feel good! I needed to be in Moscow to work. I had a comfortable job where I didn’t have to sit every day, the main thing was to prepare and submit reports by the end of the month. These conditions suited me very well. Rustam's lawyer told you that I am unemployed. Not true, I'm working!

- It turns out that you refused to go to America to work?

- Of course. I need something to exist. I had my own funds, savings in the bank, which were before the start of our relationship with Rustam. At this time, while I was not working, I had to live on this money. But I can't live like this forever. Whatever the savings, no matter how thrifty I am, if they are not replenished, they run out. Rustam stopped giving me money so that I could be more accommodating and agree to his terms...

- On what terms?

- So that it is written everywhere that the children live with him, only he makes all the decisions. For this I was allowed to communicate with children. He offered me a million dollars for it. I didn’t manage to pay, he apparently paid someone else ... Judging by the decision the court made ...

- You didn’t want to register a marriage with Rustam, or did he?

“That’s his thing, I guess. He decided that he would never marry. This is such a protection that if there is a divorce, it will be necessary to share. He is afraid for his money.

intermediate finish

While the interview was being prepared for publication, Tanya called and told reporters that she had flown to Italy. Rustam returned the children to her, and she will fly to Moscow with them. The spouses are negotiating peace, they want neither side to be harmed. Both came to the decision that they would no longer devote the press to their personal affairs.

On the picture: on the left is Rustam Tariko's former civil wife Tatyana Osipova, on the right is Tariko with her current girlfriend Elena, who bore him a son.

Rustam Tariko, the owner of the Russian Standard bank and the king of vodka, won a child custody lawsuit against his common-law wife Tatyana Osipova. The court decided: the children will stay with the father, and the mother now has to pay him alimony

Vsevolod Belchenko

Ironically, Tatyana Osipova herself was the first to turn to Themis: in the spring, she filed a lawsuit with the Solntsevsky Court of Moscow to recover alimony and determine the place of residence of Tariko's daughters, the twins Anna and Eve. The billionaire filed a counterclaim. The trial between the former common-law spouses took place in Moscow and in Sardinia, where Tariko's villa is located. The result - both courts were won by the entrepreneur.

Further, the story, it would seem, began to develop along the track knurled for Russia - a rich father hides children from a not so rich mother. An interview with Osipova's lawyer, Robert Campesi, appeared in the Sardinian newspaper L`Unione Sarda, who claimed that the billionaire isolated the twins from his mother. But Tariko, instead of finishing off the recalcitrant rival, went to the world. He, most likely, will not demand real payment of alimony, and Osipova will maintain contact with the children. "Everything will end in an absolutely peaceful way," they say surrounded by the banker. Osipova herself has already refuted her lawyer's interview and said: "I know where my daughters are. I also know that they are all right."

In search of the reasons for the non-standard outcome of the conflict, Ogonyok turned to the character and history of Rustam Tariko.

solo part

Rustam Tariko was born in 1962 in the provincial town of Menzelinsk, 300 km from Kazan. A school, a distillery, a machine and tractor station and 16,000 people, Russians and Tatars approximately equally - typical locality in the Tatar hinterland. The future tycoon grew up with his mother Rosa: his father left the family when Rustam Tariko was a year old.

“I grew up in an atmosphere of great maternal love,” the businessman recalled. “Although she often went on business trips, sometimes she was gone for a whole month, but my mother always sent me parcels with sweets and toys.

According to the recollections of teachers, Rustam was an independent child. Tariko's first project - the Menzelinsky vocal and instrumental ensemble - he also organized at school. The team he assembled performed at a local disco and in the palace of culture. Repertoire - songs of the Soviet stage, solo and guitar - Tariko himself. He liked to sing: for example, at the graduation of his class, Tariko sang almost the entire evening.

“I still feel some nostalgia for that time and dream of having a strong voice and singing,” the businessman admitted.

But the stage is not a pragmatic thing, Tariko decided and, having sung at the graduation, went to Moscow to enter the Institute of Transport Engineers. As classmates recalled, it was possible to get into a prestigious university only on the second attempt.

In parallel with his studies at the institute, Tariko worked as a janitor, rented an apartment together with several people from Menzelinsk.

“Mom sent money to Rustam in Moscow, and he returned it back and asked her not to send it anymore, saying that he had his own,” recalled friends of the Tariko family.

According to them, Tariko both then and later, when he got rich, helped people from Menzelinsk enter the capital's universities, hired them. With the support of Tariko, the House of Pioneers was built in the city and the Orthodox Cathedral was restored.

They say that in 2003, after the birth of twin daughters, the billionaire sent a special flight to the city for his mother's friends: the women were taken to Italy so that they, along with Rosa Tariko, could celebrate a joyful event.

Settlement of Italians in "Russia"

The real conquest of the capital began for the provincial Rustam Tariko in 1988, when he got a job in the travel company Emanuela Carboncini "Business Tour". The company was engaged in settling Italians who came on business trips to Moscow hotels. The manager of the rooms for foreigners was the state tourist giant Intourist, who worked slowly and charged exorbitant prices from third-party cooperatives. Carboncini once complained to Tariko about Intourist and dropped: "Give me access to decent hotel rooms in Moscow. If you succeed, you will become rich."

Tariko took the Italian woman's remark as a call to action: on the same day he tried to get to a meeting with the director of the Rossiya Hotel. The secretary did not let him go further than the reception room, but Tariko did not leave: he waited until the end of the working day and caught the clerk at the exit from the office.

“You have connections with officials who issue permits for foreigners to enter the USSR,” said Tariko. would like to come to Moscow, but they cannot get permission and a hotel room.

Tariko offered to accommodate foreigners bypassing Intourist. The director accepted the offer: a few days later a group of Italian entrepreneurs were already entering Russia through the Business Tour, and Tariko received a commission of 5 thousand dollars for the deal, crazy money at that time.

“Before that, I had never had more than $50 in my pocket,” the businessman later admitted.

The epic with the settlement of Italians in Soviet hotels continued until 1990 and brought Tariko several tens of thousands of dollars and extensive connections in Italian business circles. As a result, the businessman became a supplier of Italian products to Russia. At first, he imported chocolate from Ferrero SpA, including one of the symbols of the onset of capitalism - the famous Kinder Surprises. A little later, another symbol fell into the hands of Tariko, this time for adults - Martini vermouth. In 1992, Tariko registered Roust Inc. and received the rights of the exclusive distributor of the brand in Russia. The secret of success is that he promised the Italians to sell as much vermouth in two months as they sold in Russia in a year. Tariko personally unloaded the first boxes of vermouth imported by Roust Inc and brought them to the Eliseevsky grocery store, his colleagues recall. A little later, Tariko became the exclusive distributor of Johnnie Walker whiskey in Russia, and in 1998 the businessman received the rights to Smirnoff, Bailey's and Metaxa.

It could not do without conflicts: for example, in 2002, Tariko quarreled with Martini, his alcohol company lost up to half of its turnover. A little later, the businessman agreed to cooperate with Martini competitors - producers of Chinzano vermouth, but the entrepreneur failed to repeat the success of the early 1990s with this brand.

True, Martini's lessons were not in vain: in 2006, Tariko launched his own vodka factory in St. Petersburg and introduced the Russian Standard vodka brand. The brand was presented on a grand scale: the businessman spent 3 million dollars on the domains and, bought on the occasion. One of the most promoted Russian brands, oddly enough, is designed primarily for foreigners. According to Tariko himself, today more than half of Russian Standard vodka goes abroad. The entrepreneur also produces vodka under the Imperia brand, and in the summer of 2010 he announced that he was eyeing the manufacturer of vodkas and tinctures Nemiroff.

By the end of the 1990s, the alcohol market became less attractive, and Rustam Tariko began to look at new areas of business. In 1999, he bought a small Agrooptbank, renamed it "Russian Standard" and began to develop a direction that had never been seen before in Russia - retail lending.

“The bankers were skeptical of him, they believed that this was not his business,” recalls Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of the Association of Regional Banks. “They said: the guy worked in the alcohol market with a high income, received super profits and now he wants to do the same in the banking market. He was predicted to fail, but he caught the bird of happiness by the tail and did not let it out.

"Russian Standard" became one of the pioneers of express lending in Russia, and entered this market at the very beginning of the consumer boom and managed to skim it off. Issuing loans without collateral and guarantors, cash loans, imposing loans in shopping malls, sending credit cards by mail and huge hidden commissions - all these lending techniques of the mid-2000s were introduced by Rustam Tariko's bank.

- At the beginning of the credit boom, two or three banks adopted an extremely aggressive policy. They "handed out" loans right and left, not particularly caring about repayment. And the losses were compensated for by the extremely high real value of money. Once a debtor of one of these banks came to see me. He thought that he needed to be paid, say, 22 percent per annum, and the effective rate that we calculated with him was under 100 percent,” says Pavel Medvedev, chairman of the subcommittee on banking legislation of the State Duma.

Meanwhile, Tariko Bank continued to increase its loan portfolio and became the market leader in its segment. Thunder struck in 2007, when deceived borrowers began to challenge the hidden commissions and payments in courts, which brought the lion's share of the bank's income. The bank lost cases, the antimonopoly agency, financial intelligence, the Central Bank and even Rospotrebnadzor took the side of the complainants. The fight with consumers ended for Rustam Tariko with a visit to the Prosecutor General's Office, after which the businessman announced: all hidden commissions would be canceled, and interest rate reduced. This decision cost Russian Standard $200 million in lost profits.

“Russian Standard” pursued a policy that was too risky from the point of view of the Central Bank, although it made good money on it, as a result, it got into conflict with both clients and the authorities, says Anatoly Aksakov. mode, he worked, but as soon as he was told it was impossible, Tariko took it under his visor.

The Russian Standard conflict became a landmark for the market: immediately after it, the authorities announced that an effective interest rate would be introduced in the country.

“This made it impossible for banks to cover losses from a significant proportion of non-paying borrowers due to the high cost of money for paying borrowers,” says Pavel Medvedev. understood how much they would have to pay, quickly disappeared.

The crisis forced a final review of the bank's policy. Tariko himself in numerous interviews claimed that at some point the bank was in dire need of money and suffered losses, although in the end the crisis passed without noticeable losses. Colleagues in the banking department note: the bank had to urgently look for capital. After the additional capitalization, the image and policy of the bank changed completely: they do not impose loans in stores, they try to use credit histories, in general, they work like other banks.

Serenity of the tycoon

“He was always a risky, aggressive guy, and the risk was not always justified,” says Anatoly Aksakov.

The propensity for risk manifested itself not only in business, but also in private life: the banker owns a high-speed boat with the telling name Terrible, capable of accelerating to 144 km / h (on which he participated in the Primatist Trophy races, a kind of "Formula 1" on the water) , he enjoys piloting aircraft and skiing. For a long time Tariko was famous as a well-known party-goer and party-goer. So, it was he who became one of the pioneers of Sardinia for the Russian secular public, and his parties in the fashionable Cala di Volpe hotel are considered the most broken Russian parties on the island. In 2003, for example, the party ended with Rustam Tariko throwing naked models into the hotel pool, and Lord Portman and Natalya Vodianova throwing dressed guests.

Perestroika, the creation of the Russian Standard brand and the birth of children are the three main events in life, Rustam Tariko said. It was the latter - the birth of twin daughters in 2003 - that seems to have become a turning point for the entrepreneur. Tariko began to prefer respectable receptions to parties, for example, the annual rally at Bill Gates, where world businessmen talk about the fate of mankind, or chamber meetings at the Association of Russian Banks, where 10-20 financiers argue about the refinancing rate of the Central Bank.

The parties are long over. And I forgot the last time I saw them,” he said in the summer of 2010.

Today, in his own words, Tariko spends more and more time with friends, family and at work.

— I love Russian Standard very much... I'm mostly friends with people inside the company, — says the businessman. — At home, I'm always full of people. I feel comfortable when everything is around, near. For this reason, I don’t have an office as such in my office - there is one open space for everyone. And I never think about material well-being. I think more about risks.

Recently, it seems that Rustam Tariko prefers to take less and less risks: the crisis has shown that risk not only brings profit, but can easily bring one to the brink of collapse. Not everyone was able to get out of the water dry, Rustam Tariko was lucky, but he apparently does not intend to try his luck a second time.

paternal share


The story of Rustam Tariko and Tatyana Osipova is not unique. Almost always, the division of children in wealthy Russian families is accompanied by loud scandals.

Kristina Orbakaite vs Ruslan Baysarov

In the summer of 2009, businessman Ruslan Baysarov once again took away their 11-year-old son Deni from singer Kristina Orbakaite - the boy was supposed to spend his holidays in Chechnya. But by September 1, Denis did not return to Moscow. The singer accused Baisarov of kidnapping her son, who in response filed a lawsuit with the Grozny court to determine the boy's place of residence. The court decided: the son should live in Grozny. Kristina Orbakaite, in response, launched a campaign in the press, at her suggestion, specialized hearings on the rights of mothers were held in the State Duma, and prima donna Alla Pugacheva intervened in the situation. As a result, Baysarov and Orbakaite signed an amicable agreement: when one of the parents is on a business trip, the son visits the other, and the rest of the time he chooses with whom to live. In front of the TV cameras, Denis chose: with dad.

Olga Slutsker vs Vladimir Slutsker

On June 3, 2009, the guards of Senator Vladimir Slutsker, armed with machine guns, did not let the senator's wife, the owner of a chain of fitness clubs, Olga Slutsker, into the territory of his house in Serebryany Bor. Children - 11-year-old Misha and 6-year-old Anya - remained in the house. Thus began one of the most bitter divorces recent years: it was accompanied by mutual threats, a war of compromising evidence and the extremely tough behavior of the senator's lawyers. As a result, the court left the children with their father, and Olga was allowed to see them in the house ex-husband- every second day from 16:00 to 21:00. The senator's defense intends to challenge the decision.

Viktor Baturin vs Yana Rudkovskaya

The battle between producer Yana Rudkovskaya and businessman Viktor Baturin for the sons of Andrei and Nicholas is coming since 2007. At first, the entrepreneur isolated the children from the mother, and then began to sue. Yana Rudkovskaya systematically won the courts, but former spouse always found a reason to drag out the proceedings. So, one of the latest finds: a lawsuit to recognize as the mother of Baturin's eldest son, Andrei, another woman, Baturin's second wife, Yulia Ivakhnova. As a result, the court nevertheless secured the right for Rudkovskaya to communicate with children, but in practice she cannot achieve communication with them.

Marianna Savelyeva vs Vladimir Savelyev

Millionaire in 2007 middle class Vladimir Savelyev decided to divorce his wife Marianna. The divorce began in the best tradition of Russian business - with a mask show: the businessman's guards and orderlies broke into Marianna's house, twisted and beat the businessman's wife and her mother in front of the Savelyevs' three small children. Both women were diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, but doctors soon recognized them as healthy. Marianna was able to return the children only at the end of 2007: at the premiere of the film "12", she approached the director Nikita Mikhalkov, told him her story and asked him to send a letter to President Vladimir Putin. Mikhalkov handed over the letter, Putin read it and intervened: criminal cases were opened against Vladimir Savelyev and the psychiatrists who helped him. The doctors served 7 months, the businessman himself is wanted.

Their dad sells loans and vodka to the public (everything under the name "Russian Standard"), so there is no doubt that the condition of the girls, who are now 4 years old, will grow with their age. But now they are real princesses among their peers: each has 2.1 billion daddy's dollars.

Little heirs of the big fortune of Rustam Tariko. Eva and Anna with mom

In terms of age and well-being of Tariko's daughters, Marina and Petya Deripaska overtook (5 and 7 years, respectively). They account for more than 10 billion. Their peers Ilya and Arina Abramovichi can boast of a cooler dad - Roman Abramovich above Oleg Deripaska in the ranking of the richest Russians [the author used the data of 2007 - note K. Ru], but at the same time, each of the five children of the owner of Chelsea accounts for "only" 4 billion dollars. The costs of the largest of richest families Russia.

To junior group billionaires are also considered a daughter co-owner of Alfa Group Herman Khan 7-year-old Eleanor, heiress of $4.25 billion.

School years are wonderful

The little children of the oligarchs live, one might say, in golden cages. They do not attend kindergartens, they do not go to playgrounds, they are hidden from the attention of the press. These kids do not yet understand what a treasure is in literally the words represent their parents. This understanding comes later, at school. Children of the "Golden Hundred" of the Forbes list study mainly in Russian schools. But this is only geographically. In fact, this is the same abroad, only with a Moscow address - paid education, small classes, an individual approach, an elite environment. "Heir", Lomonosov School, Slavic-Anglo-American School and others. And if this level does not suit you, you can found your own school, as the owner of Inteko, the only female oligarch Elena Baturina, did for her daughters. Her daughters - Alena and Olga Luzhkov (16 and 14 years old), as it is easy to assume, are excellent students at the school “named after” their mother and have every chance to add to the existing gold reserves (3 billion dollars per sister) and add a gold school medal .

Dad give me a billion

Athlete Nastya Potanina (pictured) will not let her father's business drown if something happens

Most wealthy parents, along with a high school diploma, seek to give their children a ticket to a prestigious international school. The most popular routes are UK or USA. The richest child in the country lives and studies in London - the son of the president of LUKOIL, 17-year-old Yusuf Alekperov. Together with the passport, the young man received 1 million shares of his father's oil company, which he, according to the business press, “bought”. It is not known whether the guy had to save on school breakfasts, but Yusuf Alekperov is in first place on two lists at once: the richest heirs ($12.3 billion) and, accordingly, the country's most profitable suitors.

The 21-year-old son of the owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Jahangir Makhmudov ($6 billion) is studying in the British capital. The children of another major businessman, Viktor Vekselberg, are receiving education in the United States, while dad in his homeland is working to increase family capital. 29-year-old Irina and 20-year-old Alexander Vekselberg are the heirs of 11 billion for two.

The daughters of the main shareholder of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman, 17-year-old Laura and 20-year-old Ekaterina, live with their designer mother in France. They are calm about their future - their place in the top five richest heirs is unshakable.

Three daughters of the co-owner of Gazmetall Vasily Anisimov live in America. The youngest of them, Anna, became known as the "Russian Paris Hilton" for her love of expensive purchases, outfits and a secular lifestyle.

Her father's 3 billion helps her a lot.

Victoria Tsvetkova, 22, spends her father's money - the owner financial corporation"Uralsib" Nikolai Tsvetkov [...] - 9 billion dollars, of which Victoria is the heiress.

[...] The offspring of the founder of the Sistema holding and the MTS company, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, are engaged in business. 32-year-old daughter - with her father, holds a responsible position in the MTS company.

30-year-old son Felix already has his own own business- by no means small and directly connected with the parent's company.

Three kids Head of Interros Vladimir Potanin[...] ride jetskis almost as fast as their father makes money. In the sports world, the names of Anastasia (24 years old) and Ivan (19 years old) Potanins are well known. And not at all thanks to my father's participation. But at MGIMO, Potanin-children study, perhaps not without his participation. [...]

Their dad sells loans and vodka to the public (everything under the name "Russian Standard"), so there is no doubt that the condition of the girls, who are now 4 years old, will grow with their age. But now they are real princesses among their peers: each has 2.1 billion daddy's dollars.

Little heirs of the big fortune of Rustam Tariko. Eva and Anna with mom

In terms of age and well-being of Tariko's daughters, Marina and Petya Deripaska overtook (5 and 7 years, respectively). They account for more than 10 billion. Their peers Ilya and Arina Abramovichi can boast of a cooler dad - Roman Abramovich above Oleg Deripaska in the ranking of the richest Russians [the author used the data of 2007 - note K. Ru], but at the same time, each of the five children of the owner of Chelsea accounts for "only" 4 billion dollars. The costs of the largest of the richest families in Russia.

Daughter is also included in the younger group of billionaires co-owner of Alfa Group Herman Khan 7-year-old Eleanor, heiress of $4.25 billion.

School years are wonderful

The little children of the oligarchs live, one might say, in golden cages. They do not attend kindergartens, they do not go to playgrounds, they are hidden from the attention of the press. These kids do not yet understand what a treasure in the literal sense of the word their parents are. This understanding comes later, at school. Children of the "golden hundred" of the Forbes list study mainly in Russian schools. But this is only geographically. In fact, this is the same abroad, only with a Moscow address - paid education, small classes, an individual approach, an elite environment. "Heir", Lomonosov School, Slavic-Anglo-American School and others. And if this level does not suit you, you can found your own school, as the owner of Inteko, the only female oligarch Elena Baturina, did for her daughters. Her daughters - Alena and Olga Luzhkov (16 and 14 years old), as it is easy to assume, are excellent students at the school “named after” their mother and have every chance to add to the existing gold reserves (3 billion dollars per sister) and add a gold school medal .

Dad give me a billion

Athlete Nastya Potanina (pictured) will not let her father's business drown if something happens

Most wealthy parents, along with a high school diploma, seek to give their children a ticket to a prestigious international school. The most popular routes are UK or USA. The richest child in the country lives and studies in London - the son of the president of LUKOIL, 17-year-old Yusuf Alekperov. Together with the passport, the young man received 1 million shares of his father's oil company, which he, according to the business press, “bought”. It is not known whether the guy had to save on school breakfasts, but Yusuf Alekperov is in first place on two lists at once: the richest heirs ($12.3 billion) and, accordingly, the country's most profitable suitors.

The 21-year-old son of the owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Jahangir Makhmudov ($6 billion) is studying in the British capital. The children of another major businessman, Viktor Vekselberg, are receiving education in the United States, while dad is working on increasing family capital in his homeland. 29-year-old Irina and 20-year-old Alexander Vekselberg are the heirs of 11 billion for two.

The daughters of the main shareholder of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman, 17-year-old Laura and 20-year-old Ekaterina, live with their designer mother in France. They are calm about their future - their place in the top five richest heirs is unshakable.

Three daughters of the co-owner of Gazmetall Vasily Anisimov live in America. The youngest of them, Anna, became known as the "Russian Paris Hilton" for her love of expensive purchases, outfits and a secular lifestyle.

Her father's 3 billion helps her a lot.

Victoria Tsvetkova, 22, spends her father, Nikolai Tsvetkov, owner of the Uralsib financial corporation, [...] $9 billion, of which Victoria is the heiress.

[...] The offspring of the founder of the Sistema holding and the MTS company, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, are engaged in business. 32-year-old daughter - with her father, holds a responsible position in the MTS company.

30-year-old son Felix already has his own business - by no means small and directly related to the parent's company.

Three kids Head of Interros Vladimir Potanin[...] ride jetskis almost as fast as their father makes money. In the sports world, the names of Anastasia (24 years old) and Ivan (19 years old) Potanins are well known. And not at all thanks to my father's participation. But at MGIMO, Potanin-children study, perhaps not without his participation. [...]


A native of Menzelinsk, the owner of the Russian Standard bank and vodka king Rustam Tariko won a child custody lawsuit against his common-law wife Tatyana Osipova. The court decided: the children will stay with their father, and the mother must ... pay alimony. The magazine "Ogonyok" spoke about the billionaire, his business and his difficult father's lot.


Interestingly, she turned to Themis herself Tatyana Osipova: this spring, she filed a lawsuit with the Solntsevsky Court of Moscow to recover alimony and determine the place of residence of her daughters Rustam Tariko- twins Anna and Eva. Tariko filed a counterclaim. The trial went both in Moscow and in Sardinia, where Tariko's villa is located. The result was quite predictable: both courts were won by a billionaire.

However, Tariko went to the world and is unlikely to demand a real payment of alimony, and the mother will maintain contact with the children. Surrounded by the banker, they are sure that everything will end in an absolutely peaceful way. Osipova also stated: "I know where my daughters are. I also know that they are all right."


The businessman recalls:

I grew up in an atmosphere of great maternal love. Although she often went on business trips, sometimes she was gone for a whole month, but my mother always sent me packages with sweets and toys.

As teachers recall, Rustam was an independent child. In Menzelinsk, he organized a vocal and instrumental ensemble at school. The team performed at a local disco and in the Palace of Culture, performed songs of the Soviet stage. Solo and guitar - Tariko. At the graduation of his class, Tariko sang almost the entire evening. He confesses:

I still feel some nostalgia for that time and dream of having a strong voice and singing.

After school, Rustam went to Moscow to enter the Institute of Transport Engineers. I got into a prestigious university only on the second attempt. In parallel with his studies at the institute, Tariko worked as a Moscow janitor, rented an apartment together with fellow countrymen from Menzelinsk. Friends remember:

Mom sent money to Rustam in Moscow, and he returned it back and asked her not to send it anymore, saying that he had his own.

Tariko always, and even more so when he got rich, helped people from Menzelinsk enter the capital's universities, hired them. With the support of Tariko, a house of pioneers was built in his hometown and an Orthodox cathedral was restored. And in 2003, when twin daughters were born, the billionaire sent a special plane to Menzelinsk for his wife's friends, who flew to Italy to Rosa Tariko celebrate a happy occasion.


In 1988, Rustam got a job in a travel company Emanuela Carboncini"Business Tour". The company settled Italians who came on business trips to Moscow hotels. The manager of rooms for foreigners was the state tourist giant Intourist, but he worked slowly and charged exorbitant prices from third-party cooperatives. Carboncini once complained to Tariko about Intourist and dropped: "Give me access to decent hotel rooms in Moscow. If you succeed, you will become rich."

Tariko took the Italian woman's remark as a call to action and on the same day tried to get to a meeting with the director of the Rossiya Hotel. The secretary did not let him go further than the reception room. However, Tariko did not leave, he waited until the end of the working day and caught the clerk at the exit from the office. And said:

You have connections with officials who issue permits for foreigners to enter the USSR. At the same time, "Russia" is paid $3 for each foreigner, while "Intourist" is paid $70. I have a list of hundreds of businessmen who would like to come to Moscow, but they cannot get permission and a hotel room.

And then Tariko offered to accommodate foreigners bypassing Intourist. The director liked the offer, and a few days later a group of Italian entrepreneurs entered Rossiya through the Business Tour. Tariko received a commission of 5 thousand dollars for this deal - crazy money at that time.

Before that, I had never had more than 50 dollars in my pocket, - the businessman later admitted.

The epic with the settlement of Italians in Soviet hotels continued until 1990, it brought Tariko several tens of thousands of dollars and, in addition, great connections in Italian business circles. As a result, Tariko became a supplier of Italian products to Russia. First, he imported Ferrero SpA chocolate, including the same Kinder Surprise, then Martini vermouth. In 1992, Tariko registered Roust Inc. and received the rights of the exclusive distributor of this brand in Russia. This happened because the businessman promised the Italians to sell as much vermouth in two months as they sold in Russia in a year. Rustam himself, personally unloaded the first boxes of vermouth imported by Roust Inc, and brought them to the "Eliseevsky" grocery store. Later, Tariko became the exclusive distributor in Russia of Johnnie Walker whiskey, and in 1998 the entrepreneur received the rights to Smirnoff, Bailey's and Metaxa.


However, it was not without conflicts. In 2002, Tariko fell out with Martini, and his alcohol company lost up to half of its turnover. Later, the businessman agreed to cooperate with Martini competitors - Chinzano vermouth producers, but failed to repeat the success of the early 1990s with this brand.

Martini's "lessons" were not in vain: in 2006, Tariko launched his own vodka factory in St. Petersburg and introduced the Russian Standard vodka brand. It was presented on a grand scale: the businessman spent $3 million on the domains and (bought on the occasion) alone. This, one of the most promoted Russian brands, is designed, oddly enough, primarily for foreigners. Tariko says that today more than half of Russian Standard vodka goes abroad. The entrepreneur also produces vodka under the Imperia brand, and in the summer of 2010 he announced that he was looking at the manufacturer of vodkas and tinctures Nemiroff.


By the end of the 1990s, the alcohol market in Russia became less attractive, and Tariko began to look at other areas of business. In 1999, he bought a small Agrooptbank, renamed it the hyped "Russian Standard" and began to develop a hitherto unseen direction in Russia - retail lending. Chairman of the Association of Regional Banks Anatoly Aksakov recalls:

Bankers were skeptical of him, they believed that this was not his business. They said: the guy worked in the alcohol market with a high income, received super profits and now he wants to do the same in the banking market. He was predicted to fail, but he caught the bird of happiness by the tail and did not let it out.

"Russian Standard" became one of the pioneers of express lending in our country, and entered this market at the very beginning of the consumer boom and managed to skim it off. Issuing loans without collateral and guarantors, cash loans, imposing loans in shopping centers, sending credit cards by mail and huge hidden commissions - all these now well-known lending techniques were introduced by Tariko Bank.

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Banking Legislation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Pavel Medvedev He speaks:

At the beginning of the credit boom, two or three banks adopted an extremely aggressive policy. They "handed out" loans right and left, not particularly caring about repayment. And the losses were compensated for by the extremely high real value of money. Once a debtor of one of these banks came to see me. He thought that he should be paid, say, 22 percent per annum, and the effective rate that we calculated with him was under 100 percent ...


And Tariko Bank continued to increase its loan portfolio and became the market leader in this segment. Thunder struck in 2007 - deceived borrowers began to challenge hidden commissions and payments in courts, which brought the lion's share of income to the bank. The bank lost cases, the antimonopoly agency, financial intelligence, the Central Bank of Russia and Rospotrebnadzor took the side of the complainants.

This fight with consumers ended for Rustam Tariko with a visit to the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, after which the businessman announced that all hidden commissions would be canceled and the interest rate reduced. This decision cost Russian Standard $200 million in lost profits. Aksakov says:

- "Russian Standard" pursued a policy that was too risky from the point of view of the Central Bank, although it earned good money on it. As a result, I got a conflict with both clients and the authorities. As long as the legislation allowed working in this mode, he worked, but as soon as he was told it was impossible, Tariko took it under his visor.

The conflict of "Russian Standard" has become a landmark for the market. The authorities immediately after it announced that the country would introduce an effective interest rate. Pavel Medvedev says:

This made it impossible for banks, at the expense of the high cost of money for paying borrowers, to cover losses from a large proportion of non-paying borrowers. As a result, banks that occupied the niche of expensive risky loans reorganized, and the flow of complaints from citizens who, when signing the contract, did not understand how much they would have to pay, quickly subsided.

The global financial and economic crisis forced the bank's policy to be finally reconsidered. Tariko, in his interviews, argued that at a certain moment the bank was in dire need of money and suffered losses, although in the end the crisis passed without noticeable losses. Other bankers say: Tariko Bank had to urgently look for capital. After the additional capitalization, the image and policy of this bank changed completely: they do not impose loans in stores, they try to use credit histories, in general, they work like other banks.


Tariko has always been a risky, aggressive guy, and the risk was not always justified, - says Anatoly Aksakov.

The propensity for risk manifested itself not only in business, but also in Tariko’s private life: the banker owns a high-speed boat with the telling name Terrible, which can accelerate to 144 km / h (Rustam participated in Primatist Trophy races, a kind of Formula 1 on it). water). In addition, Tariko is fond of piloting aircraft and skiing. For a long time he enjoyed the fame of a famous party-goer and party organizer - and even became one of the pioneers of Sardinia for the Russian secular public. And Tariko's parties at the fashionable Cala di Volpe are considered the most broken Russian parties on the island. Say, in 2003, the party ended with Tariko throwing naked models into the hotel pool, and Lord Portman and Natalya Vodyanova- dressed guests.

Perestroika, the creation of the Russian Standard brand and the birth of children - these are the three main events in life, Tariko said. The birth of twin daughters in 2003 seems to have become a turning point for the entrepreneur. In any case, Tariko began to prefer respectable receptions to parties, for example, an annual rout at Bill Gates- the one where world businessmen talk about the fate of mankind, or chamber meetings at the Association of Russian Banks, where 10-20 financiers argue about the Central Bank's refinancing rate. Summer this year Tariko stated:

The parties are long over. And I forgot the last time I saw them.

Today, Tariko spends more and more time with friends, family and at work. He says:

I love "Russian Standard" very much... I'm mostly friends with people inside the company. My house is always full of people. I feel comfortable when everything is around, near. For this reason, I don’t have an office as such in my office, there is one open space for everyone. And I never think about material well-being. I think more about risks.

However, it seems that now Tariko prefers to risk less and less. As the crisis has shown: the risk not only brings profit, but can easily bring to the brink of collapse. Not everyone was able to get out of the water dry. Tariko was lucky, but he does not seem to intend to try his luck a second time.


Rustam Tariko was born in 1962 in Menzelinsk, 300 km from Kazan. A school, a distillery, a machine and tractor station and 16,000 people, Russians and Tatars, approximately equally divided - a typical settlement in the Tatar outback. The future tycoon grew up with his mother Rosa: his father left the family when Rustam Tariko was a year old.
In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT).
From 1988 to 1990 - an employee of the travel agency "Business Tour".
From 1990 to 1992 - a consultant for the Italian companies Ferrero and Martini & Rossi.
In 1992 he founded ROUST Inc.
In 1998 he created the Russian Standard company.
In early 1999, he acquired Agrooptorgbank, which on July 22 of the same year was renamed Russian Standard Bank CJSC.
Graduated from INSEAD Executive School (France) in 2000
In December 2006, he bought the Internet domains and for the international promotion of vodka and the Russian Standard brand. The first was purchased from the American company Nett Corp. (through the broker, which is part of the German group United Internet AG) for $3 million, the second - from Artemy Lebedev for $50,000.
Currently, he holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian Standard Bank CJSC.

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