Yulia Savicheva became a mother. It's official: Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter

Fashion & Style 30.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Yulia Savicheva is a popular singer, pop music performer, a well-known personality in the territory Russian Federation and neighboring states. Currently, close attention is riveted to the creative personality.

In 2017, the first photos of Yulia Savicheva appeared after a long vacation, and she confirmed the information that she had given birth to a child. For a whole year, the media spread rumors that Julia was pregnant and subsequently became a mother.

Incredibly riveted to the life of a young and promising singer great attention. Many news projects, blogs, magazines, starting in 2016, began to publish news that Yulia Savicheva had given birth to a child. The information was obtained from unofficial sources, so it was not possible to obtain confirmation from the singer herself or her friends.

Particular attention was riveted to the Fadeev production center, with which Savicheva collaborates. The staff of the press center did not give any comments on this matter. According to official figures, Yulia Savicheva went on a sabbatical and is resting in Portugal.

In September 2017, fans of the work of Fadeev and Savicheva learned the real truth. Max posted a short video on the Instagram social network, where he admitted that there was really a new addition to the Savicheva family.

Now it is known for sure that Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter, whose photo has not yet been found on the network. In fact, the information was not received from the singer herself, so more details are unknown.

About how Yulia Savicheva named her daughter. Probably it will be known later, since she herself did not give any comments. According to the singer, she is going to combine childcare and her creative career, as she does not want to quit her favorite job. Maxim Fadeev did a lot for the Savichev family. Therefore, it was he who told the fans about the joyful event in the life of Julia. He is probably more happy than her, because he considers the singer his daughter.

Personal life

The history of the appearance of the child must begin in 2009, when it became known about the cohabitation of Savicheva and Arshinov. Together with a famous producer, they met for a long time and carefully concealed their relationship. Of course, this secrecy led to the fact that there were articles about the singer's relationship with other men, which was never true.

In 2014, Savicheva and Arshinov officially signed. It was probably the most spectacular wedding of the year. The organization of the event was carried out at a high level. The red carpet, a lot of celebrities, the best restaurant - it was all there.

Photos from the wedding of Yulia and Alexander Arshinov

Many are interested in the question of who is the father of the daughter of Yulia Savicheva, who was born in 2017, there is no doubt - this is Alexander Arshinov.

In 2016, Yulia Savicheva disappeared from sight. Not a single concert was scheduled, the tour was canceled, even new songs did not appear. The media immediately began to write about the singer's pregnancy, as this was the only thing that could stop her.

There was news that Yulia Savicheva gave birth to Max Fadeev, but this is not true. But everything was kept secret to the last. Max Fadeev talked about Savicheva's sabbatical in Portugal, but it took too long. Therefore, in September 2017, it became known that she had given birth to a daughter.


Julia Savicheva is from the Urals, was born in the city of Kurgan. The date of birth of the singer is also quite interesting - 02/14/1987. Parents were no less creative individuals than their daughter. My father collaborated with Maxim Fadeev, and my mother worked as a teacher in a music class.

Already at the age of five, young and talented Yulia was taken to the Firefly musical group, where she showed incredible returns. In 1994, Savicheva's parents had to move to Moscow, because of the work it was necessary to change the location.

Julia also found a job for herself according to her interests, she was gladly invited to participate in New Year's productions. Already at that time she received little money, but did not forget about the school, Savicheva studied very well.

Cooperation with Linda was a discovery for a young and promising singer. The first work in the clip "Marijuana" opened for Savicheva all the most interesting aspects of creative art.

From the age of 8, cooperation with Linda began, which Julia remembers very often and only with a good word. Working on children's backing vocals, Savicheva showed not bad results, but she could not get a musical education.

"Star Factory-2"

Probably "Star Factory - 2" became the most significant project in life, which opened her way to the stage. The future singer easily overcame each qualifying round and became one of the five finalists. Then she didn’t work out a bit, since she didn’t even get into the top three. Talented Julia was immediately invited to cooperate, she had a really incredible talent.

During participation in the show "Star Factory-2"

The songs performed by Yulia Savicheva became hits and were played on almost all radio stations. Separately, the tracks "High", "Ships" and "Sorry for Love" can be noted. After a successful start, the singer was invited as a young talent to the television project "Song of the Year". Max Fadeev, who helped her all the way, had a special influence on her.

Probably by right, Julia is considered the best pupil of the "Star Factory". She easily wins the sympathy of viewers, listeners.

The combination of attractive appearance, melancholy voice delights everyone who hears this sound. A professional approach to the performance of any songs was noted by many experts. But what Savicheva lacks is education.


The international competition "World Best" has opened a new talent to the world - Yulia Savicheva. The girl successfully represented the country at this festival. Then she left the country for Eurovision, where she took 11th place. But despite the small success, they began to talk about it all over the world. A huge number of fans appeared.

The singer on the set of the video "Baby"

Many critics were skeptical about the talent of the young singer, as they believed that she was not worthy to perform at such a high level. Everything was connected with the lack of musical education. For Yulia it didn't really matter, as she understood what to do and knew that all the listeners liked it. Thanks to her desire, it was not possible to break the young singer. In 2004, the first album was released, recorded under the direction of Max Fadeev, its name "Vysoko" personified Savicheva's aspirations.

In 2005, Yulia's voice probably sounded on every TV in the Russian Federation and beyond, as she recorded the soundtrack for the film "Don't Be Born Beautiful." For this work, Savicheva was awarded the Golden Gramophone. In the future, incredible prospects opened up for her, which Julia gladly used. All her songs were popular and in demand among listeners.

Frame from the clip "My Way"

The second album "Magnet" became no less popular than the first. This event took place in 2006. The song "Privet", which was also included in the collection, was in the TOP of the most listened hits on radio stations for almost three months. It was an incredible breakthrough.

In 2006, the third album of the singer goes on sale, then she wins the MTV channel award as one of the best performers of the year. As for the collection of songs, it contained an incredibly large number of popular songs that were in the rotation of radio stations. Her career went uphill and nothing prevented the formation of Yulia Savicheva as a real creative person.

Yulia Savicheva and Dzhigan on the set of the video "There is nothing more to love"

“This is fate” - a clip that appeared in 2007, it was a collaboration with. Fans perceived this creation ambiguously, but still Savicheva's voice was magnificent. In 2008, she became a member of the Star Ice TV project, after Dancing with the Stars. Each individual show gave the singer confidence, she learned something new and improved.

The song "Moscow-Vladivostok" became a hit in 2010. It was a breakthrough in creative career Julia. Fans enthusiastically reacted to her performance. It is worth noting that this was one of the first songs supplemented with elements of electronic music. The combination of such qualities attracted listeners. Articles very often appeared on the network that Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a child from Fadeev. This information is not true.

In 2011, a joint work with Dzhigan appeared, which was called "Let go". This musical creation immediately flooded the expanses of the Internet space. Millions of views in just the first days of the track's release was a great achievement for the performers. As a result, another, no less interesting track was released together with Dzhigan "There is nothing more to love." The work also became popular.

During participation in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Coming out in 2014 new album called "Personal", which contained a large number of popular hits. In 2015, one of the best and most popular Savicheva's songs called "Forgive" appears. That is, from the very beginning of her career, Julia achieved incredible success and demonstrated all this with particular ease.

In 2016, the singer disappears from the screens, stops releasing new songs, all tours and concerts were suspended.

Fans were shocked by what was happening, as there were no statements or official news. But already in 2017 it became known that Yulia Savicheva had a baby.

This was the highlight of her life for last decade. Now neither the name nor the date of birth of the daughter is known, many are waiting for an official statement from the singer herself. Now everyone knows who was born to Yulia Savicheva - this is a daughter.

The famous singer Yulia Savicheva became a mother in the summer of 2017. The singer called her newborn daughter Anna - the girl changed the performer a lot and her fans call the baby an extremely “unusual girl”.

Savicheva became a mother for the first time at thirty. Fans were very happy for the singer when the first rumors about her pregnancy appeared in the press. As the star later admitted, she carefully concealed her position, because she lost her first child in the second month of pregnancy several years ago. The performer was very worried about the loss, but she and her husband did not stop dreaming about replenishment in the family.

Little Anya changed Savicheva beyond recognition - she became very prettier and inspired by motherhood, although she rarely appears in public yet, but with a little clarification - for now ...

The singer does not stop singing and making videos and just wants to show fans a new self. The birth of her daughter changed her inside - the singer became more self-confident and liberated, because real angel wings appeared behind her.

Savicheva said that the baby is already babbling the first words and even trying to repeat her mother's singing, because she rehearses in front of her daughter almost every day.

Savicheva decided to leave her daughter with her husband and grandmother soon - she wants to go on a small tour of several cities of Russia, because she cannot but share her inspired state with fans. The singer is ready to bring great love and happiness to the masses, and therefore she is looking forward to the start of the tour with special impatience.

It should be noted that fans have been saying for a long time that Savicheva moved to Portugal, but as it turned out, this is not true - the singer lives not far from Moscow, and she only went abroad to visit her for childbirth.

Recall that on October 23, 2014, a graduate of the Star Factory, Yulia Savicheva, married composer Alexander Arshinov, whom she met in 2003. The singer does not flaunt her personal life: spouses rarely go out together and do not publish in in social networks joint photos.

The birth of her daughter made the singer very sentimental. In her thirties, she suddenly realized that far from a career, the main thing in the life of every person. The main thing is family. Yulia was imbued with pity for orphans and even took custody of two babies left without maternal affection.

“About five or six years ago, I began to go to orphanages, communicate with children, give them gifts. But, you know, I never advertised these trips of mine, and no one asked me to do them. I myself wanted to come. Simply because I understood: these guys really lack communication, writes Rosregistr. And after I became a mother, I just got sick of this topic, ”Julia said in an interview with HELLO! - I realized that I must make sure that other people know about these children, want to help them, even with something small. I looked at the questionnaires on the website of the Change One Life Foundation, and when I saw these guys, Christina and Sasha, my heart skipped a beat, as they say. The boy is three years old and the girl is older.

The kids, for whom the singer will become a guardian angel, are from her hometown, Kurgan. She has not personally met with them yet, but is already preparing for a long-awaited date.

“Unfortunately, we live in a world where parents leave their children behind. Or, by the will of fate, the children are left alone. I understand that not everyone dares to take a child into the family, but everyone has the opportunity to fulfill the child's dream - to become his guardian angel.

By the way, before the New Year, Savicheva released a new sentimental video in which she revealed herself to her fans in a completely new way. Previously, the star was perceived as a "yearning loner", and now she is a "happy family man." The audience is happy about the changes in the singer's life and on the Web literally bombards her with compliments and praises, which cannot but please the artist, grateful to her fans.

Yulia Savicheva. Don't be afraid - clip 2017

Denim jacket, Ines de la Fressange Uniqlo; shirt, Numph (Showroom 11)

Julia was born into a family of musicians and at the age of four she first appeared on stage in her native Kurgan together with the rock group Konvoy by Maxim Fadeev, in which her father Stanislav Borisovich Savichev worked as a drummer. Soon the family moved to Moscow, where the girl participated in school performances and danced. So none of the relatives were surprised when, in 2003, 16-year-old Yulia became a member. “I realized what popularity is when we went to the Friday show with the Factory for the first time. We were closed from everything in the "star house" and did not understand these scales, did not know about fan clubs. And here - a huge hall, people are delighted, such emotions ... Many, by the way, think that in such a stressful situation a person will not be able to give anything away, but in fact the opposite is true - in spite of everything, you become more active and literally absorb everything that the teachers say. I stayed there for three months (like a little life),” Yulia recalls.

Yulia came out of the Factory as a star - everyone knew her hits Vysoko and Sorry for Love, and in 2004 Savicheva went to Eurovision with the song Believe Me.

Despite the crazy schedule, Yulia managed to establish her personal life as well - they met Sasha just at the time of the "Factory". She says: “I liked the Bay of Joy group, and especially the soloist’s voice, which was introduced to me by a mutual friend Gena Lagutin. It turned out to be Sasha (composer Alexander Arshinov. - Note. ed.). True, that he is the same, I did not immediately understand. ( laughing.) But I remember very well how I had an operation to restore my vision (it was very painful!). Sasha called me, and I heard how he was going through. And then he said he loved me. Shortly after that, I went to Eurovision, and when I returned, we just hugged at the airport, and I had the feeling that this was forever. We got married in 2014 (there was no surprise with the ring, we just both knew we were ready).”

Dress, by Malene Birger (TSUM)

all slides

The couple decided to leave for a couple of months in Portugal and arrange their first vacation in many years (it was then that the fans started talking about the loss of their beloved singer). “My husband and I did not stop writing music, but we still learned to live again. I was like a squirrel in a wheel, and only when we came to harmony, we realized that we had to be able to stop, they gave us everything we asked for so long from above. I bought a “local” pregnancy test by accident when we were about to return home. I did the test and after 30 seconds I realized that I was seeing a pale second line. I shouldn't have been nervous, but of course I couldn't. ( laughing.) We stayed in Portugal.”

Turtleneck, Uniqlo; Dress, Mango; Stockings, Falke; Shoes, Christian Dior

Despite the assurances of the doctors (they said it would be a boy), Yulia somehow immediately understood that it was a girl. “We almost immediately decided that Anna Aleksandrovna Arshinova sounds beautiful (Anna Akhmatova, Anna Pavlova), we recently got tattoos in honor of our daughter - three letters “A” on her arm.”

Now for Yulia, the most important memories are not concerts or shooting videos, but how she first took Anya in her arms and sang a lullaby, which she often sang during pregnancy (the baby immediately calmed down). But she admits that she still cannot live without creativity. “I didn’t even think that the world would turn upside down so much, but as soon as you take a child in your arms, you start a new countdown. But I have such a profession that I cannot be at home 24 hours a day. It is impossible for a person who loves the stage to take and leave. My husband, relatives, Maxim know that I cannot live without a profession, I will simply be inferior. Now I want to give fans confidence that I will not disappear anywhere, that I am here.”

Sweater, trousers, by Malene Birger (TSUM); Cloak, Numph (Showroom 11)

And Savicheva keeps her word - even during the New Year holidays, Yulia presented a video for the song "Don't Be Afraid", the first video work in a new status. “In the video “Don't be afraid,” we decided to touch on the situation with orphanages. I have been helping children for more than 13 years and I want people to finally pay attention to this problem. In general, Max felt very subtly how I had changed, and offered me new material. The words “Don’t be afraid, we will break through” are about me, about the path that I went through.”

We thank the Akvarel Stoleshnikov hotel for their help in organizing the shooting.

In the summer of 2017, 30-year-old Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a baby, who was named Anna. But few people knew that before the birth of the long-awaited daughter, the singer had been moving away from the terrible tragedy for a long time. After all, the star's first pregnancy ended tragically, she lost her baby when she was in her second month of pregnancy. And only now Julia decided to give candid interview and tell your fans your story...

The actress has always tried to hide her personal life from annoying paparazzi. Together with her husband Alexander, they rarely appeared in public. The couple answered only questions from journalists that related to the career of a young singer.

Fans often raised the topic of Savicheva's pregnancy, but the girl never commented on this. But the singer decided to tell the staff of the Caravan of Stories magazine that there was a difficult period in her life when she lost her first child.

Julia shared that she found out about her first pregnancy quite by accident, it happened in the midst of the tour.

The tour was in full swing, so the singer did not interrupt it and decided to continue working.

“I felt great, and nothing foreshadowed trouble,” says Yulia.

Savicheva went to the province to shoot a new video, but in the morning she woke up in a hotel room from severe pain. The singer started bleeding. At that time, the girl was in her second month of pregnancy.

“Alexander was not around, I was scared. I called Sasha and told him what had happened. The husband was very worried. Unfortunately, the doctors could not save our baby, ”recalls Savicheva.

Three days later, Savicheva was discharged from the hospital, and she went back to Moscow. Close relatives tried to support the young couple.

“Losing a child broke us psychologically, I was worried that I would not be able to get pregnant again or carry a baby. It took us time to let go of this situation and come to our senses, ”the singer shared.

In her blog, Savicheva explained why she decided on such a frank interview.

“I don’t like to take the personal out of the house. Therefore, for a long time I did not dare to plunge into those memories and feelings again. But then I realized that my story can help girls who find themselves in a similar situation, ”writes Savicheva.

The singer's subscribers sincerely supported her and were sympathetic to why Yulia hid such information for so long. Because the loss of a child is terrible tragedy hard to live with and even harder to forget.

But now the couple is doing well. Together with her husband Alexander, Yulia brings up her daughter Anna and enjoys every day spent with her.

Fans of Yulia Savicheva are sounding the alarm about the disappearance of the singer, they say, she does not give concerts, she does not record new songs, and she has not been seen at social events for a long time. The only way fans explain the lull of the star is pregnancy and childbirth.

Somehow, Savicheva's producer, Max Fadeev, refuted these speculations, saying that this information is not related to reality: "Yulka plowed without rest for 12 years - she had two weeks of vacation a year. She just came and said she wanted to rest , be with family and write an album.


“I calmly let her go, they work and get high, swim in the ocean, enjoy life. She will return when she wants. She is like a daughter to me - she grew up in my arms. If Yulia really gave birth, we would be happy to talk about it. Why should we hide it, what's the point? We would be happy all together, and that's all, "said the musician.

Savicheva reportedly gave birth to her first child today. According to their information, the child of Yulia and her husband Alexander Arshinov was born in one of the clinics in Portugal, where the couple now lives. Julia herself has not yet commented on this information.

Recall that the husband of the "manufacturer" used to be in a relationship with the former "tattoo" Yulia Volkova, but that was a long time ago, in youth. After Savichev, she began dating her future husband immediately after the "Star Factory" and for 10 years she has been happy next to her chosen one. Interestingly, Arshinov himself once showed promise as a singer. In the 90s, as a child, along with the future soloist of the Prime Minister group Slava Yeskov, and at the beginning of the 2000s, he soloed in the alternative group Bay of Joy for several years.

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