Aiza Anokhina: biography, personal life, photo. Aiza Dolmatova and her pages on social networks Childhood and adolescence

Technique and Internet 01.08.2019
Technique and Internet

Modern television and the Internet can make a person famous, even if he does not have any achievements in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Truth, Lucky case in the form of a marriage with a celebrity is not a guarantee that the fairy tale will last for a long time, and many young people and girls after a stellar divorce disappear from the media horizon as quickly as they appeared there. Among them, of course, is not Aiza Anokhina, whose biography and personal life this article is devoted to.


Little is known about the girl's childhood, and the available information is rather contradictory.

Aiza Vagapova was born in 1984 in Grozny. It is difficult to say exactly who she is by nationality, although many sources call her a Chechen. Isa herself does not comment on this information. Regarding the nationality, the girl told her fans literally the following: “I'm not exactly Russian. As is customary among us, my place is next to a man lower than himself.

In the capital

When Aiza Vagapova was 16 years old, her family moved to Moscow, and the girl began to study at health school No. 1941. However, the heroine of our story often traveled to her homeland with her mother. In 1994, they fell into the very epicenter of hostilities and were able to escape unscathed to Moscow only thanks to the determination of Aiza's mother.

Life in the capital without the bans that Chechen society imposes on girls turned the beauty's head. She often disappeared at parties and indulged in carefree fun. In fairness, we note that Aiza did not forget about her studies, so she was able to enter the Faculty of Economics of MSLU.

Student life turned out to be even more reckless. If you believe the information that exists in the public domain, once Aiza even woke up on the Russian-Finnish border in the company of a gay friend. And neither she nor he could remember how they got there.


Far from being the most exemplary behavior of Aiza Anokhina, her father and mother gave a lot of trouble, although the future TV presenter still did not forget about decency and did not allow herself to appear in front of her parents with a cigarette or drunk.

By the way, not many people know that the girl's father, Vitaly Vagapov, is a retired FSB general. According to Aiza herself, she never tried to resolve issues by "trump cards" of her father. She knew perfectly well that he would not interfere if she was detained for racing around the capital or other "arts", which are considered signs of "coolness" among golden youth.

Acquaintance with Guf

As already mentioned, Aiza Anokhina in her youth loved to spend time in nightclubs. Once, near one of them, a girl was seen by rapper Alexei Dolmatov, better known general public like goof. At that time, the young man was the lead singer of the CENTR group. It turned out that the young people have a mutual friend, so they exchanged phone numbers. After this meeting, Antokhina met repeatedly in different companies. Once, the rapper accidentally got to a meeting of snowboarders, although he did not know how to use this projectile at all. The helplessness of Alexei made Aiza want to teach young man ride on snow-covered slopes, which made an indelible impression on him.

Bright Romance

Returning home, Guf realized that Isa should become his girlfriend. He dedicated the song "Ice Baby" to her and decided to invite the beauty on a date. As Aiza Anokhina later recalled, at first she perceived Guf only as a good friend, with whom she was always comfortable and pleasant to communicate. However, his perseverance took its toll: the girl fell in love, and the composition "Ice Baby" became one of the hits of 2010.


Oddly enough, the daughter's retired fiancé liked him, and he did not interfere with the marriage of Aiza and Alexei. True, neither Vitaly Vagapov nor the bride knew about the young man's addiction to drugs. Be that as it may, the wedding took place in 2008, and in 2010 a baby was born - Sami Dolmatov. The name of the child was not chosen by chance: in the Chechen language, it means "close to God."


Soon the life of Aiza Anokhina and Guf turned into a nightmare. The young man adored his family, but he could not hide his drug addiction for a long time. The girl did everything to heal him. However, despite all her efforts, Aiza Anokhina's husband broke down all the time. The last straw in the girl's patience was betrayal, which was repeated with enviable constancy. When the beauty realized that there was no hope of correcting her husband, she decided to divorce. In 2013, it became known that Aiza Anokhina and Guf broke up.

Attitude of relatives

The girl's parents did not support her daughter's decision and refused to give Sami not only to her unlucky ex-husband, but also to herself. The Vagapovs made such a decision, since they believed that neither one nor the other was able to provide the child with appropriate living conditions. In addition, Dolmatov claimed that Isa behaved unworthily in marriage. Apparently, he was able to give such arguments that seemed convincing to Vitaly Vagapov, and he pointed to his daughter at the door.

Parents returned their son to Aiza only after she proved her worth as a mother. They even bought their daughter a separate apartment and helped her financially.

TV and film work

After the divorce, Isa decided to start new life and took up her career. In 2013, she first appeared on TV, replacing Roma Acorn on the popular show "Neformat Chart". In the new field, Aiza Anokhina showed herself with the best side and gained new fans.

In addition, the beauty blogger played in the film "Gasholder", took part in the dubbing of the cartoon "Ollie and the Treasures of the Pirates" and presented to the public her debut video for a joint song with rapper Kravets.

Second marriage

Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina was not alone for long. In 2015, in Bali, she met businessman Dmitry, who, like the girl, was fond of surfing. After a candy-bouquet period that lasted 6 months, the young people got married. The wedding of Aiza and Anokhin took place in the same church in Las Vegas, where Frank Sinatra, Britney Spears, Elvis Presley and other celebrities were married at one time.

The second husband of Aiza Anokhina was not a public person before this event, but he does everything to make the girl feel happy and confident in the future.

A girl's life today

At the beginning of 2016, Aiza took part in the television project "The Young Lady and the Peasant Woman". She went to sell milk to the Orenburg market, switching places with a girl from the Urals, who temporarily took her place in a house on the island of Bali.

In October of the same year, Aiza became a mother for the second time. She had a son from Dmitry, whom the couple named Elvis. The birth took place in live one of the local TV channels.

Now you know who the girl's personal life and career are of interest to many of her fans. It remains only to wish the girl to please them with new works on television and in the field of design.

Aiza Anokhina is a popular beauty blogger, socialite, and singer. AT " Instagram" and " Twitter» she maintains fashion and style accounts and has big number subscribers and fans. But to the general public, she is known not at all as an Internet stylist, but as ex-wife popular rapper.

Aiza Anokhina (nee Vagapova) was born in Grozny on December 10, 1984. Aiza's nationality raises some questions, but still many sources are sure that the girl is a Chechen. AT early years she moved with her parents to Moscow, where she received her education. At the end high school the girl studied at the Moscow School of Health, and then entered the Moscow State Linguistic University at the Faculty of Law and Economics.

Little is known about Aiza's childhood and youth in Aiza's biography; Anokhina prefers not to talk about this, despite the fact that she is now a very popular person on social networks.


After her divorce from Guf, she decided to come to grips with her career and show fans her diverse talents. In 2013, the blogger appeared on TV. She changed to the show "Neformat Chart" and became its new host. The girl also played in the film "Gasholder", voiced the television announcer in the cartoon "Ollie and the Pirates' Treasures" and, together with the rapper, recorded her first song and shot a video.

The girl is fond of fashion and style. In the capital's get-together, he positions himself as a fashion designer of jewelry and accessories.

Together with a friend, they opened a showroom. True, Isa soon lost interest in this occupation, although her site is expected to be restarted with the author's collection of clothes and jewelry. But the fashion and beauty industry did not cease to interest her. She is the owner of the image laboratory "Ai Lab". The studio provides a full range of beauty services: from manicure to massage.

Also in April 2018, Aiza became a participant in the reality show "Pregnant" on the Domashny TV channel, where the businesswoman shared her experience of motherhood.

Personal life

The personal life of Aiza Anokhina began to be discussed by the press after meeting rapper Alexei Dolmatov, acting under the pseudonym Guf. At that time, Alexey was the lead singer of the CENTR group. Young people first met near a nightclub where Alex was expecting friends. The guy drew attention to the pretty Aiza, who smiled sweetly at him, but did not count on further relations with the beauty.

Later it turned out that Aiza and Guf have a mutual friend, so the couple managed to exchange not only a couple of phrases, but also phone numbers. After the first meeting, Aiza periodically crossed paths with Alexei at general parties and even at a meeting of snowboarders, although the guy did not know how to ride. Several falls put Dolmatov in an awkward position, but nevertheless Aiza gladly instructed him. This meeting made a special impression on Guf, and he could no longer stop thinking about the girl.

Upon arrival home, Guf dedicated the song “Ice Baby” to the girl, and after a while he decided to invite her on a date. At first, Aiza perceived Guf as a friend with whom it was comfortable and fun. But over time, the girl realized that she fell in love.

Dolmatov was worried about the upcoming acquaintance with Aiza's father, an FSB general. But in fact, dad turned out to be a pleasant man with a great sense of humor. The musician was also very worried about the first impression of his beloved grandmother about his chosen one.

Soon candy-bouquet period ended with a wedding. And in 2010, a baby appeared in the family, whom the young parents named Sami. The name of the boy was chosen with a secret meaning: in Chechen it means "close to God."

The relationship between Guf and Aiza could not be called smooth. At first, the girl did not know that Guf was addicted to drugs, but the rapper did not deceive and himself admitted to addiction. Isa decided to help her husband with this problem, which she did before last days life together. In 2013, it became known that the couple had broken up. Isa commented on this divorce with her husband's numerous betrayals.

During family troubles, Aizu was supported by a friend. The girls decided not to be sad about problems in their personal lives (Alena also divorced her husband shortly before) and together they arranged a vacation in Sri Lanka. The friendship of Aiza and Alena seemed perfect - fans even created groups on social networks dedicated to star friends. But warm relationship turned out to be not eternal, the girls quarreled when Alena began working with a man whom both friends had previously disliked, and Aiza accused Vodonaeva of corruption in this regard.

In October 2015 Aiza Dolmatova. Dmitry Anokhin, who is 6 years older than his beloved, became the chosen one of the Internet star.

Young people met in Bali. ISA for a long time posted photos of her beloved man on Instagram so that his face was not visible and it was impossible to understand who her new chosen one. But journalists still managed to figure it out. new husband Aiza is engaged in business and is fond of surfing, the man received public fame only because of this marriage. The wedding of Aiza and Dmitry, in addition to the official marriage, also provided for a wedding. The magnificent ceremony took place in Las Vegas. The young family settled in Bali.

In the summer of 2016, the star briefly left the paradise island. Aiza took part in the television project of the Friday channel called "The Young Lady-Peasant". As part of the program, she changed her life with a simple girl Karina and went to a village near Orenburg. While Karina was enjoying tropical landscapes and catching waves, Aiza was selling milk at the Orenburg bazaar. Nevertheless, both girls received incredible impressions and were satisfied with the project.

Aiza Anokhina at the show "Young lady-peasant"

In 2016, Aiza's fans found out that she was a socialite. Happy woman shared with subscribers all the news: the pregnancy was easy, which pleased the expectant mother. But at the same time, Aiza admitted that while she lived in Moscow, she had problems with blood vessels and panic attacks.

In October, the newlyweds became parents. The birth took place literally on the air, in addition to the husband supporting Aiza, journalists armed with cameras were also present in the ward of the Moscow maternity hospital. They tirelessly filmed childbirth, which dragged on and lasted 20 hours. Initially, the woman planned to give birth in a natural way, but, in the end, she had to do an emergency caesarean. Isa gave birth to a son, who was named Elvis.

The couple plans to raise a child in Bali. Firstly, Aiza and Dmitry have already equipped a house on the island and rarely visit Moscow themselves, and secondly, the young mother is sure that the sun and fresh air of tropical Bali will be much more useful for the growth of the baby than the Moscow winter.

Aiza talks about this and much more on her Instagram. For example, in January 2018, Anokhina announced that she was dreaming of a daughter and had even come up with a name for her. microblog socialite looks like a complete diary of her life. She posts more than one photo and video a day, posts a dozen stories, and still manages to respond to fans and haters in the comments.

Aiza Anokhina now

In April 2018, Isa presented her debut rap album THE MONKEY to the audience. True, in musical creativity her name sounds different - A(Z)IZA. The record generated a lot of noise: in the songs, Aiza harshly, without choosing expressions, denounced vices modern society. And the day before, she released two tracks in which she "rolled" along ex-spouse. But they did not go unnoticed.

In one of the interviews, Isa was asked about the possibility of a tour in support of the new record. And she did not reject this idea, although she does not yet know if she will be able to find time for concerts.

Also in the spring on the TV channel "Friday" started new project"Voice of the Streets", where rappers had to compete for a contract with the label "Gazgolder" and 3 million rubles. Aiza Anokhina was invited to the show as a member of the jury. But, of course, this was not without controversy. The conflict occurred right during the filming. She commented on the performances of the rapper (Ivan Brednev): according to her, she had already heard something similar in the studio, and it was even better performed. To which the musician also did not remain silent, but called her the “queen of rap”, which extremely offended the girl. She was indignant and left the studio with the words: “I’m an adult aunt, and some puppy says some nasty things to me?”

In addition to music, in 2018 the girl wants to present to the general public her own collection of clothes, which she has already “drawn” on paper. And now it remains to sew everything.

Isa gained fame after she tied the knot with rapper Guf. The whole country followed their love story, but two extraordinary people still failed to maintain passion and tender feelings.


Isa (her maiden name Vagapova) was born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny. A few years later, her family moved to Moscow. The girl's father served in the FSB and retired with the rank of general, so there is not much information about Aiza's childhood and youth.

After receiving secondary education, Vagapova studied at health school No. 1941. After graduating from it in 2002, the girl entered the Faculty of Law and Economics of the Moscow Linguistic state university and became a qualified lawyer. Later, in 2008, she received another higher education majoring in Public Relations.

As a child, the girl dreamed of creating beautiful things. She drew sketches and saw herself as a designer in the future. And only in 2016 her dream came true. Together with her friend, Aiza opened a showroom where the jewelry they created is sold. Also the girl launched own line clothes.

Isa tried her strength in other directions. In 2013, she became the host of the Neformat Chart program. In the same period, the girl starred in the rap thriller "Gazgolder", in which Basta, Vadim Karpenko, Oleg Gruz and other rappers were involved. The film did not find a response in the hearts of the audience.

Isa voiced cartoons ("Ollie and the Pirates' Treasure" (2014) and "Kung Fu Panda-3" (2016)). In 2016, she took part in the filming of the reality show "Pregnant" (seasons 3 and 4). The active girl plans to record her own album. So far she has released 2 singles "Confused" and Supreme (Guf R.I.P.)

Life with Guf

In 2005, Aiza met rap musician Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) at a nightclub. It turned out that they have many common friends and interests. Aiza and Guf began to meet a year after they met. They clashed again at a snowboarding party. The girl kept well in the snow, but Guf was a beginner in this sport. Isa agreed to become his coach.

The rapper was subdued by a pretty girl with such an extreme hobby. Soon he wrote a song dedicated to Aiza and invited her to meet. Alexei immediately introduced the chosen one to the closest person - his grandmother. Isa, in turn, introduced Guf to her formidable father. In 2008, the lovers got married, and 2 years later they had a son. The boy was named unusual name Sami.

The Dolmatov family was never without quarrels. Both husband and wife were distinguished by a stormy temperament. For some time, Guf took drugs, but Isa did not know anything about it. Together they overcame his addiction. And then, having got rid of the addiction, the musician often began to disappear with friends in clubs and cheat on his wife.

When the wife found out about the first betrayal, she was pregnant. Dolmatova decided to save her family, but her patience did not last long. In 2013, she left her husband. In March 2014, Aiza and Guf divorced. After that, they again tried to improve relations, but the “broken cup” could not be glued together.

Second marriage

A year after the divorce, Dolmatova met Dmitry Anokhin in Bali. He was engaged in business and was fond of surfing. Aiza and Dima, who are in love with sports, quickly found common topics for a conversation. They began dating, and six months later they officially got married. Their wedding ceremony took place in Las Vegas. Aiza changed her surname "Dolmatova" to "Anokhin". In October 2016, the Anokhins had a son. The boy was named Elvis.

Aiza currently lives with her husband and children in Bali. She occasionally comes to Moscow to take part in the filming, but does not intend to return to Russia.

FROM ex-husband the girl tried to communicate for the sake of her son, but the rapper began to conflict with her current husband Dmitry. Guf released the song "Line up", insulting Anokhin. Isa could not remain silent and in response released a diss (a disrespectful statement about another rapper) “Supreme (GUF R.I.P.)”.

Social networks

The girl leads several pages in in social networks. Aiza Dolmatova on Instagram regularly posts new photos. A young mother often takes part in photo shoots and shares the result with numerous subscribers.

In the pictures of Aiza, you can see not only herself, but also her sons, husband, numerous girlfriends and stars Russian show business. Instagram Aiza Dolmatova is very popular. Her life on this network is followed by 1.5 million subscribers.

girl blogging on Twitter Here she posts provocative tweets, communicates with readers, posts her favorite news. Anokhina's official Twitter has 169,000 subscribers.

Aiza also has a page VKontakte In this network for 4 years, the girl has posted more than 8 thousand photos, but now she does not particularly please the fans with fresh pictures. Anokhina has almost 4 thousand subscribers and more than 2 thousand friends on VKontakte.

Many are surprised at the number of fans of Guf's ex-wife. And her secret is simple. The girl is not afraid to live as she likes. Aiza easily changes her place of residence, appearance, men, environment, so she is currently happy and loved!

Aiza Anokhina (maiden name - Vagapova) is a TV presenter, popular blogger and young designer. She was born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny. In 2008, Aiza married the rapper Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) for the first time, and 2 years later they had a son, Sami Dolmatov. In 2013, after 5 years of marriage, the couple divorced. In 2015, Aiza marries for the second time surfer Dmitry Anokhin. On October 3, 2016, Aiza Anokhina, live on the LifeNews TV channel, gave birth to his son, Elvis. In an effort to please their fans with life events as often as possible, Aiza on Instagram has published more than 15,000 photos.

Aiza Anokhina Parameters

  • Age: 31
  • Height: 162 cm.
  • Weight: 48 kg.

A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Oct 17, 2016 at 5:35am PDT

A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Oct 5, 2016 at 6:06am PDT

Aiza Anokhina on Instagram

A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Aug 5, 2016 at 9:29pm PDT

A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Oct 16, 2016 at 3:36am PDT

A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Oct 16, 2016 at 11:09am PDT


A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Sep 21, 2016 at 3:55pm PDT

A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Sep 12, 2016 at 3:41am PDT

Aiza's birth on Instagram

A post shared by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) on Oct 6, 2016 at 3:13am PDT

A lot of questions from you) I think it's time to answer) a common question: how are you after the CS?) I will answer, excellent) everything heals on me like a dog) yes, the first day after the CS, it was painful, but tolerable) and then I completely forgot) now as if nothing had happened. Only a dark strip of potassium permanganate reminds of the operation)) which cannot be washed off)))? I believe that the key to a quick recovery is my miracle doctor, for whom I will pray for the rest of my life and my body. Someone cannot get up for a month, and it depends only on the characteristics of each metabolism. Why in the end CS? For 20 hours I tried to give birth myself, but when I realized that I began to feel contractions only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe old seam, I realized that that was it, I give up! And did right choice for the health of your baby and yours. GV!) GV is wonderful!! God!! The best thing that happened to me)) and why they say that it hurts! I didn’t feel any pain, there is so much milk that I’m ready to feed all the children)) no stagnation and bumps! I listened to the doctor, all his instructions, did massages (the first time it hurt, and then it was excellent). The baby is full, happy and sleeping) baby and nights)? again, I'm lucky)) I sleep so little anyway)) 4 hours is enough to get enough sleep for my eyes) so motherhood is prescribed for me by God)) the baby does not cry at all! But again, he is too small, colic, teeth, etc., they are waiting for us ahead, but we are ready for this) Sam and Elvis) perfect) Sam gets exactly as much attention as his younger brother! We feed, change diapers, wash and play together. Dima takes Sam to the city every day, to parks and playgrounds so that Sam can let off his steam)) ? Sam is very active) and he is bored sitting at home! And until the cold hits, you need to walk) Nanny? There is no babysitter and never will be! I won't let anyone near my boys again! I have time, health and desire to be a mother! And my very best friend, he is my husband, he is my whole universe, he helps me in everything! I thank God every day for meeting him) work? Work while at home. The kid falls asleep, Sam is with Dima, and I'm on the phone! As soon as the baby gets stronger, he will travel with me to the shooting. Tits next) ate, laid down, and I have 3 hours) Bali? Bali soon) as soon as we open Ai❤️Lab, we will put it on its feet and go to the ocean for a couple of months) photo @ratundalova

Aiza Dolmatova Instagram star! What photos are posted by Guf's ex-wife and what's new with aizalovesam on Instagram, see here!

The name of this girl became known thanks to her marriage to the rapper Guf. But even after the divorce, she retained her popularity. However, all the same, the increased interest in the person is caused only by a sensational divorce, the history of which quickly spread around the entire Internet. To this day, rumors about this do not subside, but despite this, the Instagram account of Aiza Dolmatova is available to all users.

Instagram Aiza Dolmatova

The girl is just obsessed with Instagram and posts a bunch of bright photos. She, however, like her well-known friend, Alena Vodonaeva, daily uploads many photos and videos of various contents. The number of her followers on Instagram has already approached 1,000,000 people. On her page you can see a variety of pictures, which make it clear what is happening in Aiza's life:

  • At the time of the divorce, only sad photos with sad comments were posted on Instagram. Many ill-wishers tried to take advantage of the situation and teased the girl, but thanks to the support of her fans, she survived difficult times.
  • Aiza Dolmatova's Instagram is a lot of positive. The account is filled with a variety of pictures from resort places, parties, shopping with a loved one.
  • Her son has a special place in her life. Almost every moment she captures on camera and uploads to Instagram. She shares almost all events with her subscribers, talks about her son's successes, habits.
  • On Instagram, she constantly posts announcements about upcoming parties, demonstrates master classes, and gives advice on fashion trends.

A beautiful and talented young mother regularly updates her account: @aizalovesam on Instagram with new pictures and videos. And those who want to watch the latest events taking place in her life can do it on our website.

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