Environmental action: "Plastic bottles - a new life!". Ecological project "What I know about a plastic bottle" - photo report Turning waste into income

Auto 03.09.2019

Today, millions of bottles and various plastic packaging are produced and discarded every year. And every year the amount of waste is growing. A huge amount of plastic garbage on the streets of our city, hence it is worth thinking about the question: what does convenient plastic packaging bring to a person - benefit or harm?

There are several reasons for the increase in the number household waste:

Growth in the production of consumer goods packed in plastic;

raising the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced by new ones;

strength and lightness of plastic packaging material;

their one-time use.

The purpose of this project is to study the importance of a plastic bottle in a person's life, to try to give a second life to packaging with their own hands, to involve their peers and their parents in this work.

The goal was achieved: in the process of work, ways were found to extend the life of various packages, parents were involved in this work.



Autonomous institution of preschool education of the municipality
Zavodoukovsky city district
"Child Development Center - Kindergarten "Alyonushka"



Project Manager:

Volkova Natalya Anatolyevna,

senior caregiver

Project participant:

Poor Katya, 5 years old

Zavodoukovsk, 2013.

Brief annotation

Nowadays millions of bottles and various plastic packaging are produced and discarded annually. And every year the amount of waste is growing. A huge amount of plastic garbage on the streets of our city, hence it is worth thinking about the question: what does convenient plastic packaging bring to a person - benefit or harm?

There are several reasons for the increase in the amount of household waste:

  • growth in the production of consumer goods packaged in plastic;
  • raising the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced by new ones;
  • strength and lightness of plastic packaging material;
  • their one-time use.

The purpose of this project is to study the importance of a plastic bottle in a person's life, to try to give a second life to packaging with their own hands, to involve their peers and their parents in this work.

The goal was achieved: in the process of work, ways were found to extend the life of various packages, parents were involved in this work.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part
  3. Conclusion
  4. Practical significance of the project
  5. List of used literature

1. Introduction

42 years ago mankind invented the plastic bottle. Nowadaysmillions of bottles are produced and discarded annually. And every year the waste from plastic bottles is growing due to the fact that there is an increasing number of products that are packaged in them.

A huge amount of garbage on the streets of the city makes us think about the question: why do we need a plastic bottle? At present, the main way to eliminate these solid waste are: incineration in landfills. However, when such waste is burned, poisonous smoke is released, which causes great harm to our health and poisons nature.

Objective of the project : to study the importance of a plastic bottle in human life.

Project objectives:

1. Explore Chemical properties plastic bottles.

2. Conduct a sociological survey of the children of the group on the use.

3. Show the possibility of using plastic bottles at home.

Research methods:

* study of literary sources;

* thinking “Why do we need a plastic bottle?”, “Environmental problem”;

*observation, survey, practical part.

2. Main body

Plastic bottle. General information.

Bottle - a container for long-term storage of liquids, a tall vessel with a predominantly cylindrical shape and a narrow neck, convenient for corking.

History of the plastic bottle

It turns out that plastic bottles did not exist before, and milk, lemonade and water were in paper bags or glass bottles. They handed over glass containers and received money for it. Today, every store sells drinks in plastic bottles that people throw away on the streets and in recreational areas. These useful materials turned out to have a big "flaw": they are quite strong and durable. After serving its short service and ending up in a roadside ditch, river or landfill, the packaging remains there for decades.

In Russia, there is a plant for the production of plastics in the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo. This plant is still in operation today.

We thought about the question "Why do we need a bottle?". After much thought, we have come to the conclusion that many liquids are conveniently stored in plastic containers, as they do not break, do not leak and are easy to use.

Environmental problem associated with plastic bottles

It turns out that in addition to the benefits for humans, the bottle carries an “environmental problem”. What to do with such a large number of bottles that we use?

In the oceans, plastic bottles have piled up on many shores. Mountains of plastic under the action sea ​​water turn into multi-colored pebbles. On the one hand, it is beautiful, but on the other hand, this garbage poses a great threat to living organisms. Many birds die because fish eat this plastic. It is not processed, and the birds die of starvation.

Many cases have already been recorded when animal body parts fall into plastic bottles and animals suffer from this.

"How to be?"

People are already tired of the plastic waste that they themselves create. Garbage left by our grandfathers. It has long turned into dust, and even our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see our plastic bottles, because they are “eternal”.

burial : paper decomposes in the ground for 1 month, and a plastic bottle - 500 years. If a plastic bottle is in the ground for so many years, then soon the grass will not grow on the street.

Burning : When burned, poisonous smoke is released, which pollutes the atmosphere.

Sorting and recycling: this is the best option, but it requires a large financial outlay.

Analysis of a sociological survey

We decided to conduct a survey of the children of the "Solnyshko" group of the kindergarten "Alyonushka". Answering the question “Does your family buy products in plastic packaging? What kind? ”, We saw what they really buy. Here's what we got.

Tatyana Astafieva
Project "The second life of a plastic bottle"



The passport project.

Topic: « The second life of a plastic bottle» .


Many streets of the city are littered with garbage, most of which are plastic bottles.

Implementation period:

View project:

Practical, experimental, short-term, group.


Children senior group, parents.

Rationale project:

Ignorance about the benefits and harms plastic bottles for mankind. Inability to make didactic and outdoor games from improvised materials.


41 years ago mankind invented plastic bottle. The first samples weighed 135 g. (96% more than now). Now she weighs 69 grams. If you look around, you will be amazed at how much is produced and thrown away every year these days. plastic bottles. small town throws out about 20 tons every month plastic bottles. And every year the waste from plastic bottles grow by 20%. Great amount plastic bottles on the streets got me thinking question: what carries plastic bottle to a person - benefit or harm and whether it is possible to give it second life?


Form the main ZUN about the origin plastic bottles and their application in everyday life.


Reveal conditions and ways recyclable plastic bottle and make beautiful and useful things out of it.



Learn the history of creation and application plastic bottles;

Identify environmental issues related to plastic bottles;


The development of cognitive activity in the field "ecology";

Develop the ability to listen, understand and find ways to solve problems together with the educator;

Encourage children to use plastic bottles not only for its intended purpose, but also to make useful things out of them.


Cultivate interest in making crafts and games from plastic bottles;

Education of skills of respect for the environment around us;

Cultivating positive and creative work with peers and parents.

Stages of work:

Stage 1 organizational- preparatory:

Formulation of the problem- "? Can you give her second life

The study of literature on the topic;

Preparation of the subject-spatial environment.

Stage 2 - reflexively - diagnostic:

Use in everyday life;

Conversation-survey of children: "What do you need plastic bottle.

Stage 3 - practical:

Work on project: preparation and holding of role-playing games, didactic, outdoor games, experimental experience.

Working with parents project.

Stage 4 - final:

Product introduction project

Presentation project at the teachers' council;

Analysis project;

Product design project - photo exhibition

"Crafts from plastic bottles»

Competition for parents "Miracle- bottle» .

Expected results:

In-depth knowledge of children about harm and benefit plastic containers;

Learn to reuse plastic bottles to reduce the amount of garbage in nature;

Encourage children to work together to make games from plastic containers;

Rally children and parents to create beautiful and useful crafts for our playground.

forward planning project activities

1st stage - organizational and preparatory

№ Event


With pupils

Formulation of the problem- " Plastic bottle - good or bad? Can you give her second life? July 3 Children have an interest in the upcoming activity

Content Development project: « The second life of a plastic bottle»

The main directions of implementation are determined project and expected results

Preparation of the object-spatial environment

July 3 Information materials prepared, attributes for role-playing games, didactic and board games

With parents

Introducing parents to the upcoming project July 3 Interest in upcoming activities aroused

2nd stage - reflective-diagnostic

No. Events Timing Result

With Pupils

Conversation-survey of children "What do you need plastic bottle.

With parents

Sociological survey of parents, in order to identify the ratio of the amount of acquired plastic containers and secondary household use; July 4 Determined that more parents do not use plastic bottles after use and throw it in the trash.

3rd stage practical

Educational area Activities Timing Result

With Pupils


role-playing game development "I came to visit us plastic bottle» July 5 Children are familiar with various types of plastic bottles and their purpose.

Tour of the store: "Application plastic bottles in modern world »

July 5 Children clearly learned where to buy plastic container and what is its content.

Examined the windows and asked the sellers about the number of sold bottles with milk and juices per day.

Cognitive development plastic and paper

July 5-7 We clearly saw that plastic does not dissolve in natural environment(in water, unlike paper.

Speech development Reading a fairy tale about plastic bottle "Dreams Come True" July 5-7 The children realized that by throwing away bottle we harm nature and "offend" plastic bottles

Learning environmental proverbs and sayings

Artistic and aesthetic development bottles. July 5-7 We learned how to use used colored bottles

Collective work with children on making board game from lids and one bottles"Cat and Mice"

Physical development

"Sports bottle»

July 5-7 Proved that plastic bottle may be sports equipment; to instill a love for sports competitions.

With parents


"Junk materials ( plastic containers which can be used in children's creativity. July 5-7 Increased parental competence in the use of waste material (plastic containers) to create games at home

Photo exhibition "Crafts from plastic bottles»

4th stage final

No. Events Timing Result

With Pupils

Exhibition of crafts and games from plastic bottles July 6-7 Presented the result of work on project

Competition for parents

"Miracle- small bottle» July 6-7 Parents demonstrated their ability to make crafts from plastic bottles and set up a playground « plastic» style.

Security project:

1. Wikipedia free encyclopedia [electronic resource]

2. Children's portal bebi.lv [electronic resource]

3. Website "Ecology"[electronic resource]

4. Zhabin O.V. Best Ideas for home workshop: Toys, gifts, objects, interior [Text] / O. V. Zhabin. - M.: Polygraphizdat, 2010 - 224 p.

5. Belyakova O. V. Big book of crafts [Text] / O. V. Belyakova - M., 2009 - 224 p.

6. Journal "Preschool Pedagogy", 2011, №2

7. Loginova V. I., Babaeva T. I. Childhood: a program for the development and education of children in kindergarten[Text] / V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva. - M .: Childhood - Press, 2010 - 244 p.

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research project

"The second life of a plastic bottle"

Completed: 8B class student

Kursakov Nikolai

Leader: Zakroeva Lyubov Anatolyevna,

Biology teacher


I. Introduction.

Relevance of the topic.



Research methodology.

II. Main part.

Theoretical part:

Practical part


III. Conclusion.

IV. Bibliography

V Applications research work.

I. Introduction.

A plastic bottle is a plastic container for containing, protecting and transporting liquids. Plastic bottles provide great convenience in their production, operation on bottling lines, transportation of the finished product in them, since their weight is up to ten times less than glass bottles, and they do not break. Plastic bottles are generally used to store liquids such as water, beverages, motor oils, vegetable oil, medicines, shampoos, milk, ink, and the like.

Plastic bottles were first used commercially in 1947 but remained relatively expensive in the early 1960s when they were made from polyethylene. high density. They quickly became popular with both manufacturers and consumers due to their ease of use and comparatively low production costs compared to glass bottles. AT Food Industry almost completely replaced glass with plastic bottles.

For the manufacture of plastic bottles, thermoplastic is required, it is he who is the raw material. Thermoplastic is not subject to deformation, is not afraid of repeated heating, which will not destroy it. Every year, waste from plastic bottles is growing by 20%. Today, millions of bottles are produced and discarded each year. A small town throws out about 20 tons of plastic bottles every month. The huge amount of garbage on the streets of our village made me think about recycling plastic bottles.

Problem: many village streets and roads are littered with garbage, most of which is plastic bottles.

Target: Explore the possibility of recycling plastic bottles in everyday life.


    Find out the history of the plastic bottle.

    Find out the relevance of the problem of recycling plastic bottles.

    Try to use solid household waste for various crafts and household appliances. Show the possibilities of using plastic bottles at home.

Research methods:

    Method of sociological research - questioning.

    Method of analysis of literary sources, Internet resources.

II. Main part

2.1. Short story appearance of the plastic bottle

A bottle is a container for long-term storage of liquids. As a rule, it is a tall vessel. More often with a narrow neck, convenient for corking. Large bottles are called bottles.

Eraser bottles appeared much later than glass bottles, but they became very popular as a very convenient container. The glass bottle has a definite advantage. In it, the product is stored longer and is considered "tastier". In addition, it can be used repeatedly. But at the same time, it is worth considering: who used the bottle and for what? What did it contain? Therefore, glass bottles are not used “secondarily”, they are crushed and added to the cooking mass, to the raw material for the manufacture of new bottles. Why were glass bottles replaced with plastic ones? They, as a rule, have a larger volume than glass ones, are safer, more diverse in shape; have a much lower cost.

First plastic bottleentered the US market in 1970. On the territory of Russia, plastic bottles gained popularity after Western corporations entered the soft drinks market.and. The first plant for the production of lemonade in plastic bottles in the USSR was opened by PepsiCo in 1974.. Nowadays, plastic bottles are used not only by manufacturers of carbonated drinks and beer, but also by cosmetic and perfume factories.

Nowadays, bottles occupy a firm and inherently important place all over the world. Now in any retail outlet, whether it is a small rural store or a large urban hypermarket, a wide range of consumer goods in plastic bottles is presented, which are diverse in shape, color and size.Their production increased in 1980. Then everything went on increasing. Manufacturers quickly figured out that they have a lower cost, which is very important. Consumers do not want to overpay for packaging, and manufacturers, in turn, have the opportunity to lower the price and win their share of consumers. In 1995-1999, the market for plastic containers grew 2.5 times.

However, along with their wide distribution, environmental problems appeared.

2.2. Environmental problems of using plastic bottles

Our parents remember the time when, even in our village, glass bottles were collected and handed over to stores in exchange for some kind of food product, and these bottles were taken away for processing and production of new bottles. And now? And now there are points for receiving glass containers, but for some reason, few people do this. Therefore, glass and plastic bottles litter our streets! And not only!

accumulations of plastic bottles on the planet are already forming real floating continents in the oceans. Scientists are sounding the alarm: pacific ocean accumulated huge deposits of garbage. This is mainly plastic and petroleum products. They are located somewhere between Japan and west coast USA. According to rough estimates, this "plastic island" weighs 100 million tons. And basically it is a kind of mixture of semi-decomposed plastic, which is not visible either from the air or from a satellite.

According to the World Foundation wildlife, these accumulations of debris pose a great threat to living organisms. According to the Japanese scientist Katsuhiko Saido, when plastic decomposes, it releases toxic substances that can cause serious hormonal disorders in both animals and humans.

The threat from plastic containers to the Earth's ecology is not limited to this. The production of plastic bottles in the US alone takes about 18 million barrels of oil per year. People are already tired of the plastic waste that they themselves create. The creation of plastic packaging solved many problems, but also gave rise to no less of them. The garbage that our fathers left in places of rest has long turned into dust, and even our great-great-grandchildren will see our plastic bottles, because they are “eternal”.

Plastic bottles after their use, as a rule, are thrown away, become household waste. The amount of household waste per capita on the planet has tripled since 1980. What to do with countless plastic containers? Burying in the ground means polluting the lithosphere. Make burials in the seas and oceans - damage the planet's hydrosphere. Burn - harm the atmosphere. When plastic burns, dioxin is released into the air. It accumulates in the body and it is almost impossible to remove it, sooner or later human health will be weakened.

How long is garbage stored?

Very often, walking along the banks of a river, lake or in a forest, people meet garbage with bitterness. They meet, get upset, but leave him lying in the same place, with the thought: “Nothing, it will wash away with rain, rot, in general, go somewhere. It will take away the water." But we are deeply mistaken ... Each type of garbage has its own decomposition period. So a plastic bottle has a decomposition period of 100 years - this is a whole century.

E environmental problems are exacerbated by the period of decay of household waste. Information sources show:

paper decomposes in the ground within 1 month,

banana peel - 6 months

wool - 1 year,

wooden poles - 4 years

paper cups - 5 years,

painted wood - 13 years,

tin can - 100 years

plastic bottle - from 500 years to 1000 years,

disintegration time of a glass bottle takes 1 million years

Of course, this problem needs to be solved at the state level, but it is possible that each person can contribute to its solution. People can not throw away plastic bottles, but give them a second life.

2.3. Turning waste into income

Most effective method disposal of used packaging - recycling. This is beneficial from both an economic and an environmental point of view. Thanks to modern processing lines, plastic bottle waste is an excellent raw material for the production of any product. Recycled PET (PET) granulate can produce the same plastic bottle. Also, recycled PET granulate is used for the production of another huge number of products: films, twine, brushes, plastic containers, etc.

In the USA, Japan, Canada, the process of processing secondary raw materials into first-class products began to be implemented from the mid-80s of the last century. They have adopted national programs with appropriate state funding, the purpose of which is to stop environmental pollution from packaging waste. In the EU countries that adopted the Declaration on packaging waste in 1994, the European Parliament and the European Council of Ministers introduced a single law on the strategy for the use of packaging waste, aimed at preventing the increase in municipal solid waste, their recycling and the safe destruction of non-recyclable residues. As a result, the problem of disposal (from the Latin utilis - useful) of packaging waste through recycling in these countries is practically solved.

We have In the country, things are still very deplorable in this regard. Russian scientists have developed unique technologies for processing secondary polymer raw materials and raw materials from mixed waste, which, unfortunately, are not in demand by anyone in the post-Soviet space. But they could have prevented ecological catastrophe, threatening Kazakhstan.

Due to the lack of recycling plants in sufficient quantities, landfills are covered with a huge layer of PET plastic bottles. If you count the amount of plastic bottles and PET (PET) waste going to landfills, then the amount of this waste would be enough for all existing processing plants, and at least ten times more! But for now, there is a problem.

From the above, we have drawn the following conclusions:

1. First of all - stop littering yourself! It's so simple: throw garbage in the bin, empty the bucket into the container, and not past it, and always pick up bottles from the forest and river banks. Do not throw garbage into ravines.

2. Pay Attention environmental education citizens. Adults should teach their children from an early age to take care of nature and be an example for them:

3. Recycling is not only a way to earn money, but also to save our Natural resources, keep the air, forests, rivers, fields clean.

4. Reducing the amount of waste produced and increasing the proportion of it recycled requires a coordinated effort by the entire population, businesses and government.

5. When buying goods, pay attention to the eco-label on the packaging. For many consumers, the recyclable label means more than a quality label.

2.4. Learning to read plastic labels correctly

Even if you are just thinking about it or are already actively adhering to it, you are unlikely to be able to permanently get rid of the use of the ubiquitous plastic.Plastic products so firmly fit into our lives that we can no longer imagine ourselves without various jars-containers-bottles. The secret of the popularity of the product is simple: practicality and convenience, as well as a relatively inexpensive cost, which, by the way, is due to the ease of production. At the same time, aboutthe dangers of plastic heard by everyone. And it's not just the issue of its disposal (although this is an important problem). The fact is that plastic has a detrimental effect on the human body. At first glance, and according to the assurances of the sellers, there is nothing wrong with plastic. However, in fact, plastic is truly and effectively destroying us from the inside. The statements have already been proven by scientists more than once and to check them on yourself, believe me, is not the best solution. Avoid plastic products perfect option, but, unfortunately, practically unrealistic. There is only one way out - to reduce the harmful effects of plastic on our body. To do this, you just need to carefully study the product that you plan to purchase. On each of them, the manufacturer must indicate the material from which the plastic is made. The absence of special symbols is a sure sign that the product is extremely dangerous for your health. But herselfmarking consists of three arrows in the form of a triangle. The number inside the figure and the abbreviation below it will tell you what type of this plastic is and what it is made of.

Types of plastics and their marking

1 (PETE or PET) polyethylene terephthalate. The most common type of plastic. Used for bottling soft drinks, ketchups, vegetable oils, cosmetics and more. Distinctive feature- cheapness. The production of this type does not require special costs, this is the reason for its popularity. This type of plastic can only be used once. When reused, the bottle or box releases a hazardous substance - phthalate (toxic, can cause serious illness nervous and of cardio-vascular system). Recyclable, one of the most dangerous species. At the same time, in Europe and the USA it is forbidden to make

2 (HDPE or PE HD) polyethylene high density . Relatively inexpensive and heat resistant. Such plastic is used in the manufacture of plastic bags, disposable tableware, food containers, milk bags and containers for detergents and cleaners. Recyclable, recyclable. Relatively safe, although it can release formaldehyde (a toxic substance that affects the nervous, respiratory and reproductive systems, can cause genetic disorders in offspring).

3 (PVC or V) - polyvinyl chloride. This type of plastic is used for technical purposes. For example, to make plastic windows, furniture elements, pipes, tablecloths, containers for technical liquids and other things. Contraindicated for food use. The plastic contains bisphenol A, vinyl chloride, phthalates, and may contain cadmium. One of the most dangerous types of plastic. When burned, it releases into the air dangerous poisons- carcinogenic dioxins.

4 (LDPE or PEBD) low density polyethylene. The society is known for bags, trash bags, CDs and linoleum. The rather wide distribution of this type is due to its cheapness. Security is relative. PET bags are practically safe for the human body (however, do not forget about their impact on the environment). In rare cases, the PE-LD type emits formaldehyde. Recyclable and reusable.

5 (PP) polypropylene. Durable and heat resistant. Food containers, syringes and children's toys are made from it. Relatively safe, but under some circumstances may release formaldehyde.

6 (PS) polystyrene. You will find this type of plastic in the meat or dairy department. Yogurt cups, meat trays, boxes for vegetables and fruits, sandwich panels and heat-insulating plates are made from it. When reused, it releases styrene, which is a carcinogen. Experts recommend, if possible, to abandon the use of this type of plastic or reduce its consumption to a minimum.

7 (O or OTHER) polycarbonate, polyamide and other types of plastics. This group includes plastics that have not received a separate number. They are used to make baby bottles, toys, water bottles, packaging. With frequent washing or heating, it releases bisphenol A - a substance that leads to hormonal disruptions in the human body.

All of the above substances are auxiliary, to one degree or another they are contained in a plastic product. Plastic itself is not dangerous for the body, but additional substances carry a hidden threat. Of course, you can use any kind of plastic as much as you like and not feel any changes in the body. But that doesn't mean they don't really exist. All the "plastic negativity" can make itself felt at any moment. And then in old age you will wonder where all these sores came from. Even worse, if toxic substances affect the health of your offspring. So do your best tominimize contact with plastic . Throw away all the plastic utensils you have in your kitchen. Never leave plastic jars of ice cream or jam on the farm. especially carefully and
Read the labels on baby feeding bottles. Containers in which you take the "brakes" to work, try to change as often as possible. Even the highest quality boxes should not last longer than one month. When buying any plastic product, be sure to smell it. Even the slightest unpleasant smell should make you think about the quality of this product.

Alternative to plastic utensils:Instead of plastic utensils, for the sake of your health, use paper utensils. It is environmentally friendly and its use is harmless to your body.

2.5. The second life of a plastic bottle

Practical part

I conducted a sociological survey of students in our school.

Target: find out what products in plastic packaging are purchased, used and where the packaging goes.

31 families of middle and high school students of our school took part in the survey. The survey participants were asked the following questions:

1. Do you buy products in plastic packaging? Which?

2. Where do you put plastic bottles after use?

3. If you don't throw away, how do you use plastic bottles?

The results of the survey showed the following results:

Question 1. Do you buy products in plastic packaging? Which?

Yes - 31 people

Mineral water - 39 people

Carbonated water, juices, drinks - 8 people

Ketchup - 29 people

Mayonnaise - 11 people

Drinking yogurt - 13 people

No - 8 people.

Noodles- 31 people.

Question 2. Where do you put plastic bottles after use?

Throw away - 10 people

We burn in the stove - 14 people

Collecting - 11 people

Burying - 0 people

Question 3. If you do not throw away, how do you use plastic bottles?

For planting seedlings - 3

For the household - 10 people

We use for milk, kvass, jam - 24 people

Making crafts - 2 people

The survey showed thatfamilies of students in our school, buy products in plastic packaging and in most cases this mineral water and carbonated drinks, ketchup, noodles, drinking yogurt, mayonnaise. Used packaging is almost all thrown away or burned, several families use it in the household. No family digs.

Environmental project"The second life of a plastic bottle"

Project relevance

In the modern world, no one is surprised by the appearance of a (plastic) PET bottle. Plastic PET bottles have long entered and firmly won their place in our lives. It is hard to imagine the absence of PET bottled drinks in a stall or any other store.

But in fact, PET bottles appeared not so long ago. For the first time, plastic bottles (PET bottles) were seen on the US market in 1970. But then it was not yet PET bottles. Since PET bottles appeared three years later thanks to the use of a plastic known as polyethylene terephthalate in the manufacture of the bottle.

Today, millions of bottles are produced and discarded each year. And every year the waste from plastic bottles is growing, due to the fact that there is an increasing number of products that are packaged in plastic bottles. Plastic bottles do not decompose and can lie in the ground for 500 to 1000 years. If every child and adult finds a secondary use for a plastic bottle, making a useful craft out of it and decorating a territory or a room with it, then the streets will become much cleaner and more beautiful.

Target: form in students careful attitude to environment. Determine the importance of a plastic bottle in human life and nature.


- to expand ideas about the place of man in nature, how to live in order not to harm the environment;

- to introduce students to the possibility of making new things from plastic bottles;

- involve students in environmental activities, developing the skills of separate waste collection;

− foster respect for the environment.

Object of study: plastic bottles.

Subject of study: the possibility of recycling plastic bottles.

Research methods: study of literary sources and information on the Internet.

Hypothesis: I think that if you learn a second time, use plastic bottles, for example, make simple crafts out of them to decorate your home, garden or garden plot, then you can reduce the amount of garbage in nature.

Project stages:

Stage 1 - substantiation of the problem;

Stage 2 - the history of the creation and use of plastic bottles;

Stage 3 - environmental problems associated with plastic bottles;

Stage 4 - options for using plastic bottles in everyday life.

Main part

Justification of the problem

Plastic and polyethylene containers in our country began to gain popularity just a couple of decades ago. The population received an accessible and convenient type of packaging - light, practical, cheap, practically not subject to decay. In fact of the matter. It does not rot, which means it is not subject to environmentally friendly disposal. It burns well, but at the same time it emits such an amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere that it becomes scary. According to experts, a person throws out up to 250 kg of household waste per year. About 25% of them are food waste, 5-10% - paper, 50% - polymers, the rest is metal, textiles, rubber, glass and other rubbish.

The classic way of waste disposal (container - garbage truck - landfill - recultivation) today is inefficient and, moreover, potentially dangerous, since even a carefully cultivated landfill filled with soil is a source of "landfill gas" that stimulates the greenhouse effect. Despite the fact that in the West recycling is a profitable and profitable business, in our country, as it turned out, it is much easier to bury waste in the ground. But this cannot continue indefinitely, since almost all polygons are 50-60% full.

But there is salvation - factories or lines for the recycling of plastic waste. Unfortunately, there are very few of them in Belarus.

The history of the creation and use of plastic bottles

The history of plastic bottles began in 1941, when English scientists first synthesized polyethylene terephthalate, the abbreviation of which gave the name to these bottles - PET. For a long time this polymer was used mainly as a raw material for the textile industry. It was not until the early 1970s that DuPont, which owned the rights to produce this polymer, began to develop a new beverage container that would be cheaper than glass. During these experiments, the first plastic bottle was created.

Soon, the first equipment for the production of bottles was created and released, and their mass production was launched. The new packaging turned out to be so successful that it not only significantly pressed glass containers, but even influenced the formation of new markets for products. And it is possible that PET containers would have completely replaced glass ones long ago, if not for some of its shortcomings, which significantly narrow the possibilities of its use. The main drawback is the very low barrier properties of polyethylene terephthalate. It turned out that this polymer passes some gases and ultraviolet through itself. Because of this, many drinks in plastic bottles spoil quickly. To date, the best way to deal with this disadvantage is to use a three-layer bottle, the middle layer of which is made of a material that does not allow gases to pass through. But such a bottle has become more expensive, and besides, it is not recyclable. And environmentalists do not like this very much, because both PET containers and even ordinary glass bottles are recyclable.

The PET bottle manufacturing process consists of two stages. First, a so-called preform is blown out of polyethylene terephthalate granules - a blank for a future bottle. It looks like a small laboratory test tube. The only thing that gives out a future bottle in it is a neck with a thread and a restrictive ring, which already at the first stage get their final shape. The second stage - the direct formation of the bottle can be carried out both at the same enterprise on a neighboring machine, and in a completely different place, where the preforms are delivered packed in polyethylene. At the second stage, the preforms are heated until the plastic softens and blown the right bottle. It is interesting that bottles of completely different models can be obtained from the same preforms. There are lines for the production of plastic bottles that perform both stages, but still, even in this case, the production process is two-phase.

Well, after the plastic bottle has fulfilled its function, it can be sent for recycling. Bottles are used to make textiles, various building materials, and even used in the manufacture of cars. Unfortunately, in our country, used plastic bottles are hardly recycled, and at best they are burned in incinerators, or simply thrown into landfills. But our craftsmen have come up with a lot of non-standard use of used bottles in the household.

Environmental issues associated with plastic bottles

Accumulations of plastic bottles on the planet are already forming real floating continents in the oceans. Scientists are sounding the alarm: giant deposits of garbage have accumulated in the Pacific Ocean. This is mainly plastic and petroleum products. They are located somewhere between Japan and the west coast of the United States, and under the influence of the El Niño current, they regularly shift thousands of kilometers. In early August, 2 ships with scientists set off from San Francisco to the site of the so-called funnel.

They intend to study the extent of the pollution and try to find ways to remove it. According to rough estimates, this "plastic island" weighs 100 million tons. And basically it is a kind of suspension of semi-decomposed plastic, which is not visible either from the air or from a satellite. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), these accumulations of garbage pose a great threat to living organisms. The expedition will also study this problem. According to the Japanese scientist Katsuhiko Saido, when plastic decomposes, it releases toxic substances that can cause serious hormonal disorders in both animals and humans.

The threat from plastic containers to the Earth's ecology is not limited to this. Americans buy over 29 million plastic water bottles a year. To make these bottles, you need to use 17 million barrels of crude oil, which would be enough to fuel a million passenger cars. whole year. Only 13% of these bottles are recycled. It will take centuries for these bottles to decompose without a trace, and if they are burned, it is difficult to imagine how many harmful substances, including heavy metals, will be released into the air.

Used bottles are a big environmental problem. After all, the decay time of a glass bottle takes 1 million years, and plastic from 500 to 1000 years.

Once upon a time, serious hopes were pinned on plastic: it does not rot, does not corrode. But today, its durability and practicality are becoming a headache for those involved in the disposal of household waste.

Only right exit- Separate waste collection. If the plastic is collected separately, then it can be used as a secondary raw material for the production of various useful crafts.

Options for using a plastic bottle in everyday life

To many people these facts do not let them sleep peacefully, and they come up with very original ways use of bottles in the household. Birdhouses, mousetraps, funnels and pots for seedlings are made from bottles. They are hung on the fence as a scarecrow from crows, and also used as waterproof caps on the tops of poles. In Kazakhstan, washstands are made from a plastic bottle, and in Indonesia, stabilizers are made to stabilize fishing boats. In Mongolia, they are burned as a sacrifice to the spirits. In third world countries, where ordinary European dishes and containers are rare, plastic containers are in significant demand. In Ethiopia, used bottles are sold directly in the markets. In African countries, sandals are made from flattened one and a half liter bottles.

Many household waste can be given a second life. Let's give a second life to a plastic bottle! We will make beautiful indoor plant- violet. I think she will take her rightful place in the house. Check the readiness of jobs. Let's get started!

For this we need: plastic bottles, a marker, wire, beads, a candle and plaster.

Cut out the leaves. It is better to first make a template out of cardboard and then circle it with a felt-tip pen on the bottle. We cut out three leaves of different sizes and 5 flowers.

The edges of the leaves and flowers were melted over the candle, and the stems were folded with a flagellum. We begin to collect the flower. We bend the wire at the end, then we put on the core and the flower.

We prepared a pot from the bottom of the bottle, decorated it. A flower is placed in the center. The gypsum has hardened and our violet is ready!


During our project, we produced:

45 Christmas decorations, 30 plastic bottles used;

40 lilies, 50 plastic bottles used;

15 Butterfly magnets, 10 plastic bottles used;

20 "Merry Flowers", 55 plastic bottles used;

15 "Roses" paintings, 60 plastic bottles used.

Total recycled 205 plastic bottles

From the remnants of plastic bottles, we made key chains for keys and mobile phones.

Municipal educational institution

secondary school No. 55 Perm

creative project


COMPLETED: Tulupov Ivan, 4th grade.

    Ecological situation on the planet.

    Definition of tasks.

    Reuse of plastic bottles in the household.

    Collection of information.

    My practical work

Project goals:

Studying and researching the significance of the plastic bottle in human life and nature

Project objectives:

Encourage others to think about the important environmental problem our planet, on the example of human pollution of the environment with plastic bottles;

Find out the history of the creation and use of plastic bottles;

To interest others in the possibilities of creating many interesting and useful things from plastic bottles.

Give them a second life.

Object of study:

Waste plastic bottles.

Subject of study:

Recyclable plastic bottles.

Research methods:

Studying literary sources and information on the Internet with the help of parents;

Observation of plastic bottles on the streets of the city.


Suppose that plastic packaging pollutes the earth and harms nature.

Our planet is literally choking on garbage, each of us takes garbage out of our apartment almost every day, for example, in Perm about 4 million cubic meters of household garbage is generated per year.

In nature, nothing disappears without a trace, everything falls apart and returns to the natural cycle again. AT modern society we first take, consume, and then throw away. Modern manufacturers of goods make packaging colorful, attractive, food in such packaging does not deteriorate for a long time. For the production of packaging are mainly used polymer materials. 36 years ago, mankind invented a plastic bottle, and now, wherever we are: in the park, in the yard, and even in the forest, everywhere you can meet this inseparable companion of man. Plastic today is used everywhere and not only for the production of packaging. We very often use plastic utensils Today, each inhabitant of the planet accounts for up to 88.5 kg of plastic disposable tableware per year. Used packaging and other waste end up in a landfill, littering the ground.

All large areas of the planet are littered with plastic.

Plastic does not rot, it takes at least 500 years to decompose.

The burning of plastic waste also causes great damage to nature, when it is burned, very toxic substances enter the atmosphere, which harm not only the environment, but also human health. The situation can be changed by reducing the use of plastic packaging or its recycling. in the best way reducing the amount of plastic waste can be the rejection of plastic packaging and those products that contain plastic in their composition. Modern technologies make it possible to produce high-quality secondary plastic - twine, roofing materials and even clothing.

Everyone can make a small contribution to reducing waste. First of all, it is necessary to leave as little garbage as possible in places of recreation, whether it be a forest, a park or a beach, and household waste must be taken only to containers specially designed for this, that is, do not arrange unauthorized dumps. When purchasing goods and products in stores, you should pay attention to their packaging, giving preference to environmentally friendly packaging, if you have a choice, refuse to purchase products in plastic packaging. When you go grocery shopping, take a bag with you so you don't have to buy a plastic bag and finally try to buy products whose packaging can be recycled or reused.

Remember that each of us is responsible for the fate of our common home - planet Earth, and everyone is able to contribute to its purification.

I decided to use used plastic bottles to help save the environment.

The library did not find sufficient material on this problem and we had to turn to a review of Internet sites. It turned out that a lot of useful things can be made from plastic bottles: bird feeders, seedling cups, greenhouses, containers for small things and even furniture! Particularly interested in the method of manufacturing ottoman. To do this, we needed the same plastic bottles, for example, from Pepsi, foam rubber, adhesive tape, material for the cover. That's what came out of it:

I took the scotch tape and began to wrap one bottle around the other around the circumference:

As a result, we got a round blank, which we placed in a case:

To create a flat seating surface, two circles were cut out of hard cardboard:

Cut out the seat from the foam rubber:

Hemmed to the cover. We got a comfortable, stable ottoman:

Thus, I solved the problem of the project: I proved that empty plastic bottles can not be thrown away, but reused. By recycling, we reduce the amount of plastic waste and reduce environmental pollution.

List of sources and literature:

    Vasilevskaya I. "One bottle, two bottles - there will be a greenhouse."

    Do-it-yourself magazine No. 8, 2008, Toloka publishing house.

    Konopleva N.P. "Second life of things".

    Various Internet sites.

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