Research project on the topic: "The life of land tortoises in captivity." Presentation on the topic "land turtles" Project work my pet red-eared turtle story

Diets 03.09.2019

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Klenovskaya middle comprehensive school»

Research work on the topic:

Work completed:

Roshina Elena,

4th grade student

M AOU "Kalininskaya SO"

Mikhailovsky district,


1. What genus does my turtle belong to and where does it live?……………..6

2. Who is this male or female?……………………………………………........ 6-7

3. Determining the age of a turtle………………………………………………7

4. What does a turtle eat? ................................................. ...................................7

5. Do tortoises need water? ……………………………………eight

6. At what temperature should a turtle be kept? ………………………….8-9

7. What are the habits of turtles………………………………………………..9

Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………… 10


Used literature.



I have wanted a pet for a long time. Mom and dad did not decide on him for a long time, since it is a big responsibility to look after someone. Once my grandmother gave me a fish for my birthday. But they didn't last long. One day my dad came home and gave me a land turtle. I thought that the turtle would not cause much trouble and it was not difficult to take care of it. But when the turtle appeared in the house, we all had many questions and had to solve them. And since I am an inquisitive girl and love to read, I wanted to learn more about turtles and answer questions that interested me.

2. What genus does our turtle belong to and where does it live?

3. Who is this male or female?

4. How old is the turtle?

5. What does a turtle eat?

6. Does a turtle need water?

7. At what temperature should a turtle be kept?

To answer all these questions, we set ourselves the following goals and objectives.

Goals: to study the living conditions of turtles in nature, to study their behavior at home, to draw a conclusion about the correctness of keeping an animal at home.

Tasks: 1. The study of literature on Central Asian turtles.

2. Observation of the turtle during feeding and wakefulness.

3. Generalization of observations of the tortoise.

4. Design the most best option caring for the Central Asian tortoise at home.

Research hypothesis: The turtle is an unpretentious animal to care for.

Subject of study: Central Asian tortoise

Object of study: behavior of the Central Asian turtle in room conditions.

I believe that the chosen topic relevant and significant. Many people have at home such animals as cats, dogs, but very few people take care of such exotic animals as turtles at home.

To study the theoretical and perform the practical part of the work, I used the Great Children's Encyclopedia, the book "Land Turtles" by the Aquarium publishing house; about habitats, I learned the genus of my turtle from the encyclopedia "I know the world"; The book "Turtles, lizards, snakes - maintenance, feeding, treatment at home" helped me to learn about nutrition, the maintenance of Central Asian turtles. Used many other books.

To solve the tasks and test the hypothesis, we used

the following research methods: study of literary sources,

observation, experiment (they gave different food, found out what it gives

preference), analysis, generalization.

2.1. What genus does our turtle belong to and where does it live?

Our turtle has a low, rounded brownish-olive shell with blurry black spots 10 centimeters long. The head is olive with a hook-shaped upper jaw. The tip of the tail is pointed. There are 4 claws on the forelimbs - this is hallmark Central Asian tortoises(other turtles have 5 claws).
The Central Asian tortoise is the most popular reptile for home keeping.

The Central Asian tortoise is common in northern and eastern Iran, Afghanistan, northwestern India and northern Pakistan, as well as in southern regions Kazakhstan and in the deserts of Central Asia.

2. Who is this male or female?

To determine whether it is a male or a female, it was necessary to carefully examine it.

After inspection, we determined that our turtle has: a flat plastron, on back side thighs with 4 horny tubercles, not very a long tail. All these signs tell us that this is a female.

Males have 1 horny tubercle on the back of the thigh, a slightly concave plastron, and a long and thickened tail towards the base. All of these features are male.

Conclusion: thus, I determined that my turtle is a female and we named her Kira correctly.

    Determining the Age of a Turtle.

Annual rings grow on the scutes of the turtle. Like the cut of a tree trunk. From these rings, the age of the tortoise can be determined with relative accuracy. 2 - 3 rings - correspond to one year of the turtle's life.

In order to determine the age of Kira, you need to count the rings on her shields. Now Kira has 14 rings.

14:2 = 7 years.

When I got the turtle, Kira had 10 rings.

10:2 = 5 years.

During the year of a turtle's life, 2 rings grow on its scutes.

So my dad gave me a five-year-old turtle.

Conclusion: My tortoise is now about seven years old.

4. What does a turtle eat?

The main food for turtles is plant foods. Our turtle loves dandelion leaves, fresh grass, cabbage leaves, grated carrots, pieces of apples, bananas.

Food purchased at a pet store, my Kira eats in winter time when there is no fresh grass. I mix 2 teaspoons of food with 2 tablespoons of warm water. When the food absorbs water, I put it in front of Kira. You need to feed the turtle every day - 1 time, preferably at the same time.

5. Do tortoises need water?

In captivity, tortoises need drinking bowls with fresh water. I put a bowl of water on my turtle when I feed it. The turtle doesn't like taking baths very much. Sometimes she drinks water while bathing. I bathe my turtle twice a week with warm water. After bathing, I wipe it with a towel and release it into a box.

6. At what temperature should a turtle be kept?

Turtles are heat-loving animals. It is better to keep a turtle in a terrarium. But at home, it is possible to keep it in a clean, dry box. Sawdust, small pebbles or newspapers are used as bedding.

Optimum temperature content at +20ºС - +30ºС. The Central Asian tortoise is very well adapted to temperature changes. Turtles hibernate from November to March at temperatures from +3º to +8ºС.

But Kira did not sleep long, about two months. As soon as I moved the box to a warm place, the turtle woke up.

A sharp temperature drop is very harmful for turtles, so in captivity it is not recommended to lay the turtle for the winter. Now our Kira behaves like a person. She is alert during the day and sleeps at night.

With a turtle you need to walk in the summer. Sunbathing in the fresh air at temperatures of +23ºС and above is very beneficial for turtles, but not direct Sun rays. Kira herself chooses where to sit. But you can not leave the turtle unattended. And then she can quietly and quickly move anywhere. Finding a turtle after that is almost impossible.

7. What are the habits of turtles.

Our turtle has its own habits.

She loves to have her neck and chin stroked. He does not like to swim and swim in the water. She doesn't like being picked up, especially by strangers - Kira hisses and hides her head in her shell.

When she wants to eat, she climbs with her front paws into the feeder and stretches her head, as if asking for food.

If Kira wants to crawl, she asks to be let out of the box. She does it this way. Creeps to the corner of the box and starts scratching the box. It will rustle like that until they let her run on the floor. After that, Kira likes to quietly crawl into secluded corners where no one can get her.


Caring for my turtle, I faced many questions: care, nutrition, maintenance. I got answers to my questions from books, searched for answers on the Internet. Watching my pet, I learned that:

    The Central Asian tortoise is a favorite pet for humans. Apparently, therefore, we found the necessary information from literary sources.

    How to determine the gender and gender of a turtle.

    The age of a turtle that has not been bred since birth cannot be precisely determined, but it is approximately determined by the length of the shell and by the rings on its scutes.

    The Central Asian tortoise is preferable to cabbage, lettuce, apple, pear, pumpkin, dandelion than to other proposed foods.

    The turtle has its own habits.


They say that a turtle is in the house, fortunately, if you don’t believe in signs, get a turtle just like that. To admire her. To take care of her. Caring for someone - isn't that happiness? The turtle, living in warmth and satiety, is active and mobile. She quickly gets used to the owners and knows her own name.

Usually turtles live alone (not counting giant turtles). At home, the turtle does not suffer from loneliness at all.

Keeping a turtle as a pet is very interesting. It is not such an unpretentious and tenacious animal as everyone thinks. Of course, this is not a kitten with which you can run and jump.
I learned responsibility and now I know that if you bought a pet, you need to take good care of him. Try to create all the conditions for the pet as possible lived longer at home and did not get sick.

People close to me helped in the execution and design of the work: classroom teacher and mother Natalya Andreevna suggested the topic of this work, picked up the necessary material, helped to draw conclusions and competently draw up the work; assisted in preparing the presentation; helped to take high-quality photos and explore Kira.

In the future, we plan to acquire another type of turtle and study them individual characteristics behavior (habits, eating habits, etc.). We would like to purchase a sea turtle and compare it with a land turtle.

The result of our work was the rules we formulated for caring for the Central Asian tortoise at home. (Appendix A)

Used Books

    Land turtles - M., "Aquarium", 2007

    "World of Animals" (series "Erudite") - M., OOO TD "World of Books",

    "Big Children's Encyclopedia" / translation by A.I. Kim and V.V. Demykina - M., Rosmen - Press LLC, 2007

    "I know the world" - Snakes, crocodiles, turtles. - M., 2000

    Turtles, lizards, snakes - keeping, feeding, treatment at home. - M., 1999

    Animals. Children's illustrated atlas - Belgorod, "Family Leisure Club", 2012

    W. Zedlag. Animal world of the Earth - M., "Mir", 1975.

    Igor Akimushkin. The world of animals (birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles) - M., "Thought", 1989

Attachment 1.

Care rules

for the Central Asian tortoise at home

    The turtle must be kept in a terrarium or box with sawdust.

    Feed once a day, at the same time.

    Drink fresh water while feeding.

    Bathe 2 times a week with warm water, do not wet your head, wipe with a towel.

    Provide hibernation from November to March, reducing the temperature of the content to + 3º - 8ºС.

    In summer, walk in the fresh air, sunbathing at a temperature of + 23ºС and above.

I am Knyazeva Ekaterina. I'm 7 years old. I was born and live in the village of Klenovka. I love to read, draw. I like to watch different programs about animals. I also enjoy taking care of my turtle Kira.

Adishcheva Daria

Project Manager:

Kravchenko Olga Petrovna


MOU "Kizilskaya school No. 2"

Research project on the surrounding world "Care and nutrition of red-eared turtles" allowed the author to learn a lot of useful information about pets. A grade 3 student wanted to make sure her red-eared turtles were getting proper care and a balanced diet.

The author of the research work on the world around "Care and nutrition of red-eared turtles" identified several hypotheses for herself, which the study used. At this stage, the student proved that Pond slider at proper care can live long and comfortably at home.

In custody research project on the surrounding world "Care and nutrition of red-eared turtles" the student conducted a survey among her classmates and compiled a memo for them “Caring for the red-eared slider”.

In this research project on primary school about red-eared turtles A grade 3 student studies the features of the red-eared turtle using literature, observes the behavior of the red-eared turtle at home, and also determines the proper care and diet of the red-eared turtle.

1. Red-eared turtle. Description
2. Research part.


Turtles - one of the most ancient reptiles that currently live on Earth, they appeared on our planet about 200 million years ago.

Aquatic, and especially, red-eared turtles are by far one of the most popular exotic animals that live in our apartments. This is due, perhaps, to the fact that most species of these reptiles are ideal for living in apartments.

In 2016, we were presented with two turtles. Now they live with us. We named them apple(which is round) and Caterpillar(the shell is more elongated).

I became interested and decided to determine how to care for them, how and what to feed them properly so that they are healthy and feel good in captivity.

Target research work: to study the lifestyle and behavior of the red-eared turtle at home.

An object research: red-eared turtle.


  1. To study the features of the red-eared turtle, using literary data.
  2. Conduct observations of the behavior of the red-eared turtle at home.
  3. Determine the proper care and diet for the red-eared turtle.

In the course of the work, the following were used: the method of observation, survey data, work with literary sources.

I put forward hypothesis : The red-eared turtle, with proper care, can live long and comfortably at home.

I chose this topic in order to tell those who do not yet know what interesting animals these are, how to properly care for them. Maybe someone will be interested and want to have such a pet at home.



Project work




4th grade student.

Supervisor: Shcheglova NataliaAlexandrovna

teacher primary school

MBOU secondary school No. 4, Shatura

Moscow region.

. Shatura

I like animals a lot. I have loved exotic animals since childhood. With interest, I read magazines about animals, watched TV shows, searched for articles on the Internet. I have always dreamed of having a turtle, a crocodile, a rat, various fish, a chameleon. Began to be interested in literature about fish, cats, turtles. Turtles aroused my greatest interest. I wanted to have turtles at home to watch them.

I believe that the chosen topic is relevant and significant. Because those animals that ended up in our home need to create the most comfortable conditions for existence.

Hypothesis: The basis of the hypothesis was the assumption that by studying the life of turtles, I will be able to keep them at home. And also advise everyone who wants to have a turtle.

Target: learn about the origin, species, lifestyle, keeping the turtle in captivity.

Learn about different types turtles;

    pick up literature about turtles;

    make your own observations

    analyze the collected information and draw conclusions

Research methods:

    reading educational literature;

    search for information on the Internet;

    help from parents and teachers;

1. How did turtles appear?

I studied many magazines, encyclopedias about turtles. With the help of adults, I found information about them on the Internet. With interest I watched TV shows that talk about these animals.

Turtles are one of the few ancient inhabitants of the Earth who have survived to this day.

The first turtle known to science, Odontochelys semitestacea, appeared 220 million years ago in Triassic period. The turtle had only the lower half of the shell, in the mouth of the ancient creature there were even teeth, which is not at all typical for a modern turtle. So far, 250 different species of turtles have survived.

The largest of the turtles is the tortoise that lived in Cretaceous and the sea-dwelling Archelon ischyros.

The size of her discovered skeleton reaches four meters. The possible mass of Archelon ischyros is up to 2.2 tons.

Scientists say that turtles evolved from primitive reptiles - cotylosaurs. It is worth noting that these animals, like turtles, had a shell and beak of a tortoise type. However, unlike modern turtles, proganochels did not have the ability to retract their head and limbs into the shell.


A variety of turtle species inhabit most of the land and waters of tropical and temperate. They are not in cold regions, some deserts, on the Pacific coast South America, and in New Zealand.

On the territory of Russia there are loggerhead (Caretta caretta), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Far Eastern turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis), bog turtle(Emys orbicularis), Caspian tortoise (Mauremys caspica), Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo graeca); in Kazakhstan and countries Central Asia also Central Asian tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii).


caretta caretta)

(Dermochelys coriacea)

3. Lifestyle and nutrition

Turtles are solitary and usually only seek companionship during the mating season, although some species may form groups during the winter.

Land turtles feed mainly on plant foods, while freshwater turtles, on the contrary, are mostly predators. They eat various fish, as well as mollusks, arthropods and other vertebrates. But both of them willingly include in their diet food, it would seem, unusual for them: herbivores - animal food, predators - vegetable food. Among sea turtles there are predatory, herbivorous, and omnivorous species. Many freshwater species of turtles lead a predatory lifestyle in childhood, and when they mature, they become herbivorous.

4. What are the types of turtles?

Turtles are: sea, freshwater and land. They all have a hard outer shell, scaly skin, and a keratinized nose. They all breathe with lungs and have shells.

The most common type of turtle is the land tortoise.

Having studied with my mother many types land turtles, we came to the conclusion that we have Central Asian tortoise.

5. Age of turtles.

How to find out the age of turtles?

This question worries many. The horny scutes that cover the shell grow throughout the life of the turtle. Rings form on the shields. From these rings, you can approximately determine the age of the animal.

You can also find out the age of a turtle by its size and body weight.


Length cm

Weight, grams

6. Sense organs and hearing.

Perhaps the reason for the "voicelessness" of turtles is that they generally do not need a voice to protect themselves. After all, they have a wonderful shell of bone base covered with horny plates. The shell is comparable in size to a small car. With extreme slowness, turtles show amazing muscle strength. Even a small turtle can easily carry a boy on its back, and large ones can even carry an adult, sea ​​turtle a medium-sized person is unable to stop while moving.

The turtle can hold its breath for a very long time. She can starve not only for months, but for whole years. Turtles are unusually tenacious; they endure the most severe wounds relatively easily. The chewing muscles are also unusually developed; a small turtle, grabbing a rope or a stick with its mouth, can hang in this position for whole days and does not come off even with strong rocking.

Turtles have good sharp eyesight. respond well to bright colors- white, red, yellow. Turtles have a great sense of smell, and turtles also have excellent hearing, some of them have almost the same hearing as cats.

7. The birth of turtles.

Female turtles lay their eggs in the soil, which they dig with their hind legs. They can be deposited in the sand or hidden in a pile of rotten plants. The baby turtles hatch and rush to the water where they can take cover from their enemies.

6. Keeping land turtles at home

Land turtles can be kept in the house. Here they can move freely around a well-heated apartment, live in a terrarium or in enclosures that are easy to keep clean.

The bottom of the aquarium can be filled with soil to a height of 4-6 cm, river gravel or a mixture of rounded pebbles with sifted earth is best suited for soil.

Do not use sand and small sawdust, as well as leave the bottom of the terrarium bare.

I learned that the turtle must dig the ground - this is its natural need, without these "exercises" it can get sick!

For the pool, you can use a trough that can completely accommodate a turtle.

The terrarium must have heating (100 watt incandescent lamp per 100 liter aquarium).

The temperature under the "sun" should be about 32 degrees, and in the opposite corner of the terrarium, "in the shade" - about 25 degrees. The turtle needs to bask "in the sun" every day for three hours in the morning and in the evening.

As a house for a turtle, you can use an unnecessary flower pot before cutting it in half. The house should be roomy enough, because she should go completely crazy there.

7. Nutrition of turtles.

Turtles eat any edible fruits and berries, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, young leaves of trees, they are very fond of hercules. The diet depends on the age of the turtle. Adult turtles are fed 2-3 times a week, baby turtles under 1 year of age need to be fed daily, but food should not be left in the feeder for more than two hours. The feeder should always be clean, and the food in it should be fresh. Now it was clear to me why my turtle eats so rarely and little.

Animals can get water different ways. To replenish their fluid reserves, turtles drink water from various bodies of water.

Drinking water given to turtles in captivity should be clean, warm.

It is also advisable to arrange "bath" days for the turtles at least once a week, placing them in a bowl of warm water. clean water.

8. Turtle Care

In nature and when properly kept in captivity, the turtle grinds its beak and claws on its own. But, when the turtle is fed soft food and kept on sawdust, the claws and beak grow beyond measure, and they must be trimmed. After learning this, I realized that I need to watch the claws and beak. When the claws prevent the turtle from moving, my mother and I trim or file the claws, and break off the beak or “bite off” along the edges with a powerful wire cutter.

8. Watching a turtle.

Looking at the turtle from the side, one can say that it is very mobile, curious and cautious. She loves to be talked to and knows how to hide.

As a rule, land turtles quickly get used to the new environment of their place of residence. They usually recognize the owner. Many turtles love to be stroked.

Eating during the day

According to the table, I concluded: the turtle eats 2-3 times a week, preferring fresh vegetables and plant leaves. This means that turtles eat once a day or less. The larger the turtle (more than 15 cm in shell), the less the need for food, because they have a slower metabolism. The basis of the diet is leafy greens (dandelions, plantain, clover, alfalfa, quinoa, carrot tops, lettuce). In winter, turtles willingly eat dried dandelions, germinated oats (you can also germinate other cereals and legumes), some houseplants(hibiscus, tradescantia, chlorophytum, aloe without skin)

9. Conclusion.

I received answers to my questions from many sources: from books, from friends, I looked for answers to my questions on the Internet. Watching my friend's pet, I learned that she likes what he likes. Turtles are not very beautiful, they do not know how to caress or play, but this does not mean that they can be mistreated or not fed for many days. Turtles need to be cared for just like any other pet.

In the course of my work on the topic “Adjacent Animals…”, I made friends with my friend’s turtle even more, learned a lot about the habits and habits of animals, learned to understand it, as well as take care of it on my own.

List of used literature.

1. Biological encyclopedic Dictionary 2nd publishing house. Modern

encyclopedia, 1989

2. Lukyanov M. Modern terrarium its inhabitants. Citadel Publishing 2001

Z. Novoselova T.L. Home zoo. Phoenix Publishing, 2006

MBOU "Torbeevskaya basic comprehensive school"

me and my turtle friend

research work

Completed by: Rybakov Andrey Olegovich

3rd grade student

Head: Ezhova Svetlana Borisovna

primary school teacher

Torbeevo, 2014


2. Goals and objectives of the study

    Where did turtles come from?

    What are the types of turtles.

    Turtle age.

    Sense organs and hearing.

    The birth of turtles.

    Turtle food.

    Turtle observation.

11. Conclusion.


I have loved exotic animals since childhood. I have never missed a TV show that showed these pets. And then there was a dream to have a turtle at home. The dream came true! In the summer, my mother and I bought a cute funny red-eared turtle Ksyusha. I wanted to have a turtle to watch. I think; that the chosen topic is relevant and significant, since the problem of the relationship between children and pets has always worried teachers and parents.


The basis of the hypothesis was the proposal that, having studied the life of turtles, I would be able to keep them at home.


Learn about the origins and explore the lifestyle of turtles.


Learn about different types of turtles.

Pick up literature about turtles.

Make your own observations.

Analyze the collected information and draw conclusions.

Research methods:

Turtle watching.

Reading educational literature.

Help from parents and teachers.

Where did turtles come from?

I have read many encyclopedias and magazines about turtles. With the help of adults, I found information on the Internet. I watched TV shows about these animals.

Turtle - One of the few ancient inhabitants of the Earth who have survived to this day. So far, 250 different species of turtles have survived. Some of them are: Caspian, three-hot, Far Eastern, European marsh.

Scientists say that turtles evolved from primitive reptiles - Cotylosaurs.

What are the types of turtles.

Turtles are: sea, freshwater and land. They all have a hard shell, scaly skin, and a keratinized nose. The most common type of turtles are land turtles.

Turtle age.

How to find out age worries many. The horny scutes that cover the shell grow throughout the life of the turtle. Rings form on the shields. From these rings, you can approximately determine the age of the animal. You can also find out the age of a turtle by its size and body weight. Examining my turtle, I found out: judging by the size and weight of the body, the turtle Ksyusha is 6 years old.

Sense organs and hearing.

Turtles have good sharp eyesight. They respond well to bright colors - white, red, yellow. They also have excellent hearing, some of them have almost the same hearing as cats.

The birth of turtles.

Female turtles lay their eggs in the soil, which they dig with their hind legs. The baby turtles hatch and rush to the water where they can take cover from their enemies.

My red-eared turtle spends most of its life on land, but loves to swim for a long time. Feeds in water. That's why she's in the aquarium. It can be beautifully decorated: plant plants, put driftwood, lay stones at the bottom. After filling with water, the aquarium is ready to move in.

Turtle food.

Turtles eat any edible fruits and berries, as well as cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, they are very fond of fresh fish and meat. The diet depends on the age of the turtle. Young turtles are fed more often than adults.

Turtle observation.

Watching my turtle, I saw that it is very mobile, curious, likes to listen to music and knows how to hide. We have to look for her with the whole family, and we always find her in different places.

Ksyusha loves fresh meat, fish, sometimes apples and cabbage. And Ksyusha is a very smart turtle. Mom and I saw this happen. Our turtle crawled to the threshold and fell down from it. When for the second time she was near this place, then, crawling to the edge, she turned around and crawled back. We were so surprised that Ksyusha remembered where she fell.

As a rule, land turtles quickly get used to new apartment. They usually recognize the owner. So my turtle, as soon as one of us approaches the aquarium, it swims up, starts swimming in different directions and sticks its head out. But as soon as strangers approach, she swims away. Many turtles love to be stroked. Our Ksyusha is very serious. If you take her in your arms and start stroking her head, she starts to hiss, that is, get angry. Once she bit her mother's finger. And our turtle loves to tease the cat Kuzya, as soon as he comes to the aquarium, she swims up, sticks her head out, and starts swimming, knowing that he will not catch her.

I made the following observations on the turtle. During the week, I wrote in a diary how many times the turtle crawled (swim up) to its bowl and ate. Then he entered his information into a spreadsheet.

crawled up

swam up

crawled up

swam up

crawled up

swam up

crawled up

swam up

crawled up

swam up

crawled up

swam up

crawled up

swam up


Caring for my turtle, I faced many questions: in care and nutrition. I got answers to my questions from books, from friends, I looked for answers to my questions on the Internet. By watching my pet, I learned that they like what they like. Turtles are not very beautiful, they do not know how to caress or play, but this does not mean that they can be mistreated or not fed for many days. Turtles need to be cared for just like any other animal.

In the course of my work on the topic "Me and my friend the turtle." I became friends with my turtle even more, learned a lot about the habits and habits of animals, learned to understand it, as well as to care for and care for it on my own.

For the guys who want to get a turtle, I have prepared reminders that will help them in caring for them.


    R. Prashaga " freshwater turtles", Moscow, "Aquarium", 2008

    Sergeenko Yu.V. Turtles M., Ed. Veche, 2007.

    Krasikova A.G. Red-eared turtles.

    Chegodaev A. E. “99 tips. Red-eared turtles. Care and maintenance”, Moscow, “Aquarium”

    Special issue of the magazine "Toshka. Domestic Reptiles, Moscow, Egmont, 2009

    Encyclopedia I Know the World, Inhabitants of the Ocean, AST, 2000

7. Sites on the Internet.

slide 2


  • Once, when I was 7 years old, my friends and I went to the museum. There on big ship there were treats for friends and a box (gift).
  • I opened the box. There was a real turtle. And now, after 6 years, I decided to tell you about my pets.
  • slide 3

    OBJECTIVE Detailed study of turtles.

    slide 4

    2) get acquainted with the types of turtles

    3) Conduct a survey

    4) Make a conclusion

    5) talk about turtles

    slide 5

    Turtles are one of the four orders of reptiles that have existed for over 220 million years.

    There are about 320 species of turtles in total

    Turtles live both in water and on land.

    slide 6

    What do turtles eat

    Turtles eat vegetables and fruits. To strengthen calcium, they are given School Chalk.

    Slide 7

    How to care for a turtle

    • If you have purchased a turtle, please be patient.
    • Turtles love to swim every day! They need to be smeared with oil so that the shell is beautiful and receives calcium. Food should be cut into small pieces.

    turtle house

    • My turtles live in a terrarium filled with sand, sawdust, shells and stones of various sizes. Above the turtle house, you must definitely put a lamp that should burn at least 12 hours a day.
    • If there is no terrarium, then you can take a box and put 2 towels in it. Cover the smaller part of the box with a shawl. This is where the turtles will sleep.
  • Slide 8

    Hibernation at home is not worth it, because it is difficult for an inexperienced tortoise lover to organize it correctly.

    Slide 9

    Turtle species Egyptian tortoise

  • Slide 10


  • slide 11


  • slide 12



  • We recommend reading
