Project "my turtles timmy and timma". Project: Are turtles pets? Preschool project about giant tortoises

Family and relationships 03.09.2019
Family and relationships

MOU secondary school with in-depth study

individual items No. 12


Volgograd region


"Turtle Evolution"

Completed by students

4th grade

under the direction of

class leader

Nikolaeva I.V.



1. Substantiation of significance.

Targets and goals.

2. Stages of project implementation.

3. Reflection.

5. Literature.


1. Justification of significance.

Nature is a powerful source from which a child draws many knowledge and impressions. World wildlife colorful and varied. This is a world in which countless amazing creatures live, so unlike you and me. Interest in the surrounding objects of inanimate and especially living nature appears very early. It is very important to preserve and develop it. The desire of students to supplement the information from the textbook, to try to reveal one of the secrets of the living world is realized in this project.

Turtles are one of the most ancient reptiles on Earth. These mysterious animals with a strong shell have attracted the attention of people for many centuries. There were legends and fairy tales about turtles, in many cultures they were considered and are still considered a symbol of peace and longevity. What did turtles look like in the time of the dinosaurs? How have they changed over millions of years? What types of turtles are there? How are they different from each other? How do they breathe underwater? These questions can be answered in our work.


Formation of students' cognitive interest in research activities;

skills of self-collection of material;

development of the ability to observe, analyze observations,

formulate conclusions;

to teach how to design and protect children's projects;

fostering a sense of teamwork.


Through research work, learn about the ancestors of the turtle;

create an educational film-presentation for use in the lessons of the world around and thematic class hours.

2. Stages of project implementation


The content of the work at this stage

Student activities

Teacher activity


Determination of the goals and objectives of the project

On the basis of existing knowledge, they tried to imagine and draw the ancestor of the turtle and explain its appearance. The problem arose - whether our ideas coincide with reality. We decided to check it by conducting a study. We set tasks and determined the goals of the project.

Acquaintance with the meaning of the project approach and motivation of students, assistance in setting goals and a method for implementing the project.

Work planning

Identification of sources of information.

With the help of the discussion, methods for obtaining information were determined:

Think for yourself.


Information transfers.

Communication with specialists.



Distribution of work to collect information.

Students are familiar with research methods. The teacher helped to determine the best methods and forms of their implementation.

Research work

Collection of information.

1. Visiting the station of young naturalists (the whole class).

2. Conversation with school biologists.

3. Hike to the library (school and city)

4. Obtaining information on the Internet and with the help of the media (watching programs)

5. Observation of turtles in a living corner (how they breathe, habits and behavior)

Organization of excursions and conversations, assistance in formulating questions.


Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions.

Discussion of the collected information, analysis, selection of facts for presentation.

Assistance in the selection of material and preparation of presentations.


Demonstration of a presentation film with oral accompaniment


Evaluation of results and process

Discussion of work, self-assessment. Suggestions for showing the project in other classes.

Proposals for the implementation of the project (display in 2 classes when studying the topic "Animals of the Desert"

3. Reflection.

During the course of the project, students

mastered the skills of self-collection of material;

developed the ability to generalize, analyze the material;

learned to work with a computer;

got acquainted with the rules for creating and protecting projects;

created a presentation film and offered it for use in the lessons of the world around us in grades 2-4 on the topics “Classes of animals”, “ Animal world reservoirs”, “Nature Protection”, etc., and as an additional material during class hours.

4. Further development of the project.

The project took part in the "School student project competition" and won in the nomination "The brightest project";

The presentation film was demonstrated in the 2nd and 2nd grades at the lessons of the world around, as additional material, on the topic "Desert Zone",

in 3-b and 3-in classes during class hour: "Want to know everything".

5. Literature used:

Sergeenko Y. Turtles

Children's encyclopedia

Encyclopedia of Animals.Rosmen

Cherepanov G.O. Turtle Shell: Morphogenesis and Evolution.


We are talking about the turtle

We'll tell you the right way.

And how it all began

We'll tell you too.

About how in the classroom

Animals were studied.

And what about the turtle

We were able to find out.

The question has plagued us for a long time.

Well, what a miracle

Which has its own house

carries on the back.

Really wanted to know

Where did she come from

We are all about the turtle

Let's tell the whole country.

Set tasks,

Defined the goals

We thought a little

How to complete everything on time.

And in class

for a long time

pictures painted

Run to the library

For someone to help.

To the youth station

We went with the whole class,

And only about turtles

There was always a question.

We sat on the Internet

We went to biologists

In short, turtles

We got serious.

Bought turtles

They were watched

And all materials

We were able to discuss.

And the movie is educational.

Together we created

And everything that happened

We want to show you.

The idea of ​​our film,

Which together we took off,

Not only adults will understand

But even a student

Do you love animals

And don't hurt them

And take care people

You are your turtles

Kotlyarova Anastasia

Project Manager:

Yutukova Galina Vasilievna


GBOU Medium comprehensive school"OC" p. Old Shentala

The research project on the world around (elementary school) on the topic: "My turtles Timmy and Timma" enabled a grade 3 student to expand their knowledge of their favorite exotic pets - turtles. The behavior of turtles in water and on land is being studied.

The student dreamed of having a small sea turtle at home. Now that her dream has come true, the schoolgirl wants to learn more about these amazing exotic animals.

In the theoretical part research work on the world around "My turtles Timmy and Timma" the author gets acquainted with some species of these animals, learns the type of his own domestic turtles, explores the rules for caring for turtles and their homes.

In the practical part school project "My Turtles Timmy and Timma" 3rd grade student elementary school observes the nutrition of his pets, considers the peculiarities of their behavior in water and on land.

Section 1. The main part of the project.
1.1. A little about turtles
1.2. The amazing world of turtles.
1.3. Byss turtles.
Section 2 Practical part project.
2.1. About my favorite turtles.
2.2. Food.
2.3. Terrarium and what should be in it.
2.4. Features of behavior.


I love all animals very much. Especially at home, because you can take care of them, give them affection and care, play with them. They are so funny and cute!

Relevance. Always wanted to have a pet. I have been watching turtles for a long time. I dreamed of having a small water turtle. And on my birthday, September 20, they gave me them. They were a boy and a girl. I gave them names. The boy was named Timmy, and the girl Timma. It is very interesting for me to watch them - how often they go out to breathe, when and how they sleep, eat.

Problem. But I do not know how to properly care for them so that they live with us for a long time. How often and what to feed them without causing harm to health.

Target my job is to learn more about these amazing exotic animals.

I have put the following tasks :

  • meet relatives of my turtles;
  • find out what species my turtles belong to;
  • read how to care for turtles and their homes;
  • observe the nutrition of my turtles;
  • consider the features of behavior in water and on land.

Object of study - my water turtles Timmy and Timma.

My mother turned on educational films about turtles for me. AT school library I read an encyclopedia about them. Plus, I watch my turtles every day.

I also remembered that the word turtle"Arose from the single-root word" scull". This is due to the presence of a shell, a modified skeleton.

They say that by the number of scutes on the shell, you can find out the approximate age of turtles.


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Berezovsky District

Municipal budgetary educational institution


Competition research work and creative projects

"Wise Owl"

"Turtle in our house"

I've done the work:

Demchenko Pavel student 3 "a" class MBOU ISOSh No. 2


Zavodovskaya L.V.


Demchenko Pavel

"Turtle in our house"

Russia, Tyumen region, Berezovsky district

MBOU Igrimskaya secondary school №2

3 "A" class


The creative project nominated in the nomination "World around".

The main goal of the project is to learn how to independently acquire scientific knowledge from various sources of information, to be able to use the acquired knowledge to solve practical problems, to learn how to work in a team, which contributes to the development of creative abilities.

The purpose of the work: to study the living conditions of turtles in nature, to investigate their behavior at home, to compare and draw a conclusion about the correctness of keeping an animal at home.

In the process of creating the work "Turtle in our house" the student's idea of ​​​​the variety of turtles is carried out. He studied the literature on this topic, conducted a study and made a conclusion about the correctness of keeping an animal at home. In the course of work, the student turns to the encyclopedia, he uses such methods as observation, conversation. The work was carried out by the student throughout the year.

Objective: study the living conditions of turtles in nature, investigate their behavior at home, compare and draw a conclusion about the correctness of keeping an animal at home.

Object of study: Central Asian turtle in room conditions.

Subject of study: Central Asian tortoise

Research hypothesis: how the life expectancy of a turtle at home depends on the care and standards of keeping the animal close to natural.


1. The study of literature on Central Asian turtles.

2. Observation of the turtle during feeding and wakefulness.

3. Generalization of observations of the tortoise.

4. Design the most best option caring for the Central Asian tortoise at home.

How long have turtles been on earth

In the myths of antiquity, the turtle was given a very important role in the structure of the universe. The Chinese and other peoples treated turtles with great reverence. There are many legends and fairy tales about this symbol of longevity, wisdom and steady progress.

In one famous fable in question about a tortoise that challenged a hare to a race, offended by the perpetual ridicule of its slowness. While the turtle slowly but surely walked towards its goal, the hare was distracted, either by juicy carrots in the garden, or by chatting with friends. In the end, the turtle came first, reminding us all that the more haste in business, the worse the result and the slower the work.

The history of the origin of the turtle

Modern turtles are descendants of extinct cotylosaurs, the most ancient and primitive reptiles.

According to other sources, the ancient tortoise was a small predatory animal with teeth and an abdominal shell.

The turtle survived the ancient amphibians, survived the dinosaurs. She slowly crawled from one era to another, watching on the way how small lizards become covered with feathers and, having learned to fly, become birds; how the first mammals, warm and fluffy, feed their young with milk; how the first people, combining a stone and a stick, acquire the first tool of labor. But at the same time she managed to remain almost the same as she was. And all thanks to the shell - an amazing invention of nature.

Chinese paleontologists have discovered the oldest fossil remains of the ancestors of modern turtles. The age of the find is about 220 million years. In ancient marine sediments, 3 fossilized skeletons of turtles were found. Chinese scientists named the species - "toothy half-shelled turtle." She was a predator and ate meat. These animals had a long, elongated muzzle and a mouth with teeth. And they had a hard abdominal plate. The dorsal convex shield of the shell was practically not formed, it was too soft. Plastron(lower part of the shell) was the first and only then did the appearance carapace (top part shell).

Thus, as a result of evolution, turtles acquired a hard protective shell. Most turtles, except sea turtles, can retract their heads, tails, and legs under their shells. Such protection, almost without much change, has allowed them to survive from the earliest geological times; turtles, as it were, were "conserved" in time and practically did not change for millions of years.

Turtles even took part in the development outer space when they found themselves (of course, not of their own free will) on board the Soviet interplanetary automatic station. In 1968, the Soviet spacecraft Zond-5 flew around the moon for the first time in the world. On board were two Central Asian turtles. They became the first living creatures in history to return to Earth after flying around the moon.

What genus is my turtle and where does it live?

My turtle has a low, rounded brownish-olive shell with blurry black spots 15 mm long. The head is olive with a hook-shaped upper jaw. The tip of the tail is pointed. There are 4 claws on the forelimbs - this is hallmark Central Asian tortoises. (other turtles have 5 claws). Central Asian tortoise the most popular reptile for home keeping. Occasionally it is called Tortoise of Horsfield named after the British explorer. The Central Asian tortoise is common in northern and eastern Iran, Afghanistan, northwestern India and northern Pakistan, as well as in southern regions Kazakhstan and in the deserts Central Asia

Determining the Age of a Turtle.

Concentric annual rings grow on the scutes of the turtle. Like the cut of a tree trunk. From these rings, the age of the tortoise can be determined with relative accuracy. 2 - 3 rings - correspond to one year of the turtle's life. Mine has just 3 rings, which means she is still very young, only one year old.

Who is this male or female?

For research, I took two more turtles from our friends.

After inspection, I determined. What my turtle and one of those taken have: a flat plastron, they are about the same size, on back side thighs with 4 horny tubercles, not very a long tail. All these signs tell us that these are females.

The third turtle is noticeably smaller than the first two, on the back of the thigh there is 1 horny tubercle. The plastron is somewhat concave, the tail is long and thickened towards the base. All of these features are male.

Thus, I realized that I was mistaken in determining the sex of the turtle. I need to think of a new name for my Rafik.

What does my turtle eat?

The main food for turtles is plant food. Many turtles are very fond of dandelion leaves, fresh non-poisonous grass, cabbage leaves, grated carrots, apple pieces.

Turtles can eat food purchased at a pet store in winter time when there is no fresh grass.

My turtle loves Chinese cabbage very much .

Do tortoises need water?

In captivity land turtles need - drinking bowls with fresh water. Turtle loves to take a bath. Turtles have a habit of defecation in their tub. This is a characteristic of turtles. After bathing, you need to wipe the turtle with a towel. When I bathe my turtle she drinks water.

At what temperature should a turtle be kept?

Turtles are heat-loving animals. It is better to keep a turtle in a terrarium.

But at home, it is possible to keep it in a clean, dry box.

Sawdust, small pebbles or newspapers are used as bedding. Optimum temperature content at +20ºС - +30ºС.

The Central Asian tortoise is very well adapted to temperature changes. Turtles hibernate from November to March at temperatures from +3º to +8ºС.

The turtle does not hibernate if kept at the same temperature in both summer and winter.

My turtle does not hibernate, but sleeps like a human - at night.

Sense organs of turtles

The turtle hears very badly. If you approach her from behind so that she does not see, and start talking to her, calling her by name, then she does not turn her head and does not react in any way.

This proves that she can hardly hear. Apparently, sounds do not play a leading role in the life of turtles. Turtles perceive only low-frequency sounds. The ears of turtles are rather primitive. They don't have auricles.

But the turtle sees very well. When someone else approaches the box, she immediately hides her head in a shell.

If you release it on the floor and put the food away from it, the turtle easily searches, crawls and starts to eat.

Turtles have well-developed color vision, as when looking for food, they are primarily guided by its color, and only then by smell and taste. They are primarily interested in red fruits and vegetables, as well as completely inedible objects of this color. For example, my turtle really liked bright, colored socks.

Conclusion: Turtles have a well-developed sense of smell and direction, the so-called "compass sense", in addition, turtles distinguish colors, with red and green being their "favorite" colors.

What are the habits of turtles

My turtle has its own habits. Likes to swim and swim in the water.

She does not like being picked up, especially by strangers - she hisses and hides her head in her shell.

When she wants to eat, she raises her front paw up and stretches her head, as if asking for food.

My turtle does not like to live in a box, but loves freedom and space .

If put in a box, she crawls to the corner of the box and starts scratching it until she is released to run on the floor.

After that, she likes to quietly crawl into secluded corners where no one can get her.

What diseases can a turtle suffer from?

The main diseases of turtles are:

1. Eye diseases.

Symptoms: inflammation of the eyes, swollen eyelids, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Treatment: bathe the turtle every day in a warm solution of furacilin and create additional warmth for it.

2.Cold diseases.

Cause: low temperature content.

Symptoms: discharge from the nasal passages, vesicles.

Treatment: Raise the temperature of the contents, use an infrared lamp.

3. Damage to the shell.

Cause: a turtle falling from a height.

Treatment: apply antibiotic ointment.

Watching my turtle, I concluded that I don’t know everything about my turtle, although before that everything seemed very simple to me.

Despite the fact that the turtle is a silent animal, it is very smart. I shared my observations of the turtle in class with the guys and some of them also wanted to have such a pet.

I presented my work at a school scientific conference. And the guys from other classes invited me to their class hours. We talked with some of them, because. there were guys who also keep turtles.


1. Encyclopedia "All about the animal world".

2. A guide to the care of turtles.

3. Biological encyclopedic dictionary.

4. Great Soviet encyclopedia.

research project

Performed: Sophia Veselina

2nd grade student

MOU "Secondary School with. Berdyugye"

Berdyugsky district

Tyumen region

Supervisor: Filippova E.V.

primary school teacher

Berdyugier 2009.

Chapter I. Theoretical analysis of the problem under study……………………..

    1. How long have turtles been on earth?……………………………..

      1. The first mention of turtles in folk art …………….

      2. The history of the origin of turtles………………………………………..

    2. Basic concepts of research ……………………………………….
Chapter II Practical part of the study…………………………………...

2.1. What genus is my turtle and where does it live?……………..

2.2. Who is this male or female? ……………………………………………………

2.3. Determining the age of a turtle………………………………………….

2.4. What does a turtle eat? ................................................. ......................................

2.5. Do tortoises need water? …………………………………..

2.6. At what temperature should a turtle be kept? …………………………...

2.7. The sense organs of turtles……………………………………………………..

2.8. What are the habits of turtles………………………………………………..

2.9. What diseases can a turtle suffer from? …………………………..



Turtle makes everyone laugh

Because it's not in a hurry.

But where to rush to

Who is always in his house?

(Boris Zakhoder)
I have wanted a pet for a long time. Mom and dad decided for a long time who I should buy. We made a joint decision to buy a turtle. Because they thought that the turtle would not cause much trouble and it was not difficult to take care of it. But when the turtle appeared in the house, I had many questions and had to solve them.

1. How long have turtles been on earth and where do they get their shell from?

2. What genus is my turtle and where does it live?

3. Who is this male or female? How to call it?

4. How old is the turtle?

5. What does a turtle eat?

6. Does a turtle need water?

7. At what temperature should a turtle be kept? Does she need fresh air?

8. The sense organs of turtles.

9. What are the habits of turtles?

10. What diseases can a turtle suffer from?

Passion for the harmony of living nature, its unexpected revelations and amazing beauty comes to people in different ways. But everyone experiences it for the first time in childhood. A person who is deprived of the wonderful gift of being surprised loses a lot.

Surprise gives rise to curiosity, makes you look for answers to many questions and riddles that nature poses at every step.

BUT Live nature in this studied specimen, the Central Asian tortoise. Communication with her gives joy and surprise during the observation period.

Goals: study the living conditions of turtles in nature, investigate their behavior at home, compare and draw a conclusion about the correctness of keeping an animal at home.

Object of study: The behavior of the Central Asian turtle in room conditions.

Subject of study: Central Asian tortoise

Research hypothesis: the life expectancy of a turtle at home depends on the care and maintenance standards of the animal, close to natural

Tasks: 1. The study of literature on Central Asian turtles.

2. Observation of the turtle during feeding and wakefulness.

3. Generalization of observations of the tortoise.

4. Develop the most optimal care option for the Central Asian tortoise at home

To solve the tasks and test the hypothesis, we used

the following research methods: the study of literary sources,

observation, observation, experiment, comparative analysis, generalization.

Chapter I. Theoretical analysis of the problem under study
1.1. How long have turtles been on earth?
1.1.1. The first mention of turtles in folk art.
In the myths of antiquity, the turtle was given a very important role in the structure of the universe.

Despite the desire to eat everything and everyone, since ancient times, the Chinese and other peoples have treated turtles with great reverence. There are many legends and fairy tales about this symbol of longevity, wisdom and steady progress. The Chinese built a huge stone turtle on the territory of the tombs of the Ming Dynasty, which had a pretty polished nose - the Chinese believe that touching the symbol of longevity brings good luck.

The most popular plot of fairy tales about a reptile chained in a shell is the story of a hare and a tortoise. So, in one old fairy tale, a cunning hare is told, which muddied the water in the royal pool, and no one could catch the scoundrel. Only the wise tortoise was able to cope with the elusive hare - she smeared her back with tar, where she stuck her scythe.

Another well-known fable tells of a tortoise that challenged a hare to a running race, offended by the constant banter over its slowness. While the turtle slowly but surely walked towards its goal, the hare was distracted, either by juicy carrots in the garden, or by chatting with friends. In the end, the turtle came first, reminding us all that the more haste in business, the worse the result and the slower the work.

And the wise Tortila in the Golden Key?!
1.1.2. The history of the origin of turtles
Modern turtles are descendants of extinct cotylosaurs, the most ancient and primitive reptiles.

According to other sources, the ancient tortoise was a small predatory animal with teeth and an abdominal shell.

The turtle survived the ancient amphibians, survived the dinosaurs. She slowly crawled from one era to another, watching on the way how small lizards become covered with feathers and, having learned to fly, become birds; how the first mammals, warm and fluffy, feed their young with milk; how the first people, combining a stone and a stick, acquire the first tool of labor. The turtle probably noticed how everything around her was changing: nature, climate, her neighbors on the planet. But at the same time she managed to remain almost the same as she was in the Paleozoic. And all thanks to the shell - an amazing invention of nature.
1.2. Basic research concepts
Chinese paleontologists have discovered the oldest fossil remains of the ancestors of modern turtles. The age of the find is about 220 million years. In ancient marine sediments, 3 fossilized skeletons of turtles were found. Chinese scientists named the species - "toothy half-shelled turtle." This find suggests how the process of development of the body and shell of turtles took place. Representatives of the species that was found were predators and ate meat. These animals had a long, elongated muzzle and a mouth with teeth. The shell of this animal came from the ribs and spine. And they had a hard abdominal plate that protected the internal organs. The dorsal convex shield of the shell was practically not formed, it was too soft, it lacked inner part, consisting of bones in modern turtles.

Plastron(lower part of the shell) was the first and only then did the appearance carapace(upper shell). This version is confirmed by the development of modern turtle embryos:

They first form the abdominal shield and only then, with the expansion of the ribs, dorsal.

Thus, as a result of evolution, turtles acquired a hard protective shell. Most turtles, except sea turtles, can retract their heads, tails, and legs under their shells. Such protection, almost without much change, has allowed them to survive from the earliest geological times; turtles, as it were, were "conserved" in time and practically did not change for millions of years.

Turtles even took part in space exploration when they ended up (not of their own free will, of course) on board the Soviet interplanetary automatic station. In 1968, the Soviet spacecraft Zond-5 flew around the moon for the first time in the world. On board were two Central Asian turtles. They became the first living creatures in history to return to Earth after flying around the moon.

ChapterII. Practical part of the study
2.1. What genus is my turtle and where does it live?
My turtle has a low rounded brownish-olive shell with blurry black spots 10 centimeters long. The head is olive with a hook-shaped upper jaw. The tip of the tail is pointed. There are 4 claws on the forelimbs - this is a distinctive feature Central Asian tortoises. (other turtles have 5 claws).

The Central Asian tortoise is the most popular reptile for home keeping. Occasionally it is called Tortoise of Horsfield named after the British explorer.

The Central Asian tortoise is common in Northern and Eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Northwestern India and Northern Pakistan, as well as in the southern regions of Kazakhstan and in the deserts of Central Asia.
2.2. Who is this male or female?
To give a turtle a name, you need to determine whether it is a male or a female.

To do this, it was necessary to carefully examine it and compare it with other turtles.

For research, we took two more turtles from our friends.

After inspection, I determined. What my turtle and one of those taken have: a flat plastron, they are about the same size, 4 horny tubercles on the back of the thigh, a not very long tail. All these signs tell us that these are females.

The third turtle is noticeably smaller than the first two, on the back of the thigh there is 1 horny tubercle. The plastron is somewhat concave, the tail is long and thickened towards the base. All of these features are male.

Thus, I determined that my turtle is a female and named her Tila.

    1. Determining the Age of a Turtle.

Concentric annual rings grow on the scutes of the turtle. Like the cut of a tree trunk. From these rings, the age of the tortoise can be determined with relative accuracy. 2 - 3 rings - correspond to one year of the turtle's life.

In order to determine the age of Tila, you need to count the rings on her shields. Teela now has 8 rings.

8:2 = 4 years.

When the turtle came to us two years ago, Teela had 4 rings.

4:2 = 2 years.

During the year of a turtle's life, 2 rings grow on its scutes.

We brought a two-year-old turtle from the store.

Conclusion: Now my turtle is about four years old.

2.4. What does a turtle eat?
The main food for turtles is plant food. My turtle loves dandelion leaves, fresh non-poisonous grass, cabbage leaves, grated carrots, apple pieces.

My Tila eats food purchased at the pet store in the winter when there is no fresh grass. I mix 2 teaspoons of food with 2 tablespoons of water. When the food absorbs water, I put it in front of Teela.

Food with additives intended for winter time, the turtle refuses to eat. So we buy the same kind of food that my Tila is used to. This food contains natural components of plant and animal origin, corresponding to the nutrition of turtles in natural environment a habitat. You need to feed the turtle every day - 1 time, preferably at the same time.
2.5. Do tortoises need water?
In captivity, land turtles need drinking bowls with fresh water. I put a bowl of water on my turtle when I feed it.

H Turtle loves to take a bath.

mud floats well. Sometimes she drinks

water while swimming.

Turtles also have a habit of defecating in their bath. This is a characteristic of turtles.

I bathe my turtle twice a week with warm water. After bathing, I wipe it with a towel and release it into a box.

2.6. At what temperature should a turtle be kept?
Turtles are heat-loving animals. It is better to keep a turtle in a terrarium. But at home, it is possible to keep it in a clean, dry box. Sawdust, small pebbles or newspapers are used as bedding.

Optimum content temperature at +20ºС - +30ºС. The Central Asian tortoise is very well adapted to temperature changes. Turtles hibernate from November to March at temperatures from +3º to +8ºС.

When keeping Tily at home, we do not have the opportunity to provide her with such a low temperature, so I put the box with Tila in a cool place. She buried herself in the newspapers and fell asleep.

But Tila did not sleep long, about two months. As soon as I moved the box to a warm place, the turtle woke up.

A sharp temperature drop is very harmful for turtles, so in captivity it is not recommended to lay the turtle for the winter. Now my Teela is behaving like a human. She is alert during the day and sleeps at night. The turtle does not hibernate because I keep it at the same temperature both in summer and winter.

With a turtle you need to walk in the summer. Sunbathing in the fresh air at temperatures of +23ºС and above is very beneficial for turtles, but not direct Sun rays. Tila chooses where to sit. But you can not leave the turtle unattended. And then she can quietly and quickly move anywhere. Finding a turtle after that is almost impossible.

2.7. Sense organs of turtles.
The turtle hears very badly. If you approach my Tila from behind, so that she does not see, and start talking to her, calling her by name, then Tila does not turn her head and does not react in any way. This proves that she can hardly hear. Apparently, sounds do not play a leading role in the life of turtles.

Turtles perceive only low-frequency sounds. The ears of turtles are rather primitive. They don't have ears.

But he sees Tila very well. When someone else approaches the box, she immediately hides her head in a shell. If you release Tila on the floor and put the food away from her, the turtle easily searches, crawls and begins to eat.

Turtles have well-developed color vision, as when looking for food, they are primarily guided by its color, and only then by smell and taste. They are primarily interested in red fruits and vegetables, as well as completely inedible objects of this color. They also like green.

Conclusion: Turtles have a well-developed sense of smell and direction, the so-called "compass sense", in addition, turtles distinguish colors, with red and green being Tila's "favorite" colors.
2.8. What are the habits of turtles
My turtle has its own habits.

She loves to have her neck and chin stroked. Likes to swim and swim in the water. She does not like being picked up, especially by strangers - Tila hisses and hides her head in her shell.

When she wants to eat, she climbs with her front paws into the feeder and stretches her head, as if asking for food.

If Teela wants to crawl, she asks to be let out of the box. She does it this way. Creeps to the corner of the box and starts scratching the box. It will rustle like that until they let her run on the floor. After that, Teela likes to creep into secluded corners unnoticed, where no one can get her.

2.9. What diseases can a turtle suffer from?
Turtles are susceptible various diseases like all living things on earth. If trouble happened with the turtle, then it must be urgently shown to a specialist. But if it is not there, then you can try to help the turtle yourself.

The main diseases of turtles are:

1. Eye diseases.

Symptoms: inflammation of the eyes, swollen eyelids, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Treatment: bathe the turtle every day in a warm solution of furacilin and create additional warmth for it.

2.Cold diseases.

Reason: low temperature content.

Symptoms: discharge from the nasal passages, vesicles.

Treatment: increase the temperature of the content, use an infrared lamp.

3. Damage to the shell.

Reason: Tortoise falling from a height.

Treatment: apply antibiotic ointment.

There are many more diseases, but these are the most common.

Of course, it is better to prevent Tila's disease, so if you follow the rules for keeping it and tirelessly carry out preventive maintenance of the premises and the animal, diversify the turtle's diet, then it will always be healthy.

Tila has been living with me for two years, and there have been no problems with her health.

When conducting a survey in my class, it turned out that 90% of classmates have pets. And Sasha and Alina have turtles. I think that we will have something to talk about with them.

They say that a turtle is in the house, fortunately, if you don’t believe in signs, get a turtle just like that. To admire her. To take care of her. Caring for someone - isn't that happiness? And this is just as true as the fact that our earth stands on three elephants, and the elephants, in turn, stand on a turtle. And that means that it is she alone who holds our whole world on her shell. The turtle, living in warmth and satiety, is active and mobile. She quickly gets used to the owners and knows her own name. Each turtle is a personality. And each has its own individual character. The turtle can be stubborn and flexible, playful and obstinate. One will beg for any food, the other will be picky to delve into the freshest salad.

Turtles usually live alone (not counting giant tortoises), albeit next to each other. At home, the turtle does not suffer from loneliness at all.

Keeping a turtle as a pet is very interesting. It is not such an unpretentious and tenacious animal as everyone thinks. Of course, this is not a kitten with which you can run and jump. During the time that Tila lives with me, I realized that the turtle is not a “living toy”.
I learned responsibility and realized that if you bought a pet, you need to take good care of him. Read as much literature as possible, observe the animal. Try to create all the conditions for the pet as possible lived longer at home and did not get sick.

According to the Zoroastrian calendar, based on the ancient 32-year cycle of Saturn, 2010 is considered the Year of the Turtle. It will start on March 21, at sunrise [ 8 ].


  1. Land turtles - M., "Aquarium", 2007

  2. "World of Animals" (series "Erudite") - M., OOO TD "World of Books",

  1. "Big Children's Encyclopedia" / translation by A.I. Kim and V.V. Demykina - M., Rosmen - Press LLC,

  2. . "I know the world" - Snakes, crocodiles, turtles. - M., 2000

  3. Turtles, lizards, snakes - keeping, feeding, treatment at home. - M., 1999

  4. 4. Savenkov A.I. Development of creative thinking. Workbook for children 6-7 years old. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2004.

  5. Rebrov M. “But it was like this. The difficult fate of the H-1 project "; "Red Star" 01/13/1990

  6. Rambler: Horoscopes: Avestan horoscope for 2010 Turtles

    I'm Sophia Veselina. I am 8. I was born and live in the village of Berdyugye. My family is dad, mom, me and sister Daria. I like to draw, paint plaster bas-reliefs, make handicrafts from various materials. I love to read, watch different programs about animals. I also enjoy taking care of my tortoise Tila.

Nomination " Children's project in primary school"

I have always liked exotic animals. And then a dream appeared - to have these animals at home. I began to be interested in literature, turtles aroused the greatest interest in me.

Finally the dream came true! In the spring, my uncle and I bought a cute little red-eared turtle. I named him Plover because he was a very fast swimmer.

Now I have got problem- what conditions need to be created in order to keep a turtle at home.

For this we set hypothesis: if I study the life of red-eared turtles, I can create the necessary conditions for them to keep their home aquarium

Target: To study the living conditions of turtles in nature, to study their behavior at home, to compare and draw a conclusion.

Tasks: Find information about red-eared turtles: pick up literature, study Internet sources, find information from the sales assistant of the Pet Shop, conduct observations; analyze information.

I have been watching the turtle; read literature; looking for information on the internet.

I found out that turtles are one of the few ancient inhabitants of the Earth who have survived to this day.The red-eared tortoise belongs to the bland family aquatic turtles. Turtles can live in low-flowing water bodies, survive low temperatures and eat any garbage. The shell of aquatic turtles in the form of an oval. The head, neck and limbs are painted with stripes. Turtles do not have real teeth, but there are horny plates along the edges of the jaws.Your name Pond slider received for oblong red spots behind the eyes, similar to the ears.

Then we began to create a "house" for the Plover. Got a terrarium.

We found out that the water in the aquarium with a turtle needs to be changed completely once a month. I learned that the turtle needs dry land. where they could rest, walk and warm themselves. To do this, we made a hill of stones.

Turtles need warmth. The water temperature should be between 22 and 28 degrees. Therefore, we install a lamp and a water heater above the island. The seller at the pet store advised me to purchase an aquarium compressor to saturate the water with oxygen, which is contained in the air.They wanted to decorate the aquarium with real algae, but I found out that I needed artificial ones, because turtles would eat live algae.

We started feeding the Plover with Gamarus pellets, but the Plover was very lethargic and inactive. We found information on the Internet that turtles need raw meat, small fish, caterpillars, fly larvae, earthworms.

It turned out that keeping a turtle at home is not very difficult, you just need to take care of it and not forget that it is the same creature just like you and me. My hypothesis was confirmed.

For the guys who want to make friends - turtles, I have prepared a reminder that will help them in caring for them.

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This amazing world of turtles.

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