How frost forms on trees for children. Children's project "What is frost?" (senior group)

Technique and Internet 14.07.2019
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water in solid form, released from the air to the surface of soil, plants, etc., like dew - water released in the same way in liquid form. Indeed, on clear and still nights, when the surface temperature falls below 0°, frost instead of dew is released, under the same conditions as the latter. But the most abundant I. does not occur under such conditions, it occurs in fog and wind, day and night, and stands out more abundantly on vertical surfaces on the leeward side than on horizontal ones. It should be recalled that the elasticity of ice vapors is much less than the elasticity of water vapor and the difference increases as the temperature decreases (see Meteorological Bulletin, 1892, p. 445, in the article "Evaporation of snow"). Meanwhile, fog down to a temperature well below 0° does not consist of ice crystals, but of water droplets. It is clear that they easily settle on the surface of objects cooled below 0 °, forming I., and a new one settles on the first layer of I., etc. Even without fog, I. is easily released from air having a temperature below 0 ° and very close to saturation with water vapor, since such a temperature does not already correspond to supersaturation with ice vapor. The forest has big influence on dew and I. It is especially noticeable in winter with fog. The more tiny water droplets and ice crystals stand out from it, the larger the surface of the cooled objects is in contact with air. At such a time, the blocks of a freshly plowed field are covered with ice crystals, not only on the surface, but also in between. The same crystals settle on the stubble fields, on the leaves of meadow grasses, etc., but, however, there are very few of them compared to what is observed in the forest, especially coniferous, where crystals settle on every needle coniferous tree and it often happens that branches break under the weight of I.. Under such conditions, the forest extracts a lot of water from the air, and in winters with little snow it was observed that, thanks to I., who fell from the needles and branches, a sledge track was established when he was nowhere around. coniferous forest it distinguishes it much more than other vegetation, which depends on the height of the forest and on the fact that I. settles on each needle. The thicker the layer from which I. is extracted under such conditions, the more it will be. In winter, our fields and meadows are usually covered with snow, therefore, the height of the layer from which I. is extracted is measured by the height of snowdrifts.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


See what "Hoarfrost" is in other dictionaries:

    frost- hoarse, I... Russian spelling dictionary

    HORROW, frozen fumes, dampness in the air, which sits on objects that colder than air, and freezes down on them, which happens after recoil severe frosts. From breathing, frost sits on the beard, collar. On the trees, thick hoarfrost, kurzha, ... ... Dictionary Dalia

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Settled on someone. Kar. Feeling cold, chills. SRGC 2, 292. Frost on the skin goes on someone. Sib. About the feeling of fear, excitement, excitement. FSS, 88. Put frost on your head. Pribaik. To become gray-haired from grief, experiences, etc. SNFP, 76 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    - (Hoar frost) loose white coating of snow crystals, formed from water vapor, in excess in the air. Settled mostly at night on the surface of cooled objects. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State ... ... Marine Dictionary

    frost- white (Balmont); pearl (Bryusov); spiny (Ogarev, Serafimovich); sparkling (Corinthian); hairy (Chirikov); fluffy (Kozlov, Polezhaev, Serafimovich); pink (Turgenev); light blue (Fet); silver (Nikitin); silver (Bunin, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    frost- Hoarfrost, frost... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    A thin layer of ice crystals that forms on soil, grass and ground objects when the earth's surface cools to a temperature below 0 ° C as a result of its strong thermal radiation at night with a clear sky and light wind ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Hoarfrost, ice crystals (Job 38:29; Ps 147:5). In the rainy winter time precipitation in the form of I. affected future harvest(see Rain, I, 1) ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

    hoarfrost, hoarfrost, pl. no, husband. Snow crystalline mass formed from water vapor in the air and settling in a thin layer on cooled objects. The beard was covered with frost. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    HORROW, me, husband. A thin layer of ice crystals formed by evaporation on a cooling surface. The trees were covered with frost. | adj. hoarfrost, oh, oh and hoarfrost, oh, oh. Frost pattern. Frost whiteness. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Frost. Poetry. Nikitina K., Nikitina K., ... Category: Poetry
  • Hoarfrost on the Threshold, Yu. Rytkheu, Canadian John McLennan settled in a coastal Chukchi village in 1911. Started a family and lived the life of a small nation whose future must change, because it is in these ... Category:

In our temperate latitudes frost was not seen, except perhaps, newborns. It may appear during the first or last frost, and is very common in winter.

You wake up in the morning - and outside the window the roofs, cars, asphalt, withered grass are covered with a fluffy white coating. True, frozen glasses can interfere with seeing it, but the ice patterns on them are also frost.

This is a thin layer. Where do they come from? Out of the air. It always has water vapor in it. The colder it is, the less moisture it can hold. When its temperature drops, the "extra" moisture leaves it. So in the summer, after the coolness of the night, vapors settle on leaves, fences, etc. in the form of dew. In winter, when the air cools, part of its moisture must also go somewhere.

But why do crystals form not in the air, but on some objects? Because they are colder. For example, it gets colder at night. Paving slabs, the roof of the garage retain heat worse and turn out to be a little colder than the air. Its thin layer over these surfaces also cools. Once in this layer, the vapors immediately turn into ice crystals.

But why then does frost cover benches, woodpile, logs - after all, wood cools down more slowly than stone or metal? This is true, but they warm up more slowly. Therefore, when the weather changes, the air warms faster than they do. In addition, they are rough, and it is easier for crystals to linger.

Frost is more often born at night when it gets colder. This is helped by a weak wind - it cools, accelerates the release of heat. The shape of the crystals depends on the temperature. When it falls below -15°C, they look like short needles; if it gets warmer, the frost becomes lamellar. It does not form on thin branches, stems, wires, avoids vertical and inclined surfaces, is not granular, and its thickness rarely exceeds 2 mm. In all this, frost differs from frost, although they are often confused.

Is it possible to “freeze” frost in the house?

You need to take a tall tin can, pour crushed ice and table salt in several alternating layers.

Soon the walls of the jar will be covered with real frost on the outside. Salt, gradually dissolving in melting ice, absorbs heat and cools the walls. Moisture from air vapor crystallizes on them.

On frosty nights, the walls in an unheated room can also become covered with frost from the inside. This happens when they are thin and freeze through. However, frost can be seen in quite prosperous housing. It is enough to look into the refrigerator, the door of which is often opened. Hoarfrost in it grows on those walls where tubes with coolant pass inside. Well, and if everything is not okay with the air conditioner, its body is also sometimes “decorated” with fluffy snow crystals.

How are frost patterns formed on glass?

The process is similar to the formation of frost outside the window. Frost cools the glass, water vapor curls from the inside, settles in a thin film (the glass looks foggy), the water gradually turns into crystals. It is more difficult to explain why they look like fabulous branches, leaves, feathers. The Germans call these patterns "eysblumen" - ice flowers.

In general, the growth of any crystals is subject to complex physical laws, which we will not delve into. In geological museums, you can see beautiful regular-shaped crystals that have grown in the depths of the earth or ocean. The growth of frosty patterns directs itself. It always has micro-scratches, bumps, dust, and they become centers from which the growth of crystals along the glass begins. The patterns are also affected by its thickness, temperature difference, the movement of warm air, and impurities in the water film.

Frost begins to draw on the window from below, where there is more moisture and the air is colder. Therefore, here the branches of patterns are thicker. When there is little moisture, spots-islands free from patterns remain on the glass. If it gets colder outside gradually and the temperature does not fall below -6°C, frost covers the glass evenly, without any "art". Ice is a poor conductor of heat, so frost reduces the transfer of heat from the room to the outside. In such cases, it begins to grow towards the room, forming a fur coat of needles.

Of course, modern windows leave little chance for Santa Claus. Double-glazed windows are reliably isolated from the frames and almost do not cool. Heating systems successfully reduce air humidity in apartments. Housing has become more comfortable, it has more heat and light. But still, sometimes it is a pity that small miracles of nature disappear from our lives.

Claudia Spiridonova
Children's project"What is frost?" ( senior group)

People who have learned to observe and experience

acquire the ability to ask questions and

receive fantastic answers to them, being

on a higher and more moral level

compared with those who did not go through such a school.

K. E. Timiryaziv

From birth, children are surrounded by various phenomena. inanimate nature: summer day they see the sun and clouds; on a winter evening, they look with surprise at the moon, the beautiful sky in the stars, feel how the frost tingles their cheeks. They collect stones, draw on asphalt with chalk, play with sand and water in the summer - objects and phenomena of inanimate nature enter into their life activity, are objects of observation and play.

This circumstance makes it possible to systematically and purposefully familiarize preschoolers with the phenomena of inanimate nature. Introduce the child into the world of nature, form realistic ideas about its objects and phenomena, cultivate the ability to see beauty native nature, love and caring attitude towards her are the most important tasks that we, as teachers, set ourselves.

Throughout preschool childhood, along with play activities, great value in the development of the child's personality, in the processes of socialization, it has a search and cognitive activity, which we understand not only as a process of mastering knowledge, skills, and, mainly, as a search for knowledge independently or under the tactful guidance of an adult, implemented in the process of humanistic interaction, cooperation , co-creation.

It's no secret that children preschool age researchers by nature. An indefatigable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features. child behavior. Research, search activity is the natural state of the child, he is tuned in to the knowledge of the world, he wants to explore it. It is exploratory behavior that is necessary for the mental development of the child to initially unfold as a process of self-development.

Of particular importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler is the assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the ways of practical interaction with environment ensures the formation of the worldview of the child, his personal growth. A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden essential connections with natural phenomena.

Thus, search and cognitive activity will contribute to the development in children of the ability to analyze the problem, to search for its solution. To draw conclusions and argue them, to be able to compare and generalize their own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world and inanimate nature as its component.

Project participants: older children, parents, teachers.


In the morning I asked the children what unusual thing they saw on the way to Kindergarten. Misha Sizov and Sonya said they met fairy trees. "Why are they fabulous?" I asked. The children answered because they are beautiful and everything is covered with frost.

No, I answered, it's frostbite.

What is frost? How is it formed? - the children wondered. Research work has been carried out to answer this question.

Objective of the project.

To form in children a cognitive interest in nature by means of experiment, to intensify the activities of parents in this direction.

Project tasks.

To reveal the mechanism of frost formation. Find out what is the name of the frost covering the trees;

To form in children the basics of natural science and environmental concepts;

To develop the search and cognitive activity of children;

Encourage children to formulate their ideas and ideas, supposed guesses, hypotheses.

Preparatory stage.

Pick up methodical, children's literature on the topic of the project;

Develop an approximate theme of experiments with water, ice, snow during the cold season;

Prepare necessary equipment for a corner of experimentation;

Develop a memo for parents about conducting experiments with snow, ice, water with their children;

Expected Result:

System of knowledge about inanimate nature;

Ability to observe, examine, compare, generalize, draw conclusions;

Responsible attitude towards the environment;

The manifestation in children of initiative, independence, an emotionally positive attitude towards search and cognitive activity.

Conduct water experiments with children to discuss the observed phenomena. Photograph the results of experiments or arrange them in the form of children's drawings, stories.

Use literary works. On the topic: “Where snow is born”, “How frost is formed”

Organize games - fun with snow; participation of children in the creation of buildings from snow.

Involve parents in experimenting with water.

Project implementation:

I.Children's experimentation:

1. When I was standing on the street cold weather 24 degrees, sprayed warm water on the wall of the house. The wall was instantly covered with frost.

2. On frosty days, they left the window open, after an hour the wall of the house around it was covered with frost.

3. On a frosty day, going out into the street, they tied a scarf around their mouth, after a few minutes it was covered with frost.

4. After an outdoor game on the street, our hats, the fur on the hood were covered with frost, and some of them even had eyelashes.

5. They took a thermos for a walk, held the plate over the steam and let it cool. Frost formed on the plate.

2. Reading, memorization:

Frost - frost

Do not pull home by the nose.

Do not studio, do not indulge

Go paint the windows.

Hoarfrost - to a damp summer, dry weather - to a hot summer.

Who whitens the glades with white,

And writes on the walls with chalk,

sews downy feather beds,

Did you decorate all the windows?

Not prickly, light blue hung in the bushes ...

If in winter there are frequent fogs and a lot of frost, there will be a good harvest.

Invisible winter

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the glass

Draws without hands

Bites without teeth.

Winter (adverb)

Winter, where was it?

She carried a cold in a bag, the cold shook the ground.

She stayed by the river, she built a bridge across the entire river;

I visited the hut, painted the windows;

She walked through the fields - forests, covered everything with a white fur coat;

The roads were covered with snow and snowdrifts piled up.

III. Activities of children.

- "Fairy-tale patterns on the windows" - drawing.

- "Hoarfrost" - application.

- “We conducted an experiment” - compiling stories about

conducted experiments.

- "Journey of a droplet" - writing fairy tales

- "Snow, frost, frost" - a competition of riddles, sayings, nursery rhymes.

Drafting descriptive stories based on the landscape painting by Shishkin "Hoarfrost"

IV. Participation of parents in the implementation of the project:

Conducting experiments with children with snow, ice, water at home and disseminating their experience among parents.

Participation in the presentation of the project (providing photographs, stories about experiments carried out at home, making colored ice cubes).

Project presentation.

Design of the photo exhibition "The Adventures of a Drop".

Work plan:

1. Conversation - "What is snow."

Looking at snowflakes under a magnifying glass.

2. Construction on the site of its group of buildings from snow and ice.

3. Conversation - "What is frost"

Experiment - "How steam turns to frost" (with a thermos) No. 5.

4. Application - "Hoarfrost on the trees"

Walk experiment #4.

5. Conducting experiments with children on finding frost at home.

6. Conducting outdoor games for a walk.

Experiment - "What is formed on a scarf, hat ..."

7. Learning riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters on the topic of the project.

8. Application - "Pattern in the snow"

Experiment - "how frost forms on the wall."

9. Drawing - "Fabulous patterns on the windows."

10. Competition of riddles, sayings, nursery rhymes - "Hoarfrost, frost."

11. “We conducted an experiment” - compiling stories about the experiments carried out.

12. Compilation of descriptive stories based on Shishkin's landscape painting "Hoarfrost".

13. Presentation of the project: design of the book "The Adventure of a Drop".

Ordinary water has several of its states: solid, liquid, gaseous. The transition from one state to another leads to different types water, incl. and snow, ice, frost. What is frost? Let's talk about it below.


Hoarfrost is a thin layer of snow resulting from evaporation on a cooling surface during cold weather (night). From breathing on a person’s face, frost appears on the collar, chin, and eyelashes. Air, at different temperatures, contains a different number of water molecules, i.e. air humidity is different. During frosts, the earth, grass, objects on the street are greatly cooled. If there is a decrease in temperature, then the amount of moisture in the air begins to decrease, and the excess moisture then condenses on colder surfaces, thus forming dew. If the temperature drops below, overcoming the freezing point of water, then the water, crystallizing, turns into frost.


Frost does not form on thin objects. Frost forms on wires, on tree branches. Hoarfrost formation differs slightly from frost formation. Hoarfrost is formed when water vapor freezes, ice crystals grow on thin objects at a negative temperature, in fog, thick haze, and light wind.

How to make frost yourself

At home, you can get frost by taking the following components:

  • can,
  • pieces of ice
  • salt.

Put small crumbs of ice into the bottom of a tin can, then salt, then ice again, etc. After some time, water droplets that are in the air begin to cover the outside of the jar, turning into small ice crystals that will cover the jar with a thin layer of frost. The transition of water molecules from the gaseous state, bypassing the liquid state, to the solid state is called sublimation.

HORROW, frozen fumes, dampness in the air, which sits on objects that are colder than the air, and freezes on them with fluff, which happens after the return of severe frosts. From breathing, frost sits on the beard, collar. On the trees, thick hoarfrost, kurzha, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

Settled on someone. Kar. Feeling cold, chills. SRGC 2, 292. Frost on the skin goes on someone. Sib. About the feeling of fear, excitement, excitement. FSS, 88. Put frost on your head. Pribaik. To become gray-haired from grief, experiences, etc. SNFP, 76 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

- (Hoar frost) loose white coating of snow crystals, formed from water vapor, in excess in the air. Settled mostly at night on the surface of cooled objects. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State ... ... Marine Dictionary

frost- white (Balmont); pearl (Bryusov); spiny (Ogarev, Serafimovich); sparkling (Corinthian); hairy (Chirikov); fluffy (Kozlov, Polezhaev, Serafimovich); pink (Turgenev); light blue (Fet); silver (Nikitin); silver (Bunin, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

frost- Hoarfrost, frost... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

A thin layer of ice crystals that forms on soil, grass and ground objects when the earth's surface cools to a temperature below 0 ° C as a result of its strong thermal radiation at night with a clear sky and light wind ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Hoarfrost, ice crystals (Job 38:29; Ps 147:5). In rainy winter time, precipitation in the form of I. influenced the future harvest (see Rain, I, 1) ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

hoarfrost, hoarfrost, pl. no, husband. Snow crystalline mass formed from water vapor in the air and settling in a thin layer on cooled objects. The beard was covered with frost. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

HORROW, me, husband. A thin layer of ice crystals formed by evaporation on a cooling surface. The trees were covered with frost. | adj. hoarfrost, oh, oh and hoarfrost, oh, oh. Frost pattern. Frost whiteness. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Frost. Poetry. Nikitina K., Nikitina K., ... Category: Poetry
  • Hoarfrost on the Threshold, Yu. Rytkheu, Canadian John McLennan settled in a coastal Chukchi village in 1911. Started a family and lived the life of a small nation whose future must change, because it is in these ... Category: Classical and modern prose Publisher:

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