Research work from where the wind blows. "Wind, wind, you are mighty!" Children's research project

Interesting 03.09.2019

Scientific research project

Can you predict the direction of the wind from folk omens


learn about natural phenomenon"wind", about the causes of its occurrence, the impact on human life and the world.

Find out if it is possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

To get acquainted with the concept of "Wind", to establish the causes of its occurrence;
Get acquainted with some types of winds, devices that allow you to measure wind speed and determine its direction;
Find out the role of the wind and the possibility of using it by man;
study and analyze the literature on the topic.
Conduct observations and experiments. Based on the results of my observations, find out in which direction the wind blew in our area in March, April and summer months.

Object of study: wind.

Subject of study: Direction of the wind

Hypothesis: Is it true that a warm wind in March promises the same warm but rainy summer. Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind for the whole summer in the direction of the wind on Palm Sunday - April 24, 2016.

Chapter 1

1. Guess the riddle:

Though armless, but it happens

The pines are uprooted,

So sometimes he gets angry.

Just that he was everywhere -

A moment - and it is nowhere. (wind)

Guessed? It's…the wind.

At the lesson of the surrounding world, our teacher told us about natural phenomena. It turned out that nature is filled with many different phenomena, interesting, beautiful and even frightening. We want to dedicate our work to such a phenomenon as the wind.

It is impossible to see the wind, but it is impossible not to notice how it sways the crowns of trees, drives clouds into the distance, circles snowflakes.

There are songs and poems about the wind. Many turn to the wind for help literary heroes. There are many folk signs associated with the wind.

We liked these:

Warm wind in March promises the same warm, but also rainy summer.

● The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer.

I became interested:what is "wind"? Where does it come from and why does it blow? What is the importance of the wind to humans? Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind from folk signs?

These are the questions we will find answers to in our work.

Experience #1

What is the wind?

To understand what the wind is, we took the turntables and went outside: I noticed that the turntables did not move at first. And as soon as the wind blew, they began to spin, quietly at first, and then stronger and stronger.

Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

Experience No. 2

We can check this conclusion in other experiments by trying to create a wind with our own hands:

With the help of a fan:

I took the fan and waved it at me. I felt cool, breeze. I made the air move.

With a balloon:

I blew up a balloon, but didn't tie it. The air began to come out again, and I again felt the breeze.

But the air can be both warm and cold.

To test this, we conducted the following experiment.

Experience number 3 cold and warm air.

When I sat down on the floor, I felt cold. And when I climbed onto the second floor of the bed, I felt warm.

Conclusion: The wind is first formed from two layers of air, and only then it starts to blow..

It turns out that cold and warm air move differently. We also verified this experimentally.

Experience No. 4 movement of cold and warm air.

I opened the balcony door and lowered the lighted candle on the threshold. The flame of the candle began to deviate towards the door. Then I moved the candle up - the flame of the candle began to deviate towards the room.

Conclusion: Warm air rises, it is light. And heavy cold air rushes down to the place of warm air.

Air moves continuously, it constantly rises and falls, and also moves horizontally.

It is the horizontal movements of air that we we call it wind.

Each wind has its own name.

The name of the wind gets on the side of the horizon, from where it blows.

    the north wind blows from the north

    the south wind blows from the south

    the west wind blows from the west

    the east wind blows from the east

    southwest wind blowing from the southwest

    northwest wind blows from the northwest

    southeast wind blows from the southeast

    northeast wind blows from the northeast

Determine from which side the wind is blowing and with what force we can use a special device - a weather vane.

Slow air movement it's a breeze. I watched a light breeze when I was relaxing with my parents at sea.

Strong wind is the rapid movement of air. Such winds are called hurricanes or typhoons. And under thunderclouds, tornadoes or tornadoes can occur. Such winds can cause enormous damage: they destroy houses, overturn cars, knock down power line masts. Sometimes it does not do without human victims.

How does the wind help a person

But the power of the wind has long been used by man.

In travels and discoveries (navigation, balloons);

As a source of clean energy;

Wind is an important factor in climate formation, formation and movement of clouds, erosion of the planet's surface; an assistant in the transfer of plant seeds and the fertilization of plants by pollen.

Conclusion: So the wind can be not only an enemy, but also a friend of a person.

Is it possible to determine the direction of the wind by folk signs?

What are omens

The very word "sign" was formed from the words - note, notice. The first signs began to appear in ancient times, at a time when people first began to closely observe the world around them, the behavior of animals, weather changes, and the like. Even such trifles as the color and shape of the clouds gave people something to think about.

A sign is a phenomenon, an event that is popularly considered a harbinger of something.

According to the duration of action, signs are long-term and short-term.

You can determine the weather not only by local signs: clouds, precipitation, the moon, stars. But also for living beings: animals and plants.

We were interested in the signs associated with the wind. Since in Chelyabinsk, according to the city weather station, 76% of the days of the year are windy. The average wind speed is 2-5 m/s. Strong winds with a speed of 15 m/s and more are observed annually, more often in the month of May, on average, 14-16 days with strong winds are observed per year.

Chapter 2

To find out whether it is possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs, we organized a weather observation.

We liked these signs associated with the wind:

● "A warm breeze in March promises an equally warm but rainy summer"

● "The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer"

To test your hypothesis: “Is it true that a warm wind in March promises the same warm but rainy summer”

I kept a weather diary, where I noted the direction of the wind throughout March 2016, as well as precipitation and air temperature in the summer months.

To find out if the wind was warm in March, and these are southerly winds, I made a wind rose for a given period of time.

In March, warm southerly winds prevailed.

The air temperature throughout the summer months was quite high: it did not fall below 18 degrees, and the highest - the air temperature was in August - 34 degrees.

For the entire summer period there were 34 days of rainy and cloudy weather.

Thus, a popular sign: "A warm wind in March promises the same warm, but also rainy summer." partially confirmed.

To test my hypothesis: “Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind for the whole summer in the direction of the wind on Palm Sunday?” I also kept an observation diary in which I noted the direction of the wind in the summer and noted the direction of the wind on Palm Sunday.

I got these results:

If you believe the sign, then the prevailing wind in the summer months should also be northwesterly.

Having built a wind rose for the summer months of June, July and August, I got the following results:

In my experience

in June, the north and northwest wind prevailed

in July, the north and northwest wind prevailed

in August prevailed - south and southwest wind

Thus, the popular sign "The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer" was partially confirmed.

CONCLUSION: Summarizing the data obtained, I came to the conclusion that in most cases it is not always possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

In the course of my research work, I learned a lot about such a natural phenomenon as the wind. I learned about the causes of its occurrence, about the impact on human life and the world around. And found out that it is not always possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

Thank you for your attention!

Krolikova Vlada Vladislavovna

Problem: what is wind?


Target: learn what wind is.


Hypothesis: is it true that in the direction of the wind on Evdokiev's Day - March 14 - it is possible to predict from which side the wind will blow all summer. Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind for the winter according to the wind on Pokrov Day - October 14th.


succeeds not always.


2) in our area last year in the spring, north, west and south-west winds prevailed;

in summer - northern;

in autumn - western, southern;

in December - northern;

in January - southwestern.




title of the research paper or creative project


Personal data of the participant (participants) of the contest "I am a researcher":

  1. Surname, name, patronymic of the author (or authors) Krolikova Vlada Vladislavovna
  2. Date of birth of the author (or authors) 09.03.2005
  3. Educational institution, district/city:MBOU "Morgaush secondary school"
  4. Surname, name, patronymic of the supervisor:Iosifova Tamara Fadeevna
  5. Subject direction:

Physics - technology

Natural science. Live nature

Natural science. Inanimate nature


  1. Age group (for the group is determined by the oldest child):


Brief job description:

Problem: What is wind?


Target: learn what wind is.


Tasks: 1) learn about the causes of wind.

2) conduct an experiment: is it possible to create wind in the room by yourself

3) get acquainted with the device that allows you to determine the direction of the wind - a weather vane

4) learn to determine the direction of the wind using a weather vane

5) based on the results of my observations, find out in which direction the wind blows in our area in different months and seasons _____________________________________________________________________

Hypothesis: Is it true that in the direction of the wind on Evdokiev's Day - March 14 - you can predict from which side the wind will blow all summer. Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind for the winter according to the wind on Pokrov Day - October 14th.


Results: predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs

It doesn't always work out.

Conclusions:1) WIND is the movement of air in a horizontal direction.

2) in our area last year in the spring, north, west and south-west winds prevailed;

in summer - northern;

in autumn - western, southern;

in December - northern;

In January - southwestern.


Purpose of my research:

learn what wind is.


  • learn about the causes of wind;
  • conduct an experiment: is it possible to create wind in a room by ourselves?
  • familiarize yourself with a device that allows you to determine the direction of the wind - a weather vane;
  • learn to determine the direction of the wind using a weather vane;
  • according to the results of my observations, find out in which direction the wind blows in our area in different months and seasons (from March 2012 to January 2013 - Appendix 1)

Snorts, growls, breaks branches,

The dust rises

Knocks you off your feet

Can you hear him

Don't you see him.

Who knows no boundaries?

Who flies faster than birds?

He's ugly, he's calm

The way the spring fluff is gentle.

Who is the freest in the world?

Guessed? It..

So what is wind? Why is he blowing?

Is it possible to create the wind in the room by yourself?

Experience number 1.

It turns out you can. To do this, just turn on the desktop fan. The wind in the room occurs precisely when the propeller begins to spin - the propeller, which pushes the air and makes it move.

So wind is the movement of air.

We feel the wind in the room when we fan ourselves with a fan in the heat.

And who creates the wind in the street? There is no air screw --- a propeller?

You can do this experience.

Experience number 2.

  • cut out a paper spiral.
  • placed it on the tip of the needle.
  • a lit candle was placed under the spiral.

I observed: the paper spiral began to rotate. This happened because the air heated by the candle rises and rotates the spiral

  • after a while the candle was extinguished.

I observed: the spiral stopped rotating as the air cooled down.

This can be explained by the fact that warm air is lighter, it rises, and cold air takes the place of warm air. This creates a stream of air - the wind.

This conclusion can be verified in another experiment.

Experience number 3.

If in cold weather open the window to the street, hold a lit candle at the top and bottom of the gap, then you can observe that the flame of the lower candle is directed into the inside of the room, and the flame of the top --- out. This is because warm air is lighter than cold air, it rises and exits through a crack above. Cold air is heavier and enters the room from below. After a while, the cold air will heat up in the room, rise up and begin to go outside through the upper slot, and cold air will flow in its place from below again and again. This is how wind occurs in nature.

Wind is a strong air currents that occupy a huge space on Earth. And it occurs when the weather changes: from heat to cold or vice versa, before heavy rain, a storm. The surface of the earth is varied.

At the North and South Poles, the ice does not melt either in winter or in summer. The air is always cold there.

And at the equator there is always heat, the air there is very hot.

Over the oceans, it is saturated with moisture. And over the vast deserts, the air dries up a lot.

Warm air is lighter than cool air, it rises and cold air takes its place. Air is in constant motion. When this movement is especially strong, we call it wind.

CONCLUSION: WIND is the movement of air in a horizontal direction.

How can we determine which direction the wind is blowing.

There is a special device with which the direction of the wind is determined - a weather vane.

The name of the wind gets on the side of the horizon, from where it blows.

  • the north wind blows from the north
  • the south wind blows from the south
  • the west wind blows from the west
  • the east wind blows from the east
  • southwest wind blowing from the southwest
  • northwest wind blows from the northwest
  • southeast wind blows from the southeast
  • northeast wind blows from the northeast

Which direction does the wind blow in our area? I have been observing the direction of the wind since March 2012.

I got these results:

In March, the north wind prevailed.

In April - northern

In May - western, southwestern

In June - northern

In July, northern

In August - northern

September - western

In October - southern

November - western

In December - northern

In January 2013 - southwestern


In our area last year in the spring north, west and south-west winds prevailed;

In summer - northern;

in autumn - western, southern;

in December - northern;

In January - southwestern.

Folk sign "Where does the wind come from to Evdokia, from there it comes in spring and all summer"

Completely confirmed. In summer, the north wind prevailed.

The sign “From which side the wind blows on Pokrova, from that side it will blow all winter” is partially confirmed.

In December, the north wind prevailed, and in January, the southwest wind prevailed.

CONCLUSION: predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs

It doesn't always work out.

Books that helped me:

1. Children's encyclopedia. What? Who it?

2. Encyclopedia for children. M.D. Aksenova.

3. The planet is our home. I.G. Belavina. N.G. Naydenskaya.

4. To kids about nature. N.N. Nikandr


The topic of weather is relevant, because people have always and every day been interested and are interested in the weather. Especially interested in the weather of people living in rural areas, as the results of their economic activity highly dependent on the weather. Such an element of weather as precipitation strongly influences. Therefore, we chose this topic for research.

The object of the study is the weather in the village of Luzhbelyak.

Subject : wind direction, precipitation.

The purpose of this work:Determine the direction of the wind in which precipitation falls in our area.

They put forward a hypothesis: Since our area is located on the Russian Plain, where the Western transfer of air masses prevails and in the west there is the Atlantic Ocean, over which sea air masses, the precipitation comes to us mainly from the west.

We also set ourselves the following tasks:

1. Study the literature on the chosen topic.

2. Maintain a weather calendar that includes the following columns: wind direction, precipitation.

3. Analyze the received data and make recommendations.

The following research methods are used in the work: observation, analysis, comparison.

The following books were used to write the work: Geography of the Republic of Mari El,

Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary and Internet resources.

2. Research wind and precipitation directions in our area, Luzhbelyak

To conduct this study, we observed wind direction and precipitation from January 2011 to December 2012. The direction of the wind was determined mainly with the help of a weather vane, which our school has, and according to local signs, by the slope of the trees and the direction of the smoke. We processed the data of our observations for each month separately and for the year. We made a table and a graph of the wind rose. In the table and the wind rose, we showed the number of days with wind directions and the number of days with precipitation in a given direction for the two years 2011 and 2012.

Wind rose for January 2011

January 2012

In January, in 2011 and 2012, days with precipitation with a southerly wind prevailed.

Fig.2 Wind rose for February 2011

February 2012

In February 2011, precipitation was only in the northwest and south, in 2012 most of the days with precipitation were in the southeast.

Fig.3 Wind rose for March 2011

March 2012

In March 2011 at the southwest, in 2012 at the northwest.

Fig.4 Wind rose for April 2011

April 2012

In April and in 2011 and 2012, precipitation prevailed with a southwesterly direction

Fig.5 Wind rose for May 2011

May 2012

In May 2011, days with precipitation prevailed in the north and northwest direction, 2012 in the northwest direction.

Fig.6 Wind rose for June 2011

June 2012

In June 2011, precipitation prevailed at the northwest, in 2012 at the southwest.

Fig.8 Wind rose for July 2011

July 2012

Precipitation prevailed in July in 2011 southwestward, in 2012 westward

Fig.8 Wind rose for August 2011

August 2012

In August, at the northwestern

Rice. 9 Wind rose for September 2011

September 2012

Precipitation days prevailed in September in 2011 at southwestern, in 2012 at northwestern

Rice. 10 Wind rose for October 2011

October 2012

In October in 2011 and in 2012 days with precipitation prevailed at the southwestern


Rice. 11 Wind rose for November 2011

November 2012

In November in 2011 with the south and southwest, in 2012 with the southwest

Rice. 12 wind rose for december 2011

December 2012

In December 2011, most of the days with precipitation were with the south, in 2012 with the southwest wind direction

Table 13

Wind direction and precipitation for 2011







Number of days with precipitation

Rice. 13 Wind rose for 2011

From the table and the wind rose for 2011, it is clear that most of the days with precipitation were with the southwest wind (57 days), the second place in the number of days with precipitation is occupied by the south wind (48 days) and the third place by the northwest (35 days). But if we compare in percentage terms, then the first place in terms of the number of days with precipitation is occupied by the west wind 87%. Namely, there were only 16 days of western winds for the year, and with precipitation of them 14 days. Only two days without rain. All fewer days with precipitation at eastbound, just one day.

Wind direction and precipitation for 2012







Number of days with this direction


Number of days with precipitation

Number of days with precipitation as a percentage (%)

Rice. 26 Wind rose for 2012

From the summary table 26 and the wind rose Fig. 26 for 2012, it can be seen that there are more days with precipitation during the southwest wind (55 days), the second place in the number of days with precipitation is occupied by the northwest wind (38 days) and the third place southern (32 days). But if we compare in percentage terms, then the first place in terms of the number of days with precipitation is again occupied by the westerly wind of 86%. Namely, there were only 15 days of winds with a westerly direction during the year, and 13 days with precipitation. Only two days without precipitation, as in 2011. On the one hand, there are few days with westerly winds, on the other hand, it is mostly with precipitation. There are fewer days with precipitation, as in 2011, with only three days to the east.

2.3. Analysis of wind direction and precipitation for 2 years (2011-2012)

Table 27

Wind direction and precipitation for two years







Number of days with this direction

Number of days with precipitation

Number of days with precipitation as a percentage (%)

Table 27 shows that there are more days with precipitation for two years with a southwestern wind - 112 days, the second place is occupied by the southern direction 80 days and the third northwestern 73 days. There are fewer days with precipitation in two years, with an easterly direction of 11 days. Thus, we can conclude that mainly precipitation comes to us from the west, as days with precipitation prevail in the southwestern, southern and northwestern directions.


Having studied and analyzed the literature on the topic of the study, we can draw the following conclusion: we live in the temperate zone, so we have moderate air masses. Since the western transfer of air masses predominates, and in the west there is the Atlantic Ocean and its warm Gulf Stream, this allows us to conclude that precipitation is brought to us by moderate sea air masses from the west

Thus, the hypothesis is confirmed. Precipitation in our area mainly comes from the west.

The material of this work can be used at school in geography lessons in grades 6.8 and in the practical life of people in our area.

I really like educational television programs about our planet and life on Earth. I love to observe, ask questions and look for answers. From early childhood, my family introduced me to encyclopedias, which reveal exciting questions. I like to reveal the mysteries and secrets of some phenomena. That is why I gladly undertook the study of this topic. I want to do research and figure it out amazing phenomenon nature is the wind.
The theme of the wind has always been and is relevant. People have always dreamed of taming the wind. And make sure that it works for the benefit of people. When I first learned about the wind, I was interested in the question of how the wind appears and whether it can be tamed. In my research, I have made efforts to answer all these questions.

Target: learn about the natural phenomenon "wind", about the causes of its occurrence, the impact on human life and the world around.

To get acquainted with the concept of "Wind", to establish the causes of its occurrence;
Get acquainted with some types of winds, devices that allow you to measure wind speed and determine its direction;
Find out the role of the wind and the possibility of using it by man;
study and analyze the literature on the topic.
make observations and experiments.

Object of study: wind.

Hypothesis: wind is the movement of air.
The novelty of the study is that I have experimentally established the influence different temperatures on the movement of air, proved one of the causes of the occurrence of wind and in practice saw how a person uses the wind for his own purposes.

Work description:
The research paper presents the main causes of wind. The paper considers various types of winds and their influence on human life, living and not wildlife. The work contains observations and experiments proving the causes of wind.

What is wind. The role of wind in nature and in our life
Wind is a stream of air moving relative to the earth's surface at a speed of over 0.6 m/s. This is a predominantly horizontal movement of air from an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure to an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure.
Wind is the movement of air, and everything that moves has energy. Wind energy has played an important role in human development. Since ancient times, people have used wind energy for both peaceful and military purposes. 5,000 years before the birth of Christ, the ancient Egyptians used the wind to sail across the Nile in a boat. Thus the sailing ship was invented. It was thanks to sailing ships that all the great geographical discoveries were made. special role in history, but no longer in peaceful purposes, played the Scandinavian version of the use of wind. In the 9th century AD, the Vikings crossed the North Sea in light sailing ships and terrorized Western Europe. It was difficult for the local population to resist them. The appearance of light and fast boats horrified everyone.
Thanks to sailing ships that sailed due to the wind, for the first time it became possible to travel long distances across the seas and oceans. Hot air balloons, also propelled by the wind, were the first to allow air travel, and modern aircraft use the wind to increase lift and save fuel.
Winds can also influence the formation of landforms, causing eolian deposits that form various types of soils (for example, loess) or erosion. They can carry sand and dust from deserts over long distances. The winds disperse plant seeds and aid the movement of flying animals, which lead to the expansion of species into new territory. Wind-related phenomena affect wildlife in a variety of ways. Veliko aesthetic value wind. Feeling the gentle, gentle, light, summer breeze on a hot day is a pleasure.
The wind made the windmills work. There is an opinion that even before our era, a windmill was invented in China. But confirmed information about the use of wind energy for domestic purposes came to us from Persia. The Persians used the wind and windmills to grind grain around 200 BC.
The development of technologies for the use of wind energy leads to the fact that many countries have moved from single installations of wind "mills" to the formation of multi-hectare "wind fields" on which hundreds of wind turbines are installed at a close distance from each other. This is how the so-called wind farms are created.
The situation with wind energy in our country, which is so rich in winds and fields, leaves much to be desired. And if until the 60s there were good results in the exploitation of wind energy, then after that the emphasis was placed on the construction of a hydroelectric power station (hydroelectric power station), thermal power station (thermal power plant) and nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant). And only after a series of problems and accidents at large nuclear power plants, already in the 90s, scientists were able to reach out to the government with proposals for the introduction of safe energy production from renewable sources. But the economic crisis of the 90s did not give an opportunity for the development of this industry in our country. A few years later, all developments in this area were completely forgotten. In order to continue the introduction of wind turbines now, you will have to start all over from the very beginning or borrow already working technologies from more developed countries.
However, winds can also be unsafe, as wind gradients can cause loss of aircraft control, fast winds, as well as the large waves caused by them, on large bodies of water often lead to the destruction of piece buildings, and in some cases the winds can increase the scale of the fire.

How does the wind
There are several reasons for the appearance of wind:
1. Pressure drops. Without the sun, there would be no wind. The sun heats up the air. Hot air rises. Because of this, in that region of the Earth where the air is warmed up, atmospheric pressure decreases. There is a cyclone. Rising into the upper atmosphere, the air cools and begins to descend, creating an area of ​​high pressure. Such areas are called anticyclones. From the center of the anticyclone, the air spreads to the outskirts and moves to the area reduced pressure- cyclone.

2. Coriolis force. Discovered by the French scientist Gustav Coriolis, the force is generated by the rotation of the Earth. When we are in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth spins counterclockwise under our feet. The Earth itself rotates faster than the atmosphere around it. Therefore, when the Earth moves in the Northern Hemisphere, the wind deviates to the right. And in the Southern Hemisphere - on the contrary, to the left.

3. Heat and cold. Another reason why winds occur is a periodic change in temperature in any place. For example, during the day the soil heats up faster than the sea. There is a pressure difference, and the wind starts blowing towards the land: this is the sea breeze. After sunset, the land cools quickly. Therefore, the wind blows from the shore. The sea breeze begins to blow around 10 am. And coastal - after sunset.

4. Eternal wind. The earth is constantly blown by the so-called prevailing winds. At the equator, the air heats up and rises. It spreads towards the tropics. This creates an anti-trade wind. Cooling down, the air returns to the equator. Such a wind is called a trade wind. Winds also occur at the poles of the Earth. Cold air moves from them to the equator. And then rises and returns to the poles. In addition, the prevailing winds occur in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. They are called jet streams. These winds blow in winter. They arise due to a strong temperature difference between the hot equatorial and cold polar regions of the Earth.

Wind characteristic
Wind is characterized by strength (speed) and direction. The direction of air movement is determined by the interaction of several forces. These are the Coriolis force (taking into account the influence of the Earth's rotation on moving air), gravity, gradient force, pressure force and centrifugal force. The direction of the wind in meteorology is determined by the side of the horizon from which it blows.
The strength of the wind (in other words, speed) depends on the height at which the wind blows and on atmospheric pressure. The greater the temperature difference between air masses, the stronger wind. Wind speed is measured in meters per second, kilometers per hour or points (1 point equals 2 m/s). The average long-term wind speed near the earth's surface is 4-9 m/s. Wind with a speed of 5-8 m/s is considered moderate, above 14 m/s - strong, above 20-25 m/s - a storm, above 30-35 m/s - a hurricane.
The wind speed is highly variable: it changes not only over a long time, but also over short periods of time (within an hour, minute, and even a second) by a large amount.
Wind speeds observed over short periods of time from a few seconds to 5 minutes are called instantaneous or real. Wind speeds obtained as arithmetic averages from instantaneous speeds are called average wind speeds. If you add up the measured wind speeds during the day and divide by the number of measurements, you get the average daily wind speed. If we add up the average daily wind speeds for the entire month and divide this amount by the number of days of the month, we get the average monthly wind speed. Adding the average monthly speeds and dividing the sum by twelve months, we get the average annual wind speed.

Devices for determining the direction and strength of the wind
Wind speeds are measured using instruments called anemometers. Anemometer - a device for measuring the speed of wind and gas flows by the number of revolutions, rotating under the action of the wind of the turntable.
The simplest anemometer that allows you to determine the instantaneous wind speeds and is called the simplest weather vane-anemometer.
It consists of a metal board swinging about a horizontal axis a, fixed on a vertical stand b. On the side of the board, on the same axis, a, a sector is fixed, with eight pins. On the rack b below the sector, a weather vane d is fixed, which all the time sets the board with the plane facing the wind. Under the action of the latter, the board deviates and passes by the pins, each of which indicates a certain wind speed. Rack b with a weather vane d rotates along the sleeve d, in which 4 long rods are fixed in a horizontal plane, indicating the main countries of the world: north, south, east and west, and between them 4 short ones, pointing to the northeast, northwest, south -east and southwest. Thus, with the help of a weather vane-anemometer, it is possible to simultaneously determine both the speed and direction of the wind.
It is convenient to determine the average wind speeds for short and long periods of time with an anemometer from the Metrpribor plant. It consists of a cross with hemispheres, put on an axis, which is engaged with a gear, placed in a box with a dial.
The axes of the gears are displayed on the dial and have arrows at their ends showing on the scale the path traveled by the wind for a given period of time. By dividing the number shown by the hands on the dial by the number of seconds the anemometer rotated, we get the wind speed per second for the observed period.

Types of winds
Winds are classified primarily by their strength, duration and direction. Thus, gusts are considered to be short-term (several seconds) and strong movements of air. Strong winds of medium duration (about 1 minute) are called squalls. The names of longer winds depend on the strength, for example, such names are breeze, storm, storm, hurricane, typhoon.
Wind duration also varies greatly: some thunderstorms can last several minutes, breezes that depend on the difference in heating features of the relief throughout the day last several hours, global winds caused by seasonal temperature changes - monsoons - last several months, while global winds, caused by temperature difference in different latitudes and the Coriolis force, they blow constantly and are called the trade winds. Monsoons and trade winds are the winds that make up the general and local circulation of the atmosphere.
A hurricane is a wind of destructive force (more than 30 m/s) and of considerable duration, typical for tropical latitudes.
A storm is a type of hurricane. The wind speed during a storm is not much less than the speed of a hurricane (up to 25-30 m/s). Losses and destruction from storms are significantly less than from hurricanes. Sometimes strong storm called a storm.
A typhoon is a type of tropical cyclone that is typical of the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
Flurry - a short-term strong gusty wind with a speed of up to 20-30 m / s, often with a thunderstorm and a downpour. The wind is not homogeneous in its structure. It can be jet (laminar), when air layers move without mixing, i.e. their particles do not pass from layer to layer. This movement of air usually occurs in light winds. If the wind speed exceeds 4 m / s, then the air particles begin to move randomly, its layers are mixed and the air movement becomes turbulent. The higher the wind speed, the greater the turbulence, the greater the speed jumps at individual points of the air flow and the more gusty the wind becomes, squalls occur.
A squally wind is characterized not only by frequent and sharp fluctuations in speed, but also by strong individual gusts lasting up to several minutes. A wind that sharply increases its speed for a very short period of time against a background of light wind or calm is called a squall. Most often, squalls occur during the passage of powerful cumulonimbus clouds and are often accompanied by thunderstorms and showers.
The main cause of a squall is the interaction of the ascending air flow in the front of the cumulonimbus cloud and the descending air, cooled by heavy rain, in its rear part, resulting in a characteristic swirling shaft with a vortex under it, reinforced by the vortices of neighboring air layers.
Vertical eddies in a thundercloud can form tornadoes. When the speed of such a vortex reaches 100 m/s, the lower part of the cloud in the form of a funnel descends to the underlying surface (ground or water), towards the rising dust or water column. A meeting with a tornado is dangerous: having great destructive power and rotating in a spiral, it can lift up everything that is in its path. The height of the tornado reaches more than 1000 meters, the horizontal speed is 30-40 km/h. Therefore, when you see a tornado, you need to determine the direction of its movement and immediately go to the side. Sometimes a tornado can form without storm clouds. In this case, it does not originate from a cloud, but on the surface of the earth or sea, often with a cloudless sky. These are "good weather" tornadoes. They break down quickly and are almost harmless. Often, their existence can be more quickly noticed by the characteristic whistling sound that is heard when it moves than seen.
Air, air masses are in constant motion, which constantly changes both its speed and direction. But on a global, planetary scale, this movement has a clearly defined pattern, which is determined by the general circulation of the atmosphere, which depends on the distribution of atmospheric pressure in vast areas the globe- from the tropics to the polar zones.

Prevailing winds (Permanent winds)
Constant winds are caused by the Coriolis force and always blow in the same direction.
The trade winds are the first in the category of prevailing winds, i.e. constantly blowing in certain areas for a certain period of time. The speed and direction of the prevailing winds is determined from long-term observations for each sea or sea area.
In the equatorial zone, the warm air of the tropics rises, which leads to the formation of a wind at the border of the troposphere, called the antitrade wind. The anti-trade wind spreads in the direction of the poles, respectively, to the north and south.
The cooled air masses of the antitrade winds settle on the surface of the earth, creating increased pressure in the subtropics and a wind called the trade wind, which rushes to the equatorial zone.
Under the influence of the Coriolis force, the trade winds northern hemisphere receive a northeasterly direction, and the southern hemisphere (except for the northern part of the Indian Ocean, where seasonal monsoon winds blow) - a southeasterly direction. The speed of the trade winds is also constant and reaches 5-10 m/s.
In the equatorial zone, the trade winds weaken and turn east. Therefore, between the trade winds of both hemispheres, a calm zone arises (in the Atlantic "horse latitudes"), characterized by low pressure, thunderstorms and showers, calm. In latitudes 40-60° of both hemispheres, winds of the western quarter prevail. They are less stable (from NW to SE), but much stronger (10-15 m/s or 6-7 points). In the southern hemisphere, where the westerly winds go around the entire oceans, lay the main routes for sailing ships to sail from Europe to Australia and back to Europe around the Cape of Good Hope and the meat of the Horn. For their strength, frequency (up to 50%) and frequent storms, these winds were nicknamed "brave west", and latitudes - "thundering forties" and "roaring sixties".
In the subpolar regions of both hemispheres, where the cold air masses of the upper layers of the troposphere settle, forming the so-called polar maxima, southeasterly and easterly winds prevail.
The following winds also belong to the prevailing winds: breezes, foehn, simum.
Breezes are formed under the influence of uneven heating of land and sea. Breeze - During the day it blows from the sea to the coast, and at night it blows from the coast to the sea.
The area essential for the formation of breezes is located in the coastal strip of the seas (about 30-40 km). At night, the wind blows from the coast to the sea (coastal breeze), and during the day, on the contrary, from the sea to land. The sea breeze begins around 10 am, and the coastal breeze - after sunset. The breeze belongs to the winds of vertical development and at a height of several hundred meters it blows in reverse side. The intensity of the breeze depends on the weather. On hot summer days, the sea breeze has a moderate strength of up to 4 points (4-7 m/s), the coastal breeze is much weaker.
On land, breezes can also be observed. At night, near the surface of the earth, there is a draft of air from the field to the forest, and at the height of the crowns of trees - from the forest to the field.
Foehn - a warm strong wind blowing from high mountains into the valleys. It is observed near the coast of Crimea and the Caucasus mainly in spring.
Samum is a sultry wind in the desert.

local winds
Another category of winds is local, blowing only in this place or several places on the globe, arise when thermal conditions change for some time or under the influence of the terrain (the nature of the underlying surface). Representative of the second type local winds it is necessary to name, first of all, boron, Baku Nord, sirocco.
Bora is a very strong wind that blows down the mountainside in areas where the mountain range borders on the warm sea.
Cold air rushes down to the sea at high speed, sometimes reaching the strength of a hurricane. AT winter time, at low temperatures causes icing. It is observed in the Novorossiysk region, off the coast of Dalmatia (Adriatic Sea) and on Novaya Zemlya. In some mountainous regions, for example, in the Caucasus in the region of Leninakan, or in the Andes, such a phenomenon is observed daily when, after sunset from mountain peaks surrounding the valley, masses of cold air rush down. Gusts of wind reach such force that it blows off tents, and a sharp and strong drop in temperature can lead to hypothermia.
Baku north - a cold north wind in the Baku zone, blowing in summer and winter, reaches storm, and often hurricane force (20-40 m / s), bringing clouds of sand and dust from the coast.
Sirocco is a very warm and humid wind that originates in Africa and blows in the Central part mediterranean sea accompanied by cloudiness and precipitation.

seasonal winds
Monsoon - steady winds that periodically change their direction; in summer they blow from the ocean, in winter from land; characteristic of tropical regions and some coastal countries temperate zone (Far East).
Monsoons are continental in nature and arise due to differences in atmospheric pressure with uneven heating of land and sea in summer and winter. (Annex 17).
Under the influence of the Coriolis force in the northern hemisphere, the summer monsoons of the Pacific Ocean off the east coast of Asia deviate to the southeast, and in the Indian Ocean - to the southwest. These monsoons bring cloudy weather from the ocean to the Far East, with frequent rains, drizzle and fogs. Long and heavy rains fall on the southern coast of Asia at this time, which leads to frequent floods.
Winter monsoons reverse their direction. AT pacific ocean they blow from the northwest, and in Indian - from the northeast towards the ocean. Wind speed during monsoons is uneven. Winter northeast monsoons coincide with the trade winds of the northern hemisphere, but their speed does not exceed 10 m/s. But the summer monsoons of the Indian Ocean reach storm strength. Change of monsoons - occurs in April-May and October-November.

Chikish Sergei Chikish Sergei student 4 "B" class MAOU Domodedovo Secondary School No. 2 Cl. leader: Ponomarenko I. Yu.

The goal of the Free Wind project is to find out: 1. what is the wind;

2. how it is formed;

3. what is the meaning of the wind for a person;

4. how to determine the direction of the wind with a weather vane;

5. how to make a weather vane yourself.




Related project:

"Free wind"

Prepared by: Chikish Sergey

Student 4 "B" class

MAOU Domodedovo Secondary School No. 2

Cl. supervisor:Ponomarenko I. Yu.


Free wind.

1. Guess the riddle: "Without arms, without legs, but the tree is oppressing."

2. Wind it is impossible to see, but it is impossible not to notice: the crowns of trees are swaying, a strong wind beats in the face, and a hurricane wind can cause natural disasters.

3. So what is wind, and where does it come from? Let's figure it out.

4. Our planet Earth is wrapped in a thick layer of air - this is Earth's atmosphere.

  1. And our Earth is very large, and therefore very different. Heat, which means life, the Earth

Gives the sun. However, he fails to heat the entire surface with his rays.

Our planet evenly. Gets the most heat equator, and the poles

North and South are much smaller.

  1. at the equator It's always hot, the air is very hot there. Hot

The air rises and the pressure in it becomes low.

Having reached the upper layer of the atmosphere, this air is distributed to the North and to the South.

Least of all sun rays getsNorthern and south poles Earth.

Therefore, there the ice does not melt either in winter or in summer. At the poles, the air descends completely

Low, cools and shrinks. The pressure is getting high.

  1. The surface of the Earth with its mountains, deserts, oceans and forests, in turn, also

Affects the air. Over the huge deserts the air dries up a lot. And over

oceans it is saturated with moisture.

  1. Where the impenetrable grow jungle , for example, in South America(on the river

Amazon) a lot of oxygen gets into the air. And where there are many cities and smoking

Factories, the air is dirty with smoke, burning and soot.

  1. If Sun, Earth and oceansleft the air alone, then after a while

It would have the same temperature and humidity everywhere, the winds would calm down

Forever and ever. And there was absolute peace on Earth.

  1. But the air cannot be the same. Too uneven

Everywhere earth and water, the sun warms everywhere too differently. It's because of the sun

Winds on our planet cannot subside.The winds are formeddue to displacement

Air masses from zones high pressure to low pressure areas.

  1. And the air - this is a gas, molecules fly freely in it, there are no walls in it

And borders. On the contrary, the air tends to become the same everywhere. And this movement

Air, its desire to mix everywhere, to become the same and is wind.

Thus, the wind is the movement of air due to temperature and

pressure in different parts Earth. Winds blow from an area of ​​high pressure in the area

Low pressure.

  1. Thanks to the winds, heat is redistributed on our planet, which

Affects the weather. Weather changes due to movement in the atmosphere of currents

Cold air with low pressure - cyclones and rising from the equator warm

High pressure air flows anticyclones . Shines during anticyclones

The sun, and during cyclones, clouds cover the sky, it rains or snows. Therefore very

It is important to determine from where and what winds are blowing.

Long-term observations of the direction and strength of the wind are depicted as

graphics, which is called Rose of Wind .

  1. The winds have always affected human civilization. They inspired the mythological

logical stories, influenced historical action and culture. people long ago

Learned to use wind energy.

Modern wind turbinesconvert wind energy into electricity.

14. From time immemorial people have been building mills whose wings are rotated by the wind

And they transferred the rotation to the millstones, and they ground the grain into flour, from which

They made bread.

15. The wind is also friendly with sports. This is sailing. The stronger the wind, the faster

Sailboats are moving.

  1. Windsurfing - Another sport where the wind plays a major role.
  1. Hot air balloon and glider which also moved with the help of the wind, for the first time allowed a person to go on air travel and overcome long distances.
  1. And how cool to launch into the sky kite, you probably already know.
  1. sailing ships, which sailed due to the wind, helped people conquer the seas

And oceans. However, the winds can also be unsafe. It's nice to sail on a ship

When a slight breeze blows - breeze.

  1. But it is very dangerous to be on the water during a storm. A storm is formed when

Collision of winds from areas of high and low pressure, then there are

Atmospheric vortices. The speed of the winds in such eddies can be very high.

21. Then wait for such phenomena of nature as: hurricane, tornado, typhoon, storm and tornado.

Which destroy their own on their way and are very dangerous to life.

  1. The tornado brings the most catastrophic consequences. Tornado - it's atmospheric

whirlwind of colossal destructive power. The first sign of the formation of a tornado -

twisting of a dark dense cloud, from which it descends to the ground

a rotating funnel of air that sucks in everything that comes across. Buildings caught in the funnel explode, bursting from the inside with air pressure, and the debris scatter for many kilometers.

  1. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the movement of the winds, their direction and strength.

Of course, it is not so easy to determine where the wind will blow and with what force,

influenced by many reasons. What we have told is only the main reason

all winds.

The simplest device for determining wind direction is weather vane. To look like

The weather vane can be different, but its main function is to show the direction of the wind,

Remains unchanged.

  1. Most often, a weather vane can be seen on the roofs of buildings. Set it up like this

To the letter N pointed north. And the arrow will show the direction of the wind.

  1. You can make a weather vane yourself. To do this, you will need: wooden slats, glue,

Scissors, pencil, colored cardstock, metal washer and compass

Definitions of the North.

Showing a model of a weather vane made by himself.

  1. As a result, we found out: 1. what is the wind;

2. how it is formed;

3. what is the meaning of the wind for a person;

4. how to determine the direction of the wind.

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