Big Encyclopedic Dictionary What is sirocco, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary What is sirocco, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly Meaning of the word sirocco

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The Mediterranean Basin provides a convenient tunnel for low pressure areas that have developed over the Atlantic Ocean, which draw air from the Sahara, causing hot sandy wind, known in southern Europe as sirocco.

When it blows in sunny weather, the temperature can exceed 40°C. absorbing moisture mediterranean sea, sirocco usually causes weather that is as humid as it is hot. Rain falling at this time is often invisible due to desert sand and dust suspended in the air.

Low pressure corridor

Areas of low pressure entering the Mediterranean basin from the Atlantic Ocean bring strong winds. The most powerful of these, the sirocco, comes from the south with sand and heat from the Sahara. The Sirocco usually blows in the spring, when the air over the desert is hot and the low pressure areas in the basin are most pronounced.

When the humid sirocco rises over the sheer Mediterranean mountains, clouds form.

Foehn in Sicily

As it crosses the Mediterranean, the sirocco absorbs moisture (see map and bottom inset). When later he climbs the Sicilian mountains, clouds form and it's raining. Already dry, the air descends from the other side of the mountain, shrinking and heating up. Thanks to the foehn, the southern slopes of Sicily are moist and fertile, while the northern part is dry and barren.

Southern Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa form a natural corridor for the passage of low pressure areas from the Atlantic Ocean.

SIROCCO widely (Italian scirocco - east wind) - suffocating, burning (up to 35 ° C at night), very dusty wind of the south, southeast or east (sometimes even southwest) direction, sometimes reaching storm strength. Blowing from the deserts, unlike Samum and other African storms blowing in the deserts and steppes. Typical of North Africa and the entire Mediterranean basin. In the centers of formation, on the plateaus of North Africa and on the slopes of the mountains, S. has the character hair dryer. FROM. increases in the afternoon, and weakens in the evening and at night. Usually blows for 2-3 days in a row. It has a depressing effect on people.

S. brings tropical air, formed over the deserts in the warm sectors of cyclones, the centers of which pass over the northern regions of Africa. C. carries red and white dust from the Sahara to more northern regions where it falls in the form of colored bloody and milky rains.

C., dry and dusty in Africa, passing over the Mediterranean, becomes wet. In the south of Europe, it is accompanied by sweltering weather with drizzling rain, but sometimes it blows here even with clear skies. The warm and humid southern S. blowing from the sea is called in Yugoslavia . This wind lasts no more than 2-3 days. Following him comes cold front with rear cold sirocco, resulting in severe cooling.

Having crossed the mountains in southern Europe, S. on the leeward side of the mountains acquires the features hair dryer(cruel dry wind). For example, in the north of Sicily (in Palermo), S. occurs 12 days a year. At the same time, the air temperature sometimes rises to 35 ° C, and relative humidity drops to 2%.

S.'s character has various local winds: in Spain , Levesh, Cartagena, Canarian, Bolkhor-no, ; in the Canary Islands, southeastern S.; in Algeria , perished, ; in Tunisia , gili, ; in Palestine and Sirin , ; in Sudan ; in Marocco , (east wind), etc.; in Crete notya(this is wet S.); in the Aegean notia, sharp; in the Adriatic Sea , marzion; in northeast Italy ; in Egypt ; on the Mediterranean coast of France ; on about. Corsica (southeast wind with rain) , fire; in the Balearic Islands Yalk.

Thus, S. is called differently, but the general is heat and the dustiness of the air they bring from the deserts.

Dictionary of winds. - Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat. L.Z. Proh . 1983


See what "SIROCCO" is in other dictionaries:

    SIROCCO- (it. from Arabic schark east). Harmful southeast wind blowing in spring and autumn in lower Italy, Sicily and oo. Malta and Ionian. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SIROCCO sultry, suffocating youth ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    SIROCCO- SIROCCO, see the article Sukhovey ... Modern Encyclopedia

    SIROCCO- (Italian scirocco from Arabic Shark east), warm, strong, dry south or southeast wind in the Mediterranean, bringing to the South. Europe a large amount of dust from the deserts of the North. Africa and the Arabian Peninsula ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    SIROCCO- SIROCCO, neskl., husband. (Italian sirocco, from Arabic). Dry, sultry wind in North Africa and Southern Europe. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    SIROCCO- SIROCCO, neskl., husband. Dry and sultry African wind blowing in the Mediterranean countries. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Sirocco- or shirokko (Scirocco) Italian. the name of the warm south wind. Some consider S. a dry wind, but this is only partly true. Total dryS. in Palermo and in general to the north. coast of Sicily, where it is a descending mountain wind, and often the temperature ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    sirocco- Warm humid south wind in the Mediterranean basin ... Geography Dictionary

    Sirocco- SIROCCO, see the article Sukhovey. … Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sirocco- This term has other meanings, see Sirocco (meanings). Education Sirocco Sirocco is rarely shirocco, (Italian ... Wikipedia

    sirocco- unchanged; m. [ital. scirocco] A sultry southerly or southeasterly wind in southern Europe, blowing from the deserts of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and bringing a lot of dust and sand. Duet with. Sultry breath c. From the sultry dry nothing ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , . The 24 itineraries offered in the book cover the whole diversity of the Apennine peninsula, stretching from the snow-capped mountains that Italy shares with France and Austria, to hot beaches and ...

What is "sirocco"? How to spell correctly given word. Concept and interpretation.

sirocco widely (Italian scirocco - east wind) - suffocating, burning (up to 35 ° C at night), very dusty wind of the south, southeast or east (sometimes even southwest) direction, sometimes reaching storm strength. It blows from the deserts, unlike the Samum and other African storms blowing in the deserts and steppes. Typical of North Africa and the entire Mediterranean basin. In the centers of formation, on the plateaus of North Africa and on the slopes of mountains, S. has the character of a foehn. S. increases in the afternoon, and weakens in the evening and at night. Usually blows for 2-3 days in a row. It has a depressing effect on people. S. brings tropical air, formed over the deserts in the warm sectors of cyclones, the centers of which pass over the northern regions of Africa. S. carries red and white dust from the Sahara to more northern regions, where it falls in the form of colored bloody and milky rains. C., dry and dusty in Africa, passing over the Mediterranean, becomes wet. In the south of Europe, it is accompanied by sweltering weather with drizzling rain, but sometimes it blows here even with clear skies. The warm and humid southern north wind blowing from the sea is called Yuga in Yugoslavia. This wind lasts no more than 2-3 days. It is followed by a cold front with a cold sirocco at the rear, resulting in a sharp cooling. Having crossed the mountains in southern Europe, S. on the leeward side of the mountains acquires the features of a foehn (a severe dry wind). For example, in the north of Sicily (in Palermo), S. occurs 12 days a year. At the same time, the air temperature sometimes rises to 35 ° C, and the relative humidity drops to 2%. The character of S. has various local winds: in Spain, leveche, levesh, cartagena, Canarian, bolhor-no, bochorno; in the Canary Islands, southeastern S.; in Algeria, arifi, perished, gibuli, simum; in Tunisia, jili, khamsin, chili perished; in Palestine and Sirin Samum, Shargi; in Sudan, haboob; in Morocco, mergi, shargi (east wind), etc.; in Crete notia (this is wet S.); in the Aegean Sea notia, ostria; in the Adriatic Sea furyante, marzion; in northeastern Italy, mallezio; in Egypt, khamsin; on the Mediterranean coast of France madder; on about. Corsica madder (southeast wind with rain), labe, zgalo, fire; in the Balearic Islands yalok. Thus, S. is called differently, but the common thing is the high temperature and dustiness of the air brought by it from the deserts.

sirocco- SIROCCO, neskl., m. Dry and sultry African wind blowing in the Mediterranean countries .... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

sirocco- or shirokko (Scirocco) - Italian. the name of the warm south wind. Some consider S. a dry wind, but... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

sirocco- (Italian scirocco, from Arabic shark - east) a warm strong south or southeast wind, the main ...

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word sirocco

sirocco in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


non-cl., m. (It. sirocco, from Arabic). Dry, sultry wind in North Africa and Southern Europe.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


non-slope, m. Dry and sultry African wind blowing in the Mediterranean countries.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. A dry sultry south or southeast wind blowing in the Mediterranean basin.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


SIROCCO (Italian scirocco, from Arabic shark - east) warm, strong, dry south or southeast wind in the Mediterranean, bringing to the South. Europe a large amount of dust from the deserts of the North. Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.


(Italian scirocco, from Arabic sharq ≈ east), a warm strong south or southeast wind, mainly in the Mediterranean basin, blowing from the deep regions of the deserts of northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. On the way through the Mediterranean Sea, S. is enriched with moisture, but on the whole it has a withering effect on the vegetation of many regions of the European Mediterranean. Especially known in Italy and on the Dalmatian coast of Yugoslavia, where it is most often observed in the spring. On the leeward slopes of the mountains, it sometimes acquires the character of a foehn.



Sirocco rarely wide, (, from - shark- east) - a strong south or southwest wind in Italy, and this name is also applied to the wind of the entire Mediterranean basin, originating in North Africa, the Middle East and having in different regions its name and its characteristics.

Sirocco (film)

Sirocco- film noir Hollywood director Curtis Bernhardt, released in June 1951 (in the UK on June 1, in the US on the 12th).

Examples of the use of the word sirocco in the literature.

Even a small earthquake, simum, hurricane, typhoon, sirocco, what a seedy volcano eruption.

Whenever possible they tried to combine different activities, and now, at the end of the ship's working day, Sirocco lay on the bed while Calvin gave her a light physical exam and Gaby showed her the latest picture of Themis.

After Sirocco more or less calmed down, they sat in a circle, and Calvin began to talk.

Sirocco She followed the curved spiral of the river with her eyes and saw that Calvin was right.

Neither Calvin nor Gaby said anything, but Gaby moved closer to Sirocco.

Bill, Gaby, and Calvin all knew that the experience had changed them, although Gaby would not agree to admit that her love for Sirocco is side effect happened.

Sirocco pressed her cheek against a short black head, very pretty, and began to ruffle her hair, then she lifted Gaby's face by her chin and began to look where to kiss her, looking for an area that was not covered by a bandage.

Sirocco I heard the metallic tinkle of instruments being taken out of the sterilization tank, then I felt the cuvette tinkle against the mirror.

Sirocco tried to find some moments of her former life, but she was always a stranger to hoarding and had a minimum of personal things.

She flew into Sirocco so that it almost knocked out her teeth, the fish jumped and all three of them slipped about three meters through the silt.

Sirocco it was amusing to translate the songs of the Titanides in this way, although in their language the monster and the eccentric were not offensive.

Sirocco studied the huge mass of the wheel, rimmed like sails with spiky gears, apparently designed to absorb sunlight and processing it into heat.

Do Sharp's pose changed as the topic of conversation changed - she then followed Sirocco, then spoke before Sirocco with mentor speech.

For a second Sirocco frightened, but then realized that C Flat shared the fears of Do Sharp, she considered that Sirocco falls on her back and decided to support her.

The words that B flat used to describe the offense Before Sharp were complex, Sirocco understood their literal translation, but she did not fully understand the meaning as a whole.

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