Rules of conduct on the playground for children. Rules of conduct on the playground, or the first appearance

Pregnancy and children 01.03.2018
Pregnancy and children

Stop looking at the world through the sides of the stroller, it's time for the baby to go out into the world! We know how to stand on our feet, my mother bought a beautiful suit, we can grab it quickly and imperceptibly - we need to move to the playground. But! If we go out into a “decent society”, then we need to prepare well, both for the baby and for the mother. After all, you will have to communicate with other little ones, fit in with all your “treasure”: shovels, buckets, molds in one sandbox, ride from the same slide. Therefore, it is necessary to disassemble a few rules about how to behave on the playground.

All toys are shared!

The child must learn to share his toys, give others away and ask when he wants to steal “that” shiny Mashka’s spatula. This is one of the most difficult rules, it is because of it that all kinds of conflicts occur. Of course, you can and should talk and explain to the baby that if we go to play with other kids, then we must definitely share our toys and then other kids will give you their toys. But how do you explain to a little man that you need to give your favorite toy to another ... What if he doesn’t return it ???

Here are some tips:

  1. Try not to take "especially favorite" toys, and even more expensive ones. It's too early to brag, but if they break it, it will be a pity. It is better to take, so to speak, "public" - shovels, buckets, molds, inexpensive cars, strollers for baby dolls, all kinds of wheelchairs.
  2. Before the walk, talk with your child again about giving toys to others, then you will have many friends. And explain that in any case, his toy will be returned to him.
  3. If a child does not want to give a toy, do not demonstratively take him away with tears from the playground, saying: “No one will be friends with such a greedy person like you!” No tragedy happened: he doesn’t want to give, and he doesn’t have to. Just explain to another kid that this is his favorite toy, offer something else from your “arsenal”. Or try to help the kids change. You give him this one, and he gives you some other one.
  4. If your baby took someone else's toy and did not ask. Two possible outcomes of the event:

- doesn't cry. Many mothers think that "well, okay, the owner of the toy was not upset, so everything is fine." But, as the saying goes, “lucky this time, might not be lucky next time.” Therefore, in any case, it is worth returning with the child and someone else's toy and asking the baby: “Can I take the toy?! The answer may be different, and the answer: "no" will not suit your child. But it is necessary to do this, since it is impossible to take other people's things without asking, and your little one must understand this;

- cries. We give the toy without any persuasion. Someone else's is someone else's, if the baby is against, then against. You can tell your child that you have favorite toys that you do not want to share. It's OK. We'll buy one later if you like it so much.

  1. If your baby took someone else's toy and does not want to give it back. Of course the most effective way is to say that soon we will buy you the same toy, don't worry. But sometimes parents are not able to buy the same. Then it is worth distracting the baby from this toy. “Oh, look, the kitty ran there, let’s go see it quickly ?!”, “Oh, look, what a beautiful bike or scooter, let’s go see it ?!”, “Let’s go to the store, buy delicious cookies” and so on. Persuasion, conversations and persuasion - these are the three main whales. No need to force, everything will end in tears. We are human beings to talk, not to swear and shout.
  2. How to take your toy from someone else's baby. If you have another similar toy, such as a shovel, then you can lend it to your baby until the next day. Kindness and generosity has never harmed anyone. Just check with his mom or dad where they will be walking tomorrow to pick up their toy. Ask for help from his parents, after all, this is their child, and they should try to find a way out of this situation. In the end, politely ask: “Please give back our toy, we will definitely come here tomorrow and let you play it again.”
  3. Your child has broken a toy. Of course, it is necessary to explain to the child that it is impossible to do this, to come up to apologize to the owner of the toy. Mom should approach the mother of a child whose toy was broken and offer to buy some or the same toy in exchange for a broken one.
  4. If someone else's child broke your child's toy. You must understand that you are on the playground, and children are children for that, that so far their actions are sloppy. And you must understand that everything will break, fall and deteriorate. Therefore, I repeat, do not take expensive toys with you. If mom offers you her other toy or money, then you decide for yourself whether to take them or not. But, in my opinion, I would not take it, for all the same reasons that are indicated above. If someone else's child broke your child's toy, the conversation is different. You can say that you can’t do this and just move away from this child and continue playing with other children. Explain to your baby that this is a bad deed, if you are really sure that the toy was broken for evil. Reassure the baby, and promise that as you can, buy another and better one. But in no case do not shout at someone else's child and do not make comments to his mom and dad. Let them raise their own child.
  5. If you forgot to pick up your toy last time, and this time you found your toy in someone else's hands. Come up and politely ask, explaining the whole situation to the mother of the child, to return the toy to you. There is nothing terrible and impolite in this. We advise that it is advisable to mark toys for the sandbox with nail polish, so that later there will be no showdowns with children and mothers, where is whose spatula or mold.

And my child: fights, does everything on the sly, pushes, offends younger children. All children can do this while being among other babies. And this does not mean that you have a bad child and do not know how to behave. You have absolutely normal child, and all the children push, take away toys from each other, just everyone does it at their own time, at their age, from someone at two years old, from someone at three. This is the first thing you should, dear parents, remember. And do not yell at him or her and swear in public. Do not injure the child's psyche. Moreover, a three-year-old child, although he understands everything, still does most of his actions not deliberately.

Take him aside, squat down so that there is direct eye contact, and explain his behavior to him. “They can do the same to you, and you will be hurt and unpleasant, for every strength there can be another strength, if you do this, then you will have few friends, and friends are needed with them more fun and easier to live” and so on. Don't scare the child! Little children understand through fear. Communicate as much as possible, explain, put everything on the shelves, and only then, the children will eventually absorb all the information and will not do this. Do not expect that after a conversation, he will immediately stop pushing, shoving and offending other kids. This takes time. But every time, in a similar situation, explain to the child that he has now acted badly.

conflict between children. You shouldn't interfere. Children need to learn how to deal with conflict situations on their own. But! Sometimes it pays to intervene. When one child, for example, starts to fight hard. Be sure to protect your child. The feeling of security for a small person is very important. But you should not swear at someone else's child in the presence of his own mother. You can express your dissatisfaction only in a respectful and calm way to his mother. And yet, do not forget to control your child in order to prevent conflict.

Conflict between parents. May occur. We are all different, we are all with different characters and with different life principles. But there is always a way out - leave, move away, do not get in. You will be right and you can use all protective measures if your child is threatened and this can harm his health. Then, as they say, all methods of protection will be used. In other cases, if you encounter an inappropriate reaction from someone's mom or dad, then it's best not to interfere, argue or react. The playground is not a place for showdowns and swearing. People will still understand who is right and who is wrong.

Some other rules worth mentioning.

Do not take your dog to the playground. Even if she is the most harmless and affectionate and loves children. Children can behave differently, and even hit the animal, and she can simply bite out of inertia.

If your baby falls asleep, do not take him to the playground and ask everyone around to be quieter. This is completely unacceptable. The playground is a place for fun, expanse and active games.

Do not treat other people's children with any, even the most benign food without the knowledge of their parents! You cannot know all the features and contraindications of the nutrition of other children.

Don't throw trash anywhere. This is a bad example for children who see and notice everything.

No alcohol or smoking in the playground. If you have made a decision to harm your health, this does not mean that you have to harm everyone around you, especially children!!!

No swearing or swearing.

Take your little ones to "sand parties" more often. Let the baby explore the world together with his girlfriends and friends. After all, it will be more fun and interesting for him to grow. And to you, dear parents, we can say that the playground is, of course, not a rest room for you, but nevertheless, carried away by riding a hill and making Easter cakes, your kids will give you a little rest and chat with other mothers. Good luck!

Know and follow the rules of conduct in the yard:

do not go anywhere without the permission of adults;

play only on the playground;

do not run outside the playground, look under your feet;

do not climb on roofs, trees, garages;

do not approach the open hatch of the well or stand on the hatch cover;

do not play on construction sites and landfills;

do not swing high on a swing;

be careful and do not go anywhere with strangers;

do not take any items and treats from strangers.

You should know that each animal has its own character, so even playing with animals can lead to injuries, scratches, bites. Most often, animals bite when they are frightened, angry or disturbed at the wrong time.

Therefore, you cannot:

approach an animal (even a well-known one) from behind and touch it if it does not see the child;

approach animals when they have babies;

tease animals, even if they are kind;

touch, stroke, pick up and play with unfamiliar animals (homeless).

If any animal has bitten, this must be reported to an adult.

Know who to contact for help if you get lost on the street.

To know that when walking in a park, square, on a playground, you can walk and run only along paths specially covered with fine sand and pebbles.

Know that you can throw garbage in a specially designated place (urn, container), and not nearby, not on the lawn; if the bin was not nearby, take the garbage with you, putting it in your pocket, backpack, bag.

Know that you can not take in your mouth and chew the first blade of grass that comes across.

Be aware of the dangers of visiting water bodies in different period years: you can not approach the water without adults; you can only swim with adults, for example with mom, dad or older brother or sister. You can not swim in unknown places. The bottom of a river or lake can be fraught with many dangers: a submerged snag that you can accidentally catch on, glass fragments, sharp tins that can cut mogi, cold springs and deep holes. In winter, rivers and lakes are covered with honey. It is dangerous to go out without an adult.

Know that "strangers" are those people whom the child does not know, does not recognize, even if they address him by name; the pleasant appearance of a stranger can be deceiving.

Have an idea of ​​how to behave if a "stranger" comes into the house, and the child is at home alone:

never open the door for anyone;

if they call for a long time, then go to the door, look through the peephole, ask: “Who is there?”; if a person turns out to be a stranger, then, without opening the door, find out what he needs and ask him to come in 15-20 minutes, say, for example, that dad is in the bathroom;

if the stranger does not leave, threatens - call 01, if there is no phone - shout, call for help.

Know how to answer phone calls when adults are not at home:

ask "Who's calling?";

say that the parents are busy (for example, mom is sleeping or in the bathroom);

ask to call back later.

Understand dangerous contact situations strangers on the street and know the "law of four NOTs":

never talk to strangers;

DO NOT get in a car with a stranger;

DO NOT accept treats and toys from strangers;

DO NOT walk outside alone when it is dark.

To know that in a situation of violent behavior on the part of a stranger (grabs the hand, picks up, drags into the car) it is necessary to: scream, run, tell adults about what happened.

Being a parent is not easy, it's not only physical work and moral fatigue, it is also a lot of "decisions of conscience." From how the parent presents the world and the people around the child, so the child further positions himself. In moments of carefree childhood, serious personality principles, the concept of morality, a culture of behavior and communication are laid. In what situations do we, adults, introduce such serious concepts into the world of children, because it would seem that at their age there are no moments that make you think about such things. But everything is different. Everything comes “out of the sandbox”, because it is there that relations are modeled, a projection for the future is created. They learn to share, to defend their own, not to offend and protect. And parents should direct children's emotions and reasoning in the right direction. And do not forget that children quickly begin to imitate, instantly grasp the judgments and behavior of adults, so you need to be judicious in resolving conflicts on the playground. Consider a few ambiguous situations and options for resolving the conflict within the framework of etiquette.

Children, when playing on children's playgrounds, as a rule, throw off toys in a common pile and all fiddle with them together. In the ideal case, no one shares anything, everyone plays in turn and what is free, but now, it's time for you to leave, and your toy is in the hands of someone else's child. You begin to slowly collect your belongings and reach it, ask the child to return the toy to you (after all, it’s time for you to go home, it’s important to always argue why you are taking the toy that was just available) - the baby in tears. At this time, the mother / father of the crying child joins you. His role is to pick up the toy and explain that the toy is someone else's and must be returned, and here is your wonderful owl, you must definitely thank the baby for the return, it was him, and not his parents. There are times when the parents of the baby from whom you need to take the toy are passive - in this case, the toy should also be taken away, still arguing, but at the same time offer in return something from what is in the public domain. In any case, such disputes must be ended peacefully, benevolently. Remember that your child is looking at you and will continue to copy your behavior in similar situations. However, there is one caveat - if your baby speaks well enough, you can entrust the mission of returning toys to him. This is important, the child will learn to solve such issues on his own, but before that it is necessary to explain the essence of the situation and how to proceed in general terms. Usually children are easier to resolve issues with peers than with adults. What should never be done? Leaving your toy with someone else's child. This will undermine your child's trust in you - you don't share your mobile if a random interlocutor on the bus likes it, do you? For a child, this is the same. This was his toy, though not the most beloved and cheap, but his own, and then you leave it in the hands of a whimpering peer and go home. It's absurd, you can't do that.

The reverse situation also occurs - your child does not want to return the toy to its rightful owner. In this case, it is first recommended to observe the reaction of your child from afar, and if he easily returns the toy to the owner after the argument, then be sure to praise the baby. If the return process is painful, it is worth intervening - repeat to the child that the toy is not his, offer something of his own, something interesting, and then, when the toy returns to the owner, talk with the baby on the topic that he would also not be pleased if he did not return his toy. Important! Avoid a moralizing tone in your conversations, speak in a friendly and equal manner.

Should children share their toys? No. If the kid did not dump his toys in a common heap, prefers to play alone and does not offer an exchange, does not pretend to other people's toys, then he should not be forced to share. And you must support his right to property. Explain to those who want to take his toy that he does not want to share yet. It is important! The kid reacts painfully to the fact that his toys are in the hands of strangers, provide him with confidence that he is his. Of course, such cases should not be confused with greed when a child not only does not want to share, but wants to take other people's toys. Be sure to talk about such cases, explain about the exchange and about other people's things.

The situations described above can be called "ordinary" parents face them every walk, but what if the situation on the playground becomes dangerous?

Dangerous situations also arise in the children's world - sometimes not even on purpose, but there are also situations when the child is excited, or has no idea about the norms of behavior on the site, and this entails negative consequences. If a child (your or someone else's, it doesn't matter) does not follow the queue on the hill, pours sand, throws toys / stones / other objects, then you can not wait for someone to react. React you! The actions of your child must be strictly stopped, explain why you are interrupting his lesson, what threatens others, that it is dangerous. If the child is a stranger and his parents are inactive, it is permissible to make a strict remark. In no case do not shout or threaten! Make comments if it is vital to stop his actions and be sure to look for his parents. If he was not a witness to the situation, describe it, but, of course, not every parent is objective towards his child and a conflict may arise. Try not to argue, describe the situation, explain your actions, that's all. There should be no repetition, because it is obvious that then the parents of the tomboy will be convinced of his actions and will stop it themselves.

In any scenario, always talk to the child, explain the cause-and-effect relationships of your actions and words, reason, give examples. The behavior of your children depends on your behavior. without being indifferent to children's world, we contribute to the further development of children as mature adults. We instill in them the norms of morality and ethics, a culture of behavior. Thus, a society of caring people is being formed, a fundamentally new generation, with a built-in sense of tact and justice.

When resolving conflicts in accordance with the norms of ethics, you, first of all, set an example, and also learn to interact on a new level with strangers yourself.

What situations did you find yourself in on the playground? Let's discuss on the forum!

Alexandra Andriyanova, 05/03/2015
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hi all! about the running "horses" 10-12 years old on the playground, they are big but still such-and-such children and they also want to run, climb. And you can agree with the majority. and yours will grow and be like that.


Indeed, a sore subject ... And all the bullshit, like dogs, drunks, etc., is due to impunity! So the police came to me because of the neighbors. There were no complaints about the neighbors, but I raised the "dog" question! She told me - and you are not the only one who cleans up after the dog, there is also on Avenue 2! man! Only three!!! And he says - you'll see who doesn't clean, take a witness and file a complaint with the police, preferably you need to know the dog owner's address! That's only then the police will act, and even that is not a fact! And to come up and penalize yourself - shish?


We have a problem with playgrounds in the area. Either go far to them, or the Soviet type or broken. Timur is growing up, and I am scratching my head - where should I go with him. Dogs on the playground are generally unacceptable for me - just like drunks and drinkers (I am silent about junkies). My husband scolds me that if I start chasing them - to say that once I get hit in the head like that. But after all, everyone is constantly silent and afraid, and then for such subjects this becomes the norm - alas.


Every time my daughter turns to the playground, my mood deteriorates. But she likes it there, we go. Our policeman, who drove the kids from school (), when he meets us, asks if everything is in order with us and do schoolchildren go there? It’s nice :-) And so our children don’t share toys (yesterday there was a terrible tantrum, I had to buy a similar toy in the store), then they run so that sweat hails from their mother’s forehead, otherwise they’ll run under the swing or onto the road. ..Well, grandmothers - "do not walk on toys with your feet ..." as if she would crush them, a child of two years old, even now I explain to her that you can’t walk on toys ... but she is not yet at that stage of self-regulation .. .to step over...


Dogs scare me the most, there have been so many cases ... but big children have nothing to do, so the poor toil. Everything is calm in our district, but we have a suburb, here the older ones ride bikes / roller skates, and the younger ones frolic calmly on the site, so I can’t imagine how to live in the center.


a mne hochetsja lish bitj druzhnee, ranjshe tam mamochki znakomilisj, a teperj... pridesh, oni svoemu orut - ne beri chuzhoe, poshli domoj. a ranjshe vse so vsemi igrushkami igrali. i vse svoim detjam razreshajut, u menja melkij lezet na lazilki, tak oni nichego svoim detjam postarshe ne govorjat kogda te tolkajutjsja, sjezhajut na moego melkogo.


yes, about the dogs on the site, this is terrible, I think you should at least wear a muzzle
we have built a wonderful Zemelblazma park with a playground and people are trying to sit in the sandbox, a child, a dog, a mistress, is that normal.
I would forbid you to go to the playground with dogs at all, because you can’t be sure for the animal, just like a child will run up to stroke and the dog will bite.


Although we ourselves have a big and kind dog, but I never let it off the leash near the playground or even in the park.


And how many broken-down platforms ....... either there are not enough steps on the stairs, or there are not enough sticks on the bridge ... then there are some holes ... just horror .... I solved the problem like this: I'm walking in the garden! there are climbing walls and nothing is written and the dogs will not come. I hope the garden will also be open in the summer and I will go there.


And I often come across how older children (7-10 years old) rush on the hills ... it’s strange to let your three-year-old go there ..... or the youth is just talking on top .... my ladder climbs and ...... .do not go further t to communicate there


Well, after today's visit to the site in Kengarags, I would remind you in the rules:
- look after a child. One mother of a child-horse (something about school age) released, she remained in the car herself, and the boy began to throw sand that I even had to raise my voice at him after a couple of remarks.
- keep dogs in muzzles. Dad came with an adult boxer without a muzzle and with a 3-year-old son. To be honest, I followed the dog more after that, because. didn't trust her.
- and on playgrounds for younger children, older "horses" that rush around really strain faster than the wind and in all directions, jumping over all possible fences-obstacles that are inaccessible to kids or even dangerous that at some point they will jump on them.


but in general we have a problem that all playgrounds are painted and painted with obscene expressions, to catch the one who does this would give them rags with detergent and let them erase their art and inscriptions, it’s good that the kids can’t read, otherwise they would immediately begin to read and ask questions.


thanks for raising this topic. we live in pardaugava green district, meteora park is near the house, Lermontov park and arcadia park and maras pond are nearby, I really like walking in Lermontov there are a lot of climbing walls, it’s a pity that many are painted and painted, I don’t like it when schoolchildren are after school they come and prevent the kids from playing, we go to the meteor park to feed the ducks, and so dog lovers walk there and rarely anyone cleans up after their pet, I don’t like the playground near the maras pond, they were there so they divide the children on a national basis FUCKING !!! it’s unpleasant when on the playground they drink alcoholic beverages, there are people in a state of intoxication, they smoke, teenagers who behave provocatively in front of kids, is there really no other place where to hug, kiss, etc.?

Good day, dear readers!

As I wrote in one of my previous articles, we finally have warm days, which means that the concentration of children on playgrounds has increased dramatically. Children's toys also migrated to the street, for which there is a daily serious battle. How to prevent fights in the sandbox? What to do, if child does not share toys? It's very simple: you need to follow playground rules.

Rules of conduct on the playground

1. Don't stand aside

The atmosphere on the playground depends entirely on the parents themselves. The behavior of kids is largely determined by how adults will communicate with each other, react to the actions of other people's children, organize a play space, and how they will behave in a conflict situation.

2. Toys in the sandbox - general

Have you noticed that having someone else's toys automatically makes your own unattractive? I have already understood that we take out our toys (a bucket, a scoop, crayons, a ball and other attributes) not in order to play ourselves, but in order to make an equivalent exchange. Simply put, if Tyoma is digging sand with an incomprehensible shovel, I am calm - someone is also fiddling with his scoop.

That is why you should not take out expensive or easily broken toys, that is, those that are especially a pity to lose. You will look like a real greedy person if you don’t want to share, and then you start lamenting: “Save me! I have a greedy child, what should I do? Although I will answer this question, only a little later.

3. Large toys: before taking, you need to ask permission

Usually, after playing in the sandbox, the kid rushes to some interesting car on a rope or a bicycle. If there are owners nearby, be sure to ask permission, especially if you do not have the same item. Well, if there is no one around, let the child just touch the handles, the signal, etc., explain what it is called and what it is intended for. Say that you don't know whose bike it is, so the kid won't ride it.

4. Conflicts to be

Fighting and sharing toys on the playground is completely normal. Thus, children learn to interact with each other, acquire the skills of behavior in a team, learn to defend their rights and give in, find a compromise and put up.

5. Children under three years old always need help to figure it out.

In the first three years of life, children still do not know how to decide independently. conflict situation in peaceful way. If you do not interfere in the "division of property", then the children will understand that the one who is stronger is right. It is adults who should teach children how to share toys, how to defend their rights if someone takes away a toy, how to jointly own one thing.

Children learn everything from the example of adults, so you should be the model of politeness and diplomacy. The intervention of parents in “urgent” situations is especially important: a fight, throwing sand and stones, and so on.

6. After three years, give children an attempt to figure it out on their own

In this way, they learn to communicate and behave in a team. If it was not possible to solve the problem peacefully, then you will have to intervene and once again explain the rules of behavior on the playground. Listen carefully to both sides of the conflict, do not take sides, but simply offer your view of the situation and several ways out of it.

7. Do not scold other people's children

You yourself would also not like it if your child was scolded. Every parent has a different view of raising children. Your job is to look after your baby. If a child does really bad things, talk to his mom or dad, depending on who he goes for a walk with.

You can not scold, but explain, make a remark to someone else's child in the case when his parents are not nearby, that is, those who could stop the baby. This applies to situations in which the bully could harm your child or other children. There is nothing wrong with a remark, perhaps you will even help a boy or girl learn the rules of behavior on the playground.

8. Do not insist if the child does not want to share toys.

This rule is especially relevant when the toy belongs to your baby. Perhaps this particular detail is dear to him, he needs it in this moment or he simply does not want to share with a child who is unpleasant to him.

It is important for the kid to learn to defend the right of ownership. You don't want him to grow up to be a person who can't say no, do you? Then give him the opportunity to decide for himself whether to give a toy or not. If he still does not want to part with the thing, do not call him greedy, it is better to pay attention to his ability to defend his rights and his property.

9. You still have to part with someone else's toy

Many parents ask: what if the child is greedy, what to do in this case? Someone else's toy will still have to give. It is difficult for children under three years old to explain this, they will have to distract, captivate with something interesting. But children after three should still be taught respect for other people's property. By the way, the rules also apply to other children: if someone else's baby does not want to give away your toy when, for example, you go home, try switching his interest to another scoop-bucket or politely explain that this is not his toy if the child is already big .

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