Questions for a children's quiz in the animal world. Quiz "in the world of animals"

Recipes 05.07.2019
Biology Quiz Game

for grades 5-6.

Compiled by: biology teacher Kulaeva.Zh.A.

Quiz game for grades 5-6.

Target: - upbringing careful attitude to nature, animals. Development of cognitive interest in the surrounding world.

Children choose teams of 7 people, it is possible from different classes, they call it themselves, they choose the team captain, for the correct answer the team receives a token, the team with the most tokens wins.

Equipment: animal paintings

"Tailed Quiz"

Task - guess the animal according to the description of its tail:

1. This wonderful jumper is helped by his tail to keep his balance. (Kangaroo.)

2. On the tail of this feline there is a fluffy tassel, and in it a sharp claw. (A lion.)

3. Its tail is gray in summer and white in winter. (Hare.)

4. Its tail is like a whip, it is great to drive away biting insects. (Cow.)

5. Piglet nose, crochet tail. (Pig.)

6. Her fluffy red tail flickers merrily between the green branches and serves as a parachute for her mistress while jumping. (Squirrel.)

7. They say about a coward that he trembles like her tail. (Sheep.)

8. He caught fish in the hole with his tail. (Wolf.)

9. This giant has a much longer nose than the tail. (Elephant.)

10. Her long fluffy tail covers well the traces of her cunning mistress, especially in the snow. (Fox.)

11. For this river builder, his tail is both a rudder and an oar, and in it he accumulates fat for the winter. (Beaver.)

12. This nocturnal animal sleeps with its tail wrapped around its head. (Lemur.)

13. Black triangles on a white fluffy royal robe are the tips of their tails. (Stoats.)

14. This animal is easily recognized by everyone by the black rings on its tail, the number of which ranges from 5 to 10. (raccoon.)

15. Under the tail of this animal there is a gland that contains a surprisingly foul-smelling liquid, which it sprays, raising its tail, at the enemy. (Skunk.)

16. The long naked tail of this animal, resembling a rat, replaces its fifth paw. Living on trees, he constantly uses it, wrapping tenacious rings around one or the other branch. (Opossum.)

17. This jumping animal has the head of a hare, the body and front legs of a mouse, the hind legs are of a bird, and the tail is of a lion. (Jerboa.)

18. With one wave of her tail, she broke a golden egg. (Mouse.)

19. The tail of these rodents is excellent tool for obtaining food from inaccessible places: the tail sticks out, dipped in sweetness, and then sucked. (Mice and rats.)

20. This prickly animal begins to shake its tail when meeting with the enemy. At the same time, long needles come off and fly in all directions. (Porcupine.)

21. The tail of this beauty gave the name female hairstyle. And her tail is combed, cut, curled and braided. (Horse, hairstyle - ponytail.)

22. He's in famous fairy tale lost his tail. (A donkey named Eeyore.)

23. The tail of these horned artiodactyls serves as a beacon for relatives: a raised small lump prevents the animals from getting lost and warns of danger. (Deers.)

24. Boots with spurs, a tail with patterns. (Rooster.)

26. This bird on its long tail "carries the news through the forest." (Magpie.)

27. Indians wear feathers from the tail of this bird on their heads. (Eagle.)

28. This bird can climb tree trunks with its tail forward. (Nuthatch.)

29. A very mobile bird, which, even when resting, constantly waves its long tail. This habit of hers gave the bird its name. (Wagtail.)

30. The tail of this bird is forked at the end, like a tailcoat. (Swallow, killer whale - barn swallow.)

31. The word "tail" is in the name of this bird, and the shape of its tail strongly resembles a musical instrument - a lyre. (Lyrebird.)

32. This bird "sings" with its tail. And the song is reminiscent of the bleating of a lamb: "Be-e-e." For this property, the bird received the nickname "forest lamb". (Snipe.)

33. This feathered healer would have fallen off the tree in a moment if he had not held onto the trunk with his claws and, of course, with his tail, which serves as a support for him. (Woodpecker.)

34. The tail of this small brownish-gray bird is fiery red, which is why he gave her such a “fire hazardous” name. (Redstart.)

35. His tail helps him to hunt: the blow of his tail is dangerous even for large animals. Covered with horny plates, it is heavy as a log. With a powerful tail, this animal knocks the victim down, throws it up and catches it with a huge toothy mouth. (Crocodile.)

36. Her head smoothly passes into the tail, there is not even a neck. (Snake.)

37. On the tail of this snake, the scales form a rattle, which is reflected in its name. (Rattlesnake.)

38. She is not afraid to lose her tail, because a new one will definitely grow. (Lizard.)

39. With its meter-long tail, this lizard mercilessly whips the enemy, inflicting sensitive and even dangerous blows. (Iguana.)

40. This sandy-colored lizard has a striped, upright tail. (Lizard gerbil.)

41. The tail of this descendant of dinosaurs serves as a grasping organ and can coil well. (Chameleon.)

42. The tail of this lizard begins to chirp during danger. Hearing the desperate cries of this tail, other owners of similar tails scatter. Even when broken off, the tail will spin, roll on the sand and “yell” at all the scales. (Gecko.)

43. This arthropod usually moves backwards with its tail. (Crayfish.)

44. She has a tail only in infancy, and then disappears. (Frog.)

45. These aquatic vertebrates, in the absence of a tail, would simply lie on the bottom and rest: the tail, like a steering wheel, pushes their body forward with its movements left and right. (Fish.)

46. ​​This fish can swim tail first: it "turns on the reverse" when faced with the enemy. (Knife fish.)

47. These aquatic mammals move with the help of a tail, which, unlike a fish, moves up and down. (Whales.)

48. The babies of this marine animal will be born tail first, so as not to drown at the time of birth. (Whale.)

49. In this species of primates, the tail fell off as unnecessary. (Human.)

Round 2 Quiz "Who talks like"

Task - remember how the following birds and animals “talk”:

dove ... (cooing);

capercaillie ... (current);

- duck ... (quacks);

- eagle owl ... (hoots);

- goose ... (cackles);

crane ... (curls);

sparrow ... (chirps);

crow ... (croaks);

turkey ... (cooling);

- fox ... (barks);

bear ... (roars);

- a goat ... (bleats);

- horse ... (neighs);

pig ... (grunts);

deer ... (croaks);

- elephant ... (trumpets);

mosquito ... (squeaks, wings);

grasshopper ... (chirps);

bumblebee ... (buzzing, buzzing);

bee ... (buzzes, buzzes);

Round 3 "Funny Anatomy"


1. Who has a tongue (tongue) but no mouth? (At the bell, at the boot, at the flame.)

2. Who has a neck but no neck? (At the bottle, at the decanter.)

3. Who has teeth, but no tongue, mouth? (At the saw, at the comb, at the gear.)

4. Who has an ear but no head? (At the needle.)

5. Who has hands but no hands? (At grapes, at rowan.)

6. Who has a back but no tummy? (At the chair, at the sofa, at the armchair.)

7. Who has legs but no arms or head? (At the table, at the stools, at the sofa.)

8. Who has arms but no legs? (At doors, at windows, at cups and mugs.)

9. Who has a nose (spout) but no face? (By the ship, by the teapot.)

10. Who has a face but no head? (At the fabric, at the clothes.)

11. Who has ribs but no spine? (At the cube, at the prism, at the pyramid.)

12. Who has a head, but no hair, arms or legs? (At the match, at the pin, at the bulb.)

13. Who has kidneys but no stomach and liver? (At a tree, at a bush.)

14. Who has bones but no skeleton? (Apricots, cherries, plums, etc.)

15. Which nails do not scratch and do not know manicure? (Marigold flowers, otherwise - calendula.)

16. Whose eyes are multi-colored and never blink? (Pansy flowers.)

18. Who has neither fists nor biceps, and will knock down any strong man? (At sleep.)

19. Which cup is impossible to drink from? (From the kneecap.)

20. Who speaks and sings without a tongue? (Radio, tape recorder.)

21. Who runs without legs? (River, stream, time.)

22. Who is without arms, without legs, but opens doors and windows, breaks trees, rips off hats? (Wind.)

23. Who flies without wings, runs without legs, swims without a tail and fins? (Clouds.)

24. Who is without eyes, but cries with tears? (Cloud, cloud, icicle, candle.)

25. Who has neither lungs nor gills, but breathes and sighs? (Dough.)

26. Who has a mustache but no face? (At strawberries, cucumbers, zucchini.)

Round 4 "Artist" Comic tour

Draw a cat with eyes closed!

Summing up. We award the winners.

Yana Glebova
Quiz "In the world of animals" for children 6-7 years old





Target: generalize children's knowledge about the animals of Africa and the Arctic, expand and activate vocabulary, develop the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.


clarify the names of animals, their habitat;

learn to agree nouns with adjectives;

choose adjectives for nouns;

exercise in word formation;

exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns;

develop speech, attention, memory, thinking;

to instill love for animals;

cultivate goodwill, cooperation skills.

Equipment: multimedia screen, laptop, logos with team names, tokens, “Expert in the World” medals, animal illustrations, “In the World of Animals” audio recording, magnetic board, camera, cap.

Preliminary work: looking at and reading books of encyclopedic content, looking at illustrations and photographs of animals, reading fiction on the topic, preparation (together with parents) of short messages about the animals of Africa and the Arctic, poems.

Game progress:

Children enter the hall to the music (2 teams).

Educator: A ray of sun blinds and teases us, We are having fun in the morning today. Winter gives us a ringing holiday And the main guest on it is the game! She is our big and smart friend, Will not let you get bored and discouraged, Starts a cheerful, noisy argument, Helps you learn new things!

You know a lot about animals, and the quiz game "In the world of animals" will help us test your knowledge, which will be dedicated to animals living in hot Africa and the cold Arctic. Two teams participate in the game: - the team that protects the animals of Africa is called "The Sun" and your motto is: "Shine always, shine everywhere and help friends in need!", - The team that protects the animals of the Arctic is called "Snowflakes", your motto is: " We, snowflakes, are simply class. Win, try us!"

Our game has rules: answer questions and complete tasks, and for each correct answer, teams will receive tokens.

Are the teams ready? We start our quiz "In the animal world".

Guys, why are animals called that? (They are alive; move, breathe, eat, multiply, grow). - Team "Sun" name the animals of Africa. - Team "Snowflakes" name the animals of the Arctic. (Children name animals)


Task: each team is given riddles, for the correct answer - a token. (Guesses appear on the multimedia screen).

Riddle for the "Sun" team 1. With a nose-hose, the giant washes like in the shower. This resident of hot countries is the largest on land. (elephant)

Riddle for the team "Snowflakes"

2. He is slow, fanged. His paws are like flippers, And in the pool of the zoo, the northern beast is hot. (walrus)

Riddle for the team "Sunshine"

3. Here is live crane, Inhabitant of hot countries, From the trunks of multi-story Tears and leaves and a banana. (giraffe)

Riddle for the team "Snowflakes" 4. Flies silently, Around the head, Polar, white Bird (owl)

Riddle for the "Sun" team 5. Sitting on an ice block, I catch fish for breakfast. Snow-white I have a reputation And I live in the north. (polar bear)

Riddle for the Snowflake team 6. I am a horse, but not the one that runs in a harness. I am from nose to tail - In a fur vest. (zebra)

2 COMPETITION "Question - answer"

Task: each team is asked questions, after consulting you are responsible, for the correct answer you get a token.

1) Which animal has the longest neck? (giraffe) Why does a giraffe have a long neck?

2) What northern bird can turn its head back? (Owl)

3) What bird can swim well but cannot fly? (penguin)

4) Who is called the king of beasts? (lion) Why?

5) What African bird cannot fly? (ostrich) Why do you think an ostrich can't fly? 6) What animal is called the ship of the desert? (camel) Why?

3 COMPETITION "Count the cubs"

Task: name the baby animals with the number two and five. (for example: 2 owlets - five owls, etc.)

And now for you a motor minute: let's turn into animals and show what they are. (using the multimedia screen)

Dily-dily-dily - crocodiles appeared. (Children portray a crocodile.)

Motes-motes-motes - hippos appeared. (They show how hippos walk, how wide they open their mouths.)

Afa-afy-afy - giraffes chew leaves. (Children stretch up, depicting giraffes.)

We-we-we - elephants splash water. (They puff out their cheeks, as if taking in water, then they splash.)

4 COMPETITION "Tell me about the animal"

Task: one child from each team is descriptive story about the animal.


This is a reindeer. He lives in the North. The deer has a thick, gray coat. Long, branched horns. Him strong legs, cloven hooves. The deer has a small short tail. People use deer as a means of transportation. Clothes are sewn from deer skins, its meat is eaten.

Guys, what did you learn from this story about the reindeer?

This is a zebra. She lives in Africa. The zebra has a striped skin, a stiff mane. She has strong legs with hard hooves, they run fast. Zebras big ears upright and large eyes. strong teeth with which she chews grass.

Guys, what did you learn from this story about the zebra?

5 COMPETITION "Pick a sign"

Task: teams look at pictures of an animal and answer the question “which one” using adjectives.

- Elephant, what (Huge, mighty, hefty, giant, strong, big, big-eared, long-nosed, calm, hardy, herbivorous)

– Hippo, what (Big, fat, short-legged, sedentary, lazy, big-headed, herbivorous)

- Giraffe, what (Tall, spotted, long-legged, calm, long-necked, herbivorous)

- Leo, which one? (Strong, big-maned, evil, lazy, formidable, predatory)

- Elephant, hippopotamus and giraffe - what are these animals? (herbivores) What does herbivores mean? (Children's answers) - And what kind of animal is a lion? (This is a predatory animal.) What does this mean? (This means that the lion eats meat and hunts animals)

PHYSMINUTE "JOURNEY" 6 COMPETITION "The fourth extra" Task: name one of the four animals that is extra, and explain why.

Lion, tiger, walrus, zebra. (Walrus) A picture appears

Camel, zebra, lion, giraffe. (LEV) A picture appears

Rhino, hippopotamus, tiger, wolf. (WOLF) A picture appears

Owl, ostrich, penguin, polar bear. (OSTRICH) A picture appears

Teacher: Do you like surprises? (children's answers)

And to make it happen, you need to close your eyes. (The teacher puts on a cap, a camera)

Photographer: Do you know who I am? (children's answers) Quite right, I am a photographer and I love to travel. I was in Africa and the Arctic, photographed various animals, these photos (shows illustrations of animals, here is a family of animals, but I just forgot what they are called. You know everything about animals, help me, name the animal family.

7 CONTEST "Name the family" Task: Look at the pictures of animals and name the animal family.

Tigress - tiger cub

baby elephant

She-bear cubs

Lion lioness cubs

Summarizing. - What did you like about our game? What task was the most difficult? Interesting?

Counting tokens shows us that friendship, ingenuity, resourcefulness have won, you are awarded medals "Connoisseurs of the surrounding world." - "Protect birds, animals and always help them." All the best!

The best of the best…

    Which bird has the most a long tail. (Magpie)

    Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift. 160-170km/h.

    The speed of which bird, when attacking prey, is 350 km / h, at other times it moves in the air more slowly than about 100 km / h (Peregrine Falcon)

    Name the biggest couch potato? (Badger. Sleeps all day in summer, and day and night in winter)

    Which animal lives the longest? (Elephant turtle. Its life expectancy is 175 years)

    What is the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth? (Blue whale. Its mass reaches 150 tons)

    Who is the largest land predator? ( Polar bear(length from 2.5 to 3.5 m., weight from 600 to 900 kg.)

    Name the most small mammal in the world. ( Bat long nose (length 30mm. weight 1.7g)

    Name the most large mammal in the world. (Blue whale (length up to 30m, weight 170t.)

    Which of the mammals on Earth is the fastest? (Cheetah. (speeds up over 100 km / h)

    Name the largest bird. (African ostrich (height up to 2.7 m., weight up to 150 kg.

    Name the smallest bird. (Hummingbird (length 57mm, weight 1.7g)

    The slowest animal in the world. (Sloth. The speed of his movement is 1 m. for 4 - 5 minutes.)

    We used to think that dogs are the best watchmen. But there is another creature that no one will pass unnoticed even at night. Who is it? (Goose. Recall the story that the geese saved Rome by waking the guards with their cackle when the Gauls stormed.)

    A bird that cannot fly, but can dive to a depth of 225m. and jumps to a height of up to 1.8m. (Penguin)

    An animal that has a beaver tail, otter or frog paws, duck nose, mole skin. He has teeth, he lays eggs, but feeds his cubs with milk. (Australian platypus)

    The ears of this animal consist of 27 muscles that can "move" independently of each other. (Cat)

    An animal that almost never drinks water, content with the juice of eucalyptus leaves. (Koala)

    What kind of animal that has the head of a hare, the torso and front paws of a mouse, the hind legs of a bird, the tail of a lion. (Jerboa)

    Best swimming speed 65km/h (Kasatka)

    An insect that jumps 60 times its own height (Bloch) is the leader among long jump record holders.

    The only animal with four knees. (Elephant)

    What insect can lift and move a load 50 times its own weight? (Ant - leaf cutter)

    The only mammal (other than humans) that can stand on its head (Elephant)

    The only bird that can swim but cannot fly. (Penguin)

    The animal that can go without drinking the longest. (Rat)

    Zebra - white with black stripes or vice versa? (White with black stripes)

    What do wasps build their nests from? (From paper. Wasps have the ability to produce it from wood pulp)

    when do polar bears have cubs? (winter during sleep)

    Do fish sleep? (Yes, with the onset of night, the fish go to bed, some even lie on their side, but their eyes remain open.)

    What animal is the most "vociferous"? (Crocodile, then hippopotamus and lion)

    Is a whale a fish? (No, a mammal)

    What kind of fish builds a nest? (Smelt)

    What bird can run along the bottom of a pond? (Dipper)

    Which tongue is longer than the body? (Chameleon)

    Home of the penguins. (Antarctica)

    The male of which bird incubates the offspring. (Penguin)

    Where is the most big nature reserve on the planet. (Antarctica)

    They are the first to fly to warm lands ... .. (Starlings)

    What is a pride? (This is the lion family)

    Do rabbits have a permanent home? (no, in winter they make temporary beds in the snow, and in the summer in the grass)

    This animal knows how to get rid of fleas in a completely amazing way. He takes a piece of wool in his teeth and enters the water, but not immediately, but carefully and gradually, step by step. Fleas do not like water, they climb from their paws onto their heads, backs, and stomachs. The animal has already plunged into the water, only a piece of wool in its teeth sticks out above the water. Fleas get over to him, the animal releases a piece of wool from his teeth, and he swims away with all the flea people. What is this mammal? (Fox)

    What does the saying "feet feed the wolf" mean? (The wolf does not ambush the prey, but catches up with it)

    What does a badger eat in winter? (Nothing, in winter he sleeps)

    What birds eat mushrooms? (Capercaillie)

    Which bird is a symbol of homesickness? (Crane)

    Why do lone wolves howl at the moon? (This howl warns other packs to leave their territory)

    What animal skins are used to make the robes of kings? (Ermine)

    Why are moose called "moose"? (Sukhaty from the word "plough". Strong, curved elk horns are very reminiscent of this famous agricultural tool)

    How do moose escape from mosquitoes and midges? (They climb into the water so that only the nose and eyes are visible)

    What bird is considered by the people as a harbinger of trouble? (Crow)

    With the arrival of what birds do we associate the beginning of spring? (Rooks)

    Whose paws are turned outward? (At a mole)

    Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

    Who sings, inflating air bubbles. (Frog)

MOU Serginskaya OOSh

Development extracurricular activities for grades 5-7

within the week of chemistry and biology

Quiz game "In the world of animals"
Game Goals

  • Educational goals: to repeat and systematize knowledge about animals and their life activities, about their relationship with the environment, about the role of animals in nature and human life, to improve the ability to recognize various animals by signs.

  • Correction-developing goals: to develop the speech activity of students, the skill of logical utterance, to develop the skills of oral coherent speech, to develop the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions.

  • Educational goals: to cultivate a love for nature, to instill an interest in biology.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, magnetic chips.
World Animal Day or just animal day - international day, designed to draw the attention of mankind to the problems of the rest of the inhabitants of the planet Earth. This date is celebrated every year on October 4th.
Rules of the game.

The class is divided into two teams. Teams take turns choosing a question and answering it. Teams receive 1 point for each correct answer. All participants play. The number of points is determined by the number of magnetic chips on the board. The team with the most points wins.

Choose a question number only 25 questions)


























Answer options appear on the slide first, then the question. For the development of cognitive interest and curiosity, each answer is accompanied by brief message and interesting facts.


Answer options

Answer - message

1. What animal eats up lunch for three days in advance?

  1. Chimpanzee

  2. Elephant

  3. Boa

  4. Hippopotamus

Boas they can swallow a whole rabbit or goat, and then not want to eat for several days.

2. Which of these animals did primitive man teach first?

  1. Sheep

  2. Dog

  3. Boar

  4. Cat

According to scientists, the very first accustomed animal was dog.

3. Which animal's fur does not get wet in water?

  1. Sable

  2. Mongoose

  3. Otter

  4. Sloth

Fur otters lubricated with grease and almost does not get wet in water.

4. What animal howls at the moon?

  1. Wolf

  2. Brown bear

  3. Fox

  4. monitor lizard

Wolves howl at the moon, calling on their relatives.

5. What birds fly a distance in a year, almost equal to the length equator?

  1. Gull

  2. Parrot

  3. Owl

  4. secretary bird

Twice a year, from the polar tundra to Antarctica, Arctic terns ( seagulls) fly 15 thousand km. For comparison, the length of the equator is 40 thousand km.

6. What animal can look in different eyes different sides?

  1. Chameleon

  2. Lemur

  3. Lizard - basilisk

  4. Frog

Eyes chameleon move independently of each other and can look in different directions.

7. On the paws of which animal are two or three large claws up to 7 cm long?

  1. Hyena

  2. Ant-eater

  3. Sloth

  4. Battleship

Paws sloths adapted so that animals can hang on trees for a long time with the help of long curved claws.

8. What bird can even swallow a leg of lamb?

  1. Penguin

  2. Marabou

  3. Bustard

  4. Vulture

Marabou bones are often swallowed whole. Every day he eats about a kilogram of various carrion and small living creatures.

9. What animal can hold its breath for 6 minutes?

  1. Marmot

  2. pangolin

  3. Sloth

  4. Battleship

armadillos can hold their breath. This helps them to move through the reservoirs along the bottom.

10. Which of these animals is not a rodent?

  1. Mouse

  2. Hare

  3. Rat

  4. Porcupine

Hares, like rabbits, are separated into a separate order of lagomorphs.

11. Which of these animals is not a bovid?

  1. Reindeer

  2. saiga

  3. Buffalo

  4. nilgai

Reindeer belongs to the deer or deer family.

12. Which of the following animals is considered the largest bird?

  1. Ostrich

  2. Peacock

  3. Bustard

  4. Penguin

Ostrich- the largest bird on Earth. The average ostrich is 2.5 m tall and weighs 120 kg.

13. Another name for which animal is the irbis?

  1. Leopard

  2. Tiger

  3. Jaguar

Snow leopard or the snow leopard lives on the tops of the mountains of Altai, the Himalayas, the Pamirs.

14. What bird can glide for hours in the air without a single flap of its wings?

  1. Albatross

  2. Vulture

  3. Goose

  4. Owl

Albatrosses in good weather can glide for hours on the turbulent currents of ocean air without flapping their wings

15. What animals defend themselves by waving their paws with sharp claws?

  1. Ant-eater

  2. pangolin

  3. Sloth

  4. Battleship

Giant ant-eater can disembowel a dog with one blow of the front paw.

16. What animal is called a water mole?

  1. Shrew

  2. Muskrat

  3. Otter

muskrat by origin very close to moles, but live in the water. Therefore, they are also called water moles.

17. Who swallows his food first and then chews it?

  1. Rhinoceros

  2. Tapir

  3. Elephant

  4. Roe

At roe deer, like all ruminants, a special way of eating. First, they swallow food, and then, in a safe place, they chew it.

18. What is the fastest snake?

  1. Mamba

  2. King Cobra

  3. Anaconda

  4. coral snake

The fastest snake is black mamba, one of the most dangerous poisonous snakes Africa. Its speed can reach 16-19 km/h.

19. What animal's ears are used for cooling?

  1. Elephant

  2. Giraffe

  3. Rhinoceros

  4. Hippopotamus

in the ear elephant many vessels that contribute to the cooling of the body. On hot days, the elephant constantly flaps its ears, creating a light breeze.

20. What animals attack small livestock in Africa and America?

  1. Jaguar

  2. Leopard

  3. Wolf

  4. Baboon

Baboons attack small antelope, sheep and pigs.

21. What animals are famous for their excellent memory?

  1. Elephant

  2. saiga

  3. Ant-eater

  4. Rat

elephants remember the person who offended them for life.

22. Who was the royal hunt in France?

  1. musk deer

  2. Noble deer

  3. Elk

  4. Buffalo

Royal hunting in France was conducted on deer.

23. What kind of fish can crawl on land?

  1. Anabas

  2. stingray

  3. Stickleback

  4. Dolphin

Anabas, or creeper fish lives in freshwater reservoirs of India, South Asia and the Philippine Islands.

24. What animals prey on seals and arctic foxes?

  1. White shark

  2. Walrus

  3. Himalayan bear

  4. Polar bear

White bears seals, arctic foxes, fish, and reindeer are well caught.

25. What bird - close relative Chicken?

  1. Goose

  2. Peacock

  3. Pigeon

  4. Gull

Handsome peacocks belong to the same order as the chickens we are used to.

    The questions are partly taken from the disc "Most smart questions about animals" - IDEX Creative team, 2006.

Quiz for schoolchildren with answers on the topic Animals

1. What large herbivore sleeps during the day and eats at night without fear of predators? Its stomach is one and a half meters long and seventy-five centimeters wide, its skin is thick, and it is also "armed and very dangerous." About what animal in question? (About the rhinoceros)

2. What animal lives in the water in summer and in the ground in winter? (Water rat)

3. Which animal has paws turned outward with their palms out? (At a mole. Its paws are adapted to dig the ground)

4. What little animal neither the fox nor the ferret eats? (The shrew, because for the delicate sense of smell of predatory animals the smell of musk emanating from the shrew is unbearable)

5. The footprint of what predatory beast is similar to a human one? (bear)

6. What animals did the conqueror raise a toast to? South Pole Roald Amundsen? (For the dogs. It was with their help that he reached the goal of his journey)

7. Which animal has favorite calluses on its feet and in its mouth? (This is a camel. Dense corns on the legs are needed to walk on hot sands, and in the mouth - to chew on thorns and not get hurt)

8. This animal has no teeth. It breaks the nests of its prey with its paws, then takes out ants or termites with its tongue up to sixty centimeters long, after which it rubs the insects with its muscular stomach. What is this amazing animal? (Ant-eater)

9. What animal has a black tongue forty-five centimeters long, a huge heart so that it supplies blood to a great height in the head, and a very developed upper lip to pick off the most delicate leaves of plants? (Giraffe)

10. This animal lives in total darkness. Hunts for worms and insects. Having found such worms more than he can eat, he neutralizes them with a bite, but leaves them alive. Stores his supplies in an underground pantry. And he can eat as much in a day as he weighs himself. Who is it? (Mole)

11. These animals hunt at night with the help of hearing and smell, not relying on sight. They attack in packs of up to thirty individuals on large animals. Together they can even recapture the prey from the lions. In a few minutes, even from a large antelope there will be no trace left. Their jaws are so strong that they can bite through the tibia of a buffalo. What are these animals? (hyenas)

12. Sailors often see dolphins rescue drowning swimmers by pushing them to the surface. What explains such nobility? (Dolphins breathe air. The dolphin mother pushes the baby born in the water with her nose to the surface so that the baby takes its first breath. In addition, the flock pushes the sick fellow to the air. Such a maternal and brotherly instinct makes dolphins save drowning people)

13. Which of the animals played in Krylov's Quartet and in the ensemble of musicians from the city of Bremen? (A donkey)

14. When the Europeans brought this animal to Tahiti, the islanders, who had not seen it before, gave it the name "pig with teeth on its head." What do we call this animal? (Cow)

15. What animal day do Americans celebrate on the second of February every year? (Groundhog Day. He leaves the mink after a long hibernation, which means that spring has come)

16. What animals did the Arabs consider cursed by Allah, and the Hindus built temples in their honor? (Monkey)

17. Which animal is believed by Australians to never drink? (Koala)

18. What animal promises good luck to an Englishman and a Frenchman, and God forbid a Russian to meet him? (Black cat)

19. If a cat is aggressive, it arches its back, presses its ears, nervously moves its tail. If the dog is aggressive, it bares its teeth, bristles and growls. And what animal in this situation bares its teeth, presses its ears and tries to turn its back? (Horse)

20. Name the largest animal that builds nests. (African gorilla. The male reaches 1.7-1.8 meters in height and weighs 136-227 kilograms. Every day they build new ground rounded nests with a diameter of 1 meter)

21. What animal can open its mouth 180 degrees? (African hippo)

22. Name two primates that can turn their heads 180 degrees. (Philippine tarsier and galagos)

23. Which animal builds the tallest structures out of silt, stones and trees? (Beaver. The highest beaver hut was 4.8 meters, and the longest dam stretched for one and a half kilometers)

24. Which mammal has the fastest pulse? (A shrew's heart beats at a speed of 1,200 beats per minute)

25. What animal has the largest number of different names in different languages? (Puma. Only in English language She has over forty names, including: cougar, mountain lion, red tiger and Florida panther)

26. What animal kept the speed of fifty-six kilometers per hour for a distance of six kilometers? (Pronghorn antelope. Lives in the western United States, southwestern Canada and Mexico)

27. What herbivore has ever-growing fangs, the average length of which is 71 centimeters? (At the hippopotamus)

28. What mammal has the largest eyes in diameter relative to its body? (Philippine tarsier. Its body length is 8.5-10 centimeters, and the diameter of the eyes is 1.6 centimeters. If such proportions were maintained, human eyes would be the size of a grapefruit)

29. What is the oldest domestic animal in Europe? (A dog. Was tamed over nine thousand years ago. Then goat and pig come over five thousand years ago)

30. Who said: “Animals are my friends. And I don't eat my friends? (English writer Bernard Shaw)

31. Name the most primitive multicellular animal. (Sponge. She has no sense organs, but can respond to stimuli. Sponges form large settlements in the sea)

32. What representatives of the fauna live on the highest mountain peaks? (Spiders. Winds in abundance bring live flies, mosquitoes, and small plants to such a height)

33. Which of the animals, except birds, makes nests? (Fish. In our area, smelt builds nests every spring. The male constantly guards it, trying to scare away all uninvited guests)

34. Name the only feline whose claws do not retract (do not retract into the paw pads). (Cheetah)

35. Which animal head did the mythological Minotaur have? (bull head)

36. What animal head did the Egyptian goddess Bastet have? (cat head)

37. Pumbaa from Disney's The Lion King is what animal? (Warthog)

38. What modern rodents are the largest in the world? (Capybara or capybara)

39. Name the only marsupial animal that does not come from Australia or its environs, but from America. (Opossum)

40. Name another name giant panda. (Bamboo bear)

41. What animal of the crocodile family lives in the swamps of Florida? (Alligator)

42. What is the name of an animal whose father is a stallion and mother is a donkey? (Loshak)

43. What is the name of the animal whose father is a donkey and mother is a mare? (Mule)

44. What is the name of the American prairie wolf? (Coyote)

45. Guanaco and vicuña are two types of what animal? (Lamas)

46. ​​What is the name of the large dolphin, which has the nickname "killer whale"? (Orca)

47. What is the name of the Black Sea shark? (Katran)

48. Who is called "sea cucumber"? (trepanga)

49. Many Africans living with him in the same area avoid calling his name and call him: "The one who kills, smiling." What animal are you talking about? (About the crocodile)

50. How can a sperm whale, walrus and narwhal replace an elephant? (Their teeth replace ivory)

51. What artiodactyl cub can withstand a fall from a height of two or three meters during childbirth? (Giraffe)

52. The inhabitants of East Africa, seeing the tank for the first time, joyfully shouted: “Faro! Faro!” as the tank reminded them of a well-known animal. What animal means "faro" in their language? (Rhinoceros)

53. Not a single carnivore will touch the carcass of an animal that died from ... From what? (From lightning)

54. Name two Australian mammals that lay eggs. (platypus and echidna)

55. What is the name of a young, not yet lambing sheep? (Yarka)

56. What was the name of the primitive bull? (Tour)

57. How many animals form a perennial cycle Eastern calendar? (Twelve)

58. How many animals are included in the Zodiac? (Seven: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo)

59. Name the bamboo eater that became the symbol of the International environmental organization? (Panda)

60. With the head of what animal was depicted the Hindu god of wisdom - Ganesha? (With the head of an elephant)

61. What animals are more effective than dogs for finding truffles? (pigs)

62. What is another name for the musk ox? (musk ox)

63. What is the name of the calf reindeer under the age of one month? (Fawn)

64. When Jesus Christ was for forty days in the desert among the mountains, according to legend, he created these animals so that they would tell him when the sun was rising and when it was setting. What are these animals? (The bats)

65. Name the largest predatory animal on earth, the weight of which can reach a ton. (Polar bear)

66. What is the name of a creature with a fox's head in Russian mythology? (Kikimora)

67. Which of the great apes has more in common with humans? (The chimpanzee has less of them, the orangutan has even less)

68. How are giraffes delivered to the zoo if their height is six or seven meters and not a single giraffe will fit on a train or on an airplane? (Not adult giraffes are delivered to zoos, but young ones no more than one and a half meters tall)

69. How does a chameleon change color? (The skin of a chameleon is transparent, and under it are cells of red, yellow and black colors. When one or another of them expands or contracts, it seems that the lizard changes color)

70. What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? (Alligators live in North America, crocodiles - in Africa, Asia, Australia. The only exception is the Chinese alligator, the rarest of all. Alligators are smaller. The crocodile, even when its mouth is closed, shows two fangs. Alligators do not

71. Buffalo meat was eaten, ropes were woven from their wool, moccasins were made from skins, glue and baby rattles were made from hooves, cups and spoons were made from horns, weapons were made from bones. And what was made from tough buffalo tongues? (Combs)

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