What should I do if my legs are swollen. Swelling of the legs in the foot area: why is it dangerous

Fashion & Style 14.11.2020
Fashion & Style

When a person first sees swelling in his legs, the first thing he experiences is fear and a desire to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Of course, edema often indicates serious diseases of the heart or kidneys, but before grabbing medications or folk remedies for edema, you need to find out as accurately as possible why your legs swell, and for this it is reasonable to consult a doctor, and not rush to the Internet with a request “swelling of the legs, what to do”.

All edema is divided into several groups depending on the reasons that cause them (see details). This also influences the main approaches to treatment.

  • Orthostatic edema due to forced positions.
  • Edema in nephrotic syndrome against the background of renal pathologies (glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis) or systemic diseases (amyloidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, lymphogranulomatosis, diabetes), as well as nephropathy of pregnant women.
  • Cardiac edema with circulatory failure (with heart defects, heart rhythm disturbances and coronary heart disease, cor pulmonale decompensations).
  • Venous edema with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities.
  • Lymphedema.
  • Idiopathic edema in women.

What to do with swollen feet before going to the doctor?

Until the moment when a person manages to get an appointment with a specialist, it is inappropriate to leave edema unattended. However, this does not mean that you should immediately start taking diuretics, since uncontrolled intake of these drugs is fraught with a number of side effects that are not inferior in severity to the edema itself.

But the simplest measures that help reduce or relieve swelling of the legs will not bring harm to health.

  • First, leg swelling can be reduced by positional drainage.

In this way, edema is well eliminated as a result of venous stasis or edema of the position, when a person spends a long period of time in a forced position with his legs down or stands for a long time. To properly drain, you need to raise your leg from heel to hip above the level of the body at an angle of thirty to forty-five degrees. To do this, you can lie down with a rolled-up blanket under your feet (so, by the way, you can sleep through the night without any problems) or sit down with pillows under your feet. Any amount of time, from half an hour, spent in this position can reduce leg swelling.

  • Limiting fluid and salt intake

Another factor that can help in the fight against swelling in the legs is the restriction of liquids drunk during the day (up to two and a half liters, including soup), refusal to drink at night and reducing salt intake. The fact is that table salt (sodium chloride) contains sodium, which, lingering in the body, pulls water into the tissues and provokes swelling. Enough to start to refuse salting ready meals, gradually reducing and adding salt when cooking.

Also, with swelling of the legs, simple physical exercises can help:

  • tiptoe walking
  • alternating toe and heel elevation while standing or sitting
  • dorsiflexion of the foot
  • spreading and clenching of the toes
  • foot massage

Self-massage of the feet and legs can also be effective, which should be started from the fingertips, kneading the soles of the feet, and done for 2-5 minutes, alternating stroking, rubbing and kneading. Yoga classes are also very effective, as they help improve blood circulation, massage internal organs, which has a positive effect on metabolism and the general condition of the body.

  • With a deficiency of magnesium in the body - taking dietary supplements and multivitamins

Swelling of the legs can be caused by a lack of magnesium, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, taking Magne B6, Magnelis B6, Magnerot, multivitamins can significantly reduce the swelling of the lower extremities. During pregnancy, you should not take magnesium preparations on your own, only a doctor prescribes the dosage and course of treatment.

  • Taking aromatic baths or foot baths

As a solution for baths, you can use mineral water or tonic, which is diluted with alcoholic beverages, the components contained in soda and quinine reduce puffiness. Baths with drops essential oils or Epsom salts or foot baths with sea salt also relieve the condition. Any water procedures, bathing, swimming give rest and relaxation to the legs, since water pressure prevents the expansion of blood vessels and helps to reduce swelling of the legs.

How to reduce leg swelling depending on the cause?

After a thorough diagnosis of edema has been carried out and their true cause has been identified, the doctor prescribes one or another treatment regimen. Duration medical measures directly depends on the origin of edema:

Orthostatic edema

Such edema is treated with postural drainage. Cold foot baths can also be effective with them. To do this, the legs to the knees are immersed in a container of cool water for fifteen to thirty minutes.

nephrotic edema

This is a more serious situation that requires a systematic approach. Since in this case, the cause of swelling of the legs becomes a violation of renal filtration, the first thing to do is to reduce the load on the kidneys. For this purpose, a diet is prescribed:

  • restrictive fluid up to 2 liters per day
  • salt up to 3 grams per day
  • protein up to 90-60 grams
  • So, with glomerulonephritis, glucocorticoids (prednisolone), cytostatics (cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, cyclosporine, azathioprine), penicillin antibiotics are prescribed.
  • In the poststreptococcal process and ACE inhibitors in the variant with arterial hypertension (enalapril, ramipril).
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis are also treated with hormones and cytostatics.
  • Nephropathy against the background of diabetes requires the appointment of insulin or hypoglycemic drugs such as sulfonylurea (glibenclamide, gliclazide, gliquidone, glimeprimidone), biguanides (metformin), thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone), alpha-glycoidase blockers (acarbola).

Edema itself is resolved by prescribing diuretics (furosemide, indapamide). With the ineffectiveness of conservative measures, dialysis is prescribed, that is, a hardware purification of the blood, which replaces the natural function of the kidneys.

Cardiac edema

Cardiac pathologies leading to swelling of the legs also require complex treatment. Treatment begins with a diet (restriction of water-salt load). You also need to adjust the weight and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis by balancing vegetable and animal fats in the diet and taking anti-atherosclerotic drugs (see - vasilip, simvastatin, astorvostatin, rosuvostatin). Smoking is contraindicated, which spasms blood vessels and alcohol, which has a direct toxic effect on the heart.

Chronic heart failure is treated using:

  • agents that increase myocardial contractility - cardiac glycosides, such as digoxin, strophanthin
  • drugs that reduce vascular tone:
    • ACE inhibitors - berlipril, enalapril, diroton, ramipril
    • angiotensin receptor blockers - losartan, valsartan
    • nitrates - nitrosorbide
  • diuretics - hypothiazide, spironolactone, indapamide, furosemide
  • drugs that reduce the load on the heart: beta-blockers - metoprolol, betaloc ZOK, bisoprolol, carvedilol, nebivalol

Heart defects are subject to surgical correction, if the sinus node is weak, artificial pacemakers are placed, and coronary artery bypass grafting is used in coronary disease and after heart attacks.

Venous edema

Venous edema is one of the most common types of leg edema. Their cause may be hiding in varicose veins or vein thrombosis (see).

With venous insufficiency, the first measures that help eliminate swelling are drainage by position and compression bandaging of the legs. Today, instead of bandages, specialized compression stockings(cm. ). Both bandaging and stockings should be applied in the morning, without getting out of bed in a prone position, while the blood has not yet stagnated in the veins against the background of a daily load.

Since the cause of venous stasis can be an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, it is worth avoiding heavy lifting and dealing with constipation. The diet for pathology of the veins should not contain spices, pepper, it is advisable to give up alcohol and smoking (see).

  • Venotonics (venitan, antistax, troxevasin), rutosides (venolan, venoruton, ginkor forte), saponins (escusan), diosmin,.
  • With complete failure of the veins, they are switched off from the bloodstream with the help of venosclerosing drugs (hepatrombin or ethoxysclerol), which are injected into the veins or removed promptly.
  • Even with venous pathologies, it is recommended to improve capillary blood flow with pentoxifylline and low molecular weight dextrans.
  • Thrombotic complications are treated with direct (heparin) or indirect (phenindione, coumarin derivatives) anticoagulants.
  • In acute thrombosis in a surgical hospital, heparins are administered, followed by a switch to warfarin, or an operation is performed.

Lymphatic edema (lymphedema) is the result of a violation of drainage through the lymphatic vessels. They accompany congenital anomalies or blockage of the lymphatic vessels, malignant tumors. In this case, as a rule, one leg swells.

  • With this form of edema, the condition is somewhat facilitated with the help of:
    • positional drainage
    • compression bandages or underwear
    • foot massage
  • Physiotherapy exercises and methods of physiotherapy are also prescribed:
    • Pneumatic massage comes down to the fact that with the help of a special apparatus, an ascending wave is formed over the area of ​​influence high blood pressure, which acts from 1 to 7 minutes and drives the lymph from the periphery of the limb to the central ducts.
    • With kinesiology taping in the projection of the lymphatic vessels, a network of adhesive tape is superimposed. Which lifts areas of soft tissues, stimulating the outflow of lymph.

Contraindications to physiotherapy are acute infectious and skin processes, tumors,. There are also surgical techniques for restoring the paths of the lymphatic outflow by creating fistulas between the lymphatic and venous systems.

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women

The legs of a pregnant woman carry a double load, so all conditions are created for venous stasis. The situation is aggravated by compression of the inferior vena cava by the pregnant uterus, as well as difficult ventilation of the lungs and increased demands on the work of the heart. Therefore, often in healthy pregnant women, after a whole day, especially if it is spent on their feet, shod in narrow shoes, the feet or ankles of the legs swell. Usually it is enough to lie down for a while, putting a blanket under your feet, so that the puffiness subsides.

The situation becomes more serious when edema in a pregnant woman is the result of preeclampsia or nephropathy (see). These situations require observation by a doctor and timely medical correction. Often such women are offered hospitalization in an obstetric hospital, which should not be neglected in order to maintain the pregnancy. After all, if future mother legs swell, what to do should be decided by a competent doctor, who will be responsible for the health of the baby.

How diuretics are selected

The basis of the kidney is the nephron, which includes a vascular glomerulus, its capsule and a system of afferent and efferent tubules connected by a loop. The efferent tubule passes into the collecting duct, which flows into the renal pelvis. The glomerulus filters blood plasma and turns it into primary urine. Throughout the tubules, part of the water, as well as sodium, potassium and chlorine ions, are partially absorbed back.

Different classes of diuretics are preferred for different causes of leg swelling.

  • Saluretics are called diuretics, the effect of which is based on the excretion of potassium and magnesium ions. These include:
    • thiazide (hypothiazide, cyclomethiazide)
    • sulfonamides (indapamide, chlorthalidone, clopamide)
    • loop (furosemide, lasix, torasemide, ethacrynic acid, bumetanide)
    • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (diacarb, acetazolamide).
  • Osmotic diuretics (urea, beckons) work due to the difference in osmotic pressure in the tubules, which prevents the reabsorption of water.
  • Potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone, veroshpiron, eplerenone) work in the efferent tubule, interfering with potassium losses.
By efficiency
  • Diuretics are strong - furosemide, lasix, tripas, uregit, brinaldix, clopamd, ethacrynic acid
  • medium strength - hypothiazide, hygroton, cyclomethiazide, oxodoline
  • weak - veroshpiron, diacarb, triamterene
By duration of action
  • Long-term (up to four days) eplerenone, chlorthalidone, veroshpiron
  • Medium-term (up to 14 hours) are diacarb, hypothiazide, clopamide, triamterene, indapamide
  • Short-acting diuretics (up to 8 hours) are beckoning, lasix, furosemide. Torasemide, ethacrynic acid
By the speed of action
  • secrete fast diuretics (begin to act after half an hour): furosemide, ethacrynic acid, torasemide, triamterene
  • medium (after 2 hours): amiloride, diacarb
  • slow (after 2 days): veroshpiron, eplerenone

Diuretics are selected as follows:

  • In chronic heart failure and nephrotic syndrome, loop diuretics are preferred.
  • Osteoporosis requires the appointment of thiazides.
  • Indapamide is used for metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus.
  • Spironolactone is indicated for increased secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal glands.
  • Arterial hypertension is treated with thiazides and indapamide.
  • Severe swelling of the legs due to heart failure requires parenteral administration of lasix or furosemide.

It should be remembered that the treatment of edema should not be started with taking diuretics, but with a trip to the doctor in order to establish the true cause of edema as soon as possible and get an adequate recommendation on what to do when the legs swell.

Most often, the lower parts of the legs swell - the feet and ankles. This localization is caused by a natural cause - gravity.

With edema, fluid accumulates in the tissues. Excess fluid is easily determined. If you strongly press your finger on the swollen area, then in this place after you remove your finger, a depression remains for some time.

Often the cause of swelling of the legs are diseases of the veins (chronic or acute thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, phlebothrombosis. Because of these diseases, the outflow of blood from the feet of the ankles is disturbed, intracapillary pressure increases.

Edema develops on the affected leg. It is often preceded by pain. In acute thrombophlebitis, the skin in the affected area may turn red.

Fluid buildup in the tissues as a result of heart failure can also lead to swelling in the ankle area. With serious lung diseases, for example, with severe bronchial asthma, the heart also cannot work effectively, blood stagnates, venous pressure rises, which leads to edema, including the ankles. Often, edema can be caused by diseases of the kidneys and even the liver. In liver disease, fluid usually first accumulates in the abdomen (ascites), and later edema appears on the legs.

If swelling is caused by diseases of the internal organs, you need to consult a doctor, but you can take some measures yourself.

A low-salt diet and reduced fluid intake can help reduce fluid retention and swelling.

If your legs are swollen, you can lie down with one or two pillows under your shins so that your legs are higher than your heart, but do not put pillows just under your knees.

Those who have swollen legs should not wear socks or stockings with elastic bands.

Don't sit or stand for long periods of time. If you have to stay in one of these positions for a long time, from time to time let the calf muscles work by moving your feet and toes. It is also useful to wear special therapeutic elastic stockings or tights that help reduce swelling.

If swelling occurs, be sure to consult your doctor. The doctor will perform a thorough examination, including the heart and lungs, as well as the legs, take blood tests to check the functioning of the kidneys and liver and determine the protein content. If necessary, diuretics (water pills) may be prescribed. They are effective, but they also have some side effects. For example, the leaching of potassium from the body, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Therefore, when taking diuretics, add potassium-rich foods (apricots, dried apricots, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelons, apples, raisins, milk) to your diet.

Swelling of the leg can also be caused by an ankle injury. The degree of swelling in this case does not indicate the severity of the damage. The leg can be very swollen and with sprain, and with a rupture of the ligaments, and with a fracture.

With a fracture of the bones of the ankle joint, the leg swells less than with a sprain. A sprain or rupture of the ligaments is usually accompanied by bleeding into the surrounding tissues, causing the skin in this place to become blue-black.

If there is no fracture, then plaster is not required. But treatment should be started immediately - to ensure the immobility of the joint, apply ice, etc. With a slight damage to the ligaments, this is enough. However, if after 1-2 days there is no improvement, you should see a doctor.

To determine the type of injury, the doctor will check the mobility of the leg at the ankle joint and may also recommend x-rays. If there is no fracture, or if there is a benign non-displaced fracture, you will likely be offered to continue home treatment. Other fractures require a plaster cast.

The injured leg must be kept elevated. Immediately apply ice wrapped in a towel and plastic bag to the injured area and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. If even slight swelling appears after the first half hour, then apply ice for the next few hours for 30 minutes at 15-minute intervals. If the ankle joint stops hurting in an elevated position, you can carefully try to step on this leg. If the joint still hurts under load, then it is better not to do this for the first day. Warm compresses can only be done after 24 hours. An elastic bandage also helps. Do not stretch it when applying a bandage - it should not be very tight and impede blood circulation. Do not bandage children yourself, as an incorrectly applied bandage can disrupt blood circulation in the foot. If the skin below the bandage turns blue or pale, then the bandage is applied very tightly. In this case, loosen the bandage.

After about 10 days, the ankle joint should return to normal. However, keep in mind that complete healing can only be expected after 4-6 weeks. If at this time you need to move, for example, do therapeutic exercises, then the ankle joint must be bandaged. However, a bandage will not protect against re-injury if you return to full load.


In healing and folk medicine, considerable experience has been gained in the use of natural remedies that help quickly relieve swelling of the legs. Some simply eliminate this unpleasant symptom when the legs swell after heavy physical exertion (this is especially common with big weight), others are aimed at normalizing water-salt metabolism. There are also recommendations to help improve the functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver, which directly affect the removal of excess fluid from the body.

If your legs are tired and swollen in the evening, it is very useful to take warm foot baths. For such baths, you can use an infusion of chamomile flowers, sage, horsetail: 100 g of dry grass is poured into a liter of hot water, boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, insisted for 45 minutes, filtered. The resulting infusion is diluted with 3-4 liters of water.

When the legs are burning with fatigue, a foot bath made from an infusion of black elderberry flowers helps a lot.

It is useful to wipe swollen and tired legs with ice. Even better, prepare ice from an infusion of sage leaves, chamomile flowers, field cornflower or yarrow herb.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the legs. Massage your feet daily with a hard towel from the toes up. The foot can be massaged strongly, while the knees and hips can be massaged weaker. You can use two brushes with medium bristles for massage. In this case, synchronous circular movements rub the legs from the feet to the inguinal folds. Continue massaging until the skin turns red. After it, lubricate the skin with a special foot cream or vegetable oil.

To make your legs less tired, you can strengthen them with such gymnastics: balance first on one of them, then on the other. Do this several times. This exercise well restores blood circulation in the legs.

If tired feet hurt, rub them with a mixture olive oil with salt (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of oil, stir until the salt is completely dissolved).

For the same purposes, use lemon juice or a mixture of lemon juice in half with vegetable oil.

Tired legs with rough skin are well soothed and softened by a wheat bran compress. Dilute the bran warm milk before receiving the slurry. Apply this paste on your feet and keep it until it dries. Then rinse with water and apply cream on your feet.

With thrombophlebitis, rubbing and steaming the legs is not recommended.

A good remedy for pain and swelling with thrombophlebitis is mumiyo. Mumiyo is taken orally 0.25-0.3 g 2 times a day for 25 days, adding it to a mixture of honey and milk (1:20). After a 10-day break, the course can be repeated.

If the legs hurt with thrombophlebitis (or varicose veins), it is useful to take warm foot baths up to the knees from the roots of willow and oak (50 g per 10 liters of water). The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Water temperature - no more than 38 ° C.

With swelling of the legs, they drink a decoction of flaxseed. Prepare it at the rate of 4 teaspoons of seeds per liter of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, then insist in a warm place for an hour. To improve the taste in the broth, you can add any fresh fruit juice(e.g. lemon). Drink half a cup every 2 hours 6-8 times a day, preferably hot. The result can be felt in 2 weeks.

For liver pathologies with circulatory disorders and edema, the following collection of herbs is recommended: spring adonis -20 g, horsetail - 30 g, yarrow - 30 g, celandine - 20 g. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured into a glass of hot boiled water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool for 45 minutes, filter and squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Take half a glass 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

With edema of cardiac origin, it is useful to take a tincture of birch buds: 20 g of buds are poured into 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Infuse for 3 weeks, wring out, filter and store in a dark vessel in a cool place away from light. In case of cardiovascular insufficiency, accompanied by edema, the following collection is recommended as a diuretic: drooping birch (leaves) - 50 g, cinnamon rosehip (fruits) - 25 g, field harrow (root) - 25 g. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1- 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured into a glass of hot boiled water, put in hot water for 15 minutes (but not heated!), cooled for 45 minutes, squeezed. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day.

For edema associated with diseases of cardio-vascular system and kidneys an indispensable diuretic - watermelon. Watermelon juice not only removes excess fluid from the body, but also provides it with easily digestible sugars. Nutritionists believe that 2-2.5 kg of watermelon can be consumed per day.

In diseases of the kidneys, grape juice is useful, which is an effective diuretic. You need to drink it an hour before meals 3 times a day. Start with half a glass and by the end of the course (after 1-1.5 months) bring the intake to two glasses. It is also useful for diseases of the liver, lungs, gout and hypertension, it is a good tonic.

With heart disease, accompanied by edema, pumpkin is very good. Pumpkin pulp enhances the excretion of chloride salts from the body and increases diuresis without irritating the kidneys.

One of the best diuretics is cucumbers. The juice from them strengthens the heart and blood vessels. You can drink up to 100 ml of pure cucumber juice per day.

Every second person faces the problem of leg swelling on a regular basis. Therefore, we will consider the causes of edema, what are the symptoms, and also how they do it. folk treatment swelling of the legs at home.

What is edema?

Swelling of the legs is a well-known problem of mankind, which is caused by the overflow of the intercellular space with liquid.

The lower extremities suffer the most from this misfortune:

  • Feet.
  • Feet.
  • shins.
  • Ankle.

This is due to the maximum functional load and the lowest level of location relative to central authorities. To be precise, edema is an imbalance of fluid in the cells and intercellular space.

Symptoms that allow you to identify swelling of the legs

Unfortunately, even in modern world where many people work in an office, leg swelling is very common. This problem is very common in both women and men, and in the elderly.

Last group is in a high-risk area. The presence of swelling of the lower extremities of a person may be indicated by the symptoms, which we will discuss below.


This type of swelling is located in the ankle or ankle area. In this case, both paired and single manifestations are possible.


This type occurs on one or both legs, and can also affect the feet, the area below the knee, and the knee itself.

Checking this is quite simple, you need to press your finger on the swollen area. After that, a depression will appear at the place of contact, which is not restored for some time.

Trophic skin disorder

This disease is characterized by severe edema that stretches the skin. Subsequently, cracks form, which lead to erosions, wounds, trophic ulcers and dermatitis.

Reasons for swelling of the legs

Edema is divided into two types: physiological and pathological.

In order to understand the difference between the two types, the reasons for each of the groups will be described below. This is very important, because the treatment will depend on the type.


This group of edema can appear in anyone, even a healthy person. The causes of swelling of the legs are as follows:

  • Eating too salty food.
  • Drinking alcohol or drinking too much liquid.
  • Presence of heat. During this period of time, the body is struggling with overheating. Due to the expansion of peripheral vessels, the pressure in the vessels drops, and this leads to the accumulation of water in the tissues.
  • In women during pregnancy. Often, edema in pregnant women manifests itself in the second half. This is due to placental hormones that dilate blood vessels, thereby retaining sodium particles in the body.
  • Physical exercise. Long sitting, legs thrown over each other, constant standing on the legs, which causes an increase in pressure in the veins, and they are not able to effectively perform their functions.
  • Uncomfortable, poor quality shoes and heels. All this causes a strong load on the legs, which leads to microcirculation disorders in the tissues.


In this group, we will talk about the causes that cause swelling associated with diseases or pathological conditions of the body. This group is more dangerous and treatment should be carried out under the clear guidance of a specialist.

Swelling of the legs can appear with, with heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney disease.

The legs swell with varicose veins, and lymphatic congestion can provoke lymphatic edema of the lower limb.

Important! For each disease, the symptoms have their own characteristics.

For example:

  • With varicose veins, swelling of the legs is most often asymmetrical, and their appearance is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the limbs.
  • With heart failure, swelling appears on both legs. And when pressing on the swollen part, a depression remains, which disappears for some time.
  • In diseases, edema has a characteristic elasticity.
  • Edema of the kidneys initially appears in the form of bags before the eyes, and later, when the disease begins to progress, they appear on the legs.

It is worth paying attention that with a constant or periodic manifestation of edema, you should consult a qualified doctor. After all, only a specialist can prescribe the correct and effective treatment. Self-medication can lead to constant discomfort and serious consequences.

Treatment of swelling of the legs at home

The most effective in the treatment of edema is the therapy of the disease that caused the swelling. In order to eliminate water stagnation in the legs, diuretics and agents that improve microcirculation can be used.

home treatments

Do not forget that the treatment of swelling at home also helps to improve your physical condition and reduce swelling.

For the effectiveness of treatment at home, you should do the following:

  • Carry out massage procedures for the shins and feet with movements from the bottom up.
  • Do gymnastics for the legs - rotate your feet, roll the ball, squeeze and unclench your fingers.
  • Steam your feet in warm water with two tablespoons of sea salt.
  • Try to rest lying down. In the prone position, the legs must be raised above the body.

Undoubtedly, drug treatment has a quick and maximum effect, but home treatment also gives results. In particular, reduce your intake of salt, as it stimulates water retention in the body as a preservative.

Home exercises for leg swelling

Try these three simple exercises:

  • If you have to stand for a long time, periodically rise on your toes: the blood from the legs flows passively. Due to the action of the muscle pump, you pump the veins.
  • Imagine that you are pulling on a stocking. Grasp the foot with both hands tightly enough, but not too tight, and begin to "pull the stocking" first on the foot, then on the ankle joint, shin, knee, thigh, up to the inguinal fold. It is important not to lose contact with the skin for a second.
  • Exercise "Vacuum" is suitable not only for training the abdominal muscles, it also works great for lifting the internal organs, and, therefore, for preventing swelling of the legs. Position - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. Exhale the air from the lungs and draw in the stomach as much as possible. Hold this position for as long as possible, do several repetitions. On average, one approach takes about 2.5 minutes. To complicate the exercise, you can perform the exercise while sitting, gradually increasing the time of muscle tension.

And if you have more time, do this complex after work. You will definitely like it.

Recipe for a diuretic drink for swelling of the legs

To remove excess accumulated fluid from the limbs, it is best to use infused parsley, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Parsley still needs to be properly brewed and insisted so that the infusion works to remove liquid and not just like a drink from greens.

  1. Take a fresh bunch of parsley with roots, wash it well with water and scroll it in a fine meat grinder.
  2. Then pour the gruel into a thermos (half-liter) and pour boiling water to the top. Leave it overnight, and in the morning strain and divide into three glasses.
  3. Drink one in the morning an hour after sleep, the second in the afternoon after an hour before meals, the third two hours before bedtime.

Such a drink should be prepared for 2-3 days in a row without interruptions and failures in reception. Then take 4 days of rest, and again drink 2-3 days.

The next day after taking the swelling will decrease, you will definitely notice it! Share your advice with friends and girlfriends, someone often has swollen legs, they will be truly grateful to you.

Here's another one home recipe from swelling of the legs - use.

You can use folk remedies which are quite efficient. For example, drink, which contain, horsetail, and decoctions of elderberry and. All this will help reduce the risk of edema and the development of diseases in your body.

Details Updated: 21.03.2019 12:04 Published: 25.06.2016 09:40

Anastasia Listopadova

Ambulance for swelling in the legs of various origins

By themselves, edema is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease or a manifestation of the physiological state of the body. In case of pathological edema in the legs (see symptoms of pathological edema), one should not treat leg edema, but treat the diseases that caused the edema. However, it is certainly useful to know and learn on your own to alleviate the condition and relieve swelling in the legs.

First, you need to remember that any therapeutic creams, ointments, procedures, preparations for edema are designed to remove accumulated excess fluid in a natural way (i.e. through the excretory system), by improving blood circulation, lymph circulation, interstitial metabolism and stimulation of urination. Associated effects: strengthening the walls of blood vessels, pain relief, anti-inflammatory effect.

What to do, how to remove swelling from the legs

First aid for non-pathological edema

Non-pathological hydrostatic edema is edema that appears on the background of overexertion of the legs or in hot weather in healthy people. Why do legs swell in the heat

If you are at home choose the most suitable way to relieve fatigue and swelling from the legs:

  • - Take off your shoes, socks, stockings, rinse your feet with cool water, stay barefoot, let your feet relax and breathe freely, you can walk on a needle rug or cool water poured into the bath.
  • - Make a light foot massage with a cream to relieve fatigue from the legs, you can use venotonics.
  • - Lie down with your ankles on the roller, so that the soles of your feet are in weight. Rest with your legs elevated for 15-20 minutes.
  • - Make a foot bath with herbs or a compress to relieve swelling. Recipes traditional medicine against swelling of the legs.

If you are at work, try to limit the physical activity of the legs, if conditions allow, take a short break to stay with your legs elevated for a while, periodically do exercises to calf muscles and light massage.

Wear special compression stockings (stockings, pantyhose), which exert moderate pressure on soft tissues, helping to keep fluid in the vascular bed.

What to drink from edema. What are the drugs for swelling of the legs

With pathological edema caused by a particular disease, self-medication is not welcome. A set of measures aimed at treating the underlying disease and eliminating their manifestations should be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

The information here is provided for informational purposes only. On the use of traditional medicine recipes, it is also advisable to consult with your doctor.

Help with renal and cardiac edema

To relieve renal and cardiac edema you can not do without taking diuretics and potassium preparations, which compensate for it with abundant urination. Doses and regimen should be prescribed by a doctor. But you should be aware that potassium preparations are contraindicated in renal failure.

Cardioprotective agents are prescribed to strengthen the heart muscle, because. its weakness is the cause of heart failure and the occurrence of edema in the legs.

Help with venous edema

When fighting venous edema, the first remedy you should pay attention to is compression underwear or bandaging with elastic bandages. This is a good prevention of the development of venous insufficiency, the main thing is to choose the right compression underwear and learn how to use it correctly or bandage the legs correctly (without overtightening).

To strengthen the walls of veins and blood vessels, and therefore to prevent the appearance of edema, phlebotonic preparations (escusan, detralex or analogues) are prescribed. Doses and regimen should be prescribed by a doctor.

Local venotonic preparations in the form of a cream, ointment or gel (troxevasin, lioton-gel, heparin ointment or analogues) is applied locally. As part of the cream, gel from vein expansion, there are mainly components such as rutin and heparin.

Local application of venotonics is quite effective, as with swelling on tired legs, and with venous pathology, because promotes improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, resorption of microthrombi. In addition, they have a cooling, analgesic effect. However, the effect of local drugs persists for a short time.

To prevent blood stasis, blood-thinning agents (cardiomagnyl or analogues) are used. When the blood is less viscous, its outflow improves, which prevents congestion and edema.

In hot weather, in order to prevent overheating of the body, the circulatory system begins to function in a special mode, the blood vessels expand. But the dilated veins in the legs cannot fully cope with the outflow of blood, and stagnation of blood in the lower extremities causes swelling in the legs.

In addition, in the heat, sweating increases, salts are excreted in more quantities. The lack of salts also affects the functioning of the veins, provoking the appearance of edema in the legs.

Many doctors believe that the appearance of edema of the lower extremities in the heat is a natural phenomenon that does not require treatment. Such swelling goes away on its own. General recommendations to alleviate the condition - rest, light massage with venotonics or compress, warm-up for the legs.

Swelling of the legs may be asymmetrical, i.e. There is more swelling on one leg than on the other. This indicates the presence of problems with the veins on the leg, on which the swelling is greater. Pay attention to this and consult with a specialist.

What to do in the heat to avoid leg swelling

Avoid discomfort and swelling in the legs in the heat following simple rules will help:

  • - Drink more fluids: water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes. Avoid sugary carbonated drinks if possible. This will help maintain electrolyte balance in the body.
  • - Take a contrast shower, giving Special attention lower limbs. This procedure will improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.
  • - Try not to eat salty, smoked, spicy food in the heat, because. it leads to fluid retention in the body.
  • - At the end of a hot day, rest with your legs elevated for 15-20 minutes.
  • - Include water aerobics in your fitness program, exercises in water do not put pressure on the veins.
  • - If you are relaxing by the sea, swim and exercise in the sea water.

ethnoscience offers many recipes for removing edema and preventing the occurrence of edema in the legs: baths from medicinal plants, compresses, decoctions, massage and exercises against swelling in the legs.

Edema in the legs means an increase in the volume of the lower extremities, especially pronounced with excessive fluid intake, aggravated in the evening, after prolonged standing or walking.

Edema syndrome is not an independent disease. This is just a sign of another disease, but a rather formidable sign. From the point of view of physiology, edema is a fluid accumulated in tissue (intercellular) crevices, which leads to an increase in tissue in volume.

Causes of swelling of the legs

The cause of edema can be either in violation of the removal of fluid (blood and lymph) from the lower extremities or in its increased formation.

The most common causes are from the group of mechanical obstacles. Compression of the venous vessels by tumors or the pregnant uterus is detected, with blockage of the veins by blood clots, with a violation of the outflow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels. In this case, there is an increase in pressure in the smallest capillaries and an increase in the leakage of fluid from their blood plasma into the surrounding tissues.

Salts and proteins hold fluid in the bloodstream. Therefore, a decrease in the amount of proteins in the blood plasma contributes to the return of fluid from the blood to the tissues.

Reception of some medicines, including those recommended by a doctor, can contribute to fluid retention in the body. First of all (due to the frequency of administration), this applies to the group of glucocorticoids prescribed for allergies, inflammatory diseases of the joints, bronchial asthma, oncological diseases. But side effects appear only with long-term use. Sex hormone preparations, both female and male, have the same effect. Female sex hormones are taken as a means of contraception (estrogen and progesterone oral contraceptives), and testosterone (male sex hormone) is prescribed to men in the treatment of impotence and obesity. It is also worth paying attention to drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure - from the group of ACE inhibitors.

Causes of swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Pregnant women often complain of leg swelling. And there are several reasons for that. First, hormonal. To maintain and normal pregnancy, the body releases a large amount of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of not only the uterus, but also the blood vessels and contributes to fluid retention in the body. Secondly, in the second half of pregnancy, a large uterus compresses large veins in abdominal cavity, obstructing blood flow through them. This increases the pressure in the veins of the lower extremities, and they swell. Thirdly, swelling of the legs (and not only) can be a sign of gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women), which, progressing (developing), can threaten the life of both the expectant mother and the baby.

Diseases with swelling of the legs

Diseases that are accompanied by edema of the lower extremities are quite diverse.

It is considered to be one of the most common causes edema is Varicose veins. AT healthy body veins are vessels that carry blood from tissues to the heart (with rare exceptions). On the legs there is a system of deep and superficial veins connected to each other by perforating (connecting) veins. Normally, deep veins carry almost all the load. But in the event that they do not cope, then superficial ones come to their aid. In order for the blood to move from the bottom up, the veins have valves that prevent the backflow of blood. The muscles of the legs surrounding them (feet, shins, thighs) push blood through the veins. In case of malfunction of the valvular apparatus, blockage of deep veins, muscle weakness, blood is retained in the veins and fluid leaks from them into the surrounding tissues. This, in turn, leads to malnutrition of tissues, their oxygen starvation and varicose veins.

Predisposing factors are pregnancy and childbirth, female sex, work on the legs and with weight lifting, oral contraceptives. With varicose veins, along with edema, symptoms such as fatigue of the legs in the evening, asymmetry of edema on the right and left legs (more where the veins are more affected), the appearance of spider veins on the skin of the legs, areas of darkening on the legs or visible visually dilated subcutaneous veins.

Lymphedema- This is a serious disease, the cause of which is a violation of the outflow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels from the lower extremities. Lymphatic vessels collect the intercellular fluid with the products of cell metabolism to transport it in the same direction as the veins. These are very thin and fragile vessels, therefore, if an obstacle arises in their path, their function is impaired and the fluid remains in the tissues. On the legs it often happens as an outcome of frequent acute erysipelas. After the cure of this disease, connective tissue seals form at the site of the lesion, which compress the lymphatic vessels. As a rule, once appeared, such edema remains forever. The last stage of lymphedema bears the telling name "elephantiasis" due to the similarity appearance legs of the sickest and largest herbivore.

In order not to bring the legs to such a state, you should consult a specialist in time.

Edema in the legs is quite typical for heart disease. Let's take a little detour into anatomy. The heart is a muscular organ divided into 4 cavities. Its left half (atrium and ventricle) pumps blood through the arteries throughout the body. These vessels, branching, carry to the tissues nutrients and oxygen. Then, collecting carbon dioxide and other metabolic products in the tissues, merging into larger vessels - veins, carry blood to the right half of the heart. From there, the blood is pumped to the lungs, where it is again saturated with oxygen and enters the left side of the heart.

Pronounced edema may indicate a far advanced heart failure. At coronary disease the heart, due to a lack of oxygen flow through the vessels clogged with atherosclerotic plaques, is not able to work at full strength, which leads to a decrease in the rate of blood passing through the vessels. The longer the blood flows through the vessel, the more fluid from the blood has time to pass into the tissues. Insufficient work of the heart also slows down the removal of blood from the lower extremities. Therefore, edema appears primarily on the legs and is accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath and pain in the region of the heart, under the left shoulder blade and in the left arm, aggravated by physical activity, cyanosis of lips and nails, weakness, palpitations. For cardiac pathology, symmetrical edema is characteristic, more in the evening, leaving a hole when pressed, an increase in the liver. Such patients need medical supervision and, if necessary, consultation with a cardiologist.

Swelling in the legs may also be a sign kidney disease. In this case, they develop quickly, against the background of lower back pain, temperature, changes in the color and amount of urine, and swelling on the face in the eye area. This is often preceded by a week or two. colds or angina. In this case, edema develops due to impaired excretion of salt and water by the affected kidneys, as well as due to a decrease in the amount of protein in the blood plasma and an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall. The albumin protein is produced in the liver and is found in the blood and tissues. Normally, albumin does not pass through the kidneys into the urine. Therefore, if a protein is found in your urine test, this is a serious sign of the disease. Such patients are often treated by nephrologists and urologists together with a general practitioner.

At hypothyroidism(decrease in hormone production) thyroid gland) there is swelling that does not leave a hole when pressed, combined with a general weight gain, lethargy, lethargy, a tendency to constipation and depression.

Local swelling on the leg may appear with inflammatory diseases of the joints of the legs. In this case, edema is detected only above the affected joint, this area has elevated temperature to the touch, movements in the joint are painful, its function is disturbed. This may be a sign of arthritis or arthrosis of the joint. In this case, you may need to consult a rheumatologist.

At liver cirrhosis there may also be swelling in the lower extremities and in body cavities (in the abdomen, around the heart and lungs). The reason for this may be a violation of the production of albumin by the liver or a violation of blood flow due to cicatricial changes in the liver tissue, through which a large volume of blood passes to the heart. Such a patient usually has long-term liver disease associated with viral hepatitis, toxic liver injury from alcohol, or heart disease. Such patients are observed by a hepatologist and an infectious disease specialist.

Examination of a patient with edema on the legs

It is easy to identify swelling on your own. First, try applying pressure to the shin area at the tibia and wait a few seconds. If after this simple manipulation a hole remains, which does not disappear for a long time, this is a clear sign of edema.

Examination of a patient with edema begins with a visit to a general practitioner, who, after a thorough questioning and examination, can designate a circle probable causes this state.

After that, the patient is examined in the laboratory and, if necessary, referred for a consultation with a specialist. It is worth taking blood and urine tests, not only general, but also showing the function of the kidneys and liver, to make an electrocardiogram (ECG).

Treatment of swelling of the legs

For the treatment of edema of the lower extremities, it is necessary first of all to identify its cause and act on it: select heart drugs, cure kidney diseases, and normalize the functioning of blood vessels. On your own, you can reduce the use of salt (along with it, fluid is retained in the body) and excessive water intake. If the doctor has not identified contraindications, then you can use herbal teas, which include jasmine, lemon, mint, lingonberries, cranberries. If possible, avoid wearing high-heeled shoes, and at home, give your legs an elevated position (above heart level). I draw your attention to the fact that diuretics, including herbs, are taken only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor. Their uncontrolled intake can lead to increased excretion of potassium from the body, which is fraught with serious disturbances in the work of the heart.

Complications of leg edema

Leg swelling should not be underestimated. It's best to see a doctor to make sure it's just fatigue and a fever, not a serious illness. After all, a heart disease detected in time makes it possible to prevent a heart attack and stroke, and kidney diseases treated in time will not lead to chronic renal failure.

One of the most formidable complications of damage to the venous bed of the lower extremities is a violation of the integrity of the skin, up to the development of ulcerative defects and gangrene, in which amputation of the lower extremity is indicated.

With untreated deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism may develop.

The help of which specialist doctors may be required for swelling in the legs?

  • General practitioner or general practitioner (family doctor).
  • Cardiologist
  • Vascular surgeon.
  • Endocrinologist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Dermatologist

Take care of your health. And remember that it depends only on you.

Moskvina Anna Mikhailovna, therapist

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