When Anna Khilkevich gave birth to a daughter. The star of "Univer" Anna Khilkevich became a mother for the second time

Design and interior 14.07.2019
Design and interior

Finally! It seems that fans were waiting for their favorite to give birth, more than she herself. And finally it happened: Anna Khilkevich is officially twice a mother. The baby was born in Lapino near Moscow - the actress did not hide that she would give birth there. However, no one was surprised: this maternity hospital has long been loved by the stars.

The young mother has already shown a photo from the hospital: a tired but happy face, a white bag in her arms.

“We waited ... for our truly long-awaited Lion cub. Or rather, Lioness. Now Ariashenka has a girlfriend for life. Or a dear little man who can be trolled in a sisterly way. It was a difficult but very fruitful night!” Anna signed the photo.

In just 15 minutes, hundreds of thousands of likes and thousands of comments with congratulations gathered under the photo. After all, finally, here it is - the answer to the question that tormented everyone “When?”.

“Well, please don’t ask when, when. If I had known, I would have written already! PDR - August 17! In fact, you yourself know. You have no idea how many times a day I get asked the same question: “Well? When?" - Anna wrote on her page on the eve of the birth.

Why don't the fans ask! After all, Anna was secretive with all her might: she did not reveal the gender of the unborn child, much less the name. She invited the fans to guess who will be born and when the miracle will happen. Fans readily began to guess, and they called not only the gender and date, but also came up with a name. Versions were one another more beautiful: Gabriel and Darina, Emil and Albina, Arthur and Karina. The dates were also very different - from “tonight you will give birth to Polina” to September 6th.

“If today was April 1, then perhaps many would take this news as a joke, almost like my husband,” the actress wrote on her Instagram. “Well, seriously, it’s getting harder and harder to joke about my new position every day, and besides, many have such insight that they guessed about the changes before I knew.”

Then Anna, with a pure heart, shared all the joys of her position. And not only joys. For example, she complained that she "weighs like a Malay bear". Then the actress posted a funny video of how they have fun with Arianna, now eldest daughter actresses. They were weighed, but not on simple scales, but on those that compare your weight with the weight of an animal. So they showed Anna the “Malay bear”.

However, given that Weight Limit this little animal - 65 kilos, there was nothing to grieve about. Anna, even in her last term, managed to take a “sexy photo”, as she herself called the pictures. In jest, of course.

Anna honestly admitted: yes, they are overcome by temptations. But she found a way to deal with them.

“The hand is reaching for the candy. But look at this photo, taken back in January (on the second month of pregnancy), by the way, and the hand itself returns to its place. Soon. There is motivation. Desire and opportunity too, ”she signed her own picture, where she poses in a seductive swimsuit.

Needless to say, the method worked great. Anna looked flawless throughout her pregnancy. It seems that they grew, increasing in size before our eyes, only the stomach and chest. She kept showing off her slender legs, dressing up in short robes. The face has not changed at all, but so often pregnant women suffer from edema of the face.

Now the young mother is coming to her senses: “We are going to sleep,” Anna briefly described her plans for the next few hours. Very soon they will go home with the baby.

And we decided to remember how these nine months passed, in the photo - scroll through the gallery in the direction of the arrow to the right!

There were times when the birth of a child in a noble family was a huge event for a very wide range of people. It was not only discussed for a long time, sometimes it abruptly changed the position of near and far, attracting the attention of hundreds or even thousands of people. And the births of the Empress had state and political significance, they were celebrated with cannon fire.

Nowadays, media personalities: actresses, models, socialites enjoy such close interest. They are simply doomed to the publicity of literally all aspects of their private, including family, life.

Therefore, the huge audience of the Univer sitcom could not remain indifferent to the question of whether Anna Khilkevich, the star of the series, would become a mother again. After all, her daughter, who was named Arianna, is only two and a half years old. However, in April of this, 2018, it became known that Anna Khilkevich was pregnant with her second child. By this time, it became pointless to hide a round tummy with overalls. But Anna did not consider her appearance spoiled. On the contrary, she stated that pregnancy suits any woman. And she continued to lead a normal life, even visited with her husband one of the games of the World Football Championship - a match between Russia and Spain. Only at the very end of the term, at the insistence of the doctors, she went on vacation to the Moscow region.

According to medical forecasts, a new member of the Khilkevich family, Volkov, was supposed to be born on August 17. Although, as Anna admitted, she dreamed that this would happen on August 7 - on the wedding anniversary with Arthur Volkov. The second child was eagerly awaited not only by parents and little Arianna, but also by countless fans of the star. The baby was a little delayed. Finally, on the night of August 20, Anna gave birth to a girl. It happened in the elite hospital "Lapino", where the famous and wealthy come to give birth. Medical care in a separate room costs 1 million rubles for women in labor.

Judging by the fact that shortly after giving birth, Anna was able to leave a message on her microblog on Instagram, she feels great. In her message, she expressed incredible joy at the birth of a "lion cub", that is, a little lioness, sister and girlfriend for eldest daughter. In addition, she expressed her gratitude to everyone who supported her. Despite the impatient questions pouring in: “Well, when, when?” - irritated her a lot. A photo that appeared on the Internet, in which a beloved husband kisses the leg of a newborn baby, emphasized his support, participation and gratitude.

Anna deserved such attention and love of the public with her acting talent and skill. After all, she has been in the profession for almost 15 years, having first appeared in films at the age of 16, she is charming and educated. Anna found it necessary to graduate from a "serious" university - the Plekhanov University of Economics. And at the theater school she studied with such a famous actor and wonderful master as Yuri Solomin. In addition, Khilkevich attracts with experiments on his appearance, creating fashionable images. socialite.

But now both parents and Anna's fans are excited about the birth of her daughter. Everyone is interested in what name Anna and Arthur will give her. Considering that the name of the first daughter is made up of the names of the parents (Ar + Anna), then we can assume that the second daughter will be named no less interesting.

She gave birth to a second daughter. good news the actress shared in her microblog on Instagram. « We waited... for our truly long-awaited lion cub, or rather, the lioness now Ariashenka has a girlfriend in life)))) or a dear little man who can be trolled in a sisterly way. It was a difficult but very fruitful night! Thanks to everyone who took part. I will write a lot more ... but for now ... we sleep», - the actress wrote (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given hereinafter unchanged. - Note. ed.).

The star of "Univer" Anna Khilkevich became a mother for the second time

Literally four days ago, Anna Khilkevich complained in her microblog on Instagram that the child did not want to be born. The actress asked to save her from questions about the timing, as the preliminary date of birth has already passed. “You have no idea how many times a day I get asked the same question “well, what? when?" it already sounds more often than “when are the new series of Univer?” the actress complained.

By the way, Anna Khilkevich hid for a long time that she was in interesting position. The actress said that she was pregnant for the second time only in April, when she was already in her 5th month. And then she made a confession only because it no longer made sense to hide an interesting situation: Anna's stomach was rounded to an impressive size and it was difficult to hide it under hoodie outfits. Despite the interesting situation, Khilkevich continued to attend social events until mid-July and even went to matches as part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. last month During pregnancy, Khilkevich listened to the recommendations of the doctor and went with her family to rest in a country hotel.

By the way, shortly before giving birth, Anna complained to fans that she had recovered a lot. During pregnancy, Khilkevich, because of her love for sweets, gained more than 15 kilograms. The actress said that after giving birth she would actively restore her former forms, because she does not feel very comfortable in the new weight.

Anna Khilkevich with her husband Arthur and daughter Arianna

Recall that Anna Khilkevich first became a mother in 2015: she had a daughter Arianna. A few months before this event, the actress married the father of the child Artur Volkov. Anna decided not to hire a nanny. From the very birth of Arianna, her mother helped her raise the girl.

Anna Khilkevich with her daughter Arianna

At water aerobics in Lapino (in the star hospital "Mother and Child", where celebrities prefer to give birth, classes with pregnant women are held, including in the pool), expectant mothers are still discussing the birth of Ksenia Sobchak. But a month has passed since the birth of Sobchak's first child. New women in the "School of Moms" actively join the discussion of the topic that is relevant to them: what to choose natural childbirth or anesthesia? Word of mouth reports - Ksenia gave birth without anesthesia.

By the way, "anesthesia" literally translates as deprivation of feelings. In an interview before childbirth Ksenia Sobchak explaining her refusal of epidural anesthesia, she reasoned as follows: “Suddenly this will not happen a second time, but I want to feel what kind of severe such pain that a person can endure anyway.”

In Lapino, in the classes at the “School of Expectant Mothers”, Ksenia was taught to breathe and behave correctly during childbirth, next to her were the closest ones - husband Maxim Vitorgan and mother Lyudmila Narusova, who supported morally.

As a natural pain reliever during contractions in the clinic this year, the stars often chose an airhammock. The body of a woman is located in it in such a way that the load on the back, lower back, and pelvic muscles is significantly reduced. It makes it possible to take an active position in the first stage of childbirth, on overloading the legs - the woman in labor gets less tired, relaxes. An alternative to an airhammock is a rope, Swedish wall. Also, as a natural pain relief, a woman can choose: a warm shower, baths with salts, aromatherapy. Pleasant music plays in the ward, the lights are dimmed, you can light candles.

By the way, the star of the series "Univer" Anna Khilkevich gave birth to her daughter Arianna in the same Lapino hospital, refusing anesthesia. “I was connected to a CTG machine (cardiotocography - approx. Auth.), My husband filmed me, we joked a lot,” the actress said in an interview after giving birth. Khilkevich warned the doctor in advance that if she asked for anesthesia, do not listen to her. As a result, the actress asked, but she did it herself with the help of exercises that were taught by specialists at the “school for expectant mothers”, and the actress also sat on the ball to facilitate contractions.

Tutta Larsen refused anesthesia three times - she gave birth to three children without anesthesia. Larsen devoted one of the episodes of her video channel TUTTA.TV to the topic: whether to choose natural childbirth or anesthesia. mother of many children with the help of experts answered the most pressing questions on this topic.

“Today, many women cannot imagine childbirth without anesthesia, but personally, I deliberately gave birth naturally, without any intervention. To be honest, it was painful and difficult, but I am very pleased with my birth, ”Tutta Larsen said frankly. - Pregnancy courses and one wonderful psychologist helped me prepare for natural childbirth, who taught me how to relax during childbirth. Deep breathing and relaxation helped me to accept painful sensations, relieve them and cope with difficulties.

Some doctors believe that childbirth without anesthesia is yesterday. Intravenous anesthesia is now rarely recommended because it can affect the child. And doctors recommend not to refuse epidural anesthesia. In addition, anesthesia is indicated for some indications. Anesthesia also helps those women who are panicky afraid of childbirth or pain in childbirth. Experts in a conversation with Tutta Larsen explained that "with anesthesia, a woman simply loses the opportunity to experience the feeling of giving birth to her child." The doctor recommends not to be afraid of the first painful contractions: “As labor progresses, painful experiences become less due to the release of natural pain-relieving hormones. And most importantly, in childbirth with anesthesia, it is harder for a child to be born. If the mother’s body does not produce natural pain-relieving hormones, then the baby is faced with serious pain.”

At Sasha Zvereva(you remember her as the soloist of the Demo group, who sang "The Sun in the Hands") three children. younger son she bore and gave birth in front of the viewers of the Domashny channel (the singer became a participant in the reality show Pregnant). Sasha is a supporter of home births. Naturally, she is against anesthesia. “It is important to be in the fresh air a lot, eat right, do not drink medicines, synthetic vitamins, master relaxation techniques in water, breathing, meditation. In this case, we can hope that the outcome of home birth will be successful, ”Zvereva believes.

Moscow clinics offer the “home birth” service – they are carried out in the most comfortable, close to home conditions in a clinic under the supervision of doctors, which makes the birth process safe for a woman and her child.

And how are they?

Among the world's celebrities, there are women who also refused anesthesia during childbirth.

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen, preparing for the birth of her son Benjamin, refused anesthesia: “I gave birth at home, in the bathroom. I always wanted to fully experience this fantastic moment. I prepared a lot for childbirth: I did yoga, meditation. Therefore, the birth went very smoothly, I didn’t feel pain at all. I took care of my breathing and tried to relax. The entire period of childbirth, my mind was focused on one thought: soon my baby will be born into this world. It invigorated and calmed me.”

mother of two, actress Jessica Alba in an interview, she campaigned for women to give birth without anesthesia. The star stressed that this can only be done with the permission of a doctor. “During childbirth, I didn’t scream at all,” says Alba, “It was like I went into a trance, focusing on breathing.” Her husband was present at the birth and soon told the press that he was shocked that Jessica "didn't even utter a peep during the birth."

Pamela Anderson gave birth to sons at home, but under the supervision of an experienced doctor: “I preferred natural childbirth, of course, under the supervision of a qualified specialist. But without any painkillers.

Actress Anna Khilkevich gave birth to her first child. The long-awaited child of the star and her husband Arthur was born tonight at the elite Lapino clinic.

It is known that the 29-year-old star of the series "Univer" became the mother of a daughter. The girl was born very tiny, weighing only 2.7 kg and 50 cm tall. Khilkevich found out in advance that a girl would be born, but the happy dad did not fully know the sex of the child of his own free will.

No, not photoshop. No, it is not necessary to wash off nails already in maternity hospitals. Even wedding ring in @lapinomed they are allowed not to shoot. And a minimum of cosmetics somehow remained after 11 hours of a very difficult journey to get to know our daughter ... This is a fantastic feeling. Love to all and thank you for the congratulations))) Mom, daughter and dad feel good. Pah-pah,” Anna signed a touching photo.

Recall that on August 7, 2015, after almost two years of relationship, Anna Khilkevich and businessman Artur Volkov got married. As it turned out, at the time of the wedding, the actress was already pregnant! Anna hid her interesting position and spoke about the upcoming replenishment only on September 24, on the day of the presentation of her own collection of clothes, when it was no longer possible to hide her rounded belly.

“I had a short break in filming, and we decided to try, we didn’t think that everything would happen so quickly,” the actress admitted in an interview with Woman’s Day. We don't know yet whether we will have a boy or a girl. As God wills, we will not find out before the birth. Let this be a surprise for us. So we have two lists of names for both. We decided: the name will be either native Russian, even Old Russian, or not Russian at all. No cribs, no strollers, not to mention clothes, have not yet been bought. My pregnancy is positive, however, hormones sometimes make themselves felt. In general, being pregnant is cool!

After the actress publicly announced her interesting position, she decided to launch a blog for young mothers. The project of the actress was called "Maybe baby?".

“For eight months I went and collected the information you needed. I studied the theory, practiced everything on myself, so that after viewing my rubric you could say to your loved one: maybe baby? - Anna introduced the video blog.

For example, in the first video, Anna Khilkevich, together with Tatyana Butskaya, the editor-in-chief of the Rody.ru portal, discussed the issue of choosing a maternity hospital.

It must be said that her project had good success among expectant mothers who were happy to gain experience from the actress.

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