Yana raskovalova about family, inspiration and jewelry art. Yana raskovalova about love for Almaty, the regime of a mother of many children and her own boutique in London European It girl

Fashion & Style 31.07.2019
Fashion & Style

Yana Raskovalova, the famous Russian jeweler and designer, Yana Raskovalova, honored the presence of the Almaty mono-boutique Yana with her next visit. The reason was the grandiose presentation of a new collection of dresses - Dress by Yana and jewelry Violets by Yana. We managed to intercept the long-awaited guest right before the evening and ask about the most interesting things.

Yana, first of all I would like to congratulate you on the birth of your daughter. Your family, I'm not afraid of this statement, is really a reference, an exemplary example of what love and harmony mean.

Thanks a lot. Of course, the family is the most precious happiness that I have. For example, today we arrived in Almaty as an incomplete family, with my husband and newborn daughter, who is now walking in the Esentai square. (author's note: during the interview, Yana's husband, Vadim Raskovalov, broadcast what was happening live).

The Yana brand is connected literally with an unbreakable chain with your family. The logo depicts a cornflower in honor of Vasilisa's daughter. How did the birth of the fourth child affect Yana's jewelry history?

In the most direct way and influenced (laughs)! Today we are here, in your wonderful warm city, at the presentation of the new Violet collection (translated from Latin viola - “violet”), which was inspired by the birth of Violetta.

AT last interview for L’Officiel Kazakhstan in February 2016, the Almaty public was just preparing for the opening of a monobrand boutique. How has the Yana boutique become in a year and a half since the opening?

He only gets better and better. We are trying to style the boutique according to the theme of new collections, changing the surroundings: winter - ice, spring - lily of the valley, summer - violet ... I began to regularly come to Almaty every six months, this place is becoming dearer and dearer to me.

Your creativity is very natural: jewelry, fragrances, a line of dresses and clothes. What else does the Yana brand lack to complete the chain?

I will tell you a little secret: I hope that soon the public will be pleased with the collection of bags. We are now seriously working on this issue.

What about the audience that can't afford Yana jewelry yet? Is the collection in silver waiting for us?

She already is! Each Yana fragrance has a small gift in the form of a silver branded tassel. By purchasing perfume, everyone can become the owner of a universal decoration for every day.

And your personal jewelry favorite Yana?

Branded brush, it is the most, I literally never part with it. This is already like the sixth finger on the hand (laughs)!

What have you learned since the existence of the Yana brand? What kindDid you discover qualities in yourself?

I already knew about my perfectionism, but I really managed to discover and strengthen my working capacity in myself. Especially, being a mother of many children, I still wonder where the reserves and additional battery charge come from?

What about your passion for yoga?

At the moment, my yoga is to feed the baby every 2-3 hours. Moreover, the presence of a large amount of work, in the process of which Violetta is directly involved. She is literally from 7 days old, from the very cradle with me at all meetings, negotiations.

Yana, as far as we know, you are a big book lover. What is thishour reading?

Now I am reading "Night in Lisbon" by Remarque, it fully reflects my state of mind.

To summarize our conversation: in a recent interview for L'Officiel Kazakhstan, you said that in the short-term goals - opening a store in Almaty, in the long-term - in London. In Almaty, it worked out with a bang, but how close have you been to the implementation of your plan in London in a year and a half?

We are already half a step in London. Unfortunately, the process was temporarily suspended due to the opening of a mono-boutique in St. Petersburg. It is impossible to combine everything at once. I repeat, the qualities of a perfectionist do not allow you to do something bad, so you want everything to be perfect. I do not want to guess, but in the near future, wait for the news.

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One of the craftswomen whose works amaze the imagination and reduce the size of the wallet is Yana Raskovalova. Even yesterday's it-girl today is a famous designer and jewelry maestro. Let's see how a girl whose life was filled with nightclub lights suddenly changed her role and became the owner of a sought-after brand.

It-girls promote girlfriend's products

Yana Raskovalova's jewelry is popular. It is not a sin to recall the famous Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence, who appeared before the public in a stunning white dress at the annual International and most prestigious Oscar film awards. And her back and neck were adorned with a necklace made by a Russian jeweler. It is noteworthy that the actress received the coveted statuette, and Yana Raskovalova became famous all over the world.

Except Hollywood star, who appeared on the red carpet in jewelry under the Yana brand, in fans of creativity young jeweler there are Ksenia Sobchak, Ulyana Kovalenko, Natalia Vodyanova, and many others.

student and model

Before the appearance of the first jewelry collection, the girl had to go from model to businessman's wife. St. Petersburg is the place where Yana Raskovalova was born. The biography of the girl begins her story in a fairly rich family: her dad is one of the leaders of an organization called Spetsstroy of Russia. As a child, the little girl not only went to school, but also attended a musical institution in the piano class. Then she seriously took up the study of art history and the history of the development of design.

As a student, Yana Raskovalova participates in the Miss St. Petersburg contest. The amazing resemblance of the girl with did not go unnoticed, and the bright beauty got the title of "Vice-Miss". The girl's father was shocked. However, she herself was very pleased with the comparison with the French actress.

From Russia to Europe and back

After some time, Yana Raskovalova wins a design competition held at the institute and leaves for Italy. There she will design clothes for a large knitwear brand. The beauty of the Russian girl was also appreciated abroad: a rather adult Turkish businessman falls in love with Yana without memory. However, she has already given her heart to the Petersburger Vadim.

With a businessman northern capital Yana Raskovalova met at one of the parties. Vadim at first sight fell in love with a bright beauty. Upon her return from Italy, he offered Yana a hand and a heart. And the young people got married. Then they had children one by one: Veronica, Vadim and Vasilisa. The last one was born a few years ago.

The birth of a jewelry brand

The husband of Yana Raskovalova became the very impulse that inspired the woman to create her first collection. He initially helped her both financially and, more importantly, morally.

Yana's first jewelry collection was released in November 2011. Since that moment, her products have been produced under the Yana brand. The venue for the exhibition was the territory of the Podium Concept Store, located on Kuznetsky Most. The debut collection was dedicated to youngest daughter jeweler - Vasilisa. That is why the whole hall was decorated with large and small vases with field cornflowers.

Materials used by the girl

Almost every collection of the jeweler contains cameos, which are adorned with diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones. This is her kind of calling card. Cameos are made from various materials: precious stones and even seashells. These elements adorn rings, pendants and even hairpins. And, of course, all products are strictly exclusive. Each accessory is the result of painstaking self made masters from all over Russia. At the moment, more than a hundred young talents from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg and other cities work for the Yana brand.

Yana Raskovalova works with many materials: gold of various alloys, and platinum, and precious, and semiprecious stones, And so on. The jeweler believes that turquoise, sapphires, tourmalines, corals carry no less energy than diamonds. That is why in Yana's collections you can find jewelry with such elements. It is noteworthy that she plans to soon release a book on the meaning of semi-precious stones in order to help clients make choices that are consistent with astrology. The mixture of different techniques and the rich imagination of a woman give an amazing result: the jewelry is truly amazing.

Designer, art historian, frequent guest of social events.

Yana Raskovalova was born in St. Petersburg. She graduated from the Faculty of Design and Art History. Yana Raskovalova I tried myself in the modeling business, and took part in shows in various parts of the world, where I got acquainted with local culture and art with pleasure.

Career of Yana Raskovalova / Yana Raskovalova

Yana Raskovalova I have always been a fan of unique jewelry - they should combine the sophistication of antique jewelry and the taste of modern designer jewelry.

Your first original work of art Yana Raskovalova created because of addictions to cameos. For a long time she could not find suitable decoration with these flowers, and decided to invent it - the product was dangling earrings with tiny rubies and cameos.

November 2011 Yana Raskovalova presented her debut jewelry collection at the Podium Concept Store on Kuznetsky Most. The brand name is Yana. The hall was decorated with large vases with cornflowers, as this flower has become a symbol of the brand - it is dedicated to Vasilisa, youngest daughter Yana Raskovalova.

Currently in the collection Yana Raskovalova more than two hundred and fifty pieces of jewelry are presented. In her work she uses various materials: gold, precious and semi-precious stones, ivory, tree, Florentine mosaic and corals.

My must have: denim jeans and biker boots. I will never wear high platform shoes. Although everything returns: what yesterday you could not stand, today can become a fashion trend.

Among close friends Yana Raskovalaya and her family - the famous socialites Ksenia Sobchak, Ulyana Sergeenko and Polina Kitsenko. They help a novice designer to promote the brand - for example, Polina Kitsenko, co-owner of the Podium chain of stores, provided a space for demonstrating the collection. In March 2012 Ulyana Sergeenko and Yana Raskovalova created several designer jewelry with a retro style for the Ulyana Sergeenko brand.

Personal life of Yana Raskovalova / Yana Raskovalova

Her husband is a business developer Vadim Raskovalov. Their acquaintance took place at one of the social events, when Yana Raskovalova was in the modeling business. In the early 2000s, they formalized their relationship - gorgeous wedding took place at the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo.

Yana Raskovalova appeared in the video clip of Dmitry Malikov for the song "My Mine". The musician has close friendly relations with Vadim Raskovalov.

At Yana Raskovalova and her husband three children - daughters Veronica and Vasilisa and son Vadim.

Ksenia Sobchak about Yana and Vadim Raskovalov:

Sometime in the last century in St. Petersburg, I met two Vadims. I liked one as a man, the other as a friend. Bottom line: I don’t even recognize the one I flirted with on the street, and the second one became a true friend of the family, got the beauty Yana, who, in turn, became my friend and adviser on all matters of beauty and style. Soon three of their charming children will call me Aunt Ksyusha.

Today is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - our Russian answer to the Western Valentine's Day. Our holiday is also associated with the saints - Peter and Fevronia of Murom, they are considered the patrons of the family, and their marriage is a model of love, matrimony and harmony. Peter and Fevronia had five children: four sons and a sweet daughter. In honor of today's holiday, we decided to talk about modern well-known large families.

The Raskovalov family, four children

Vadim and Yana Raskovalov met at a social event and already in the early 2000s officially formalized their relationship. The wedding took place at the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo.

Vadim Raskovalov is a former owner of a network of St. Petersburg fitness clubs, and now a co-owner of Podium. Yana is not only a great mother, she has her own brand Yana Raskovalova, where she brings her author's ideas to life.

The couple now has four children - three daughters and one son. Yana gave birth to her fourth child recently, and from the first days after the birth she has been in great shape. Even on recent months pregnancy, the jeweler and designer showed her body without hesitation in fashion shootings - and it is not surprising, because even in interesting position the blonde looked great.

The Kaspersky-Ashmanov family, five children

Natalya Kasperskaya met Igor Ashmanov back in 1996, at the CeBIT exhibition in Hannover, while still married to Evgeny Kaspersky. As Natalya recalls, they began dating Igor three or four years after her divorce from her husband, and in 2001 they legalized their union.

Igor Ashmanov is the managing partner, CEO Ashmanov & Partners, one of the founders and most famous top managers Russian IT industry.

Since October 2007, Natalya Kasperskaya has been the CEO and majority owner of InfoWatch. This company was part of her share in the division of business with her ex-husband.

Natalia has two sons from her first marriage - Ivan and Maxim, and three daughters from second - Mary, Barbara and Alexandra.

In interviews, Natalia often says that she would like to spend more time with her family, but business is another child of hers that needs to be looked after all the time. At the same time, Natalya believes that it is children who give a person an understanding that someone needs him, that there is someone to work for. And Natalya calls children her true value.

Vodianov-Arno family

Antoine first saw Natalya in 2008 - at that time she was married to the British Lord Justin Portman. Arno then headed the communications department of the Louis Vuitton fashion house, and Vodianova starred for an advertising campaign for this brand. For Antoine, it was love at first sight. But he decided to write to Natalya only when he read in the newspapers that she was divorced.

Thanks to Natalia, Arno truly discovered Russia for himself, began to better understand his beloved.

Natalia is sure that Antoine has a very strong sense of empathy. And that's why they love each other so much - they both have something important, something in common in their souls.

The couple has two sons - Maxim and Roman. Natalia also has three children from her marriage to Justin Portman - Lucas Alexander, Neva, Victor.

Arno jokes that thanks to Natalia, five children appeared in his life in two and a half years. At the same time, he quite seriously claims that this is the best thing that happened in his life.

The Thompson family, six children

Olga came to America at the age of 14. She studied at the ballet school in California, then at the art history department of Stanford University, worked at the Legion of Honor Museum as an exhibition curator. Her chosen one was the English photographer Charles Thompson. They met in New York in 2000, and in 2002 they got married in Yasnaya Polyana. In choosing the venue for the celebration, apparently, Olga's passion for Tolstoy's work played a big role.

The family loves to travel around Russia - they were in the Tver region, in Vladimir, in Suzdal, they love to look for old dilapidated buildings. According to Charles, he sees in them layers of previous realities superimposed on each other. The whole family speaks excellent Russian.

Charles is still a professional photographer. Olga is a co-owner of Tissus Tartares, a designer fabric company.

Now the couple has six children - Tatyana, Alexander, Anastasia, Maria, Anna, Natalya.

The Thompsons often attend social events. So, for example, last year the whole family was seen at the Tatler debutante ball.

Aminov family

Stella and Vadim Aminov formalized their relationship in 2002. They have six children.

Vadim Aminov is a member of the board of directors of Neftetransservice, and his fortune in 2014 was estimated at $0.7 billion. Together with his wife, he owns a part of the shares of the Simachev brand, Stella's business is also developing and bringing in a good income. Stella is an example modern woman, who successfully combines parenting and business - she is the owner of the Five Kids boutique.

Photographer: Lena Sarapultseva

Over the years life together Stella Aminova's husband transported his family several times from one country to another until they settled in Russia.

Aminov always wanted to have big family and his dream came true. But Stella always dreamed of a career. The couple now have six children. Daniel Nathan, twins Miriam and Rachel, Joseph and Aron.

Stella Aminova is a very caring mother, and with each subsequent child, her sense of responsibility for children only increases. If she and her husband go somewhere, they definitely take the children with them, except, of course, for social events and events that do not involve a children's society.

We hasten to congratulate all couples on this wonderful holiday, glorifying love and strong relationships. We wish you all a long and happy union!

The material was prepared by Polina Rtishcheva and Ilnara Sagandykova

Beautiful and large - on the Day of love, family and fidelity was last modified: August 9th, 2017 by Polina Rtishcheva

March 31, 2017, 07:49

Let's take as a basis an article from the distant 2011...

Let's jump into the past...

this is the whole tsimes, girls!

There are no others, and those are far away .. Cool, right?

So, who are the It-girls?

The term "it-girl" is increasingly appearing in the press and is used to refer to the rich and famous girls without a specific line of work. They are the main characters of gossip columns, regulars of fashion shows and nightclubs.

It girl has several meanings: starting from "a girl who creates fashion trends, socialite, rich slacker, glamor girl, style icon, popular personality" and ending with versions such as "Internet girl" and even "Italian girl".

But what are they famous for? In English, there is an ideal definition of the it-girls phenomenon - “famous for being famous”, that is, “famous for being famous”.


Rudyard Kipling was the first to use the word “it” to denote a certain personality trait that is attractive to the opposite sex in the story “Mrs. Bathurst”: “It is not beauty, so to speak, that is important, and beautiful words speaking is not required. The main thing is this. It happens that a woman just walks down the street, and a man can no longer forget her.

Then there was the English novelist Elinor Glyn, author of It:

“It is something that radiates an attractive force. This is both a property of the mind and physical attractiveness. This is self-confidence and indifference to whether you like or not. That's what It is."

The first official it-girl was the silent film actress Clara Bow, who in 1927 starred in the film It (It) based on the book by Eleanor Green. The heroine of Bow is a simple saleswoman, who, thanks to her appearance and ingenuity, fell in love with her boss's son and became well received in high society. A sort of Thackeray Becky Sharp of the 1920s.

Do you recognize?

Yeah, Clara got a little cosplay in Gatsby

This definition is firmly entrenched in the actress and in real life. So one of the first sex symbols of Hollywood, without knowing it, laid the foundation for a whole phenomenon.

Let's approach the issue seriously, so to speak academically, and classify this subspecies of the beautiful human race.

European It girl

In Europe, including Italy, the concept of it girl is associated primarily with fashion and style.

It irl has a great sense of fashion and the latest trends. She creates in her wardrobe a style of clothing that everyone else imitates. She has only the latest fashion items in her closet. However, she does not blindly follow trends, but interprets them and makes this style unique. You can call her a style icon.

It doesn't have to be a singer, model, super-rich girl or socialite. Usually only her impeccable taste and sense of trends matter. Such girls often appear on the pages of fashion magazines and at fashion shows.

Such girls often ask fashion trends- their photos are posted by photographers in fashion blogs, where everyone draws their inspiration from famous designers. Such girls can also be called people who influence fashion.

It can be said that if there are "nose" in the perfume business that have an increased sensitivity to smells, so in fashion there are "it girls" who have an increased sensitivity to style and trends.

American It Girl.

Age doesn't matter here, fame matters. And they are called like this: "Famous because they are famous."

The title of It Girl is worn mainly by representatives of show business and Hollywood.

Russian It girl

In our country, it-girl is inextricably linked with the concept of socialite. This is a girl who has a lot of money, most often does not work (but not always, now there is a certain tendency that Russian It girls become designers of their own clothing lines, open exhibitions and galleries), constantly hangs out, can make art or, for example, act on TV, but not full-time, but just for fun.

They are called young, beautiful, ambitious, necessarily expensive and fashionably dressed, having an impeccable style. The emphasis from style in Russia is shifting to wealth, luxury of life, fashion, status and the ability to get everything.

Most often these are daughters or wives of famous and influential people.

From It Girls in Russia, Natalia Goldenberg, Miroslava Duma, Uliana Sergeenko, Ksenia Sobchak are often singled out (some do not classify her as an It Girls due to the fact that she actively earns her own living)

Let's get down to the most delicious - a review of already experienced and just beginners it-girls. Let's cry from the surging nostalgia... And don't forget, this is 2011.

Paris Hilton


Who is she: granddaughter of the founder of the multi-million dollar hotel business Conrad Hilton (Conrad Hilton), repeatedly disinherited for bad behavior, but each time managing to return the favor of her father. This famous blonde without a specific occupation, without a doubt, is the main it-girl of our time. She became world famous for her participation in the reality show " Simple life and cultivating the image of a socialite capable of being famous for the fact of her glamorous doing nothing. Paris tried her hand at different areas activities: she has a contract with Donald Trump's T Management modeling agency, participation in several film projects, an autobiography "Confessions of an Heiress", a perfume line, a music album and several design projects. However, the girl is known mainly for her novels and wild lifestyle.

The blonde calls Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe and Madonna her idols, and when asked what annoys her the most, she answers: “Work and boys.” Having already created an international brand from her name, Paris began to earn money by what she manages to do the most, that is, parties. For a twenty-minute presence in the club, the girl receives a check in the amount of several hundred thousand dollars. Paris herself confirmed this more than once in an interview: “When they see me at a party, in fact, I get paid to be there. For me, there is no concept of "bad fame". In 2003, as if to confirm these words, a homemade video of a sexual nature with the heiress of the hotel empire in leading role. This was the first case after which the father threatened negligent Paris with disinheritance. Then there were numerous drunk driving scandals, going out without underwear, a 23-day prison sentence and arrests for speeding, during which packets of cocaine fell out of Paris's purse.

Nicole Richie


Who is she: stepdaughter famous musician Lionel Richie, goddaughter of Michael Jackson and former best friend Paris Hilton. Until a certain time, the name Nicole Richie was used exclusively in conjunction with the name Paris. Together with Hilton, she traveled through the American outback in The Simple Life, but she always remained on the sidelines. After a quarrel, the girls parted ways, and Nicole decided to step out of the shadow of her once best friend.

In 2005, she starred in the movie "American Kids", then released the book "The Truth About Diamonds", became the face of Jimmy Choo, founded her own brand House of Harlow 1960, in general, did the same thing as Paris, only in her own way. . But Richie got to the media pages mainly because of her problems with the law, her scandalous nature and allegations of anorexia. The girl was detained for driving without a license and using drugs, for which she even had to spend 82 minutes in a prison cell. However, now Nicole is diligently correcting the mistakes of her youth, and her name is less and less included in the scandalous gossip column. Nicole is happily married to musician Joel Madden and has two children, three-year-old daughter Harlow Winter and two-year-old son Sparrow James.

Kim Kardashian


Who is she: the daughter of successful lawyers who turned her whole life into a reality show. The success story of Kim Kardashian is not much different from the stories of other famous heirs. It all started with the reality show Keep Up with the Kardashians. Then Kim began to appear at all kinds of parties in the company of the same as she is - rich and famous socialites. Kim, like Paris, at one time managed to light up in a sex video with R`n`B artist Ray J, which brought both unprecedented popularity. Ray J, in order to extend the success, even wrote a song about the legendary video. An affair with footballer Cristiano Ronaldo helped Kim become even more famous. The couple's relationship did not last long, but helped Kardashian to firmly establish itself on the front pages of the world press.

Kardashian chose reality television as her main field of activity: she participates in all entertainment shows, and now she has decided that her own wedding should be the next project. She regularly provides the press with the details of her relationship with her fiancé, basketball player Kris Humphries, and promises that a film crew will be present at the wedding ceremony, thanks to which the whole world will be able to rejoice for the newlyweds. By the way, this will be the second marriage for Kim. At 19, she married music producer Damon Thomas, whom she divorced four years later.

Poppy Delevingne


Who is she: daughter of the director of personal shopping at Selfridges, model and aspiring style icon. Poppy Delevingne belongs to a new generation of it-girls, her name is just beginning to appear in the gossip column, but she is confidently pushing more experienced competitors. Since childhood, Poppy was surrounded by the greatest figures in the fashion industry, so it is not surprising that the girl decided to develop her career in this direction. As a model, Delevingne has modeled for Louis Vuitton, Chloe and Balenciaga, and has also appeared on the covers of Tatler, L'Officiel and Vogue.

At the same time, the 25-year-old Englishwoman calls the modeling business her hobby and dreams of outstanding film roles, which she has not yet been offered. To parties and drunken sprees, Delavigne prefers going to the shows of world fashion weeks. Poppy is guaranteed a front row seat and photos cuddled with Roberto Cavalli and Alexa Chung. Delavigne calls herself a simple girl and says that in everyday life she prefers to dress in TOPSHOP and Mango.

Peaches Geldof


Who is she: daughter of Irish musician Bob Geldof (Bob Geldof) and frequenter of all London clubs. Peaches Geldof was born on March 16, 1989 in London. The girl's career began at the age of 14 with an author's column in Elle Girl magazine. She then began to call herself a freelance journalist, and her publications appeared periodically in such diverse publications as The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and Nylon. Over time, Geldof was less and less listed as the author of articles and more and more often became their heroine.

In the summer of 2008, 19-year-old Peaches married her boyfriend, musician Max Drummey, the frontman of Chester French. The wedding ceremony took place in Las Vegas. However, the family idyll lasted only three months, and in November of the same year, Peaches filed for divorce, arguing that, when she got married, she did not think that her marriage would last a lifetime. However, what else could be expected from a girl famous for her love of rock and roll parties and drugs? In July 2008, information appeared in the press that the girl was hospitalized with symptoms suspiciously resembling an overdose. A few days before, the paparazzi managed to photograph Peaches at the time of transferring money to a drug dealer, who regularly bought Geldof's friend and drinking buddy Amy Winehouse (Amy Winehouse). Among other "achievements" of the young brawler are an attempt in the best traditions of Winona Ryder to leave the boutique without paying for things, as well as an affair with a transsexual, which Gelford herself gladly told the press about.

Now let's move on to our domestic ones.


Who is she: daughter of the first mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and member of the Federation Council Lyudmila Narusova, a journalist and TV presenter who managed to get out of the shadow of her famous parents. Ksenia Sobchak, of course, cannot be considered an it-girl in the classical sense. She has long been a working girl who seriously irritated the public with the image of a blonde in rhinestones and diamonds, did not reject the opportunity to be a kept woman, and eventually achieved fame and recognition through hard work. Sobchak became a cult it-girl of the early 2000s, the first of the representatives Russian show business, who received the titles of "socialite" and "party girl".

The girl's cavaliers included Umar Dzhabrailov, Vyacheslav Leibman, Sergey Kapkov and many other well-known and wealthy businessmen and politicians. In the summer of 2005, the press relished the details of the separation of Xenia and Alexander Shustorovich. The wedding was supposed to take place on July 1, but Sobchak was never able to demonstrate Wedding Dress, which was specially made for her by Valentin Yudashkin. This story became one of the main secular scandals of the year. With the rest of it-girls, the girl has in common a love for social events and scandalous behavior. This is where the similarity ends - today Ksenia Sobchak is involved in a variety of projects. Her most famous incarnations are a TV presenter (“Dom-2” on TNT, “Top Model in Russian” on Muz-TV), a radio host (“Budni Barabaki” on “ Silver rain”) and a columnist (really iconic, compared to other heroines of the list, first-tier glossy columns: GQ, Tatler, Sex and the City). Today Sobchak is actively moving away from the scandalous image and promotes the values ​​of the so-called. "new sincerity" without false pathos.

Miroslava Duma


Who is she: daughter of a member of the Federation Council Vasily Duma, wife of businessman Alexei Mikheev and the most fashionable journalist in the country. 28-year-old Miroslava Duma does not miss a single fashion show, exhibition or presentation. AT high-profile scandals the girl was not noticed, she does not quarrel with other secular ladies and does not cheat on her husband. By the way, she met him while still a student at MGIMO. Alexei prefers not to flicker in the press, but his wife has long become her own in a secular get-together. Together they raise two children.

Miroslava Duma's career began with a column in Harper's Bazaar. There was a time when her candidacy was considered almost seriously for the position of editor-in-chief of the publication. Now Mira continues to write small columns for glossy magazines, maintains her blog and does charity work - she is a co-founder of the Planet of the World Foundation, whose tasks include the implementation of projects in the field of culture and education. However, the title of just a sweet and stylish girl brings Duma the greatest popularity - she is very praised for her subtle sense of style on the pages of magazines and fashion blogs.

Natalia Goldenberg


Who is she: one of the main fashionistas in Moscow, a columnist and just a media person. Natalya Goldenberg almost always goes out accompanied by her childhood friend Miroslava Duma. Previously, the girls studied together at school, and now they are conquering Moscow bohemia together. Natalia is a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities, who has been fond of fashion since childhood. At first, Goldenberg was listed as a merchandiser at the Central Department Store, then she became a buyer and director of the Kova & T brand. The unique eclectic style ensured her a permanent presence on fashion blogs, invitations to all the notable fashion shows and the authorship of columns in several magazines.

Tzipporah by Natasha Goldenberg show 2011

Getting tired of the role of a girl from the fashion world, but having a very indirect relationship to it, Natalia presented her first collection of her own brand Tzipporah, at the presentation of which all star friends were present.

Uliana Zeitlina


Who is she: a secular lady with a dark past, a four-story mansion on Rublyovka and an indefinite source of income. Uliana Tseitlina is another Russian socialite and friend of Ksenia Sobchak, who, however, differs in that her friends began to explore the spaces of social events together, and therefore they never tried to suspect this relationship of self-interest.

According to Ulyana, she and Ksenia arrived in Moscow at about the same time, lived next door, saw each other often - and became friends. Today the roads ex girlfriends they parted a bit - Ksenia took the path of active functioning in the media market and brings out the beginning socialites, and Ulyana remained a classic "socialite lady" in the chronicle of fashion magazines.

Zeitlina was born in Leningrad in the family of an artist and editor-in-chief of the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences. After school, the girl entered the Faculty of Interior and Design at the Serov School. In parallel with her studies, she worked part-time at the Leningrad House of Models. Further, in the life of Ulyana, a period began, the details of which are shrouded in mystery. It is known for certain that in the late 1980s, Zeitlina flew to Australia, where she remained for a long 11 years. But the reasons for the sudden flight from her homeland are not completely clear: she herself says that she went with her husband to visit friends and decided not to return to Russia. Another version is that the girl was hiding from her former lover - a crime boss.

Returning to Moscow in 2000, Ulyana became one of the most prominent secular characters in the capital. Tseytlina was the first to dare not hide the fact that her main source of income is the financial assistance of wealthy fans, one of whom gave her beloved a house on Rublyovka. The name of another former gentleman, who became the father of her son, Ulyana carefully hides from the public. Sometimes a girl still tries to earn a living on her own: she was the host of the program "Trip to Rublyovka" on Muz-TV, wrote a book on how to look good, and her latest project is shooting in Dima Bilan's video "Dreamers".

Ulyana Sergeenko


Who is she: wife of co-owner and CEO of Rosgosstrakh Daniil Khachaturov and friend of Ksenia Sobchak (alas, alas!).

A native of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ulyana Sergeenko first appeared on the pages of the press as a new companion of the oligarch. Daniil Khachaturov brought to light new passion while still officially married to his first wife, but soon divorced, despite 15 years of marriage. Sergeenko regularly attended all social events with her husband, and while her husband was busy, in the company of Ksenia Sobchak, Polina Kitsenko and Alena Akhmadullina, she demonstrated outfits from the latest collections, sitting in the front row of fashion shows. It was friendship with Sobchak, as is often the case in a party, that brought Ulyana from the category of interesting glamorous young ladies with the signature "society lady" into the category of almost independent secular characters.

It is yet to completely get rid of the prefix "secular lady" or "companion" - now she is solving this issue with the help of her passion for photography. All the representatives of the Russian secular party got into the lens of Ulyana (fortunately, most of them at that time were already her close friends). This year (my note - in 2011) Ulyana decided to show her another talent to the public and, with the support of Vika Gazinskaya, presented the debut collection of clothes from her own brand Ulyana Sergeenko.

Yana Raskovalova


Who is she: former model, and now the wife of businessman Vadim Raskovalov and the mother of his two children. Yana Raskovalova went the usual way for the Russian it-girl - at first she was a model, at one of the events she met her future husband, thanks to whom she became one of the most mysterious secular lionesses in Moscow. And this is despite the fact that the main and only achievement of the girl in the modeling field is shooting in the video of her longtime friend, her husband Dmitry Malikov, “My, Mine”. Apparently, it was this work that led us to the paraphrase that has already become a classic - "mine"

My, my

In the press, Yana is also called the stylist of Ksenia Sobchak, an art critic and an aspiring designer. It is thanks again to her star friend that the name of Yana quite often flashes in the gossip columns.

Varvara Remchukova


Who is she: daughter of the editor-in-chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta Konstantin Remchukov, MGIMO student, conducting winter holiday on the ski resort in Aspen. Varvara Remchukova is only 21 years old, and for an it-girl she has a surprisingly impeccable reputation: the MGIMO student does not drink or smoke, she does not skip classes, she behaves decently at parties and fashion shows, she has not been seen in high-profile scandals. Demonstrates a commitment to retro style and has a reputation as a girl "from a very good family."

The only weakness of the budding it-girl is her love for men much older than her. In 2009, she was regularly seen in the company of Andrei Malakhov, for some time it was even rumored that the couple got married, but this, as we know, never happened. In addition, Varya appeared at events arm in arm with Nikolai Uskov, which was also perceived as the participation of a family friend in the socialization of the debutante of the world. The girl sometimes writes articles for L`Officiel and Nezavisimaya Gazeta and is included in all lists of the most enviable brides in the country.

Barbara's requirements for the narrowed for that shaggy period:

A potential fiancé of the lovely Varya must possess at least three qualities: be able to keep up a conversation with Pope Constantine about Russia's place in modern world, with mother Elena - about the meaning of kulebyaki in modern Russia, and then - he must be head over heels in love with their daughter. Otherwise, he will not see family dinners in Bolshoi Levshinsky Lane and Saturday brunches in Lipki, like his own ears.

Maria Conte with Ulyana Zeitlina


Who is she: wife of the mythical Italian count, writer and eternal muse of Igor Chapurin. In all her interviews, socialite Maria Conte proudly declares that she had to work hard from the age of 18, and at 21, her fragile shoulders took care of the whole family. After the girl married an Italian count or Baron De Conte, whom, by the way, no one had ever seen, Maria was able to relieve herself of the burden of responsibility for the material well-being of her loved ones. Now the girl does what she likes - goes to parties and major events. The media, on the other hand, stubbornly write off the lack of need to work on Conte's romance with Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the board of OAO Tyumen Oil Company.

AT free time Maria writes: on account of Conte, the writer of the book "Troubles in Rublev's way" and "When the love of the soul touches ...", as well as a collection of "SMS-poems". The legend says that the girl discovered her writing talent in herself when she was waiting for the birth of her daughter.

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