What stones are suitable for Pisces? Jewelery horoscope. Stones for the zodiac sign Pisces

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Stones for Pisces have different properties, since the nature of the representatives of this zodiac sign is ambiguous - these are people who subtly feel others, they are very insightful and smart, patiently endure all adversity and always believe in the best. But Pisces is easy to offend and scare. They often close in on themselves, their mood can change dramatically for no reason. People of this sign suffer from low self-esteem, and at the same time continue to make martyrs out of themselves.

The best talisman of Pisces is an amethyst

Pisces born in different periods, characters can be very different, so the stones for the zodiac sign Pisces are very different. The following zodiac decades are distinguished by date of birth:

  1. February 20-February 29. Representatives of the first decade are under the auspices of Saturn. It gives a person romance and dreaminess. Pisces of this period are emotional and sensual natures. They have a rich imagination, so often those born at the end of February make excellent writers and poets. The best Pisces talisman of this decade is an amethyst. He gives inspiration and at the same time protects from those who want to profit from someone else's talent. Gems such as jasper, tiger's eye, aventurine and moonstone will bring good luck.
  2. March 1-March 11. Those born in this decade are subject to the influence of Jupiter - these are altruistic natures, keenly feeling the pain of others. Sometimes they get so upset about the problems of others that they make themselves real illnesses. People who were born in early March are prone to mood swings and emotional burnout. Minerals such as opal, sapphire, chrysolite, heliotrope, moonstone will help them maintain good spirits and not fall into depression.
  3. March 12-March 20. People of this decade are under the influence of Mars. They are fundamentally different from other representatives of their zodiac sign. These natures are resolute and stubborn, rarely change their personal opinions and try not to deviate from their principles. Pisces of this period easily achieve success. They tend to be aggressive and selfish. Pisces stones of this decade are aquamarine and alexandrite. They cool the ardor of their owner and relieve excessive suspiciousness. Opal, which promotes inspiration, is suitable for creative natures. Diamond, emerald, tourmaline, sapphire, chrysolite will also become good talismans of the Zodiac sign Pisces of the third decade.

Individual stones

Which stone suits Pisces the most depends on their character and lifestyle. However, from the whole variety of minerals, there are those whose properties are best suited to almost all representatives of this water sign. Opal is an excellent mascot for the Pisces zodiac sign, as it gives energy. It improves mental capacity, develops creativity, strengthens physical and spiritual health. Indecisive and weak natures, the gem protects from the evil influence of envious people and ill-wishers. Opal is useful for schoolchildren and students. He contributes easy memorization and application of new knowledge.

Agate also gives strength. It is especially useful for those Pisces whose life path associated with helping others. For example, these are rescuers and doctors. Agate will protect from negative energy, help in the fight against difficulties. The mineral endows the owner with wisdom so that he can distinguish truth from lies.

Stones and talismans for Pisces (video)

Heliodor and moonstone relieve bad thoughts and sad memories. They help lift your spirits and relieve stress. Heliodor raises the self-esteem of those who wear the mineral on themselves. Pisces, he will help to reveal talents and improve social status.

Pisces is an indecisive and very suspicious sign of the zodiac. Coral can give them confidence and self-confidence. The stone strengthens the mental state, enhances intuition, helps to concentrate. In addition, a coral amulet brings many interesting events and pleasant changes to the life of the owner. It protects from damage and helps to find a soul mate. Coral talismans must be taken by travelers. It opens up many bright and unusual places and contribute to a successful trip.

Gallery: stones for Pisces (50 photos)

Aquamarine fights Pisces' imperfections. He gives them confidence, gives courage, increases self-esteem. Jewelry with aquamarine is a good amulet against emotional exhaustion. It also saves you from ill-considered financial expenses.

Of those stones that are suitable for Pisces women, one can name cacholong, aquamarine and moonstone. They make their owner attractive, help create a family, realize themselves in the professional field. Attracts love and gives courage to cacholong. This mineral is suitable for Pisces women who have difficulty meeting the opposite sex. The mineral helps to feel free and at ease. For married women, the gem helps to protect family happiness.

Contribute to a successful acquaintance and aquamarine. Gem jewelry can be worn to a party or a date to feel easy and confident. It is believed that prolonged contemplation of the mineral brings happiness. Moonstone makes a woman attractive and desirable. This is the perfect gift from the stronger sex. If a woman received a gem from her beloved man, then their union will become strong and happy.

If a gems for Pisces women reveal the beauty of the beautiful half of humanity, then male stones help their owners to realize themselves in life. Amethyst is a good mascot stone for a Pisces man. It gives self-confidence, aims at success, quickly restores energy. It is believed that the mineral has a healing effect on Pisces, curing many diseases.

Of all the zodiac minerals, pearl is the stone of money and wealth.. It will help its owner to get a well-paid job, set up his own business, and attract profit. It also gives internal energy and excellent performance.

Useful for men and aquamarine. This gem is a wonderful talisman for married women and men. He protects family happiness, protects from intrigue and gossip. In addition, the mineral promotes good relationships with colleagues and relatives.

Negative stones

A talisman for Pisces can be chosen from a variety of stones, but there are minerals that are absolutely contraindicated for this sign. Often this is due to which zodiac signs suit Pisces the least. Virgos have completely different character traits. According to the horoscope, their talisman stones have the opposite energy, so they are contraindicated for Pisces. These are gems such as sardonyx, lapis lazuli, olivine, topaz, as well as minerals dark colors that will drive sensitive Pisces into depression.

Jade and hematite are absolutely negative stones according to the sign of the Zodiac. Pisces, who are already prone to mood swings, they will make even more emotionally unstable natures. They will disrupt relationships with loved ones, create problems at work and at home.

Not suitable for Pisces and jasper, with whose energy the representatives of this sign cannot cope. The mineral will drain energy from its weak-willed and indecisive owner, depriving him of mental strength. All this will lead to a decline in strength, bad mood, protracted depression.

In order to choose the right stones according to the zodiac sign of Pisces, you need to know the features of this sign. It is the final one in a circle of twelve signs, beginning on February 20th and ending on March 20th. The patron planet is Neptune, and the natural element is water. Representatives of the sign are distinguished by spirituality, developed intuition and daydreaming. They have a great sense of humor, they are kind and helpful friends. The disadvantages for people born under the sign of Pisces are such qualities as compliance, gentleness of character, lack of will in making their own decisions. At the same time, it is quite difficult to live with them in a family, despite their compliance, because they are rather helpless in everyday life, but they know how to use it and manipulate loved ones. All these characteristics are explained by weak energy, which can be strengthened with the help of properly selected talismans and amulets.

Pisces stones that enhance energy

Diamond Amethyst Pearl

H is useful to Pisces, it helps to overcome inertia, attracts money and love.
gives peace to the family, brings good luck to its owners. He shares positive energy with his owner, but you need to be very careful if amethyst is given - he is able to fall in love with the donor.
traditionally considered a symbol of love and gives Pisces a calm and long family life. If the pearl becomes cloudy, then it signals that its owner has health problems.
allows you to honorably get out of stressful situations, and also attracts money. You cannot wear a moonstone all the time.
useful in that it enhances love and family well-being. Astrologers recommend opals of milky white color to representatives of this zodiac sign. Opal also enhances Creative skills fish.

Which stone is suitable for fish by date of birth

When choosing a talisman and amulet, you must take into account the date of birth.
Pisces born in the first decade of the sign (20.02 - 01.03) have the patron planet Saturn. These are vulnerable, creative people. The main stone for those born in the first decade is. It helps such people to unleash their creativity and think clearly. Blue is also suitable, which contributes to being wise and hardworking. And it will help to overcome laziness and improve memory.

Emerald Sapphire

In the second decade (03/02 - 03/11), the most suitable gem is this. He will help his owner in the implementation of plans. Heliotrope for the zodiac sign Pisces is a way of protection from bad influence and envy. will help its owner become more practical, bring good luck. It is especially useful to wear opal rings on romantic dates to become more self-confident. - a complex stone, it cannot be given away, only given or accepted as a gift, because opal is able to exchange energy between the donor and the donee. If the energy is negative, then it will only bring harm and even serious illness to both people.
According to the horoscope, representatives of this sign, born in the third decade (03/12 - 03/20), tend to be cheerful and capricious. This is because their planet is Mars. Representatives of the third decade should have talismans made of onyx, hematite, carnelian,. These stones balance emotions, improve health and mood, and promote new beginnings.

Gems for Pisces - women

The influence of the zodiac sign Pisces on women is most pronounced, because this is the so-called "female" sign. The beautiful half, born under this sign, is distinguished by sacrifice in the name of the good of people close to them. They will be helped to preserve energy, health and beauty by blue topaz. Also suitable. He is a talisman of family happiness and protects from ill-wishers and envious people.
Astrologers strongly recommend that unmarried girls according to the zodiac sign Pisces wear jewelry with pearls.
. This stone is preferably chosen in blue, then it helps to restore one's mental and physical strength, as well as maintain beauty and youth for many years.
It will help to be more open, friendly to its owner. Preserves marital fidelity and family happiness, because it is a symbol of constancy.

Talismans for Pisces men

Due to the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign are too soft and not always confident in own forces, they may be advised to use the power of the stones.

Julia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarologist. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

Men and women born at the end of February-March are distinguished by strong intuition, reaching psychic abilities. No matter how developed this trait is, amulets will help you save energy, not waste your time on trifles, and avoid loneliness.

Pisces are endowed with great patience - they steadfastly endure the vicissitudes of fate. Sometimes they just go with the flow of life. A stream of failures can take them to the deserted shore of loneliness, which is contraindicated for representatives of this zodiac sign. To become successful person who always gets his way, you need to have a stone for good luck.

Choosing stones by date of birth

This is the easiest way to pick up a talisman. You can choose jewelry for another person if you know his date of birth. At the moment of the birth of a new creature, the planets converge in a special way, predicting its fate. Astrologers are repelled from this when they recommend picking up one or another stone for a specific person. Works the same for women and men.

All stones that fit this zodiac sign carry strength and energy. These are bright, memorable decorations that not only look interesting, but also bring good luck. If you choose a stone for yourself, look at how it lies in your hand, whether it is pleasant to hold and wear it. You must have a mental connection with your amulet, otherwise it will not work.

Jade is strictly forbidden to Pisces. This stone enhances the propensity for hard work, sometimes turning a person into a fanatic of his work. It contributes to the loneliness of Pisces, oppresses their best features, and does not contribute to the stamina of character.

Do not wear hematite. It absorbs more energy than it can give out, therefore, increases fatigue, induces apathy and can lead to health problems.


For the zodiac sign of Pisces, dreaminess, isolation from life and submissive humility with the vicissitudes of fate are characteristic. Talismans should help align the character, get rid of loneliness and give vitality.

Astrologers do not recommend choosing large stones. 7 grams is the maximum allowable weight for a single piece of jewelry. Do not forget that a person should like a gem, attract the attention of others and fit organically into the style.


Greetings to all Pisces who are interested in amulets and charms and who want to positively influence their destiny.

The main feature of people who are born under the sign of fish is softness and isolation from reality. These people are very rarely self-confident.

Demanding decisions from representatives of this sign is simply stupid, they will do everything to avoid this.

Emotions are extremely important to Pisces, they are constantly trying to understand the reasons for any, even the most insignificant act and a random word.

Pisces often hit hard on religion or mysticism. They are much more comfortable living in a fantasy world than solving problems in real life.

They feel great people, but do not know how to use it. What Pisces lacks is at least a little self-confidence and good, healthy arrogance.

There is no single answer to the question of which gem is suitable for fish. It all depends on the person's date of birth. There is a division into three periods.

Character traits characteristic of each differ significantly. Therefore, the precious stones that will become amulets and talismans for fish are also different.

Pisces born from February 21 to March 1, these are pronounced romantics and dreamers. They are always ready for change, but everyday worries are often ignored.

Pisces of this period need precious stones that are recognized as strong magically.


  • Sapphire helps a person find his calling, overcome apathy and fear. This stone is considered a powerful source of vital energy and a link to the cosmos. Strong healing properties sapphire manifests only in relation to pure spiritual people.
  • Emerald is a stone of composure and wisdom. This is a powerful talisman that protects from misfortune. Emerald helps disperse melancholy, strengthens memory and saves from insomnia. Jewelry with this stone is recommended for those who have vision problems. Very often, ancient doctors used this stone to treat infectious diseases.
  • Jade helps those who wish to improve their lives or are in a difficult situation. It helps to find a way out of impasses, to gain well-being, vitality and longevity. Jade is associated with courage, honesty and decency.

Pisces born between March 2 and 11 are honest and open people. They really need love and attention, often strive for fame. Vitality and determination are not always enough to achieve this on their own. Some stones can help these people.



  • Corals are called symbols of happiness and immortality. They contribute to the development of intuition and logical thinking, thereby creating a reasonable balance in the worldview of fish. Corals also have strong protective properties, they are even used to heal wounds in powder form. This stone is able to neutralize envy and anger.
  • Rock crystal will help to reveal and realize abilities. In ancient medicine, this crystal played a leading role. Astrologers say that the energy of rock crystal instantly tunes in to the vibration of a person and gently stabilizes him. Jewelry with this stone allows you to find wise answers to all questions.
  • Sardonyx in all cultures of the world is considered a symbol of good luck. This stone is able to greatly increase vitality and maintain happiness in marriage. Ancient magicians used sardonyx as a talisman against the deceit of enemies and diseases.

Representatives of fish who were born from March 12 to March 20 are cheerful and slightly capricious people. They are often distinguished from the psychotype common to fish.

These fish are determined, ambitious and know how to get their way. For these people, there are also stones that can help in all endeavors and protect against failure.


  • Charoite will give its owner endurance and calmness. The stone helps to awaken and develop prudence, clarity of thinking and improves mood. Charoite powerfully strengthens the health of its owner. It acts in a complex way, but it also helps to cope with a specific disease. Develops this stone and mental abilities.
  • Jet is a black opaque stone. Despite the color, the magicians of antiquity considered him the best protector from dark forces, evil thoughts and negative energies. Jewelry with this stone is like all fish, because it is the representatives of this sign who are most afraid of the evil eye and all sorts of dark forces.
  • Mother-of-pearl suits everyone except twins. Astrologers claim that it helps develop intuition. This stone fully reveals its capabilities only when its owner is fish. Mother of pearl contributes to human health and longevity. The stone brings prosperity, peace and harmony to the family.

Gems for Pisces Woman

For a woman born under the sign of Pisces, pearl agate or cacholong is very suitable as a talisman.


This most beautiful and rarest of gems will protect its mistress regardless of age, character or social status. Cacholong is able to attract love, therefore it is recommended for unmarried girls.

Pregnant women and mothers wear pearl-colored agate jewelry to protect against diseases and the evil eye.

Beautiful representatives of this zodiac sign are very often not self-confident and doubt the sincerity of the feelings of relatives and friends. Jewelry with a cacholong will help the hostess to cast aside groundless doubts and give confidence.


Pisces women often plunge headlong into household chores and forget that they are attractive, hiding their femininity deeply. A talisman with a moonstone will reveal sensuality, restore softness, dreaminess and emphasize natural charm.

A woman born under the sign of fish should pay close attention to aquamarine. This stone has been a talisman of sailors and fishermen since ancient times.


Restrained in the manifestation of feelings and shy fish, aquamarine will give confidence and courage.

Jewelry with aquamarine gives strength and energy to achieve the goal, determination and freedom. At the same time, the mineral strengthens spirituality and brings harmony to the life of every person.

Gemstones for fish men

A man who was born under the sign of Pisces is partly an altruist and does not know how to value himself, to defend his interests. Success is slow and hard.

- developed spirituality. They are dreamers and idealists, connoisseurs of nature. At the heart of their actions are intuitive impulses. Representatives of the sign are generously endowed with a sense of humor. They are sociable, friendly, tolerant of other people's mistakes. Among Pisces there are many selfless natures who give themselves entirely to family and friends. Other people's troubles cause them more suffering than their own.

The life of Pisces is complicated by a lack of will, a tendency to agree, excessive compliance. Unable to understand their "I", many individuals are forever rushing between high and low, between the Temple and the Den.

Despite their innate softness, Pisces are difficult partners in family life. Due to worldly helplessness, some of them learn from childhood to manipulate other people, not having the ability to earn money, willingly agree to a marriage of convenience.

The cause of the problems is weak energy. Passivity and lethargy prevent Pisces from coping even with minor domestic troubles.

Stones selected in accordance with the horoscope help to fill the lack of energy, correct problematic areas.

Astrologers advise Pisces to constantly wear amulets,. They should include at least 12 pieces in their collection.

The main stones of the mascots of Pisces

The duration of the sign early spring. The dazzling blue of the sky is diluted with white clouds. Pale primroses break through the melted snow. The gems of Pisces seem to reflect the cool spring flavor. From their inner world, basically, minerals of milky, lilac, blue, green, light purple shades are in harmony.


Beryl of the color of the sea enhances the active vitality, restores peace of mind, softens anger. It is useful to inert Pisces. It also attracts love and money.


The gem gives good luck, brings peace to the family. It relieves Pisces of mood swings, charges with positive energy. softens the bitterness of love failure, contributes to the emergence of a new feeling. But he has one insidious feature. Presented as a gift, amethyst can make the giver fall in love and betray former love.


The color of the stone is strikingly different from other Pisces amulets. He's black. The personification of the secrets of the night, jet protects nervous, sensitive individuals from dark dreams, extinguishes inexplicable fears, dissolves in its blackness all the evil directed at its owner.


It is a symbol of true love. Pisces he brings happy and long life. Ring with - protection from thieves and scammers. The tarnishing of the gem signals the development of a hidden ailment in its owner.


Along with the mournful black jet, bluish-silver preserves Pisces' sleep, helps to maintain composure in stressful situations. Moonstone attracts money. But it cannot be worn all the time - the mineral dulls the sharpness of the reaction at the moment of danger.


Pisces tend to embellish reality. protects them from envious people, swindlers, liars. It gives firmness to weak natures. Due to its changeable color, opal is associated with impermanence. But for Pisces, the milky-white variety of the mineral (cacholong) brings family well-being and sublime love. Among the representatives of the sign are many creative people. Opal enhances their talents, gives rise to inspiration.

Choosing a talisman stone according to the date of the horoscope for Pisces

The patron planets endow people with their own characteristics. When choosing gems, you should consider the date of birth.

During this period, poets, romantics, lovers of change are born. Influence takes them away from the realities of life into the world of dreams. It is useful for such individuals to include the following instances in the set of talismans:

  • - symbol creativity and clarity of mind;
  • - the personification of wisdom and intelligence, helps to overcome laziness, exacerbates sensitivity to lies;
  • - stimulates interest in humanitarian studies, strengthens memory.

Jupiter's wards dream of a worthy assessment of their merits by others.

Their additional amulets:

  • – effectively protects against envy and other negativity;
  • - helps to realize dreams;
  • - protects against reckless actions; gives self-confidence.

The third decade obeys. People of this period are cheerful, sociable. At the same time, they are capricious, quick-tempered, suspicious. They are recommended to add to the main talismans:

  • - a stone of longevity, happiness and prosperity, balances emotions;
  • chrysoprase - attracts the sympathy of others, promotes new beginnings, drives away nightmares.

Additional list of auspicious stones for Pisces

  • (blue);
  • (pale green);
  • (blue and colorless);
  • tourmaline;
  • uvarovite;
  • spinel.

Dangerous stones for Pisces

Pisces is a sensitive sign. Active, assertive stones are contraindicated for them. The bright red and thick dark color of the minerals can provoke depression. Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about inappropriate stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Solar sign, but according to a weak

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