Following summer, autumn comes yellow. Children's poems about autumn - pretty and easy to remember

Family and relationships 14.07.2019
Family and relationships

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Autumn is a strange time:
It's cold, it's hot.

poetess Tsvetka

autumn song

The summer has passed
Autumn has come.
In fields and groves
Empty and dull.

The birds have flown
The days got shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.

Alexey Pleshcheev


In the autumn garden, by the path,
Aspen claps her hands.
That's why this week
Her palms turned red.


Crow cries in the sky:
- Karr!
There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!
And it was just very:
Autumn settled in it.

E. Intulov

Autumn is coming

Autumn walks along the alleys,
To visit us, she went into the yard,
Decorated the trees
She turned on the shower and left.

Mixed rain and leaves
Puddles with gurgles sing,
On a birch, a fox coat,
Terrible clouds are floating.

Aleinikova L.


Mom is sad about something...
Maybe she forgot
How to ride in the rain
In his blue coat.

Just like a girl
Drops to the beat laughed loudly.
She needs to be reminded.
Come on, fun and friendly

We put on boots
And we run out into the rain.
One, two, three, four, five
Autumn we go to look for ...

Outside the window autumn

Behind the window autumn
Leaf fall rustles,
The maple has shed all its leaves,
He seems to be sleeping.
And the birch bends
From the crazy wind
The rain is pouring from the clouds,
Summer has gone.
With my kitten
I sit by the window
Watch the call
A trickle from the rain.

Aleinikova L.

leaf and wind

Light handle breeze
Picked up a leaf in the garden
And let's roll with him
How to play with a kitten.
On the autumn cobweb
Hanging like fluff
Holding hands, flying
And they hit me in the palms!

Aleinikova L.

colorful wind

After summer comes autumn
The wind sings yellow songs to her.
Leaves spread red under the feet,
A white snowflake flies into the blue.

V. Stepanov

Poems about autumn for children - easy

Autumn gamma

Empty siskin's nest - before.
Autumn day in the yard -re.
The wind howls behind the doors - do re mi.
Bright days empty graph - fa.

The whole earth turned white - la.
Ice on the puddles, like salt - salt.
Wear a warm hat - si.
Do re mi fa sol la si do!

Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain.

Luchezar Stanchev


Falling, falling leaves
Leaf fall in our garden.
yellow, red leaves
They curl in the wind, they fly.

Birds fly south
Geese, rooks, cranes.
Here is the last flock
Wings flapping in the distance.

Let's take a basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest for mushrooms
Stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn mushroom

M. Evensen

Leaf walker

Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves ...
Falling leaves, change of seasons,
Leaf walker on the river, leaf walker.

The sides of the river freeze,
And there is nowhere to go from frost.
The river was covered with a fox coat,
But she's shaking and can't get warm.

Valery Shulzhik

About the hedgehog

Hedgehog ate a sandwich
Open mouth wide
He champed and groaned -
This is how you want to eat!

People are surprised:
So where is the sandwich?

There are no sandwiches in the forest, -
I'm bringing them to the Hedgehog!


By the scarlet feathers of the bullfinch
The chill of September is flowing.
In a dry forest, the slumber of pines,
Peace emanates from the fields
Our autumn goes south
Holding onto a string of cranes.

T. Belozerov

Autumn leaves

Empty birdhouse,
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.

All day today
Everyone is flying, flying ...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.

Irina Tokmakova

Before winter

Maples are flying faster and faster,
Darker and darker is the low vault of heaven,
Everything is clearer, how the crowns are empty,
All you can hear is how the forest grows numb ...

And increasingly hiding in the darkness
cooled to the ground.

Igor Maznin


Rain, it's raining
Sowing rain through a sieve
The smoke is grey.

Rain - artist:
He draws puddles
And he plays the trumpets
No worse.

Here comes the gray snow
Lie thick.
How good is
And sad.

Roman Sef

Raindrops are flying

Flying, raindrops are flying
You won't leave the gate.
Along the wet path
Raw fog creeps.
By the fallen pines
And fiery rowans
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!

I. Demyanov

Yellow paint someone

Someone with yellow paint
Painted the forests
For some reason they became
Heaven below.

Blazed brighter
Tassels of rowan.
All flowers withered
Only fresh wormwood.

I asked my dad:
- What happened all of a sudden?
And dad answered:
- It's autumn, friend.

Natalia Antonova


Autumn - red-haired girl
Sews thinly thin outfits:
Red, burgundy, yellow sheets -
These are patches.

Minukhina K. (a poem by a schoolgirl of 8 years old)


Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
It looks like new now!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

Berestov V.D.


If it's pouring rain
I take an umbrella with me
Very bright and big
Whoever meets
Very surprised.
The people around say:
“This is such a miracle! The umbrella is coming!
Even a little embarrassing
That I can't see at all...

M. Sidorova


rain and wind oak
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared to catch a cold?
After all, until late autumn
It stands green.
So the oak is hardy,
So it's hot!

I. Tokmakova

The birds have flown away

The birds have flown.
The forest is dreaming of summer.
Will not freeze
Until spring -
Warm the forest in winter

S. Ostrovsky


Oh what a summer it was!
Not a trace left
Everything in the neighborhood turned yellow
And a cold river
Boring rain beats in the window,
He's full of dirt
Summer won't come back
The puddles will freeze.
And today, at the easel,
Brush drives day-to-day,
Autumn dressed in red
And he loves himself.

Aleinikova L.

The girl incredibly tells a poem on the show

POSITIVE last!!! This miracle girl blew up the audience and the Internet with the story of the poem! Watch to the end!)

How to help your child learn poetry

Almost all children cannot sit still, especially when it comes to lessons or memorizing a poem. Our "flowers of life" are very fussy and temperamental. But if you wish, you can still understand and learn the poem by doing it in a playful way.

For example, you can transform into an artist and offer "Let's draw what we are talking about." To do this, we will take everything necessary for creativity - paints, pencils, maybe plasticine, etc. We turn on the fantasy and, together with your child, you need to reproduce each line of the poem on a sheet with paints or by sculpting something with plasticine. In this case, visual memory is also involved. Your little one is guaranteed to have fun learning the verse. He will completely immerse himself in the memorization process, which will make it much easier for him to understand, remember, and then recite the poem.

It will be easier for your child to learn the poem, according to its rhythm, that is, you can step or dance while reading. You can also include a sports component, for example, use the ball - by saying each line, pass the ball to each other.

You can also use the rules of the familiar snowball game. First, we read the first line of the poem, then we repeat it without peeping. Then we read the first and second lines and repeat the same without looking at the text. And so on. The child can easily remember the poem even after a long period of time, as he repeats it many times.

It is important that the process itself be pleasant for the child, everything should be fun and in a great mood. And the benefits of learning a poem are simply invaluable. Your child will learn to finish what he started, to achieve his goal and others. Speech and attention also develop. Learn poems, different and many.


Here is a maple leaf on a branch,
It looks like new now!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

V. Berestov

colorful wind

After summer comes autumn
The wind sings yellow songs to her.
Leaves spread red under the feet,
A white snowflake flies into the blue.

V. Stepanov


Crow cries in the sky:
- Karr!
There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!
And it was just very:
Autumn settled in it.

E. Intulov


Autumn is walking in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Red beads - rowan,
Pink apron - aspen,
Umbrella yellow - poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

I. Vinokurov

"In the aspen forest..."

In the aspen forest
Aspens tremble.
Breaks the wind
From aspens scarves.
He is on the path
Throw off scarves -
In the aspen forest
Autumn will come...

V. Stepanov

Leaves are golden, fall, fly,
Golden leaves cover the garden.
There are many golden leaves on the paths,
We will make a good bouquet of them,
We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table,
Golden autumn has come to visit us.

E. Blaginina

Maple and Christmas trees

There is no hope for salvation! -
Autumn Maple half-dressed.
And the wind-thief is happy to try -
Rip off the golden outfit.
But Christmas trees do not give up -
Their needles are sharp!

S. Ostrovsky

All year round. October

In October, in October
Frequent rain outside.
Grass is dead in the meadows
The grasshopper was silent.
Firewood prepared
For the winter for stoves.

S. Marshak

Autumn. Frosty in the morning.
In the groves of yellow leaf fall.
Leaves near the birch
They lie like a golden carpet.
In the puddles, the ice is transparent blue.
There is white frost on the leaves.

E. Golovin


Wasps are yellower by autumn,
Striped and meaner -
Apparently, grandmother's compote
It does not give them rest.
And jam, and jam
We have, and they
It's a shame.
(V. Stepanov)

naughty rain

Rain, rain, you listen:
Don't walk barefoot through the puddles.
Autumn roams the roads
He wears cold in a knapsack,
You will turn white - you will become snow -
You won't melt until April.
(T. Koneva)

mischievous people

circled over me
Rain of mischievous leaves.
How good is he!
Where else can you find one like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under him,
We danced like friends
Rain of leaves and me.
(L. Razvodova)


A flock of birds fly away
Clouds are rushing, sobbing.
Like a thin blade of grass
Aspen trembles in the wind.
I tell her:
- Take it easy,
Do not be afraid of the white winter.
(I. Melnichuk)

autumn fox

A fox passed under a bush
And burned the leaves
Fire climbed the branches
And blazed
Autumn forest.
(N. Krasilnikov)

A. Teslenko

Autumn, autumn, wait!
And don't rush with the rain
Give us more summer
Sun and light

G. Shestakova

The rain is pouring, trying
Even if they don't ask him.
The sun is in the clouds,
So it's autumn.

T. Yakovenko

Gray asphalt road
Autumn painted yellow, bright.
I walk on it and imagine
That from summer to winter I walk on the bridge!

V. Trop

Red autumn - we ask you to visit!
Color nature brightly for us autumn.
The leaf is orange, the leaf is crimson,
Draws furiously, draws zealously.
Draw while - winter said
And then she took all the paint and licked it off.

“Autumn page September 2015 Following the summer, Autumn comes, Yellow songs The wind sings to her, Red leaves spread under her feet, White snowflake Flies into the blue. September Early autumn...»

Autumn page


Following the summer

Autumn is coming

yellow songs

The wind sings to her

Red under your feet

spreading leaves,

white snowflake

Flying into the blue.


Early autumn begins with the appearance of the first yellow leaves on birches, lindens, and elms. This is pre-fall. Honey mushrooms grow in the forests, cobwebs fly in the air. Cooling water in rivers and lakes. People gather crops in vegetable gardens and orchards. This period ends when the trees have an approximately equal number of green leaves and leaves colored in yellow, orange, crimson. This usually happens at the end of September.

September - sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.

Golden autumn begins with the fact that the foliage on the trees turns yellow and reddens more and more and the leaf fall begins. Migratory birds fly to the southern regions, starlings and rooks prepare for departure. Gradually the trees become more and more bare without leaves. The further autumn - the more rains. The first snow falls.

October - the earth will cover where with a leaf, where with a snowball.

For children, we call it " late fall”, or “deep autumn”, “pre-winter”. This period of autumn starts from the first snow and continues until the toboggan run and freezing on rivers and lakes. Animals and insects hibernate. The leaf fall of trees and shrubs is completely completed. Wintering birds appear. By the end of the period, a solid snow cover is established. Reservoirs are covered with young ice.

November is September's grandson, October's son, winter's dear father.

November is the gate of winter.

Games with a child - a collection of autumn games.

Leaf games.

1. Lay out a pattern from the leaves, and the children continue it. They need to guess what the pattern was. You can lay out a large - small - large - small, etc. Or yellow - red - green - yellow - red - green, etc. Or it will be more difficult to have a small one (of any color) - yellow - small - yellow, etc. Children love to guess.

2. Lay out letters and numbers from leaves and lay out words from sticks and leaves.

3. Lay out on the ground pictures of leaves and sticks, pebbles - different funny little men and little animals. Good for fantasy development.

4. Weave wreaths of leaves on the head. Select leaves with long roots for a wreath and at the same time learn what “short” and “long” are.

5. We play shop. Then the leaves are "money". We buy, sell, deliver purchases with “home delivery”, etc.

What tree is the leaf from?

Collect leaves (at the same time we count them). Give one leaflet at a time (choose a leaflet with your eyes closed, it’s more interesting) And then in 10 seconds - count either from 1 to 10 or from 10 to 1 each time in a different way (approximate time to give - it all depends on the distance) you need to take the leaflet to his tree.

Or collect a bouquet of leaves from a certain tree - only Maple leaves(aspen, birch). Who can do more in a minute. Mom also competes. And count who got how much, who got more, who got less, and how much more or less.


At the dacha, play surprises, and at the same time we teach “left and right”. Hiding a surprise in the area. The child is looking. And the adult says the way. And give a task - two steps to the left, one step to the right, three big steps forward, turn to the right, one step back, etc. And so "lead" to the surprise. I like it very much, and quickly learn right and left, forward and backward. Search and according to the plan, but in the room. Mark on the plan where the surprise is hidden, ask to show where the table, bed, window, door is on the plan. And then the child is looking. But according to the plan, children think and find very quickly.

Drawn herbarium.

The herbarium is not to collect, but to draw. Collect autumn leaves for a walk, bring home. At home, I spread oilcloth on the table, paint one side of the sheet with paint - I need to paint it thickly. Usually it’s impossible to gently smear with paint, so take a newspaper and spread it on top of an oilcloth. And on this clean newspaper, shift these leaves with paint up. There will be an imprint of the sheet on the paper. Then you can look at the prints and remember what tree this leaf is from, where and how you found it.

Leaves in pencil.

Also draw autumn leaves with pencils. Cover the table with oilcloth. Put on the table autumn leaf. On top we put a sheet from the album. We attach the paper with adhesive tape to the oilcloth. It is necessary to ensure that the leaves do not move under the paper. The children color the paper. It turns out the imprint of the leaves. Hold the pencil at an angle. It is also very interesting and original.

1. Make a “potato man” with your baby and watch the development of seeds with it.

Take a large fresh potato. Cut some pulp from one end of it. Then cut off the other side of the potato so that it can sit flat on the saucer. Further, everything is already done by the child. He wets the cotton wool with water and puts it in the hole of the potato. Make sure that the cotton wool is very well saturated with moisture. The kid sprinkles some grass seeds (or mustard, watercress) on wet cotton wool. We put the potato on a saucer with water and observe the seeds. In a few days, the potato man will have "hair" - the first shoots will grow. You can make potato man eyes to make a funny face.

2. Play the game "Come on, find it."

Ask your child to go for a walk to find a wet stone, a straight long stick, a round object, a transparent object, a twig curved “like the letter G”, etc. Name different properties and qualities of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, texture, etc.)

3. Ask your child logic puzzles about the autumn weather.

For example: “The boy was dressing to go to school. Mom went to the closed window, looked out into the street and said: “What strong wind dress warmly." How mom knew. That there is a strong wind outside, because the window was closed? On our site "Native Path" in free materials you will find many options for autumn logical puzzles for children.

4. Do an interesting exercise with your baby to develop coordination of movements “Swing for a leaflet” (for autumn leaf, cones, etc.).

You will need a ribbon about 40 cm long and a piece of linoleum or plastic about 6x10 cm. We make two large holes in the piece (like in a large button). The task of the child is to put the tape through the holes and make the swing so that the Leaflet can swing on them. The child takes the edges of the tape and swings the "swing". The "tails" of the tape must be the same in length, otherwise the swing will come out crooked - we develop an eye.

5. Make an experiment with the baby that will show the child why in the fall animals change their coats for winter, warmer ones.

You will need a wool glove or mitt and two ice cubes from the freezer. Have the child put a glove on one hand. Place an ice cube on his palms for 5 seconds. Which hand got cold the fastest? Why? We conclude that the skin does not let water through, but does not protect against cold and frost.

But what happens to animals that do not have wool? (seals, walruses, whales) How do they protect themselves from the cold? They have a fatty layer under the skin that retains heat. Let's check it out with your child. Take vegetable oil, two plastic bags and 2 new ice cubes. Pour the oil into the child's hand and stick the oiled hand into the bag. Put your other hand (without oil) in the bag too. The package will play the role of "skin", and the oil - the role of "fat". Put on the palms, covered with bags, an ice cube. Hold for 5 seconds. Which hand is colder? Why?

Read the fairy tale by Eduard Shim "The Brave Honey Mushroom" to the child.

A lot of mushrooms sprouted in autumn. Yes, what good fellows - one more beautiful than the other!

Under the dark Christmas trees, the grandfathers of mushrooms are standing. They wear white caftans, rich hats on their heads: yellow velvet on the bottom, brown on top. A feast for the eyes!

Under the light aspens, the aspen fathers are standing. All in shaggy gray jackets, red hats on their heads. Also beauty!

Under the tall pines, the butterflies grow. They are wearing yellow shirts, oilcloth caps on their heads. Also good!

Under the alder bushes, the sisters of the russula dance round dances. Each sister is in a linen sarafan, her head is tied with a colored scarf. Also good!

And suddenly, next to the fallen birch, another honey mushroom grew. Yes, so invisible, so unsightly! The orphan has nothing: no caftan, no shirt, no cap. He stands barefoot on the ground, and his head is uncovered - blond curls curl into ringlets. Other mushrooms saw him and, well - laugh: - Look, what an untidy one! But where did you get out into the white world? Not a single mushroom picker will take you, no one will bow to you! The honey agaric shook his curls and answered:

Do not bow today, so I'll wait. Maybe someday I'll be nice.

But only no - mushroom pickers do not notice it. They walk between the dark fir trees, collect the grandfathers of mushrooms. And it gets colder in the forest. On the birches, the leaves turned yellow, on the mountain ash they turned red, on the aspens they became covered with spots. At night, cold dew falls on the moss.

And from this icy dew the grandfathers of mushrooms descended. Not a single one is left, they are all gone. It’s also chilly for the honey agaric to stand in a lowland. But even though his leg is thin, but it’s light, he took it, and even moved higher, to birch roots. And again waiting for mushroom pickers.

And mushroom pickers walk in the copses, collect the fathers of aspen mushrooms. They still don't look at Openok.

It got even colder in the forest. The siverko wind whistled, cut off all the leaves from the trees, the bare branches sway. It rains from morning to evening, and there is nowhere to hide from them.

And from these evil rains the aspen fathers descended. All are gone, none remain.

The honey agaric also floods with rain, but although it is puny, it is quick. He took it and jumped up on a birch stump. There is no downpour here. And the mushroom pickers still do not notice Openok. They walk in the bare forest, collect brothers oil and sisters of russula, put them in boxes. Is it really like this and the abyss of Openka for nothing, for nothing?

It became quite cold in the forest. Muddy clouds moved in, it became dark all around, snow groats began to fall from the sky. And from this snow pellets the butterflies brothers and the russula sisters came down. Not a single cap is visible, not a single handkerchief flickers.

On an uncovered head, Openka croup also pours, gets stuck in curls. But the cunning Agaric did not blunder here either: he took it and jumped into a birch hollow. He sits under a reliable roof, slowly looks out: are mushroom pickers coming? And the mushroom pickers are right there. They wander through the forest with empty boxes, not a single fungus can be found. They saw Openka and were so happy: - Oh, dear! - they say. - Oh, you're brave! He was not afraid of rain or snow, he was waiting for us. Thank you for helping me through the most difficult times! And they bowed low, low to Openok.

Play the folk game "Cabbage". Put different things in the middle of the room or playground (this will be our cabbage). We choose the owner of the garden, who will guard the "cabbage" from wolves, tits, beavers, martens, hares and bears (that is, he will guard our things placed in the middle from us - the players). All players say or sing:

“I’m sitting on a pebble, Amusing crayon pegs, Amusing crayon pegs, I’m towning my garden. So that the cabbage is not stolen, Wolves and tits, beavers and martens, Mustachioed hare, Thick-fifted bear, don’t run into the garden.”

After these words, all players try to run into the "garden", quickly grab the "cabbage" and run away. If the owner managed to tarnish the player, he is removed from the game. Whoever carried away the most cabbage - he became the most dexterous and wins.

The issue was prepared by a speech therapist teacher MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 1 "Sevastyanova T.M.

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Quiz script in senior group"Following summer comes autumn"

Quiz script in the senior group

« After summer comes autumn»

Material Description: Quiz script« After summer comes autumn» designed for caregivers working with children senior group(6 years). In order to enhance mental and speech activity, visual material is used. During the event, depending on individual characteristics children can complicate the content (for example, add sentences that need to be completed or increase the number of riddles).

Integration of educational regions: "Social and communicative development", « Speech development» , "Cognitive Development".

Target: Summarize children's ideas about autumn, raise the emotional mood of children.


Program tasks:

1. Educational:

Continue to reinforce ideas about the time of year - autumn, about seasonal changes in live and inanimate nature, in people's lives;

2. Educational:

To develop in children an interest in the environment; logical thinking, memory, attention;

3. Educational: - to cultivate the ability to interact with peers, respect for partners and rivals in quiz.

vocabulary work: refinement and activation of the vocabulary on the topic « Autumn» .

Benefits: paper leaves, chips, task cards.


Following the summer

Autumn is coming.

yellow songs

The wind sings to her

Red under your feet

spreading leaves,

white snowflake

Flying into the blue. (V. Stepanov)

Here comes the bright and beautiful time of the year - autumn. Guys, I invite you to participate in autumn quiz. Do you agree? Then I announce its beginning. At any the quiz has commands. There will be two. And what will they be called? (children come up with team names)

Children are divided into two groups with the help of leaflets that are taken from the basket (paper leaves, one of the sides of which is for everyone Green colour, and the other side is red or yellow color, thus, there is a distribution into two groups(yellow and red). Each Group children chooses a name for their team.

For each correct answer, the team receives a chip. So we start.

1. "Finish the sentence".

Leading: I will start the sentence, and you will continue it, finish,

For the first team:

1. Autumn- the brightest and most beautiful time of the year

2. It's drizzling outside fall rain

Z. The earth has become like a beautiful ... carpet

For the second team:

1. A strong ... wind is blowing

2. Clusters blush brightly ... mountain ash

3. Birds gather in flocks and. fly away.

2. "Third wheel"

Leading: I will name the words, and you try to determine which word does not fit, which word "superfluous".

For the first team:

1. yellow, red, blue (blue)

2. carrot, beetroot, apple (Apple)

3. mountain ash, viburnum, pine (pine)

For the second team:

1. birch, maple, spruce (spruce)

2. orange, yellow, blue (blue)

3. acorn, nut, pear (pear)

3. "Pick up the basket in September"

Leading: Look at the picture (the picture shows a basket, vegetables, fruits and berries) and mark ("put in basket") those fruits and vegetables that ripen in September. Each team receives one image and completes the task.

4. Dynamic pause.

imitative movements to music "leaves swirl", "birds are flying", "hide under an umbrella").

5 "Find a Pair".

Leading: Look how many different leaves. Look at them carefully, name what tree they are from. Find in the picture with whom they form a couple, what else is in the picture from this tree.

6."Do not yawn, but guess the riddle"

For the first team:

1. Following August comes after

Dances with leaf fall

And he is rich in harvest,

We know him, of course. (September)

2. Colds scare them so much

To warm countries fly away

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks? (birds)

3. Grow - turn green,

They will fall - they will turn yellow,

Lie down - turn black ... (leaves)

For the second team:

1. It drips sadly from the sky.

Wet everywhere, damp everywhere.

It's easy to escape from it

Just bring an umbrella... (rain)

2. It flies, not a bird,

Howling, not a beast…. (wind)

3. Turned green in spring,

sunbathing in summer,

put on in autumn

Red corals... (Rowan)

7. "Remember Fairy Tales".

Leading: I now try to remember the fairy tales in which the heroes harvest.

Children's answers.

8."Getting dressed for a walk".

Leading: Look at the picture and mark the items of clothing that are usually worn. autumn.

Each team receives one image and completes the task.

Final part.

Leading: It's over autumn quiz. Let's calculate which team scored more chips.

Counting chips, determining the winning team.

Rewarding - presentation of coloring pages (landscape « Autumn» ).

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