Specialty organization of work with youth who to work with. Requirements for the individual characteristics of the organizer of work with youth

Technique and Internet 19.09.2019
Technique and Internet


Training in the specialty "Organization of work with youth" implies the receipt of pedagogical education, taking into account its psychological and legal aspects. In the process of studying, students get acquainted with the basics of jurisprudence, with youth movements in the country and in the world, get an idea about youth policy and youth subcultures. Students study social, pedagogical, legal and psychological foundations work with youth, sociology of youth, economics, foreign language, history, culture of intellectual labor (KIT), philosophy, management in youth policy, mechanisms for managing the youth masses. Future bachelors study:

  • solve complex problems of youth policy in the field of education, labor, culture, law, science, politics, health care, sports, communication,
  • organize work with youth in youth communities at the place of study, recreation, residence, work, including helping those young people who are experiencing difficulties, help them find employment and find themselves,
  • interact and collaborate with organizations that represent the interests of youth,
  • support and promote youth initiatives, programs and projects.
In the learning process, teachers use such forms of teaching as educational debates, role-playing and business games, group discussions, and the method of social projects. Thanks to this, students develop much-needed communication skills.

Whom to work

Graduates in this specialty can get jobs in state, commercial and municipal bodies that are in one way or another connected with youth. These can be higher and secondary educational institutions, municipal authorities, centers and clubs for working with children, adolescents and youth, social protection institutions, structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, public associations and funds, rehabilitation and social centers, youth media, recruitment agencies . Possible positions of bachelors with a diploma "Organization of work with youth": expert consultant, organizer of work with youth, head of the youth department, juvenile affairs inspector, etc.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of the organizer of work with youth.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of the organizer of work with youth.

8. Conclusion.

9. Sources.


The organizer of work with youth is a specialist who deals with the solution of complex tasks for the implementation of youth policy in the areas of labor, law, politics, science and education, culture and sports, communication, healthcare; interaction with state and public structures, youth and children's public associations, with employers.

Currently, there are many directions in the profession of organizer of work with youth. Thus, they accompany youth initiatives, organize creative environments for the development of youth, and are social technologists. Analyzing promising directions development of youth policy, youth work organizers are able to develop such areas as youth entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture of schoolchildren, the development of innovative thinking, youth leisure activities, a healthy lifestyle of youth, international youth cooperation, etc. Youth work organizers work in government bodies, educational institutions all levels, corporations, leisure organizations, public associations and business structures with young people of various social categories from 14 to 30 years old.

Youth work is enough new profession, however, is currently one of the priorities both in our country and abroad. This is determined by the fact that youth is a strategic resource for the development of the country, and all issues related to the life of young people are included in the sphere of national-state interests. According to expert forecasts, in the coming decades, the profession of organizer of work with youth in our country will remain one of the most demanded in various fields of human activity.

general characteristics professional activity youth work organizer

1. Area of ​​professional activity of the organizer of work with youth

The field of professional activity of specialists in working with youth includes: solving complex tasks for the implementation of youth policy in the areas of labor, law, politics, science and education, culture and sports, communication, healthcare, interaction with state and public structures, youth and children's public associations, with employers.

2. Objects of professional activity of the organizer of work with youth

The objects of professional activity of organizers of work with youth are socio-cultural processes in the youth environment, the properties and conditions of youth, their manifestations in various areas of social activity and interaction at the level of an individual, group, community. As well as ways and forms of influence on youth, various aspects its development.

3. Types of professional activities of the organizer of work with youth

The organizer of work with youth is preparing for the following types of professional activities: research; organizational and managerial; information and analytical; production and socio-technological; social design; organizational-mass.

The tasks of the professional activity of the organizer of work with youth

The organizer of work with youth must solve the following professional tasks in accordance with the types of professional activity:


Collection and systematization of scientific information on youth issues; preparation of reviews, annotations, writing abstracts and bibliographies on youth topics; participation in the work of seminars, scientific and practical conferences, trainings; participation in the preparation of empirical research on youth issues;

organizational and managerial:

Organization and planning of work with young people in youth communities at the place of residence, study, work, recreation, temporary stay of youth; participation in identifying problems in the youth environment and developing their organizational solutions in the field of employment, employment, entrepreneurship, leisure, life and interaction with associations and organizations representing the interests of youth; organization of information support for youth on the implementation of youth policy, interaction with youth media and youth media editorial offices; participation in social projects for the implementation of youth programs;

information and analytical:

Application of statistical and sociological methods for collecting and classifying information; compiling information reviews on the problem under study; application of statistical and sociological methods of collecting social information; participation in social projects for the implementation of youth programs;

industrial and social technological:

Participation in the social and psychological adaptation of young people in the organization; participation in the regulation of youth conflicts with the external environment; the use of socio-technological methods in the implementation of professional activities; mastering innovative technologies in the practice of working with youth;

social project:

Participation in the development of project-analytical and expert-consulting activities among the youth; participation in the development and implementation of projects and programs on the problems of children, adolescents and youth; support for innovative initiatives among the youth;


Participation in organizing the activities of children's and youth public organizations and associations; participation in the organization of civil-patriotic education of youth; promoting the activities of youth sports and recreation organizations; participation in the organization of leisure activities.

General cultural competence of the organizer of work with youth

general cultural competencies:

1. Willingness to strictly observe the Constitution and laws Russian Federation in their activities;

2. Respectful attitude to the historical heritage and cultural traditions;

3. Understanding the patterns of the historical process, the ability to objectively perceive historical information, its analysis and generalization;

4. Willingness to show racial, national, ethnic, religious tolerance;

5. Understanding the social significance of one's profession, the desire to perform professional activities, to find solutions and the willingness to bear responsibility for them;

6. Ability to carry out professional self-assessment;

7. The ability and readiness to carry out their activities in various spheres of public life, taking into account the moral and legal norms and values ​​accepted in society;

8. Willingness to comply with moral obligations in relation to a person, society and the environment;

9. Awareness of the need and ability for continuous self-development and self-improvement throughout life;

10. Willingness to improve one's cultural level;

11. Knowledge and compliance healthy lifestyle life;

12. Willingness to cooperate with colleagues, to work in a team;

13. Understanding the essence and significance of information in development modern society;

14. Ability to perceive information, readiness to use the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information;

15. The ability to clearly and reasonably formulate one's thoughts orally and in writing, including in foreign language;

16. Ability to master the means of independent methodically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.

Professional competence of the organizer of work with youth

The organizer of youth work must have the following professional competencies :

1.General scientific competencies: the ability to collect and systematize scientific information on youth issues; skills in compiling reviews, annotations, abstracts and bibliography on youth topics; the ability to make presentations and reports and participate in the discussion of problems at seminars, scientific and practical conferences; the ability to participate in the preparation of empirical research on youth issues;

2.Professional competencies of a youth worker: the ability to participate in the implementation of the socio-psychological adaptation of young people in the organization; ability to participate in conflict resolution of young people; the ability to use socio-technological methods in the implementation of professional activities; the ability to use social technologies in identifying problems in the political and social movements of youth; the ability to participate in the development of innovative technologies in the practice of working with youth;

3.Projective competencies: the ability to organize and plan work with young people in youth communities at the place of residence, study, work, recreation, temporary stay of youth; the ability to identify problems in the youth environment and develop their organizational solutions in the field of employment, employment, entrepreneurship, life and leisure and interaction with associations and organizations representing the interests of youth; ability to organize Information Support youth on the implementation of youth policy, interaction with youth media; the ability to participate in organizing the activities of children's and youth public organizations and associations; readiness to participate in the organization of civil-patriotic education of youth; have the skills to promote the activities of youth sports and recreation organizations; possession of skills in organizing leisure activities;

4.Managerial competencies: the ability to participate in the development of project-analytical and expert consulting activities among the youth; the ability to participate in the development and implementation of projects and programs on the problems of children, adolescents and youth; support of relevant and popular initiatives among the youth; the ability to use in practice the methods of social pedagogy;

5.Instrumental competencies: the ability to collect and classify information; possession of the skills of compiling informational reviews on the problem under study; ability to apply statistical and sociological methods of collecting social information; possession of the skills of participation in social projects for the implementation of youth programs; possession of pedagogical methods and techniques necessary for working with various categories of youth.

A youth worker is a specialist who works directly with youth and coordinates youth work.

What is this work?

The purpose of youth work is to create prerequisites and support young people in their ability to cope with life in society. Youth workers work with young people aged 7-26.

The profession of a specialist in working with youth can be conditionally classified as an auxiliary profession. The youth worker supports youth personal development and youth learning outside of school, family and work and creates the conditions necessary to achieve it. It is engaged in the development, implementation and evaluation of programs and projects aimed at young people, involves young people in the development and implementation of activities, and promotes cooperation between young people. The key activity is to create and maintain trusting relationships with young people; development of their initiative and responsibility, as well as the creation of services that support them. An important segment of the work will be cooperation with young people, with their parents and with specialists from other fields. The work is very diverse and has a mobile nature: organizing events, participating with young people in international, state, county and local events, communicating with people and institutions.

The tasks of youth workers working in various positions may differ according to whether the work is of a leadership nature, or it is related to planning, or whether the specialist is directly instructing youth. The main tasks of the head of a youth work institution, the head of a youth society, the head of a hobby school, the head of a youth camp, the youth adviser of the city or rural municipality government, the youth adviser of the county government, the youth worker at the state level, and also partially and a youth project worker – this is coordination of work with youth, technical work and maintenance of documentation, communication with the public and with specialists from other fields, as well as administrative work and organization of events. The main tasks of a specialist working directly with youth (youth information worker; youth worker in a youth work institution; youth worker in a youth society; educator in a youth camp; club leader; teacher in a hobby school) , is instructing and guiding young people, counseling, organizing activities and events of interest.

What are the working conditions?

The working time of a professional youth worker is usually five days a week and eight hours a day. Professionals directly involved in youth work often have to work evenings and weekends, and most of their work is related to a wide variety of activities held outside of school. In addition, activities for young people are organized during school holidays and in the summer.

Many activities aimed at young people take place outdoors. The youth worker often creates the necessary means and conditions for work by finding financing institutions (sponsors or foundations).

What about health requirements?

Since the main emphasis of the work is on social activities - on communication with young people, the moral burden can be quite large. come into contact with very different people, often with difficult problems and situations. All of this requires patience, self-control, and the ability to avoid burnout.

What knowledge, skills and character traits are needed in this profession?

A prerequisite for working with youth is the availability of broad knowledge in the field of youth policy, organization and methods of working with youth, organization of education, human rights, pedagogy, psychology, knowledge of the principles of counseling and the basics of management. Organization and conduct of events require the ability to work in a team, organizational and oratory skills. The youth worker must be aware of the real life of young people and local conditions, be able to assess the situation and needs, and be able to apply methods suitable for work. In addition, he must know how to ensure security and be able to cope in a crisis situation.

The youth worker must act as an example for young people, treat everyone equally and treat everyone’s opinion and worldview with respect and tolerance. young man.

Working with youth requires the ability to evaluate and provide feedback, while working with organizations requires the ability to work with a network. As youth work is largely project-based, there is a lot to be done with project applications, as well as management, project implementation and reporting. It will be necessary to be able to collect and transmit information. Skills in conducting training and Creative skills.

Character traits useful for working in this profession will be: honesty, openness, communication skills, creativity, initiative and willingness to cooperate, the ability to make decisions and adapt. Working with people requires tolerance, a sense of empathy, poise and the ability to endure stress, but at the same time consistency and responsibility.

What are the education requirements and what are the learning opportunities?

A youth worker may, for example, have an education in youth work, social work or culture, or a teacher education, in addition to which specific knowledge has been acquired in continuing education courses or in the course of practical youth work. A worker with a secondary education should take a course in youth work. However, for everyone, continuous professional improvement will undoubtedly be important. The profession of a youth worker can be studied at the level of applied higher education at the Tallinn Pedagogical Seminar and at Narva College of the University of Tartu. It is possible to specialize in youth work in the Master's program within the framework of various study programs (social work - at Tallinn University, cultural organization - at the University of Tartu, theology - at the Tartu Academy of Theology).

Refresher courses are organized at the Academy of Culture of the University of Tartu, at the Tallinn Pedagogical Seminar, at the University of Tallinn. The most important organizers of advanced training courses, as well as their sponsors, are the Estonian Youth Bureau for Europe and the Estonian Youth Work Centre.

What are the career opportunities and plans for the future?

Youth workers work in county, rural municipality or city governments, in schools of interest or in general education schools, youth centres, youth information and counseling centres, youth societies, youth camps, churches, libraries, cultural and sports institutions.

Related professions: counseling psychologist, youth police officer, curator of criminal cases, informant specialist, communications manager, freelance teacher.

Income and benefits

The salary of a youth worker varies greatly by region. The wages of those youth workers who work as officials are calculated on an equal footing with other officials, and they are also subject to additional payments and benefits. The wages of youth workers working in the third or private sector usually consist of basic and additional wages paid in connection with project management and other activities. The employee himself can often influence the latter by finding, for example, an authority that will finance the project.

Depending on the nature of the job, compensation is offered for telephone use and travel expenses. Often there is a free opportunity to use the services offered at the workplace, for example, the use of gym. Such institutions, whose main task is to organize youth work, offer regular refresher courses to their own or other youth workers in the target group. The courses are free for employees, but sometimes they are mandatory.

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In our time, when life is running forward at an incredible speed, and everything around is changing by leaps and bounds, it is very important to be in the center of events from the "young nails", to lead an active life, to take a leading position in society. And if earlier, not yet so for a long time ago, young people were deprived of such opportunities, but now many ways and roads are open to them thanks to various areas of youth policy. It is about them, about these areas, as well as about what it is - youth policy, and will be discussed further.

Youth policy: what is it about

As you might guess, this is part of an ordinary, "adult" policy, but aimed at young people and designed to work for their goals and interests. These are all kinds of measures aimed at a certain quality of life of young people - more precisely, at acquiring this quality and maintaining its existence.

If, in addition, we rely on such an important document as "The Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation until 2025", then it can be argued that youth policy should be called a whole complex of the most diverse and various measures and efforts taken by the state, which, in cooperation with various citizens and institutions, seeks to increase the potential of young people, and in addition, provides a wide springboard for self-realization of the younger generation by all acceptable methods. The role of the governing apparatus is reduced to timely informing the right sections of the population about existing or future opportunities, as well as attracting young citizens to the bustling and active life of Russian society.

Who are young people

The phrase "young people" is familiar to everyone. But who should be considered young people? At sixteen, are you already a young man or still a teenager? And at twenty-nine still young or not so much? According to scientists, young people should be considered people from 14-16 years old (the specific figure depends on the specific country, each state sets its own age threshold - but within the general norm) and up to 25-30. That is, at thirty years old, a person can still be classified as young, despite the fact that at this age it is already quite acceptable to become parents. By the way, about parenthood: the definition of the fact when a young person ceases to be such and becomes an adult is also connected with it. Scientists define this period in a person's life as a period of transition from carefree childhood and adolescence to the time of social responsibility. And parenthood, that is, responsibility for the life of another - a small - person, is just an indicator of growing up. Although this statement, of course, is debatable, because because of the earlier puberty now, boys and girls begin to have sex earlier, therefore, they can become parents at eighteen, and even at sixteen.

Another indicator of youth is that they are unable to participate in certain areas life due to lack of necessary knowledge, experience or other factors; however, in many other areas, young people enjoy special benefits provided by the state.

Why youth?

Young and promising personnel have, perhaps, always been valued (only experienced, "shooting sparrows" can compete with them), but why is such close attention directed to young people? Why so much effort is put into working with her? The answer lies in the question itself - the future, including the country, is behind today's young people. This is the category of the population that, after a very short time, will become economically active, so to speak, will move into the main team from the bench. Young people have many advantages: they are creative, mobile, ready for change, able to notice important details, and take initiative. But most importantly, they are young, they have a whole life ahead of them, and therefore the opportunity to make this life worthy, the way they want.

Earlier, in the Soviet period, there was a Komsomol for such work with the young and promising. When the organization died for a long time, it took someone who was ready to take on such a heavy burden. Such a person was found - or rather, a position was found for him: the position of the Commissioner for Youth Affairs under the President of the USSR. It was created in 1990, and Andrei Sharonov became the first honorary holder of such a post. It was he who stood at the origins of the development of state youth policy in the Russian Federation, it was with his direct participation and under his leadership that organizations such as the State Committee and the Government for Youth Affairs appeared.

Over time, these structures have been somewhat transformed, and in present period in our country there is the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, as well as a similar Office.

The main directions of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation

Youth policy, as mentioned above, aims to develop youth in various areas, increase the potential of this category of citizens, and provide them with opportunities for self-realization. Thus, youth policy has its own types, in other words - directions. There are fifteen such areas of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation, all of them are recorded in the document already mentioned above - "Fundamentals of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation until 2025". Next, we will talk about each of them.

Patriotic direction

Orientation towards love for the Motherland is one of the key tasks of the state, and therefore it is not surprising that exactly patriotic education belongs to the main directions of the youth policy of our country. What is it? First of all, in instilling understanding and awareness of one's responsibility for the fate of one's own country, for its present and future. In addition, speaking about the patriotic education of fourteen and / or thirty-year-old people, one cannot but say about military service or about preparing for this event. The following two features follow from this: young people should actively (or even more actively than before) cooperate with veterans of war and labor, with their existing organizations, and the state is obliged to promote this - as well as the archaeological, historical, local history movement of young people who leave on excavations at the sites of various battles and battles, trying to find information (and not only) about people and events of many years ago.

In addition, the tasks of the state in the implementation of such a direction in the implementation of youth policy as patriotic education are also the preservation of traditional cultures and crafts of various nationalities living in our country, and the creation friendly relations between representatives of youth of different nationalities, religions and the like.


Another direction of the state youth policy is the development of volunteering. Probably everyone knows who a volunteer is - this is a person who takes part in something or engages in some kind of activity on a voluntary basis, in his free time usually free of charge. Recently, this movement has been gaining momentum in our country - for example, people help in search of the missing, in caring for the elderly and lonely, in educating and communicating with children from orphanages. And it is not surprising that this direction belongs to one of the main directions of youth policy - after all, it is this type of activity that teaches kindness, compassion, mercy, responsiveness, philanthropy - that is, everything that everyone, including a young person, should have. And therefore, the policy of the state is connected with these things: in addition to organizing all kinds of events in order to attract young people, it is obliged to provide any possible assistance in all volunteer initiatives and projects, support information resources, and promote the implementation of various ideas of volunteers.

A look abroad

This is not a direction that is called that, but this is its essence: cooperation with foreign representatives and organizations, in other words, international interaction. In the tasks of the senior leadership, the first place is occupied by the promotion and strengthening of ties between young people of our country and other countries, the acquaintance of Russian youth with the history, culture and traditions of our neighbors. The so-called exchange of experience is also welcome, which just contributes to all of the above - when a Russian student, for example, goes to study abroad for a while, and a student from the host country comes to Russia for the same time. In addition, in order to implement the above tasks, our and other states regularly carry out all kinds of international events for this category of the population - conferences, meetings, gatherings, and the like.

Work with public organizations

The next type in the list of the main directions of youth policy in the Russian Federation is interaction with various public organizations. What is it for? In order to form one's own civic position, and an active one at that - after all, this is the basis of regular relations between the state, existing society and its youth. Such a position is best worked out just the same in such youth public associations, whether it is an alliance of interests or a community that has gathered for joint activities. In order for the state to provide support to such an organization, it must comply with several specially marked conditions - for example, the number of participants in it should not be less than three thousand people. There are fifteen such unions in our country so far.


The next direction of youth policy is directly related to a healthy lifestyle that every person should lead. In this direction, in addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle, much attention is paid to strengthening the understanding in the minds of young people about the seriousness of such a disease as HIV and the need for action to prevent it. Various activities are constantly being carried out (and new ones are being developed) to prevent addiction, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle and the emergence of a desire among young people to lead it.

Unfortunately, in our country, the growth rate of infections with the immunodeficiency virus is quite high, which affects the quality of life of the younger generation - which means that, more than ever, it is important to ensure that young people understand "what is good and what is bad." Thus, the relevance of this direction in the development of youth policy is extremely high.

Innovation activity

The purpose of this Russian youth policy course is to unlock the creative potential of young people, encourage their innovative projects, identify the most promising, talented, creative young people who can push the country forward towards development. The state strives in every way to support not only young inventors, but also scientists, whose activities in the future will allow cooperation with both leading Russian and foreign organizations in various fields.

Entrepreneurial activity

Closely related to the previous one is another area of ​​youth policy - entrepreneurship. The efforts of the state are aimed at ensuring that there are as many young entrepreneurs as possible - for this purpose, special educational programs are even being created that should teach newcomers to competently conduct business.

The growth of talented and young entrepreneurs should have a significant and, most importantly, positive impact on the economy of the Russian Federation, therefore, the acquisition of successful entrepreneurial skills by a young person can be considered as one of the main directions of youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Youth in the media

The journalistic brotherhood is a strong union of professionals. It is important that it be replenished with talented young personnel, for this purpose it is simply necessary that there be a so-called youth media of young amateur professionals. However, a real journalist must have many skills and qualities, and first of all, be a man of honor, words and information literate (many "professionals" sin by the absence of this, alas, many "professionals"). Higher authorities in every possible way welcome and support the creation of youth newspapers, magazines and other media - to the extent that they assist young talents of the pen in internship and / or employment.

Why the presence of young people in the media is relevant - hardly needs to be explained: the latter have wide range opportunities to reach out to literally every inhabitant of the country, to cover all areas and spheres with its all-seeing eye. It is the media, in addition, that plays the main role in the formation of this or that public opinion, in the formation of cultural and generally value attitudes of a citizen. Sometimes they know how to literally subjugate themselves, make them believe unconditionally - which, of course, can be used for bad purposes, for the sake of manipulation. But this is exactly what a real journalist should not be, which brings us back to what was said earlier in this section.

Socially dangerous

To our great regret, among young people, as among any other category of people, there are not only prosperous and intelligent guys. There are those whose life in society, to put it mildly, is difficult. The state is called upon to facilitate the process of socialization for them, providing comprehensive support in choosing a future specialty, employment, etc., helping, including from a psychological point of view. Those young people who fall into the category of "socially dangerous" can be talented and promising by no means less (or even more) than ordinary guys, whose life has turned out somewhat better.

And it is very important to help such young people in time, to reveal their potential, to give them opportunities for realization, not to let them ruin their own destiny. In this regard, in this direction of youth policy, the state faces another task: the need to instill a tolerant attitude towards everyone and everyone - both young people from the category of "socially dangerous" and their "non-dangerous" peers, which is no less important and just as difficult. .

Self management

All kinds of student clubs and other organizations are growing by leaps and bounds year by year. This direction of the youth policy of the Russian Federation has become widespread among young students, and perhaps in many respects it is the idea of ​​self-government that has become so attractive to young people. The state actively contributes to the emergence of such clubs and organizations, since they have a direct benefit for itself. Which? Those people - young people! - who begin to play a significant role in student self-government, who make their way into leaders, as a rule, are smart and ambitious. These guys are able to organize others, captivate, lead them - it is in such boys and girls that the country needs. Leaders among the youth will grow, develop, comprehend new things - and will become leaders not of a small community, but, perhaps, of the whole country, going to work in the executive or legislative authorities. In a word, leaders among the talented youth of Russia are very much needed - that is why this course is one of the priority areas in the country's youth policy.


An important moment in the life of every young person, which in many ways is a turning point, is the choice of a profession. And here the state is also on the alert: such a direction of youth policy as a career is being implemented. It sees its goal as a consciously made decision by a young person regarding the future path of life. But it must be said right away: the policy of the state here is such that it is necessary to attract more young people to blue-collar jobs. Institutes and universities are overcrowded, there are enough lawyers, accountants, economists for life ahead, but meanwhile there are not enough people with working specialties - interest in them has faded, they are considered not prestigious. This is the main task of the state within the framework of the implementation of this direction of the state youth policy - to awaken the lost interest in the younger generation, popularize working specialties and eliminate the shortage of specialists in these areas. In addition, the tasks of the government include the generation of a desire among young people to develop their own business.

The Russian nation is diverse, but united

The heading of the section looks like a slogan, but it accurately reflects the essence of the next direction - otherwise it can be called in one word: "tolerance". It is tolerance, strengthening ties between a huge range of ethnic groups living on the territory of our big country, this direction of youth policy is devoted. It is necessary to know and honor the culture and customs of all the peoples of Russia, to respect each person, whether he is Buryat, Khakas or Evenk. It is young people, those who will live in the future, who must preserve all the traditions, the entire history of each nation and help to ensure that existing interethnic ties become even stronger.

Also among the tasks of this direction is the inculcation of love for the native language, and the language is correct, literary, "Pushkin's language".


This was indirectly discussed earlier, but a separate area of ​​​​youth policy has been singled out - the development and encouragement of youth activities. creative activity. This allows you to identify young talents in various fields - whether it be music or dance, painting or poetry, and the like. The government in every possible way promotes the realization of young people, for this purpose organizing all kinds of (including educational) events, creating conditions for creativity, the exchange of experience, and the accumulation of knowledge.

A family

Now more and more often young people are in no hurry to marry, simply cohabiting, raising children in such relationships. Others do not bind themselves with any obligations at all - and in this case there is no need to talk about children at all. The so-called free relationship, when no one holds anyone and no one owes anything to anyone, are becoming more and more popular.

This direction of the state youth policy of the country is designed to solve this problem: to show the younger generation how important the family is in life, to instill the necessary family values, a positive attitude towards marriage and the birth of children.

State youth policy specialists

To ensure the fulfillment of all requirements and conditions, the proper implementation of all areas of youth policy, professional personnel are needed, and this is precisely what the last subsection of the country's youth policy is devoted to. Its purpose is to assist in the development of human resources and their potential, coordination of the activities of these people and all kinds of assistance to them.

The main directions of the state youth policy in our country were listed above, as well as the question of what they are and to whom they are dedicated.

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Tasks of creating social groups:

Cultural work, sports, implementation of citizens' initiatives, search for compromises.

Methods of work: organization of events, involvement in an active social life. educational educational sport social

Targets and goals:

The goal in the course of psychological and pedagogical practice was to obtain practical knowledge and skills that would be necessary to work with children and youth.

The tasks set in psychological and pedagogical practice were:

1) Join the direct practical activities, the formation of professional skills necessary for the successful implementation of educational work.

2) Use the theoretical knowledge gained by students in special and psychological and pedagogical disciplines.

3) Get acquainted with the current state of educational work in this institution and advanced pedagogical experience

4) To establish communication and interaction with youth groups, to study their individual age characteristics.

5) Develop interest in research work in the field of education and upbringing.

6) Develop a creative, research approach to psychological and pedagogical activities, acquire the skills to analyze the results of one's own work, and form the need for self-education.

1. Individual travel plan

Psychological and pedagogical practice

Student of the 3rd year of 341 groups of specialty organization of work with youth. Faculty of Sociology Avetisyan Ruben Arsenovich.

Name of the event

Execution Report


Acquaintance with the structure of the school, the team, the charter and activities of the institution.

I come once again to the school where I once studied myself

Getting to know teachers and children.

CSU students were practicing with me.

Minute of health "My height and my weight"

Preparation for the competition "Portrait of the detachment"

Conversation "Caution, fire!"

height and weight data. talk about fire safety

"Who will win?"

Compete with other groups in the compilation of chants, draw our own coat of arms.

fantasy day

Competition of drawings and crafts "Summer fantasy"

Festival of costumes "Colors of summer"

"Peace Lesson"

Form of the event: The children were told several legends about our country and the city, of course, there were some horror stories for the night.

"This is my city"

We traveled to places of interest and places of interest.

international friends day

"It's fun to walk together" - detachment walks

Quiz for kids "Merry Rainbow"

"Dance together, dance together"

an event dedicated to the rallying of children. quiz.dancing

Health and Sports Day

"Riot" - a big cleaning of our territory

A moment of health. Interview with a psychologist.

Small Olympics "We are for a healthy lifestyle"


A day of surprises.

Competition "Benefit performance of Baba Yaga"

performance of Baba Yaga with competitions.

Day of the native land

Excursion to the forest to get acquainted with medicinal plants

The game "By stations"

study tour

A moment of health. Campaign campaign for a healthy lifestyle (by squads)

Birthday "Under the sign of the zodiac"

Campaigning for a healthy lifestyle.

Labor landing

Chess checkers tournament

cleaned the territory. checkers competition

Operation Chistyulkin

Competition "Our Heroic Strength"


"We are funny guys"

release of emotional stress

"Learning to get along with other people"

designed to learn to recognize each other's emotions

"Military - historical maneuvers"

Field games. We went to Victory Park and walked around.

2. Final day

gaming entertainment. Saying goodbye to children and colleagues.

2. Main body

Analysis of cultural and educational event

Title: "Learning to get along with other people"

Purpose: to teach to recognize emotions, to teach children to tune in to each other, to create an atmosphere of friendly and open communication

Material: cards with the name of emotions

Introductory part.

Exercise "Smile"

The facilitator offers to greet each other with a smile. Children in a circle “transmit” a smile to each other.

Flash Poll: What is your mood? Everyone around the circle answers the question.

Main part

Today we will talk about how important it is to be able to get along with other people. To do this, we need to learn to share with our neighbor what we ourselves have - whether it's toys, or the opportunity to speak out, or everyone's attention. We get along better with other people when we are friendly.

Exercise "Convey emotion"

The group stands or sits in a circle, one starts and makes a certain facial expression with which he looks at his neighbor on the left. Now he repeats the facial expression and turns in turn to his neighbor on the left, and so on. The game continues until this "epidemic" covers all the players.

Exercise "Guess the emotion"

Everyone pulls out a piece of paper with a certain emotion. He must portray this emotion on his face, the rest guess what the person feels.

Game "Balance"

Sit on the floor in a double circle so that you sit in pairs opposite each other. In a pair, hold hands and lean back. At the same time, try to keep your balance. How far can you lean back?

Now stand up. Place your feet close together so that they are directly in front of your partner's shifted feet. Grab your hands and slowly lean back. How far can you lean while maintaining your balance? Swap partners.

What needs to be done in order to maintain a good balance with a partner? Pay attention to children who constantly pull a partner on themselves, and help them understand how this affects their relationships with other children.

Theme of the event: "Health Day".

Lesson duration: 45 minutes

Audience: children 9 - 12 years old.

The optimal number of participants in the lesson: 20 - 25 people.

Forms of conducting: conversation, game, exercise.

Purpose: the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children.

Contribute to the formation of a value attitude of children to their health. - Show the importance of good habits for improving human health. - to develop in children the need to comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Expected result: the lesson will contribute to the formation of a valuable attitude towards their own health in children.

Health is a human value. Game "Crossword" (Goal: to reveal the topic of the lesson). The game "Chamomile" (Goal: using folk proverbs to formulate the concept of "health"). Game "Raft" (Goal: to demonstrate the value of health for each person).

Healthy lifestyle. Exercise "Our habits" (Goal: to reveal the concepts of bad and good habits for human health). The game "Edible - inedible" (Goal: find out what human actions are related to healthy lifestyle).

Equipment and materials: magnetic board, magnets, tablets for the game "Crossword", petals "Daisies", whatman paper, 5 sets of pictures with human habits (10 pcs.)

Lesson progress

Hello. Today we have an unusual lesson.

Guys, in order to determine the topic of our lesson, I want to invite you to solve a crossword puzzle. The questions are not easy. These are riddles.

Crossword game (5 min.)

Purpose: to reveal the topic of the lesson.

Description of the exercise: the word "health" is hidden in the crossword puzzle. The specialist reads riddles to children (about a healthy lifestyle, about the human body), the answers of which contain the letters of the keyword. Gradually, the topic of the lesson opens up to the children. Materials: tablets with clue words, magnets. Puzzles :

On this day, a merry crowd

Together we walk to school. (class)

Winter and summer in one color (Christmas tree)

But I won't release it. It foams with white foam, it is not lazy to wash hands (soap).

What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream).

I have been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many of them (hair).

The rain is warm and thick, This rain is not easy: It is without clouds, without clouds The whole day is ready to go (shower).

Five brothers - Equal for years, Different growth (fingers).

Two mothers Have five sons - One name for all (hands).

Not a clock, but a ticking (heart).

Summing up: Let's take a closer look at what word was hidden. That's right, the word is "health".

Question to the audience: And who can tell me what it is? (Children's opinions).

Let's see what folk wisdom says about health.

Final conclusion:

The goals set were achieved: thanks to this event, the gymnasium employees and children could communicate in an informal setting, which contributes to the formation of a favorable emotional climate in the children's team. The children loosened up. This event allowed the pupils of the gymnasium to realize even more the value of friendship and feel like part of a single team. In addition, the employees achieved their main goal: the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. In the form of a game, children received the knowledge necessary for this. This event had a special impact on children of the younger age group (8-10 years old). Because they saw in front of them an example of the active participation of children of the older age group (11-15 years old).

3. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the youth group

Analyzing the behavior of children, pupils of the gymnasium concluded that the largest number of children would like to find friends and have fun. Several people wanted to acquire new knowledge and skills. One of the girls wanted to show her abilities and organize various affairs on her own.

Important qualities for children are: honesty, justice, kindness, diligence, curiosity and courage. For a small number of children, important qualities are: discipline, initiative, ambition and enterprise. None of the guys showed exactingness to themselves and mercy.

The children were very athletic. Almost everyone is either actively training and participating in competitions, or doing it at their leisure. Among children there is no one who would not be interested in sports at all.

Among the boys, almost all are not interested in art. Several girls attend art school.

Several children turned out to be sickly with quite serious diseases.

Without much difficulty, children manage to cope with difficulties, to bring their plans to the end. They can come to the rescue if necessary and refuse pleasure if it worries parents.

Most children noted that they show initiative in hobby activities and in the family, less often when helping others.

Thus, it can be concluded that children are sociable, cheerful, Good friends respect elders.

Psychological and pedagogical analysis of the age of children 8-12 years old

The age of 8-12 years is relatively calm, when compared with a stormy childhood, when an eye and an eye was needed for a child, and the upcoming transition period when colossal restraint is required from parents and educators in order to survive the often aggressive self-affirmation of the child. Nevertheless, there are also pitfalls at this age, and you should not let everything take its course.

Physiology of a child of eight - eleven years. At 8-12 years old, the child continues to grow, but the cardinal changes that accompany puberty are still far enough away. The body at this age is still childish, and, despite the seeming adulthood, is quite fragile. He needs proper rest, a normal amount of sleep (at least nine hours a day) and proper nutrition. In the second or third grade, the school workload increases, and many children go headlong into their studies and stop noticing anything around them. It is not recommended to interfere strongly in the workflow, but it is also not worth abstracting completely. It is necessary to insist on daily walks and sports. The body grows and develops, and without movement it is difficult for it. Lack of ventilation of the lungs can lead to headaches, impaired vision and reduced immunity. Therefore, a two-hour walk should be mandatory at this age. Psychology of a child at eight - eleven years old. At the age of eight or eleven, the child begins to gradually move away from the parents, and the teacher begins to lose authority. By the age of 8-9, the functional capabilities of the brain in children are not yet fully developed, so they perceive only random objects or those that have attracted attention. Observation is also uncontrolled. The younger students are very inattentive. They are easily confused - they quickly switch from one subject to another, more often - from learning to any other stimulus. If you force children to focus their attention for a long time and persistently, they quickly overwork. In order to maintain communion with the child and at the same time not completely suppress his will, it is necessary to talk with him more - in an adult way and not in raised tones. Outdoor games play a big role in the formation of thinking. Games that develop speed, dexterity, strength stimulate important mental processes: sensations and perception become more acute, children become more attentive, strong-willed qualities appear. Outdoor games cause a storm of emotions in children. They cannot yet control them, this is manifested in loud exclamations, facial expressions, and sharp gestures. The emotional state of children of this age is changing rapidly. It depends on the circumstances. As a rule, emotional children grow up into emotional adults. Sports or other hobbies are very important for the development of a stubborn, strong-willed, inquisitive personality.


The passage of psychological and pedagogical practice is an important element of the educational process for the training of a specialist.

At this time, the future organizer of work with youth applies the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the learning process in practice.

The main tasks at this moment are:

familiarization with the specifics of the work of the institution;

obtaining practical work experience;

improving the quality of professional training.

The practice helped me learn how to independently solve a certain range of tasks that arise in the course of the work of the organizer of work with youth. I realized that in practice the bulk of the knowledge I received at the university would be in demand.

Of course, it was not easy, I still lacked experience, but every day I felt more confident in the place of the organizer of work with youth, I always tried to give the guys all the material that was planned for me by my curator, I tried to include it in the structure of each event new and original techniques that enhance the cognitive and playful interest of the pupils and contribute to an easier convergence with the team and contribute to an increase in interest in the events.

I really enjoyed working with children and youth. I liked working in this institution. I liked working with children, participating in the life of the school and the city, helping the teacher in the moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation. The quality of work was influenced by a favorable climate in the team, the practice left a positive impression.

The practice gave a huge experience of working with young people, which was confirmed by the theoretical knowledge gained at the institute.

During the internship, I acquired communication skills, the ability to lead and organize youth, and hold events.

The internship conditions were good. If I had any questions, I could contact the head of my practice or the staff of the Gymnasium.

List of used literature for events

1. 1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and educators. Comp. N.V. Elkin. - Yaroslavl: 1997.

2. Your health. Strengthening the body. Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. - S.-Pb.: 1998.

3. Reader for older children preschool age. Comp.: Z.Ya.Rez. - M.: 1990.

4. G. K. Zaitsev. Znayka lessons. Educate yourself.- S-Pb.: 1999.

5. Rehabilitation program "Crossroads". Authors-comp. A.V. Terentyeva, O.I. Ivashin, V.V. Moskvichev. - M.: 2000.

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