What is physical fitness. Physical fitness

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The modern world requires a person to achieve a very high functional level, the ability to endure very large psychological and physical exercise, quickly recover from them. This requires a special foundation that exactly meets the requirements of the chosen pace of life and provides preparedness for effective life. modern man in harmony with your body.

Over the past decades, specialists have been concerned about the problem of people's physical fitness. Despite the constant improvement of the system of physical education in universities and schools, it remains unresolved. One of the reasons for this is the rapid growth of scientific and technological progress, which has significantly reduced the physical activity of people.

For an athlete, for example, physical fitness is the basis for achieving a high level of skill in any sport. Versatile physical fitness allows the athlete to cope with a significant amount of fairly intensive training work. With a low level of physical fitness, it is impossible to conduct training sessions productively, the athlete quickly overworks, and is more often exposed to diseases and injuries. This, in turn, causes breaks in preparation, violates its integrity and rhythm.

Physical training is a process aimed at developing physical qualities and developing functional capabilities that create favorable conditions for improving all aspects of training. The content of physical training consists of physical exercises, special knowledge, organizational and methodological skills and abilities.

Physical training, as a kind of physical education, is a specially organized and consciously controlled pedagogical process aimed at shaping the physical readiness of people to fulfill social obligations in society.

1. Fundamentals of physical fitness

1.1 The concept of physical fitness

Physical readiness is the result of physical training achieved during the performance of motor actions necessary for mastering or performing a professional or sports activity by a person.

Physical fitness is characterized by the level of functional capabilities of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) and the development of basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility). Physical training is a process during which one or another level of physical fitness is achieved.

Physical training is aimed at strengthening health, achieving a high level of physical development, educating the physical qualities necessary for a person. It is customary to subdivide it into general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SFP).

The goal of general physical training is to achieve high performance. It is aimed at increasing the level of physical development, broad motor fitness as prerequisites for success in various activities. Its means are a variety of physical exercises (walking, running, skiing, swimming, rowing, outdoor and sports games, gymnastics, weight training, etc.).

Special physical training is a specialized process that contributes to success in a specific activity (type of profession, sport, etc.), which imposes specialized requirements on a person’s motor abilities. The result of physical training is physical fitness, which reflects the achieved performance in the formed motor skills and abilities that contribute to the effectiveness of the target activity (to which the training is oriented). SFP is aimed at educating individual physical qualities, skills and abilities necessary in the chosen sport or military affairs. It is carried out systematically and helps a person to prepare for competitions or the performance of responsible tasks that require the mobilization of all physical fitness at this stage. Its means are special exercises and elements.

For the development of important physical qualities, they use exercises for speed, strength, general, speed and strength endurance, for coordination of movements, etc. These are mainly exercises from basic gymnastics, from various types of athletics, sports games, weightlifting, etc. With the help of they can strengthen the muscles that account for the greatest physical load, further develop the physical qualities required by a particular profession.

To form and improve auxiliary-applied skills, so-called natural movements (jumping, throwing, climbing, swimming), exercises from applied tourism, etc. or quality, but at the same time give a non-specific training effect. For example, resistance to overheating can be increased by exercises accompanied by significant heat generation: long running, intensive skiing, skating, sports games, fencing.

To improve mental qualities - volitional, attention, reaction to signals, perception of space, time, muscle effort and others - great importance have used directed physical exercises and certain sports. At the same time, the influence of the latter on the development of mental qualities is not the same. The specificity of each specific sport determines the activity of the corresponding mental functions and the degree of their manifestation. For example, sports games develop the accuracy of the reaction time to a moving object, the speed of the motor reaction; gymnastics to a large extent develops the accuracy of muscle efforts during the action of the hands, etc.

The improvement of volitional qualities is facilitated by all kinds of sports, sports games, diving, gymnastic exercises associated with elements of danger, etc.

Optimal physical fitness is called physical readiness. In the structure of a person's individual labor readiness and professional activity, physical readiness takes its definite place. Very weighty: is it possible to imagine a geologist who does not have a sufficient level of general and strength endurance, successfully working in the summer field season in extreme conditions; or a neurosurgeon operating on a patient on the brain, without special psychophysical qualities: fine motor coordination, static endurance and concentration of attention; or a drilling rig engineer who successfully performs his professional duties in conditions of heat, severe frosts or storms without certain speed-strength abilities?

Therefore, now, more than ever, a qualitative indicator in the organization of professionally applied physical training in schools and universities is increasing, especially since the number of new specialties is constantly growing with a tendency to worsen the general level of health of young people - potential students, and later the able-bodied population of our country.

Thus, giving a definition of physical fitness, we thereby link all three of its components with each other: bodily (morphological), functional and motor. However, knowing that for each professional activity a strictly defined ratio of the ratios of the components of both the "physical readiness" system and its "motor readiness" subsystem is necessary, the determination of this quantitative coefficient and the creation of mathematical models for the formation of a person's physical readiness, depending on the type of his activity, functional state, bodily development, age, physical activity, habitat, gender (male or female) and other factors (external and internal) and will be a purely individual indicator of a person’s physical activity for professional activities.

Thus, modern requirements for the physical condition of Russian citizens (the need of society to optimize their physical condition) are the main backbone factor in creating the doctrine of physical improvement of the entire population. Russian Federation. In turn, scientific and theoretical organizational bases formation, maintenance and restoration of people's physical readiness for various types of activities are the main system-forming factor of the general theory physical education.

1.2 The main physical qualities of the body, characterizing physical fitness and methods of their development

Physical qualities are understood as socially conditioned sets of biological and mental properties of a person, expressing him physical readiness carry out active motor activity. The main qualities that characterize the physical development of a person are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. Improving each of these qualities contributes to health, but not to the same extent. Physical qualities differ from other personality traits in that they can manifest themselves only when solving motor problems through motor actions. Motor actions used to solve a motor task can be performed differently by each individual. Some have a higher rate of execution, others have a higher accuracy of reproduction of movement parameters, etc.

Power abilities are manifested through the force of action developed by a person through muscle tension. The force of action is measured in kilograms. The magnitude of the manifestation of the force of action depends on external factors - the magnitude of burdens, external conditions, the location of the body and its links in space; and from the internal - the functional state of the muscles and the mental state of a person.

For the development of speed-strength abilities, exercises are used to overcome the weight of one's own body (for example, jumping) and with external weights (for example, throwing stuffed balls). The most common methods for developing speed-strength abilities are the methods of repeated exercise and circuit training. The method of repeated exercise allows you to selectively develop certain groups. The circuit training method provides a complex effect on various muscle groups.

In accordance with modern concepts, speed is understood as a specific motor ability of a person for high speed movements performed in the absence of significant external resistance, complex coordination of muscle work and not requiring large energy consumption. The physiological mechanism of the manifestation of speed, associated primarily with the speed characteristics of nervous processes, is presented as a multifunctional property of the central nervous system(CNS).

There are several elementary forms of manifestation of speed:

1. The speed of a simple and complex motor reaction.

2. The speed of a single movement.

3. The speed of a complex (multi-joint) movement associated with a change in body position or switching from one action to another in the absence of significant external resistance.

4. Frequency of movements.

The identified forms of speed manifestation are relatively independent of each other and are weakly related to the level of general physical fitness.

Agility is expressed through a set of coordination abilities, as well as the ability to perform motor actions with the required range of motion (mobility in the joints). Dexterity is brought up by teaching motor actions and solving motor tasks that require a constant change in the structure of actions.

Coordination abilities are the ability of a person to most perfectly, quickly, expediently, economically, accurately and resourcefully solve motor problems in the event of complex and unexpected situations.

Coordination abilities are associated with the ability to control movements in space and time and include: a) spatial orientation; b) the accuracy of motion reproduction in terms of spatial, force and time parameters; c) static and dynamic balance. Spatial orientation implies: 1) the preservation of ideas about the parameters of changes in external conditions (situations) and 2) the ability to rebuild the motor action in accordance with these changes. A person does not simply react to an external situation. He must take into account the possible dynamics of its change, carry out forecasting of upcoming events and, in this regard, build an appropriate program of action aimed at achieving a positive result.

Endurance is the most important physical quality that is manifested in professional, sports practice (to one degree or another in each sport) and Everyday life. It reflects the overall level of human performance. In the theory of physical education, endurance is understood as the ability of a person to perform work for a considerable time without reducing the power of the load of its intensity or as the body's ability to resist fatigue. Endurance is a multifunctional property human body and integrates big number processes occurring at various levels: from the cellular to the whole organism. However, as the results of modern scientific research show, the leading role in the manifestation of endurance belongs to the factors of energy metabolism and the vegetative systems that provide it, namely the cardiovascular, respiratory, and central nervous systems.

One of the most effective and affordable means of developing general endurance is running.

The term flexibility itself is usually used for an integral assessment of the mobility of body links. If the amplitude of movements in individual joints is estimated, then it is customary to talk about mobility in them. The process of inhibition and the relaxation of muscles associated with it favor the course of recovery processes. Therefore, relaxation exercises are also used to improve blood circulation in the muscles or as distraction exercises, especially after strong static stresses.

The development of physical qualities is a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle. This is agility, and endurance, and strength, and flexibility, and, of course, speed.

There is no linear relationship between fitness level and health level. This connection can be schematically represented at three levels.

At the first (low) level, there is a pronounced negative effect on health, especially at a low level of endurance.

At the second (optimal, normative) level - a positive impact on health.

At the third (high) level of physical qualities, corresponding to the requirements of big sport, there is tension in all body systems, which reduces resistance to diseases due to a decrease in the body's immune functions.

2. Testing and evaluation of physical fitness

Checking and evaluation allow to determine the level of physical fitness, the degree of development of individual physical qualities and the formation of motor skills. The essence of control is a comparison of the planned and actually achieved physical condition.

2.1 Methods for testing and evaluating physical fitness

Assessment of the level of physical fitness is carried out according to the results shown in special control exercises (tests) for strength, endurance, etc. To assess the level of physical fitness, it must be measured.

In the practice of physical education, the following control methods are used: pedagogical observation, surveys, acceptance of educational standards, testing, control and other competitions, the simplest medical methods (measurement of VC - lung capacity, body weight, backbone strength, etc.), timing of classes, determination the dynamics of physical activity in a lesson according to heart rate, etc.

Observing the students during the lesson, the observer pays attention to their behavior, manifestation of interest, degree of attention (focused, scattered), external signs of reaction to physical activity (changes in breathing, color and facial expressions, movement coordination, increased sweating, etc.).

The survey method provides an opportunity to obtain information about the state of those involved on the basis of their own indicators about how they feel before, during and after classes (about pain in the muscles, etc.), about their aspirations and desires. Subjective sensations are the result of physiological processes in the body. They must be reckoned with and at the same time remember that they do not always reflect the true capabilities of those involved.

General physical fitness is measured using tests. The set and content of tests should be different for age, gender, professional affiliation, and also depending on the physical culture and health program used and its purpose. This will determine the condition of the muscles and joints, the cardiovascular system, as well as find out which parts and systems of the body are less developed than others.

To assess the level of development of physical qualities and exercise control over the motor fitness of those involved, various exercises are widely used - tests: long jump from a place and a run, throwing a stuffed ball, a six-minute run, leaning forward while standing on a bench and sitting on the floor, running at various distances, lifting the torso from a supine position, flexion-extension of the arms at an emphasis, pulling up on the crossbar, shuttle running, etc. There are many tests to determine coordination, balance, flexibility, endurance, agility, strength of individual muscle groups and other physical abilities.

The principle of a gradual increase in functional impacts guarantees an increase in the level of functional capabilities of the body and physical fitness, an increased rate of development of motor abilities. The use of standard exercises and standard loads brings the body into the stage of sustainable adaptation. When performing the exercise, various qualities will be improved, but when choosing means and methods, it is necessary to highlight their primary focus on the development of the leading quality (strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance, and others).

Test tasks are presented exercise, which are grouped according to the main physical qualities. Testing is recommended to be carried out using a competitive method, and testees must not only demonstrate the fulfillment of standard requirements, but also perform standard exercises that reflect the versatility of their fitness for each specific group of physical abilities (strength, speed, endurance and coordination). The criterion for characterizing the level of physical fitness above the average will be the fulfillment of the basic standards of requirements and (taking into account individual physical development) the fulfillment of standards in the corresponding physical exercises. To characterize the level of physical fitness of the average level - respectively, the fulfillment of only the basic standards of requirements and partial (up to ½) fulfillment of the standards in physical exercises. To characterize the level of physical fitness below the average - respectively, the fulfillment of only the basic standards of requirements.

The criteria for the level of physical fitness are determined by special tables developed by scientists, as well as by tables from a comprehensive program of physical education for schoolchildren, students, athletes, military personnel, etc.

The assessment of the state of health, the dynamics of positive and negative changes will not be objective if it is not supplemented by self-control data. Self-control - independent observations of the results of the influence of physical activity on your body.

With independent physical exercises, systematic control is very important for assessing the healing effect. Control during the training process allows to determine the current level of physical fitness for planning optimal loads, to identify "lagging behind" motor qualities and to evaluate the amount of their increase. Self-control is reduced to determining the amount of physical activity based on the body's responses.

By regularly analyzing the state of your health, testing data and conducting various tests, you can get the opportunity to adjust the amount of work and rest, time for recovery, choose means to increase physical and mental performance, make the necessary changes in your own style and, possibly, lifestyle. The main requirement: sampling and testing should be carried out at the same hours of the day, 1.5-2 hours before and after meals.

All indicators of self-control can be divided into subjective and objective. Subjective include well-being, mood, sleep, appetite and pain. Informative indicators of the intensity of the load are subjective sensations. Physical activity is considered sufficient if the state of health is satisfactory (does not worsen), sleep and appetite are normal, the pulse is less than 90 beats per minute 10 minutes after training. Physical activity is considered excessive if the state of health is unsatisfactory (it worsens, weakness, pain in the heart area appear, headache), sleep and appetite worsen (absent), pulse 10 minutes after training more than 90 beats per minute.

The state of health is classified as good (feeling cheerful, good performance), satisfactory (slight lethargy) and poor (weakness, lethargy, low performance). Well-being is a fairly informative criterion for the correct dosage of physical activity. If they correspond to the functional capabilities of the body, then the state of health is usually good. With excessive physical exertion, its deterioration is observed.

Objective indicators of self-control include: monitoring of heart rate (HR), blood pressure, respiration, body weight, muscle strength and athletic performance.

Many experts recognize heart rate as a reliable indicator of the state of the circulatory system. It can be independently determined by the pulse rate. When a person is at rest, it is best to measure it on the radial artery, at the base of the thumb. To do this, on the back of the wrist, where the pulse is measured, put the brush of the other hand and use the pads of the second, third and fourth fingers to find the radial artery, slightly pressing on it. The pulse rate is determined by the movement of the second hand of the clock for 10 or 15 seconds, the resulting number is multiplied by 6 or 4. Thus, the pulse rate per minute is calculated.

Control over physical fitness acts as an operational management that ensures the functioning of the system in accordance with the plans. It consists in periodic and continuous comparison of the results obtained with the planned plans and subsequent correction of the preparation process, and the plans themselves.

2.2 The impact of physical fitness on quality of life

Exercise helps counter chronic fatigue, increasing vitality. They give an extra supply of oxygen to the brain and make you more energetic throughout the day. This, in turn, helps you sleep deeper and more restfully at night because it releases endorphins that help release the nervous tension built up during the day (because you are physically tired and do not feel empty at the end of the day that physically inactive people usually experience) . Exercise helps prevent depressive states not only because it relieves nervous tension, but also reduces excess adrenaline and hormones in the body that contribute to stress. Physical education also strengthens faith in own forces: You feel that you can improve your well-being and appearance, no matter what your age and physical condition.

Systematic physical exercises increase the adaptive reactions of the body, determine its proper functioning. Reactions to physical activity do not pass without a trace: they are accompanied by specific trace shifts (trophic processes), on the basis of which there is an increase in the structural, energy, and, consequently, functional resources of the body. This is an important factor in increasing the reliable functioning of the physiological systems of the body, which, of course, becomes especially important in the course of the development of age-related changes. Structural and functional improvement of blood circulation and strengthening of the trophic functions of the nervous system, the creation of a sufficient supply of energy, an increase in capillarization of the skeletal and cardiac muscles are provided. The functional reserve increases, adaptation to loads, recovery is accelerated.

The faster the recovery, the more strength the body has to perform subsequent work, therefore, the higher its functionality and performance, i.e. increases the operating time and reduces the working time.

So far, our diseases are costing society dearly. Due to the poor physical training of young workers and engineering and technical workers, 24% of all types of marriage, accidents, and equipment stops occur. Shortcomings in physical education, the lack of proper hardening lead to the fact that about 3 million people are excluded from the labor process every day due to illness!

Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone, he has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person with a wrong lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating brings himself to a catastrophic state by the age of 20-30 and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. FROM early age it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways. Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. Active long life is an important component of the human factor.

Optimal driving mode - essential condition healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic physical exercises and sports, effectively decisive tasks strengthening health and developing physical abilities, maintaining health and motor skills, strengthening the prevention of adverse age-related changes.

The main feature that characterizes a high level of general physical fitness is the ability to consciously control the movements of one's body, achieving the greatest results in the shortest possible time with the least effort. The main qualities that characterize the physical development of a person are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. The improvement of each of these qualities also contributes to the strengthening of health, but not to the same extent. You can become very fast by training in sprinting. Finally, it is very good to become agile and flexible by applying gymnastic and acrobatic exercises. However, with all this, it is not possible to form sufficient resistance to pathogenic effects.

For effective healing and disease prevention, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance, combined with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide a growing body with a reliable shield against many diseases.


The concept of "physical fitness" to a certain extent characterizes the level of health. L.B. Kofman, N.D. Graevskaya, V.L. Karpman note that in the process of systematic physical education, the body gradually adapts to the loads, associated with the functional and morphological restructuring of various organs and systems, expanding their potential.

There is only one way to achieve harmony in a person - the systematic performance of physical exercises. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that regular physical education, which is rationally included in the regime of work and rest, not only improves health, but also significantly increases the efficiency of production activities. However, not all motor actions performed in everyday life and in the process of work are physical exercises. They can only be movements specially selected for influencing various organs and systems, developing physical qualities, correcting body defects.

Physical exercise will have a positive impact if certain rules are followed during classes. It is necessary to monitor the state of health - this is necessary in order not to harm yourself by doing physical exercises.

General physical training is aimed at the versatile education of physical abilities aimed at the harmonious development of students. Under the influence of physical fitness, health improves, the body becomes more perfect, the appearance is more beautiful, there is a gradual addiction to stress, a better reaction to stress and recovery after work.

Experts, for example, have proved that the state of human health is only 10% dependent on medicine and 90% on the level of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Studies show that the costs of promoting preventive sports activities (even considering the possibility of injury) are much less than the costs of disability benefits.

Today the slogan "Physical culture is the guarantee of health" is no longer relevant enough. Physical education and sports should be the key to social and creative longevity.

And I want to finish with the words of the famous Soviet scientist I.M. Sarkizova-Serazini: “Systematically applied physical culture and sports are youth that does not depend on passport age, this is old age without diseases, which is revived by optimism, this is longevity, which is accompanied by a creative labor upsurge, this, finally, is health - the biggest source beauty."

List of sources used

physical fitness

1. Korobkov A.V., Golovin V.A., Maslyakov V.A. Physical education. - M.: Higher. school, 1983.

2. Amosov N.M. Thinking about health. - Kemerovo: Kemerovo Engineering Publishing House, 1981. - 176 p.

3. http://lib.sportedu.ru/.

4. http://www.pr-j.ru/sport-i-turizm/fizkultura-v-zhizni-studenta.html.

5. "Professional-applied physical training" V.I. Ilyinich. Ed. "Moscow - Higher School - 1978"

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Physical fitness - These are the capabilities of the functional systems of the body. It reflects the necessary level of development of those physical qualities on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

Physical fitness as a component of sports fitness in explanatory dictionary sports terms, the concept of sports readiness is defined as “a state of an athlete acquired as a result of training (physical, technical, tactical, mental), which allows achieving certain results in competitive activity”. In the same place we read that “physical training is one of the aspects of training in physical education, sports, associated with the education of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and coordination abilities).” K.L. Chernov defines sports readiness as "a connected system of knowledge, skills, qualities, properties of functional systems, which determines the level of a person's qualification in a certain profession." Yu.I. Smirnov interprets sports readiness as "a complex result of training, expressed in an increased level of functional capabilities of an athlete's body, his specific and general performance, in the achieved degree of perfection of sports skills, abilities and sports knowledge." Many authors agree with their opinion and consider the sports result to be the true criterion of sports readiness. At the same time, they note that a sports result, and, consequently, sports readiness, is a multifactorial phenomenon in which many components, including physiological ones, have a significant weight, which is especially true for sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance. A number of authors add that in a state of peak athletic form, some physiological indicators do not correspond to their maximum values. The term “fitness” is very close in meaning to the concept of “physical fitness”, i.e. "a state of the body that determines the level of physical fitness of an athlete, which is a consequence of training." Fitness is a complex medical and pedagogical concept that characterizes the readiness of an athlete to achieve high sports results. Its level depends on the effectiveness of the structural and functional restructuring of the body, which is combined with the high technical, tactical and psychological preparedness of the athlete. Currently, the leading role in the diagnosis of fitness belongs to the coach, who performs a comprehensive analysis of biomedical, pedagogical and psychological information about the athlete. Consequently, fitness determines the physical fitness of an athlete, which, in turn, is an integral part of sports fitness. But the connection between these concepts is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance. So there is an opinion of experts that in sports there is no general fitness, therefore, there are no indicators of general physical fitness, therefore sport is characterized by indicators of special physical fitness. Other authors argue that the concept of general fitness should not be abandoned, since it is precisely this that is the necessary basis for special preparedness. ON THE. Bernstein and V.M. Zatsiorsky determine fitness by assessing motor performance and technique efficiency in conjunction with morphological characteristics. V.A. Zaporozhanov, V.M. Zatsiorsky, B.C. Farfel believe that fitness is an intuitive concept that does not have clear measurements. For educational and training purposes, for the choice of means and loads, for the further growth of sportsmanship, it is also necessary to evaluate many components that make up sports fitness, including those determined by external conditions and influences. The number of fitness components of one athlete is very large and difficult to fully analyze. The components of sports preparedness that are taken into account today consist of many other components, also of different importance. N.G. Ozolin defines 20 types of sports readiness, each of which corresponds to 4 components. In our study, the following types of sports fitness are of particular interest: physical, general physical, general functional, special physical, special functional, special muscle strength, special speed (speed) of movements, special endurance. In addition to the above components, there are also theoretical, technical, tactical, psychological, volitional, integral and other types of sports preparedness. The author claims that all of them are “interrelated and manifest themselves as numerous morphoanatomical, physiological, biochemical and motor capabilities of a single organism. When determining these components, two groups should be distinguished: one, which is determined to a greater extent by genetic prerequisites, and the other, which depends on the degree of fitness. Among all the components of sports readiness, the author distinguishes “leading ones - increasing in the process of preparation; supporting - reaching a certain level and stopping at it; providing - creating psychological, physiological and biochemical opportunities for the manifestation of leading and supporting components. When determining the significance of the components of sports readiness, N. G. Ozolin, like many other specialists, recommends using the method of factor analysis, "in which, through multiple correlation, the connection of each component with the sports result is established." In a number of works, specialists and scientists single out its constituent parts in the structure of sports readiness, which are located at three levels in terms of importance. The first includes the characteristics of competitive activity, determined as a result of regular long-term collection of information during competitions. At the second level, the characteristics of the special physical, technical and tactical fitness of athletes are distinguished. At the third level, the characteristics of functional and mental readiness, morphological features, age, sports experience, etc. are considered.

Physical fitness - These are the capabilities of the functional systems of the body. It reflects the necessary level of development of those physical qualities on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

Physical readiness as a component of sports readiness in the explanatory dictionary of sports terms defines the concept of sports readiness as “a state of an athlete acquired as a result of training (physical, technical, tactical, mental), which allows achieving certain results in competitive activity”. In the same place we read that “physical training is one of the aspects of training in physical education, sports, associated with the education of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and coordination abilities).” K.L. Chernov defines sports readiness as "a connected system of knowledge, skills, qualities, properties of functional systems, which determines the level of a person's qualification in a certain profession." Yu.I. Smirnov interprets sports readiness as "a complex result of training, expressed in an increased level of functional capabilities of an athlete's body, his specific and general performance, in the achieved degree of perfection of sports skills, abilities and sports knowledge."

Many authors agree with their opinion and consider the sports result to be the true criterion of sports readiness. At the same time, they note that a sports result, and, consequently, sports readiness, is a multifactorial phenomenon in which many components, including physiological ones, have a significant weight, which is especially true for sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance. A number of authors add that in a state of peak athletic form, some physiological indicators do not correspond to their maximum values. Very close in meaning to the concept of "physical training" is the term "fitness", i.e. "the state of the body that determines the fitness of an athlete, which is a consequence of training." Fitness is a complex medical and pedagogical concept that characterizes the readiness of an athlete to achieve high sports results. Its level depends on the effectiveness of the structural and functional restructuring of the body, which is combined with the high technical, tactical and psychological preparedness of the athlete.

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General condition of the human body real opportunities, performance, can be called physical fitness. Usually it is achieved with the help of power loads. The more systematically, more deeply, a person deals with his body, the higher his preparation. With a good level of it, a person has resistance to various diseases, is less prone to stress, emotional and nervous shocks, is stronger, more sustained. The respiratory and circulatory system of such a person is much better developed than that of an unprepared person, and the mental potential, together with the ability to concentrate, allows you to achieve success in work or study.

If we do not talk about health problems, then an athlete can achieve physical fitness only through the diligent implementation of complexes of various exercises. Preparation reflects the processes of growth, formation at individual stages of individual ontogenesis (development). The nuances of NGO directly depend on personal characteristics its structure, the structure of the body.

Physical fitness is an extremely important indicator of the general state, the level of health of the population of a particular country. It is customary to put it on a par with mortality, fertility or morbidity.

general information

In the body of each of us, some processes are constantly taking place, they do not stop until our life cycle stops. They are usually divided into age stages, which are characterized by their properties (mental, physical, morphological, functional). The higher the level, the speed of the totality of these processes, the more physically prepared a person can be considered, and his nervous, mental, physical performance is high.

Sometimes, due to the fact that the sequence of development is violated on early dates intrauterine development, irreversible changes occur that affect the entire vital activity of the organism. However, in most cases, if we do not talk about pathologies, external factors have a direct impact on the physical fitness of a person: upbringing, dietary habits, social nuances, and the presence of diseases. They are more significant than genetic inclinations and can have an impact many times more powerful.

But what is physical fitness, what properties can be included in the list of properties of any organism? Physical fitness indicators include functions that are evaluated on the basis of simple data: height, body weight, proportions of the development of its individual parts, lung capacity, muscle strength, tone, condition of the musculoskeletal system, posture, presence, thickness of the lipid layer and much more. more. It so happened that it is customary to assess the general condition by external morphological factors, but only in conjunction with functional parameters, for the objectivity of the assessment.

Strength or muscle strength

This indicator is expressed in the ability or inability of a person to withstand a certain level of resistance, by tensing the muscles. Many activities involve the development of such a force both in everyday life and in production. In many ways, this factor depends not only on the mass, quality of the muscles themselves, but also on the biochemical processes that occur in them, as well as the activity of the central nervous system. It can manifest itself in isotonic or isometric mode. In the first case, this refers to dynamic (explosive) strength (contraction or stretching of muscles), and in the second, to static (holding one position under load). There are several types of strength.

  • muscular. This is the ability of the muscle to overcome any resistance.
  • Absolute. This term refers to the degree of power stress during overcoming resistance, without taking into account the total mass.
  • Relative. This is the ratio of force per unit of its own weight.
  • high-speed. To measure such strength, one can be guided by indicators such as the strength of the arms, legs, abdominals, and back.

The increase in strength is directly related to the growth of muscle mass. Moreover, this has both an aesthetic aspect (beauty of the body) and a purely “applied” one - strong muscles are less prone to injury, they help to maintain the natural body weight. Muscles require much more calories than lipid layers, because strong people are usually less prone to problems such as or obesity.

Quickness (speed)

This property is directly characterized by how often the muscles can contract and relax. The concept is divided into three main subcategories.

  • Sprint speed.
  • Movement speed.
  • Reaction speed.

The easiest way to determine the sprint speed. It is calculated simply: you need to measure how long the athlete runs a distance of twenty-five meters.


This indicator of physical fitness is a rather broad concept. It covers all the qualities that indicate how long the body can withstand different loads.

  • General or aerobic. To turn sugar (carbohydrates) into clean energy, the aerobic system uses oxygen. With intense loads, the process can concern lipids and even proteins (). Working at the limit of aerobic endurance helps you burn more excess weight. Measurements on this property are usually carried out while running 2 kilometers for girls, 3 kilometers for guys.
  • Sprint (speed). This is the ability to withstand loads at the most high speeds contraction-relaxation of muscles. Usually, measurements are also carried out when running per unit of time.
  • Power. This is the ability to withstand quite significant loads of a power nature. This quality is determined by how long the muscles are capable of repeating the same effort in a certain period of time. For different muscle groups it is defined differently: the shoulder girdle - pull-ups from the hang, the abdominal press - raising and lowering the torso while lying down.
  • Speed-strength. This indicator combines the last two. It illuminates the ability to perform any or work, for a specific period of time.


One of the most important qualities is characterized by the ability of the human body to perform various movements with a relatively large amplitude, scope. The maximum value of this value will be considered flexibility. It denotes the general mobility of all joints of the body. Experts distinguish two main forms of mobility.

  • Passive. These are those that are made under the influence of external factors and forces.
  • Active. Arbitrary movements that are performed by contraction-relaxation of muscle groups passing through a particular joint.

If the athlete’s training complex includes only power loads, and stretching is not given enough attention, the flexibility index can drop significantly, even with regular sports. Physical fitness is also characterized by this important property.


This is a quality that helps to learn different movements for the minimum time period. This also takes into account the ability to quickly rebuild, "adapt" to the implementation of such movements. The outstanding Soviet physiologist Nikolai Alexandrovich Bernshtein considered this property to be the ability to quickly and with the least resistance move out of any difficult situation.

From the point of view of psychology, dexterity can directly depend on the quality of the work of the central nervous system, the ability to adequately evaluate, solve various motor tasks. The larger the set of motor skills, the higher the agility score. People who have such abilities are more pronounced, can easily learn to juggle, play different games, perform acrobatic exercises.

Composition and coordination

Another important quality, it determines the ratio in one organism of the presence of lipid, protein, bone tissue. Depending on weight, age, you can determine the degree of health and physical fitness. It is clear that excess fat mass can indicate heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other problems.

Coordination is directly related to agility as well as body composition. This is the ability to properly manage your own muscles, showing the coherence of work. different systems organism. Good coordination of movements allows you to keep balance, not get tired longer due to the clarity of performing various body movements.


This property is also called the height-weight indicator, and its essence lies in the name itself. This is a set of parameters, which include body weight, height, distribution of centers of weight, body type. Professional trainers are guided by this, choosing a particular person to perform certain exercises or practicing different sports, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Assessment of physical fitness

Many do not understand what is meant by physical fitness testing, how something like this can be assessed in general. After all, each person is individual, not like the other, and therefore his preparation is also different. It's time to explain what in question and also provide some numbers for better understanding. Such a characteristic is given only after the assessment of the general physical functional state. There are a number of tests, measurements, and tests that have been developed and selected for a long time.

Keeping a diary of self-control

The main, main method of controlling physical fitness is to keep your own diary, where you will record all the changes that occur to your body during training. To do this, you just need to line an ordinary notebook, where you enter data on the work of different body systems, mood, success, by a certain number.

  • Pulse at rest and after exercise.
  • orthostatic test.
  • Volumes and characteristics of loads.
  • Breathing frequency before and after exercise.
  • General information about well-being.
  • Mood: positive or negative.
  • Recovery time.

Keeping such records gives a general idea of ​​the health of the athlete, as well as his functional indicators. It’s even useful to do them purely for yourself in order to understand what you should pay more attention to.

Physical fitness standards

A whole set of indicators has been developed, which are considered averaged, as well as the same for everyone.

For pupils and students

A certain part of the tests relates to the assessment of the physical fitness of students of schools, technical schools, universities and other educational institutions. By how the physical training indicators of the same person have changed, for example, over a semester, one can judge in general the work done on preparation. This includes the use of special tools, equipment, as well as methods of physical education.

For the army

The armed forces are a separate area of ​​physical training. There are different types of testing that show a soldier's compliance with the generally accepted standards of a particular country. They can vary greatly from state to state. They are freely available, so let's look at just a few for comparison.

Pull-ups on the bar

  • Great Britain - 12 times.
  • USA - 10 times.
  • Germany - 12 times.
  • France - 8 times.
  • Russia - 12-13 times.

1000 meters (1 kilometer) run

  • UK - 4.7-5 minutes.
  • USA - 7-8 minutes.
  • Germany - 6 minutes.
  • France - 3.5-4.6 minutes.
  • Russia - 3.3-3.25 minutes.

Physical fitness assessment methods (tests)

To control the physical training of students or military personnel, a set of special tests (tests) is provided. They are general, intended for the average girl or guy, as well as special, if a person has already passed or is not able to perform them.


  • Standing long jump.
  • Raising, lowering the body from a sitting position.
  • Tilt the body forward on the gymnastic bench.

Medical group

  • Pull-ups on the crossbar.
  • Skiing.
  • Abdominal exercises (for women).
  • Bending of the arms (lying emphasis).
  • Flexibility tests.
  • Rope jumping.
  • Cooper test.
  • Running (1, 2, 3 kilometers).
  • Long jumps.

To assess the cardiovascular activity of the body, it is usually customary to use the so-called Ruffier test, as well as the Harvard step test index (HST).

This test was invented back in 1968 by American military doctor and scientist Kenneth Cooper. It is designed for healthy people with good health at the age of not more than thirty-five years.

  • Warm-up (3-15 minutes).
  • Running (biking, swimming) to measure the distance with a maximum "layout" in 12 seconds.
  • Hitch.

Moreover, the value of this test is not in its results for a certain period, but in the dynamics of change as physical training progresses.


This is a much more stress test, which is only offered to already trained athletes. For beginners, such methods are ineffective, since they generally fail to meet the standards. The essence of the test is simple: in 300 seconds, a person must ascend and descend on a chair or bench in a measured (marching) manner. After that, one minute is given to rest. The index itself is calculated by the formula.

IGST \u003d t x 100 / (F1 + F2 + F3) x 2

Here the values ​​F1, F2, F3 denote the pulse, measured respectively at the second, third, fourth minute after the load. There is another, averaged, simplified formula.

IGST = t x 100 / f x 5.5

t is the ascent time in seconds.

f— heart rate (pulse, heart rate).

Rufier index

For this test, you must first sit at rest for exactly three hundred seconds (5 minutes). After that, the pulse is measured, the result is recorded. 30 squats are performed in 45 seconds. Heart rate is calculated for the first and last fifteen seconds of rest after exercise, and then after a minute of inactivity.

P1 - pulse after rest.

P2 - the first measurement after class.

P3 - the second measurement.

P3 - the third measurement.

Physical fitness is a state of a person, which is achieved as a result of power loads and is characterized by good performance, a variety of motor practices and improvement of physiological characteristics.

What does she give

A person with remarkable self-training has good resistance to various diseases, stressful environment and the influence of other negative factors. He has well developed respiratory and circulatory systems, metabolism. Thinking, attention and memory in such a person are less prone to the development of fatigue. All these features give a person the opportunity to achieve excellent success in educational, competitive and labor practice. The maximum level of physical fitness is acquired through endurance and diligence of students.

Sports qualities

Main physical properties are considered:

  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • speed;
  • level of experience and skill;
  • coordination (dexterity);
  • endurance.

All these traits must be improved in combination to achieve the best results.

How does it affect the body

Physical fitness is, to some extent, a change in the physiology of an athlete, who is beginning to develop plasticity, mobility and muscles are strengthening. Also in the body, the metabolism is noticeably accelerated, the general condition improves, and the lightness of the body is felt.

What does it depend on?

The physical development and physical fitness of a person are largely determined by the characteristics of his body. Unfortunately, environment for the most part negatively affects the body as a whole. And here, physical education, nutrition, the rejection of bad habits, as well as daily exposure to fresh air are of great importance.

Physiological formation, like birth and death, is considered a natural process for a person. The processes of physical development and puberty are interconnected, and at this stage there are noticeable changes in the body, as well as people change externally. However, such processes still significantly depend on sanitary, social, economic and other circumstances.

Indicators of physical fitness are also determined by people belonging to different groups. The younger generation is much easier to develop a beautiful and even posture, perform a certain number of exercises, and also withstand some power loads. A person of advanced age in training will already be unable to do a lot of things, since health simply will not allow them to cope with additional work.

Characteristics of sports training

A high degree of readiness good performance mental and muscular performance. The concept of "training" and "development" is often confused. It should be taken into account that physical fitness is the achievement of significant success as a result of long and exhausting classes that are carried out to acquire the necessary professional skills. And a person develops simply physiologically, according to outward signs without the help of any kind of strength training.

Such training also contributes to the development of various body systems (muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory) and the acquisition of such abilities as flexibility, agility, strength, stamina, and speed.

Assessment of physical fitness

Analysis of the level of this training is carried out according to the results (tests) for endurance, load intensity and much more. The level of general fitness is established through a series of diagnostics. The program and selection of tests must be selected taking into account professional qualities, age and gender, and also correspond to the used physical culture and health-improving methods.

Sports rules

There are basic parameters and indicators of physical fitness that must be adhered to.


Physical fitness is also a developmental process, which is recognized by external characteristics. Even outwardly, a person with a high level of training differs from someone who is far from sports and does not follow nutrition. After all, a person who adheres to a certain schedule of classes, follows a diet, refuses various habits that adversely affect the state of the body, will always look good and feel just great!

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