Even in the most extreme Kalmyk cows gain weight even in the most extreme conditions

Family and relationships 24.08.2019
Family and relationships

Meat breeds of cows in Russia and the CIS are quite rare. One of these curiosities is the Kalmyk breed of cows. Why are these representatives of artiodactyls remarkable and valuable for farmers?

An interesting theory is put forward regarding how the Kalmyk breed was bred. They have Mongolian roots and in European part mainland were brought by the Kalmyks in the XVII century. The nomadic way of life of their owners led to constant, throughout the year, grazing content.

Weather conditions in the steppes sharply continental climate not the most favorable: frosts, winds, poor food even in summer. The formation of the phenotype of Kalmyk cows under such conditions occurred under the influence of severe natural selection. This was the most important factor in the formation of the breed.

Characteristics and description of the breed with photos

Their appearance is very different from European cows. The Kalmyk cow has a large and powerful physique. The suit is predominantly red, but red-white is also found. The horns are strong and thick, have a crescent shape.

The body is powerful and short. The chest is wide, the legs are set wide apart and strong. Whole appearance talking about great influence natural selection for the exterior of Kalmyk cows. This also affects the character traits: Kalmyk cows can show aggression, especially females when protecting a calf.

Productive characteristics

The live weight of these animals in such unfavorable natural conditions is considerable:

  • cows - about 450-500 kg;
  • bulls - 750-900 kg.

Slaughter yield ranges from 50-60%. Fertility in cows is high, reaching 95%. Calves at the age of eight months have a mass of 170-210 kg. Meat by palatability- excellent, has a characteristic marbling.

The breed is meat and is not distinguished by high milk yield - it is extremely rare to get more than 1200 kg per cow. The milk itself is thick, with a fat content of about 6.5%. Milk protein levels are high, up to 4.9%.

Important! The maximum registered amount of milk from one cow of the Kalmyk breed is 4800 kg.

Features of care and maintenance

The breed is absolutely not demanding on the conditions of detention. The cow easily tolerates both heat and strong sub-zero temperatures. Long and frequent hauls also practically do not affect the productivity of the animal. Every day, a cow can walk up to 50 km in search of food, and this will not affect her future condition in any way.

Cows of the Kalmyk breed perfectly tolerate long and frequent hauls.

Kalmyk cows, more than other breeds, are closer to their ancient ancestors, not only appearance but also in character. Cows and bulls can have a very aggressive disposition. When transporting livestock to the place of slaughter, they can injure each other with horns, thus spoiling the skin.

Required diet and nutrition

Kalmyk cows can easily adapt to any feeding regimen. The main part of the diet should be voluminous feed: silage, hay, grass. An increase in feeding rates does not lead to an increase in milk yield, but promotes weight gain.

well developed digestive system allows Kalmyk cows to consume significant amounts of grassy feed. From April to June, cereal, feather grass and fescue fields are preferred. From the end of August - wormwood and feather grass.

It is most rational to keep Kalmyk cows on year-round pastures with proper alternation of fields. Livestock should not be left in one area for longer than 7-9 days. In the future, returning to the former pasture is possible only after 1-1.5 months. Such feeding will lead to rapid fattening, which will ensure good gains and high quality meat.

The main part of the diet of Kalmyk cows is hay, silage and grass.

One of the most significant needs of Kalmyk cows is the need for water. Water cattle 3-4 times a day with fresh water. Water should be subjected to bacteriological control to reduce the risk of disease. In summer, water demand will increase by at least 20%.

The weight gain of bulls directly depends on the amount of water they drink.

During the day, animals should receive:

  • 40 l with a mass of up to 250 kg;
  • 50 l with a mass of up to 350 kg;
  • 60 l with a mass of more than 350 kg.

In one grazing season, a Kalmyk cow accumulates up to 50 kg of fat. This enables them to survive the coldest winters.

The subtleties of breeding the Kalmyk breed

The unique endurance of the breed allows it to be kept in the most severe climatic regions, for example, in the zone of sharply continental climate. Kalmyk cows are popular in the Urals, the North Caucasus and the Far East.

The most famous breeding plants are:

  • "Zimovnikovsky", Rostov region.
  • "Friendship", Buryatia.

However, if we compare the productivity of the Kalmyk breed with others in favorable conditions, the Kalmyks are noticeably inferior. With abundant feeding and a less severe climate, the Kalmyk breed gives a lower slaughter yield compared to other breeds. Therefore, it is most profitable to keep Kalmyks in harsh conditions, where it will be difficult to care for other breeds.

Caring for a newborn calf

The calves of the Kalmyk breed are quite strong in health. Calving usually occurs very easily, complications in childbirth are extremely rare. The safety of young animals is at least 95%, often reaches 99-100%. Such strong immunity makes it possible to keep the breed in regions with an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation.

The calves of the Kalmyk breed are quite strong in health.

Body weights at birth:

  • bull - 30 kg;
  • heifers - 20 kg.

The breed belongs to late-ripening, grows a little slower than other meat breeds. From birth, they are in the pasture with their mother. The suckling method of keeping calves is used. Feeding on mother's milk, calves quickly gain strength, giving up to 1.5 kg of gain daily. The immunoglobulins and biologically active substances contained in milk provide strong immunity and good health of the calf.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like any other breed, Kalmyk cows have a number of features, among which positive and negative aspects of the content can be distinguished.


  • unpretentiousness to conditions;
  • weight gain on poor feed;
  • low price of calves;
  • endurance;
  • good meat productivity;
  • high nutritional quality of meat;
  • strong immunity;
  • light calving without complications.


  • possible aggressiveness;
  • a large amount of yellow fat on meat, which prevents the sale of products;
  • small milk yields.

Kalmyk cows are unpretentious, but can be aggressive.

What farmers and breeders of this breed say

Among farmers and breeders of the Kalmyk cow, a positive opinion is widespread about the productive qualities of the breed. It is easy to maintain even for a novice farmer, since she will not require any unnecessary worries.

Breeders do note rapid weight gain on scarce grazing. This feature is characteristic only for Kalmyk cows, which makes them a unique meat breed.

Some farmers talk about attacks by cows, but as a rule, it comes down to just a pronounced maternal instinct. Protecting the calf even from its owner, the Kalmyk cow may seem aggressive. But such situations are known only from single breeders.

Farmers also note the high quality of meat, which is great for any heat treatment. VNIIMS researchers found that about a fifth of all Kalmyk cows in their genotype contain a gene responsible for the special tenderness and softness of meat. This fact can be successfully used when crossing the Kalmyk breed with others. With this breeding, the meat qualities of the offspring are improved.

In the video, the farmer talks about his experience of buying, keeping and breeding Kalmyk cows.

Professions. Strict requirements, difficult conditions, constant risks to health and life are the usual arguments of those
who does not take female colleagues seriously. However, women
don't get tired of own example to prove that there are no difficulties that are beyond their power, and even traditionally male professions are increasingly conquering. Together with Libresse, we talked to three girls who work in extreme conditions and do not give in to them.


Navigator on a cargo ship

There are approximately 1.5 million seafarers in the world, and only 2% of them are women; they work mostly on cruise ships and only 6% on cargo ships. Evgenia Korneva has been serving as a navigator on a gas carrier for the second year. Each of her outings to the sea lasts approximately four to five months. On the ship, Evgenia is responsible for navigation and passing with ships, monitors compliance with navigation rules in different countries as well as cargo loading.

As soon as you set foot on a ship, you must do your job as well as they did before you. It is dangerous on board, so you should always be on the lookout. We are the captain's eyes and ears. There is a clear daily routine: you keep watch for four hours, and for the next eight you rest. It is important to get enough sleep: whatever the conditions or your condition, you should always take the watch on time. In winter it is hard: frost, snow, twilight. It is much easier to endure the heat: air conditioners work in the rooms, and there are sun loungers on the deck - you can even sunbathe. Of course, there are also storms - it shakes so that everything on the ship is shattered. I am severely seasick, but you need to defend your watch in any case. Through force, but you stand.

Whatever your condition, you must always be on duty on time.

I usually remember about food only when there is no pitching. I love delicious food, and it's hard for me to switch from a homemade diet to a marine one every time. At home, they cook with soul for only three or four people, and here there are more than twenty of us - the chef is clearly not up to the personal preferences of everyone. Even so: the chef relies solely on his preferences. Ours, for example, leans on potatoes, and the cook of colleagues from another ship is a fan of spicy Indian cuisine. Food is a source of strength and energy, so you have to eat what they give.

There is always water on the ship: huge tanks fill it with a margin. Due to processing, it becomes rigid. At first, acne appears, the skin dries, so I use oils. The air is also dry because of the air conditioners, it is hard on the eyes. Four months is a decent amount of time, and it's better to have everything with you at once. In the men's team, there is usually no one to ask for a hairdryer, cotton pads, and even more so pads. You take the necessary minimum: there will still be no time for multi-stage care.

On the ship you are always busy: it never stands idle and requires the same from you. You never know how the elements will behave: at any moment a situation can happen that will require you to react momentarily.

Any mooring night. In the midst of sleep, a bell rings in the cabin - they are called to the watch. You need to wake up quickly, put yourself in order and go in command.

A small sofa during pitching.

During the night watch. It was necessary to quickly find a person who would replace me for a few minutes, but at night it is almost impossible.

In 2016, about 45% of women volunteered under the UN. Per last years their number has grown, and even in the most dangerous regions there are sometimes significantly more women volunteers than men. Larisa Melnikova has been a member of the Health & Help- an organization that builds free clinics and provides medical care to residents of poor countries in Latin America.

In countries like Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the villages of Brazil, you have to play by the rules of the jungle. There is no electricity, no mobile communication, no hot water either. If the cold one turns out to be clean, it’s already good - it may be possible to wash off the dirt. Although there are showers, after which it only gets worse. You learn to brush your teeth and wash your face only with purchased water. You wipe with wet wipes, and wash your hair every few days with soap in the ocean.

There is hardly such a thing as disinfection. It's better not to take risks with a manicure. There are hardly dishwashers in public catering: at best, the dishes are rinsed in a basin of dirty water. A person gets used to everything. We wash fruits with drinking water or clean, food is only thermally processed. One thing: everything is prepared in liters of cheap oil.

It is impossible to buy feminine hygiene products - they simply do not exist: no tampons, no pads

We rarely sit in one place, enough time is spent on moving between countries. If we travel by bus, we are in paradise, but you can’t get everywhere on it. The most convenient transport then turns out to be a cart for pigs. We often spend the night in dubious places: at the edge of the world we don’t have to choose. Sometimes you go to bed in clothes, and instead of a pillow - a backpack.

In such patriarchal countries, no one cares about women's comforts. Some trips last more than four hours, there are no toilets at any stop, and this is normal: for a man, it is enough just to go outside. It is also impossible to buy feminine hygiene products - they simply do not exist: no tampons, no pads. Even finding ordinary cotton underpants is a problem. In provincial Guatemala, women simply do not wear them. Paradoxically, but the shoulders, knees and décolleté are always covered.

But all this is nonsense. We are changing the lives of thousands of people: they learn about hygiene and contraception, they get sick less, they see that a woman can work and not give birth every year. Recently, a girl approached me on the street: “I admire you! How can you deal with such a game?

Most stressful night at work?

Once, when our bus got stuck in a traffic jam, we had to spend the night in a brothel.

Most uncomfortable place to sleep?

On the floor of the airport in El Salvador. You press the suitcase so that it cannot be opened; you put the backpack under your feet and slip them into the straps so that they don’t pull it out.

The most embarrassing situation when critical days were taken by surprise?

I keep a calendar and try to be ready in a couple of days.


Yachtswoman, coach
in sailing

Last year, the organizers of the prestigious Volvo Ocean Race offered participants new rules: there must be at least one woman in the team. Otherwise, you will have to perform in a limited composition, which means that there is less chance of winning. There are still more men's teams in sailing than mixed ones, and even more so purely women's ones. Julia Skachkova has been sailing since the age of nine. She participates in regattas, organizes sea ​​travel, and for the last four years has been teaching sailing to children.

There is a saying: "If you go to sea for a day, stock up for a week." Anything can happen, but over time you get used to everything. For most people, the word "yacht" is associated with comfort - you immediately imagine such a mini-apartment equipped with everything you need: a kitchen, a bedroom. It’s good if the boat has at least a latrine (pumping toilet. - Approx. ed.): this is when you need to pump with a special lever until everything goes into the sea. On sports yachts, which free from everything superfluous in order to reduce weight, you will not find a shower and a toilet. Instead of a toilet, there may be a bucket, which everyone cleans up after themselves. Gradually, the boundaries are erased: with experience, you stop being embarrassed.

torn books

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Triggerfish Bronze A2" withstood the pressure of water at a depth of three kilometers and escaped with minor scratches while being at the epicenter of the explosion of a 5-kilogram C4 explosive.

Durable flashlight

This energy-saving Rayovac LED flashlight can withstand a third-story drop.

"Invincible" bridge

The railroad bridge in Durham, North Carolina has been standing for about a hundred years. During this time, more than one truck that challenged its durability has failed.

Hurricane resistant house

This dome house, built in Pensacola, Florida, is able to withstand winds of 450 kilometers per hour. It has already survived four major hurricanes, including Hurricane Ivan, Dennis and Katrina, thanks to its one-piece reinforced concrete structure.

Super strong ballpoint pen

The Cybernetic Research Laboratory in Tucson, Arizona has created the most durable pen on the planet that can write even underwater.

wear ring

Of course, if desired, the tungsten ring can be damaged. However, tungsten is only slightly less durable than diamond and four times stronger than titanium.

Safety racing helmet

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Reliable HDD

ioSafe has developed a hard drive that can be exposed to heat, fire and water without worrying about the safety of important data.

"Magic" shockproof glass

The "Magic Glass" didn't even crack when a nail was driven into it.

Ultra-rugged laptop

A laptop from Panasonic manufacturers can be dropped, set on fire, drowned, buried in the sand and even walked on it without fear of any damage.

Indestructible pickup

The Toyota Hilux pickup has been dubbed the "indestructible truck" for its unsurpassed ability to perform under even the most extreme conditions, including driving over 9,500 kilometers across Antarctica without suffering any wear and tear.

steel kimono

Japanese designer Miya Ando designed the unusual furisode kimono, a traditional Japanese long-sleeved outfit worn by unmarried girls. It is made of stainless steel plates held together with sterling silver rings. The cost of the world's first bulletproof kimono is $25,000.00.

Flexible sunglasses "Hercules"

You can sit on them, bend them, throw them, and they won't care.

Some organisms have a special advantage that allows them to withstand the most extreme conditions, where others simply cannot cope. Among these abilities, resistance to enormous pressure, extreme temperatures and others can be noted. These ten creatures from our list will give odds to anyone who dares to claim the title of the hardiest organism.

10 Himalayan Jumping Spider

The Asiatic wild goose is famous for flying over 6.5 kilometers, while the highest human settlement is at 5,100 meters in the Peruvian Andes. However, the high-altitude record does not belong to geese at all, but to the Himalayan jumping spider (Euophrys omnisuperstes). Living at an altitude of over 6700 meters, this spider feeds mainly on small insects brought there by gusts of wind. A key feature of this insect is the ability to survive in conditions of almost complete absence of oxygen.

9 Giant Kangaroo Jumper

Usually, when we think about the animals that can live the longest without water, the camel immediately comes to mind. But camels can survive without water in the desert for only 15 days. Meanwhile, you will be surprised when you find out that there is an animal in the world that can live its whole life without drinking a single drop of water. Giant kangaroo jumper - close relative beavers. Their average life expectancy is usually 3 to 5 years. They usually get moisture from food by eating various seeds. In addition, these rodents do not sweat, thereby avoiding additional water loss. Usually these animals live in Death Valley, and in this moment are in danger of extinction.

8. "Heat-resistant" worms

Since heat in water is more efficiently transferred to organisms, a water temperature of 50 degrees Celsius will be much more dangerous than the same air temperature. For this reason, bacteria predominately thrive in hot underwater springs, which cannot be said about multicellular life forms. However, there is a special kind of worm called paralvinella sulfincola, which is happy to settle in places where the water reaches temperatures of 45-55 degrees. Scientists conducted an experiment where one of the walls of the aquarium was heated, as a result it turned out that the worms preferred to stay in this place, ignoring cooler places. It is believed that this feature has developed in worms so that they can feast on bacteria that are abundant in hot springs. Because they didn't have it before. natural enemies, bacteria were relatively easy prey.

7 Greenland Shark

The Greenland shark is one of the largest and least studied sharks on the planet. Despite the fact that they swim quite slowly (any amateur swimmer can overtake them), they are extremely rare. This is due to the fact that this species of sharks, as a rule, lives at a depth of 1200 meters. In addition, this shark is one of the most resistant to cold. Usually she prefers to stay in water, the temperature of which fluctuates between 1 and 12 degrees Celsius. Since these sharks live in cold waters, they have to move extremely slowly in order to minimize the use of their energy. In food they are illegible and eat everything that comes in their way. Rumor has it that their lifespan is about 200 years, but no one has yet been able to confirm or deny it.

6. Devil Worm

For decades, scientists believed that only single-celled organisms could survive at great depths. In their opinion, high pressure, lack of oxygen and extreme temperatures stood in the way of multicellular creatures. But then microscopic worms were discovered at a depth of several kilometers. Named halicephalobus mephisto, after a demon from German folklore, they were found in water samples 2.2 kilometers below the ground in a cave in South Africa. They managed to survive extreme conditions environment, which made it possible to assume that life is possible on Mars and on other planets in our galaxy.

5. Frogs

Some types of frogs are widely known for their ability to literally freeze for the whole winter period and revive with the arrival of spring. AT North America five species of such frogs have been found, the most common of which is the common tree frog. Since tree frogs are not very strong at burrowing, they simply hide under fallen leaves. They have a substance like antifreeze in their veins, and although their hearts eventually stop, this is temporary. The basis of their survival technique is the huge concentration of glucose that enters the bloodstream from the frog's liver. What is even more surprising is the fact that frogs are able to demonstrate their ability to freeze not only in natural environment, but also in the laboratory, allowing scientists to discover their secrets.


4 Deep Sea Microbes

We all know that the deepest point in the world is the Mariana Trench. Its depth reaches almost 11 kilometers, and the pressure there exceeds atmospheric pressure by 1100 times. A few years ago, scientists managed to find giant amoebae there, which they managed to capture with a high-resolution camera and protected by a glass sphere from the enormous pressure that reigns at the bottom. Moreover, a recent expedition sent by James Cameron himself showed that in the depths Mariana Trench there may be other forms of life. Samples of bottom sediments were obtained, which proved that the depression is literally teeming with microbes. This fact amazed scientists, because the extreme conditions prevailing there, as well as the huge pressure, are far from paradise.

3. Bdelloidea

Rotifers of the species Bdelloidea are incredibly tiny female invertebrates, usually found in fresh water. Since their discovery, no males of this species have been found, and rotifers themselves reproduce asexually, which in turn destroys their own DNA. They restore their native DNA by eating other types of microorganisms. Thanks to this ability, rotifers can withstand extreme dehydration, moreover, they are able to withstand levels of radiation that would kill most living organisms on our planet. Scientists believe that their ability to repair their DNA came about as a result of the need to survive in an extremely arid environment.

2. Cockroach

There is a myth that cockroaches will be the only living organisms that will survive nuclear war. In fact, these insects can live without water and food for several weeks, and what's more, they can live for weeks without a head. Cockroaches have been around for 300 million years, even outliving the dinosaurs. The Discovery Channel conducted a series of experiments that were supposed to show whether cockroaches would survive or not with powerful nuclear radiation. As a result, it turned out that almost half of all insects were able to survive radiation of 1000 rads (such radiation can kill an adult healthy person in just 10 minutes of exposure), moreover, 10% of cockroaches survived exposure to radiation of 10,000 rad, which is equal to radiation at nuclear explosion in Hiroshima. Unfortunately, none of these small insects survived 100,000 rads of radiation.

1. Tardigrades

Tiny aquatic organisms, called tardigrades, turned out to be the hardiest organisms on our planet. These, at first glance, cute animals are able to survive almost any extreme conditions, whether it be heat or cold, huge pressure or high radiation. They are able to survive for some time even in space. Under extreme conditions and in a state of extreme dehydration, these creatures are able to stay alive for several decades. They come to life, one has only to place them in a pond.

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