Recycling glass at home. Glass recycling as a promising business direction

Diets 21.08.2019

Mini glass processing plant (Glass processing equipment)

Our company offers turnkey supply of equipment for glass processing from the manufacturer GENOX.

We select, order and install this equipment on your territory. Glass processing today is a very profitable and growing business in Russia. Glass processing requires the selection of special equipment, the description of which you can see below.

Glass processing equipment can cope with the following tasks:

  • glass bottle recycling
  • recycling glass containers
  • processing of other glass products

Official representative in the Russian Federation

and CIS countries Europolymer-Trading LLC

Equipment certified

European CE certificate

Specification, description

The “Tornado” series of hammer crushers is designed for crushing medium-density materials. Rotary hammers are made of highly flexible steels that allow the material to be crushed using high impact forces and a special arrangement of return plates. This allows the structure to be used for a long time without repair. This type of double impact and the influence of particles colliding with each other above the crushing mechanism allows you to crush large quantities of materials with maximum productivity and minimum costs.

General information about the glass processing plant

Recyclable material: glass
Incoming material: glass, glass bottle, glass container
Normal productivity: 1.5-2 tons/hour
Outlet size: less than 20mm
Installed power: 41 kW
Power consumption: 28 kW
Occupied area: 7×5×3.5m
Maintenance staff: 1 person

Detailed Description
No.1 Loading Conveyor CBP6050

No. 2 Hammer crusher for glass waste T450
Engine power (kW) 37
Rotor width (mm) 450
Rotor diameter (mm) Φ600
Rotor speed (rpm) 1150
Standard discharge fraction (mm) Φ20
Counter knives (pcs) 2
Rotating elements (pcs) 28
Window size (L/W) (mm) 620 × 800

No. 3 Unloading conveyor CBP 6040 L

No. 4 Control panel
CE Certificate
Siemens components
Schneider main parts

Terms of delivery: equipment for glass processing
The cost of the entire plant for the processing of glass containers on a turnkey basis with supervision of installation: USD 54,000.00/set. Price including VAT, pickup in Rostov-on-Don
Delivery time: 120-140 calendar days
Payment terms: 30% advance payment 65% payment before shipment from the manufacturer 5% after commissioning
Warranty: 12 months from commissioning

Glass recycling is an extremely promising area today - such a business makes it possible to make a profit literally from waste by organizing a business at home.

A few decades ago it was possible to find a large number of collection points for glass containers, but today there are practically none, which leaves large volumes of glass waste and the niche is almost empty.

It is no longer profitable to hand over bottles, since such an activity brings in pennies and requires time and effort, and the variety of shapes and volumes of containers is very large, not all of them are accepted.

Bottles are simply thrown away and go to landfills, just like various waste enterprises, other types of glass waste. In terms of profitability, a mini-plant for glass processing demonstrates approximately the same indicators as paper and metal processing, but there are significantly fewer competitors here.

According to statistics, in Moscow alone, about 200,000 tons of glass waste accumulates per year and only 10% of the total volume is recycled. That is, 180,000 tons of glass are simply sitting in landfills instead of being profitable and being reused for a variety of needs.

From recycled glass They make abrasive tools, ceramic sanitary ware, building and insulating materials, and glass structures. The sales market is quite large, so it makes sense to draw up a detailed business plan and implement the project.

To understand whether glass recycling is worth doing at all, you can determine some business features.

Brief summary:

  • Organization costs are about 300,000-4,000,000 rubles
  • This option is only suitable for cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people
  • Low level of competition
  • Medium level of organization complexity
  • Payback period is from a year or more, but with a good prospect for decades

Preparatory stage - before the project implementation

If you are going to start recycling glass, you need to properly register your business - in LLC format or register it. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, taxation features, so it is first necessary to analyze the volume of the processing line, approximate costs and profits.

Today, to organize such a business you need get a license Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Ecology, since we are talking about waste processing, which is divided into various classes in accordance with environmental hazards. To obtain a license, you need to write an application and provide a package of documents, a list of which is provided by the organization.

A license for this type of activity is issued only for a certain group of secondary raw materials that have a homogeneous formation or origin. That is, it will not be possible to organize the processing of glass and plastic under one license, for example.

You also need to take care of a permit from the fire service, confirming the compliance of working conditions and premises with established standards, and a permit from the SES. Be sure to prepare detailed description all technological processes in project documents.

In the process of preparation you need to find raw material supply sources– there is no point in organizing production and purchasing equipment if it is possible to obtain minimum volumes. You need to make sure that your business is profitable before completing paperwork, choosing premises, and purchasing equipment.

Possible sources of glass waste:

1) Reception points, which accept glass containers, broken glass, waste: you can enter into agreements with existing points or open your own. You can organize a collection point directly at the production site, which will reduce costs.

2) Glass pickup if there are large volumes, factories and enterprises where there is such waste will be happy to reduce their costs for waste removal and disposal.

3) Installation in the city garbage containers for waste of this type - with special locks and regular emptying, you can negotiate with local authorities about protection.

4) Agreements with companies, the production of which involves the generation of glass waste.

5) Cleaning urban solid waste landfills from garbage - a kind of “development” of garbage deposits, subject to an agreement with representatives of local authorities.

Premises, equipment, personnel selection

The entire process must be carried out in a separate building located in the industrial zone of the district or outside the city. Big part of the entire area– these are warehouses (about 100 square meters) and a workshop (about 500 square meters), where garbage will be stored and processed, and the finished product will be stored. The exact dimensions of the required area directly depend on the expected production capacity (volumes and dimensions).

Requirements for premises and territory:

  • High construction fencing
  • Availability of special large containers for sorting, proper organization of the process on the premises
  • Creation of convenient access to the territory
  • Being at a sufficient distance from (high noise level), sound insulation
  • The room must be equipped with a powerful hood, since this type of production belongs to the class of harmful

If we talk about a simple business at home with minimal costs, then this is production pure broken glass, which is carried out in several stages: waste sorting, cleaning, drying, crushing, storing for shipment to customers. In the process, it will be possible to add two stages: adding filler to the cullet and heating it in special ovens. Equipment and machines for performing all tasks are presented in a fairly wide variety.

Required equipment:

  • Various-sized sieves - to clean the material from impurities
  • Crushing plant – for grinding
  • Conveyor installation – for material delivery
  • Glass Recycling Machine
  • Melting furnace (for more complex production)
  • Aircraft

It is best to give preference to domestic producers, since such equipment is more reliable, components for it can be easily found. A good option might be to buy used equipment, the cost of which does not exceed 70,000-80,000 rubles.

To service a medium-sized enterprise, a few employees are enough to reject, sort, crush raw materials, and receive broken glass. Employees must be experienced, since many processes are performed manually and you need to have certain knowledge and skills.

Calculating expenses and profits

As the real experience of many who decided to open a glass processing business shows, the main conditions for success in in this case– the absence of such a plant nearby, the location is not far from a large city with serious production facilities (buyers) and a large volume of glass waste.

Equipment for grinding waste into glass chips (crusher and separator) will cost about 300,000 rubles, a modern powerful line with a melting furnace and the ability to produce a high-quality product costs about one and a half million.

TO initial expenses It is also worth including the costs of collecting documents, processing all papers, renting/purchasing premises, purchasing additional equipment, vehicles for transportation, organizing your own collection points, etc. Recorded in monthly expenses wages employees, utility bills, taxes, depreciation expenses.

Thus, you can organize a small workshop at home for 700,000 rubles (if you buy used equipment, the price will be less), serious production will require large expenses. Profit is calculated based on the cost of a ton of glass containers that buyers are willing to pay and an approximate calculation of the production price of this ton and the capabilities of the workshop.

Currently, various products made from glass materials are in great demand. Technologies allow us to produce great variety objects of all colors and shapes, opening up wide opportunities for designers and artists. As before, the largest share of the glass products consumption market is made up of enterprises producing alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Manufacturers of tableware, metal-plastic windows, and the furniture industry are sources of constant and stable demand for glass.It is the presence of such a large number of potential consumers that makes the glass business attractive for investment.

Glass production in detail

If the amount of initial investment is small, then it is advisable to open the production of cullet - products obtained as a result of cleaning and crushing glass containers. This type of raw material is even more popular than finished products, since each consumer produces their own unique products - there are no templates and unified forms for a long time.

Advantages of a mini-plant over large-scale production

A mini-plant for processing glass containers has a number of advantages over large enterprises:

  • requires several times less capital investment;
  • fast payback period;
  • mobility – ease of equipment transportation and assembly;
  • the ability to modernize and expand the production line, thereby increasing the number of products manufactured;
  • does not require large industrial areas and staff.

When considering the possibility of producing glass products and recycling containers, you should consider some points:

  • processing has a simple technological cycle, and does not require much time and resources, but production, on the contrary, is a long, labor-intensive and resource-intensive process;
  • cullet is a universal raw material, which can then be used in the manufacture of any product, and the glass production and processing business is usually narrowly focused, meeting the needs of a limited number of consumers, for example, only the production of bottles. In this case, expand the line oriented towards new look products will be a rather expensive project;
  • thanks to simple technology, recycling of cullet requires a minimum amount of equipment, therefore, lower capital investments, which quickly pay off and the business begins to generate net profit;
  • a glass packaging plant can be located in rented premises - this also reduces the initial investment.

Equipment and production technology

The manufacturing technology contains several stages:

Flat glass is more in demand and is also the easiest to produce. A novice entrepreneur should limit the range to sheet or window glass. It will be necessary to work out all technological stages and produce products that meet certain requirements:

  • transparency – the final product must have a translucency in the range of 84–87%;
  • the presence of single point defects, such as gas bubbles, foreign inclusions, etc., is allowed;
  • strength - the final product must withstand loads of up to 250 MPa - this is achieved by proper hardening;
  • heat resistance – should be at the level of 1750 o C.

Required equipment:

  • raw material loading hopper;
  • transportation conveyor;
  • glass melting furnace;
  • cooling rollers;
  • conveyor belt for pulling the finished mass;
  • cutting table.

A mini-factory for the production of glass products can be purchased for an average of 200 thousand euros. The price will depend on power and performance. The Russian company ZKM Steklo sells equipment that can produce up to 600 tons per day during continuous operation, consuming electricity up to 100 thousand megawatts per year and gas - up to 100 million m 3. The payback period when operating at full capacity will be about two years.

Glass cullet processing lines

The simplest, from the point of view of the technological cycle, is a mini-plant for the production of cullet. This best option on a limited budget. The mini-plant consists of the following units:

  • station for placement and temporary storage of broken glass and defective products:
  • loading and unloading machines;
  • conveyor belt for transportation;
  • electronic equipment for sorting raw materials by color;
  • water installations for cleaning the culls from contaminants;
  • electromagnetic equipment for determining metal particles in broken glass;
  • crushers for grinding broken glass into a fine powder;
  • packaging machines.

The cost of equipment for processing cullet produced at the domestic Tula Machines plant starts at 300 thousand rubles. Any set of equipment can be supplemented with elements that help expand the range of products, increase productivity and reduce the share of manual labor. Accordingly, along with the improvement, the cost will also increase.

On average, a mini-processing plant can process up to 500 tons of raw materials per hour. It is noteworthy that this waste-free production– absolutely the entire volume of raw materials is processed into powder. This is another advantage of such an enterprise.

Technological stages of cullet processing

All process It’s quite simple and comes down to a few basic steps:

To process glass, it is necessary to correctly approach the purchase of raw materials:

  • you can enter into agreements with industrial enterprises and accept defective products, scraps or scraps from them;
  • buy from the population by organizing collection points for bottles and glass containers;
  • Place specialized containers for glass waste near city trash cans.

Obtaining raw materials by any method, its average cost will be from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per ton.

Economic benefits and payback periods

Undoubtedly, the business of producing glass or cullet is quite profitable. There are not many competitors in the industry yet, and demand is consistently high. Therefore, if fully implemented, the payback period can be from 8 to 24 months, depending on the size of the initial capital investment.

Preliminary calculation of business payback period:

  • the cost of selling 1 ton of cullet is up to 3000 - this is twice the price of purchasing the raw materials;
  • two people per shift can operate the line;
  • productivity – up to 200 tons per shift. When working in two shifts of 8 hours each, up to 10,000 tons can be produced per month;
  • monthly sales revenue – 25,000,000 rubles;
  • current costs for the purchase of raw materials – 20,000,000 rubles;
  • other costs (wages, utilities, rent of premises, maintenance of management personnel) – 1,000,000 rubles;
  • profit – 4,000,000 rubles;
  • capital costs for the purchase of equipment of such capacity are 5,000,000 rubles.

If 30% of profit per month is allocated to cover capital costs, the payback period will be 6 months.

Video: Thin-sheet glass production plant

It is considered one of the most promising areas of entrepreneurial activity. Businessmen developing this business are motivated by the growing demand for products obtained in this way, as well as the wide availability of raw materials. A number of scientific laboratories around the world are working on the development of new methods and tools for waste disposal and treatment. The result of such active work of the international community is that today technologies for collecting, sorting and further using waste are no longer labor-intensive and expensive. So, if desired, any entrepreneur can independently organize a glass processing business in a small area.

How can you earn money

Glass processing as a business is a multi-stage business operation that can be carried out either by one enterprise or by several small firms according to a pre-agreed plan.

If we are talking about one large enterprise, then its production process is built according to the following scheme:

  • collection of glass containers and cullet from the population;
  • sorting and cleaning;
  • grinding and crushing;
  • melting and stamping;
  • organizing deliveries to customers.

The organization and coordination of a complex of these business operations is only possible for a major player in the recyclables market, which has its own equipment, warehouses and transport. This is usually done by large glass factories. But, as you know, there are not so many such factories on the territory of Russia, and the need for quality materials available in every region.

If there are no funds for the construction of a glass factory, then you can concentrate your efforts on any individual stage. You can earn money separately from collecting glass containers, sorting and cleaning them, as well as crushing them.

Each of the listed areas does not require large start-up costs to organize a business; you can literally start in your own backyard and get your first profit within a month.

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Earning money from collecting glass containers

Collection of used and unsuitable for further use glass products- the very first and simplest stage in the matter recycling glass The essence of the business operation is that the entrepreneur purchases glass waste from the population and organizations and then sells it to enterprises engaged in melting and molding new products.

After recyclable materials are purchased from the public, they are sorted and cleaned. The assembler performs all these operations independently and includes production costs in the calculation of cost.

Profit is generated due to the difference in purchase and sale prices of glass.


Separately, you can make money from crushing. To do this, you need to purchase a small machine - a shredder, the purpose of which is to crush glass containers. The resulting product is readily accepted by glass foundries. By purchasing ready-made raw materials for furnaces at once, they save on primary processing, which has a beneficial effect on the entire profit of the plant.

Melting and stamping

If you want to melt old glass and make new glass products, then at the first stage it is better not to try to organize the entire economic process at once, starting with the purchase of bottles from the population. It would be less risky to purchase several melting furnaces and molds, and after mastering this technology, try to expand by creating your own network for the collection and primary processing of glass.

Production technology depends on the equipment. Today it is a fully automated process that can be operated by several employees. The main requirements are high-quality raw materials and good energy resources to maintain equipment in working condition.

There are a number of offers on the market for the purchase of ready-made lines for glass foundries from Russian manufacturers, as well as Chinese production. Russian units are more reliable, and, in addition, it is much easier for an entrepreneur to produce them service. Chinese lines are cheaper, but there are no guarantees that they will work reliably.

Where to look for suppliers and customers

Search for sources of raw materials and organization of sales finished products- two important tasks of the processor, a plan for solving which should be outlined even before purchasing machines. The processing plant needs to establish a supply of glass waste. These raw materials are either purchased directly from the population (through glass container collection points or through special waste collection containers), or contracts are concluded with small firms that collect cullet.

To optimize the process of supplying raw materials, it is necessary to resolve the issue of transport support in advance. Usually, if an entrepreneur collects waste on his own, then it can be purchased at minimal prices, but he will have to spend money on transportation costs.

Marketing finished products from recycled glass is a difficult task, considering that today this market is practically occupied. Large producers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks (the main consumers of glass bottles) have long and reliable cooperation with large glass factories.

Representatives of medium and small businesses should focus on the production of cans for factories producing canned goods, as well as the production of empty containers for retail sale.

Return on investment

As already mentioned, the payback completely depends on the start-up costs. If you have a small company that collects, sorts and cleans bottles, then you can make your first profit in a month. The cost of purchasing containers at retail is on average 1 ruble per bottle, and when selling in bulk - 2 rubles per bottle. Taking an average of 1,000 bottles per day, the organizer can earn 30,000 rubles in a month.

Crushed glass is even more expensive. The average weight of 1 bottle is 500 g. Crushed raw materials are accepted at 5,000 per 100 kg. Accordingly, by recycling 200 bottles, you can earn an income of 5,000 rubles. The costs of purchasing raw materials and processing them are deducted from them: about 1,000 rubles. The profit will be 4,000. By processing this amount of materials daily, you will earn 120,000 rubles per month and will be able to recoup the cost of purchasing a shredder in six months.

Continuing the topic of making money from garbage, we recommend that you pay attention to another promising commercial idea -. Old car tires are crushed into crumbs and sold at a profit.

It will bring a lot of money to entrepreneurs from small towns.

Glass and its derivatives have become a part of human life. Look around and you will find at least three glass products. The amazing properties of glass are difficult to replicate, so it is unlikely that there will be an alternative or replacement for this material in the near future. This means that the custom glass cutting business is profitable and durable. So much so that you can easily pass on your successful glass business to your grandchildren. But, first things first.

Glass is one of the most ancient materials found and successfully used in practical human life. It's no joke, but glass existed and was successfully used by people 5 thousand years ago. This is the scope for the glass business.

The modern use of glass, as a basis for starting your own business, is divided into: from the production of finished glass products (dishes, interior elements, jewelry, etc.) to the manufacture of glass products ( machining and cutting) from sheet glass, so-called interior glass.

The easiest way to start a glass business is based on the last point - cutting glass and mirrors to order. To open such a business you will need 2 people and two simple devices. By the way, everything that is described in the article about glass also applies to mirrors, because a mirror is glass, only with a reflective layer applied.

How to open a glass and mirror cutting business

The key point of this business: cutting glass to customer sizes from ready-made sheet material. Without going into details: the required rectangular piece is cut from a large glass sheet and sold to the customer.

And such services are in demand not only among individual customers, but also in the production of simple rectangular mirrors, furniture facades (glass and mirror cabinet doors), and windows. That is, the circle of potential clients is huge even when providing the simplest services.

Glass cutting is usually done mechanically; it is a very cheap and simple method. A “cut line” is applied to the surface of the sheet using a carbide cutter - a line along which the glass is directed to split by bending it. To do this, you need a large cutting table so that you can lay out the large leaf glass (mirrors), rulers and cutting tools. 2 people can handle this job.

Source material - sheet glass of various thicknesses— bought from the manufacturer in bulk from 140 rubles per square meter, sheet mirror from 200 rubles/m². At retail, after cutting, the finished product is sold at a price of 500 rubles per “square” + cutting cost, about 20 rubles per linear meter. Depending on the thickness of the glass and its other features.

That's all? Is this the whole glass business?

In theory, yes. The most basic, simple and popular service is cutting rectangular glass and mirrors from sheet metal. Even if you have an advanced glass cutting workshop, you will most often order a rectangular cutting service. But the modern glass processing industry and glass manufacturers offer almost limitless opportunities to expand this business.

Let's start with the source material, that is, glass and mirrors. Nowadays, not only glass of various thicknesses is produced, but also of color (tinting), and various characteristics (reinforced, energy-saving, sun-protective (reflective), curved (bent), triplex and tempered). This is already expanding the offer of finished products in the glass workshop.

In addition to glass, you can purchase additional installations for cutting and processing, as well as decoration glass and mirrors, which, coupled with the range of raw materials, expands the business indefinitely.

Rectangular and shaped glass cutting. In small and medium-sized enterprises, in addition to manual cutting of glass, special semi-automatic cutting tables are currently used, which are capable of coping with high-precision and complex tasks with the help of 1 operator. It's about not only about straight-line, but also about curved cutting of glass. On such tables it is possible to make shaped glass elements, for example, round mirrors, shelves with a round edge, wavy inserts in furniture facades and much more. The cost of such tables starts from 1 million rubles.

Glass edge processing (Euro-edge, bevel). After cutting glass, even with high precision, a rather sharp edge remains. Which, sometimes, is simply unacceptable in the finished product. To process such glass edges, special edge grinding machines are used. The edges are smooth and of any shape from semicircle to bevel. The cost of machines starts from 500 thousand rubles.

Facet- special processing of the glass edge, where the visible part of the product is cut at an angle of about 45°. This edge achieves interesting artistic effects (for example, a “diamond” fracture) and various interesting finds for general design.

Drilling and grinding of glass and mirrors. The process is no different from drilling any other material, which results in a hole appearing in the original product. Drilling of glass is carried out with a special drill with the possibility of subsequent processing of the edge. Grinding and polishing of glass products is the final stage of manufacturing, which gives the product its final appearance by removing and leveling minor defects on the surface. It is performed by manual or stationary installations with special nozzles using special pastes. The cost of installation is from 50 thousand rubles (manual) to 500 thousand rubles (stationary).

Sandblasting glass. Artistic processing of glass by spraying sand with a strong air stream. Due to this, unprotected areas of the glass receive microdamage and lose transparency. Using sandblasting, you can create artistic design elements and drawings on the surface of glass or mirrors, as well as sandblasted stained glass windows. Installations are manual and stationary, manual from 50 thousand rubles, stationary automatic machines up to 2 million rubles.

Additional services, which can be provided in a glass cutting workshop. In addition to the above, you can install equipment that can be used to perform laser processing and engraving of glass, the creation of stained glass windows from colored glass, furnaces for glass bending (bending), the assembly of double-glazed windows, the production of mirror tiles, glass kitchen aprons, photo glass, volumetric stained glass windows from glass bevels, etc. .d. An additional source of income in the glass business is the sale of accessories, frames and holders for glass furniture, mirrors and other things.

Practice shows that even a minimal set of glass cutting services is in demand, profitable and, with proper implementation, quickly expands and increases overall profits.

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