Cutting foam at home - a knife or a homemade machine? Styrofoam cutting - high-quality cutting of material at home Homemade foam cutting machines.

Recipes 01.12.2021

Greetings. In this article I will tell you how to make a foam cutting machine yourself, from improvised means. I am sure that the topic will be of interest to many, because expanded polystyrene is a popular building material that must be cut to the required size during installation.

For even cutting of this material, a conventional hacksaw is not suitable, since the set teeth leave torn edges of the cut. How to cut foam at home? Special machines equipped with an accumulation thread ensure optimum cut quality. And it is about this equipment that you will learn further.

Basic Information of Foam Cutting Machine

Building polystyrene foam is a polymeric cellular material that, when heated to a temperature of +270 ° C, does not burn, but melts. All foam polystyrene shaped cutting machines are built taking into account the tendency of the material to melt when heated.

The working tool in the design of such equipment is a filament - a metal refractory nichrome string for cutting. A current with a small voltage is applied to the wire, which is enough to heat the metal to a red glow. The workpiece is fed to the working tool and cut along a straight or curved path.

The advantage of this cutting principle is the immobility (static) of the cutting element, due to which high accuracy and accuracy of the cut can be achieved. High-precision industrial equipment, which produces complex foam products, is equipped with CNC.

On sale cutters for expanded polystyrene are represented by devices with different dimensions of different power consumption and performance. If it seems to you that the price of purchased equipment is high, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for assembling an inexpensive portable knife and a stationary cutter yourself.

Making a portable compact knife

The Styrofoam cutter is a portable tool that can be used directly on the construction site, for example, when insulating walls with Styrofoam boards.

To assemble a portable cutter at home, you will need the following materials:

  • Nichrome thread with a section diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm;
  • Wooden lath or other dielectric materials for making a frame;
  • 2 bolts with a nut and washer (the size is selected according to the size of the frame);
  • Two-wire cable;
  • Power supply from a PC with a voltage of 12 volts at the output;
  • Insulating tape or fasteners.

The instructions for making a portable cutter are as follows:

  • A frame is assembled from a rail or other improvised materials in the shape of a bow, as in the photo, or in the shape of the letter “P”;
  • At the ends of the frame, one through hole is drilled;
  • Bolts are screwed into the holes, as shown in the photo;
  • On the inside of the frame, the ends of the nichrome wire are wound to the bolts;
  • On the outside of the frame, one end of a two-core cable is attached to the bolts;

  • The cable is attached to the frame with electrical tape or plastic ties;
  • The free end of the cable is connected to the corresponding terminals of the power supply.

The finished tool is suitable for cutting polystyrene foam, polyurethane insulation, plastic bottles and other plastic materials with a small thickness and low density.

The cutting ability of the knife directly depends on the size of the frame. The narrower the frame, the higher the resistance on the piece of wire, and the more it heats up. Conversely, the wider the frame and the longer the wire, the lower the resistance and the weaker the heating. To work with foam, I recommend using a wire 40-45 cm long (frame width).

Given the high heating temperature of the string, I recommend using thick protective gloves to work with the instrument, which will prevent the possibility of burns.

Making a stationary cutter

A polystyrene cutting machine can be bought ready-made, or you can assemble it yourself with minimal spending.

To assemble a stationary machine, we need:

  • Chipboard plate or countertop 50 × 50 cm for the manufacture of the bed;
  • Rail or bar for support legs;
  • Self-tapping screws for assembling wooden parts;
  • Threaded hairpin (diameter 10 mm, length 80 cm);
  • Nuts and washers;
  • Nichrome wire (section diameter 0.4-0.5 mm);
  • Connecting wire two-wire;
  • Switch.

Assembly instructions are as follows:

  • From a sheet of chipboard or material of similar quality, a square bed with a side of 50 cm is cut;

  • At the bottom of the frame, rails are screwed on two sides, which will serve as legs;

  • We find the center of the bed and draw a longitudinal center line;

  • We retreat 3 cm from the edge of the bed and drill a through hole with a diameter of 8 mm;
  • We also drill a through hole in the center of the frame, but this time with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • We measure 70 cm on a hairpin and cut off the excess;
  • We measure 45 cm on the prepared hairpin and bend at this mark;

In order for the pin to bend and not break, it must be heated with a blowtorch or an acetylene torch.

  • From the end of the long side, we wind the wing nut onto the stud and put on the washer;
  • We insert this end of the stud into a hole drilled in the bed;
  • We grab the end of the stud with a nut and tighten it with a lamb on the other side so that the structure is stable;

  • We turn the bed upside down and next to the hole, as shown in the photo, we fasten the bronze adapter with terminals;

  • In the adapter we fasten one end of the two-wire wire;
  • A terminal with a ring is attached to the second end of the wire, the diameter of which is 8-10 mm;

  • We securely fasten the wire to the frame;

  • We connect the switch to the gap of the connected wire;
  • From the bottom of the bed through the drilled hole we pass the nichrome wire;
  • We fix the end of the wire in a bronze adapter;

  • We fasten the second end of the wire between two washers and nuts, as shown in the photo;
  • We tighten the nuts and at the same time we stretch the wire;
  • We connect the device to a power supply with 1-2 volts at the output, as was done in the previous instructions;

  • This completes the assembly of the cutter and you can start a trial run of the tool.

The advantage of a stationary tool over a portable one is ease of use. That is, the part can be placed on a static frame and shifted to the hot string at the desired angle.

By the way, remember that the string is heated to a high temperature, and therefore, in order not to get burned, we work carefully.


Now you can try to assemble a foam cutting machine yourself. If you have any questions during production, ask them in the comments to the instructions.

By the way, if you know other ways to make a tool for cutting polystyrene foam, write about it. I'm sure everyone will be interested to read your experience. And, as always, I recommend watching the video in this article.

Standard construction is a thing of the past. Today, every owner strives to make his home functional and individual. At the same time, attention is paid not only to design. Equally important is sound insulation, heat preservation and proper ventilation. With the help of foam, you can perform a large number of works. However, manufacturers pack the material in large sheets. That is why it is important to choose a reliable and comfortable tool for cutting them.

Necessary tools and materials

Styrofoam is a lightweight material that can be cut with a variety of tools. In some cases, accuracy and cleanliness of the cut are of no small importance. You can provide these properties using the following tools:

  • ordinary sharp knife;
  • small stove or hacksaw;
  • strong string;
  • knife with thermal effect;
  • thermal cutter;
  • cutter with laser beam.

Each builder has his own preferences regarding the choice of one of the tools. All tools allow you to qualitatively process the foam and form a straight line. Styrofoam has low resistance to mechanical stress - this should not be forgotten in the process of choosing a tool.

Cutting with a utility knife

Even at the home of a real master, cutting foam will not cause problems. To do this, it is enough to have a clerical knife with you. It is important that its blade is sharp enough. This minimizes the chance of waste being generated.

It is most convenient to cut sheets up to 5 mm thick with a knife.

Otherwise, it is advisable to use a machine tool or other automatic device.

In the absence of a sharp knife, it may well be replaced by an ordinary saw or hacksaw. You should choose a tool with a short tooth. Due to this, the final surface will not be rough.

Today, in any hardware store you can find a special blade for cutting foam. When exposed to the material, only fine dust will be formed.

The choice of tool directly depends on the goal and task. The process is recommended to be done in the bathroom or on the balcony. In this case, only a small amount of dust will be generated in the main rooms.

Nichrome wire cutting

To use this tool, you will need to additionally assemble the device. It will include not only a nichrome thread, but also a 12 or 24 volt transformer. You must also take a piece of a small pipe and a table in advance. The string tension will be organized by the spring. Nichrome is a material that is part of any hair dryer. The apparatus must function in such a way that the thread heats up and can melt the foam. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain various complex shapes from the material.

In order for the device to start functioning, a wooden block is fixed on the table. First you need to make a hole in it and install a piece of pipe. Next, it will need to fix the nichrome wire using a spring. It will heat up only after being connected to the transformer. A piece of foam should be brought to it and given the required size.

Cutting with an electric grinder

Styrofoam is a malleable material that can be cut with any sharp object.

Some people use a grinder for this purpose. In this case, the choice should be stopped on the thinnest disk.

This cutting option is simple and comfortable. However, in the process of work, a lot of noise will be created, and after it is completed, a large amount of debris will appear.

Special knife

In the hardware store you can find a device that is specially designed for cutting this material. The knife must be sharp. For thin specimens of material, a blade of medium hardness may be used. The tool will quickly and efficiently cut foam up to 8 inches thick. If the quality of the final material is important, it is recommended to pre-train on waste.

Cutting Styrofoam with a String

When using a knife, the material can be severely crumbled. In this case, it is replaced by a regular string. To obtain the fastest cutting, it must be preheated to the desired temperature. At home, the device can be assembled independently. To lower the temperature, you must additionally include a step-down transformer in the network. The device has the same principle of operation as with a nichrome thread. It is important to select such a pipe so that its thickness does not exceed 20 mm. Thanks to the device, it is possible to quickly cut the foam up to two centimeters. Of no small importance is the quality of the string - it must be thin and sharp.

Do-it-yourself foam cutting device

Styrofoam can be cut not only with a nichrome thread, but also with a metal plate. As a basis, you should take a regular soldering iron with a power of 60 watts. It will need to be reconstructed - instead of a sting, place a knife plate. A thermofusible synthetic is also used as the main material.

The wooden leg must be additionally equipped with support legs. Beforehand, a slot should be made in the board and a knife should be placed in it. Additionally, the device should be equipped with a rack with brackets. Equally important is the safety screen, which in the future will protect a person from burns.

In the process of cutting, the thermal knife must be placed at an angle to the surface. The blade is also sharpened on both sides at once. You should first hone your skills on unnecessary scraps of material. In this case, a smooth and beautiful surface is guaranteed to be obtained.

How to cut foam. Step-by-step instruction

  • At the first stage, you should find a sufficiently thin and sharp object that will be used to form an incision.
  • If there is no special tool, then it is quite possible to use a credit card, a table knife, or any object with thin edges.
  • Along the notch line, the foam can be easily broken. It is most convenient to do this on the edge of the table. You can only press lightly.
  • If there are convex pieces left, then they can be cleaned with a knife.

For quick and efficient cutting of foam, it is recommended to follow the following professional tips:

  • It is not very convenient to cut with a regular knife. It is best to use a soldering iron instead. It will be possible to quickly and efficiently cut the foam if the round side can be easily flattened with a hammer. Additionally, a metal cap will need to be put on the appliance. The knife blade must be well fixed. Only after that the soldering iron should be connected to the network. Only work with the tool in a well-ventilated area. It is best to open the windows additionally. When heated, the soldering iron releases gas, which has a toxic effect on the organs of the respiratory system.
  • It is most convenient to cut the foam with a nichrome thread. Thanks to her, the process will go quickly, and the edges will be smooth.
  • Nichrome material is found in hair styling devices, hair dryers, irons, boilers. If there is no way to get such a thread, then steel wire can be used. It should be stretched across the table. One side is fixed rigidly, and the second only with the help of a spring. A transformer is connected to both of them. It must first be connected to the electrical network.
  • The foam sheet must be placed on top of the wire. The current charge directly depends on the thickness of the working material. It is necessary to ensure that the wire becomes red. Incandescence should not be allowed, because in this case the incision may turn out to be too wide.
  • All manipulations are best done if the table is at an angle of 20-60 degrees to the floor. Due to this, the foam itself will be fed under its own weight. However, for this there must be a sufficient level of slip.
  • Nichrome wire will become larger during operation. That is why it is important to secure it on one side with a spring. Thanks to it, the length will be regulated.
  • To cut the foam, it is allowed to use a grinder or a jigsaw. It is also recommended to use a file with a wavy blade.
  • If you need to create figures from foam, then dough molds are quite suitable for cutting them out. However, in this case, you can only take the foam, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.27 cm.
  • To quickly smooth out the protrusions, you just need to rub the foam together.
  • In the process of working with polystyrene, it is recommended that all manipulations be performed on a cutting board. In this case, the likelihood of damage to the table is minimized.

Today, foam plastic figures are very popular in interior design. To create them, it is advisable to use a special knife or an automatic device. To obtain smooth edges, it is advisable to perform all manipulations with a preheated object. You can make a knife yourself from an old soldering iron. This tool is very popular with interior designers.

When building a house, foam is used very often. When repairing, foam plastic is also assigned quite large functions. It is used both as a heater and as a waterproofing agent. Quite a good material: it is not afraid of moisture, it is light, it is mounted very simply, it is combined with other materials. And given that the cost of polystyrene is by no means high, then we can safely call this material a favorite among other heaters.

In many respects, the foam is second only to mineral wool and extruded polyurethane foam. But these materials are many times more expensive than polystyrene. One significant drawback of the material is still present. And it concerns the usual cutting. Sheet foam is produced in various thicknesses, but as for the other dimensions of the sheets, they are standard, so the sheets have to be cut during installation. And this is a significant problem: when cutting, the foam either breaks or simply crumbles. This is due to the grainy structure of the material. Do-it-yourself cutting foam plastic becomes a problem that needs to be eliminated.

Using a utility knife

Very often, a sharp knife is used for cutting papers for this purpose. Such a knife should be held at an acute angle (about 25 °) to the plane of the foam. It is necessary to carry out cutting only with the help of a ruler, since the structure of the material is able to “lead” the cut line away from the intended direction. There are proposals to cut with a heated knife. There is a sense in this: the edges of the cut are somewhat melted, which makes the sheet more functional. So this advice can be taken as one of the cutting methods. But here it is necessary to mention that this method is completely unsuitable for a large amount of cutting.

The blade of the knife gives off its heat very quickly, so it has to be warmed up very often. Yes, and you can’t guess with the temperature, then it will turn out badly: at the end of the cutting, it can turn out so that the knife begins to tear the material. Experience would help to avoid such embarrassment, but you still need to get it, and for this you may not have either the time or the desire.

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Using an electric grinder

The second cutting method is no less original: using a grinder. Do not be surprised, a plastic disk (or a thick paper disk) is placed on an ordinary angle grinder. Due to the revolutions of the grinder, the edge of the disk is able to cut materials that are not very dense. Perfect for foam. There is only one condition for such cutting: the circle must have perfectly even edges, otherwise it will tear the material. And the grinder should not be too powerful or with a speed controller.

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How to make a homemade cutter?

But we boldly consider a special cutter to be the leader among all devices for cutting foam at home. Making it yourself is very easy. For this you will need:

  • old table;
  • spiral from any heating device;
  • spring;
  • drill;
  • transformer;
  • rheostat;
  • two long bolts with nuts;
  • wiring.

We drill the table on its central line at a distance of 20 cm from each edge. From the back of the table, insert the bolts into the holes and fix them with nuts. This is the easiest way to make racks. You can improvise and make the stands as you wish. On one of the racks at a height of 10 cm from the surface of the table, a spiral thread from a heating device (heater, iron, hair dryer, etc.) will be fixed. We fix the spring to the second rack and attach the spiral thread directly to the spring.

Such a measure is necessary, since when heated, the metal thread will physically expand and sag somewhat, so cutting the foam will not be very convenient. Next, we bring the wires to the racks (or directly to the filament). It is better if the wires are drawn from the bottom of the table so that during work they do not interfere with the movement of the material.

Now the wiring must be connected to the network through a transformer. The choice of transformer must be made depending on the length, thickness and composition of the heating filament. Sometimes a rheostat is used to adjust the supplied current. Using a rheostat allows you to achieve a certain temperature of the thread. The optimal current supply will allow the heating element of the device to serve for a long time, which cannot be said about connecting through an unregulated transformer. If you still have this situation, then you will have to tinker with the selection of the heating element for some more time. The transformer should be fixed under the tabletop. You can consider a device for cutting foam plastic with your own hands finished. It is enough to turn it on, apply voltage to it, and you can start cutting: the foam is applied to the heated thread and evenly pressed. The cut turns out to be even, and damage to the material no longer threatens you.

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Design with vertical heating element

Even more functional can be considered a device with a vertical arrangement of the heating element. Judge for yourself: foam can be cut on it along any most intricate line. It is enough just to move the foam along a pre-marked line, and the “cutting” element will leave a cut in this place. Even artistic cutting of the material is quite acceptable. And such a device is made in the same way, only one rack will be needed, you can also do without a spring. In this case, any counterweight suspended at the lower end of the thread will serve as a compensator for the linear expansion of the heating filament. The disadvantage of such a device is only that the entire thread is heated, and only a certain part of it is cut. Overheating of the remaining sections can lead to rapid burnout of the thread.

You can make it short, but here you cannot do without basic knowledge of physics: you will have to calculate everything well in order to achieve the optimal temperature of the thread. A good rheostat can make it easier for you to select a heating filament. Connect it in series with the specified thread in the electrical circuit and feel free to start working. Initially, we set the minimum current parameters and observe the cutting process. Through trial and error, you will quickly learn how to select the required current depending on the thickness of the foam sheet and select the feed rate of the material to the thread.

Styrofoam is used today in many branches of construction and industry. With it, you can equip heat and waterproofing, form decorative coatings, baguettes, and much more. The only problem that arises when working with this material is the need for proper cutting. Styrofoam cutting machines can be purchased at the store, but it will be much cheaper to make such equipment yourself.

Making a structure for cutting foam sheets

In order to get a clean and even cut, you need to use the appropriate equipment. Hot steel can serve as a way out, but using it at home is very problematic. There remains only one solution, which is expressed in the independent manufacture of the machine.

Preparatory work

In order to make a machine for figured cutting of foam, it is necessary to prepare certain materials and tools. You will need a table to which certain requirements are imposed, so each of its sides should not be less than two meters. The master must prepare steel springs that have low current resistance. In work, you can’t do without a transformer that is capable of converting current from 220 to 24 volts. A high resistance string should be used, if an old heater is available, then this element can be borrowed from this equipment. The master will also need a string height regulator, in the role of which it is possible to use two beams. Between them, the cutting string, which has a holder, will move. A transformer may not be needed in every case. This will depend on what material will underlie the string.

Safety of use

If the machine for 3d foam cutting is made using a chrome string, then a current of 220 volts will be acceptable. But when working with such a discharge, it is necessary to follow safety rules. If you use a discharge of 24 volts, then there is no danger to life. It will be insignificant. It must be remembered that a foam cutting machine that uses hot steel in its work will function, and toxic fumes will be released into the air, this indicates the need to use a protective mask. You need to work in a well-ventilated area. It is preferable to carry out cutting work on the street.

When making a foam cutting machine, you may not find a table whose parameters correspond to the above. In the role of the base in this case, you can use a particle board, board or plywood. The technology for assembling the machine involves the use of nichrome wire, which must be fixed to the springs, the last of them must be put on the screws, and the last of them screwed into special racks. Steel racks must first be pressed into the table top. The height of the rack and the thickness of the base will depend on the preferences and needs of the owner. If the thickness of the web is 1.8 cm, and the height of the rack is 2.8 cm, then in a fully screwed state, the screw will not be able to pass through the web. Whereas if it is completely unscrewed, then it will be able to cut the canvas, the thickness of which is 5 cm.

Changing machine parameters

When making foam cutting machines, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the future it will be necessary to cut thicker webs of materials, while short screws can be unscrewed and longer ones installed in their place. In order to press fit, a hole must be made in the base. Its diameter should be less than this characteristic of the rack, the difference should be 0.5 millimeters. When making machines for cutting foam, the racks need to be hammered into the holes, but to facilitate the procedure, it is necessary to process the sharp edges of the ends with sandpaper. Before you start screwing the screw into the rack, you need to cut a groove under its head. In order to do this, it is necessary to clamp its end with a screwdriver, while a thin file should be laid under the head, and then rotation should be used. The groove is necessary in order to strengthen the wire in one position, which can move during adjustment. In order for the wire not to sag, lengthening after heating, it must be fixed to the springs, and only then to the screws. When performing foam cutting machines, you need to prepare all the fasteners, and then strengthen the nichrome wire. In order to ensure reliable contact between it and the conductive wire, you need to apply a technology called "spinning with compression". Copper wire must have a cross section of at least 1.45 sq. mm.

Final works

At the next stage, you need to remove the insulation from the end of the wires by 2 centimeters. Copper conductors must be wound on the wire in those areas where it is fixed to the spring. The end of the wire should be held with pliers, and then wrapped around the conductor. In order to ensure the possibility of adjusting the cutting thickness of the blade, it is necessary to make a withdrawal of conductive conductors. It is necessary to eliminate the sagging of the wires by making a hole in the base through which the segment is passed and fixed on the back of the surface with brackets. If you will be cutting foam, a do-it-yourself machine can be easily made. The wires during the process must be folded together in the form of a bundle, this will prevent them from tangling. At the ends of the wires, you need to strengthen the terminals so that you can connect them to a power source.


If you decide to make a CNC foam cutting machine yourself, then it will be enough for you to use at home, unless you are going to set up a production line. The speed of the blade during cutting should not be unnecessarily high. If the motor runs very fast, then this will contribute to the crumbling of the material. This cannot be allowed in any way, since in this case it would not be advisable to manufacture and use an automatic type machine. After all, to carry out the work, you still have to spend a certain amount of time and effort. This must be taken into account when choosing the components of the future design.

Styrofoam is a versatile material. It is used in construction (insulation), in the production (repair) of household electrical appliances, interior design, advertising. One of the main characteristics of the material is density. The higher this value, the stronger the material. However, this greatly affects the price.

When using the material as a filler for wall insulation, the loosest structure is usually chosen (due to low cost). However, loose foam is difficult to process - when cutting, it crumbles a lot, making it difficult to clean up debris.

A foam cutting knife should be thin and sharp, but this does not prevent the edge from breaking. Even if you work outdoors, flying small balls litter the environment.

Therefore, professional builders cut the foam with nichrome wire or a hot plate. The material is fusible, despite the fire safety.

Important! When choosing a heater, pay attention to the characteristics. It should say "self-extinguishing". Such foam is perfectly cut with the help of temperature, but in case of fire it will not become a source of combustion..

An industrial foam cutting machine can process sheets of any size, cut material both across and along the array.

However, cutting foam at home does not involve such volumes and sizes. For repair work in your home (or garage), a compact thermal knife is quite enough. It can easily cope with both linear cutting and curly adjustment of plates, when laying in areas with complex shapes.

Any tool has a cost, and there is always an opportunity to save money on a purchase.

Do-it-yourself foam cutting tools

For linear cutting, the guillotine is excellent. Only the impact will not be mechanical, otherwise a lot of garbage will be formed. We use a proven technology - cutting foam plastic with a tension heated string.

Required Materials

  • Nichrome (tungsten) thread
  • Power supply, preferably adjustable
  • Any structural materials: beam, metal profile, pipe, for the manufacture of a tension frame
  • Furniture guides for drawers.

On a table, workbench, or other flat surface, we install vertical racks for attaching the guillotine. With the help of furniture guides, we fix the frame of the cutter so that it moves without distortions. Both sides must move synchronously.

The most critical part of the cutter is the wire mechanism. The first question is where to get the material. Nichrome can be purchased at stores selling radio components. But since we are striving for a shareware design, we will look for an alternative.

  1. Old soldering iron. Models made in the USSR, designed for 36-40 volts, can be found in any home workshop. The heater winding is an excellent donor for a nichrome guillotine. True, the length of the wire is not more than a meter.
  2. Iron with classic spiral heater. The wire is thicker, suitable for linear cutting. Curly cutting is acceptable, with low requirements for accuracy.
  3. Spiral heaters from a hair dryer, or a fan heater. The principle is the same, they are not suitable for precise cutting.


Tip: When straightening the spiral, do not pull the wire along the spring. Loops may appear and the thread will break. It is better to unwind the turns as from a spool of thread. You can put a spiral on a nail or pencil, and pull the wire across the turns.

The principle of operation of the frame is shown in the diagram.

The wire cutter must be electrically isolated from the frame. Therefore, it can be made of metal. It is important to keep the tension on the wire constant. When heated, nichrome expands, adding up to 3% in length. This causes the string to sag.

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