How to run for parliament? Procedure for nominating candidates for deputies. How do they become deputies of local authorities

Design and interior 18.10.2019
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The article, which is found upon request on the Internet "How to become a deputy", is the most visited on our resource, although the theme of our site is completely different - this is business.

How did it happen? The fact is that the head of the Club Artyom Mitin he himself was an active deputy of one of the districts of Moscow in 2012-2017, and in general, on his account three consecutive local election campaigns.

In the process of communicating with colleagues, Artyom gathered his personal experience passage to power, and also analyzed the experience of several dozen deputies. And in the end brought out the sequence steps towards becoming a local deputy. base material you can get in free book at the link in the article below.

Straightaway we warn you from fantastic illusions. Often, in their desires, people see themselves immediately as a deputy of the State Duma or, at least, a regional parliament. Forget about it for now. If no one knew about you before, you did not actively show yourself in any way, and you are not familiar with the situation in the territory, the arrangement of political figures, as well as connections with key people in the field, become a deputy of the State Duma or regional parliament - the chances are meager. These places are claimed by a huge number of people with serious resources. And there these people are pushing hard to get these positions. You will be lucky if you do not fall under the "skating rink" of this crush.

But there is great news. The point is that in our country 250.000 deputies, but 99.9% of them are deputies of the LOCAL level, and the remaining 0.1% are deputies of the State Duma and regional parliaments, where main battle resources and connections.

Based on the available percentages, we see that becoming a deputy at the local level is conditionally about 1000 times lighter. Of course, if you are ambitious and determined enough in life, you do not have to limit yourself, but in the local authorities you will have easier to win higher level elections.

Become an MP really, if you follow a certain algorithm. The local level of a deputy as a whole is an ideal platform for making major changes in one's life as one moves forward. According to our observations, almost all deputies of the local level, aged 20-45, have made great progress in their development.

Moreover, entrepreneurs, active "housewives", students (in our practice were 19-20 years old), managers, programmers, people of working specialties, businessmen and businesswomen (at the local level, entrepreneurs can be deputies) become local deputies. Yes, and examples of more senior active deputies are also quite enough.

But of course you have to work to become a deputy even at the local level. This path requires determination and the ability to see things through to the end. Not everyone succeeds, especially if a person is not strongly “charged”. And on this path, 90-95% of people go astray.

There is also another kind of difficulty. Unavailability of up-to-date information. There are few places where they teach how to become a deputy. Few give clear step by step plans and instructions for a reasonable price. And if you need personal consultations of political technologists, then for an ordinary person it is indecently expensive.

As we wrote above, what needs to be done to become a deputy of local authorities, written a small book “How to become a deputy of local authorities? 12 steps to victory. In it, our leader told how he walked this path himself, being, in principle, an ordinary person, not connected with the government, not working as an official and without relatives in power. He shared his experience, laying out this path in the form of instructions.

In addition, Artyom continues to train and promote people who seriously want to become deputies of local authorities and are ready to take active steps for this.

Therefore, if you need a more extensive consultation, and possibly comprehensive support, then write directly Artyom Mitin

Step-by-step free book “How to become a deputy of local authorities? 12 steps to victory" can be downloaded through the form below

The book contains the most interesting in this topic. We wish you an informative read)


Even if you didn’t manage to become a deputy for the first time, or local elections are not yet soon, or you feel that you have not yet gained strength and “muscles” to become a deputy, and you still don’t really believe in it - there is another possibility that will bring you closer to your goals.

This is to become an ASSISTANT OR ADVISER of a local deputy. As a rule, deputies at the local level few smart people in their staff. And given that the majority of deputies are social activists and do not receive a salary for the work of a deputy, it is difficult to hire a good specialist without more or less normal money. Deputies come out of this situation in different ways, but the fact remains that there are very good niche opportunities. And most importantly, you can become an assistant not on a permanent basis, but on a partial one, and often this is exactly what deputies need. And you are more comfortable.

Even a local deputy can give you many interesting development opportunities that will move you forward. There is a severe shortage of personnel in the country, and an interesting proposal can be made to a deputy based on his needs and your capabilities. To reiterate, there are almost 250,000 local deputies in the country to whom certain ideas can be proposed, based on the region where you operate. And that means you have 250,000 opportunities to move forward.

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Probably, many people dream of a dust-free job that would bring a high income. And if the position also implies the possession of power, privileges and a high social position, then many people will want to compete for such a place. After all, the harder the job, the less they pay for it. On the other hand, prestigious

the position is usually stress-free physical strength. For example, deputies do not carry bags of cement and do not dig trenches. But their position is prestigious, highly paid. And so many would like to take it. Let's talk about how they become deputies.

First, there are different levels of legislatures. Naturally, it is easier to become than the State Duma. This will require less time and effort. First, read the regional laws that govern the election process in How do you become deputies of a municipality? It is possible to run as a self-nominated candidate, but for this you will need to assemble an initiative group that would put your candidacy into motion. Naturally, you also need luck in elections to get the required percentage of votes. How do they become deputies of the State Duma? To do this, you must be at least twenty-one years old. Membership in any of the officially registered parties is also required. In other words, it is necessary that the political force in which you are a member put forward your candidacy. In addition, you must be capable.

We have dealt with the legal side of the process. So, you've made it to the nominations. What's next? You will have to participate in the election campaign. To do this, you need to prepare in advance a methodology for conducting agitation, sketch out certain blanks. But what if there is no time and imagination for this? Then the candidate hires a whole team of political technologists who work with him, create a positive image, and so on. Continuing the conversation about how they become deputies, it must be said that election campaigns in our time are a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, a lot is needed start-up capital. How to become a member of the city council? In addition to all of the above, a number of personal qualities will be required - good communication skills, a quick mind. Naturally, you must have an idea about the position you want to take. If you lost in the elections, do not despair, it is possible that this is your political career. There is still a chance to try yourself in the role. This will give you the necessary political experience and will be a good incentive to start a serious career.

You probably already guess that, in order to take this position,

there are few such qualities as initiative, charm, personal talents and skills. How do they become deputies without any connections with influential people? The answer is very simple. Most likely not. Perhaps in this case you will have some chance, for example, in the elections to the village council, if the residents know and respect you. But in a larger settlement, you already need to move in special circles and make profitable acquaintances. You can, for example, try to join any party. Again, for this you need to be not an ordinary inhabitant. You will have more chances if you are connected with big business, you are a successful sportsman, a famous actor and so on. Popularity among the population will strengthen your position.

Naturally, this is not all that is needed to become a deputy. Only the main points are listed. If you think you don't have enough connections, money, or influence to start a political career, don't despair. Perhaps you will bring more benefit to the state by honestly working as a mechanic, welder or driver than as a deputy.

A few decades ago, boys dreamed of becoming astronauts or firefighters. Today, one of the most attractive professions for young people is profession politician. Being a mayor, governor or deputy is so prestigious that all other professions fade into the background.

If the desire to enter politics is inherent in you, be sure to read on. Today we will try to figure out how to become a deputy of local authorities or a politician at the state level.

First tip: before you start a long journey to the post of a deputy of the city or State Duma, carefully study the legislation. As practice shows, the careers of those who ignored this item ended before they even started.

Requirements for a candidate:

Of course, it is not enough to meet only these requirements in order to become a deputy of even local authorities, not to mention the State Duma.

First of all, having decided to run for deputies, you need to decide how you will do it. So, how to become a deputy?

Extension methods

There are two ways to nominate a candidate for election:

  • Self-nomination. In this case, there is no need to join any party, you only have to create an initiative group - people who support the candidate. Get ready for their list of signatures to be thoroughly scrutinized and verified. In addition, the number of adherents must be at least 2% of all voters.
  • Party ballot. It would seem that all that needs to be done is to join a political party, and you can be nominated. But the process is not so simple. In order for the party of which you are a member to decide to nominate you, you must be either big businessman, or a popular person, and it doesn’t matter who - a pop performer, athlete or film actor, the main thing is that you can bring your political organization desired victory.

Stages of the election campaign

For the election campaign to be successful, we advise you to strictly follow all the steps:

  1. Once you have decided on how you want to nominate yourself, be sure to submit your application with all necessary documents(in addition to identification documents, you will need a diploma confirming the receipt of education, as well as documents from the place of work indicating the name of the organization and the position held). This must be done within twenty days before Election Day.
  2. Given the huge competition in the modern political arena, the work must be carried out with high quality and professionalism. First of all, hire a competent team of political technologists who will take care of your image, plan the campaign and tell you point by point how to become an MP.
  3. Engage in the production of campaign materials (leaflets, posters, booklets, calendars, bulletins, etc.).
  4. Hire an agitator - his role is one of the most important in your race for victory. The agitator must express the ideas of the candidate, become his face and mediator in communicating with voters.
  5. Pay attention to information about your candidacy in the print media, radio and television appearances.

In addition to the legislation regulating the activities of politicians, as well as long-developed technologies, how to become a deputy of the city duma and state authorities, there are a number of unspoken requirements that must be adhered to in order to be successful.

The candidate must have the following qualities:

  1. Charisma. Seeing a politician on television once, he must be remembered. Pay attention to the bright speeches of some Russian deputies. This is by no means a manifestation of unrestrained temperament, but a well-thought-out PR move.
  2. Endurance. It seems to people far from politics that the work of a deputy consists in rare speeches to the electorate. In fact, the day of the servant of the people is scheduled by the minute - meetings, work with documents, setting tasks for subordinates and constant monitoring of implementation require a high level of self-organization and perseverance.
  3. Aliveness and clarity of mind. Going to the deputies, it is necessary to be ready not only for paper work and Duma meetings, but also for constant communication with the people and opponents.
  4. Public speaking skills, communication skills. The need for these qualities is obvious - speaking during the election campaign, the ability to convince the electorate, holding meetings at the local and state levels in further work - without all this, the position of a deputy will not do.
  5. Good manners. Just as important as the previous point - voters are unlikely to believe a person who does not know the elementary rules of etiquette.
  6. The future deputy cannot do without profitable acquaintances- connections in politics and the business world will be a huge priority in moving to power.
  7. Availability of a financial basis. As mentioned above, without significant financial investments it is impossible to conduct high-quality campaign work. Moreover, if you are running for local authorities, you will need much less money than when you are nominated for the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

If the first time you failed to take the high post of the people's choice, do not despair. In this case, there are several options. You can try to start political career from office deputy assistant. It will help you learn about the kitchen. contemporary politics from within and scrupulously prepare for the next election. If you decide to take this post, you definitely will not interfere with the knowledge of office work.

Another option is to go down a step in the hierarchy of power. In other words, if you ran for the State Duma, try yourself in local governments. If an attempt to get into the city duma was unsuccessful, start your career with smaller ones settlements .

The main thing is that since you have decided to become a deputy, be patient, in no case give up, and let luck accompany you in everything.


If you decide to become an MP, it will be useful for you to watch this video.

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Who are these people who make laws for our benefit and welfare? And how to become one of the members of the Duma? What steps do you need to go through for this and can it be done a common person?

The elections of deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation have just passed. They did not bring any cardinal changes, except that " United Russia Now he can officially make decisions on his own, without consulting the opposition, because the party in power has an absolute majority of votes (more than 50%).

Who are these people who make laws for our benefit and well-being? And how to become one of the members of the Duma? What steps do you need to go through for this and can an ordinary person do this? Actually - maybe. First you need to go through the largest screening, that is, to satisfy simple conditions.

Who is eligible to become an MP?

First, you need to be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Secondly, you cannot have dual citizenship, that is, at the same time be a citizen of another country. You can’t even live there for a long time (this requires a residence permit, and the fact that a candidate for deputies has such a document from a foreign state deprives him of this opportunity).

Thirdly, one cannot have an unexpunged conviction or conviction for committing a particularly serious crime in the past. You can't run for office while serving time in prison. Fourthly, it is necessary that the applicant for the title of deputy has reached the age of 21. Fifth, you need to be capable.

A deputy of the State Duma cannot have a business and engage in entrepreneurship. The only type of activity from which he can, as a deputy, receive income is creative, which includes teaching and research. A deputy of the State Duma cannot simultaneously be a civil servant. All this is good to take into account when nominating as a candidate. Another thing is that these restrictions are often not observed in our country, but if we are talking about the legal achievement of the deputy chair, such things need to be known.

In what ways can one be elected?

There are two ways to nominate yourself as a candidate for deputies. The first way to become a deputy is the most common. This is a nomination from any party. At the same time, this party must have the right to take part in elections, that is, to be registered. So, for example, it will not be possible to run for deputies from unrecognized parties such as Limonov's Other Russia and Navalny's Progress Party, since they were denied registration.

In addition, it is impossible to be nominated from one party, while having membership in another. But you can run for a party and not be a member of it - this is provided for by law. Political Party should nominate and announce at a special congress a list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma. Then the protocol of the meeting with the list of candidates is submitted to the election commission. After that, each applicant for becoming a servant of the people can begin to organize an election fund and conduct an election campaign.

The nominee from the party must provide documents containing information about his income, property and securities, details of the candidate's family-owned real estate abroad, details of expenses in excess of the total three-year income of the candidate and spouse. Together with the application containing personal data, these documents are provided by the nominee independently.

If a candidate is nominated independently, he must collect signatures of voters in his support or pay a cash deposit. You also need to know that you can become a self-nominated candidate only if elections are held according to the majoritarian system, that is, in single-mandate constituencies. Let us remind you that a mixed system of elections has now been adopted in Russia - half of the deputies go to the State Duma on party lists, and half - in single-mandate constituencies.

The rights of a citizen who has become a candidate for deputies of the State Duma

When you understand that you meet all the announced parameters and have passed all the described procedures, a pleasant moment comes - you were recognized as a candidate for deputy. From this day on, you have special rights and guarantees that are equal for all candidates:

  • A registered candidate for deputy has the right to write an application, according to which the employer (administration educational institution) is obliged to release him from work / study / service on any day and at any time from the day of registration until the day of the official publication of the election results.
  • A candidate for deputy may not be dismissed from work, from service, expelled from an educational institution, called up for military service at the initiative of the employer (administration of the educational institution).
  • A registered candidate may not be subject to the administrative penalty imposed in judicial order without the consent of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
  • Registered candidates who are in the state or municipal service or work in organizations that produce media, for the duration of their participation in the elections of deputies of the State Duma, are exempted from performing official or official duties.

Election campaign

You have rights and guarantees, now you can act in order to enlist popular support. To do this, there is an election campaign that lasts three months and ends at midnight on the day preceding the voting day. Thus, voters are given the opportunity to focus and decide who they will give their preference to. Violation of the ban on campaigning on the last day before the elections is quite common. Do not neglect this condition - this way you will save your reputation and not disappoint the electorate.

A team usually works on the election campaign - after all, this requires a huge coverage of the information field and a clear program of actions, from meetings with residents of courtyards in your single-mandate constituency to speeches on radio and television. An important component is a kind of "advertising" of oneself - on leaflets and billboards. The people want to know their candidates by sight, and not to meet in the lists of possible deputies of the State Duma unfamiliar names that are not "visualized" in any way.

All of us, of course, heard and saw deputies of local authorities. Some of us even turned to the deputies with some requests. Some people must have thought: “Cool, and I want such a job!”.

On TV, we are told how much deputies receive, what huge bribes they take (for which they are then imprisoned). Everyone knows that deputies of any level have a lot of benefits, from free travel to public transport, ending with flights to expensive resorts at the expense of the budget (although such flights often lead such would-be chosen ones to jail). So let's figure out how to become a deputy in your city.

Personal qualities of a potential deputy

You need to understand that not everyone has the set of personal qualities that a people's choice should have. For a person who plans to become a leader, and after all, a deputy is a leader in his own way, it is necessary to have such an interesting quality as charisma.

Charisma is the ability to interest people and lead them along, captivating with a common idea. A charismatic person is a person who simply causes a magnetic attraction among others and the same magnetic respect.

Probably, the very first and most valuable quality of a person striving to become a deputy is his honesty and ability to keep his promises. There are few people's representatives with such remarkable qualities, but this does not mean that they do not exist.

It is very important to be able to get along with the most different people and ability to find mutual language with anyone. In addition, you need to be able to speak in public, not be afraid of it. Be able to correctly and clearly express their thoughts (and not only their own). It’s very good to have life experience and have leadership experience behind you.

So what does it take to become an MP? Huge performance! After all, looking at the deputies on TV, we see only one side of the coin - they are sitting beautiful and at the parade, pushing speeches from the podium. In addition, everyone heard that they have a huge pension, which ordinary people. All this, of course, is good. But there is another side.

The work schedule of the people's choice is so tight that an ordinary person cannot even imagine. The deputy must have time to meet with voters, understand their problems, study documents, distribute tasks to his assistants and control the progress of their implementation. Voters write requests, try to meet in person - but how did they choose you and they are your electorate.

It's good if you are known in your constituency. If you have previously taken an active life position, participated in various social events, and it is better that you organize them yourself, then you are well known in your area. It is great if you have already managed to gather a group of like-minded people (especially if you are a self-nominated candidate) and they are ready to support you on the difficult path to the authorities. This will help you save some money on the election campaign.

You must inspire trust and respect from your constituents. To do this, you need to be a man of your word. You need to make sure that your words do not diverge from deeds. If you promise something to your electorate, then break into a cake, but keep your promise.

You also need to understand that the life of a deputy is very public. And the higher the level of the deputy, the less personal space he has. They are pursued by journalists and are endlessly interested in where he went, with whom and why.

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