Romania is a member of the European Union or not. The history of the creation of the European Union and the list of countries included in it

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Everyone knows that list of EU countries consists of twenty-seven components. The main task of the association is regional integration. By the way, EU countries were enshrined in a single association by a lawyer in the Maastricht Treaty back in 1992 under the law of the European Communities. Below I will introduce you EU map by countries.

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With the help of general laws EU countries created a single market that ensures the seamless transportation of EU residents, products, services and all goods. Moreover, within the Schengen zone, people do without the control of an identity card, and it includes not only EU countries, but also a state not belonging to its territory.

The main activity of the European Union is the adoption of all the various laws, directives, regulations and so on within the limits of law and other internal affairs. Also list of EU countries tries to create the same policy in the field of trade, agriculture, fisheries, as well as all regional development. Seventeen countries of the European Union out of twenty-seven use a single monetary currency - the euro, thus the eurozone was formed.

The European Union, being a subject of international official public law, has the authority to take part in many international relations and facilitate the conclusion of relevant agreements.

The European Union is a political and economic association, which has 28 European member countries. The main goal of its creation is the formation of a single economic zone, which entails the introduction of a single currency. The EU is a kind of state of states that has its own government, its own laws, court, currency, etc.

Legally, the EU was formed in 1992 when the Maastricht Treaty was signed. It was then that the treaty determined the initial positions of the EU on foreign and security policy.

Currently, there are three types of agreement that involve different degrees of integration into the EU: EU membership, membership in the euro area and participation in the Schengen agreement. At the same time, membership in the EU does not automatically determine the entry into the list of Schengen countries. And not all EU member states are included in the euro area. For example: the Schengen agreement between Great Britain and Ireland is signed on special conditions and with restrictions. The UK is also not part of the euro area. The same principled position is shared by Sweden and Denmark. And Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein are not EU members, but are part of the Schengen area.

List of EU countries 2016


Italy Slovakia


Cyprus Slovenia


Latvia Finland

Great Britain

Lithuania France




Malta Czech


Netherlands Sweden


Poland Estonia





The population of the European Union and the spread of foreign languages

As of 2014, the population of the European Union is over 500 million inhabitants. On the this moment The European Union does not include some European countries, but officially recognizes 24 foreign languages. According to statistics, the 8 most spoken languages ​​in the EU are German (19%), French (13%), English (12%), Italian (11%), Spanish and Polish (9% each), Romanian (7%), Dutch (5%).

Economy of the European Union

Immediately after the creation of the EU, a single European market was created on the territory of all countries that entered it. Despite the fact that there are 28 countries in the EU, the euro is used by 18 countries, forming the Eurozone. The GDP of the European Union has reached 14.79 trillion, which is about 20% of world production. The European Union is the world's largest exporter and largest importer of goods and services. All EU members have a standardized type of passport.

EU real estate

It's no secret that buying property in Europe is a profitable investment. While real estate prices in recent times steadily growing, this is both a guarantee of capital preservation and provides an opportunity for a tangible monthly rental income. In addition, now the European real estate market is open to anyone. And buying real estate, for example, in a country like Latvia, will also give you the opportunity to get a European residence permit and generally forget about what a Schengen visa is.

After the start of the program to provide

The idea of ​​forming a community of European countries appeared after the Great Patriotic War. At the official level, the countries of the European Union came together in 1992, when the corresponding agreement was signed.

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The list of EU member states has regularly expanded, and today it has about 28 countries. Let us consider in more detail the members of the EU and the system as a whole.

What is the European Union

The European countries that have joined the Union have state sovereignty and independence.

Moreover, each has:

  • personal national language of communication;
  • personal executive authorities, not only local, but also central.

Despite this, they have a lot in common. In particular, there are specific requirements that countries must comply with, including the adoption of key political issues in strict agreement with other EU states.

Countries that have expressed a desire to become a full member of the European Union will be forced to prove their adherence to the basic principles of the treaty and European values, in particular:

  • democracy;
  • providing protection for human rights;
  • principles of free market trade in a modern economy.

The European Union also has personal self-government bodies, in particular:

  • common parliament - it includes representatives of all states;
  • general judiciary;
  • a general commission to resolve various issues;
  • spending control coalition.

Thanks to the general norms of the legislation of those countries that are included in the European Union, we can confidently talk about the formation of a single market.

Most of them use in the process of their life a single monetary unit - the euro.

Moreover, many countries of the European Union are part of the Schengen area, which makes it possible for the civilian population to travel throughout all EU countries without any difficulties.

The entire list of states today (table)

In 2020, the list of EU countries that are included at the official level looks like this:

Austria Spain
Bulgaria Denmark
Great Britain Lithuania
Hungary Cyprus
Italy Holland
Slovenia Poland
Portugal Romania
Czech Estonia
Belgium Ireland
Germany Latvia
Greece Malta
Luxembourg Slovakia
Finland France
Croatia Sweden

These countries are part of the European Community. In addition, there are several other countries that only claim to join the community.

Among them are:

  1. Serbia.
  2. Montenegro.
  3. Macedonia.
  4. Turkey.
  5. Albania.

Recently, Ukraine also claims to join the EU, but taking into account the political and economic situation, full membership is out of the question.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a special map of the European Union has been developed, thanks to which you can visually study geography.

The economic activities of the powers that are included in the European Union contain much in common.

In particular we are talking that the economy of each individual country is completely independent, but at the same time all of them must contribute specific shares, from which the total GDP is formed.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the implementation of the Customs Union policy in the European Union.

This allows us to say that full members of the EU may well trade with other participants without any specific restrictions and at the same time without duties.

It is important to remember that in the case of other states that are not full members of the EU, uniform customs tariffs are established.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that for the entire period of the association agreement, no one has yet broken the agreement.

The only exception is Greenland. This Danish autonomy with significant powers, back in 1985, decided to exclude itself from membership in the Union.

In many ways, this was the result of a decrease in quotas for fishing. One of the latest sensational world events was the holding of a referendum on leaving the EU of Great Britain back in June 2016, when most of the local population voted for it.

However, in fact. The UK remains a full member of the EU, and this has become an occasion to start solving the many existing problems.

Requirement for candidates to join

In order to be able to become a full member of the Union in question, it is extremely important to fully comply with the stated criteria, which are reflected in international law referred to as the "Copenhagen Requirements".

The so-called etymology of documentation is dictated by the place of its formation. Requirements for potential applicants were developed and adopted in Copenhagen back in 1993 during the meeting of the European Council.

The main list of requirements that are extremely important to comply with, it is customary to include:

In most cases, potential applicants for accession to the European Union are subject to an impressive check, based on the results of which an appropriate decision is made.

Upon receipt of a negative decision for a particular country, the state will be given an official list of grounds on the basis of which the corresponding response was made.

In this situation, it becomes necessary to eliminate the identified inconsistencies as soon as possible.

Only in this case is it possible to re-apply and count on full members of the European Union.

As practice shows, it can take years and even decades to correct the identified inconsistencies.

Acceptance prospects

The process of globalization every year covers more and more spheres of life. Moreover, there are no exceptions for both large and small countries.

Thanks to the enhanced interaction of peoples and continents as a whole, it allows us to talk about the maximum intensification of competition.

This is very difficult to achieve if you act alone, because of which territorial associations have always been formed and are being formed, and some of them become major players at the global level.

By indicators economic development states that are full members of the European Union are considered to be such players.

Many years of experience in the formation of international state formations arose until modern times.

In particular, we are talking about the 19th century, when some European countries made repeated attempts to form such unions.

But the presence at that time of numerous contradictions and the lack of a sufficient level of competition among other countries did not make it possible to realize such plans.

Video: initial aspects

Using the experience of the past years, modern world the countries of Asia, as well as the direct competitor of the EU America, have significantly strengthened, because of which the issue of connection and unity was again raised among the leaders of European states.

Today, the unstable military and political situation around the world only says that many countries have plans to become full members of the EU, since in this case one can count on increasing the personal defense capability and integrity of their state.

Europe has become a pioneer on the path of integration development. It is the first among the regions of the world based on mutually beneficial cooperation formed a single economic space - the European Union.

The European Union officially unites 28 states. List of countries that are members of the EU today:

In contact with

Which countries are in the European Union

In addition to EU member states, it includes satellite territories of the main states (Aland Islands - Finland, Azores- Portugal, etc.).

Some European countries have signed special agreements with the EU and participate in its activities in certain areas. Partnerships installed with Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. They put into effect in their territories the Schengen Agreement. Thanks to this, the citizens of these states move freely around Europe. In turn, residents of EU countries can freely visit Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The treaty between the EU and the Swiss Confederation operates in a similar way.

EU Candidates

  1. Turkey - since 1987
  2. Macedonia - since 2004
  3. Montenegro - since 2008
  4. Albania - since 2009
  5. Serbia - since 2009

Possible candidate for enrollment the integration entity is Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Kosovo. Associative relations in 2014 were fixed with a number of states of Eastern Europe and Transcaucasia (Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia). In the future, they will be able to apply for membership.

However, in 2014, the leaders of the European Union spoke out against holding integration processes in the near future. Until 2019, there is no provision for building up European partnership.

Of the candidate countries, Macedonia and Albania have real chances for admission to the European integration group. Turkey's request has already been rejected several times due to non-fulfillment of a number of necessary requirements. In addition, it has significant differences in geolocation, ethnocultural and civilizational relations with other EU members. Satisfaction of the applications of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Kosovo, is not possible due to their uncertain international status and the existence of disputed territorial issues with other states.

AT different time the desire to join the single European space was declared by countries geographically very remote from the Old World: Chile, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Mexico, South Africa. However, their declarative appeals have no real grounds.

Requirements for joining the European Union

To join the integration union, the applicant country must meet certain requirements. They were first presented in 1993, in the capital of Denmark - Copenhagen. The so-called Copenhagen criteria include:

  • Following the principles of democratic development.
  • Compliance with legal and humanitarian norms.
  • Real economic growth.

Compliance with these requirements is comprehensively studied, an overall assessment is made, and recommendations are given. If a candidate country has not been able to comply with the requirements within the prescribed period, its enrollment is postponed.

History of integration processes in Europe

For the first time the idea of ​​the possibility of integration within Europe was expressed in Paris at a conference in 1867. The actual implementation of the project began almost a century later. The impetus for the formation of a new international association was R. Schuman's initiative to consolidate the efforts of France and Germany in the field of coal and steel production. To this end, in 1951 it was announced the creation European organization coal and steel. In the future, it served as the foundation for the development of the European Union.

ECSC members are: France, Germany, Benelux, Italy. In 1957, they concluded an agreement on the work of the EEC (European Economic Community) and Euroatom. In 1993, the EEC was modified into the EU.

For 60 years (from 1957 to 2018.) The European Union has undergone a significant transformation: the number of member countries increased by almost 5 times; geographically, the EU covered most of Europe.

Accession of new countries to integration group called "waves". The following “waves” are distinguished in the history of EU enlargement:

1st (1973) - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Kingdom of Denmark

2nd (1081) - Hellenic Republic

3rd (1986) - Kingdom of Spain and Portuguese Republic

4th (1995) - Kingdom of Sweden, Republic of Austria, Finland

5th (2004) - Hungary, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Malta, Republic of Poland, Slovak Republic, Republic of Slovenia, Czech Republic and Estonian Republic

6th (2007) - Romania, Republic of Bulgaria

7th (2013) - Republic of Croatia

The list displays the join order countries to the EU zone (formerly EEC).

How the Eurozone works

The modern design of the European Union is based on an agreement developed in 1992 in the Dutch city of Maastricht. Its main parameters are:

  • formation of an international association with common guidelines in the field of economics, politics and currency relations;
  • development of a common market for goods and services, ensured by the unhindered movement of products of production;
  • coordination of joint efforts in the environmental field;
  • joint fight against crime.

The agreement entered into force on 1 November. Its real consequences were the establishment of a single currency for countries - the euro and the creation of visa-free travel (Schengen area).

Withdrawal from the EU

Along with the desire of many countries join the EU, there are supporters of disintegration. In 2009, an agreement was initialed in Lisbon that regulates, among other things, the procedure for secession from the European Union. The procedure provides for holding a national referendum. If more than half of the citizens vote for secession from the EU, a special mechanism begins to operate.

exercised the right to secession Great Britain. In the summer of 2016, the kingdom held a plebiscite known as Brexit. More than 30 million citizens of the United Kingdom took part in it. Almost 52% of the poll participants were in favor of leaving the EU. Most of the "Euro-skeptics" live in England and Wales, while the inhabitants of Northern Ireland and Scotland are among the supporters of European integration who do not want to be cut off from the rest of Europe. The final exit of Britain is declared for 2019.

The current situation cannot be assessed unequivocally.. On the one hand, there will be a dangerous precedent. It can be used by other countries that are members of the EU and are dissatisfied with the policy pursued within the framework of a single Europe. On the other hand, the consolidation of the member countries will intensify, aimed at strengthening relations within the EU.

The main idea behind the creation of the European Union (EU, European Union) in 1951 (then European association coal and steel) was to organize a single platform for trade and economic cooperation between 6 states without the risk of hostilities from each other. The European Union itself was legally fixed at the signing of the Maastricht Treaty by 12 states in 1992. The countries that are members of the EU are independent, but at the same time subject to common laws regarding education, health care, pensions, judicial and other systems.

Definition and objectives of the European Union

The European Union is a unique organization that integrates European states that have signed an accession treaty with the aim of improving the lives of their citizens in all spheres of public life.

The objectives of the EU activities in various fields:

  1. Human rights and freedoms:
  • promoting the preservation of peace and the well-being of peoples;
  • providing citizens with freedom, security and legality;
  • promotion and protection of their interests in relations with other countries.
  1. Economy:
  • creation of a common internal market;
  • maintaining healthy competition;
  • socially-oriented market economy;
  • promotion of employment of the population;
  • social progress;
  • improving the quality of the natural environment;
  • scientific and technical progress.
  1. Social sphere:
  • combating discrimination, including gender;
  • social protection of the population;
  • ensuring fairness;
  • protection of children's rights.

If the founding countries of the EU were aimed mainly at creating a common market for steel and coal, which would solve the problems of employment in these industries and increase production efficiency, today the EU's aspirations have expanded significantly.

The European Union is called upon to ensure maximum cohesion and solidarity among the countries of the Commonwealth in terms of economic development, territorial organization and social order.

EU member states are obliged to respect the richness and diversity of each other's national cultures, as well as to ensure the protection of common European cultural heritage.

List of EU countries for 2020

Since the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, there has been a process active development The European Union: the number of participating countries is increasing, a single European currency is being introduced, changes are being made to contracts. To find out how many countries are in the EU for 2020, you need to analyze the number of countries that joined the 12 EU states after 1992:

  • 1995 - plus 3 countries (Austria, Finland, Sweden);
  • 2004 - plus 10 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta);
  • 2007 - plus 2 countries (Bulgaria, Romania);
  • 2020 - plus 1 country (Croatia).

Thus, the number of countries in the EU in 2020 is 28.

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Speaking about which countries are part of the EU, in addition to those listed above, we will name the following:

  • Germany;
  • Belgium;
  • Italy;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Netherlands;
  • France;
  • Great Britain;
  • Denmark;
  • Ireland;
  • Greece;
  • Spain;
  • Portugal.

A standardized system of laws has been adopted on the territory of the EU countries, a common market has been created, passport control has been canceled within the Schengen area, which also includes some other European countries that are not members of the EU.

All EU member states are obliged to coordinate their political decisions with other members of the union. The currency of the European Union is the euro. To date, 19 EU countries have introduced the euro into circulation, thereby forming a single eurozone.

Economy of the European Union: features and principles of functioning

The economy of the European Union is made up of the economic systems of all 28 member countries, the level of which varies significantly. At the same time, weaker states are supported by the effective redistribution of funds and resources between countries. This happens through the common treasury, into which each state contributes its share of funds, depending on the volume of the gross domestic product (GDP). Such a policy is one of the main principles of the functioning of the EU (the principle of cohesion or cohesion).

On the one hand, such coordination of the economy contributes to social integration in the labor market, prevents and reduces unemployment, and eliminates regional imbalances in the European Union; on the other hand, it can lead to aggravation and mutual accusations between donor and recipient countries.

Thus, the most developed EU donor countries, that is, those who invested more funds in the treasury than received from there, which in 2020 were Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Cyprus, were unhappy that the new members of the Union actually live off them. This fact, as well as the increase in cheap work force arriving from Eastern European countries were one of the main reasons for the UK's intention to leave the EU.

UK exit from the EU: the situation for 2020

Brexit (from two words: Br - Britain - Britain, exit - exit), which was activated by the UK during a referendum regarding the country's membership in the European Union in 2020, is expected in 2019-2020. Two years are allotted for transition period, therefore, in 2020, Britain is still listed as an active member of the EU.

Possible consequences of Brexit

On a global scale, Brexit could negatively affect the filling of the official development assistance (ODA) fund, as Britain's contribution to the EU budget will decrease, and the EU is the fourth largest donor in the world in ODA.

Due to restrictions on freedom of movement and trade, after the UK leaves the EU, the British financial sector will be damaged. The predicted reasons for this are problems in the tourist industry and the outflow of qualified personnel. Brexit could also result in a significant decline in the income of the working population - according to experts, the loss of British families will amount to almost one and a half thousand euros annually.

Another possible consequence of Brexit is the separation of Scotland from the UK. As you know, back in 2020, the Scots raised the issue of secession from Britain, and the votes for and against were then divided almost equally - 44.7% and 55.3%, respectively. And since Scotland, unlike England, intends to remain in the EU, Brexit may speed up the process of obtaining its independence.

Causes and consequences of the 2017 referendum in Catalonia

The main reason for modern separatism in Catalonia, one of the richest and most developed regions of Spain, lies in the dissatisfaction of the local government and the population with the distribution of state budget funds. The catch is that Catalonia pays much more to the country's general treasury than it receives back.

On October 1, 2020, the Catalan authorities organized and held a referendum on the secession of Catalonia from Spain. However, the authorities of the country, this procedure was recognized as illegal. Despite the actions of the Spanish police aimed at blocking the vote, the poll still took place. 43% of voters managed to vote, of which 90.2 were in favor of secession, and 7.8% were against.

Official recognition of the results of the referendum by the Spanish authorities did not happen. Instead, the current Catalan Parliament was dissolved, the Generalitat, headed by leader Carles Puigdemont, was removed, and early parliamentary elections were scheduled for December.

To date, it has not been precisely determined which party will form the government. However, according to experts, Madrid is set for an uncompromising solution to the conflict in favor of preserving the integrity of Spain.

Copenhagen Criteria for EU Accession

Entry into European Union not available in all countries. Only states that clearly comply with the Copenhagen criteria adopted in 1993 at the EU meeting in Copenhagen can count on EU membership. So, inside the applicant country must:

  1. Observe the principles of a democratic constitutional state.
  2. To have a market economy capable of competing in the European market.
  3. Recognize the rules and standards of the European Union.

Negotiations are carried out with the candidate country for EU accession, then checks are carried out for compliance with the above criteria. Based on a thorough analysis of the data, a decision is made on the possibility (or impossibility) of membership in the Union.

Countries applying for EU membership

Among those wishing to join the EU are not only developed countries, but also countries with developing economies. In 2020, the following official EU candidate countries have been identified:

  1. Turkey - application since 1987.
  2. Macedonia - 2004.
  3. Montenegro - 2008.
  4. Albania - 2009.
  5. Serbia - 2009.

Accession talks are already underway with three of these countries - Turkey, Montenegro and Serbia. All candidates, except Turkey, have signed an association agreement, which usually precedes accession to the EU.

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