Prospects for the development of active types of tourism in Khmao-Yugra. Forum "Prospects for the development of active tourism in Russia and the world Prospects for the development of active tourism

Family and relationships 07.08.2019

The Second International Tourism Forum "Prospects for the development of active tourism in Russia and the world" is organized by: Government Perm Territory, Ministry physical culture, Sports and Tourism of the Perm Territory, the State Autonomous Institution of the Perm Territory "Tourist Information Center", as well as FSBEI HPE "Perm State National Research University".

The forum was held with the support of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation and information support Russian Union of Tourism Industry, the Perm branch of the All-Union Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society" and the NP "Perm Tourist Guild".

Exhibition Center "Perm Fair" (Perm, Gagarin Boulevard, 65); active recreation center "Polazna" (v. Konstantinovka)

On March 10-11, 2016, the Second International Tourism Forum "Prospects for the development of active tourism in Russia and the world" was held in Perm. This time the Forum was held together with the annual specialized tourist exhibition “Hunter and Fisherman. Active Tourism” at the exhibition center “Permskaya Yarmarka”.

The purpose of the Forum- consolidation of efforts of the tourism industry, government, professional tourism and academic community for the exchange of experience and the development of effective innovative solutions in the field of active tourism development, popularization of outdoor activities.

The business program of the forum traditionally began with a plenary session, at which acting. Governor of the Perm Territory Gennady Petrovich Tushnolobov and Deputy Head of the Federal Tourism Agency Roman Petrovich Skory.

Roman Petrovich noted in his speech that today the Russian Federation, including the Perm Territory, has a huge potential for the development of active tourism, and the main task of the regional and federal authorities in this situation is the development of territories as alternative destinations for Turkey and Egypt. Promotion of the national product abroad through the competent presentation of the tour product should fall on the shoulders of travel companies. In turn, tour operators must do everything to ensure that tourists have positive impressions and emotions and want to return.

The reports at the plenary session were also made by the Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Perm Territory Pavel Aleksandrovich Lyakh, a member of the World Commission for Conservation Territories of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources Gavin Bell and Deputy of the Perm City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Perm City Duma Yury Utkin.

Gavin Bell said that active tourism is one of the most effective ways development of Russia. The development of adventure tourism is supported by the Government of the Russian Federation. Russia has a huge potential for the development of adventure tourism due to its diversity of climatic conditions, cultures and traditions. Over the past three years, there has been a lot of assistance from the regions.

According to Pavel Alexandrovich Lyakh, today the most popular destinations for active tours in the Perm region are trips to picturesque natural sites, such as the Stone Town and the stones of Vetlan and Poljud in the north of the region, as well as numerous river rafting options. The hunting industry and speleotourism are developing. To popularize active tourism in the region, thematic films were shot, a magazine about the Perm region "Welcome to Perm" was published, signs of tourist navigation were installed. It is planned to install mountain modules in the Ural Mountains, attracting investors.

Further, the business program continued with the conference "World practices in the organization of active tourism." Gavin Bell (Great Britain), Mart Reimann (Estonia), Sandor Fabian (Hungary), Minna-Carita Haanrie (Finland) and Benjamin Carey (Great Britain) shared their experience in organizing active tourism in their countries and in the world as a whole.

The conference on active tourism and the discussion platform dedicated to the sales of active tours turned out to be the most intense. Here such issues were raised as the practice of successful routes in various regions of Russia, the development of ecotourism, hunting and fishing tourism, affordable tourism, innovative methods in the sale of active tours, and many others. Particular attention was paid to the issue of the need for the active work of tourist clubs and the involvement of the experience of tourism veterans in the planning of new tourism programs.

The first day of the forum debate show "On Garlic" has ended. Experts in the field of active tourism defended their points of view on the topic of independent active tourism. Numerous arguments "FOR" and "AGAINST" did not leave indifferent the audience in the hall, as a result, the votes were distributed as follows: "FOR" - 60% of the audience, "AGAINST" - 40%.

The second day of the forum was held on the territory of the Polazna active recreation center. Forum guests took an active part in the discussions of the discussion platform on winter types of active tourism. Questions were raised about the main trends in the ski and snowmobile tourism market, their compliance with national standards, current development problems and the practice of public-private partnership. Further, all participants of the forum were waiting for an active entertainment with Maslenitsa festivities, skiing, snowboarding and "cheesecakes". Thanks to the wonderful sunny weather and the coordinated work of the organizing team, the forum participants appreciated the beauty of the Perm Territory and its attractiveness for the development of winter active tourism.

As a result of the forum, the participants were able to acquire useful business contacts in the field of active tourism and strengthen existing ones. partnerships. The forum became news No. 1 for all regional media and had an information resonance far beyond Perm.

The Second International Tourism Forum "Prospects for the development of active tourism in Russia and the world" was devoted to the development of active tourism, namely: the possibility of developing active tourism for people with disabilities; development of hunting and fishing tourism in the Perm region; creation of tourist clubs; promotion of regional tourism products at the federal level and much more.

The forum was attended by over 300 participants from 16 regions of Russia and five countries of the world.

At the site of the Perm Fair exhibition center, the Forum brought together representatives of the tourism business, municipalities, specialized educational institutions of higher education, authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representatives of the global tourism community and other experts in the field of active tourism.

As a result of the Second International Tourism Forum "Prospects for the development of active tourism in Russia and the world", the participants adopted a resolution:

1. Develop a program for the development of active tourism in the Perm region;

2. Promote the creation of public or non-profit organizations, the purpose of which is to increase the number of people involved in amateur tourism, as well as the arrangement of tourist and ecological trails;

3. Annually carry out activities aimed at improving the quality of services and services on tourist routes in the field of active tourism;

4. Create a system of tourist navigation on the routes, equip toilets, parking for sightseeing buses;

5. To create a complex of accessible tourist services for the development of barrier-free tourism in the Perm Territory;

6. Create a working group of representatives of travel companies, clubs and tourism veterans, in order to create a single information space, create regional and interregional tourism products of active and environmental education tourism;

7. Create a tourism product that includes a hunting or fishing component, ensuring the legal extraction of resources and the safety of tourists throughout the route;

8. Include the reserves of the Perm Territory in environmental education routes;

9. To develop ski tourism and off-season activities at ski resorts.

Status and prospects for the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects active types of tourism

1The concept and types of active types of tourism

2 Development of active types of tourism in Russia and the world as a whole

Chapter 2. Analysis of the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region

1 Development of cycling tourism

2 Development of ski tourism

3 Development of other active types of tourism in the Perm region

Chapter 3. Prospects for the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region

1 The main difficulties in the development of active types of tourism

3.2 Recreational opportunities and key prospects in the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region



The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that tourism industry is on present stage one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy, which has a stimulating effect on the development of key sectors: transport and communications, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods, which is estimated to have a significant multiplier effect, acts as a catalyst for social economic development directly and indirectly contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the population.

Today, the types of active tourism are very popular, the possibilities of which are almost limitless: from rafting on mountain rivers in Karelia and horseback riding in the mountains of Spain to cycling tours in Brazil and traveling through the jungles of Cambodia. Interest in active recreation in Russia is steadily growing. AT last years there are more and more people who want to go down into the mouth of the volcano, climb Kilimanjaro, wander in the jungle, go on a safari, jump into the abyss with a safety cable and much more.

Active types of tourism offer their customers a huge number of different specialized tours in order to get new experiences and adrenaline. Modern development technical and security means do not deprive such types of recreation of a share of risk, however, they reduce the danger to a minimum. Therefore, if a tourist wants to get new impressions and sensations, then he will easily find and choose for himself just this kind of extreme tourism, having tried which he will not be able to stop.

The purpose of the course work is to study the state and prospects for the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region.

Based on the above goal, the following tasks were set and fulfilled in the work:

To study the concept and types of active types of tourism

explore the development of active types of tourism in Russia and the world as a whole

consider the development of cycling tourism in the Perm region;

to study the development of ski tourism in the Perm region;

explore the development of other active types of tourism in the Perm region;

identify the main difficulties in the development of active types of tourism;

to determine recreational opportunities and key prospects for the development of active types of tourism in the Perm Territory.

The object of research in the work is the Perm Territory.

The subject of the study is the state and prospects for the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of active types of tourism

1The concept and types of active types of tourism

This kind of spending free time, like active tourism, has become widespread relatively recently. In general, it can be described as a type of recreation in which a tourist group crosses the laid route using maximum effort, while receiving a serious physical load on all muscle groups of the human body.

The main task of active tourism is to accustom citizens to useful and rational use free time, ensuring the optimal use of tourist resources, taking care of the personal safety of tourists, protecting their rights, interests, property.

The purpose of active tourism is:

recovery, recuperation, improvement of medical and physiological data by changing the forms of activity, dosed movement, nervous unloading, increasing adaptation to unusual conditions;

providing practical skills in overcoming obstacles, mastering the technique of moving on foot, skiing, cycling, damming;

psychological improvement and emotional enrichment of the inner world of a person;

expansion of local lore horizons, improvement of educational and methodological training, replenishment of knowledge in geography, history, biology, ethnography and culture;

mastering the theoretical foundations of organizing and conducting hikes, developing routes;

acquiring sports experience of participating in hikes and managing hikes of varying complexity.

Among lovers of various types of active tourism, you can often meet like-minded people who combine several hobbies. Each type of extreme tourism, first of all, attracts people with its features, among which one can distinguish frantic speed, height, requirements for dexterity and special skills, and much more. Each tourist, as a rule, is attracted by the type of extreme tourism that suits him.

The classification of active types of tourism is given in Table. 1.1.

Table 1.1

Classification of active types of tourism

Основания для классификацииВиды экстремального туризмаСпособ передвижения и вид местностиВодный Наземный Горный Воздушный ЭкзотическийСпособ организацииОрганизованный НеорганизованныйОхват территорииМеждународный Межрегиональный РегиональныйПродолжительностьКраткосрочный СреднесрочныйСезонность действияЗимний Летний Межсезонный КруглогодичныйВид транспортаПешеходный Велосипедный Водный Лыжный Комбинированный Другие Цель участияПриключенческий Спортивный Природно-познавательный Научно-экологическийВозрастМолодежный Средневозрастной ПожилойСтепень мобильностиПередвижной Стационарный Спортивная категорийностьКатегорийный НекатегорийныйБезопасность High degree risk Medium risk Low risk

Adventure type of tourism is a type of tourism that is associated with physical exertion, and sometimes with danger to life. When organizing this kind of tours, adventures can be specially prepared and equipped with all possible safety equipment. Recently, the exception is travel with adventures that are not planned. This mainly refers to hunting tourism, rafting on mountain rivers, travel to uninhabited and uninhabited places, etc.

Nature tourism is not fully ecological tourism.

Natural tourism refers to all those types of tourism that directly use the resources of the surrounding wildlife, natural landscapes, water resources, relief, wild flora and fauna.

The basis of nature tourism is familiarization of tourists with wildlife, recreation, active tourism, however, these tours do not include protection in their program. environment, ecology and culture of the places where travel takes place.

For example, nature tourism can include motorboating, animal hunting without regard to sustainable ecological balance, and this violates the principles ecological type tourism.

One of the options for nature tourism, according to some, is biological tourism, as well as tours to wildlife. The main purpose of this kind of tours is to observe and obtain information about a wide variety of wildlife objects.

Scientific eco-tourism is not one of the main types of eco-tourism, on the contrary, it is a rather small component of this type of tourism.

Nevertheless, scientific ecological tourism has a great impact on the development of the entire direction of ecological tourism, since it is scientific tourism that provides a lot of important information that contribute to the development of an ecological type of tourism in a particular region or country.

2 Development of active types of tourism in Russia and the world as a whole

Today in Russia and in the world, as a rule, active types of tourism are associated with overcoming routes on foot, on skis, along mountain routes or using non-traditional means of transportation for tourists (rafts, boats, riding animals, etc.).

AT recent times such an extreme form of recreation for most of our compatriots was engaged in loners who traveled around their native country. Now the boundaries of the tourism business have expanded, special companies are being created and operating in this service market that offer various travel options both around the region where we live and foreign tours.

As for the implementation of travel across the territory of Russia, here, despite the apparent problems, the choice is quite wide. First of all, these are hiking trails across terrain with rough terrain, overcoming mountain passes, water tourism using improvised means, rafting on mountain and fast rivers, routes in the foothills of the Caucasus, the Ural Mountains, Sayan Mountains and much more.

The main purpose of active tourism is not to conquer sports peaks, not to achieve outstanding results, but, above all, the desire to test yourself in conditions that are very different from ordinary ones, in which you need to study yourself, your strength, endurance and ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Cycling tourism is travel on road, sports and mountain (mountain bike) bikes on the plain, ravines, sands, mountain trails. Compared to hiking, cycling has the following advantages: high speed movement and low fatigue, more options when choosing a route with almost any terrain and any roads. This is one of the most environmentally friendly and healthy outdoor activities.

Cycling as an active holiday<#"justify">Types of extreme tourism according to the method of movement and type of terrain Varieties Terrestrial1. Mountain biking 2. Speleology 3. Industrial tourism 4. Extreme racing Water1. Diving 2. Wakeboarding 3. Water skiing 4. Windsurfing 5. Rafting Air1. Parachute 2. Base-jump 3. Hang gliding Mountain1. Alpinism 2. Alpine skiing and snowboarding Extreme 1. Space tourism 2. Jailoo tourism 3. Expeditions to the North and south poles So, as a result of the study, we can conclude that the types of active tourism are very diverse.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region

1 Development of cycling tourism

Cycling tourism (cycling tourism) is one of the types of tourism<#"288" src="/wimg/17/doc_zip1.jpg" />

Rice. 2.2. Types of proposed tourist routes in the Perm region

Consider the proposed types of ski routes:

radial - a path of movement with a visit, as a rule, to one place of service and a guided tour, that is, the beginning and end. It takes place in one tourist (geographical) point of stay, located in which, tourists make a trip to other points, being in which tourists make a trip to other destinations, returning to their starting point;

linear - the path of movement with a visit to several service points and a guided tour, when the places of the beginning and end of the route do not coincide, i.e. located in various tourist (geographical) points of stay;

ring - a method of organizing an excursion and tourist route, in which a tourist (excursion) group moves along a ring route from one place to another, usually with an overnight stay;

combined - a way of movement, which consists of elements of a radial, linear and ring routes in a certain combination.

Tourist club "Ural trails" - social organization, the purpose of which is the development of tourism in the Urals and Siberia. It is an open (accessible to beginners) independent non-commercial tourist club, focusing on the general population. The club organizes year-round both new and traditional events in the format of active and sports tourism.

In the club's schedule, published a year ahead, you can find events of various forms, durations and levels of complexity: hiking, water, skiing, mountain, cycling, horseback riding on a variety of routes (and non-categorical weekend walks, and overnight trips, and expeditions from 1 to 5 weeks, from 1 to 5 categories of difficulty); recreational, team-building, mineralogical, speleological activities; corporate outdoor recreation (walks, rafting); ecotourism.

Another problem that distinguishes the organization of competitions in ski tourism from competitions in other types of tourism is that ski tourists need accommodation in stationary conditions.

In turn, tourist organizations for accommodation of tourists are divided into groups.

Tourist base - a hotel type of building, seasonal or year-round operation, with premises for cultural and community purposes, catering establishments, premises for tourist work. The tourist base is located on the route of the tourist route and organizes hiking trips and excursions for vacationers, preparing them theoretically and practically for camping life.

Tourist hotel - a building of a hotel type of superior comfort with premises for cultural and community purposes, catering establishments of a restaurant form, premises for tourist and excursion work at facilities located, as a rule, on a tourist and excursion route in a city, suburb or tourist center.

Shelter - a place for tourists to rest on the route with a sufficient level of service that simplified accommodation for tourists for a short time and conditions for cooking. The shelter acts as a form of tourist base.

Motel - a tourist hotel for car tourists, on the territory of which there are parking lots for vehicles and conditions for their Maintenance and repair.

Camping - a complex of seasonal services for tourists, which includes simplified premises for their accommodation and a territory for parking vehicles, hearths for cooking and catering establishments.

Cross-country skiing competitions are held on the basis of ski bases.

February 2013 at the ski base "Snezhinka" took place the municipal stage of the competition in cross-country skiing of the Spartakiad of school sports clubs of the Perm Territory, participants in the project "Sports Club + Sports Certificate". The combined teams of sports clubs of the city took part in the competition.

On February 2013, Snezhinka hosted cross-country skiing competitions among employees of OAO SMZ2. The results of the competition, which is important, were included in the standings of the enterprise's Spartakiad. At the start there was a record number of participants in recent times. Seventeen women and thirty-seven men. As always, I was pleased with the representation of the First, Fourth, Seventh, Ninth and Tenth workshops. Also this time it is pleasant to note the mass approach of workshop No. 3. A lot of fans came to support their colleagues. Men overcame two kilometers, women - one. The weather and the prepared ski track disposed to high speeds.

January 19, 2014 at the ski base "Snezhinka" was the Championship and championship of the city of Solikamsk in cross-country skiing. Over 200 people took part.

Weekend hikes - short tourist or sightseeing routes, designed for one, maximum two days. Experienced tourists call them walks or picnics. These simple outings allow you to admire the beauties of the immediate surroundings, assess your readiness for physical activity and hikes of a higher difficulty category, prepare for serious and long routes.

Such training is especially relevant if a multi-day ski expedition is planned and your team includes not only experienced participants, but also neophytes who still do not feel quite confident on skis with weighty backpacks on their shoulders.

Weekend ski trips are an opportunity to try out equipment - to “get used to” new trekking boots and tourist skis, as well as to get to know your comrades better (if the team has not yet been “tested in battles” or new members have joined it). And, of course, this entertainment can become an exciting and, let's note, healthy, family pastime that will be interesting for people of all ages - from preschoolers to pensioners. The main thing is to choose a route for yourself "too tough", to choose the right equipment and a fun company.

Ski bases "Snezhinka", "Kaliets" roll several distances of different lengths: walking trails - 0.5 and 2 km, mixed - 3 km and sports - 2.3 km. During the whole season, the bases are open seven days a week, from 10.00 to 18.00. More than 500 pairs of skis are enough for everyone, so there is no time limit. Traditionally, DYUSSHOR organizes its rental in the northern part of Solikamsk. The rental is carried out by two points: at 19a, Yubileyny Ave., and 1g, Builders Ave.

3 Development of other active types of tourism in the Perm region

Active recreation in the Perm region includes hiking, adventure tours, river rafting, cave visits, mountain climbing, biking and skiing tours. Active recreation is a great opportunity to have a good time with the benefit of your health, to get a charge of positive emotions.

The most popular type of recreation for the urban and local population of the Perm Territory is hunting and fishing. Picking mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs is very common in these areas, so mass trips for the gifts of nature are organized by residents of the regional center, as well as visits to the forest by the local population living in villages and settlements. Fishing and hunting are very popular, which is favored by rich hunting and fishing resources: hunting grounds, places of mass fishing, as well as a fairly developed infrastructure (hunting farms, hunting and fishing societies, bases, clubs, etc.).

Hiking or hiking in English language is called trekking. Hiking is one of the types of sports tourism. As in any hike, tourists spend the night in a tent camp. Cooking takes place on a fire. Hiking trails may vary in length.

Hiking for one or two days is available to anyone. Such trips are excellent opportunity get to know nature better, see a lot beautiful places and test yourself in overcoming various obstacles.

Some one-day routes presented by travel companies of the Perm region are suitable for year-round use, but the main time for hiking is from early May to mid-September. The warmest, even hot, and dry weather sets in July. At this time, all mountain rivers have already passed the flood, they, except for the largest ones, are easily forded, the swamps are also slightly dried up.

Rafting on the rivers is one of the types of water tourism. Rafting on the rivers of the Urals and the Kama region is well suited for beginner outdoor enthusiasts.

Travel companies of the Perm region offer the following alloys:

Rafting on the rivers Koiva-Chusovaya

The Koiva River flows in the Middle Urals, on the territory of the Perm Territory. An excellent river for tourist rafting, although rafting on it requires some experience, since there are many obstacles difficult for beginners on the river (rapids, shivers, clamps, trees that have fallen into the water, combined with a fast current).

The name of the river comes from the Komi-Permyak words "koi" - "spray" and "va" - "water". Those who named the river that way noticed its stormy temper. In spring, the current speed in some places reaches 2 meters per second.

The Koiva is a right tributary of the Chusovaya River. The length of the Koiva from source to mouth is 180 kilometers. The water is clean and transparent. The main tributaries of the Koiva are Tiskos, Kyrma, Biser, Big Tyrym, Kusya.

The Koiva River has a mountain character. It is fast, winding, it has a lot of rolls.

The banks of the river are covered with forest, settlements few. The largest settlements on Koive are: Teplyaya Gora, Staryi Biser and Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. They are convenient for throwing and throwing. The oldest and largest of them is Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. The iron-working plant at the confluence of the Kusya and Koiva rivers was founded in 1751.

Rafting on the river Usva

The Usva River in the Perm Territory is famous among tourists for its picturesque rocky banks covered with forests.

The Usva is a right tributary of the Chusovaya (flows into it near the town of Chusovaya). Its length is 266 kilometers.

The name of the river comes from the Komi-Permyak words "usny" - "fall" and "va" - "water". That is Usva - "falling water".

There are few settlements on Usva, they can all be easily listed: Srednyaya Usva, Bezgodovo, Gromovaya, Usva, Cape, Bobrovka and, finally, the city of Chusovoi. The largest of them are Usva and Chusovoy.

The water in the river is clean and transparent. Almost everywhere the stones at the bottom are clearly visible.

The river breaks from ice in late April - early May. And from that moment until September, there are always a lot of rafting lovers on the river.

Rafting on the Vishera River

The Vishera River is a magnificent river in its beauty Northern Urals. Every summer, Vishera attracts many tourists from all over the Urals and other regions of the country. It is located in the north of the Perm region.

The length of the river is 415 kilometers (the fifth longest in the Perm Territory). Vishera has two sources - Malaya and Bolshaya Vishera, which flow from the Ural mountains.

The upper reaches of the river are located on the territory of the Vishera Reserve. In the upper reaches of the Vishera, it has the character of a fast mountain river with numerous rifts, and in some places with rapids. Then she becomes calmer.

The phrase "Diamond Vishera" is often found. The river is named so both for its fabulous beauty and for the diamond deposits in its basin.

Hundreds of picturesque cliffs rise along the banks of the river, there are interesting caves. Here you can fully enjoy the magnificent nature of the Urals. At the same time, there are very few settlements on the river.

It is best to start rafting from the villages of Vels or Vaya, and finish in the city of Krasnovishersk. Here the river is suitable for rafting throughout the summer. Rafting down the Vishera in this section is quite simple, there are no serious obstacles here.

Chapter 3. Prospects for the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region

1 The main difficulties in the development of active types of tourism

The Perm Territory has great recreational opportunities for the development of active types of tourism.

The Perm Territory is located in the eastern outskirts of the Russian Plain (about 80% of its territory) and in the western foothills and mountains of the Urals (about 20% of its territory). The relief features of the Perm Territory make it possible to engage in different types cycling tourism and make cycling tours and bike rides attractive. For example, high banks offer stunning views of the rivers.

The climate of the Perm Territory is temperate continental with warm, sometimes hot summers and cold winter. For cycling routes, one of the most favorable climatic conditions corners - south edge.

The forests of the region, covering an area of ​​about 12 million hectares, are unique in their beauty, abundance of lakes, richness and diversity of the animal world. About 30 thousand rivers and other water bodies form a dense hydrographic network.

Most of the routes run along rivers, through magnificent pine forests interspersed deciduous forests, across flood meadows. The rivers abound with sand spits and convenient parking places.

There are two reserves in the region (Vishersky, Basegi) and more than 100 protected areas. The Perm region has numerous attractions that can arouse interest among tourists.

In the Perm Territory, lovers of cycling tours are waiting for routes full of excursions to various monuments of nature and history.

The extent of the territory, a large number of areas with low population density, the diversity of landscapes and climatic zones, an abundance of natural, historical and cultural attractions created the prerequisites for the development of cycling tourism in the Perm region.

Mass cycling events in the Perm region (gatherings, competitions, rallies, etc.) have not become massive in terms of the number of participants.

Very few mass hiking events are held in the Perm Territory, especially on a national scale, with a bias not towards trained cyclists, but for everyone (like family bicycle rallies over a long distance). The situation is bad with mass races and bike demonstrations. There is not a single long marked cycle path laid along the most interesting places Perm Territory and along the most favorable roads for cycling.

The share of organized cyclists in the Perm region is too small compared to tens of millions of owners of two-wheeled vehicles. There are many reasons for this, but the main one, in our opinion, is that the inhabitants of the Perm Territory have not yet realized the powerful health potential inherent in the bicycle, many do not know how much joy and impressions a regular week-long bike trip can bring. That is why the vast majority of owners of two-wheeled carriages do not connect their vacation with them, because we produce so little equipment for cycling, there are almost no bike paths in the Perm Territory, and tour cycling is not established in any way.

At the present stage, a number of problems identified in the study of the development of ski tourism in the Perm Territory need to be addressed, such as:

imperfect local regulatory - legal framework for the development of the tourism potential of ski tourism;

lack of awareness of an ordinary tourist with the possibilities of recreation or recreation in the Perm region;

unsatisfactory level of marketing of tourism services in the Perm region;

low level of readiness of the tourist infrastructure of the structure to receive tourists;

lack of public sanitary zones And so on.

2 Recreational opportunities and key prospects in the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region

The relevance of the development of active types of tourism in the Perm region is determined by the fact that this area of ​​activity:

self-sustaining, investment attractive, can be developed through the efforts of local entrepreneurship, but requires targeted coordination and incentive regulation;

is considered as a factor in the economic development of the region, based on the use of the historical and cultural heritage of the Perm region as an economic resource;

technological, allows using culture and natural and climatic conditions as the main resource, linking the interests of potential participants;

can become a functional basis for the system of sustainable, non-traditional and dynamic development of the Perm Territory;

Active types of tourism in the Perm Territory can become one of the main types of tourism activities, in a number of regions to create the basis for sustainable development economy. Camping in combination with gaining knowledge in the field of history and geography makes it possible for people who are tired of the impact of the technogenic environment not only to restore the protective functions of the body, but in general - harmony in their worldview; is promising direction in the rational use of natural resources, the preservation of culture, education, upbringing and the formation of a worldview.

The organization of tourism activities at the local level allows representatives of local communities, citizens' associations and business circles to participate in solving the problems of sustainable development. Russian specialists note the importance of increasing the activity and self-awareness of the local community, in particular, O.N. Kostryukova notes that “in the current conditions of municipal reform, it is important to introduce the principle of corporatism, which consists primarily in the territorial society’s self-awareness of common political, socio-economic, environmental, cultural and spiritual interests, as well as in creating mechanisms to meet the relevant needs of the population, including through the active participation of the population itself.

Cycling tourism in the Perm Territory has a great future, which has recently been largely facilitated by the popularity of the bicycle as an economical, fairly fast remedy movement, the possibility of its almost universal use, the demand for this nature-friendly transport when conducting currently fashionable ecological tours.

Recreation on the move has a number of undoubted advantages, including traveling with a small company over long distances, the absence of exhausting physical activity and the need to carry heavy luggage.

The main tasks of local self-government bodies should be to intensify activities for integrated development the territory of the Perm Territory, which has a significant natural, historical and cultural potential, the development of tourism functions while maintaining and efficient use objects of cultural heritage, environmental protection, limiting harmful economic activity. Special attention on the part of the municipal authorities is required to increase the efficiency of the use of tourism resources, which is closely related to both the development of tourism infrastructure and the formation of a system for providing quality services at a European level.

Local governments are entrusted with ensuring the organization of the provision of tourism services at the local level, primarily the implementation of a number of functions: organizational, communicative, coordinating and permitting and controlling (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1

Functions of local governments in the field of tourism development

Function Directions Organizational - creation of systemic conditions; - formation of strategic foundations for the development of local tourism; - activation of the community; - establishment of intersectoral partnership; - formation of infrastructural units Coordinating - coordination of the activities of the subjects of the tourism sector; - Informing and involving the public; - Involvement of mass media; - development of information and marketing companiesControllingCoordination of tourism activities of entities with strategic directions and local development and public policy; - verification of compliance with certification and licensing requirements by subjects of tourism activities

Among the functions of local self-government, such as the creation of systemic conditions and strategic foundations for the development of local tourism, the revitalization of society and the establishment of intersectoral partnerships are relevant.


Active types of tourism are becoming more and more popular. Just a few years ago, there were a couple of hundred thousand extreme sportsmen in the world, and today there are already tens of millions of them.

An active tourist has dozens, maybe hundreds of varieties of activities - from exotic to traditional.

Of course, active types of travel are quite interesting and popular lately, first of all, this is due to the changing living conditions of modern citizens, who lack healthy adrenaline and adventures in everyday life. Russia, in this regard, is an ideal country, since it has invaluable resources for the development of alternative types of travel on its territory. The not too distant future also sees the prospect of alternative travel becoming more accessible view leisure activities.

The Perm Territory has great recreational opportunities for the development of active types of tourism. natural wealth The region has helped to gain the popularity of cycling tourism among fans of outdoor activities and adventure tourism.

The wide possibilities of the Perm Territory in the development of cycling tourism are determined by an extensive network of roads covering its territory fairly evenly. Currently, there is a gradual increase in demand for cycling holidays, an increase in the number of teenagers and young people who know how to ride a bike. Some travel companies are starting to create interesting and high-quality cycling trips.

For residents of the Perm Territory, ski tourism is relevant - the snow lies for half a year, the mountains are nearby, so it is not surprising that from year to year, with the first snow, the ski bases of the Perm Territory are filled with skiers. Ski tourism is very extensive: it includes one-day walks on ready-made ski tracks in the park or in the forest, and multi-day autonomous ski trips. There are no ski slopes in Solikamsk, snowmobile rental is not provided, but if you wish, ordinary skis will give you an unforgettable pleasure.

The main problem that has developed today and hinders the intensive development of the tourism sector is the lack of implemented interdepartmental mechanisms for the formation and promotion of active types of tourism.

List of used literature

Kapilevich L.V., Karvunis Yu.A. Recreational, health-improving and sightseeing potential of urban cycling// Bulletin of Tomsk state university. - 2013. - No. 370. - S. 140-143.

Keshchyan V.G., Kugusheva A.N. Analysis of the problems hindering the development of active tourism in Russia // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 29-36.

Korostelev E.M. Ecological tourism as a factor of regional development// Russian magazine ecotourism. - 2013. - No. 5. - S. 3-9.

Kostryukova O.N. Strategic management development of tourism in the region: problems of formation of theory and practice// Economics and management. - 2011. - No. 10. - S. 55-58.

Kugusheva A.N. Theoretical aspects of active tourism // Service in Russia and abroad. - 2012. - T. 35. - No. 8. - S. 43-52.

Raskovalov V.P. Resource potential of active tourism in the Perm region // In the collection: Geography and tourism Collection of scientific papers. federal state budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Perm State National research university". Perm, 2011. - S. 110-123.

The Vishera River [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">Koiva River [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">Usva River [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: # "justify"> Romanov A. A. Geography of tourism: textbook. allowance / A. A. Romanov, R. G. Saakyants. - M.: Sov. sport, 2002. - 464 p.

Sports tourism [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (accessed 05.06.2014)

Starostenko K.V. Development of active tourism in Russia: problems and prospects// Srednerusskiy vestnik obshchestvennykh nauk. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 183-186.

Official website of the travel agency "Green Wind" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (accessed 06/05/2014)

Official tourist site of the Perm Karai [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Official site of the tourist club "Ural trails". - Access mode:

On March 10-11, 2016, one of the most significant events in the tourism sector of the Perm Territory, the International Forum on Active Tourism, will launch its work.

The forum is held in conjunction with the annual specialized tourist exhibition “Hunter and Fisherman. Active Tourism” at the exhibition center “Permskaya Yarmarka”, in order to consolidate the efforts of the tourism industry, government, professional tourism and academic community to exchange experiences and develop effective innovative solutions in the field of active tourism development, popularization of outdoor activities.

More than 300 Russian and foreign delegates are expected to interact within the framework of the forum. These are representatives of tourism industry facilities, business representatives, authorities, investors, active tourism experts, travel bloggers, journalists and many others who are interested in promoting this tourism sector.

The first International Tourism Forum “Prospects for the Development of Active Tourism in Russia and the World”, held in August 2015, was highly appreciated not only by Russian, but also by foreign experts. The results of the forum showed the high interest of domestic tourism market participants in holding such events.

This year, within the framework of the plenary session and round tables, it is planned to discuss the main directions for the development of active tourism in Russia and the world, the creation and promotion of a competitive tourism product in the field of active tourism, as well as the improvement of the personnel training system.

Experts will discuss and propose solutions to such important issues as the possibility of developing active tourism for people with disabilities, the development of hunting and fishing tourism in Russia, the problems of organizing the upbringing and rehabilitation of children and adolescents through active tourism, the creation of tourist clubs, the experience of tourism veterans, promotion regional tourism products at the federal level and many others.

At the end of the first day, on the talk show "Po-garlic" participants will have the opportunity to witness real battles on the issue of "Self-tourism: Pros and Cons".

The second day of the forum will traditionally be held in an active format on natural objects the edges. The forum participants will go to the Lunezhskiye Gory natural monument, where the Polazna ski complex of the Central Administrative District is located. There will be a discussion panel on the development of ski and snowmobile tourism: organization, development, the main trends of the modern market, compliance with national standards.

Today in Russia and in the world, as a rule, active types of tourism are associated with overcoming routes on foot, on skis, along mountain routes or using non-traditional means of transportation for tourists (rafts, boats, riding animals, etc.).

Recently, for the majority of our compatriots, loners who traveled around their native country were engaged in such an extreme type of recreation. Now the boundaries of the tourism business have expanded, special companies are being created and operating in this service market that offer various travel options both around the region where we live and foreign tours.

As for the implementation of travel across the territory of Russia, here, despite the apparent problems, the choice is quite wide. First of all, these are hiking trails across terrain with rough terrain, overcoming mountain passes, water tourism using improvised means, rafting on mountain and fast rivers, routes in the foothills of the Caucasus, the Ural Mountains, Sayan Mountains and much more.

The main purpose of active tourism is not to conquer sports peaks, not to achieve outstanding results, but, above all, the desire to test yourself in conditions that are very different from ordinary ones, in which you need to study yourself, your strength, endurance and ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Cycling tourism is travel on road, sports and mountain (mountain bike) bikes on the plain, ravines, sands, mountain trails. Compared to hiking, cycling has the following advantages: higher speed of movement and low fatigue, more opportunities when choosing a route with almost any terrain and any roads. This is one of the most environmentally friendly and healthy types of outdoor activities Kapilevich L.V., Karvunis Yu.A. Recreational and health-improving and excursion potential of urban cycling// Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. - 2013. - No. 370. - S. 140-143 ..

Cycling tourism as an active recreation consists in cycling routes containing general tourist and cycling tourism-specific sightseeing objects. The difficulty of these hikes can range from easy to extremely difficult, routes are laid out in such a way as to take advantage of the advantages that a bicycle provides for fast travel along the route.

Cyclists are a large community of people around the world who prefer to make long and short tourist trips on bicycles. This way of traveling is still considered specific, not suitable for everyone. Indeed, when traveling by bicycle, a person first of all refuses comfort when moving from place to place, exposes himself to serious physical exertion, and may encounter situations that are not familiar to an ordinary tourist.

Currently, the development of cycling tourism in Russia has two directions: multi-day trips on a predominantly geographical basis or geographical and historical route and as a way to organize a weekend weekend, resulting in the so-called "weekend tours", which are trips to the surrounding countryside or to a suburban attraction. Each direction is further subdivided into subspecies: ecological, religious, sightseeing, sports, civilized, etc.

Winter extreme sports are perhaps the most popular due to their availability and the development of tourism in suitable regions. Alpine skiing and snowboarding are mastered by people of almost any age and physical training. The number of ski resorts is also explained by the popularity of these extreme sports. The most developed and mastered ski resorts include not only domestic regions and neighboring countries, but also Alpine ski resorts, especially since European tourist regions offer a high level of service and comfort for their tourists.

In the tourist zoning system of the world, Austria is classified as the Alpine tourist region of the Western European zone of the European Region, since most of the country's territory is covered by the Alps. Austria is a country of traditional winter tourism. Along with Switzerland, this country is a kind of ski tourism Mecca for tourists. According to surveys, Austria attracts tourists with its magnificent landscapes, beautiful nature, climate (clean air). Other criteria that influence the choice of tourists are a good image of the country, previous positive experience, a variety of recreational opportunities, value for money, as well as well-developed ski slopes.

An important factor in the development of tourism in Austria is geographical position countries. Being in the center of the intersection of the main aviation, railway and highways, Austria has become an important transit center of Europe. Successful location in the center of Europe favorably distinguishes this country from other European countries and makes it accessible for transport and attractive to numerous foreign tourists. The landscape features of Austria provide local and foreign tourists with ample opportunities for recreation, since certain types of extreme tourism require certain natural conditions.

For example, for skiing - the presence of elevated areas with significant excesses of the relief, which occupy a small space. More than 70% of the territory of Austria is covered by the Eastern Alps and their foothills, which are wider and lower than the Swiss, and therefore more accessible for recreational use. It also attracts a large number of picturesque alpine meadows and forests, which attract significant flows of tourists. In the mountains there are various manifestations of karst with stalactite and stalagmite caves, ice flows, underground lakes and streams, which are the basis for the development of speleological tourism.

The snow line lies at an altitude of 2500-2800 m, so the development of ski tourism is possible in some high-mountain areas in winter period Romanov A. A. Geography of tourism: textbook. allowance / A. A. Romanov, R. G. Saakyants. - M.: Sov. sport, 2002. - 464 p.

Intermountain depressions with less pronounced natural boundaries are also attractive for tourists. altitudinal zonality. Available natural conditions, well developed transport routes, as well as a sufficient material and technical base of tourism - all this contributes to the constantly high interest of tourists in this country.

Switzerland is also a mountainous country. The concept of Switzerland and the mountains are inseparable from each other. About 2/3 of the country's area is occupied by mountains. Almost all the highest massifs of Foreign Europe are located on its territory. Most of Switzerland lies in the Alps.

Switzerland in the traditional view of a tourist is a country of healing waters, clean air and winter resorts. July and August Switzerland are ideal for those who do not like the Mediterranean heat and prefer winter activities.

The following areas of international tourism in Switzerland can be distinguished: skiing, group tours, individual tours, "event" tourism, tourism for schoolchildren and youth and health programs.

The best ski centers in the country are distinguished primarily by huge - more than 200 and even 300 km slopes - skiing areas, high-altitude placement of tracks (up to 4000 m), which allow the season to continue until summer, convenient transfers - no more than 2 hours to any resort. active tourism extreme

In addition, extreme types of tourism are developing all over the world. Let us consider in more detail the types of extreme tourism according to the method of movement and type of terrain (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Varieties of tourism of extreme tourism according to the method of movement and type of terrain

So, as a result of the study, we can conclude that the types of active tourism are very diverse.

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