Position regarding the main lines of communication of transport routes. The concept of geopolitical position

Health 08.07.2019

2.2. Position regarding transport routes

The task of the federal level is the need for intensive use of the potential of the Eurasian position of Russia, turning it into an economic resource - one of the significant sources of revenue for the budgets of both the Federation and the regions, economic entities working in the field of transport and related areas of the economy.

With the collapse of the USSR, independent states, including the CIS. The possibilities of Russia's independent access to the main trade routes were sharply limited, especially through the Baltic and Black Seas, which affected the deterioration of the geopolitical situation, for example, Russia's separation from the Baltic countries with its large ports. In the Baltic, the Russian Federation has only one large port left - St. Petersburg, while Vyborg and Kaliningrad are small ports in terms of capacity. Today St. Petersburg is a port of international importance. It is provided by a system of internal transport routes that fan out from St. Petersburg. A similar situation has developed in the Black Sea-Azov basin. Novorossiysk and Tuapse are 2 ports through which oil cargoes are exported and grain is imported. But here Russia does not have berths for loading piece cargo and containers. In addition, Russia does not have coastal areas in the northwest and south suitable for the construction of ports without limiting costs. In this regard, the question of the high efficiency of the use of the ports of the inland seas: Azov, Black, Caspian (ports of Taganrog, Astrakhan, Novorossiysk). The current situation limits maritime communications with Western countries through the Baltic and Black Sea. But, at the same time, the importance of the northern ports is increasing. The northern exit is associated with risky high-latitude navigation. However, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the ports in the north. Navigation along the Northern Sea Route is carried out within 4 months. It connects the Far Eastern and European ports, as well as the mouths of the navigable rivers of Siberia. With the almost complete absence of other transport routes in northern Siberia for the use of the rich natural resources these areas and their economic development, the role of the Northern Sea Route will invariably increase. On the Far East Russia not only inherited problems from the USSR, but also acquired new ones. The advantage of the geographical position of the Far East is very poorly realized - its wide outlets to the seas Pacific Ocean. There are more than 40 states in the Asia-Pacific region, so it is necessary to use the port of Vladivostok (the Vostochny port has become open). At this stage, the Kaliningrad port is being reconstructed. The Baltic ports are poorly used, hence the Baltic countries do not receive any income.

The economic, geographical and geopolitical problems of Russia are associated with the operation of not only seaports, but also railway transport in the west and throughput railways in the east. Interesting projects are being developed for transit links through the USA and Japan to Western Europe with the help of railroads, aviation and even sea routes. There were 25 railway crossings on the western borders of the USSR, while Russia has only three: with Finland; from the Kaliningrad region to Poland and further to Brest - 620 km through the territory of Belarus; and a path of 833 km from St. Petersburg to Grodno for 2/3 passing through the territory of the 3 Baltic States. In the west of Russia, a lot of transport, road and gas pipeline problems have arisen. Transportation on these highways coming from Russia is expensive, since Russia is forced to pay for all transportation. About 70% of foreign trade is with European countries and 50% with EU countries. Sea routes lead to them through the Baltic Sea and land routes through the borders to the south and north of the Baltic. Despite all the difficulties, Russia, actively using the benefits of its geographical position, is pursuing a new policy. It entered the top ten of the Baltic states by signing an agreement on economic and cultural cooperation. A similar agreement has been signed with the Black Sea states.

One of the most common ways to realize the potential of the economic-geographical and Eurasian geopolitical position of Russia on the scale of the world economic system is the formation of international, especially transcontinental, transport corridors. The criterion for the rationality of using such a specific resource is usually competitiveness, economic return in its broadest sense (for example, creating conditions for the development of new resource bases or solving social problems). economic development subjects of the Federation), National security and political significance of Russia in the world community.

The transport systems of the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet period are in a permanent reorganization, combining the search for new methods of management and strengthening the legislative and regulatory framework. Transport reorganization projects have little connection both with each other and with the prospects for the development of other areas of the regional economy. For example, with the choice of possible ways of developing oil and gas resources of the mainland of the Timan-Pechora province and the shelf of the Barents Sea, the implementation of the Northern Gate project and the organization of transport links in the Norilsk-Turukhansk region (Krasnoyarsk North), the prospects for solving the problem of maintaining the western sector of the Northern Sea routes (icebreaking and transport fleet, extended navigation mode, etc.) - the first stage of the revival of the Northern Sea Route. During the years of reforms, the volume, composition of cargo and the conditions for organizing the transport process have fundamentally changed. The scale of transportation decreased from 6.6 million tons (1987) to 1.5 million tons (1998, 1999). The Norilsk plant stopped exporting ore to the enterprises of the Murmansk region and switched to using direct ship flights between the port of Dudinka and the ports of Europe (for example, 29 out of 52 ships in 1999), the export of timber from Igarka practically stopped, the volume of “northern delivery ". Only the intensive use of the cargo-generating potential of the areas gravitating towards the coast of the Barents and Kara Seas can ensure the operation of nuclear icebreakers, necessitate the renewal of the cargo fleet and the preservation of the extended navigation regime. The key to this is the change in the geography of oil and gas production in Russia and the transition to the widespread use of the marine fleet to export hydrocarbons to the world market. The implementation of the Norilsk complex development concept will cause a significant flow of new equipment, which will be delivered by sea. This will allow not only to restore the traditional route of the NSR, but also to prepare for the next stage in solving the strategic task - the development of the High-Latitude Route and the formation of the Arctic transport corridor between the northern seas of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

activities) or the formation of “zones of interest”, as a rule, in adjacent regions. 1.1 Changes in the economic and geographical nature after the collapse of the USSR. With the end of the period cold war“Attention to assessing the significance of the potential, first of the economic-geographical, and then of the geopolitical position of Russia, has increased. Important milestones in reflecting this process were the creation of the Trans-Siberian...

The already existing potential of economic ties with developing countries needs a scientifically based strategic line, supported by concrete practical steps for its implementation. IV. Economic and geographical characteristics of the economic regions of Russia Russia is the largest region in all of Eurasia and the only federation within the CIS, therefore, a regional analysis of its ...

... ". The former international organizations of the SEP and the Warsaw Pact have collapsed, and new ones have not been created. The Baltic countries, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic are on the verge of joining NATO. 3. Transport and geographical position of Russia. The geographical features of economic ties are determined by transport opportunities. Before the collapse of the USSR, we had four main outlets to the world ocean: the Baltic, the Pacific, ...

Centers and historical centers of the population. EGP change in time. Using the example of London, one can see that in the historical process the significance of individual moments that affect the economic and geographical position changes very strongly. This circumstance is very great importance. The economic-geographical position, like other moments of the economic-geographical order, must ...

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  • Consider the concept international conflicts, the reasons for their appearance, the division of international conflicts.
  • Consider the causes of international conflicts, their positive and negative sides.
  • Consider the classification of conflicts in the modern world.
  • The concept of the political and geographical position of the country.

Equipment: computer, interactive board, political map of the world, atlases.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Learning new material.

Slide 3. Consider the concept of international conflict.

An international conflict is a kind of international relations that various states enter into on the basis of conflicting interests.

International conflict is special, not routine political attitude, since it means both objectively and subjectively the resolution of heterogeneous specific contradictions and the problem they generate in a conflict form and, in the course of its development, can give rise to international crises and the armed struggle of states.

Causes of international conflicts

  • state competition;
  • mismatch national interests;
  • territorial claims;
  • social injustice on a global scale;
  • uneven distribution of natural resources in the world;
  • negative perception of each other by the parties;
  • personal incompatibility of leaders, etc.

slide 5, positive and negative functions international conflicts.


  • preventing stagnation in international relations;
  • stimulation of creative principles in search of ways out of difficult situations;
  • determining the degree of mismatch between the interests and goals of states;
  • preventing larger conflicts and ensuring stability by institutionalizing low-intensity conflicts.


  • cause disorder, instability and violence;
  • increase the stressful state of the psyche of the population in the participating countries;
  • give rise to the possibility of ineffective political decisions.

Slide 6 Many political scientists have tried to define the conflict

K. Wright in the mid-60s defined the conflict and identified four stages: “Conflict is a certain relationship between states that can exist at all levels, to various degrees.

Broadly speaking, conflict can be divided into four stages:

1. awareness of incompatibility;

2. increasing tension;

3. pressure without application military force to resolve incompatibilities;

4. military intervention or war to impose a solution.

Slide 7. The classification of conflicts is carried out for various reasons and they are distinguished depending on:

  • from the number of participants- bilateral and multilateral, interstate and intrastate
  • from geographical distribution- local, regional and global,
  • from flow time- short term and long term
  • on the nature of the funds used- armed and unarmed,
  • from reasons- territorial, economic, ethnic, religious, etc.
  • possible settlement conflicts - conflicts with opposing interests, in which the gain of one side is accompanied by the loss of the other (bullet sum conflicts), and conflicts in which there is the possibility of compromises (non-zero sum conflicts).

Slide 8: The subjects of ethnic conflicts

  • Ethnic groups separated by certain differences and contradictions
  • National communities indigenous peoples
  • National minorities

Slide 9: Causes of ethnic conflicts

  • Economic determinism (N. Hachter, T. Neyer)
  • Territorial-graphic
  • Political
  • Psychological nature

Slide 10: Stages of development of conflicts

  • Stage 1 - hidden (the emergence of a conflict)
  • Stage 2 - open
  • Stage 3 - escalation (redistribution of power, territorial claims)
  • Stage 4 - post-conflict

Slides 11, 12, Conflict Resolution

  • Evasion
  • fixture
  • Confrontation
  • Cooperation
  • Compromise
  • negotiation processes;
  • mediation procedures;
  • Arbitration;
  • Reducing and stopping the supply of weapons to the parties to the conflict;
  • Organization of free elections.
  • The principle of separating the interests of the parties.
  • The principle of mutual concessions
  • The principle of "bracketing"
  • The principle of de-escalation, which consists in the promotion and implementation of peace initiatives by one of the parties to the conflict
  • The principle of inviolability of the borders of the participating states.

Cooperation and mutual understanding between nations is a great achievement of the peoples of each country, which must be preserved and strengthened at all costs.

Slide 13. The most large-scale conflicts of recent decades, the impact of which goes far beyond the local framework, are conflicts that arose on a religious basis.

  • Conflicts caused Islamic fundamentalism , turned into political movement and using religious dogmas to establish an "Islamic order" throughout the world. A long-term war with the “infidels” is being waged in all corners of the planet with wide application terrorist methods (Algeria, Afghanistan, Indonesia, United States, Chechnya, etc.).
  • Interfaith conflicts in Africa . The war in Sudan, which claimed the lives of 2 million people and forced 600 thousand to become refugees, was caused primarily by the confrontation between the authorities, who expressed the interests of the Muslim part of the population (70%), and the opposition, oriented towards pagans (25%) and Christians (5% ). Religious and ethnic conflict between Christians, Muslims and pagans in the largest country on the continent - Nigeria.
  • War in the Holy Land, in which the main object of the dispute (Jerusalem) has great value not only for the direct participants in the conflict - Muslims and Jews, but also for Christians.
  • Conflict between Hindus and Islamists which has arisen since the division of India into the Indian Union and Pakistan in 1947 and conceals the threat of a clash between the two nuclear powers.
  • Confrontation between Serbs and Croats on a religious basis, which played a tragic role in the fate of Yugoslavia.
  • Mutual extermination on ethno-religious grounds Serbs and Albanians living in Kosovo.
  • Struggle per religious and political autonomy for Tibet , which began with the annexation of this territory, which was then independent, to China in 1951, and led to the death of 1.5 million people.
  • The conflict does not imply confrontation on absolutely all issues. This is his very important distinguishing feature. By virtue of this, the opposing parties in the conflict can realize themselves not only as rivals, but also as partners dependent on each other. This feeling allows the parties to the conflict to realize the importance and usefulness of constructive bilateral measures aimed at blocking the mechanisms of escalation of conflict relations.
  • The war, if it has begun, is a process that has gotten out of control. The only way to control this process is the most effective (in relation to the enemy) use of one's military force in order to destroy the enemy or impose certain conditions and requirements on him. But even this means is very unreliable, because the opposing sides in the war tend to act to the maximum. This desire, in turn, initiates the action of escalation forces, which gradually reduce (and often completely eliminate) any restriction in the use of military forces and means. Thus, the relative manageability of the conflict relations of the participants in a military clash, it seems, can be a stable feature in identifying a military conflict.

Slides 15. Political and geographical position means the position of a certain country, region, locality in relation to other regions pursuing a peace-loving policy, or to centers of international tension, international alliances, to areas of regional conflicts, to military bases.


  • General information about the country's political orientation towards present stage: participation of the country in political, military - political and economic organizations.
  • Economic and political assessment of state borders

A) the level of economic development of neighboring countries

B) belonging of neighboring countries to political blocs.

  • Position regarding the main lines of communications (transport routes)
  • The situation with regard to the closest centers of international and internal conflicts - the "hot spots" of the planet.

A) direct or indirect attitude of the country to regional conflicts

B) military-strategic potential and the presence of military bases abroad

C) the position of the government of the country in matters of international detente, disarmament

  • General assessment of the country's political situation.
  • Conclusion about the possibility of changing the political and geographical position of the country.

Students are asked to complete assignments on the topic.

4. Homework: put modern international conflicts on the contour map (sign the countries participating in the conflicts)

International communications have their own, and very specific character. Mismatch of customs, customs, culture in general, differences in economy, religion, lifestyle - all this creates its own, very specific barriers to decoding incoming information. Messenger specialist sending a message to representatives different peoples and civilizations, must in each case encode it specifically for each of them. The same message sent to different recipients will most likely not be accepted. Some will understand it and some won't.

The "picture of the world" is different for all peoples, even the concepts of good and evil are different, which is why in the sphere international communications requires special professionalism, tact and endurance. There is also the problem of uneven exchange in the transfer of information between different regions planets in a north-south direction.

The South is exotic, tourism, terrorists, hunger, illiteracy, catastrophes, diseases. The North is the development of the industry, high standards of life, human character, its capabilities, and all incidents are presented by the media as something extraordinary. There is a so-called crisis asymmetry, which is why most people perceive the South as a place for extreme tourism, while the North is the "promised land", where one must strive at any cost.

The PR specialist should be particularly well versed in all the intricacies of this type of communication. Firstly, as a potential employee of a joint venture, and secondly, like any other modern man, which, by chance or of its own free will, may be in the most amazing corners our planet.

Public Relations in a multicultural environment.
The modern business environment is characterized by the growing cultural diversity of its participants. Everything more companies and organizations from far and near abroad carry out their activities in Russia. Successful implementation of SR activities in a multicultural environment, both in Russia and abroad, requires knowledge and use of the specifics of regional business cultures, features of business communications in the main regions of the world.

Factors of actualization of multinational business communications.

Multinational business communications are becoming an increasingly important area in the business environment. The growing attention to this area is due to a number of factors:
1. The globalization of business (i.e., the acquisition of global scale by business), which began in the 1970s and accelerated sharply in the 1980s. Global, international and foreign companies are increasing their role in the world economy by expanding operations in host countries. Today there are more than 38,000 transnational corporations whose sales volume in the host countries exceeds world exports. According to one of the authors of the book Emerging Global Ethics, in the two decades since 1970, the total volume of world exports has increased 9 times, and foreign direct investment in the world - 15 times. The multiple growth of foreign operations means growing employment in foreign and joint ventures, which are a multicultural multi-national environment. Therefore, the top management of global companies is increasing its influence on the fate of the world, transforming the cultural and communication business environment.
2. The destruction of the communist camp in the USSR and Eastern Europe, the fall of the iron curtain in Russia and the growing involvement of Russian business, socio-political, academic, artistic and cultural circles in international exchange resources.
3. Growth of interdependence of various regions of the world from each other in the conditions of uneven distribution of natural, industrial, technological, and intellectual resources.
4. Reducing the space and time of communications based on instantaneous electronic information transfer technologies, the development of the Internet and its resources, telefax and video communications.

Technical and technological aspects of international business communications are often associated with cultural aspects. Cultural issues often serve as a more serious obstacle to the success of international communications than technological or financial ones.

Levels of business culture: national, regional, global.
It is known that according to the criterion of boundaries, or the scale of operations, a business can be identified as:
national (conducted within the borders of one country, for example, in Russia),
regional (conducted on the scale of the world region - Western European, Asia-Pacific),
global (the business is headquartered in several regions of the world at the same time - IBM, Procter & Gamble, McDonald's, Mazda).

Global companies - today's world market leaders - can rightfully be considered the creators of a global business culture and global business ethics that synthesize the most competitive features of regional and national business cultures.

With the globalization of the business environment, national and regional business cultures are evolving towards a global business culture. The audiences of business circles, employees, consumers, the general public in many countries are gradually becoming more and more similar. Therefore, JI activities tend to be unified in the context of the globalization of commodity, labor and capital markets.

Cultural differences: criteria, content and their significance in CO.

Description and evaluation of cultural differences can be carried out using structural models. Thus, the model of business culture can be represented in a matrix form that connects two areas: cultural-psychological, or psychographic (values, judgments, behavioral norms) and environmental-objective (elements of different levels of the environment - micro-, meso- and macroenvironments). The cells of the matrix contain values ​​(codes of values) of specific objects of the environment at the value, judgmental and behavioral levels. Estimates determine the priorities and content of statements specific to a particular business culture.

Values ​​are objects, entities, considered as valuable and significant. Social status, money, family, education, religion, health, freedom can be considered as personal, vital values ​​and be competitive. Competitiveness of values ​​means their ranking in importance, or a different level of priority for an individual or group. For example, health and freedom do not have the same priorities in different national business cultures. Values ​​are the fundamental and most stable, deep and stable component that determines human behavior, since it is the result of his long-term personal socialization. At the value level, the most stable determinants of behavior are formed, and it is values ​​that are most difficult to change. In an age of global interdependence in the absence of consensus, there is an urgent need for shared values ​​on a global scale. The formation of shared values ​​is the most complex and qualified component of SR activities in a multicultural environment.

Judgments or beliefs reveal people's attitudes to various objects in the environment and also predetermine specific behavior. Judgments on the same object of representatives of different cultures can differ significantly.

Behavioral norms are models of actions or actions that are typical in a particular situation. So, for example, in the same situation (preparation for the conclusion of an agreement, a conflict or a solemn event), American and Japanese businessmen often behave differently. It is important that a tactical business agreement on specific actions can be reached on the basis of common interests, harmonizing the behavior of the parties, and without sharing values. However, strategically oriented cooperation is more likely to succeed if partners share not only behavioral norms, but also value judgments.

For example, individualism in the East is often seen as a threat to society. As a result, Japan appears as a nation where the individual is not an independent unit, but a function of a group and corporate affiliation.

Collectivism and group orientation - both in everyday life and in business area- originally inherent in culture. A person first of all here identifies himself with a group, and least of all as an individual, a person. Promoting individual interests in the Japanese business environment is impolite and bordering on obscene. Thus, the high quality of Japanese video equipment is known all over the world, while the names of the Japanese (scientists, inventors, business leaders) who provided Japan with technological leadership are practically unknown to the world community. Collectivism in Eastern culture has been elevated to an absolute - to open kindred protectionism, clannishness and nepotism.

Employed in a Japanese company - a kind of clan - is obliged to remain faithful to the values ​​​​and the vertical system of relations in the clan. This system is expressed in the subordination of the lower and benevolence of the higher. Power in the clan rests not on the disposal of resources, not on charm and charisma, but on the nature of the Japanese order of things. Americans are literally shocked by the abuse and rudeness that Japanese managers allow themselves in relation to their subordinates. For the Japanese, this is an immutable order of things, a manifestation of the power of a superior over a subordinate.

Americans are used to calling each other by their first names. It is believed that this simplifies communication. At the same time, the difference in age and status can be significant. Yes, and in English there are no two pronouns - "you" and "you", but there is only one. In Eastern business culture, when addressing another, it is often necessary to list all the names and titles of the interlocutor. In fact, this reinforces the hierarchy of relations, emphasizes the relationship of subordination. A similar role - emphasizing the hierarchy - from the point of view of American researchers, is played by the rules of conduct employed in a number of Japanese companies. Among them - a ban on chewing gum; women - to wear bangs to the eyes, and men - double-breasted jackets. In general, Japanese society, with its thousand-year imperial history, is organized strictly vertically. Age and seniority have traditionally been rewarded here more often than qualifications. It was not customary for a young employee to be promoted up the career ladder before an older one, albeit a less qualified one. Today, the lifetime employment system in Japan is a thing of the past. Back in the early 1990s, A. Morito, the president of Sony, noted that corporate Japan should move away from the past slogan "hard work and high quality for the prosperity of Japan in the world market" and put forward as the slogan "individual enrichment as an incentive for high results". He noted that corporate Japan could remain isolated in the global business environment if it did not change its corporate culture in the direction of Western guidelines. Young Japanese businessmen are more committed to international standards of business culture than the older generation. All this should be taken into account in JI activities involving Japanese partners.

The decisiveness of the American is manifested in the willingness to make decisions in negotiations (and not before or after, like the Japanese). The Japanese, on the other hand, come to negotiations in a group with a ready-made solution. The members of the Japanese group agree on their position among themselves before the start of negotiations and do not change it during the negotiation process itself. The decision cannot be changed by them because they have already made it. In order to change their position, the Japanese need to gather again in their own circle and agree on a new version with each other, which only after that is again submitted for negotiations with the opposite side. A long handshake is considered normal.

Decisiveness in Western culture also manifests itself in the willingness to compromise in the interests of the cause. Compromise in Western culture is evidence of goodwill, desire and an effective desire to solve a problem. In Eastern culture, compromise has a rather negative connotation. To compromise here means to show a weakness of character, an inability to hold the boundaries of one's position. Coming to a compromise, a representative of Eastern culture "loses face". Self-confidence is also a characteristic feature of American culture. We can say that the United States is a country of self-confident people who have self-confidence in their blood and are brought up from the cradle. World Leadership The USA in economy, politics, culture rests on self-confident people, motivated by individual achievements. However, self-confidence here is not superiority over others, but superiority over circumstances, difficulties, over one's own weaknesses. "No problem!" - no problem! is a common American phrase. The handshake is short and energetic.

The behavior of Americans often looks unceremonious, they are people without complexes. The American is not embarrassed by the fact that he is not like others. The human right to be different is recognized by American culture. Here it is believed that diversity and originality are the source of new ideas, innovations, and therefore the progress and prosperity of society.

Straightforwardness in Western and especially American culture seems to the Japanese to be defiantly impolite, almost arrogant. If the Americans, without embarrassment, refuse an uninteresting offer, then in Japan there is no word "no". The Japanese consider him impolite and in every possible way evade a direct refusal, although it is he who is meant in practice, according to partners. Even Russians find this behavior disingenuous. And for the Japanese, the sincerity of a person is the desire of a person to maintain the "harmony" of relations, that is, not to violate the harmony, comfort, favor and tranquility of others. In general, the speech of representatives of Eastern culture should be understood not so much literally as allegorically.

Another point of difference between Japanese and American cultures is the interpretation of the word "company". For American managers, this is a convenient tool for serving the interests of owners. Therefore, American managers often seek to increase dividend payments, thus increasing personal income as quickly as possible. For the Japanese, a company is a community of people with a common destiny in which they spend 20 to 30 years and where the bonds between them create mutual obligations. At the best Japanese companies, workers are rewarded for loyalty in the form of pay, recognition, and career development.

The Japanese view economic life more as a process than as an achieved result. More specifically, a Japanese company produces products while an American firm produces profits. The Japanese are sometimes stronger in production than in marketing, and the reason is that the ongoing organizational life of a factory is often a more necessary goal than selling products. Management for a Japanese company is the benevolent use of power to ensure order and harmony. Japanese governors may sometimes abuse power, but its main function is to create socially sanctioned control and public welfare.

The American managerial elite sees work as an inconvenience, the company as a wealth-generating machine for owners, management as a stimulus-response process and the worker as a purposeful appendage, failure as an incentive to competitiveness, and the group as a barrier to functional performance. economic exchange in the labor market. If the busy man is fanatically loyal to the group against his own individual interests, the effectiveness of the market mechanism is supposed to be destroyed.

Japanese group identity is based on shared behaviors and tasks, but not on shared cultural values ​​or group loyalty. When a Japanese worker is out of sight of his group, his loyalty to the group decreases, as does the group to him. Therefore, Japanese managers do not like to be assigned to foreign and joint ventures, and even to temporary internal corporate projects. They don't worry about having to be loyal to two groups at the same time. Rather, they are worried that they will not be favorably accepted back into their old groups if they are absent from them for an extended period of time.

Knowledge of the main cultural differences of partners, the causes and factors of their behavior, softens culture shock, prevents conflicts and contributes to the success of business communications in a multicultural environment. SR methods in a multicultural environment should take into account the specifics of the values, attitudes and norms of behavior of the audience. Successful outreach to a multicultural community requires taking into account the motivation of the audience, the use of national consultants, and pre-testing of messages in control groups.

Russia is considered the largest state in the world. Cape Chelyuskin is the northern mainland point ( peninsula Taimyr), island - m. Fligeli (Rudolf Island). The extreme western section is considered to be on the Sandy Spit near Kaliningrad (in the Baltic Sea), the eastern one is Cape Dezhnev (Chukotka).

Territory specifics

The length of the borders has a significant impact on the economic and transport-geographical position of Russia. Almost the entire territory of the state is located in the Eastern Hemisphere. The large length of the country causes a time difference of 10 hours. In sparsely populated areas and on the seas, the boundaries of time zones pass along the meridians. In densely populated areas, they coincide with the administrative boundaries of the subjects. The total length of the Russian border is 60,000 km. Of these, 40 thousand km are considered marine. They pass 22.7 km from the coastline. The borders of the economic maritime zone of the country are located 370 km from the mainland and the islands. Within its limits, navigation is allowed to any country. Extraction of natural water resources and subsoil is produced exclusively by the Russian Federation.

northern borders

They pass through the waters of the seas of the Arctic Ocean: the Barents, Kara, East Siberian, Laptev Seas. All but the first are covered with drifting ice throughout the year. In this regard, the transportation of goods through them is significantly difficult. The Russian sector of the Arctic is located within the Arctic Ocean. All of its islands belong to the Russian Federation, with the exception of a few from the Svalbard archipelago.

West and East

The eastern borders are drawn along the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Bering, and the Sea of ​​Japan. Sakhalin Island is separated from about. Hokkaido The Sea of ​​Japan does not freeze, which provides transport links with the nearest neighbors. By the waters of the Baltic Sea, the Russian Federation connects with Germany, the Baltic countries, Poland, and Sweden. The northern part of the water area freezes in some areas, but not in others. The Baltic Sea provides transport links with many Western European states. In the southwest, the sea border runs along the waters of the Black and Azov Seas. Short lines also run along the Caspian Sea.

Transport and geographical position of Russia (Grade 9)

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country had 4 main outlets to the oceans:

  1. Black Sea.
  2. Severomorsky.
  3. Pacific.
  4. Baltic.

After the collapse of the USSR, independent states were formed, the CIS was created. The transport and geographical position of Russia has changed significantly. In short, the collapse of the Union significantly limited the country's ability to independently enter the main trade routes. This is especially noted in the area of ​​the Black and Baltic Seas. This, in turn, affected the geopolitical situation.


The transport and geographical position of Russia today is rather complicated. The country has become virtually torn off from the Baltic states. St. Petersburg is today a major international port in the west. It is provided by the network internal ways, which fan out in different directions from it. Kaliningrad and are characterized by less power and workload. There are also a number of problems in the Black Sea-Azov basin. There are two ports in this area - Tuapse and Novorossiysk. Through them oil is exported and grain is imported. But in these ports there are no berths for loading piece goods and containers. The transport and geographical position of Russia is also complicated by the fact that in the south and northwest there are no coastal areas suitable for the construction of port berths without limiting costs.

northern path

The current transport and geographical position of Russia significantly limits maritime communications with the states of the West through the Black and Baltic Sea. At the same time, the role of northern ports is increasing. This path is associated with high-latitude rather risky navigation. Nevertheless, the issue of increasing the capacity of the northern ports is currently quite acute. The transformation of this route into a major highway took decades. So, in 1932, the icebreaker "Sibiryakov" passed from Murmansk to and in 1935 - to Vladivostok without wintering. Regular sailing began in 1937. It took the ships about a month to overcome the distances. Shipping along the northern route takes 4 months. This highway connects the Far Eastern and European ports, the mouths of the Siberian rivers. It should be noted that there are practically no other transport routes in the Siberian region. In this regard, the importance of the northern highway will only increase.

Far East

Changes since the times of the USSR, which, upon detailed examination of each region, become obvious, make the government reorient its efforts towards the development of remote areas. This, in particular, is due to the weak development of the Far East direction. And this region has its advantages. One of the most important advantages of the Far East is the availability of access to the Pacific Ocean. If we develop this direction, we can significantly improve the transport and geographical position of Russia. The pros and cons of the current situation in the Far East are determined not only by internal, but also by external factors. So, there are still claims from Japan about the islands.


Manifested not only in the development of sea routes. The existing difficulties today are also connected with the operation of railway transport. Examples of the transport and geographical position of Russia in the Soviet and present clearly testify to this. So, during the years of the USSR, 25 railway crossings were concentrated on the western borders. Today RF has only 3:

  1. From the Kaliningrad region to Poland and to Brest.
  2. With Finland.
  3. From St. Petersburg to Grodno.

The disadvantages of the transport and geographical position of Russia are also obvious in the field of road transport. Moving on highways is quite expensive for the country. Today, there is a significant limitation of the capabilities of railways and roads, as well as sea and river ports.

EGP and the transport and geographical position of Russia

To determine the place that the country occupies in comparison with other states, its position is analyzed relative to large economic, cultural centers. According to these indicators, an assessment of the transport and geographical position of Russia is carried out. The analysis uses different scales:

  1. Macro level. It characterizes the country's position on a global scale in relation to the continents, key centers of international economics and politics, and transport routes.
  2. Mesolevel. It characterizes the country in relation to the groups of states that form the historical regions (APR, South Asia).
  3. Microlevel. On this scale, the transport and geographical position of Russia relative to the border countries is analyzed.

Geopolitical position shows the place of the state on political map planets. According to the EGP, the position of the country at the economic level is characterized. For comparison, the key economic centers of the world are taken. EGP is determined by the transport and geographical location.


In connection with the change in the geopolitical situation, migration flows have arisen. With the collapse of the USSR, redistribution began in Russia work force. Intermediate migration flows began to settle in the Urals and the Volga region. A fairly large percentage remained in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. Along with migratory movements, the redeployment of the military to the border areas began. Significant changes are also noted in the market position of the regions in relation to trading partners, industrial centers, and transport routes.

District groups

Today, regions with favorable conditions for the implementation of economic activity. There are areas with some difficulties for the work of economic entities. The former include those that are within the zones of influence of the main federal transport hubs: Moscow and the region, coastal areas, Sverdlovsk, Perm regions. and so on. The second group includes regions located inland: the Volga-Vyatka region, Western and Eastern Siberia, Magadan region, Komi Republic and other peripheral territories.

Geopolitical priorities

According to historians, the USSR was in a biopolar world (America - NATO, Soviet Union organization of the Warsaw Pact). After the collapse, the world became gradually multipolar. In its policy, Russia should not focus on any one group of countries. At present, ties are important not only with the CIS states. For Russia, the priority direction today is the establishment of cooperation with all countries in whose markets it is possible to profitably sell their products and purchase goods that are relevant to themselves. The state has to focus on those powers that make it possible to get the maximum effect from external relations. Various priorities were previously associated with many circumstances that were then relevant. Today the situation has changed. Accordingly, the priorities were reoriented. They are aimed at:

  1. Countries of Southern and Western Europe. Strong ties were established with Germany.
  2. States of Eastern Europe. Russia plans to update and improve interaction with them.
  3. Asia-Pacific countries (India, China, Japan, Korea).

Changes in the geopolitical position caused a number of negative consequences. At present, foreign trade with the states of the western and southern hemispheres is carried out through the CIS countries. This significantly complicates transport operations and the work of the international fuel and energy complex.


At present, Russia is still one of the largest exporters of raw materials. At the same time, the country is also an importer of investment and consumer products in world trade. However, the "raw material model", which brought a certain income, cannot fully ensure the rapid and sustainable development of the state. This is mainly due to the depletion of existing fields, the lack of sufficient funding for the development of new ones, wear and tear of process equipment, obsolescence of mining and processing technologies. One of priority areas for the country today, according to experts, is participation in multilateral projects of an international scale. Russia is now quite actively involved in the system of the global division of labor. However, this process is accompanied by both positive and negative results. The advantage is the fact that the state has the opportunity to buy the necessary goods and services on the international market at quite affordable prices. At the same time, the country is also an exporter. And if external prices are lower than internal prices, then the effect of this activity will be negative. With all the existing difficulties, the state is pursuing a qualitatively new policy. At the same time, the advantages are actively used geographical location. Today the country is in the top ten states that have signed an agreement on cooperation at the international level with the Baltic States. A similar agreement is in force with the Black Sea regions.

"Ethnic Conflicts" - Selection of the hero, close to the child. Presentation of culture Modeling Self-knowledge Creative Protective Therapeutic. The goals of the psychological fairy tale are: We place the hero in a problem situation similar to the real one. The use of various psychotherapeutic methods in fairy tale therapy. Developing. Increasing the level of cohesion, mutual understanding and coordination of actions in the group.

"Armed conflict" - Version of Abkhazia. The units of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia entered the territory of Chechnya. Russian Federation. Russian version. Rising tension. The losses of the parties and the victims of the war. Armed conflict in Abkhazia. Side forces. Conclusion Russian troops from Georgia. Armed conflicts involving the Russian Federation over the past 20 years.

"Interpersonal conflicts" - "I HAVE RIGHTS" Respect for human rights. Stages of development of interpersonal conflict. The difficult financial situation of the family. Hitting below the belt (use of intimate knowledge about a partner). Cause. value conflicts. You need to be calm, confident, but not arrogant. The result is win/win and both parties will be satisfied with the process.

"Interethnic conflicts in Russia" - Theoretical object. The nature of the relationship. Residence of many nationalities in the country. The attitude of the population to detailed coverage of interethnic conflicts. Poll data. The nature of the attitude of the population to multinationality. Consequences of interethnic and intercultural conflicts. Interethnic conflicts in Russia.

"Regional conflicts" - Great Britain. regional conflicts. economic conflicts. Features of regional conflicts. Basque country. Serbia. ethnic conflicts. 1975-1989 - Cambodian-Vietnamese conflict. Latin America- current armed conflicts. Asia - current armed conflicts. Denmark. Belgium. Korean War.

"Conflict in interpersonal relationships" - Adaptation. Scene. The reasons conflict behavior. Cooperation. Mediation. Negotiation. Types of conflicts. Personal behavior in conflict. Building a cluster. How to successfully resolve conflicts. Conflict. Arbitration. terms of the conflict. The structure of the conflict. Science "Conflictology". Targets and goals.

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