Why Maksakova does not communicate with her daughter. Maria Maksakova admitted that her husband beat her

Design and interior 23.06.2019
Design and interior

“What mom blurted out, I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her for a long time, but now I don’t think I will at all. I don’t know under what circumstances she said it,” the singer said.


As the site wrote, immediately after the death of Denis Voronenkov in the center of Kyiv: “Well, thank God to you. And what else to do with him? Thank God, that in the end the person who was so mean ... would have been shot!"

However, the singer herself prefers not to talk about relations with her mother. Much more readily she now recalls the days spent with Voronenkov. “When everything was just starting for us, I was invited to sing at the New Year’s Eve in Riga. And on the 31st he writes to me: here’s my credit card for you, buy me a ticket from Paris to Moscow. So we met our first New Year", Meduza quotes Maksakova.

Maria also told about her cherished desire, which Voronenkov could not fulfill. “I asked him when I started dating him: “Denis, do me such a favor, please promise me that I will die in your hands.” He never promised me,” the singer opened up.

Now, according to Maksakova, it is very hard for her to look at her little child. “I really wanted him to bring him up, so that he would be the same as him. How to do it now, in words, I don’t know. He probably won’t even remember him when he grows up,” the opera diva complained.

Maria blames the guards for her husband's death. "Now, of course, it's generally the carcasses of the light. They carry on armored car. Denis had security, but not the same as I have now. If he was guarded like that, everything would be all right," she said.

Recall that on March 23, in the center of the Ukrainian capital, the husband of Maria Maksakova, ex-deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov, was shot dead. His bodyguard and hitman were wounded and taken to the hospital. The killer later died on the operating table.

Denis Voronenkova explained why she is ashamed of her children. The artist admitted that she practically does not communicate with older heirs because of their father, with whom relations have long gone wrong. Children, on the contrary, live soul to soul with him - that is why Maksakova has to "dose communication with them."

For the first 12 years, these kids hung exclusively on me. I was engaged in absolutely everything, developing in them existing and non-existent talents. Because getting them to speak several languages ​​and play a musical instrument decently is not an easy task. After all, if they live now with their biological father 12 more years - is it a problem to condemn me? So let them live, if that's the case. They have it mutually. They like it. If I do not want to communicate with their father, then, accordingly, I dose out communication with children.


The father of 13-year-old Ilya and 8-year-old Lyudmila is Russian crime boss and thief in law Vladimir Tyurin. Both children live with their father on Rublyovka and, as Maksakova admits, "stopped in development."

Ilya brilliantly played the piano and piano, and Lucy played the harp, but since they do not live with me, they have stopped in this development.

According to the artist, it was hard for her to watch her children perform in the Crimea at children's project"Music for Gourmets". Maksakova's son performed a march from Sergei Prokofiev's opera The Love for Three Oranges, and also read Boris Pasternak's Music to the assembled guests. In turn, the daughter of the opera diva did not yield to her brother, captivating the Crimean audience by playing the harp, as well as reading another creation of the poet - “In everything I want to get to the very essence.”

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Maksakova also stated that she was concerned about the health and appearance of her eldest son. After graduating from the Suvorov Military School, he gained 12 kilograms. At the same time, Maksakova hopes that upon reaching the age of 14, the children will be able to move to her in Kyiv, where the singer is going to take up their upbringing.

  • Denis Voronenkov and Maria Maksakova moved to live in Ukraine at the end of 2016. Voronenkov claimed that he left Russia for political reasons, he was granted Ukrainian citizenship. However, in Russia he was suspected of various kinds of fraud, in particular, he was a defendant in a criminal case on the raider seizure of a building in Moscow.
  • AT recent times versions began to appear that Voronenkov was alive and that he had even been seen several times in Kyiv. Maksakova herself refutes these conversations, emphasizing that she would like it to be so in reality, but these rumors are not true.

Maria Maksakova already for a long time remains one of the most talked about people.

Now everyone is talking about her incredible weight loss, then - about the baptism of a child. However, the older children of the opera diva are hardly mentioned in the news bulletins. Mary herself speaks of them reluctantly, as if they do not exist at all.

What are 13-year-old Ilya and 9-year-old Luda doing today? Who do they live with? Do they miss mom? And why is she so offended by them?

Both Ilya and Luda are very talented children. The eldest son of Maria Maksakova plays the piano. Daughter - on the harp: she even participated in the program "Best of all!" and got a lot of applause.

And this summer, both of them visited Yalta as part of the Music for Gourmets project. There, Ilya performed a march from Sergei Prokofiev's opera "Love for Three Oranges", Luda played the harp, and also read Pasternak's poem "In everything I want to get to the very essence."

However, the performance of the children, which would surely melt the heart of any mother, caused Maksakova only anger.


“This is a vile and unpleasant story,” she said about the decision of her daughter and son to go to the Crimea. According to Maria, at the age of 13 (that is the age of her eldest son), the child already clearly understands where and why he is going. “I judge by myself,” the singer added. “At his age, it would be impossible for me to impose it.”

And the performance skills of Ilya and Luda, in her opinion, leave much to be desired.

I had a powerful influence on them for 12 years while they lived with me. Ilya brilliantly played the piano and piano, and Lucy played the harp. But since they don’t live with me, they have stopped in this development, Maksakova believes.

She generally dedicated a lot of offensive words to her son.

I was so proud of him. He performed in the Crimea a program that a year ago he brilliantly played with me in Cannes. But only much worse, slow and with errors.

Maria also famously walked along appearance his son, reporting that he had greatly recovered.

After leaving the Suvorov School, Ilya again gained 12 kilograms and began to look like there was nothing in his life.

It is surprising that an adult woman, unexpectedly in an interview, suddenly began to blame not herself, who had to leave her children in another country, but themselves. According to Maria, her son, if he really missed his own mother, could take and fly to her in Kyiv:

If he really wants to see me, how can you stop him from doing so?


Maria's relationship with her daughter is even more difficult than with her son. If she still calls Ilya from time to time, then Luda, apparently, does not communicate with her mother at all. And this story is not to blame for moving to another country, but for Maria herself. Although she herself, of course, calls a different name.

When she left, she took her legs away from their father (meaning civil husband Maksakova Vladimir Tyurin. - Red .), I realized that I had no one to rely on and I had to work. Then Lucy was just born to me. And I had a woman whom I trusted very much - such Zoya Epifanova.

I decided: since I need to travel and work a lot, I don’t need to tie a child to me. Therefore, she deliberately asked her to be closer to Lucy. And it turned out that when it was necessary to determine the whereabouts of the children, and I said: “Zoya, our paths diverged,” Luda followed Zoya.

Today, both Ilya and Luda live with their father, Vladimir Tyurin. Maria Maksakova herself has repeatedly emphasized that this is - scary man. However, Stanislav Sadalsky, a close friend of the family, assures that Vladimir is very good father and does everything so that his children do not need anything. They live in a mansion on Rublyovka, go to good schools are making music.

Constantly communicates with grandchildren and Lyudmila Maksakova. The actress, by the way, was present at that concert in Yalta, which so angered her daughter. By the way, the day after the performance of the children, Ilya had a birthday. We celebrated on the high seas on a specially rented yacht. Almost all close relatives were present. Except for my own mother...


Many journalists who did joint interviews with Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov noted: it seemed that the singer was bewitched. With such enthusiastic eyes, she looked at her chosen one (who, according to many, simply used her numerous connections), which sometimes looked simply inadequate.

It would seem that now Masha is no longer with her lover. However, she continues to behave very strangely. Because a mother who publicly criticizes her children and does not at all seek to meet them, just to take and stroke them on the head, raises, whatever you say, quite a lot of questions. And the sympathy that was present after Mary suddenly became a widow disappears right before our eyes ...

At the same time, Maria Maksakova has already created her own children's fund, the purpose of which is to find talented children in different parts countries.

I want to attract the widest possible audience to deserving Ukrainian children, - Maria explained.

There is no doubt that the opera diva will pay a lot of attention to other people's children ...


Singer Maria Maksakova spoke about the conflict with her famous mother. The opera diva admitted that she did not want to quarrel with her parent, but it was difficult to restore relations with her.

Maria Maksakova about her mother: after the murder of her husband

Opera diva Maria Maksakova refused to communicate with her mother. The singer explained that their relationship had deteriorated long before the words that Lyudmila Maksakova uttered after the murder of Denis Voronenkov.

“What my mother blurted out, I don’t know. I haven't talked to her for a long time, but now I don't think I will at all. I don’t know under what circumstances she said it,” said the singer.

Immediately after the death of Denis Voronenkov in the center of Kyiv, Lyudmila Maksakova said: “Well, thank God. What else to do with it? Thank God that in the end the man who was so mean ... He is a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago!

The singer herself prefers not to talk about relationships with her mother.

Maria Maksakova about her mother: she said that her mother never loved her

The artist remembered how she tried to contact Lyudmila Maksakova on her birthday. According to Maria, when she called her mother to congratulate her on the holiday, she simply hung up. According to the singer, the closest relative always did not treat her too well, although sometimes she was pleased with the role of her mother.

“But in general, she never really loved me, and now, apparently, everything has escalated,” said the star. Maksakova believes that in people she does not like, her mother sees a reflection of herself.

Maria Maksakova about her mother: a long-standing conflict

In an interview with the ZIK TV channel, which was quoted in the Russian Sensations program, Maria recalled the humiliations she had to endure in her parents' house. And the future singer saw her mother so rarely that she did not differ from other actresses. Relations finally deteriorated when Lyudmila and Maria began to live together.

“I began to use cosmetics, my mother was annoyed. Once I put on makeup, and she took a dirty sponge, which was used to wash dishes that smelled bad, and tried to wash it off. I endured this humiliation, but I still remember it.

I realized that I would have to continue to communicate with this woman, no matter how she treated me, ”said Maksakova.

Sadalsky about the conflict between Maria Maksakova and her mother: “Are you waiting for her to follow her father?”

Stas Sadalsky reacted to the unflattering remarks of Maria Maksakova about her mother. The actor is sure that the opera singer deliberately takes out her anger on her parent, not disdaining to lie at the same time.

The Maksakov clan is experiencing best time. A few months ago, Maria's father Peter Igenbergs passed away, but the star was never able to attend his funeral. Now she once again had a conflict with her mother.

Photo: Dmitry Korobeinikov / PhotoXPress.ru

Maria got married for the first time at the age of 37! And, as stated in the registry office, she no longer hoped to find a husband ... At the same time, there were always a lot of rumors about the personal life of the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. Somehow, the singer was even credited with an affair with Nikolai Baskov. Like, they have a lot in common.

But the main soaring question: who is the mysterious father of the two older children? Maksakova never elaborated on this. And she gave Ilya and Lyuda her last name.

According to unofficial sources, the father is a crime boss, a well-known thief in law and the head of the Fraternal organized crime group Vladimir Tyurin (as they say about a man on Wikipedia). Only once in an interview with the magazine “Relax. Names! Maksakova said that Vladimir conquered her with his plan for family life, thought out to the smallest detail.

At the same time, when the children were still very young, Maria fled from Tyurin's luxurious mansion, fearing for her life and the lives of her children.

Maria emigrated. And to whom did she leave the children?

As you know, Maksakova emigrated to Ukraine in October 2016 after her husband - former MP State Duma Denis Voronenkov. As soon as the politician was accused of fraudulently stealing a building in Moscow, the couple, having gathered in a hurry, moved to Kyiv. At the same time, Maksakova took with her only younger son Ivana ( common child Mary and Denis).

A reasonable question: what about Ilya and Luda? Maria refrained from any comments. What about the mother opera singer, Lyudmila Maksakova, then she keeps saying one thing to all the questions of journalists: “What were you worried about? Children with their father.

I wonder if she means Vladimir Tyurin?

Why didn't grandma look after the elders?

Indeed, wouldn't it be safer for children to live with their grandmother? But, as it turned out, everything is not easy here. Lyudmila Maksakova stopped communicating with her daughter three years ago.

“Masha does not communicate with Lyudmila - she does not need a mother. She never asks Lyudmila for advice. I'm not sure if he'll ask for help now. She doesn't care about her mother, and neither does she care about her father, Peter Andreas Igenbergs. Masha makes a career on her own and builds her life ... For three years she (Lyudmila Maksakova. - Ed.) did not communicate with her daughter. The daughter did not obey anyone - neither father nor mother. Lyudmila Maksakova generally dreamed that Masha would marry Denis Matsuev, she had an affair with him. But it worked out the way it did. Lyudmila loves her grandchildren, in this situation she regrets only her grandchildren, ”Stas Sadalsky put everything in its place, writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda website.

What did Maksakova do in Kyiv?

Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / PhotoXPress.ru

Having moved to Kyiv, Maksakova and Voronenkov gave an interview Russian media. In it, they admitted that they liked the new place of residence! And Maria continued to tour with concerts all this time.

“We go to many places. Masha has already given concerts in England, Germany, America ... We travel, we do not tie ourselves to one place. But Kyiv is native. Due to the mentality, our common Slavic roots, the commonality of our peoples. We are comfortable here. It is sad, of course, that this is the case with the Mariinsky Theatre. But the world is big, and I am sure that she will realize her plans. Her work is known, she is in demand. I think big premieres and performances in different countries, including where we are,” the ex-deputy said in an interview

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