Boris and Gleb are the first Russian saints. Gleb Samoylov's son plays the guitar better than his father Gleb's son

Health 17.07.2019

Gleb Samoilov from the Agatha Christie group for a long time considered himself an inveterate bachelor. And in every possible way ridiculed charms married life: all these family dinners, taking care of snotty kids ... You have to live beautifully, richly and - for yourself. So Gleb argued with youthful maximalism.

Dad, what's your favorite toy?

Life broke his ridiculous postulates one by one. First Samoilov fell in love.

Oddly enough, Tanya from Sverdlovsk met her future husband, also from Sverdlovsk, in ... Dushanbe. Tanya came to visit a friend, and her husband is a prominent showman, a specialist in organizing tours. Word for word - Tanya said that she was also familiar with the drummer of Agatha Christie from Sverdlovsk. But he dreams of meeting Gleb Samoilov. Apparently, he's a great guy. And she sings like that ... Then the girlfriend says to Tanya: and we will organize a tour for Agatha Christie especially for you. Here you will meet.

Tanya decided that all this was a joke. But the touring colossus began to spin: the girlfriend's husband saw here a chance not only for a touching acquaintance, but also for interesting cooperation. And by some miracle, everything coincided: the group really came on tour in Dushanbe. And at Tanya's girlfriend's house there was a meeting that decided everything.

Gleb and Tanya returned to Sverdlovsk together. And they settled in Tanya's small one-room apartment. whole year neighbors perceived them as a young married couple. And one fine day, as Gleb says, they were stunned: Gleb and Tanya left the entrance in luxurious wedding dresses, got into luxury cars and went to formalize the relationship. So in 1992, the legend of Samoilov, a convinced bachelor, collapsed.

Time passed. The young family moved to Moscow: "Agatha Christie" simply rented the floor of one of the boarding houses in Gorki for herself and accommodated the whole staff, along with children and households.

For a long time, Gleb and Tanya unanimously believed that it was too early for them to acquire offspring. No apartment, no conditions. Gleb has constant tours. And then they somehow thought: if you wait for prosperity and free time, the children will appear by retirement. In a word, we decided.

Tanya took the matter seriously. I found the Yaroshenko center, which teaches to give birth in water. Signed up for courses. Gleb at that time was busy with the new album "Hurricane". “The bearing and birth of the Hurricane took place simultaneously with the bearing and birth of a child. What helped each other is unknown,” says Gleb.

Glebych prefers water procedures to all his father's "Hurricanes".

At least Tanya gave birth under the "Hurricane". She invited a midwife from that very center, turned on the recording of her husband's new album, lay down in the hotel bathroom ...

Childbirth lasted 11 hours. All this time, Gleb was worried in another city - a few days before the birth, the group went on tour. Finally called home. "Dance, you have a son!" they told him.

Musician friends immediately settled on Gleb - let's note. “No,” Gleb said, “it’s not going to work out well: the wife is suffering there, giving birth, but for her husband this seems to be a reason to get drunk ... Yes, and I promised her that I wouldn’t take drops in my mouth!”

So I didn't take it. The guys from the group, of course, "pulled" for the newborn, and the newly-made father rejoiced "dry".

He saw his son five days later. My wife and I thought for a long time what to call it. We decided: the son is his own person, why baptize him with a false name? Named Gleb. There will be Gleb Glebovich now ...

Glebych turned out to be a tough guy. What only mother, carried away by new trends, does not do with him! And he holds him upside down, and swings on one handle, and lets him dive into the bathroom. This is in two months! And Glebych only smiles.

That's just the musical taste of the newly minted "Agatove" has let us down so far. No matter how much dad sings his songs to him - no significant reaction. He calms down, listens, but does not express violent enthusiasm. The revolutionary repertoire also left the baby indifferent. But when he heard “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass,” he broke into a blissful smile. It turned out that this is the only children's song that Glebych's mom and dad know to the end. Now they are pleasing their son with a "grasshopper".

In a hotel with a baby, of course, not sugar. The Samoilovs dragged the washing machine into the room, and the laundry is dried in the corridor. Well, yes, on this floor - everyone is their own, everyone gets out the same way. A real family hostel. And when the Samoilovs get out of it, they don’t guess. “I try to live one day at a time. Today my son needs something - I'll hurt myself, but I'll do it. And we will think about tomorrow's problems tomorrow,” says Gleb Sr. If you listen to him, you won’t believe that this exemplary father and family man is the same favorite of girls who, until recently, spoke disparagingly about family ties and diapers.

Now I feel that there is stability in my life. And great joy. I can't even imagine how I lived without my son. Nature takes over. Even such seemingly inveterate bachelors like me, says Gleb Samoilov.

And rushes on new tours. Still, the family is growing. Income must rise...

Anatoly ZHDANOV, Natalia BARABASH. Photo by Anatoly ZHDANOV.

Izyaslav Glebovich, son of Gleb Georgievich

Son of Gleb Georgievich (see). He took part in the campaign of his uncle Vsevolod Yurievich (see) to Bulgaria, where in 1184 he died under the walls of the Great City, in the country of the Silver Bulgarians. The loss of a beloved nephew stopped a successful campaign. Buried in Vladimir, in the cathedral church.


Big biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

See what "Izyaslav Glebovich, son of Gleb Georgievich" is in other dictionaries:

    Izyaslav Glebovich son of Gleb Georgievich. He took part in the campaign of his uncle Vsevolod Yurievich to Bulgaria, where in 1184 he died under the walls of the Great City, in the country of the Silver Bulgarians. The loss of a beloved nephew stopped a successfully launched campaign. ... ... Wikipedia

    Izyaslav Glebovich son of Gleb Georgievich. He took part in the campaign of his uncle Vsevolod Yurievich to Bulgaria, where in 1184 he died under the walls of the Great City, in the country of the Silver Bulgarians. The loss of a beloved nephew stopped a successful start ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    Son of Gleb Georgievich (see). He took part in the campaign of his uncle Vsevolod Yurievich (see) to Bulgaria, where in 1184 he died under the walls of the Great City, in the country of the Silver Bulgarians. The loss of a beloved nephew stopped a successfully launched campaign. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Fans had to wait for their idol and accompanying keyboardist Konstantin Bekrev for almost two hours. Tired of traditional chants, some of the audience began to turn on fantasy. “Gleb, come out, the guitar is upset, Kostya, come out, the keys are crying!” - some fan called the musicians. “Now I’ll finish my drink and come,” one of the bartenders, pretending to be Gleb Samoilov, answered her.

Half an hour before the duet appeared on stage, the audience began to be treated to various Soviet songs performed by children's choirs. “Eaglet”, “Cruiser Aurora”, “The Most Magical Flower” and, of course, “Beautiful Far Away” sounded. Against this background, it was no longer necessary to be surprised by the fact that Gleb played "Vodka" with references to "Beautiful is cruel."

Congratulating everyone on the upcoming holidays, Gleb Samoilov performed "Moscow River", describing New Year not in the most favorable light. A mini-block from Samoylov's solo album "Little Fritz" "Commander and Partisans" reminded me that war was raging somewhere. From topical topics, the singer moved on to the exotic, deciding to read his youthful poems.

- I will now do something that I have not done for a long time, - Gleb Samoilov announced the lyrical digression. - I am planning two similar blocks - one now, the other later. Right now, I'm going to read to you nonsense written between the ages of 19 and 24.

From early poems, Samoilov read naive courtly sketches with touching turns, such as “and the flowers fell in love with you”, thoughtful oriental maxims (“the kimono is put on by the Japanese themselves”) and a long egocentric fairy tale “When the fool died”. The people, although they appreciated Gleb's youthful experiences, began to ask to play something from the forthcoming album "Massacre in Asbest". But Samoilov was inexorable, declaring that the “Good Song” recorded together with Linda had recently been made public from there. As for Asbest's hometown, as it turned out, he was there for the last time in 2001.

Samoilov preferred deep retro to fresh songs, turning to the legacy of Alexander Vertinsky: "Purple Negro", "In the Blue and Distant Ocean", "The Ballad of the King" and "Johnny". When asked about further cooperation with Alexander F. Sklyar, the singer replied that their joint theatrical project with Vertinsky's songs had long been frozen, since it turned out to be unprofitable. And from other people's works, Samoilov dreams of performing the song of Vladimir Vysotsky from the film "The Flight of Mr. McKinley."

After the provocative songs “Police Planet” and “Love”, the performer received a note: “Gleb, when will you calm down?”.

- You mean when I die, or what? he retorted defiantly. - I don't know, wait.

Samoilov was much more willing to talk about his son, who lives in Yekaterinburg, but tries to see his father regularly.

- He plays the guitar even better than me! Gleb remarked not without pride. - True, this is still a cover band, but still ahead.

Towards the end, Gleb Samoilov read new poems about the dead beauty, all the trains that got out and the delights of the domestic hotel service, summing up what was said with the song “Tore the Dream”. The concert, which lasted a little over an hour, did not include encores.

Denis Stupnikov, InterMedia

In the Soviet Union, the Aquarium group was incredibly popular. The song "Golden City", which was first performed in 1987 in the film "Assa", probably was not heard only by the lazy. The soloist of the group - Boris Grebenshchikov became an insanely popular person. He attracted attention with a non-standard manner of performance, specific philosophical texts and an outstanding appearance.

Of course, many became interested in his personal life, beloved women, and still general public the children of Boris Grebenshchikov are chained to themselves. Many people know that he has a daughter named Alice, who has become a fairly successful actress. She works in the theater and also quite often she can be seen in various Russian TV series. But the fact that the singer also has a son - Gleb Borisovich Grebenshchikov, is not known to everyone.

All children of BG

In total, the musician has four children. Daughter Alice, whom we have already mentioned, as well as the musician has a son, Mark. He did not connect his life with art, but chose the path of a psychologist for himself. most youngest daughter is Vasilisa, on this moment she is still a schoolgirl. But they say that among all the children of the legendary BG, both in appearance and in character, the son most of all resembles his father - Gleb Borisovich Grebenshchikov.

Not the easiest childhood of Gleb

With Gleb's mother, Grebenshchikov Sr. lived together for nine whole years. He recaptured it from the musician of his own group - Vsevolod Gakkel. At the same time, the father of many children himself was married at that time. But the guy's parents were not embarrassed, and they officially got married in 1980. Gleb Borisovich Grebenshchikov was born in 1986, and it would seem that everything in this family should have worked out the best way. Lyudmila and Boris were creative personalities, they understood each other perfectly and had a wonderful baby.

But in 1989, Grebenshchikov Sr. met his current wife, Irina Titova, and went to her. Gleb Grebenshchikov stayed with his mother. At that time he was only 3 years old.

The subsequent life of the boy was significantly complicated by the fact that his mother took the departure of his father from the family very painfully. She couldn't forgive ex-husband and considered this act a complete betrayal on his part. It has long been no secret that Lyudmila began to abuse alcohol, and while she suffered uncontrollably from life's injustice, her child, by and large, grew up on his own.

Problems with studies and the dashing youth of a young brawler

Gleb Borisovich Grebenshchikov at school could not boast of any achievements, since he studied, to put it mildly, poorly. For all the time he changed three educational institutions, and in none of them there were good memories about the guy. As a teenager, Grebenshchikov Gleb Borisovich was not particularly controlled by anyone, this was the reason for his fairly early acquaintance with alcohol and drugs.

After he somehow finished school, it became obvious that not a single higher educational institution will not be accepted as a student. And then, finally, his life intervened father. It was under the patronage of the musician that Gleb Grebenshchikov was admitted to the correspondence department of the St. Petersburg representative office of the French University College. True, he was a student there for almost seven years.

At the same time, all sorts of publications periodically appeared in the press regarding the fact that Grebenshchikov Gleb Borisovich is an ordinary drug addict. On the net, you can easily find many photos in which a guy is photographed without hesitation with cannabis leaves. There is also information on the Internet according to which Grebenshchikov Jr. boasts to his friends that he grows grass for smoking right in his country house.

Gleb's relationship with his mother also did not particularly work out. In one of the rare interviews, she said that all her son is capable of is losing his father's money in a casino.

Father's comments about his son

One gets the impression that, having resumed his communication with his son, Boris all the time and everyone possible ways tries to make amends for leaving the boy alone with his problems at such a difficult and young age. Senior Grebenshchikov, giving an interview, can not get enough of the younger.

Father always says that it was Gleb who came out the most musical of all his children, and in this he is very similar to his father. Grebenshchikov is glad that his son has connected his life with music in a certain way and is trying to express all support to him.

It seems that he simply ignores all the problems of Gleb, does not notice the unpleasant articles in the press that his son is a drug addict, and tries to compensate for his lack of attention in the ways that are possible today.

Work as a DJ

Now Gleb can often be found in various St. Petersburg nightclubs. There, the guy moonlights as a DJ and in narrow circles, he is known under the pseudonym gebe.

The compositions played by Gleb have a specific rare dissonance. Many attribute this to the fact that the guy has a bad habit of smoking weed and working "high".

Gleb's family

Apparently the son famous musician- Gleb Borisovich Grebenshchikov (whose biography should have been the best, but did not work out), made the right conclusions from his life regarding family values. Despite his wild lifestyle, for a long time he was in a close relationship with a single girl - Elya Veretennikova.

The young people lived together for several years, and the beloved gave Gleb a daughter. They named her Alice in honor of older sister Gleb.

Already after the birth of the child, Grebenshchikov Jr. arranged a surprise for his beloved - a vacation in the Crimea. And it was there, in one of the local registry offices, that young people nevertheless legalized their relationship, while they did it secretly, without inviting either friends or relatives to the ceremony.

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