Strong wind from the mountains to the sea. Types of winds, causes of wind formation

Tourism and rest 01.07.2019
Tourism and rest

wind formation

Although the air is invisible to the eye, we always feel its movement - the wind. The main reason for the occurrence of wind is the difference in atmospheric pressure over areas of the earth's surface. As soon as the pressure somewhere decreases or increases, the air will move from the place of greater pressure to the side of less. And the pressure equilibrium is disturbed by the unequal heating of various parts of the earth's surface, from which the air also heats up differently.

Let's try to imagine how this happens on the example of the wind that occurs on the coasts of the seas and is called breeze. Areas of the earth's surface - land and water - are heated differently. Dry dol heats up faster. Therefore, the air above it will heat up faster. It will rise up, the pressure will decrease. Over the sea at this time, the air is colder and, accordingly, the pressure is higher. Therefore, air from the sea moves to land in place of warm air. Here the wind blew - afternoon breeze. At night, everything happens the other way around: the land cools faster than the water. Above it, cold air creates more pressure. And above the water, it retains heat for a long time and cools slowly, the pressure will be lower. Cold air from land from the region high pressure moves towards the sea, where the pressure is less. Arises night breeze.

Therefore, the difference in atmospheric pressure acts as a force, causing horizontal movement of air from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. This is how the wind is born.

Determination of wind direction and speed

The direction of the wind is determined beyond the side of the horizon from which it blows. If, for example, the wind blows from the event, it is called westerly. This means that the air moves from west to east.

Wind speed depends on atmospheric pressure: the greater the difference in pressure between areas of the earth's surface, the stronger the wind. It is measured in meters per second. Near the earth's surface, winds often blow at a speed of 4-8 m / s. In ancient times, when there were no instruments yet, the speed and strength of the wind was determined by local signs: at sea - by the action of the wind on the water and sails of ships, on land - by the tops of trees, by the deflection of smoke from pipes. For many features, a 12-point scale was developed. It allows you to determine the strength of the wind in points, and then its speed. If there is no wind, its strength and speed are equal to zero, then this is calm. Wind with a force of 1 point, barely swaying the leaves of trees, is called quiet. Next on the scale: 4 points - moderate wind(5 m / s), 6 points - strong wind (10 m / s), 9 points - storm(18 m/s), 12 points - Hurricane(Over 29 m/s). At weather stations, the strength and direction of the wind is determined using weather vane, and the speed is anemometer.

The strongest winds near the earth's surface blow in Antarctica: 87 m / s (individual gusts reached 90 m / s). The highest wind speed in Ukraine was recorded in the Crimea on grief- 50 m / s.

Types of winds

Monsoon is a periodic wind that carries a large amount of moisture, blowing from land to ocean in winter, and from ocean to land in summer. Monsoons are observed mainly in the tropical zone. Monsoons are seasonal winds that last for several months each year in tropical areas. The term originated in British India and nearby countries as the name for the seasonal winds that blow from the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea to the northeast, bringing significant amounts of precipitation to the region. Their movement towards the poles is caused by the formation of low pressure areas as a result of the heating of tropical regions during the summer months, that is, Asia, Africa and North America from May to July and Australia in December.

trade winds - constant winds blowing with a fairly constant force of three or four points; their direction practically does not change, only slightly deviating. The trade winds are called the near-surface part of the Hadley cell - the predominant near-surface winds that blow in the tropical regions of the Earth in a westerly direction, approaching the equator, that is, northeast winds in the Northern Hemisphere, and southeast winds in the South. The constant movement of the trade winds leads to mixing air masses Earth, which can manifest itself on a large scale: for example, the trade winds blowing over the Atlantic Ocean can carry dust from the African deserts to the West Indies and parts of North America.

Local winds:

Breeze - warm wind blowing from the coast to the sea at night and from the sea to the coast during the day; in the first case it is called a coastal breeze, and in the second - a sea breeze. Important effects of the formation of predominant winds in coastal areas are sea and continental breezes. The sea (or smaller body of water) heats up more slowly than land due to the greater heat capacity of water. Warmer (and therefore lighter) air rises over land, creating zones reduced pressure. As a result, a pressure difference is formed between land and sea, which is usually 0.002 atm. Due to this pressure difference, the cool air over the sea moves towards the land, creating a cool sea breeze on the coast. Due to the lack of stronger winds, the speed of the sea breeze is proportional to the temperature difference. If there is wind from the land side with a speed of more than 4 m/s, the sea breeze usually does not form.

At night, due to the lower heat capacity, the land cools faster than the sea, and the sea breeze stops. When the temperature of the land falls below the temperature of the surface of the reservoir, a reverse pressure drop occurs, causing (in the absence of a strong wind from the sea) a continental breeze that blows from the land to the sea.

Bora is a cold, sharp wind blowing from the mountains to the coast or valley.

Foehn - a strong warm and dry wind blowing from the mountains to the coast or valley.

Sirocco is the Italian name for a strong southerly or southwesterly wind that originates in the Sahara.

Variable and constant winds

variable winds change their direction. These are the sprays already known to you (from the French "Breeze" - light wind). They change their direction twice a day (day and night). Splashes occur not only on the coasts of the seas, but also on the shores of large lakes and rivers. However, they cover only a narrow strip of the coast, penetrating deep into the land or sea for several kilometers.

Monsoons formed in the same way as breezes. But they change their direction twice a year according to the seasons (summer and winter). Translated from Arabic, "monsoon" means "Season". In summer, when the air over the ocean heats up slowly and the pressure over it is greater, moist sea air penetrates the land. This is the summer monsoon that brings daily thunderstorms. And in winter, when high air pressure is established over land, the winter monsoon begins to operate. It blows from land towards the ocean and brings cold, dry weather. So, the reason for the formation of monsoons is not daily, but seasonal fluctuations in air temperature and atmospheric pressure over the mainland and ocean. Monsoons penetrate the land and ocean for hundreds and thousands of kilometers. They are especially common on the southeastern coast of Eurasia.

Unlike variables, constant winds blow in the same direction throughout the year. Their formation is associated with high and low pressure belts on Earth.

trade winds- Winds that blow throughout the year from high pressure zones near the 30th tropical latitudes of each hemisphere to a low pressure belt at the equator. Under the influence of the rotation of the Earth around its axis, they are not directed directly to the equator, but deviate and blow from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast - in the Southern Hemisphere. The trade winds, characterized by uniform speed and amazing constancy, were the favorite winds of navigators.

From tropical zones of high pressure, winds blow not only towards the equator, but also in the opposite direction - towards the 60th latitude with low pressure. Under the influence of the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation, with distance from tropical latitudes, they gradually deviate to the east. This is how air moves from west to east and these winds in temperate latitudes ah become Western.

Wind - movement of air relative to the surface of the earth. Contrary to a common misconception - supposedly the wind was of interest to sailors only in the era of the sailing fleet and is important only for the sailing fleet, everyone who is afloat has to know and take into account the wind, since any watercraft, from a raft to an aircraft carrier, moves in two environments, water and air, has a sail, therefore, is exposed to the wind. The wind is decomposed into horizontal and vertical components, forecasters are interested in both, sailors are only interested in the first, horizontal. There is no generally accepted classification of winds. From the sailor's point of view, the wind is characterized by the following features:

Force or speed is measured in m / s, knots, points of the 12-point Beaufort scale, and is also expressed in a verbal description. In the media, sometimes - in km / h, which is not accepted by professionals (meteorologists and sailors) and is equally unclear to everyone, including non-professionals. In international circulation, two units of measurement are accepted - m / s and a knot, which are easy to mutually recalculate: 1 knot = 0.514 m / s or approx. 0.5 m/s.

Light wind: force 0.6 - 1.7 m/s or 1.2 - 3.3 knots. or 1 point on the Beaufort scale;

Light wind: force 1.8 - 3.3 m/s or 3.5 - 6.4 knots. or 2 points on the Beaufort scale;

Light wind: force 3.4 - 5.2 m/s or 6.4 - 10.1 knots. or 3 points on the Beaufort scale;

Moderate wind: force 5.3 - 7.4 m/s or 10.2 - 14.4 knots. or 4 points on the Beaufort scale;

Fresh wind: force 7.5 - 9.8 m/s or 14.6 - 19.0 knots. or 5 points on the Beaufort scale;

Strong wind: force 9.9 - 12.4 m/s or 19.2 - 24.1 knots. or 6 points on the Beaufort scale;

Strong wind: force 12.5 - 15.2 m/s or 24.3 - 29.5 knots. or 7 points on the Beaufort scale;

Very strong wind: force 15.3 - 18.2 m/s or 29.7 - 36.5 knots. or 8 points on the Beaufort scale;

Storm - 9 - 11 points;

Hurricane - 12 points.

The direction of the wind relative to the sides of the horizon is indicated by that part of the horizon from where the wind blows (mnemonic rule: the wind blows into the compass, card), expressed in degrees or rhumbs. in folk, local names the place where it blows from is reflected, hence the angora, the gornik, the shelonnik ... In Russian maritime practice, only the Dutch system of rhumbs is accepted, in the oral speech of sailors, Russian and Dutch names coexist: nord, northern, siver.

The direction of the wind relative to the course of the ship is expressed in degrees of heading angle and names:

In the nose - oncoming, frontal, nasty: 30 degrees. p / b - l / b;

Beidewind, bet, oblique: 30-80 degrees. p / b - l / b;

Lateral, gulfwind, half wind, cross-section: 80-110 degrees. p / b - l / b;

Backstay: 110 - 160 degrees. p / b - l / b;

In the stern - fair, straight, wind: 160 degrees. p / b - l / b.

prevailing wind- one of the climatic characteristics of the wind, which is most often observed in a given area or water area at a certain time of the year (monsoon, trade wind).

True wind is the wind observed from a stationary object, a ship.

The apparent wind is the relative wind. The wind observed from a moving object, a ship on the move, is decomposed into true and heading.

Course wind - the wind that occurs as a result of the movement of the vessel, is equal to the speed of the vessel and directed in the direction opposite to its movement.

Local wind - local air circulation of small horizontal extent, a consequence of local air disturbance due to local conditions (breeze).

sea ​​wind- daytime breeze.

Seasonal wind - the prevailing wind that changes its characteristics with the change of season (monsoon).

Phoenician wind- southeast wind in Greece and southern Italy from Phoenicia, the most ancient name, preserved from ancient times.

Kamchatka wind- east wind west coast Kamchatka, local hair dryer.

Head wind - head wind.

Meadow wind - northeast wind on the Volga from the side of a low, arcuate bank.

Muzhichiy wind - the north wind on the Don, blowing from the side of the "muzhiks".

Bulk wind - wind blowing across the river.

Downstream wind - wind blowing against the current of a river river valley. Light breeze.

Otdory, relative wind- strong wind from the shore, carrying the ship, ice into the sea.

Squeeze wind - the wind that carries the ice away from the shore, pushes the ship away from the wall during mooring and parking.

Fist, fisted, downwind wind blowing from the sea to land. Wind pressing the ship against the wall.

A wind is a tailwind.

Opposite wind (tray, counter)- headwind.

Direct wind - gybe.

broken wind- the wind that breaks the ice.

Herring wind - north wind in the White Sea, driving herring into the mouth of the rivers.

Salmon wind - north wind in the Pechora Bay, driving salmon into the bay and the mouth of the rivers.

The tailwind is a northwestern riding wind on the lower Volga, driving water into the Caspian.

Idle wind - the name of the winds on Seliger and Ilmen, which blow around the clock, for several days, without changing strength and direction, i.e. "They don't go to their wife at night."

Khokhlatsky wind - a warm strong unpleasant wind of western directions on the Don, "from crests".

The amber wind is a weak northwest wind in the southeastern part of the Baltic, which washes away the amber layers, after which amber can be collected on the beaches.

Crimson dawn wind calls (promises). Throw words, money, etc. into the wind. The wind sets on the sun - wait good weather. The wind rises - the weather changes. The wind is moving along the Sun - it brings good weather. Argue with the boss what to spit (write) against the wind.

The air is constantly moving, it goes up and down all the time, and it also moves horizontally. We call the horizontal movement of air wind. The wind is characterized by such quantities as speed, force, direction. The average wind speed near the earth's surface is 4-9 meters per second. Max Speed wind -22 m/s - recorded off the coast of Antarctica, with gusts up to 100 m/s.

Wind is generated due to pressure differences, moving from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure along the very shortcut, deviating, according to the direction of the flow, to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, and to the right in the Northern Hemisphere (Coriolis force). At the equator, this deviation is absent, and in the region of the poles, on the contrary, it is maximum.

Constant winds

The main directions of the winds on different latitude determines the distribution of atmospheric pressure. In each of the hemispheres, air moves in two directions: from areas tropical climate, in which high pressure reigns, to temperate latitudes and to the equator. At the same time, it deviates to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern, in the direction of the flow.

In the region between the equator and the tropics, the trade winds blow - easterly winds that are constantly directed towards the equator.

In regions of temperate latitudes, on the contrary, westerly winds, which are called westerly transfer, predominate.

These winds determine the main constant movement of air masses, which interacts with anticyclones and cyclones, and on which regional winds are then superimposed.

Regional winds

On the border of land and ocean water, due to the displacement of high and low pressure zones, monsoons arise, as a result of which intermediate belts appear that change the direction of the winds seasonally. There are no huge land masses in the Southern Hemisphere, so the monsoons dominate the Northern Hemisphere. In summer, they blow towards the mainland, and in winter - towards the ocean. Most often, this wind occurs on the Pacific coast of Eurasia (northeast China, Korea, the Far East), in North America(State of Florida). It is these winds that also blow in Vietnam, which is why there is such a stable wind regime here.

Tropical monsoons are a cross between trade winds and monsoons. They arose, like trade winds, due to the difference in pressure in different climatic zones, but, like the monsoons, they change their direction depending on the season. This wind can be encountered on the shores of the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea.

The sirocco, a wind that originates in the Mediterranean, also belongs to the regional winds. It is the western transport which, having passed through the tops of the mountains, heats up and becomes dry, since it has given all its moisture to the windward slopes. Sirocco brings to the regions of Southern Europe a lot of dust from the deserts of North Africa, as well as the Arabian Peninsula.

local winds

These are winds on the coasts, arising from the difference in the rate of heating and cooling of the sea and land, and acting in the area of ​​the first tens of kilometers of the coast.

Breeze - a wind that occurs at the border of the coast and the water area and changes its direction twice a day: during the day it blows from the water area to land, at night - vice versa. Breezes blow along the banks of large lakes and rivers. A change in the direction of this wind occurs due to a change in temperature and, accordingly, in pressure. During the day on land it is much warmer, the pressure is lower than over water, while at night it is vice versa.

Bora (mistral, bizet, northeast) is cold wind hurricane force. It forms in narrow areas of the coast. warm seas during the cold season. Bora is directed from the leeward slopes of the mountains towards the sea. These winds blow, for example, in the mountainous regions of Switzerland and France.

Pampero is a cold stormy, southerly or southwesterly wind from Argentina and Uruguay, sometimes with rain. Its formation is associated with the invasion of cold air masses from the Antarctic.

Thermal wind is a general name for the winds associated with the temperature difference that occurs between the hot desert and the relatively cold sea, the Red Sea, for example. This is the difference between the conditions of Dahab and Hurghada in Egypt, which is not far away, but the wind blows there with less force. The fact is that the city of Dahab lies at the exit from the canyon formed by the Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas. The wind accelerates in the canyon itself, the effect of a wind tunnel appears, but, going out into the open space, the wind force gradually decreases. With distance from the coast, the speed of such winds fades. As we move towards the open ocean, global atmospheric winds have a greater influence.

Tramontana is a hurricane north wind of the Mediterranean, generated by the collision of the atmospheric currents of the Atlantic with the air gulf of lyon. After their meeting, a violent squall is formed, which can exceed the speed of 55 m / s and be accompanied by a loud whistle and howl.

Another group of local winds depends on the local topography.

Föhn - a warm dry wind directed from the lee slopes of the mountains to the plain. The air gives up moisture as it rises up the windward slopes, and this is where precipitation falls. When the air descends from the mountains, it is already very dry. A kind of foehn - wind garmsil - blows mainly in summer from the south or southeast in the area of ​​the foothills of the Western Tien Shan.

Mountain-valley winds change their direction twice: during the day they are directed up the valley, at night, on the contrary, they blow down. This happens because the lower part of the valley warms up more intensively during the day.

There are also winds that arise in large areas of deserts and steppes.

Samoom is a hot dry wind of tropical deserts, which has a stormy, squall character. Gusts accompany dusty and sandstorms. You can meet him in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.

Dry wind is a warm dry wind in the steppe regions, which is formed in the warm season under anticyclone conditions and contributes to the appearance of droughts. These winds are found in the Caspian Sea and Kazakhstan.

Khamsin is a dry hot and dusty wind, usually southerly, blowing in northeastern Africa and the eastern Mediterranean. Khasmin blows in the spring for about 50 days, bringing with it a lot of dust and sand. It reaches its greatest strength in the afternoon, fading away by sunset. Often found in Egypt.

Thus, every point on Earth has its own different features that affect wind conditions, for example, we will give some of them.

Anapa is one of the few places in Russia where the climate is subtropical Mediterranean and very pleasant for water sailing. In winter, it is humid but not cold, and in summer, a cool sea breeze softens the intense heat. The most favorable period for skiing is the season from July to November. Wind strength in summer averages 11-15 knots. After mid-October and in November, the wind intensifies and can reach 24 knots.

The Canarian archipelago has a tropical trade wind climate, moderately dry and hot. From the coast of Africa to the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote comes "harmattan", bringing the heat and sand of the Caxapa desert. The main wind that dominates these islands is the trade wind, which blows for half a year and almost constantly in the summer. The wind force is 10-20 knots, in October and November it increases to 25-35.

Philippines - islands with tropical monsoon climate. Temperatures on the coast are about 24-28 degrees. The rainy season here begins in November and lasts until April, when the northeast monsoon blows, and from May to October the southwest monsoon blows. AT northern regions countries are often hit by tsunamis and typhoons. The average wind force is 10-15 knots.

So, in a particular area, the impact is simultaneously manifested various kinds winds: global, depending on areas of high or low pressure, and local, blowing only in a given territory, due to its physical and geographical features. This means that for a certain place the wind system can be predictable to some extent. For a long time, scientists have created special maps, with the help of which it became possible to recognize and trace wind patterns different areas.

Internet users often find out the features of the winds in a particular area with the help of resources and where you can quite accurately check whether there is wind at a particular point in the world or not.

The relationship between man and the wind has always been extremely closely related to each other. It is from this natural phenomenon in prehistoric times(as, indeed, now) often directly depended on a person's life. With its help, mankind was able to develop crafts and make their lives much easier, which can be observed even in such a banal example as a windmill. There is nothing surprising in the fact that as long as mankind has existed, so many people have asked and still ask themselves and each other the question, why does the wind blow?

This riddle is still extremely difficult not only for understanding a child, but also an adult. Scientists who study inanimate nature are still arguing about why the wind blows, where the wind blows from and where the wind blows.

Scientific and technical encyclopedic Dictionary defines wind as a stream of air masses (a mixture of gases whose particles fly freely in space), which quickly moves parallel to the surface of the Earth. Another interpretation of the wind says that the wind is a natural phenomenon, forcing air masses to move due to certain changes that occur in the environment.

Wind is generated due to the uneven distribution of pressure in the atmosphere. As soon as it appears, it immediately begins to move from the high pressure zone to the low pressure zone. To put it simply, why the wind blows, then we can safely say that if it were not for the Sun, land and the World Ocean of our planet, then the air after a rather short time would begin to have the same temperature and humidity everywhere, which is why the wind did not blow would never.

How air masses move

Throughout the day, the surface of our planet heats up unevenly. This applies not only to objects that are at a distance from each other, but also to those that are located very close. For example, over the same period of time, things are more dark color heat up (absorb heat) much more than light ones. The same can be said when comparing water with land (the latter reflects less of the sun's rays).

In turn, heated objects unevenly transfer heat to the air that surrounds them. For example, since the earth heats up much more than water, during the day air from the earth rises, and colder air from the sea goes to its place. At night, the reverse process occurs - while the earth has cooled, the waters of the sea remain warm. Accordingly, the warm air above the sea goes up, and the air from the land goes to its place.

Warmer air rises where it collides with colder air. This happens because the heated air becomes light and tends to rise, while the cold one, on the contrary, becomes heavier and rushes down. The greater the difference between the temperatures of the cold and warm stream, the stronger the wind usually blew. Thus, not only a light breeze arises, but also small whirlwinds, hurricanes and even tornadoes.

The air itself tends to be the same everywhere. When a certain heterogeneity is formed (it is warmer in one place, colder in another, in the third - there are more particles of gases, in the fourth - less), it moves horizontally, trying to eliminate the "inequality".

A similar process is taking place throughout the globe. The warmest place on our planet is the equator. It is here that the heated warm air goes up all the time, and from there it goes either to the North or south poles. After that, at certain latitudes, it descends again to the earth and begins to move. Where exactly the wind blows - depending on the circumstances. Maybe further to the poles, or maybe return to the equator.

Earth rotation

The rotation of our planet affects the flow of air masses. It is because of him that all the winds that blow in the Northern Hemisphere shift to the right, and in the South - to the left.

Atmosphere pressure

Our body, without even knowing it, all the time feels the pressure of air on itself - despite the fact that it seems to us absolutely weightless. According to the latest scientific data, the entire atmosphere of our Earth (in other words, a layer of gases), consisting mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, weighs five quadrillion tons.

Atmospheric pressure in different parts of the Earth is different. Gas molecules strive to compensate for this, and constantly move at great speed in different directions (these particles, due to the Earth's gravity, are completely attached to it, and cannot fly into space in any way).

This is how it turns out that the wind is the movement of a huge number of atmospheric gas molecules in one direction. Air masses usually flow from a zone of high pressure (when the air is cold - an anticyclone) to an area of ​​low pressure (when it is warm - a cyclone), thereby filling the voids of rarefied air.

Wind classification

Strong winds that have an average duration (one minute) are squalls. There are such types of winds:

  • Breeze - a warm wind near the sea, where you can observe a light wind blowing on the coast. Wind direction changes twice a day. Day (or sea) often blew from the sea to the shore, night (or coastal) - vice versa. The breeze speed is usually between 1 and 5 m/s;
  • A storm is an extremely strong wind with a speed of 16 to 20 m/s.
  • Storm - occurs during a cyclone, speed - from 15 to 32 m / s;
  • Hurricane - very violent storm, which was caused by air masses moving in different directions at great speed, the speed of which is from 32 m / s;
  • A typhoon is a hurricane of enormous destructive power that blew and blows mainly off the east coast of Asia, on Far East as well as the Western Pacific.

Wind gusts are short-term (several seconds) and strong (several hours or even months) movements of air masses. For example, for a tropical climate, the following types of winds are distinguished:

  • Monsoons - winds, typical mainly for tropical regions, blow for several months, sometimes changing the direction of the wind. In summer - from the ocean to land, in winter - vice versa. The summer monsoons are characterized by high humidity.
  • Trade winds - such a wind usually blew and blows in tropical latitudes throughout the whole year, in the Northern Hemisphere - from the northeast direction, in the South - from the southeast. A windless strip separates them from each other.

Due to the constant change in pressure, the direction of the wind is constantly changing. But in any case, the wind always moves from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure.

For thousands of years, people have been watching the winds, drawing certain conclusions, putting forward hypotheses, drawing up graphs in order to use this wind as best as possible in their activities. amazing phenomenon inanimate nature. So, the so-called Wind Rose appeared - a drawing, more precisely, a diagram that depicts exactly how the wind blows in a particular area.

The Wind Rose is composed in this way: eight straight lines are drawn from the center at a distance of 45 ° from each other, on which marks are applied with a length proportional to either the frequency of the winds or their speeds. After that, the ends of the marks are connected and two polygonal figures are obtained - the Rose of the frequency of winds, and the Rose of the speed of the winds.

The wind rose makes it possible to determine the direction, strength, and duration of the prevailing wind, as well as the frequency of air currents. The wind rose is drawn both in order to determine the average indicators, and to determine the maximum values. You can create a complex drawing on which diagrams will be plotted, consisting of several parameters at once, which will also show which direction the wind is blowing.

Drawings are extremely necessary for a person - during construction, for solving various economic problems (for example, in recent times thanks to the wind, it became possible to receive electricity), etc. After all, the wind may well be both a friend and an enemy - if you do not pay attention to it and do not take into account its influence on environment, he is quite capable of causing irreparable damage, destroying the creation created by man. Although the wind is a phenomenon uncontrollable by man, since he blew and will blow wherever he wants, but now humanity can predict its approximate direction and strength, which can save many lives.

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