Tsoi Sergei Prokopovich. Hurry up to admire a man, for his path is short

Auto 18.07.2019

For most people, Sergei Tsoi is the husband of Anita Tsoi, a popular singer. But in the world of politics and business, he is an independent and very famous figure. His career path only goes up, he has been working in largest companies countries in leadership positions. Tsoi is quite wealthy, his income is the basis of the well-being of the family. For all his fame, Sergey is a very private person, he carefully guards his private life and gives out information about himself in a dosed manner. Therefore, probably, his person is overgrown with rumors and myths.


On April 23, 1957, a son, Sergei Petrovich Tsoi, was born into a family of ethnic Koreans. For some reason, the boy's birthplace is shrouded in mystery. Tsoi himself said that he was born in Rostov-on-Don. And his wife either said that her husband was born in Grozny, or said that he was born in small town Karabulak, and at the age of 2 he moved with his parents to Grozny. According to the third version, Sergei Tsoi was born and spent his childhood in the city of Prokhladny, where his parents were engaged in the melon business. One way or another, Tsoi's childhood is connected with the city of Grozny, in which his father is buried. The family adhered to traditional views, and the boy was brought up in severity.


After graduating from school, Sergei Tsoi goes to the army. Two years of service helped him decide in life and find his own path. After demobilization, he entered the Rostov University at the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology. In the hostel he lived with now famous TV presenter, and in those days the same journalism student Dmitry Dibrov. At the university, Tsoi was actively involved in the work of the Komsomol. In the second year, Sergei decided to transfer to the correspondence department, in connection with the move to the Moscow region. He gets a job at the Domodedovo regional newspaper "Call" as a journalist. By the way, Dibrov also came to work there later. Working as a journalist, Sergey has repeatedly criticized the activities of the district authorities. In 1982, he received his diploma in education and wanted to go to graduate school. But from the place of work they gave him not much good performance(this was a punishment for criticizing the authorities), and he had to forget about continuing his studies for a while.

Subsequently, already at the time of working as a press secretary for Yu. Luzhkov, in 2004 Tsoi nevertheless received a PhD in political sciences, defending a dissertation on changes in the image of power in the post-Soviet period.

The beginning of the way

After resigning from the "Call", Sergei Tsoi experienced difficulties with employment for some time. He began working in a regional small circulation in the Rostov region. But a month later he was fired due to non-payment of party dues. With great difficulty, he got a job at the editorial office of the factory newspaper ZIL. A year later, Tsoi was able to move to Politizdat, to the international department, but after a while he returned to ZIL again. Tsoi continued his journalistic path, working in major newspapers: Trud, Construction Newspaper, Soviet Russia". But when he was called to his team by Valery Saikin, the chairman of the executive committee of the Moscow City Council, whom Sergei met while still working at ZIL, Tsoi, almost without hesitation, agreed. There he served as a press secretary, although there were no such positions at that time. He monitored publications in the media, organized the interaction of his boss with journalists. Fulfilling these duties, Tsoi met Yuri Luzhkov, who worked as deputy chairman of the executive committee.

Working with Luzhkov

In 1990, he took the place of his boss and invited Tsoi to work on the same team. In 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed Luzhkov mayor of Moscow. Tsoi becomes the head of the mayor's press service, and a little later he is appointed head of the press center of the Moscow Government and the mayor's office. Two years later, he received the position of adviser to the mayor of the capital, remaining his press secretary. People close to the mayor noted that Sergei had big influence on the head of Moscow. Luzhkov began his every day with consultations with Tsoi and always consulted with him about all his decisions and actions. In parallel with his work in the press service, Sergei for some time headed the editorial office of the newspaper Stolichnye Izvestiya, the magazines Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow and Moscow Trades. Tsoi was responsible for the capitals, he was the initiator of his aggressive rhetoric on the issue of protecting the Russian population in the CIS countries. Tsoi worked for 18 years with Yuri Luzhkov, in 2010 he was dismissed. After taking office new head The Moscow government released Tsoi from his duties as press secretary.

Entrepreneurial activity

Sergei Tsoi, whose biography is strongly associated with the activities of Mayor Yu. Luzhkov, while working as a press secretary, managed to do other things. In 1997, he joined the Board of Directors of TV Center, and in 2006 became its chairman. In 2003, Tsoi, thanks to a reorganization in the Moscow government, gained control over several media outlets in the capital, including the newspapers Vechernyaya Moskva and Moskovskaya Pravda. In 2009, he headed the Board of Directors of the Radio Center company, which managed several radio stations in Moscow.

Retirement and job search

In October 2010, Sergei Tsoi left the walls of the city hall, following his boss Yu. Luzhkov. After the mayor was removed by Russian President D. Medvedev due to the loss of confidence, part of his team remained in their positions for some time. So, S. Tsoi continued to lead the press service of the capital for another two months. All this time he was actively looking for new job. And already in December he joined the board of the Russian energy company RusHydro.

Sergey Tsoi, RusHydro

RusHydro manages 62 Russian hydroelectric power plants. In addition, it provides industrial and domestic water supply and irrigation for about a third of the needs of Russian regions. The main shareholder of the company is the state, the net profit of RusHydro is several tens of billions of rubles. Sergey Tsoi, for whom RusHydro became a new field of activity, was engaged in external and internal relations in the company, i.e. continued to work in the field of communications. In 2012, he acquired a small stake in the company. In 2014, Tsoi became the first deputy chairman of its board. In 2016, quite unexpectedly for the public, Sergey Petrovich leaves RusHydro.


In August 2016, Sergei Petrovich Tsoi begins to work as Vice President for Economic Affairs at Rosneft. The head of the company has known Tsoi since the "Luzhkov" times. He notes the high decency and great experience of his new employee. Experts say that Sechin, in the person of Tsoi, wants to find a confidant.

Private life

Sergey Tsoi, biography, whose personal life is interesting general public, first of all, is known to the people as the husband of the singer Anita Tsoi. But in narrower circles, the politician is known as a master of karate, in which he has been practicing for many years and has a black belt. Even while studying at the university, Tsoi won prizes in the championships of the USSR. Sergey says that his hobbies are playing the guitar and sports.

The politician and businessman has several state awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Honor, Friendship, as well as several medals from the Moscow government.


Sergei Tsoi married Anita Kim in 1990. The couple had a son, Sergei. According to the star, when she decided to do musical career, her husband did not help her and was even against it. But this version looks unconvincing, since the aspiring singer quickly made a career, which was hardly possible without the involvement of her husband's resources. But, one way or another, today Anita Tsoi is very popular. The couple continues to keep warm relationship, although both spouses have said more than once that they had to fight for their marriage.

Family and education

  • Father - an officer, then a major general.
  • Mother - Alexandra Fedorovna, the owner of the estate, a member of the populist movement.
  • Wife (since 1895) - Ekaterina Dmitrievna, nee Esipova, in Yuvenaliev's first marriage, in the second (fictitious) - Kuskova (-), publicist, public figure.

Scientist and public figure

Initially, he was close to populism, then to the social democrats (in the 1890s he was a member of the "Union of Russian Social Democrats Abroad"), with whom he came into conflict after the publication of his two books " Towards a Criticism of Marx" and "Labor Movement in the West. The experience of critical research”, which were of a revisionist nature. He was a supporter of "economism", rejected the revolutionary path, was a supporter of evolution.

Activities in 1917


Several paraphrases of the words of one French writer, we can say that for S. N. Prokopovich in economic research, the most important thing was the "music of facts". Sounds in music are expressed in notes, facts in economics are expressed in numbers. In order for the numbers to create real “music”, and not the cacophony (inherent in many Soviet reports), you need a special art to master them, knowledge of laws, rules, techniques, and the theory of statistics. In economics, the "music of numbers", reflecting the facts, is created precisely by statistical art. And S.N. has long studied and loved this art.

Have a nice day.

As promised, I am starting to write short true stories about life and private business in Uzbekistan.

The first story is about how the business was taken away from the elite Business Bank.

When the Central Bank of Uzbekistan in March 2005 announced the revocation of the license from our Business Bank, I was shocked. Because the revocation of a license is an extreme measure used by the central bank as a regulator of banks. At first, warnings are given, fines are imposed, if it does not help, then they limit the conduct of certain banking operations. And then immediately a decision was made to revoke the license on the basis of a “systematic” violation of banking legislation (Articles 17 and 53 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Central Bank" and Article 14 of the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities"). And the date of the decision was chosen subtly: Friday evening. And on Saturday morning, when it was a non-working day and there were no employees in the bank, 12 (!) people from the Central Bank, the internal security service (we call it 1 department), several civilians came and sealed the bank's server. Closed access to all computers and safes. They did not give us enough time to arrive to do everything in our presence. We just arrived at a closed and sealed room. Even the policemen-guards, whom I normally said goodbye to last night, were some kind of strangers today, did not greet me, they barely let me through.

Why was this done?

Let me remind you that Business Bank was created by a group of excellent friends headed by Sergey Mikhailovich Tsoi, an excellent businessman who also organized the leading communications joint venture Knights. He and we have invested heavily in the development of the bank, which we saw as a money multiplier.

All entrepreneurs know that Business Bank was a first-class bank in customer service. The quality of its services, credit and investment policy were the most effective among the existing ones. Naturally, serious capitals of both local and foreign organizations and companies were attracted to the bank. At the very end of 2004, the EBRD chose our bank as the manager of investment capital of $5 million on preferential terms of placement and increased commissions to the manager. In addition, the intention to acquire 40 percent of the shares of our bank was announced. . By this time, we were already the only direct agents of the Western Union system. We managed huge financial flows both in local currency and in hard currency. Until that time, not a single private bank in Uzbekistan has been awarded such an honor. We really became rich people. We knew how and wanted to work, and therefore we were appreciated by foreign partners.

Tell me, how long will such success be tolerated in a country where the entire business is run by one family? - That's right, not for long. Having prepared a plan of capture, gathering a detachment of corrupt officials of the Central Bank, the family went on the offensive. And within one Saturday we lost everything. This is 50 million dollars of authorized capital, these are investment obligations, and this is faith in justice. In addition to the business, we also lost our own capital, as the accounts were frozen, and any attempt to withdraw money was considered theft and tax evasion.

Coincidence or just a coincidence, but at that moment another private bank "Credit Standard" began to unwind on an unprecedented scale. But it has not received international recognition yet. Ka did not get access to Western Union, did not receive soft loans from the EBRD, was simply not recognized by foreign investors as a reliable banking unit. Indeed, in order to achieve all this, one must work for a long time, but this, just, no one knew how, and did not want to. It is easier to take everything from a rich neighbor. Especially when no one stands up for him.

We were accused of creating a financial pyramid following the example of the Russian Vlastelina. What to say to that? I won't say anything. Decide for yourself whether to believe that we have become successful through theft and fraud, or not. I know we've been working.

In general, not only business was taken away from us, but also the desire to work in other areas. We understood that we would lose not only the bank, but freedom. And our war is over.

Many wrote that the leaders of the bank, including Sergei Tsoi and Artur Stalbontsyan, fled abroad. Lies. People simply realized that they would not be allowed to explain anything to them, but simply put in jail. And there, in the cell, they will hang you so that they do not speak further. During the investigation, I was given one injection that suppresses the will of a person and he tells everything. Then I told a lot, but the effect of the injection wears off quickly. After some time, they gave me a second one, but my body could not stand it and the second injection led to my deep fainting. I came to my senses for a long time. Strange, but the investigators were not interested in the schemes of our "theft", but in the accounts and access codes to them. And all this was not advertised in any case later. Where did this money end up? Who manages them now?

Two things struck me about this story. First. The law immediately assumed the pose of an accuser and never once listened to our side, although we had something to say. Second. None of the bank employees, each of whom received from us more than a job and a decent salary, spoke in our defense. After all, accusing the bank of violations, they accused these employees of theft and fraud. But everyone remained silent, thereby agreeing that he was a thief. I was disgusted to look at them when they closed their work books and just went to another bank. I can name these people, but is it worth it? Will they suffer from their cowardice now, if then they became traitors? I don't think it's worth it. Although, maybe they have something to say?

The bank was defended by two completely strangers to us - our clients. One left the balance of the account to us, saying that we could use it to pay the fines, and the other gave an interview to foreign media, talking about what had happened.

And to the question why this was done, I will answer: just to take away our prosperous business. And swim in the money yourself.

After four years, I can only say that this case was the most "humane" way to take someone else's business. No one was killed, nothing burned. Now everything is much tougher.

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