Position regarding the main lines of communication of transport routes. International conflicts

Helpful Hints 08.07.2019
Helpful Hints

"Ethnic Conflicts" - Selection of the hero, close to the child. Presentation of culture Modeling Self-knowledge Creative Protective Therapeutic. The goals of the psychological fairy tale are: We place the hero in a problem situation similar to the real one. The use of various psychotherapeutic methods in fairy tale therapy. Developing. Increasing the level of cohesion, mutual understanding and coordination of actions in the group.

"Armed conflict" - Version of Abkhazia. The units of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia entered the territory of Chechnya. Russian Federation. Russian version. Rising tension. The losses of the parties and the victims of the war. Armed conflict in Abkhazia. Side forces. Conclusion Russian troops from Georgia. Armed conflicts involving the Russian Federation over the past 20 years.

"Interpersonal conflicts" - "I HAVE RIGHTS" Respect for human rights. Stages of development of interpersonal conflict. The difficult financial situation of the family. Hitting below the belt (use of intimate knowledge about a partner). Cause. value conflicts. You need to be calm, confident, but not arrogant. The result is win/win and both parties will be satisfied with the process.

"Interethnic conflicts in Russia" - Theoretical object. The nature of the relationship. Residence of many nationalities in the country. The attitude of the population to detailed coverage of interethnic conflicts. Survey data. The nature of the attitude of the population to multinationality. Consequences of interethnic and intercultural conflicts. Interethnic conflicts in Russia.

"Regional conflicts" - Great Britain. regional conflicts. economic conflicts. Features of regional conflicts. Basque country. Serbia. ethnic conflicts. 1975-1989 - Cambodian-Vietnamese conflict. Latin America - current armed conflicts. Asia - current armed conflicts. Denmark. Belgium. Korean War.

"Conflict in interpersonal relationships" - Adaptation. Scene. The reasons conflict behavior. Cooperation. Mediation. Negotiation. Types of conflicts. Personal behavior in conflict. Building a cluster. How to successfully resolve conflicts. Conflict. Arbitration. terms of the conflict. The structure of the conflict. Science "Conflictology". Targets and goals.

There are 12 presentations in total in the topic

Practical work №2

Drawing up political and geographical comments on the events taking place on the political map. Characteristics of the political and geographical position of the country, its changes over time (form of execution by choice: graphic, cartographic, verbal)

The political map of the world is a mirror of the era. Its formation is a long process that reflects the entire course of development of human society.

Goals of the work: 1. Assess the changes in the political map of the world under the influence of international relations.

2. Provide an analysis of specific developments in the current international political life gleaned from the media.

3. Learn to assess the political and geographical position of the country, identify its positive and negative traits, to mark the change in the political and geographical position of the country in time.

Work sequence

1. Using materials from periodicals, radio and television programs, give examples illustrating the changes taking place on the political map of the world.

The whole world


Foreign Europe

Overseas Asia



Australia and Oceania

Natural gas, trillion. m³

2. According to the table. 4 on p. 98 of the textbook, determine the size of the annual production (consumption) of these types of resources.

3. Divide the stock rate by the production (consumption) rate. The result will show the number of years that this type of minerals will last at the current level of its consumption. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

Whole world (region)

Type of fuel

How many years is enough

The whole world

Natural gas

Foreign Europe

Natural gas

Overseas Asia

Natural gas

Natural gas

Natural gas

Australia and Oceania

Natural gas

5. Make a conclusion about the provision of the world and its individual regions with the most important types of fuel.

II option

1. According to the proposed table, determine the size of the reserves of oil, natural gas and coal for the countries leading in the reserves of these most important fuels.

2. Based on text maps 24, 26, 27 on p. 99-100 of the textbook, determine the size of the annual production (consumption) of these types of resources in these countries.

3. Divide the stock rate by the production (consumption) rate. The result of the division will show the number of years for which this type of mineral will last at the current level of its consumption. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

4. Define the concept of "resource availability".

5. Make a conclusion about the resource availability of these countries with the most important types of fuel.

Practical work No. 5

Discussion of the problem “The Mediterranean in the past, present and future. Resources and ecology” and ways to solve it

Goals of the work: 1. On the example of studying the problem of the Mediterranean, learn to assess and predict the consequences of pollution of the hydrosphere and the entire environment.

2. Check and evaluate the ability to work with additional sources geographic information, to make generalizations and conclusions based on their analysis.

Work sequence

1. Having studied the proposed printing materials, answer the questions:

What resources of this region are the most promising for economic use?

What are the main sources of pollution in the Mediterranean?

Why is the problem of pollution of this marine basin the most acute?

What consequences has the pollution of the Mediterranean led to and can lead to in the future?

2. Make your own project for solving this problem.

reference Information

Treaty for the Salvation of the Mediterranean Sea

In Naples, they die from a cholera epidemic caused by eating infected mussels. In Istanbul, fishermen are complaining about a catastrophic decline in catches. In Spain, a typhus outbreak in a coastal town has left dozens of people hospitalized. Along the famous Cote d'Azur France flying black flags - a signal of pollution; the police cordon off the beaches - swimming is prohibited.

“In the last decade, more and more often and more insistently they talk about the danger hanging over the Mediterranean Sea,” writes the Time newspaper (USA). The life of the inhabitants of the coast in some areas is under the threat of an outbreak of dysentery, viral hepatitis, typhoid.

The Mediterranean Sea is a kind of closed basin that has only one outlet to the ocean - the Strait of Gibraltar. Almost 90% Wastewater falling into the sea is not cleaned. The sewerage system of Naples is so old that the city authorities don't even know where the pipes are. In Athens, 60% of houses are not connected to the central sewer system. The French and Italian coasts are the most polluted areas, where chemical waste from thousands of enterprises is dumped directly into the sea or enters it with river waters.

It seemed unlikely that all 18 countries of the Mediterranean could develop a unified policy on the issue of controlling the level of pollution in this area. 5 years ago, the Board of Governors of the United Nations Environment Program began to take the first steps in this area. At a conference in Athens, its representatives obtained the consent of all the Mediterranean countries, except Albania, to conclude an agreement to save the Mediterranean Sea.

UN environmental experts have developed a project for a regional system for monitoring the level of pollution in the Mediterranean, including 84 laboratories. Some of the results of the studies were encouraging: the absorption capacity of the Mediterranean Sea was greater than many experts thought, and the level of pollution is not critical everywhere. On the other hand, certain areas, in particular the Saronic Gulf, Northern part Adriatic, were recognized as especially dangerous. The United Nations Environment Team concluded: "The Mediterranean is sick." The main sources of pollution are France, Italy and Spain, and therefore these countries will bear the bulk of the cost of implementing the conference's $10 billion program.

It is proposed to include in the agreement a "black list" of substances, such as mercury, cadmium, radioactive substances, which are prohibited from being dumped. A necessary condition for all enterprises and waste systems on the coast is the creation of treatment facilities that meet the requirements of a future international agreement.

(According to the materials of the journal "Man and Nature»).

Mediterranean Sea - "the sewer"

The magazine "Spiegel" (Germany) writes that the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, which turned into a "sewage ditch", began after the Second World War, when industrial enterprises began to be built on the coast from Turkey to Spain. Today, they annually emit hundreds of billion tons of toxic substances - mercury and zinc, chromium and lead. Drain into the sea sewage from the cities in which 100 million people live. human. Great damage is caused by tankers washing their tanks on the high seas.

However, this is just a small fraction of harmful substances. The lion's share of them, the head of the coordinating center for environmental protection of the Mediterranean Sea, is brought by the rivers of their regions located 300-400 km from the coast. "Whoever wants to save the Mediterranean," he says, "must start from the factories of Leon, the sewers of Milan, and the fields of Sudan."

The famous French scientist Jacques-Yves Cousteau was the first to sound the alarm. After a long work, the experts outlined a plan of urgent measures, which were discussed at international conference in Barcelona in 1975. Then he was supported by 5 out of 18 Mediterranean countries. A year later, the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea from Pollution was signed. In accordance with this document, national environmental protection departments were to impose severe penalties on enterprises that did not have treatment facilities. However, only in 1980. experts have compiled a list of substances, the discharge of which should be strictly prohibited. It includes mercury, cadmium, fuel oil, as well as radioactive waste. The list was called the "Athens Protocol".

The threat of pollution in the Mediterranean is not over

The announcement of the "death" of the Mediterranean Sea was still premature, writes the newspaper "End World Report" (USA). The measures taken by the states of this region under the supervision of the UN have yielded some encouraging results: the beaches are again filled with lovers of sunbathing and swimming, and the fish are returning to those places where until recently the fishermen caught only cans.

However, the threat has not yet passed. The shores are covered with heaps of garbage, and the surface of the sea is covered with fetid oil slicks. Experts point out that although last years much is being done in the Mediterranean to reduce pollution levels, in some areas the situation has remained the same or even worsened.

For example, in the north of the Adriatic Sea, 76 Italian enterprises continue to dump untreated waste into the Gulf of Venice. By mediterranean sea carry a quarter of the world's oil, and tankers often dump bilge water with oil residues. Experts point out that 90% of the waste in the 120 largest coastal cities ends up in the sea.

This practice poses a serious threat to the inhabitants of the area. According to a recent study, 95% of shellfish recovered from shells in 50 different locations off the coasts of Italy, France, Greece and Yugoslavia are unfit for human consumption. While in the ocean, debris and oil disperse relatively quickly, in the Mediterranean this process is difficult, since the movement of water masses occurs mainly through the narrow Strait of Gibraltar. The renewal cycle lasts from 80 to 100 years.

(According to the materials of the journal "Man and Nature").

The sea is treated

In recent years, the Mediterranean Sea has served as a sad illustration for discussions on the environmental topic: it was portrayed as a kind of dumping ground for a number of states in Europe, Asia and North Africa. And finally, the encouraging news is noted by the magazine "Around the World": the Mediterranean Sea is on the way to recovery. Even 10 years ago, a third of its beaches were considered unsafe for bathers, and 120 coastal cities threw waste into the sea. Now, only 1/5 of the beaches are heavily polluted, and this proportion is steadily declining.

One of the last international agreements directs the countries of the Mediterranean to create protection zones for 500 endangered animal species: this includes sea ​​turtles, monk seal, peregrine falcon and many others.

(According to press reports).

Practical work No. 6

Explanation (based on sources of geographical information) of the features of urbanization of one of the territories of your choice (western USA, Great Britain, southern Italy, etc.)

Goals of the work: 1. Identify and explain the features of the urbanization of a particular territory.

2. Learn by doing independent work with various sources of geographical information to identify and explain the features of processes and phenomena.

Work sequence

1. Define the concepts of "urbanization", "urban agglomeration", "megalopolis", "urban explosion", "slum agglomeration", "suburbanization" ("green wave").

2. Using the text of the textbook on p. 57-61 (points 2-4), fig.17 on p. 57, map of the atlas "Level of urbanization" on p.15, lecture materials, explain the features of urbanization of one of the selected territories. The work should cover the following questions:

What common features of modern urbanization as a global process are characteristic of the study area?

What are the features of urbanization of the territory you study? Explain their reasons.

Practical work No. 7

Compilation of a comparative assessment of the labor resources of countries and regions of your choice

Goals of the work: 1. Check and evaluate knowledge of the main issues of the topic (natural population movement

Transport and geographical position of Russia. The geographical features of economic ties are determined by transport possibilities.

Before the collapse of the USSR, we had four main outlets to the world ocean: the Baltic, the Pacific, the North Sea, and the Black Sea. With the collapse of the USSR, independent states, including the CIS. The possibilities of Russia's independent access to the main trade routes were sharply limited, especially through the Baltic and Black Seas, which affected the deterioration of the geopolitical situation, for example, Russia's separation from the Baltic countries with its large ports. In the Baltic, the Russian Federation has only one large port, St. Petersburg, while Vyborg and Kaliningrad ports are small in terms of capacity, see page 21 and additional material in Roma's textbook. Today St. Petersburg is a port of international importance.

It is provided by a system of internal transport routes fan out from St. Petersburg. A similar situation has developed in the Black Sea-Azov basin. Novorossiysk and Tuapse are 2 ports through which oil cargoes are exported and grain is imported. But here Russia does not have berths for loading piece cargo and containers. In addition, Russia does not have coastal areas in the northwest and south suitable for the construction of ports without limiting costs.

In this regard, the question of the great efficiency of the use of the ports of the inland seas of the Azov, Black, Caspian ports of Taganrog, Astrakhan, Novorossiysk. The current situation limits maritime communications with Western countries across the Baltic and Black Seas. But, at the same time, the importance of the northern ports is increasing. The northern exit is associated with risky high-latitude navigation.

However, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the ports in the north. It took many decades for the northern sea route to become an active highway. In 1932, the icebreaker Sibiryakov traveled without wintering from Murmansk to the Bering Strait, and in 1935 to Vladivostok. Since 1937, regular navigation along the Northern Sea Route began. The ships covered this distance in less than a month. From St. Petersburg along the Northern Sea Route 14280 km, and through the Suez Canal 23200 km. Sailing along the Northern sea turbidity is carried out for 4 months.

It connects the Far Eastern and European ports, as well as the mouths of the navigable rivers of Siberia. With the almost complete absence of other transport routes in northern Siberia for the use of the rich natural resources of these regions and their economic development, the role of the Northern Route will invariably increase. In the Far East, Russia not only inherited problems from the USSR, but also acquired new ones.

The advantage of the geographical location of the Far East, its wide outlets to the seas, is very poorly realized. Pacific Ocean. There are more than 40 states in the Asia-Pacific region, so it is necessary to use the port of Vladivostok, the Vostochny port has become open. But even here difficult problems are created - the problems of the so-called northern territories, that is, the territorial dispute between Russia and Japan. Therefore, it is necessary to create new ports in the Baltic Sea Primorsky 45 million crude oil, Batareinaya Bay oil cargo and Luga port 35 million see page 20 account of Roma. At this stage, the Kaliningrad port is being reconstructed.

The Baltic ports are poorly used, hence the Baltic countries do not receive any income. The economic, geographical and geopolitical problems of Russia are associated with the operation of not only seaports, but also railway transport in the west and the capacity of railways in the east. Interesting projects are being developed for transit links through the USA and Japan to Western Europe with the help of railroads, aviation and even sea routes.

There were 25 railway crossings on the western borders of the USSR, and Russia has only three with Finland from the Kaliningrad region to Poland and further to Brest 620 km through the territory of Belarus and a 833 km route from St. Petersburg to Grodno on 23 passing through the territory of 3 states the Baltics. In the west of Russia, a lot of transport, road and gas pipeline problems have arisen. Transportation on these highways coming from Russia is expensive, since Russia is forced to pay for all transportation.

So far, modern transport capabilities of ports and railways are limited. About 70 foreign trade accounts for European countries and 50 for EU countries. Sea routes lead to them through the Baltic Sea and land routes through the borders to the south and north of the Baltic. Despite all the difficulties, Russia, actively using the benefits of its geographical position, is pursuing a new policy. It entered the top ten of the Baltic states by signing an agreement on economic and cultural cooperation.

A similar agreement has been signed with the Black Sea states. Recently, the possibility of relations with Western Europe, the USA, Canada, and Korea has increased. 4. Assessment of the RF at the macro level. To determine the position of Russia in relation to other countries, not only border countries assess its position relative to the centers of the economy, culture, and main transport routes. These evaluate the politics and the EGP of the country. Geopolitical position is an assessment of the country's place on the political map of the world, its relationship to different states.

EGP allows you to assess the position of the country on the economic map of the world in relation to the main regions and centers of the economy. EGP is determined by the transport and geographical location. In geography, to understand the peculiarities of the situation of countries, regions and cities, different levels of scale are used. Macro level - should assess at the global, i.e. at the world level, the position of the country in relation to the continents, the oceans, world transport routes, the main centers of world politics and economy.

Meso level - an assessment of the country's position relative to the groups of countries that form the historical regions of South Asia, the Asia-Pacific region. Micro level - the position of Russia in relation to neighboring, border states. 5.

End of work -

This topic belongs to:

Geographical position of Russia

The Russian Federation is the largest state in the world in terms of area 17.1 million km2 1st place Canada 9.98 then China 9.6 4th place USA 9.4 and 5th place Brazil 8.5 million. Northern island point Cape Fligeli on Rudolf Island in the archipelago.. Almost the entire territory of Russia is located in the Eastern Hemisphere. Due to the large length in longitude, there is a large difference ..

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Practical work No. 1

Characteristics of the political and geographical position (GWP) of the country .

Using maps, reference literature, materials from periodicals, radio and television programs, give a description of Russia's GWP according to the plan:
1) general information about the country's political orientation towards present stage: participation of the country in political, military-political and economic organizations;
2) economic and political assessment of state borders:
a) the level of economic development of neighboring countries;
b) belonging of neighboring countries to political
3) position regarding the main lines of communications (international transport routes of various types);
4) position relative to the nearest centers of international and internal conflicts - "hot spots" of the planet:
a) direct or indirect relation of the country to regional conflicts;
b) military-strategic potential and presence of military bases abroad;
c) the position of the country's government in matters of international detente and disarmament;
5) overall assessment of the country's GWP.

On the contour map of Russia:

    Mark the state border in red Russian Federation;

    Sign the names of the states that have land and sea borders with Russia;

    Sign the names of the seas and oceans washing the shores of Russia;

    In green, mark the border between Europe and Asia;

    In blue, designate the Arctic Circle, and in orange - 50 about northern latitude;

    Shade in yellow the territory of the neighboring countries of Russia - members of the CIS;

    Shade in blue the territory of NATO countries neighboring Russia;

    Use red circles to designate “hot spots” in the CIS territory and sign their names.

Practical work number 2.

Drawing on the contour map of the republics of Russia and their capitals.


    mark the state border of the Russian Federation in red;

    mark in green the borders of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation and sign their names;

    sign the names of the capitals of the republics of the Russian Federation.

Practical work No. 3 .

Comparative characteristics regions that are part of the Russian Federation

Objective : deepening knowledge of the geography of the regions of the Russian Federation, the formation of skills to compare the characteristics of the population, the economy of the republics according to given criteria.

Exercise 1. Fill in the table and compare the regions of Russia.


Administrative center.



Industrial Specialization






3. North Ossetia


4. Buryatia




6. Optional

Sources of information: maps of the atlas 9kl, geography textbook, supplement to the textbook - table No. 4 “Sectoral structure of production industrial products»

Task 2. Explain (in writing) the reasons for the industrial specialization of the two republics to choose from.

Task 3. Mark the data of the republic on the contour map.

Practical work number 4.

Construction of a map of the main zone of the population of Russia and the designation on the map of cities - millionaires.


Using the maps of the atlas and reference literature, on the contour map of Russia, complete the following task:

    Designate the state border of Russia;

    Designate the boundaries of the economic regions of Russia;

    Sign the names of millionaire cities in Russia;

    Indicate the main zone of settlement of the population of Russia by shading the “triangle” St. Petersburg - Rostov-on-Don - Novosibirsk;

    Make a conclusion about the distribution of the population of Russia.

Practical work No.

Resident population density


2. Using the data in Table 3, construct a cartogram showing the population density by federal districts.

Table 3

Population density of federal districts(as of January 1, 2007)


Population density,
person/km 2













Far Eastern


Russian Federation


Select gradations of population density (person / km 2):

from 1 to 5,

5 to 10

Give coloring or shading the more intensively, the greater the population density.

3. Designate the subjects of the federation that are distinguished by record population density indicators for Russia.

The most high density population (person / km 2):

Moscow region - 145.1

Moscow - 9571.6

St. Petersburg -3267.5

The lowest population density (person / km 2):

Chukchi aut. district - 0.07

Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 0.2

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 0.3


5. Make up an oral or written story based on the cartogram.

Practical work.

Urban and rural population

1. Circle the borders of the federal districts.

2. According to Table 4, build diagrams on the territory of the respective federal districts, showing the ratio of the urban and rural population.

3. Sign the names of the federal districts.

Table 4

Share of urban and rural
population of Russia
(as of January 1, 2007)


Population, %





from the total
across Russia


























Far Eastern






1 095


4. Using the data in Table 4, build a pie chart showing the number of cities in federal districts as a percentage of the total number of cities in Russia. Do the necessary calculations to complete the task.

5. Analyze the resulting materials.

Practical work No. 15

Designation on the contour map of the economic regions of Russia


On the contour political and administrative map of Russia:

    mark the state border of Russia;

    using the atlas and the text of the textbook, mark the boundaries of the economic regions of Russia and sign their names;

    color in red economic regions that have an internal geographic location (i.e., do not have access to the state border);

    Color in yellow the economic regions that have a coastal geographic location.

Practical work number 10.

Designation on the contour map of the main centers of automotive, shipbuilding, machine tool building and railway and agricultural engineering.


On the contour map of Russia, mark the state border of Russia and the boundaries of its economic regions, mark the most important centers of Russian engineering in different colors and sign their names:

    Passenger car industry: Elabuga, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Serpukhov, Taganrog, Togliatti, Ulyanovsk;

    Truck industry: Miass, Moscow, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhny Novgorod;

    bus building: Kurgan, Likino-Dulyovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Pavlovo, Ulyanovsk;

    Trolleybus construction: Ufa and Engels;

    Locomotive building: Kolomna, Lyudinovo, Murom, Novocherkassk;

    Carriage building: Abakan, Bryansk, Tver, Kaluga, Nizhny Tagil, Novoaltaysk, Chita;

    Subway car production: Mytishchi and St. Petersburg;

    Shipbuilding and ship repair: Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Blagoveshchensk, Veliky Ustyug, Vladivostok, Zelenodolsk, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novodvinsk, St. Petersburg, Syktyvkar, Tyumen, Ust-Kut, Khabarovsk;

    machine tool industry: Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Zlatoust, Kirov, Kolomna, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Ryazan, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk;

    Tractor industry: Vladimir, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Petrozavodsk, Rubtsovsk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk;

    Combine construction: Bezhetsk, Birobidzhan, Krasnoyarsk, Lyubertsy, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Taganrog;

    Make a conclusion about the location of Russian engineering.

Practical work number 6.

Construction of a cartodigram of the fuel industry in Russia.

Progress :

On the contour map of Russia:

    Designate the state border of Russia and its economic regions;

    Using the table "The most important regions of Russia for the extraction of mineral fuels", build a cartographic diagram of the development and distribution of the oil, gas and coal industries in Russia (sign height: 1 million tons (or 5 billion m 3) = 0.5 mm)

The most important regions of Russia in terms of mineral fuel production

Oil production

Natural gas production

Coal mining

The subject of the Russian Federation


(million tons)

The subject of the Russian Federation


(billion m 3 )

The subject of the Russian Federation


(million tons)

Khanty-Mansiysk a.o.

Yamalo-Nenets a.o.



Perm region

Orenburg region

Samara Region



Yamalo-Nenets a.o.

Orenburg region

Khanty-Mansiysk a.o.

Astrakhan region



Kemerovo region

Krasnoyarsk region


Irkutsk region

Chita region


Rostov region

Chelyabinsk region


    Mark the borders of the indicated subjects of the Russian Federation and sign their names;

    Name the region that is the main fuel base of Russia.

Practical work No. 7

Designation on the contour map of the largest power plants in Russia


    Using the maps of the atlas, on the contour map of Russia, mark the largest thermal(Berezovskaya, Zainskaya, Iriklinskaya, Kirishskaya, Konakovskaya, Kostroma, Nizhnevartovskaya, Novocherkasskaya, Permskaya, Reftinskaya, Ryazanskaya, Stavropolskaya, Surgutskaya GRES), nuclear(Balakovo, Beloyarsk, Bilibino, Dimitrovgrad, Kursk, Leningrad, Novovoronezh, Obninsk, Rostov, Smolensk, Tver NPPs) and the largest hydroelectric power plants Russia (Bratsk, Volgograd, Volga, Krasnoyarsk, Sayan, Ust-Ilim hydroelectric power stations) and sign their names;

    Mark on the map the Kislogubskaya TPP and the Pauzhetskaya GeoTPP;

    Shade in blue the economic regions where hydropower plants dominate in the structure of electricity production, and in red - nuclear power plants and sign their names.

    What are the placement factors of thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants?

Don't forget to sign the names of the power plants!

Practical work number 8.

Drawing up a map of the placement of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia and determining the factors for their placement.

Option 1. Drawing up a map of the location of the ferrous metallurgy of Russia.


On the contour map of Russia:

    Using the maps of the atlas, plot the largest deposits of iron ores and coking coals in Russia;

    Use brown circles to designate and sign the names of metallurgical centers full cycle: Alapaevsk, Ashu, Beloretsk, Magnitogorsk, Lipetsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Novotroitsk, Serov, Stary Oskol, Tula, Cherepovets, Chusovoy;

    Use red circles to mark and sign the names of the centers of pig metallurgy: Verkhny Ufaley, Volgograd, Vyksu, Yekaterinburg, Zlatoust, Izhevsk, Kolpino, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Krasnoyarsk, Kulebaki, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omutninsk, Orel, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky , Revda, St. Petersburg, Elektrostal;

    Mark the boundaries of the metallurgical bases of Russia: Central, Ural, Siberian, Far Eastern;

    Red arrows show the ways of transporting iron ores, and black arrows - coking coal;

    What location factor does full-cycle metallurgical plants have, and what factor does it have - conversion metallurgy enterprises;

    Name the only full-cycle center in Russia that has a transport factor of accommodation;

    Name the two largest metallurgical bases in Russia and draw a conclusion about the location of the ferrous metallurgy of Russia

Option 2. Drawing up a map of the placement of non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia.


On the contour map of Russia:

    Draw the state border of Russia and the boundaries of its economic regions;

    Using the maps of the atlas, apply conventional signs the most important deposits aluminum, copper, nickel and polymetallic ores of Russia;

    Designate and sign the names of the most important hydroelectric power stations in Russia with conventional signs: Bratskaya, Volgogradskaya, Volkhovskaya, Irkutskaya, Kandalaksha, Krasnoyarskaya, Ondskaya, Sayanskaya, Ust-Ilimskaya;

    circles blue color designate and sign the names of the most important centers of aluminum metallurgy: Bratsk, Volgograd, Volkhov, Kamensk-Uralsky, Kandalaksha, Krasnoturinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Nadvoitsy, Novokuznetsk, Sayanogorsk, Shelekhov;

    Use orange circles to designate and sign the most important centers of copper metallurgy in Russia: Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Karabash, Kirovgrad; Kyshtym, Mednogorsk, Monchegorsk, Moscow, Norilsk, Revda;

    Use purple circles to designate and sign the largest centers of lead and zinc production: Belovo, Vladikavkaz, Dalnegorsk, Chelyabinsk;

    Use green circles to designate and sign the names of nickel metallurgy centers: Monchegorsk, Norilsk, Orsk;

    Mark the boundaries of the Central, Ural, North-Western and Siberian metallurgical bases and sign their names;

    In which economic region is the largest number of copper metallurgy centers, and in which - aluminum metallurgy?

    Make a conclusion about the placement factors of aluminum, copper, nickel, lead and zinc metallurgy.

Practical work number 22.

Drawing up the characteristics of an industrial unit.


Give the economic and geographical characteristics of the industrial site according to the following standard plan:

    Geographic location of the industrial hub.

    Brief description of the main industrial center:

 time of formation;

 administrative, economic and cultural significance;

 population;

 branches of specialization of the economy.

    Satellite cities, their specialization and connections with the main industrial center.

    Use of local natural resources.

    Features of the transport and geographical position and characteristics of the transport hub:

 types of transport routes passing through the industrial (transport) hub;

 with which large cities the industrial hub is connected.

    Territorial - industrial relations: the main imported and exported goods.

    Problems and prospects for the development of the node.

    Conclusion on the importance and development of the industrial hub.

Option 1. Astrakhan industrial hub.

Option 2. Volgograd industrial hub.

Option 3. Kazan industrial hub.

Option 4. Nizhnekamsk industrial hub.

Option 5. Samara industrial hub.

Option 6. Saratov industrial hub.

Development of a fragment of practical work in grade 9.

Topic of practical work:Determining the feasibility of placing an enterprise Food Industry on the example of a local dairy plant.

The purpose of the work: the formation of skills to provide evidence of the need to locate an enterprise in the center of the district; draw a conclusion about the problems that may arise if the enterprise is closed.

Place of work in the curriculum: there are 2 options

1. when studying the agro-industrial complex of Russia

2. when studying the economy of your area.

Practical work

by purpose - training

By the level of cognitive independent activity - partially search

in form - group and collective

By the degree of cognitive activity - partially independent

Venue - awesome

several sources of information (excursion materials, grade 9 textbook, comprehensive map of the area, statistical data, publications in the local newspaper)

Form of presentation of the result: OK answers with the necessary emphasis on maps and statistical materials.

Prerequisite: before practical work, an excursion to a local enterprise must be completed.

Progress of practical work:

Stage 1.

Group work

1 group

2 group

3 group

1) Based on the complex map of the Shushensky district, the table “Structure of the land fund”, the diagrams “Structure of the economy of the district” and “Structure of agricultural products”, determine the specialization of the district.

1) Make an analysis of the materials obtained during the tour, according to the history of the enterprise.

2) Identify the main prerequisites for the development of this industry in the district center.

1) Make an analysis of statistical data on the number of employees in the enterprise; determine their share in the total number of EAN of the village.

2) Based on the materials of the textbook, establish the factors for the location of the enterprise of the dairy canning industry.

3) Compare the obtained results with state of the art both the economy of the region and the enterprises separately (suppliers of raw materials, consumers of products, form of ownership)

2) Based on press materials, identify problems associated with staff turnover at the enterprise and with a change in the form of ownership, and the owner specifically.

Stage 2

Based on the results of the speeches of the three groups, a general collective conclusion is made on the main goal of the work.

Practical work number 17.

Compilation of the economic and geographical characteristics of one of the economic regions of Russia.


The work is carried out according to a standard plan:

Plan of the economic and geographical characteristics of the region.

    The composition of the territory.

    Territory sizes.

    Type and features of the economic and geographical position (in which part of Russia it is located, with what and where it borders, by what seas and where it is washed, a conclusion about the economic and political and geographical position).

    Natural resource potential and conclusion about the availability of natural resources.

    Characteristic features of the population (number, location, composition, level of urbanization, largest cities, migration patterns and labor resources).

    Branches of industrial specialization and their largest centers.

    The most important branches of agriculture and the main agricultural regions.

    Features of the development of the transport system, the largest transport hubs.

    Features of the development of the non-production sphere.

    Foreign economic relations, the structure of foreign trade, the main exported and imported goods.

    Problems and prospects for the development of the region.

    Conclusion about the economic development of the region.

Practical work number 18.

Drawing up a scheme of industrial relations on the example of one of the economic regions.


AT workbook draw the outline of one of their economic regions Central Russia and arrows show the main exports and imports of this economic region with its neighbors.

Option 1. Central economic region.

Option 2. Volga-Vyatka economic region.

Option 3. Central Black Earth economic region.

Practical work No. 16.

Drawing up a map of the location of the economy of Central Russia.


The work is carried out in the study of the Central, Volga-Vyatka and Central Chernozem economic regions.

1. Central economic region.

    the state border of Russia and the border of the Central Economic Region;

    mark deposits of brown coal (Shchekino, Safonovo), peat (Shatura), phosphorites (Voskresensk, Egoryevsk, Bryansk), ceramic clays (Likino-Dulyovo, Gzhel, Konakovo), glass sands (Gus-Khrustalny, Dyatkovo) with conventional signs;

    designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers with conventional signs (Moscow, Podolsk, Kolomna, Serpukhov, Mytishchi, Likino-Dulyovo, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Murom, Ryazan, Tula, Novomoskovsk, Kaluga, Smolensk, Bryansk, Orel) and mark the branches of their industrial specialization);

    shade the main agricultural regions of the Central Economic Region with different colors.

2. Volga-Vyatka economic region.

On the contour map of Central Russia, mark:

    the border of the Volga-Vyatka economic region;

    sign the names of neighboring economic regions;

    use symbols to designate deposits of peat (Gorodets), phosphorites (Rudnichny), the area of ​​distribution of forest resources ( Kirov region and the Mari Republic);

    designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Nizhny Novgorod, Kstovo, Dzerzhinsk, Pavlovo, Arzamas, Bor, Cheboksary, Saransk, Yoshkar-Ola, Kirov, Kirovo-Chepetsk) with conventional signs and mark the branches of their industrial specialization);

    shade the main agricultural regions of the Volga-Vyatka economic region with different colors.

3. Central Black Earth economic region.

On the contour map of Central Russia, mark:

    the state border and the border of the Central Black Earth economic region;

    designate iron ore deposits (Mikhailovskoye, Yakovlevskoye, Lebedinskoye) and the area of ​​distribution of soil resources with conventional signs;

    designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Kursk, Belgorod, Stary Oskol, Lipetsk, Tambov, Voronezh, Rossosh) with conventional signs and mark the branches of their industrial specialization);

    shade the main agricultural regions of the Central Black Earth economic region with different colors.

Practical work number 19.

Drawing up a map of the economic development of the North-Western economic region.

During the classes:

    The state border of Russia and the border of the North-Western economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Sign the names of marine objects washing the shores of the area;

    Symbolically designate deposits of oil (Kaliningradskoye), oil shale (Slates), aluminum ores (Boksitogorsk), phosphorites (Kingisepp) and amber (Yantarny);

    Designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers with conventional signs (St. Petersburg, Kolpino, Vyborg, Svetogorsk, Velikiy Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad) and mark the branches of their industrial specialization);

    Shade the main agricultural regions of the Northwestern Economic Region with different colors.

Practical work number 20.

Drawing up a map of the economic development of the Northern economic region.

During the classes:

On the contour map of Northwestern and Northern Russia, mark:

    The state border of Russia and the border of the Northern economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Sign the names of the seas washing the shores of the region;

    Symbolically designate deposits of oil (Ukhta, Usinsk), natural gas (Voyvozh), coal (Vorkuta, Inta), iron (Kostomuksha, Kovdor, Olenegorsk), copper (Pechenga), nickel (Nickel), aluminum ores (Khibiny and Iksinskoye ), apatites (Kirovsk) and table salt (Seregovo);

    Symbolically mark the areas of distribution of forest, fish and hydropower resources;

    Symbolically mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Murmansk, Monchegorsk, Kandalaksha, Petrozavodsk, Nadvoitsy, Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Veliky Ustyug, Vologda, Cherepovets, Syktyvkar, Ukhta, Vorkuta) and mark the branches of their industrial specialization);

    Shade the main agricultural regions of the Northern Economic Region with different colors.

Practical work number 21.

Drawing up a map of the economic development of the Ural-Volga region.

During the classes:

The work is carried out in the study of the Ural and Volga economic regions.

1. Ural economic region.

On the contour map of the Urals, mark:

    The state border of Russia and the border of the Ural economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Symbolically designate oil fields (Tuimazy, Osa, Mishkinskoye), natural gas (Orenburg), coal (Kizel), brown coal (Kopeysk, Kumertau), iron (Kachkanar, Magnitogorsk, Gay), chromium (Sarany), manganese (Midnight ), copper (Gai, Krasnouralsk, Kyshtym, Revda, Sibay), nickel (Upper Ufaley, Rezh), aluminum ores (Suleya), gold (Berezovskoye, Kochkarskoye), asbestos (Asbest), sulfur (Orenburg), potash (Solikamsk, Berezniki) and table salt (Berezniki, Sol-Iletsk);

    Symbolically mark the areas of distribution of forest and soil resources;

    Symbolically designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Izhevsk, Perm, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Yekaterinburg, Kamensk-Uralsky, Krasnoturinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Orenburg, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Kurgan) and mark the industries their industrial specialization);

    Shade the main agricultural regions of the Ural economic region with different colors.

2. Volga economic region.

On the contour map of the Volga region, mark:

    the state border of Russia and the border of the Volga economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Sign the Caspian Sea;

    Symbolically designate oil fields (Romashkinskoye, Mukhanovskoye), natural gas (Astrakhanskoye, Saratov, Iki-Burul), sulfur (Astrakhan and Samara), table salt (Baskunchak);

    Use symbols to mark the areas of distribution of fish and soil resources;

    Designate the Volga, Saratov and Volgograd hydroelectric power plants, Balakovo and Dimitrovgrad nuclear power plants, Zainskaya state district power station with conventional signs;

    Symbolically mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Tolyatti, Chapaevsk, Syzran, Saratov, Engels, Balakovo, Penza, Volgograd, Volzhsky, Kamyshin, Astrakhan) and mark the branches of their industrial specialization);

    Shade the main agricultural regions of the Volga economic region with different colors.

Practical work number 23.

Drawing up a map of the economic development of the North Caucasus economic region.


On the contour map of the European South (Northern Caucasus), mark:

    The state border of Russia and the border of the North Caucasian economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Sign the seas washing the shores of the region, including the Caspian Sea;

    Symbolically designate oil fields (Gudermes, Izberbash, Akhtyrsky), natural gas (Stavropol, Mirnoye, Tahta), coal (Mines), polymetallic (Sadon), tungsten and molybdenum ores (Tyrnyauz), cement raw materials (Novorossiysk), mineral waters(Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Sochi);

    Symbolically mark the areas of distribution of soil and recreational resources;

    Symbolically designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Novocherkassk, Volgodonsk, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Stavropol, Nevinnomyssk, Maykop, Cherkessk, Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, Grozny, Makhachkala) and mark the branches of their industrial specialization );

    Shade the main agricultural regions of the North Caucasus with different colors;

    Symbolically designate the most important seaports of the region (Taganrog, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Makhachkala).

    Designate and sign the names of resort cities (Anapa, Sochi, Yeysk, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki) with conventional signs.

Practical work number 24.

Drawing up a map of the economic development of Western and Eastern Siberia.


The work is carried out in the study of the West Siberian and East Siberian economic regions.

Part 1. On the contour map Western Siberia designate:

    The state border of Russia and the border of the West Siberian economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Symbolically designate oil fields (Samotlor, Salymskoye, Surgut, Varyoganskoye), natural gas (Novy Urengoy, Yamburg, Medvezhye, Zapolyarnoye), coal (Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo), polymetallic ores (Salair, Orlovskoye), cooking (Burla) and Glauber salt (Kuchuk);

    Designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Tyumen, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Barnaul, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaisk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Belovo, Prokopyevsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky) with conventional signs and mark the branches of their industrial specialization ;

    Shade the main agricultural regions of Western Siberia with different colors.

Part 2. On the outline map of Eastern Siberia, mark:

    The state border of Russia and the border of the East Siberian economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Sign the seas washing the shores of the region;

    Symbolically designate deposits of coal (Cheremkhovo, Abakan), brown coal (Nazarovo, Irsha-Borodino, Chita), iron ores (Korshunovskoye), copper and nickel ores (Norilsk), tungsten and molybdenum (Dzhidinskoye), tin ores (Sherlovaya Gora ), gold (Bodaibo, Sovetskoye), platinum (Norilsk), asbestos (Ak-Dovurak), table salt (Usolye-Sibirskoe);

    Designate the Sayanskaya, Krasnoyarsk, Bratskaya, Ust-Ilimskaya and Irkutskaya HPPs, Berezovskaya GRES with conventional signs;

    Symbolically mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Sayanogorsk, Norilsk, Dudinka, Igarka, Lesosibirsk, Irkutsk, Shelekhov, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita) and mark the branches of their industrial specialization;

    Shade the main agricultural regions of Eastern Siberia with different colors;

    Symbolically mark the main seaports of the region: Dudinka, Igarka, Dikson.

    Practical work number 25.

    Compilation of a comparative economic and geographical characteristics of the two economic regions.

  1. Progress:

    Using a model plan for the economic and geographical characteristics of the region, the text of the textbook, atlas maps, reference and other literature, make a comparative economic and geographical characteristics of the two economic regions (at the student's choice).

    Option 1.

    Using a standard plan, draw up a comparative economic and geographical characteristic in a workbook in writing.

    Option 2.

    Make a comparative economic and geographical description of the two economic regions in the form of a table:



    Features of difference

    1st district

    2nd district

    Composition of the district

    Territory dimensions

    Geographical position

    Natural conditions and resources

    Characteristic features of the population

    Features of the development of transport and non-production sphere

    Problems and development prospects

    Conclusion on the development of districts

Practical work number 26.

Drawing up a map of the economic development of the Far Eastern economic region.


On the contour map of the Far East (Eastern Siberia and the Far East), mark:

  1. the state border of Russia and the border of the Far East economic region;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic regions;

    Sign the seas and oceans washing the shores of the region;

    Symbolically mark the deposits of oil (Okha), natural gas (Srednevilyuiskoye), coal (Neryungri, Sangar, Sredny Urgal, Partizansk, Boshnyakovo), brown coal (Raychikhinsk, Bikin, Artyom, Uglegorsk), polymetallic ores (Dalnegorsk), tin ores (Pevek, Deputatsky, Esse-Khaya, Kavalerovo, Perevalnoye), gold (Dukat, Ust-Nera, Nezhdaninskoye, Allah-Yun, Golden Mountain), table salt (Kempendyai), diamonds (Mirny, Aikhal, Ebelyakh);

    Symbolically designate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Dalnegorsk, Blagoveshchensk, Yakutsk, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) and mark the branches of their industrial specialization;

    Shade the main agricultural regions of the Far East with different colors;

    Symbolically designate the most important seaports: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Kholmsk, Vanino, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Tiksi, Pevek.

Practical work number 27.

Characteristics of one of the territorial production complexes of the Eastern Economic Zone


Give the economic and geographical characteristics of the territorial production complex (option at the choice of the student) according to the following standard plan:

    Geographical position.

    Natural conditions and the most important types of natural resources.

    Largest cities.

    Sectors of specialization of industry (by city).

    Features of the development of transport.

    Territorial - industrial relations.

    Conclusion about the significance and development of the TPK.

Option 1. West Siberian TPK.

Option 2. Kuznetsk-Altai TPK.

Option 3. Kansk-Achinsk TPK.

Option 4. Norilsk TPK.

Option 5. Sayan TPK.

Option 6. Bratsko-Ust-Ilimsk TPK.

Option 7. South Yakutsk TPK.

Option 8. TPK of the BAM zone.

Practical work number 28.

Description of the local business.


Give a comprehensive economic and geographical description of the local enterprise (at the student's choice), using various sources of information according to the standard plan:

    Company name.

    What industry does this company belong to?

    Location of the enterprise.

    Enterprise specialization.

    Enterprise size.

    Territorial - industrial relations of the enterprise: the main suppliers of equipment, raw materials and the most important consumers of finished products.

    Problems and prospects of development.

    Conclusion about the importance and development of the enterprise.

Practical work number 29.

Comparative economic and geographical characteristics of the two countries of the Near Abroad.


Using a model plan for the economic and geographical characteristics of the country, the text of the textbook, reference and other literature, make a comparative economic and geographical characteristics of the two countries of the Near Abroad (at the student's choice).

Option 1.

Using a standard plan, make a comparative economic and geographical description of the two countries of the Near Abroad in writing.

Option 2.

Make a comparative economic and geographical description of the two countries of the Near Abroad in the form of a table:



Features of difference

1st country

2nd country

State structure

The area of ​​the land

Economic and geographical position

Natural conditions and resources

Characteristic features of the population

Economy structure

Branches of industry specialization

Branches of specialization of agriculture

Features of the development of transport

Branches of specialization of the non-production sphere

Foreign economic relations

Conclusion on the development of countries

Practical work number 30.

Drawing up a map of Russia's external economic relations with the countries of the Far and Near Abroad.


Using the text of the textbook, reference and other literature, on a contour map, draw up a map of Russia's external economic relations with the countries of the Far and Near Abroad:

1. designate the borders of Russia and the most important foreign economic partners of Russia and sign their names;

2.arrows various colors show the main goods exported from Russia and imported to Russia from the countries of the Near and Far Abroad;

3. make a conclusion about the structure and geographical features of Russia's foreign trade;

4. mark other types on the map with conventional signs economic cooperation Russia with the countries of the Near and Far Abroad.

Practical work No.

Practical work. 9th grade

Compilation of characteristics of one of the economic regions of the Eastern macro-region according to various sources.

Objective: the formation of skills to characterize the economic region based on the integrated use of atlas maps, diagrams, statistical tables and the text of the textbook.

Exercise: characterize the area located within the Eastern macro-region according to the table. Mark the given economic region on the map.

Option 1 - West Siberian region,

Option 2 - East Siberian region.

1.TPK name

2. Geographic location

3. Composition of the district

4. Resources and energy used

5. Branches of specialization

6. Manufactured products



7. Problems and prospects for development

Practical work Grade 10

Topic: Construction of a map of the location of the main regions of the energy, machine-building, chemical industries of the world.

Objective: development of skills for the integrated use of maps, textbooks, reference materials in order to select and fix industrial regions and countries with a high level of development of manufacturing industries.

Exercise 1.

a). Write in the table for the five largest manufacturers of these industries.



Major manufacturers. / Countries, numbers /

Power industry


mechanical engineering




(chemical fibers/

/page 347/

b). Explain the reasons for the accelerated development of energy, mechanical engineering and chemistry compared to other industries / in writing /.

c) On the c / c mark countries with a high level of development of the electric power industry, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry. (To highlight in color)

Draw the main cargo flows of primary energy carriers (hard coal, oil, gas) on the c / c with arrows.

Task 2.

Name the countries that provide themselves with their own fuel and the countries focused on imported fuel.

Countries secured

own fuel

Type of fuel

Importing countries


Type of fuel

Determine the description of the economic region of Russia. 9th grade

1 option

1. Occupying a coastal position, the region represents the geopolitical interests of our country in one of the most "hot" regions the globe. The territory of the district has unique for the country agroclimatic resources. High level of development of the agro-industrial complex. In addition, electric locomotives, equipment for nuclear power plants, and steam boilers are produced. The population is characterized by ethnic diversity, a high proportion of the rural population. The “gateway” of this region is considered to be the only millionaire city here.

2. Contrary to the seaside position, the region's EGP is unfavorable. There are significant reserves of mineral, water, and forest resources. The energy potential of the region is one of the most powerful in the country; the basis of the economy is formed by electric-intensive production. The number and average density of the population are small, there is a problem of shortage of labor resources. The population of the region is located mainly along transport routes.

3.One of the largest regions of the country in terms of area and small in terms of population. Despite the coastal position, there are no large seaports. Thanks to the resource potential, the area has become one of the world's largest regions of oil and gas production. The largest thermal power plants in Russia operate here. Along with the fuel and energy complex, machine-building and metallurgical complexes are developed. There are two millionaire cities, the only ones in the Asian part of the country.

4. The area is characterized by a transit EGP. Minerals were considered the main type of natural resources, but by now they are very depleted, and enterprises are forced to use imported raw materials. The main branches of the economy are closely related to each other. The level of development of the military-industrial complex is one of the highest in the country, which is the reason for the problem of the conversion of defense enterprises. The population of the region is characterized by a relatively high number, a diverse national and religious composition, and a significant proportion of the urban population. There are several millionaire cities here.

5. The area occupies an intermediate position between the Center and the South. In this regard, the population, both in language and in everyday life, has many Ukrainian features. The proportion of the rural population is one of the highest in the country. There are no millionaire cities. There are two types of resources of national importance, the use of which is difficult to combine with each other. The district has a high level of development of all parts of the agro-industrial complex. In addition, a ferrous metallurgy enterprise, unique for Russia, is located on its territory.

6. The area is characterized by a seaside EGP, beneficial in terms of developing ties with European countries. The territory is rich in mineral and forest resources, which ensure the predominant development of resource and raw materials industries. In terms of the share of the urban population, the district occupies one of the first places in the country, while there are no cities with millionaires.

7. One of the main features of the region's EGP is transit and a significant length of transport routes. The area has a rich resource potential and favorable conditions for their development. The electric power industry, petrochemistry, and the machine-building complex are characterized by a high level of development. Variegated national and religious composition of the population. Three millionaire cities are located along the main transport artery of the region.

8. The region occupies a coastal position and has many types of natural resources. The conditions for their development vary considerably from place to place. Peculiarities of EGP and resource base open wide opportunities for foreign trade with the countries of one of the most dynamically developing regions of the globe. Maritime transport plays a leading role not only in international but also in intra-regional transportation. The population size and density are low. The demographic pressure of one of the border states is felt.

Determine the description of the economic region of Russia grade 9.

Option 2.

1. This region is a place where two parts of the world meet, various landforms, large basins river systems, climatic regions, several natural and economic zones of Russia.

2. This area is one of the largest in terms of area and the smallest in terms of population. The country's most full-flowing river is located here and the largest hydroelectric power stations have been built. Its vast mineral wealth is still waiting to be explored.

3. The southernmost and warmest region of Russia, its territory is located between two seas. On the territory of the region there is a conditional border between Europe and Asia. Water resources limited.

4. The main street of Russia passes through the territory of the region, along which natural landscapes naturally change. The region produces electricity, chemical products, aviation industry, supplies the country with grain, vegetables, sturgeon and black caviar.

5. This is the "supporting edge of the state", its wealth has long been mastered; he was famous for ore miners, steel production, stone-cutting art; produces metals, heavy machinery, equipment for the mining and metallurgical industries, and defense enterprises operate.

6. The area is stretched from north to south on both sides of the great Russian river, the ethnic composition of the population is motley. Industries of specialization are the electric power industry (cheap electricity), the automotive industry, the extraction and processing of oil and gas.

7. The relief of the region is flat. The territory is mainly located in the tundra and forest-tundra zone. Lots of wetlands. severe natural conditions hinder the development of minerals - apatite, aluminum ores, nickel ores, oil, gas, coal. Industries of specialization include forestry, fishing industry

8. InXIXcentury there were only salt and fisheries. Explored reserves of oil and gas, a cascade of power plants on the river provided the region with a solid energy base. The area is the most important center of oil and gas processing, mechanical engineering and chemical industry. Vegetable and irrigated agriculture is developed in the south of the region.

9. Natural resources regions are large. Oil, gas, coal and gold are mined here. In terms of explored reserves of tin and tungsten, the region occupies a leading position in the country. The region has developed timber industry. The intensity of population migration is the highest in the country. The urban population predominates.

Explanatory note.

The practical work of students in geography lessons is one of the most important

elements of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities. It largely depends on

teacher skills: find the main thing, highlight it, give an analysis - components

parts of independent work of high school students.

This methodological manual consists of 12 practical works on

course "Economic and social geography of the world" edited by V.P.

Maksakovskiy for 10-11 grades. Each work is designed for 1 lesson.

In the conditions of modernization of education, there is a complex problem of content

education for each subject. This problem was not bypassed

geography. Each creative teacher solves it in his own way.

Based on the didactic principles of the development of personality-

oriented learning, presented a course of practical work for

10-11 grades. implies not only the transfer to students of a certain

systems of knowledge and skills, but also their acquisition of skillsindependent

extraction of information.

aim of this methodological manual is:

strengthening the practical orientation of school geography lessons in

high school

development of students' skills of independent work with various

sources of knowledge.

When developing the manual, own pedagogical experience was taken into account.

Approbation of practical work took place in the 2006-07 academic year and gave

positive results in assessing the quality of students' knowledge 10-11


I consider it valuable that in these lessons the students with great pleasure

engaged in practical research activities, learned to do

independently conclusions, comprehending such a multifaceted and fascinating

science asgeography.

Practical work number 1.

Topic: Assessment of the resource availability of individual countries of the world (FEC).



Oil, billion tons

Gas, trillion. m3

Coal, billion




























South Africa






































































Saudi Arabia


















































Z- stocks; D - production; P - resource availability.

1. Calculate P countries of the world by dividing the number of RESERVES by the number


2. Make a conclusion about the resource availability and development of the country's economy.

Practical work №2.

Topic: Assessment of the resource availability of individual countries of the world.

1. Economic and geographical position of the country.

2. Based on the atlas data, evaluate the mineral resources


3. Based on the data of the atlas, give an assessment of the water resources of the country.

4. Based on the atlas data, give an assessment of forest and land resources


5. Make a general conclusion about the resource availability of the country.

1 option - USA

Option 2 - Russia

Option 3 - China







Mineral resources

Water resources

Forest and land resources

Conclusion about resource availability

Practical work number 3.

Topic: Characteristics of the political and geographical position of the country.

2. Assessment of the resource base of the country's economy:

Mineral resources

forest resources

Water resources

Land resources.

3. Give a description of the country's specialization industries.

4. Make an analysis of the political situation in the country.

5. * On the contour map, put the "hot spots" of the planet (leading


Practical work No. 4.

Topic: Compilation of a systematizing table "State

structure and main forms of administrative-territorial


Based on the material of the textbook and the data of the atlas, fill in the following



Form of government

Form of administrative











Practical work No. 5.

Topic:Explanation of population reproduction processes in countries


1. Economic and geographical position of the country.

2. Characterize the processes of population reproduction in the data


3. Explain the reasons for differences and similarities in processes


4. Make a conclusion about the relationship between population reproduction and economic

development of these countries.

* Note.

Option 1 - Russia and China

Option 2 - Italy and Korea

Option 3 - Sweden and Malaysia

Option 4 - USA and Vietnam

Practical work No. 6.

Topic: Explaining Regional and Sectoral Differences in Structure

employment of the population of the countries of the world.

1. Indicate the type of reproduction in each country, determine from the atlas

average population density.

2. Indicate the differences in the structure of employment of the population presented

countries using the data in the table.

3. Explain the reasons for the difference in employment.

4. Make a general conclusion.

Option 1 - USA and Indonesia

Option 2 - China and Nigeria

Employment of the population (in%).





Having extracted









































Practical work No. 7.

Topic: Making a Comparative Estimate of the Labor Force of Countries

world (in tabular form)





greater density

Population and areas with

greater density

Type of reproduction, is there

population growth

Type of reproduction, is there

population growth

Age and gender composition


and rural population

Age and gender composition


Employment, share of urban

and the rural population.

labor resources.

Conclusion about the security of the country

labor resources.

Option 1 - Canada and Algeria

Option 2 - Germany and the UAE.

Practical work No. 8.

Topic: Explanation of the causes of migration processes .

1. Set the direction of migration flows within the specified


2. Show on the contour map with arrows the direction of migratory


3. Explain the reasons for migration flows.

Option 1-Europe

Option 2 -North America

Option 3 - Asian space.

Practical work number 9.

Topic: Characteristics of the centers of the world economy.

1. Conduct an analysis of the conditions (climatic, geographical,

natural), which contributed to the formation of this

economic center.

2. Draw the structure of the branches of the economy in the form of a pie chart

this economic center and draw a general conclusion about

preferred direction.

3. List the main exports and imports of this

economic center.

4. Which international groupings does this economic


* Note.

Option 1-Europe

Option 2 - Asia

Practical work №10.

Topic: Mapping "Regional and sectoral

groupings of the countries of the world.

1. Put on a contour map the countries of this group, marking them

certain color.

2. Fill in the table and draw a conclusion about the presence of the same industries



Main sectors of the economy

3. Formulate the main reasons for the formation of these industries

(resources, population, transport).

4. Make a general conclusion about the structure of the economy of this group of countries.

1 option - countries pre-industrial economy

Option 2 - industrial economy countries

Option 3 - countries of post-industrial economy

Practical work No. 11.

Topic: Drawing up a map "Coal industry of the world"

1. Mark 10 on the contour map leading countries for coal mining.

2. Designate the main directions of international cargo flows of coal.

3. Select the region of the world that is the leader in coal production.

4. Select the main coal-producing countries that are not

coal exporters.

Practical work No. 12.

Topic: Mapping "Metallurgy of the World".

1. On the contour map, designate 10 leading countries in the extraction of iron


2. Indicate the main directions of international cargo flows

iron ore.

3. Designate 10 leading steel producing countries.

4. Mark 5 leading countries in the production of primary aluminum

(cardiogram method).

5. Select the region of the world that is the leader in the production of iron

ore and steel production.__

international importance.

Foreign trade occupies a central place in the system of China's foreign economic relations. According to estimates, by the end of the 1990s, China's foreign trade turnover will amount to 400 billion dollars (export - 121.3 billion dollars, import - 191.2 billion dollars, 1994). The "exportability" of the country's economy is growing (the volume of foreign trade is about 30% of the value of China's GDP).

The increase in foreign capital has a great impact on foreign trade. Joint ventures account for about 30% of China's exports and more than 40% of its imports.

According to this economic model, China's foreign investment and international economic relations are based on the economic theory of "comparative advantage". China uses the economic theory of "comparative advantage", following which China, with its cheap labor force and cheap technology, produces on the world market, respectively, cheaper products compared to European countries and the United States, thereby being in more favorable conditions. Only in this way can it maximize the efficiency of the international division of labor and profitably use this for its own economic development. There is credible evidence that there are labor camps in China where workers are kept who are paid pennies or even forced to work for free. It is these people who produce most of the very cheap, and quite high-quality Chinese products, working for days in the most difficult conditions.

China is an exporter of labor-intensive products (3/4 of exports), due to the possibility of using cheap labor. The leading place in exports is occupied by clothing and textile products (cheap, made from natural raw materials). The export of consumer goods is significant: toys, shoes, sporting goods. An important place in the structure of exports belongs to machinery and equipment (25% of the value of exports). These are machine tools for small repair shops, sewing machines, and recently simple electronic equipment (tape recorders, video, etc.).

China's imports are dominated by engineering products (equipment, machine tools, electronics), vehicles (cars, aircraft). The import of industrial raw materials and semi-finished products is growing.

2. Physical-geographic regions

3. Position in relation to physical and geographical objects of economic importance.

The total length of China's land borders is 22,117 km with 14 countries. The coast of China stretches from the border with North Korea in the north to Vietnam in the south and is 14,500 km long. China is washed by the East China Sea, the Korea Bay, the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea. Taiwan is separated from the mainland by the Taiwan Strait.

The topography of China is very diverse, on its territory there are high mountains, plateaus, depressions, deserts and vast plains. Three major orographic regions are usually distinguished:

    The Tibetan Plateau, over 2,000 meters above sea level, is located in the southwest of the country.

    The belt of mountains and high plains has a height of 200-2000 m, is located in the northern part

    Low accumulative plains below 200 m high and low mountains in the northeast, east and south of the country, where most of the population of China lives.

The Great Plain of China, the Yellow River Valley, and the Yangtze Delta join together near the sea coast, stretching from Beijing in the north to Shanghai in the south. The Pearl River Basin (and its main tributary the Xijiang) is located in southern China and is separated from the Yangtze River basin by the Nanling Mountains and the Wuyishan Range (which is listed world heritage in China).

The climate of China is very diverse - from subtropical in the south to temperate in the north. On the coast, the weather is determined by the monsoons, which occur due to the different absorption properties of land and ocean. Seasonal air movements and accompanying winds contain a large amount of moisture in summer and are quite dry in winter. The onset and retreat of the monsoons to a large extent determine the amount and distribution of precipitation throughout the country. Huge differences in latitude, longitude and altitude in China give rise to a wide variety of temperature and meteorological regimes, despite the fact that most of the country lies in a temperate climate.

More than 2/3 of the country is occupied by mountain ranges, highlands and plateaus, deserts and semi-deserts. Approximately 90% of the population lives in coastal areas and floodplains big rivers, such as the Yangtze, Yellow River (Yellow River) and Pearl. These areas are in a difficult ecological state as a result of long and intensive agricultural cultivation and environmental pollution.

China's northernmost province, Heilongjiang, has a temperate climate similar to that of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, while the southern island of Hainan is in the tropics.

The temperature difference between these regions during the winter months is large, but the difference decreases in summer. In the northern part of Heilongjiang, temperatures in January can drop to -30°C, with average temperatures around 0°C. average temperature July in this area is 20 °C. In the southern parts of Guangdong, mean temperatures range from 10°C in January to 28°C in July.

Precipitation varies even more than temperature. On the southern slopes of the Qinling Mountains, numerous rains fall, the maximum of which falls on the summer monsoons. As you move north and west of the mountains, the chance of rain decreases. The northwestern regions of the country are the driest, in the deserts located there (Takla-Makan, Gobi, Ordos) there is practically no precipitation.

China is rich in various types of fuel and raw materials mineral resources. Of particular importance are the reserves of oil, coal, and metal ores.

China has deposits of almost 150 known minerals in the world. The main source of energy in China is coal, in terms of the reserves of which China is inferior to few countries.

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