Card file of homework for teaching literacy. Teaching preschoolers to read and write (workbooks)

Design and interior 13.10.2019
Design and interior

The scenario of the game program for teaching literacy based on the television program "Question to Backfill"

Maltseva Elena Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, MBOU "Severokommunarskaya secondary school", MBDOU "Severokommunarsky kindergarten", Severny Kommunar village, Sivinsky district, Perm Territory
Work description: game program on teaching literacy "Question for backfilling" is intended for children 6-7 years old. During the game, children in a playful way consolidate knowledge on the topics studied. Depending on the level of development of children, tasks can be complicated or simplified. This material will be useful to speech therapists of preschool and school institutions, educators, teachers primary school, as well as parents when playing the game at home.
Target: consolidation of the acquired knowledge in the classroom in an entertaining game form.
Educational tasks:
check the strength of children's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities formed in the classroom;
learn to apply them in practical activities - the game.
Correction-developing tasks:
to consolidate the ability to determine the number of syllables;
to consolidate the ability to find words with a given sound;
to consolidate the ability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants;
develop the ability to correctly answer the question;
develop attention, memory, logical thinking.
Educational tasks:
cultivate interest in speech games, teamwork skills.
pens, felt-tip pens, tokens, xerox colored paper, the letter Y, task cards, a grain of rice, a magic box, diplomas, certificates, prizes, hours, minutes for the jury.
Preparatory work:
parents are invited to participate in the game, 15 leaves of three colors are prepared (e.g. pink, green, yellow), couriers are selected to help the speech therapist collect answers, distribute tokens, a jury (parents, methodologist, educators) and fans are invited.
Musical accompaniment:
Screensaver from the TV show "Question to Backfill".
Musical compositions from the album "New Children's Songs":
"Letter A", "One, two, three ...".
Musical composition "Every little child".
Musical composition "Inseparable friends".
Musical composition "ABC".
1 team - 4 people + mentor (parent for the Special Task competition)
Team 2 - 4 people + mentor (parent for the Special Task competition)
Team 3 - 4 people + mentor (parent for the Special Task competition)

Game progress:

Teacher speech therapist:
Good afternoon, game participants, dear parents and guests. Today I am glad to welcome you to the intellectual and educational game "Question to backfill" (sounds musical composition and a screensaver from the program “Question to Backfill” is shown on the screen)
Teacher speech therapist:
3 teams of 4 people each take part in the "Question for backfilling", one of which is a brave captain. His responsibilities include leading the team, writing the correct answers to the questions on the sheets of paper and responsibly leading his team to victory. For the correct answer, the team receives a chip, which is equal to 10 seconds. Each team earns time for the last decisive competition.
The most important thing is to solve the final question. Each team has its own time, which it earned during the game. The team that completes the last task first will be the winner.
Let's greet our teams with thunderous applause.

(Greeting and introduction of teams).

Teacher speech therapist:
Each team has its own mentor who will help the team earn an extra 10 seconds. Let's welcome our mentors.
Teacher speech therapist:
Your results will be evaluated by a strict but fair jury (jury presentation)
Teacher speech therapist:
Attention! Attention! Dear fans! Now our intellectuals will demonstrate their erudition. We heartily welcome and congratulate everyone. We wish success to our winning teams.
Teacher speech therapist:
We also have a game for you, where it's time for you to show your knowledge!
Let your ingenuity help you prove yourself in the game!
Don't be shy, don't be lazy - there is a prize for the winners!

1 round - "Syllables"

Teacher speech therapist:
Let's get acquainted with the rules of the game.
Rules of the game: Each team has sheets of a certain color. This is the hallmark of your team. You will write your answers on them. From 3 options, you need to choose the correct answer and write down the corresponding number on a piece of paper, give it to the courier who brings the sheet with the jury's answer.
My assistants, Natasha and Nastya, will help me.
1 question: Choose a bird whose name has 2 syllables (the image file is called "ris2")
1. Rook
2. Woodpecker
3. Sparrow
Reference: Did you know that the length of the tongue of a woodpecker reaches 15 centimeters.
2 question: Choose an animal whose name has 1 syllable (the image file is called "ris3")
1. Elk
2. Fox
3. Squirrel

Reference: In winter, for 1 day, an elk gnaws at the bark of about 100 (one hundred) trees and shrubs.
(The jury sums up the results, during the game the couriers collect the answer sheets, distribute the tokens)

Round 2 - "Vowels"

Teacher speech therapist:
You know that there are 6 vowels in Russian: a, o, u, s, i, e.
1 question: In which picture does the girl pronounce the vowel sound [and] (the image file is called "ris4")

2 question: What color do we represent vowel sounds?
1. blue
2. green
3. red

3 question: Pick a flower that ends in a vowel (the image file is called "ris6")
1. poppy
2. rose flower
3. tulip

Reference: The smallest rose bud is the size of a grain of rice a speech therapist demonstrates a grain of rice).
(Jury summing up)

Round 3 - "Consonant sounds and letters"

Teacher speech therapist:
When we pronounce consonants, the air stream meets an obstacle (teeth, lips, tongue)
1 question: There are 3 letters in front of you, one of them denotes a consonant sound. What number is it under? (the image file is called "ris7")
1. s
2. m
3. y

2 question: What color do we represent soft consonants? (the image file is called "ris5")
1. blue
2. green
3. red
3 question: Choose a picture in the name of which the first consonant is soft (the image file is called "ris8")
1. matryoshka
2. ball
3. doll

(Jury summing up)

Round 4 - "Change"

Teacher speech therapist:
The team is built in a column behind the captain. On a signal, each player of the team runs to the easel, circles the object, in the name of which the sound [a] occurs. The first team to complete the task and correctly circle all the pictures with the given sound wins. (the image file is called "ris9")

(During the competition, the composition “Letter A” sounds)

Round 5 - "Sounds and Letters"

1 question: Determine the number of sounds in the word house? (the image file is called "ris10")

(Jury summing up)

Round 6 "Physical education - hello"

Teacher speech therapist:
You know that letters can be molded, laid out from different objects, and we are now using different parts we will depict her body.
Task: Think, draw the letter M as a team. The team that draws this letter more accurately, diversely and in an original way wins. The winning team receives a token. (During the competition, the composition “ABC” sounds)
(Jury summing up)

Round 7 "Magic ball"

Teacher speech therapist:
Today, a vowel is hidden in the Magic Ball. In Russian, not a single object can be named for this vowel sound. Write this vowel. answer: letter Y (Jury summing up)

Round 8 "Special task"

Teacher speech therapist:
Now we invite our mentors, your parents, to participate. There is a task for you too, by answering correctly, you will bring an additional token to your team.
Exercise: There are 3 objects in front of you, choose the one in the name of which all consonant sounds are voiced (the image file is called "ris11")
1. watermelon
2. pear
3. mandarin

(During the competition, the composition “Adults and Children” sounds)
(Jury summing up)

Round 9 "Backfilling question"

Teacher speech therapist:
Each team counts the number of tokens, each token is equal to 10 seconds. The team completes the last task for the time earned during the game. The team that completes the task first wins. (during the competition, the jury keeps track of time)
Exercise: Guess the proverb by writing 1 letter in the title of each picture
(the image file is called "ris12")

Loving parents want to raise their baby so that in the future he will become a well-educated person with career prospects. The first step on this path is getting a quality pre-school education. The school program adopted now is structured in such a way that the child must come to school already knowing the basics of literacy. And it is very important that the educator not only teach the preschooler letters and reading, but also be able to instill in him a “sense of language”, an understanding of the laws of its construction and the ability to use them.

Why you need to teach literacy before school

From the point of view of psychologists, a child at the age of 4–5 years has a special “sense” for language, which weakens in the future. Important since junior group build classes with preschoolers in such a way as to form their intuition for correctly constructed language structures, develop a clear pronunciation of words, improve vocabulary. In addition, literacy training contributes to the development of mental activity and memory, analysis and synthesis of information. All of these arguments point to the need for such training.

How is the process of teaching literacy

Literacy is taught gradually, in a playful way. The following tasks can be distinguished:

  • acquaintance of children with the concepts of "word" and "sound", the development of phonemic hearing;
  • division of a word into syllables, correct placement of stress in a word;
  • analysis of the sound composition of a word, the ability to identify vowels, hard and soft consonants, compare words by sound composition;
  • familiarity with the concept of "sentence" and its vocabulary;
  • the basics of reading and writing, composing words using a split alphabet.

Modern methods of teaching literacy are based on the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching reading, proposed by K. D. Ushinsky more than a hundred years ago. According to this technique, children's acquaintance with sounds occurs when they are isolated directly from live speech. First, the vowels are assimilated a, o, i, e, y, s. Tasks become more difficult gradually. The sound is defined in monosyllabic, disyllabic, and then in polysyllabic words. Then the vowels i, yu, ё are studied. And only after that they proceed to the study of consonants. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that teaching children to identify consonants in a word is the most important and difficult task, it is the "key to reading."

Children 4-5 years old are most receptive to sounding speech, interest in reading usually appears only by 6-7 years

For young children, the play component of classes is an important aspect. The child must be motivated to perform exercises, to captivate with an interesting task. A lot of techniques and methods have been developed, you just need to choose the appropriate classes for the topic and the age of the children. Literacy classes may include the basic methods of educational activities: looking at pictures, drawing, reading poetry, solving riddles, outdoor games, but, in addition, there are specific exercises that will be discussed further. It is recommended to conduct literacy classes at least once a week.

If there is a significant differentiation in the group in terms of the level of assimilation of the material, then it is advisable to use individual tasks or conduct classes in subgroups.

Features of classes with limited health in children

Speech impairment, which is observed in certain types of diseases in children, leads to inhibition of the process of mastering reading and writing skills. Such children perform tasks more slowly, often confuse similar-sounding letters, similar-sounding words. Preschoolers with such deviations need the help of a speech therapist, a psychologist, as well as increased attention from the educator and parents.

Conducting classes in a group is built in such a way that the child performs some exercises individually. But at the same time, he should not feel completely separated from the common activities. For example, you can work out a task individually in advance or offer a child with disabilities more an easy riddle giving them the opportunity to express themselves among their peers.

Children with speech disorders receive an education comparable to the education of healthy peers, being in their environment

Parents should help the educator and speech therapist by doing some additional exercises with a child or reinforcing what they have learned in the garden. At home, you can also use interactive games, the interest in which children have is quite high.

Video: Teaching Literacy to Children with Speech Disabilities

Forms and methods of teaching

There are three main groups of teaching methods for children, each of which is based on a certain form of thinking of the child.

  • visual methods. These include: displaying objects, pictures, illustrations; solving isographs (letters are superimposed on one another, you need to determine them) and rebuses; staging skits, watching presentations, cartoons, visiting the theater.
  • Practical methods. This group includes: performing exercises, playing techniques, modeling, designing.
  • verbal methods. Conversations, reading, drawing up stories according to a model, stories according to a plan, stories - fantasies.

When conducting classes, the teacher should use techniques so that different types of children's activities alternate, the method of obtaining information is switched: visual, tactile, auditory. Consider examples of practical techniques:

When studying letters, for better assimilation of the material, their appearance is played up in various creative tasks. Draw a letter, decorate it with different patterns, sculpt a letter, sew a dress for it, lay out a letter with beans or buttons, draw with sand, fold it from sticks, braid, receive a letter as a gift, etc.

To check the assimilation of the material with older children, verification work can be carried out.

An exercise that can be included in such work: handout with objects and studied vowel sounds. Children must connect the object and the image of the vowel that is in the word. For the first picture, draw a word scheme: how many syllables, which one is stressed.

Sample card for verification work with older preschoolers

Run sound-letter analysis words, that is, write the names of the objects depicted in the cards.

A handout that asks for the names of objects can be used for children who can write.

Reading children can be offered solving puzzles or games to compose words: “Who will make more new words from the letters of the word Excellent?”; "Name the words consisting of two, as the word Parovoz consists of the words Par and Voz."

Stages of teaching preschoolers to read and write

Preparation for literacy begins at the age of three. What tasks are solved in each age group?

Second junior group

This year's goals are:

  • dictionary enrichment;
  • developing the ability to pronounce words correctly and clearly;
  • the formation of the ability to distinguish sounds;
  • familiarity with the concepts of "word" and "sound".

The main forms of work: conversations, reading, memorizing poetry, games.

In classes that form sound differences, kids get acquainted with the sounds of the world around them and learn to recognize them, the concept of “sound” is introduced.

The study begins with the consideration of sounds that are very different from each other (the rustle of paper is the sound of a bell). Then they move on to close sounds (rustling of paper - rustling of leaves, you can use different bells). As a result, children should learn to distinguish between natural noises (the sound of car tires, the creak of chalk, the chirping of a sparrow).

Games used: “Tell me what it sounds” (a recording of various noises is used), “Where does the bell ring?”, “How animals growl” (children look at pictures and reproduce sounds made by animals).

In one of the classes, you can use sets of objects made of the same materials: glass, metal, plastic. First, the teacher demonstrates what kind of sound is obtained when hitting glass, metal. Then, behind the screen, he hits an object. Children must determine what it is made of.

Theatricalization of a familiar fairy tale is possible. We remember the fairy tale "Kolobok". “Rolling, rolling Kolobok along the path. And towards him ... ". Children continue: "Hare!". A child with a toy hare in his hands comes forward and stands in front of the children. We also beat the meeting with the rest of the heroes of the fairy tale. The teacher takes turns addressing the children with toys in front: “What is the name of your toy? Let's all say this together." And so for all the characters. When performing such exercises, attention is focused on the concept of "word".

An example of a lesson on the development of phonemic hearing can be viewed at the link.

middle group

This year's goals are:

  • further development and increase of the dictionary;
  • the formation of the ability to perceive the plot of the narrative, to retell;
  • memorization of poems, proverbs and sayings;
  • consolidation of the concepts of "word" and "sound", dividing the word into syllables;
  • formation of skills to determine the length of a word, highlight the first sound.

The main forms of work: conversations, reading, retelling, memorizing poems and proverbs, creative stories, games.

Video: lesson "Speech Development" in the middle group of kindergarten

Senior group

The following tasks can be distinguished:

  • further development of phonemic hearing: recognition of vowels and consonants, their correct pronunciation and articulation;
  • recognition of words containing a certain sound;
  • placement of stress;
  • the ability to characterize the sound (vowel, consonant, hard or soft);
  • dividing sentences into words, highlighting interrogative and exclamatory sentences with intonation.

Toddlers need to learn how to correctly identify vowel sounds without skipping them in words. It is the exact pronunciation of vowels that determines beautiful speech. The study usually goes in order: [a], [o], [y], [i], [s], [e], [e].

In the first lesson, we highlight the vowel sound from the word. For example, [a]. The teacher names the words in which [a] is present in an open syllable, emphasizing in voice [a]: KA-A-A-SHA-A-A. Children repeat. We also pronounce similar words: MA-MA, RA-MA. We focus on articulation when pronouncing a sound.

To make it easier for children to copy articulation, you can invite them to follow themselves through small mirrors.

The teacher explains that when pronouncing the sound [a], the air is exhaled freely, without encountering obstacles. The sound is loud, loud, which is why it is called a vowel. We will mark it in red.

In the same way, we introduce children to the rest of the vowel sounds.

Vowel exercises may include the following exercises:

  • “See the sound”: the teacher silently expressively pronounces the sound, the guys call it.
  • “We call words with a certain sound” (our sound must be percussive - hands, not a hand, a cat, not a kitten).
  • “Disassemble the cards”: children choose cards with images for the sound [a] and fix them on a magnetic board.
  • The definition of a sound among other vowels a, y, and, e, o (at first, the teacher clearly pronounces sounds to himself, this is not done further).
  • Definition of sound in syllables (he, mustache, as, im, op).
  • Definition of sound in words (swing, aster, arch, Ira, gadfly).
  • Finding words in a sentence for a certain sound: "The mole and the cat rolled a hoop."

Next, we teach children to determine in which syllable of the word our sound is located: in the first lesson we look for the sound in the first syllable, in the second - in the last syllable, and only in the next - in the middle of the word. This situation can be beaten, for example, with the help of a “fun trailer”. There are as many windows in this trailer as there are syllables, with a flag we denote the window where the desired vowel sits.

After the study of vowels comes the study of consonants.

The articulation of consonants (m), (n) is opposite to the articulation of vowels: the air is retained either by the lips or by the teeth

Consider a lesson with the sound [m]. The teacher says: “A young cow does not yet know how to moo for real. She only gets M-M-M. Toddlers pronounce the sound themselves, use a mirror to check articulation. Children notice that there is an obstacle in the way of air - lips. The teacher explains that when pronouncing all consonants, air meets with an obstacle. The sounds agreed that they are pronounced like that, therefore they are called consonants. They are marked in blue.

It is necessary to teach children to separate voiced and deaf consonants. The teacher explains that voiced consonant sounds are pronounced with noise and voice, and deaf ones only with noise. If you close your ears with your palms, then a voiced sound can be heard, but a deaf one cannot. Our sound [m] is sonorous.

You need to come up with a designation for sonority: a bell, a bell, a speaker. If the sound is deaf, then the symbol is crossed out.

Consonants are also divided into soft and hard. Explain to children the difference in articulation. When we speak a soft sound, the lips tense up and it looks like we are smiling a little. When pronouncing solid sounds, this is not observed. We pronounce it clearly so that the children see the movement of the lips: “Darkness, darkness, mystery, calf.”

We come up with a designation: for soft sounds - cotton wool, for hard sounds - stone.

When studying sound, the outline of the letter is given. At this age, it is still very difficult for children to memorize graphics. To achieve good result, perform exercises based on different types child's memory.

  • Tasks based on visual memory - they use images, scenes are played out.
  • Techniques designed for tactile memory - children feel the object being studied with their hands: they mold letters from dough, clay or plasticine, lay them out of small objects.
  • Using mechanical memory - kids should automatically repeat the shape of the letter: draw, trace around a stencil, cut out of paper along the contour.
  • Appeal to associative memory - we arrange a contest of stories "What does a letter look like."

Throughout the course of study, we introduced a sound designation system based on color (vowel - red, consonant - blue) and symbols (voiced - bell, soft - cotton wool, hard - stone). This technique helps in memorizing the material and in developing assignments.

An example of a task based on the introduced notation system: children must correctly connect the picture and the word scheme with lines

The path to literacy is not easy. To go through it, the child needs to show diligence and diligence. The task of adults is to support the child in his learning. It will be great if a screen appears in the group, which reflects what knowledge the children have already achieved and what remains to be mastered.

AT senior group The literacy program provides proposal analysis sessions. At this link, you can familiarize yourself with the summary of the GCD on the development of speech on the topic "Introduction to the proposal."

preparatory group

The following tasks can be distinguished:

  • to form the ability to analyze the text and make a proposal according to a given scheme;
  • introduce the concepts of "noun", "adjective", "verb", talk about the selection of synonyms, antonyms for words;
  • teach how to draw up a word scheme;
  • achieve reading at a speed of 30-40 words per minute;
  • teach writing words in a notebook.

Video: lesson "Literacy" in the preparatory group for teaching materials "Paths"

Literacy classes are held twice a week. For the younger group, 15–20 minutes, for the middle group, 20–25 minutes, for older preschoolers, 25–30 minutes.

Long-term planning of the process of teaching literacy can be done in another way, as, for example, on this site.

There are other methods of teaching literacy. The method of Nikolai Zaitsev ("Zaitsev's cubes") has become widespread. According to him, a child can be taught to read and write from the very beginning. early age without pre-training. The method is based on the use of special cubes with "warehouses" and wall tables.

"Warehouse" is a special speech unit of Zaitsev's method, it is a pair of consonant - vowel, or consonant and hard or soft sign, or one letter

The results of learning can be seen after a few months: kids read fluently without difficulty. This method is also suitable for teaching hard of hearing and visually impaired children. The disadvantages of the method include the fact that training is carried out individually and cannot be applied to work in kindergarten groups. In addition, a child who was taught to read and write by this method may have problems in primary school due to different principles of presentation of the material.

Lesson Analysis

The result of the work of a kindergarten teacher is evaluated not only by children and their parents, but also by the public education system. leader or methodologist educational institution can attend any lesson with children and evaluate how effectively and efficiently it is carried out. Based on the results of the test, an analysis of the lesson is compiled. In this document:

  • the theme and purpose of the lesson are indicated, as well as the main tasks: educational, developmental, educational;
  • the methods and techniques used by the educator and how they correspond to the tasks set are determined;
  • an assessment of the activities of children is given;
  • the work of the educator during the lesson is analyzed;
  • recommendations are offered to improve the educational process.

You can see an example of such an analysis of a lesson on the site

Hello. My name is Margarita. I am now retired, having worked as a teacher for over twenty years. I try my hand at writing articles on pedagogy and animals.

Elena Antontseva

The child begins to use his native language almost from early childhood, but he does not realize the ways in which his speech is carried out. Preschool childhood - the time of formation fundamental principles of personality, individuality, the most favorable period for the development of curiosity, general and special abilities. The development of children's speech is one of the leading tasks that a preschool institution or parents solve. From a psychological point of view, the initial period literacy- this is the formation of a new attitude to speech in the child. Speech itself, its external sound side, becomes the subject of knowledge. According to M. Montessori, A. N. Kornev, R. S. Nemov, education reading should be started at the age of 5-7, since at this age self-consciousness is developed to a certain extent, speech, motor skills, elementary skills in artistic activities are formed, and there is also an interest in letters and a desire to learn to read.

Thanks to a special process of cognition, which is carried out in an emotional and practical way, each preschooler becomes a small researcher, pioneer of the world. Since the beginning literacy the preschooler begins to analyze his speech and learns that it consists of sentences, which in turn consist of separate words, words - from syllables, syllables - from sounds. Sounds in writing are indicated by letters. Therefore, during the period literacy a large place is given to the development of phonemic hearing, the ability to distinguish individual words in the speech stream, the position and the presence of sounds in the word. The development of speech is carried out in various types of activities, including special classes in literacy.

Education carried out in a playful way. I offer you games, tasks, exercises:

The game "Name first sound in a word» (rings of Lull)

Acquaintance with the symbols of sounds (manual by T. A. Tkachenko ("Special symbols")

The game "Russell sounds into houses" (classification of vowels - and consonants)

Exercise "Draw a sound symbol on the call with your finger"

The game "Signals"

game-exercise "Gifts for Tim and Tom" (definition of hard and soft sounds)

An exercise "Determine the place of the vowel sound in the word" (using beans, buttons or chips in red)

"Sound Scheme of the Word" (chips in blue, green and red)

Finger and logarithmic exercises.

The game "Pick up the scheme of the word to the picture"

The game "Fun Train", "Houses" (dividing words into syllables)

The game "Magic Cube" (composing sentences with prepositions)

Exercise "Draw a letter with a string"

Exercise "Sound Analysis of Words"

The game "Syllabic Clock" (composing words from syllables)

The game "Collect Cubes" (composing words from letters)

Perhaps these games useful to you at work. Good luck!

“Speech is, first of all, the process of using a language that is developed by the efforts of many people, serves society and is a public asset” - (N.I. Zhinkin).

Mastering the riches of the language, a person improves his speech all his life. Each age stage brings something new to his speech development. The foundations of speech development are laid in elementary school, because. it is here that children first encounter the literary language, the written version of the language and the need to improve speech. Timely mastery of correct speech is important for the formation of a full-fledged personality of the child, for his successful education at school and for further work.

Traditional requirements for speech: content, consistency, clarity, accuracy.

Conditions of speech activity: the availability of material for utterance, the need for utterances and proficiency in the means of the language.

The development of speech is the reverse side of the process of development of thinking. Thinking cannot develop successfully without linguistic material. There is no speech without thought. Therefore, a necessary condition for the high efficiency of speech development in Russian language lessons is the organization of children's mental activity. It is important that the student is involved in mental activity from the very beginning of the lesson.

I work according to the primer edited by V.V. Repkin, E.V. Vostorgov, V.A. Levin (according to the system of D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov). The textbook material contributes to the achievement of great results in the overall development of schoolchildren. The authors of the textbook included in it such exercises that arouse great interest in the language in children, help to comprehend the connections between individual knowledge, and systematize them. These are pages of joint reading, which create an atmosphere of literary reading from the very first lessons, long before children begin to learn the first letters; tongue twisters, riddles that contribute to the further development of speech hearing and the consolidation of clear, correct and expressive speech skills; proverbs, sayings, developing figurative speech, etc.

For some lessons, I have selected additional exercises, entertaining material, didactic games that develop phonemic hearing, enrich, clarify and activate the dictionary, form the grammatical structure of speech.

I. Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing.

Tongue twisters and tongue twisters for each sound.

Here is some of them.

[b] The white ram beats the drum.
The Buyan ram climbed into the weeds.

[p] Polya went to weed parsley in the field.
Again, five guys found five mushrooms near the stump.

[h] Winter morning from frost
Birch trees ring at dawn.

[c] Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard.
Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.
A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

[e] A woodpecker hammers a tree,
The day of the day crushes the bark.

[t] Thirty-three striped piglets
Thirty-three ponytails stick out.

[p] Cooked by Larisa for Boris
Tasty soup from rice.

Ba-bo-by - there are poles in the yard.

Boo-by-boo - a raven sits on an oak tree.

Bo-boo-by - oaks grow in the forest.

Would-bo-ba - that's what a toad.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox runs through the forest.

As-as-as - the fox is afraid of us.

Sy-sy-sy - the fox has a fluffy tail.

Su-su-su - how beautiful it is in the forest.

Su-syu-su - quietly in the autumn in the forest.

Us-us-us - I'm not afraid of the fox.

Sha-sha-sha is my sister Masha.

Sho-sho-sho - I'm fine.

Shu-shu-shu - I don't like porridge.

Shi-shi-shi - we have fun from the heart.

Ra-ra-ra is a high mountain.

Ry-ri-ry - they gave us balls.

Ry-ri-ry - mosquitoes fly.

Ru-ryu-ru - the goat gnaws the bark.

Ri-ry-ri - bought crackers.

Ryu-ru-ryu - I boil potatoes.

Yes, yes, yes - sweet berry.

Do-do-do - the eagle has a nest.

Doo-doo-doo - apple trees grow in the garden.

Ta-ta-ta - the cat has a fluffy tail.

Ta-ta-ta - Oh, what a beauty!

You-you-you - flowers grow in the meadow.

From-from-from - I love compote.

Tongue twisters and tongue twisters are pronounced not only clearly and distinctly, but also with varying degrees of volume (in a whisper, in an undertone, loudly) and at different speeds (slowly, moderately, quickly).

II. Didactic games.

A well-known Russian linguist and methodologist wrote: “Nowhere does play merge so closely with work and labor as precisely in phonetics, and therefore nothing is so unsuitable for elementary education as it is. Nowhere, again, does this game turn so easily into a serious matter that develops the mental apparatus, as in phonetics. (A.M. Peshkovsky “Methodological supplement to the book “Our Language”.) Modern didactics reserves the child the right to play at school and considers it as one of the indicators of the correspondence of teaching to the age characteristics of students.

Particularly appropriate and even necessary are moments of play in the education of six-year-olds, since the formation of educational activity occurs with underdeveloped voluntary processes of perception, memory, and attention. Game moments bring an element of entertainment to the learning process, help relieve fatigue and stress in the classroom.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish the word-distinguishing qualities of consonants, I use a variety of games with sounds. Here is some of them.

"Find a couple." Game material: paired pictures (mouse - bear, cat - whale, scythe - goat, poppy - cancer, mustache - wasp, shelf - file, grass - firewood, slide - crust, bunny - cod, rook - doctor, bump - bear) . Children select a picture (the name of the depicted object has the same sound as the name of one of the displayed pictures on the typesetting canvas), pronounce both names (goat-braid).

"Catch the sound." For example, [s] (kindergarten, Vasya, elephant, heron, noses, geese, cape, mask, piglets, ripe, whole, hare, elk, beans).

“Flower shop” or “Collect a bouquet”. Game material: postcards with the image of flowers. Children find flowers in which there is a specified sound, for example, [p] (rose, aster, peony, tulip, daffodil, cornflower, chamomile, dahlia, carnation).

"Attentive Buyers" Your parents paid for toys whose names begin with [m] (matryoshka, mouse, car, ball, bear. You can take these toys. But make no mistake.

“Zoo” Game material: pictures of animals and sound models of words. It is necessary to “settle” the animals in cages, i.e. match the sound model of the word with the picture (fox, zebra, tiger, hare).

"Hockey" (favorite game of first graders). Arms bent at the elbows - “gate”, “puck” - a word that begins, or in which there is or is not a given sound. For example, “puck” is a word in which there is no sound [w] (ball, heat, Sasha, Pasha, well done; tire, car, fat; pole, gesture, well done; six, revenge). One group of children are "goalkeepers", the other - "referees", the third - "fans". They shout: "Goal!" - if the “puck” hits the goal.

"Choose a word." For example, given a model:

Students choose words from it. The “controller” accepts words and does not skip those that do not match the model, explaining the error.

"Check Avosik's work." Three schemes and three words: turnip, melon, pumpkin (words can be given by pictures). Students determine which of the patterns corresponds to each word, find the error and correct it.

“Recognize and name the sound”, “Pick up the word with the sound”….;

After reading the words in the columns and clarifying their lexical meaning, I offer the children the following tasks:

Find and read words that name actions;

Words are names

Find and read the word corresponding to the sound model;

Guess the riddle (children find the answer among the words they read);

Change word by number;

Name the features of the subject;

Name the extra word in the column (the choice of the student is justified by a coherent statement);

For example, subject: “ Letters D-T". The children read the words.

1) Read the words consisting of one syllable.

2) Read the words of the third column, find the “extra”. Explain.

3) What do the words “where”, “when” mean? (Object? Sign? Action?)

Come up with sentences for the given scheme.

4) Change the words by number: friend - (friends), year - (years), rainbow - ?; days - (day), curls - ?;

5) Form words-actions from the words: drowsiness - (drowse), thought - (think), friend - (be friends), smoke - (smoke);

6) Find the word-object to the words-signs: faithful - (friend), distant - (road), sandy - (bottom), seven-color - ...

When studying the topic “Letters Z - S”.

The game "Big-small". The teacher calls the word, and the children “reduce” it” bush - (bush), bridge - ..., suit - ..., plane ...:

Pick up signs for the following words: sister (what?) (native, cousin, caring), string - (what?) (thin, steel, guitar), suit - (what?) (smart, sports, evening, woolen), bridge -…., airplane-…,

Pick to words words - actions: (what is he doing?).

The plane (what is it doing?) flies, buzzes, ...

Crybaby .... (crying)


Match the word to the given scheme

To work out the way of reading and writing, I include games for guessing letters and words in the lesson. Here is some of them.

1. "Scattered letters." From the letters to make words: C, B, O, O, L; I, N, K, G, A; S, S, O, M, K, O; A, T, R, E, K, A; O, L, K, W, A; C, U, P, b, K, A, B;

2. Make up words and think of it yourself.

3. Write the words in the empty cells.

4. The game "Take away the syllable."

5. “Invisible letters”. Write vowels instead of dots, read the words.

6. Compose a word.

Write a consonant, read the words.

7. "Verbal mosaic".

The words are written on puzzle cards. You need to find a pair, make a figure and read the word.

8. "Syllable by syllable." A word consisting of two or more syllables is given. Children select words and write down so that the last syllable of the previous word is the initial syllable of the next. For example:

Entertaining material for lessons I find in books

Undzenkova A. Russian language with passion. - Yekaterinburg. 1977.

Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Speech. Speech. Speech. - M. - 1983.

Kalmykova I.R. 50 games with letters and words. - Yaroslavl "Academy, K" 1999.

Tarabarina T.I., Sokolova E.I. Both study and play: Russian language. - Yaroslavl "Academy of Development" 1998.

Fomicheva M.F. Teaching children the correct pronunciation. - M. 1981.

Author: Mozgova Lyudmila Gennadievna Teacher-speech therapist, GBDOU d / kindergarten No. 26 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Working as a speech pathologist speech group with children diagnosed with "General Speech Underdevelopment", I faced the problem that my children have a hard time mastering the material in literacy classes, they experience significant difficulties in the process of mastering the reading skill, do not always understand the meaning of what they read, while reading they allow a wide variety of errors.

Literacy is a complex activity that requires a certain degree of maturity of many mental functions of the child and a sufficiently high level of development of oral speech. If children with normal speech throughout preschool age learn vocabulary, master grammatical forms, become ready to master the sound and morphological analysis of words, then in children with various forms speech pathology, there is a lag in the development of these processes. Children do not sufficiently distinguish by ear phonemes similar in articulation or acoustic features.
Children diagnosed with General Speech Underdevelopment are at risk for dyslexia. Dyslexia is manifested in numerous reading errors, errors persist for a long time and are persistent, specific, repetitive, typical.
Since corrective education in the beginnings of literacy has the following goals: to form in children the necessary readiness for learning to read and write and to teach children to read and write, a system was singled out. special exercises aimed at preparing children for literacy and mastering its elements. I spend all the exercises in a playful entertaining form, since the game is the main activity of preschool children. Practical experience shows that learning in the game is much faster and stronger than when using only didactic techniques. Using the game in literacy classes helps me relieve tension in children, study and consolidate difficult (theoretical) material at the level of emotional awareness. I also use game methods due to the fact that in children with general underdevelopment of speech, educational and cognitive interests are formed late and game motivation is retained for a long time.
Literacy classes are aimed at developing conceptual theoretical thinking and it is impossible to do without games that serve the central and most difficult stage of learning: the stage of introducing theoretical concepts. The game introduces into these concepts that figurative, sensual content, which the verbal definitions of new abstract knowledge, and even its visual schemes and models, are deprived of. The game, as a result of which new types of concepts are formed in children, the idea of ​​the word is rebuilt, can be called educational in the strict sense of the word.
How is the educational game built?
A sample of a new educational action (singling out sounds in a word, distinguishing between vowels and consonants, etc.) is initially given to children in an imaginary game situation, we are sent to a fairy tale.
From the very first literacy lesson, I begin to tell the children a fairy tale (its conditional name is “Masha’s Journey through the Country of the Russian Language”) and in subsequent classes I constantly return to the heroes of this fairy tale. As necessary, new conditional characters are introduced that personify the introduced concepts.
Dunno, Pinocchio, Carlson cannot personify the content of linguistic concepts. But the phonetics fairy helps us learn more about sounds, introduces Tim and Tom, who perfectly embody the distinction between hardness and softness of consonants. Fairy Graphics is responsible for the letters, for correct reading. The shock master will help you find the stressed syllable. Korney Korneich will talk about the same-root words - relatives. Actions with words or their sound patterns are performed by children on behalf of these linguistic characters.

Basic requirements for games used in literacy classes.
1. When choosing the rules of the game, the characteristics of the children of this group (subgroup) are taken into account.
2. The game should correspond to the goals of the lesson and contribute to their implementation (learning goal of the lesson).
3. The game, in addition to cognitive, should have game tasks.
4. At the end of the game, the results are necessarily summed up and the winners are revealed in the person of one child or a group.
Games have been developed with these requirements in mind. And it was noticed that games with the inclusion of actions necessary for the development of reading skills are the most effective, when reading becomes not an end in itself, but a means to achieve the game goal.
Based on the fact that the leading symptoms of dyslexia on initial stage reading skills are the weakness of the formation of sound-letter connections (this appears in the inability to master the sound-letter symbolism in due time) and the inability to form the skills of syllables, great attention is given to work on sound, letter and syllable.

Sound and letter work plan
1. Isolation of sound from a yard of syllables, words.
2. Determining the place of sound in a word.
3. Inventing words for a given sound.
4. Clarification of articulation and sound characteristics.
5. Acquaintance with the letter.
6. What elements does the letter consist of.
7. What does the letter look like.
8. Recognition of a given letter among other letters.
9. Determination of the spatial relationships of the elements of letters, the location of the letter on a sheet of paper.
10. Work with letter tables on the distribution of attention.
I will dwell only on those types of games and game exercises that I most often use in the classroom, and which, in my opinion, are the most effective.
Games at the level of sound and letters.
Separation of sounds from words.

Game control "Postcards"
The speech therapist shows the children a postcard and calls the word, 10-15 postcards are presented - words. It is necessary to remember the words and call them in the order in which they were named. For better memorization, words are linked together into a story or fiction.
Girlfriends - park - princess - poodle - bird - palm tree - postman - parcel - gift - Pavlik - briefcase - gingerbread - palm tree.
Children memorize and name words, determine what sound is found in all these words, give it a description.
The “Letter” exercise is carried out in a similar way, but the children are presented not with postcards, but with a series of words.
Olya - autumn - vacation - island - sheep - vegetables - donkey - shoes - wasps - cloud - windows - hoop - perch - lake.

Game exercise "Light the flashlight."
Instructions: light a flashlight if the sound occurs in the word ... ..
The speech therapist slowly pronounces the words, the children raise the signals when they hear the sound.

Game "Unusual flowers".
Purpose: Find a given sound in a word.
From a number of pictures - petals, children choose only those in the name of which there is a given sound and make up a flower.

Game "Fisherman"
Purpose: Determining the place of sound in a word.
Children catch cards with pictures on a fishing rod, name words, clearly pronouncing all the sounds. At the end of the game, the children are invited to name all the words again and determine what sound came to visit us today.

The game "Snail - traffic light".
This board game is designed for all sounds. Take, for example, a field with the sound A.
Purpose: to exercise children in finding the place of the sound A in the word.
Equipment: a playing field with subject pictures, red, yellow, green chips (traffic light colors) symbolize the beginning, middle, end of a word.
Game progress. Children are divided into teams and take turns calling words, determining the place of the sound A in the word. If the sound is at the beginning of the word, a red chip is issued, in the middle - yellow, at the end - green. When all the words - pictures are named, the result is summed up. The team with the most traffic lights out of the collected chips won.

Game exercise "Traffic light".
The speech therapist calls the word, the children determine the place of the given sound in this word and raise the signal (red, yellow or green).

Game exercise "Houses".
Children have houses with three windows on the tables (diagram: beginning, middle, end of a word) and subject pictures. It is necessary to determine the place of the given sound in the word and insert the picture into the appropriate box.
Introduction to letters.
A stable graphic image of a letter must be formed on a polyanalyzer basis. To do this, I use such game exercises as tracing the contour of convex embossed letters with a finger, tactile recognition of “emery” letters - “Reading fingers”, the game “Wonderful bag” with letters, labyrinths - “What letters did Masha and Misha write with skates on ice”, noisy pictures - “Letters crumbled” (for example, find the letter A and circle it with a felt-tip pen along the contour).
grouping of letters. Children are invited to find all the letters on the letter table, for example, A and close them with chips or fingers. A more difficult option is when children look for 2 letters (for example, A, U) and cover them with chips of different colors or fingers of their right and left hands.
Work with letter tables on the distribution of attention.
Game exercise "Gemini".
For example, given a table, there are letters A on it in a different font, each letter in two copies is “twins”. Task: find two identical letters and close them with the fingers of the left and right hand. Work starts from the top row and goes line by line from left to right.

Game exercise "Smart felt-tip pens" or "Obediant felt-tip pen".
I took the “Electronic Fly” as a basis, but in this exercise there is no reliance on the cage, the children do the work on a clean slate.
The installation is given: "The felt-tip pen will carry out all my commands and let's see what he will write to us." Beforehand, I explain to the children that the felt-tip pen takes “steps” and steps only in the direction that I call (up, right, down, left). Children must follow the instructions exactly, compare their letter with the sample. The one whose letter matches the pattern wins.
For example, up, up, right, down, down P
right, down, left, up, up, right B
Game exercise " magic square» - finding letters in geometric shapes.
, U, X, M, P U, W, E, S

Letter construction and reconstruction exercises.
Composing letters from matches, ropes, from a “letter constructor” (arc - a semicircle, short and long stripes).

Game exercise "Transformation of letters".
Equipment: "letter constructor" for each child.
For example, make the letter "O" - O, turn the letter "O" into "E" - E, "I" - I, into "P" - P

Game exercise "Logic chains".
X l N? P; J K F? R

Children like the game "Living Letters" very much.
“The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - your favorite letter freezes in place!”
Children depict letters, and the teacher or child - the leader "reads".
Work with printed texts according to the type of proofreading test.
Work at the syllable level.
In the correction of dyslexia, the development of syllable skills is of paramount importance. Reading syllables with already learned letters allows you to automate the reading of syllables and streamline sound-letter connections. The passed letter is immediately entered into syllables. Composed of direct and reverse syllables. When reading syllables left hand lies on the table and it is necessary to constantly focus on what we read from left to right.
At the initial stage, to compose syllables, I use the Chamomile and Butterflies game exercises. Children like the Butterfly exercise more because they themselves can manipulate pictures - letters, make syllables and read.
After 10-12 yuuk have been passed, an exercise such as reading syllabic tables is introduced.
Work with tables is carried out in the form of the game "Lotto" and is called "Close the window". The speech therapist calls the syllable, the children find this syllable on their tables and close it (“window”) with a chip. The work begins with the tables SG-GS, they contain direct and reverse syllables of the same letter composition (TO - OT, MA - AM).
Such exercises give a good effect with regular use, complication (GHS, SSGS, SGSS) and frequent change of tables.
With tables, you can conduct the exercise “Bird Market”, inviting the children to read their card in an undertone. When reading syllables, guessing is impossible; when completing a task, the child is forced to rely only on the skills of syllables.
Inventing words for a given syllable.
Game exercise "Wonderful bag". The child is invited to get a syllable, read it and come up with a word that begins with this syllable.

Game exercise "Crow tongue", "Mouse words".
In the country of the Russian language, even mice can talk, but they can only say words that can be “squeaked” - PI (those words that begin with the syllable PI-), the syllable is displayed on the board. What are these words? Piano, pajamas, cake, letter, etc.
What words can a crow say? Potato, pocket, card, etc. the syllables MU, GA, KO, KVA are played similarly.

Game exercise "Wonder - tree" or "tree and leaves".
Syllables are written on the branches. Children come up with words and fix the leaves on the corresponding branches.
Using syllabic cards, we are working on synthesis - we are constructing words. To compose words from given syllables, Voskobovich's games "Chitayka", "Nakhlobushki" are actively used in the classroom; circle game.

Game exercise "The word crumbled."
It is carried out according to the principle of a split picture, on one side of the card there are syllables, on the other - parts of the subject. If the word is correct, the cards with syllables are turned over and reverse side get an object corresponding to the word read.
Game exercise "Fisherman".
Children catch syllables on a bait, read them. When the "aquarium" is empty, the children are invited to make words from their syllables and explain their meaning.

chain of words
Purpose: to exercise children in determining the first and last sound in words.
Equipment: cards with subject pictures.
Game progress: 4-6 children play. Each child has 6 cards. The speech therapist begins to lay out the chain. The next picture is put by a child whose name of the depicted object begins with the sound with which the word ends - the name of the first object. The winner is the one who first lays out all his cards.

Find the place of the sound in the word
Purpose: To exercise children in finding the place of sound in a word.
Equipment: cards with diagrams of the location of the place of sound in words.
Game progress: each child receives a card. The speech therapist shows pictures and names words. If the given sound is heard at the beginning of the word, you need to put a chip in the first cell. If the sound is heard in the middle of the word, the chip must be placed in the second cell. If the sound is at the end of the word, the chip is placed in the third cell. The winner is the one who made no mistakes.

Choose a word for the diagram.
Target: Same.
Equipment: cards with sound arrangements in words.
Game progress: having received a card, the child selects 3 pictures / words with a given sound, focusing on the filled square.

Find a couple
Purpose: to exercise children in the selection of words that differ from each other in one sound. Develop phonemic awareness.
Equipment: sound clock, a set of subject pictures, words - paronyms.
Game progress: the speech therapist places 6 pictures on the clock. For example: spit - spit, com - house, poppy - cancer. Children are invited to find pictures with objects whose names sound similar and differ only in one sound. What? The child who first found these words moves the arrows to the pictures. Children find all three pairs of words. The game can be repeated by replacing the pictures with new pairs / barrel - kidney, wheelbarrow - cottage, T-shirt - seagull .... /

Turn on TV
Purpose: to exercise children in determining the first or last sound in words, in composing words from selected sounds, to exercise in reading words (as a complicated version).
Equipment: The "TV" manual, subject pictures and cards with letters, pictures for the TV screen.
Game progress: the speech therapist explains to the children: “To turn on our TV and see the image on its screen, you need to determine the first sound in the words - the names of objects placed in the upper pocket. These sounds will form a new word. If the word is spelled correctly, the corresponding item will appear on the screen. For example: matryoshka, stork, cat - MAC. The poppy picture appears on the screen. The selected sound can be marked with the corresponding letter and read.

Light up the traffic light

Equipment: subject pictures, traffic lights for each child or circles red, yellow, green.
Game progress: the speech therapist shows a picture, one child names the object depicted on it. Children repeat the word, find the place of the sound being studied in the word and raise the corresponding signal - light a traffic light - a red circle is the beginning of a word, yellow is a sound in the middle of a word, green is a sound at the end of a word.

Purpose: development of the ability to differentiate similar sounds, find the place of sound in a word.
Equipment: a set of subject pictures, the names of which begin with oppositional sounds, 2 houses, each house has 3 pockets (beginning, middle, end of a word).
The course of the game: the child takes a picture, names it, determines the presence of a sound (for example: H or Щ), its place in the word, inserts the picture into the corresponding pocket. Points are awarded for a correctly completed task.
Purpose: development of the ability to establish the place of sound in a word.
Equipment: small subject pictures with a metal clip, a fishing rod, cards - schemes "beginning, middle, end of a word" for each child.
Game progress: "Catch" the word, determine the place of the sound in the word and place the picture in the appropriate box. Children take turns doing things.

Berth on a boat

Equipment: a panel depicting berths in vowels, a boat (drawing) with a captain and a consonant.
Game progress: today we will moor on a boat to different marinas. For example: on the boat "L" to the pier "A" the captain gives a signal: blow LLLAAA! Then the pier will know that the boat "L" is approaching the pier "A" and will prepare for the meeting. And what shall we load on this pier? LAMP (you can immediately draw it or put up a picture). But we still need a CHANDELIER and a LADDER to hang the chandelier. Which berths do you need to sail to for these things?

Flowers and butterflies
Purpose: to practice reading syllables.
Equipment: a panel depicting 10 flowers, each flower has a vowel. Butterflies, each with a consonant letter on its wing.
Game progress: butterfly "M" flew over the flowers and sat on the flower "U". the speech therapist places the butterfly to the right of the letter. What song did you get? MU. And now the butterfly has crossed to the other side of the flower, what happened? MIND. Next, the children themselves

We recommend reading
