The most delicious food. How to cook a delicious kharcho soup that will delight your taste buds.

Recipes 23.10.2017

Who and when said that kharcho soup is made from lamb? It's like dressing Olivier salad with sunflower oil. Almost blasphemy, both in relation to the soup and in relation to the Olivier salad. Kharcho, Georgian national soup is made exclusively from beef.

Most often, when specifying a recipe, they specify which area of ​​Georgia the recipe belongs to. There are Georgian soups, etc. But the essence of the soup - spicy beef soup with tkemali and nuts, remains unchanged. The soup is very spicy, spicy, with an abundance of garlic and herbs. Much thicker than the soups we're used to, and the "soup should be half liquid" rule is not respected.

Now the soup is prepared from various meats: pork, lamb, veal, and even poultry. But in the very name kharcho (Georgian ხარჩო) - literally: beef soup, “dzerokhis khortsi kharshot”.

Kharcho is always a sour base - tkemali plums. When cooking, tkemali is often replaced with more affordable tomato paste. However, there is an option to use not tkemali, but the so-called “sour lavash”. This is not bread, as many people think. This is the dried pulp of tkemali or dogwood. Fruit puree is dried in the sun in the form of huge cakes - pita bread. They are called tklapi (ტყლაპი) - break off a piece as needed, soak and add to soup or other dishes.

In recipes, kharcho can often be found - tklapi, a piece like a palm. Second essential component - walnuts.

It is worth saying that in the Caucasus, probably, only wine is prepared without walnuts. In addition, walnuts are the basis of the most famous bazhe sauce in the Caucasus, which is little known by name in our country, but they are well aware of the dish, which actually is a bird (meat, fish) in bazhe sauce.

Well, meat. Not lamb, not pork, not poultry. Only beef, preferably fatty, or with a bone (there is enough fat). Beef kharcho soup, just like that! You can hear a lot of fair arguments in favor of this or that recipe, that this or that component cannot be added to the soup, etc. But do not forget that the Ukrainian borscht of two neighbors differs like an apple from an oyster. Be simple.

Soup kharcho

About the recipe

  • Exit: 2 servings
  • Training:15 minutes
  • Cooking:120 min
  • Prepare for:2 hours 15 minutes

It is not difficult to prepare kharcho at home, it is only important to use the right products, and follow the technology


  • 400 grams Beef
  • 1 head Garlic
  • 1 PC Carrot
  • 2 pcs Onion
  • 3-4 tbsp Rice

Every Georgian cook and not only Georgian knows how to cook such tasty soup like kharcho. And most importantly - not only how tasty, but also how to do it right.

Any housewife has her own recipe and special secrets on how to make the soup even tastier and more original. But there are several classic recipes, because each region of Georgia has its own subtleties of cooking kharcho, but the main components of the soup are the same everywhere.

Kharcho soup recipe for 2 liters of water:

  • 500 gr. fatty beef on the bone;
  • 3 onions;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • 4-5 art. l. tomato paste or 5 pcs. tomatoes;
  • 1 tsp hops-suneli;
  • chili pepper, peppercorns, bay leaf, salt;
  • 1 cup rice;
  • green cilantro and basil.

Beef on the bone is cooked for about 2 hours, during which time the foam is carefully removed from the broth.

Salt, chili peppers and peppercorns, bay leaf are added to the broth.

The onion is finely chopped and sautéed butter or rendered piece of fat from beef, added to the soup.

Carefully sorted and washed rice is soaked for 15 minutes until it turns white. It is advisable not to use steamed rice for cooking kharcho, but to choose round or oval varieties. After soaking, the rice is also sent to the soup. The next step is to send tomato paste in kharcho or peeled and stewed with butter and a few tablespoons of broth tomatoes along with suneli hops.

The readiness of the soup is determined by the readiness of the rice. Just before switching off, chopped garlic and finely chopped greens are added to the kharcho.

Before serving kharcho should be infused for 5-10 minutes.

Now you know how to cook beef kharcho soup. But in many regions of Georgia, they try to diversify the taste of soup by adding tomatoes to the dressing. finely chopped plum (cherry plum) or tkemali sauce. In cold seasons, tklapi is used for dressing kharcho - a semi-finished product made from cherry plum, which is plum puree dried in plates.

Another option is to add a few tablespoons of crushed walnuts along with rice. No less popular are the options for making soup using chicken or turkey, the main condition for this is to follow the sequence of laying the rest of the ingredients and use the fattest pieces of the bird (thighs with pieces of fat around the rump). Traditional Georgian greens - cilantro and basil - can be replaced with other spicy and pungent-smelling vegetation - parsley, dill and celery.

Real kharcho, like the Georgian people, is hot and very spicy. He must "cut" the tongue! This is the quality mark of the Caucasian soup.

Dzerohis hortsi kharshot, beef soup or kharcho. These are all the names of one dish - the national Georgian soup. Its classic recipe includes three essential components - beef, tklapi and grated walnuts.

The characteristic piquant relish of kharcho soup is given by a “cocktail of flavors”, the main role in which tklapi is assigned. These thin dried plates are made from plum puree. Sometimes they are replaced with tkemali, sour cherry plum or juice of ripe pomegranates. But replacing plum sourness with tomato paste is not recommended. Soup kharcho will lose its "character", and it will be a completely different dish.

An equally important ingredient is the greens in the soup. There must be a lot of it. Parsley, cilantro and even saffron set spicy notes, amazing aroma and taste, which distinguishes kharcho from other first courses.

The best recipes for spicy "beef soup" collected here will help inexperienced housewives learn how to cook kharcho according to Caucasian culinary traditions, and those who have already succeeded in mastering the art of its preparation will be able to draw new ideas.

8 recipes for cooking kharcho soup

Recipe 1. Soup kharcho - a classic recipe for cooking at home

Ingredients: 500 g beef brisket, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, 2 pcs. onion, a bunch of cilantro and parsley, 0.5 cups of peeled walnut kernels, 1/3 long-grain rice, 2 tbsp. spoons of tkemali sauce or 10x10 cm tklapi or 2 tbsp. spoons of pomegranate juice, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of suneli hops, 2/3 teaspoon of ground coriander, 1/3 teaspoon of red hot pepper, a few dry saffron stamens.

  1. Rinse the beef and cut into manageable pieces and put in a saucepan. Pour clean and cold water, cook over moderate heat for two hours after boiling. Do not forget to remove the protein foam, otherwise the broth will not turn out transparent.
  2. Pour hot water over Tklapi and 2-3 hours dried mashed potatoes will again become soft, "mushy".
  3. Transfer the tklapi sauce to the rich beef broth. Or replace it with tkemali or pomegranate juice.
  4. Onion "undress" and cut into very thin half rings. This cutting gives a special taste to the soup. Put it in the broth when it boils again.
  5. Wash the rice so well that the last water after it remains clear, pour it into the soup. It should boil for 10 minutes before laying the next ingredient.
  6. Mash nuts together with chopped garlic in a wooden or ceramic mortar until oil is released. Transfer the walnut-garlic dressing to the boiling soup.
  7. As soon as it boils again, you can add all the spices: suneli hops, saffron, coriander, pepper, laurel and salt. Mix all the ingredients of the soup and cook for about 5-7 minutes, not allowing it to boil violently.
  8. Add chopped greens and garlic to the soup last. Turn off the fire and cover the kharcho with a lid. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Recipe 2. Kharcho lamb and prunes soup

Ingredients: 1 kg lamb brisket with bone, 100 g prunes, 1 tbsp. ground walnut kernels, 1 tbsp. long-grain rice, 5 well-ripe tomatoes, 6 medium-sized onions, 50 g parsley, 50 g cilantro, 3-4 garlic cloves, 1 green chili pepper, 10x10 cm piece of tklapi, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon allspice, 1.5 h. spoons of dry herbs (hops-suneli), freshly ground black pepper, salt.

  1. Divide lamb brisket into equal-sized pieces matchbox, transfer to a cast-iron cauldron with 1.5-2 liters of cold water (boiling water will “seal” the meat and the juices will not go into the broth). Boil, removing the foam, for about two hours.
  2. After an hour, the broth can be salted and put prunes cut into pieces.
  3. When the meat is cooked and becomes soft, you can start laying other products: thin slices of onion quarters, washed rice and bouquets of herbs - three sprigs of parsley and cilantro each. Boil vegetables and rice should be on low heat. 15 minutes will be enough.
  4. Crushed garlic cloves grind with salt in a large mortar. Attach chopped green peppers, the remaining chopped greens to them and crush everything together to a state of gruel. Add peeled tomatoes, ground nuts, a ladle of broth and stir all the ingredients with a spoon until the mass is homogeneous.
  5. Take sprigs of greens from the cauldron and pour in the spicy dressing. Stir, season with pepper, taste and, if necessary, bring to taste, adding the missing spices.
  6. 10 minutes before the end of cooking kharcho soup with prunes, put softened tklapi, bay leaf and chopped parsley.

Recipe 3. Chicken kharcho soup with nuts

For the broth: 1 kg chicken meat, large onion, carrot, celery root and parsley.

Fried dressing: 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, 4 pcs. onion, 1 parsley root.

For soup: 0.5 cups of rice, 1 teaspoon of peppercorns and coriander seeds, 0.5 teaspoons of dried parsley, basil, mint, tarragon and suneli hops, 1 teaspoon of adjika, a pinch of ground cinnamon, 3 art. spoons of tkemali, half a glass of ground nuts, 3 cloves of garlic, 4 tbsp. spoons of greens, salt - to taste.

  1. Boil the broth from: 3 liters of water, portioned pieces of chicken, washed but not peeled onions and soup root vegetables. After boiling, the broth should cook for an hour and a half, until the meat is half cooked. Follow the foam.
  2. Fry dressing from: finely chopped onion, grated parsley root. Saute in oil until golden. Sprinkle with flour and fry a little more.
  3. Put the almost ready meat and boiled vegetables out of the pan. Pass the broth through a sieve / cheesecloth, and return to the pan together with the meat pieces. Salt, pour washed rice.
  4. Prepare herbs and spices: grind coriander and pepper in a mortar.
  5. When 10 minutes have passed after boiling the rice, put the passivated dressing, ground nuts, dry and ground spices, tkemali sauce, adjika into the soup. Mix everything with rich broth and cook until the rice becomes soft.
  6. Remove the finished kharcho from the hob and put garlic grated in a mortar into a saucepan. Season with a generous portion of greens - cilantro, basil and celery.

Recipe 4. Kharcho soup with beef and chili

Ingredients: 5 liters of water, 500 g of beef meat with cartilage, 0.5 tbsp. rice, 1/5 cup of soft tklapi puree (or 2 tablespoons of tkemali, or 10 pieces of cherry plum), 4-5 cloves of garlic, parsley root, 0.5 cup of ground walnut, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour

Greens, herbs and spices: 2 tbsp. spoons of parsley, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of basil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cilantro, 3 teaspoons of suneli hops, 0.5 teaspoons of crushed coriander, a few saffron threads, 0.5 teaspoons of red pepper, chili pepper to taste, salt.

  1. Remove the meat from the films, cut into beautiful pieces, pour cold water and cook under the lid for about two hours.
  2. Remove the cooked meat from the pot. Transfer the broth filtered through a sieve to the stove again, but already with meat and rice. Season with salt and let simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Fry the onion quarters with flour and transfer to the broth. Behind him, immediately send parsley root, bay leaf, coriander and black pepper to the pan.
  4. When the degree of readiness of rice is “semi-ready”, put nuts and tklapi, previously soaked in hot water, into the soup. Pour some of the herbs and greens: parsley, suneli hops, saffron and put finely chopped chili peppers. Boil everything together for 5-6 minutes and how much to insist under the lid.
  5. Put the crushed garlic and basil/cilantro greens into the pot after removing it from the hob. Before serving, remove the bay leaf from the soup and sprinkle the kharcho with parsley in a bowl.

Recipe 5. Pork kharcho soup

Ingredients: 400 g pork with layers, half a glass of rice, 1 each. carrots, onions, potatoes, a head of garlic, 100 g of tkemali, 2 teaspoons of suneli hops, 50 g of walnuts, herbs, sunflower oil, salt.

  1. Cut the fat pork into medium-sized pieces, transfer to a three-liter saucepan, pour cool water, salt. Boil the broth, remove the foamy scale and cook for 30 minutes until the next ingredient is added.
  2. Wash the starch from the rice, remove the skin from the potatoes and cut into cubes. Put the prepared products into the broth.
  3. Prepare the frying: chop the onion with a knife, carrots - on a grater with small holes. Fry the vegetables in vegetable (can be butter) oil until soft.
  4. Grind the nuts into crumbs (with a knife, blender, in a mortar) and mix with sliced ​​garlic, hops-suneli and tkemali. Put the sauce dressing into the soup when the meat, rice and potatoes are cooked.
  5. Boil the finished soup after laying all the ingredients and the spicy mixture again, remove from heat, and only then put the chopped greens. Kharcho soup should be infused for 30 minutes, after which it can be poured into portions.

Recipe 6. Soup kharcho with pomegranate juice, cooked in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 1 kg of young veal, half a glass of rice, half a glass of walnut kernels, half a glass of natural pomegranate juice, 3 onions, parsley root, a bunch of cilantro, 1 hot pepper, two ripe tomatoes, 1 teaspoon of suneli hops, 4-5 garlic cloves, bay leaf, 1 tablespoon flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and peppercorns - to taste.

  1. Cut products: meat into convenient pieces along the fibers; onion halves / quarters of rings; hot peppers thin rings (without seeds); rub the parsley root on a grater; crush nuts, pepper and garlic in a mortar.
  2. In the slow cooker, set the "Baking" mode and saute the onion and parsley root in oil (6-7 minutes), put the veal to them and fry for about 10 more minutes, stirring occasionally for even cooking.
  3. Dilute the flour with boiled water and add to the roast, simmer for a minute.
  4. Pour two liters of water and pomegranate juice into the bowl, and then add the nuts, peeled tomatoes, bay leaf, herbs and salt. Close the multicooker and cook kharcho in the “Extinguishing” mode for an hour and a half.
  5. Send the garlic with cilantro, grated in a mortar, to the soup after turning off the multicooker. Georgian soup insist and can be served to dear guests.

Recipe 7. Vegetarian kharcho soup

Ingredients: 100 g of rice, 3 large tomatoes, 50 g of walnuts, 1 large onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 50 g of tkemali sauce, 30 g of butter, hot pepper, suneli hops, salt, freshly ground pepper.

  1. Strip the onion and cut into cubes. Put the onion slices in a saucepan and simmer until golden in butter.
  2. Mash the garlic in a mortar; remove seeds from hot pepper, chop with a knife; chop cilantro.
  3. Grind the nuts to a crumb state and combine with pepper, garlic and cilantro. Mix everything and transfer to a container with onions.
  4. Pour the contents of the pan with two liters of boiling water and add very well washed rice. Salt the soup and cook until the rice is cooked.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop them and simmer in a saucepan for five minutes, add tkemali and suneli hops. Mix everything and turn off the gas.
  6. Transfer the tomato and plum sauces to the soup, boil everything together for five minutes.
  7. Remove the vegetarian kharcho soup from the stove, put chopped greens and let it absorb the aromas of spices before serving.

Recipe 8. Soup kharcho with melted butter and spices

Ingredients: 2 kg lamb, 2 pcs. carrots and onions, black and allspice peppers, 2 bay leaves, parsley and celery root, dried herbs, star anise, fresh herbs.
For kharcho: half a glass of rice, 2-3 onions, 2 fresh tomatoes (in own juice), 50 g of melted butter, garlic cloves, herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley), 2 parsley, 2 tbsp. spoons of coriander and cumin, fragrant peppers, hot red pepper, salt.

  1. For the broth, it is better to use lamb neck with cartilage and bones. To make the broth richer, you can also put "sugar" seeds. Wash the meat, and put it on the stove to boil in cold water. In the process of boiling, remove the resulting foamy protein.
  2. As soon as the foam stops appearing, put the onion with the lower golden layers, carrots, aromatic peppercorns, lavrushka, a mixture of roots, dried herbs, star anise, a bunch of juicy greens and salt into the broth.
  3. Reduce the boiling point to the minimum possible, cover the pan with a lid and let the broth with seasonings simmer for 3 hours. It is important that the future soup does not boil!
  4. Prepare products for kharcho: finely crush / chop / crush the garlic; chop the onion into medium cubes; remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop, keeping the juice; fresh herbs, chop hot pepper and grind in a mortar with garlic; wash the rice very well and soak for half an hour; grind all the dry ingredients-spices to get a fragrant spicy-spicy mixture.
  5. Heat the cauldron over the fire and put melted cow butter on the bottom, pour onions. It is not necessary to fry it, let it become transparent. To it add the top layer of fat collected from the broth and a little rich liquid. Simmer the onion for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Pour the tomatoes and put the meat selected from the broth. Stew everything together for another 5 minutes and add the crushed mixture of spicy spices. Leave for another 7-10 minutes for all the flavors to sweat and blend.
  7. Pour strained broth into a cauldron and add rice. Reduce the fire and simmer the future kharcho for twenty minutes. When the rice is "without a minute" is ready to put a mixture of herbs and garlic. Turn off the fire and ... set the table.

How to cook kharcho soup delicious: tips

The advice of those who know a lot about soups will help you prepare a real, tasty and spicy-spicy kharcho soup.

  1. The broth after scalding the meat will be transparent if the first water with curdled protein is drained. It is necessary to prepare a new broth in a clean saucepan, with root vegetables and onions. And before laying the main products, the broth must be filtered.
  2. The soup will get an additional touch of taste if the fatty pieces of meat are lightly fried in a cauldron or pan, where the future kharcho will be cooked.
  3. Finely chopped cherry plum will make any recipe for "beef soup" truly Georgian.
  4. Tkemali sauce for soup should be the most sour - made from burgundy or green plums. It is allowed to mix satsibeli and tkemali sauces in a one-to-one ratio.
  5. For kharcho, polished and steamed rice is ideal. This rice will not boil. It is also important not to abuse its amount, otherwise the soup will turn into porridge.
  6. It is better to put garlic in kharcho almost before serving, then the aroma and taste of the soup will become especially pleasant.
  7. "Beef soup" must be infused for twenty minutes before it hits the plates.
  8. Oriental cuisine masters advise cutting the onion into very thin half rings, scalding it with boiling water and putting it into the soup not during the cooking process, but directly into portioned plates. Then kharcho soup acquires a completely new shade of taste.

- rich, thick, spicy and spicy and delicious in a Caucasian way. He became famous far beyond the borders of Georgia, and all over the world his devoted fans argue about what kind of “real” kharcho he is?! Spicy or sour, with beef or lamb, with tomatoes or tklapi. But these disputes have absolutely no basis. After all, tastes, as you know, do not argue!

Agree, some dishes lose their value over time. nationality and become public domain. This happened with kharcho soup, with recipes for cooking which at home I will introduce you. Classic, or in Georgian style, with rice, chicken and pork, beef with lamb or no meat at all, lean - all these options for your favorite first course can be found in every home.

Yes, and in Georgia itself, where the spicy, fragrant and very tasty dish, prepared differently everywhere. The name of the dish can be translated as “beef soup”, but there is no single recipe, and if, having arrived in this country, you ask how to cook it correctly, then in each locality they will tell you this in their own way.

Yes, and each family has its own, inherited recipe, which differs in some subtleties in cooking. By the way, there is no reason to be upset - changing the recipe only enriches the taste and adds new colors.

Kharcho is prepared with rice, chicken, pork, beef or lamb, potatoes, walnuts, barley, but in any case, the sour base and oriental flavor remain unchanged, which distinguishes the dish from other soups. Just by adding more pepper, you will never achieve a unique flavor bouquet.

Soup kharcho - a recipe for cooking at home

So, what should you know when you first start cooking soup - kharcho.

  • The basic basis of the dish is tklapi, a sour flatbread that is unique in its recipe. It is prepared from unripe cherry plum, and because of the special cooking technology it is called cherry plum pita bread or marshmallow, which is more similar.
  • It is almost impossible to get tklapi outside Georgia, so it is replaced with tkemali sauce. But if you get it too - an impossible task, then it will not be a big crime to replace the sauce with fresh cherry plum, adjika, pomegranate juice, ordinary tomato paste or a slice of lemon at worst.
  • Hot pepper, preferably the freshest, is responsible for the spiciness in the soup.
  • AT classic recipe there is always rice. You can use its round variety, but preferably a long one, but in no case crushed or steamed.
  • So that the kharcho does not come out cloudy and slimy, be sure to rinse the rice 5-7 times before cooking, and then infuse it with water for at least 2 hours to remove excess starch.
  • In the classic version of preparing kharcho for real, in Georgian style, walnuts are always added. They can be crushed a little with a rolling pin to make them more fragrant or a little fry in a pan without oil.
  • The soup should have a lot - a lot of greens! Parsley, dill, cilantro - do not regret, you can also add a bit of fresh mint. Handle cilantro with care, especially if you are using this seasoning for the first time. Not everyone likes its specific taste. Therefore, do not immediately put it in kharcho, but put a little already on a plate.
  • The base seasoning is hops - suneli. In general, the choice of spices that give the dish a unique aroma and taste is purely individual, and each family has its own. In some recipes, there is an advice to put ucho - suneli, which includes fenugreek with its wonderful nutty aroma. But hops - suneli are an essential ingredient.

Georgian classic kharcho soup

The classic Georgian kharcho recipe is the basis from which you can cook almost any other option. Therefore, I will describe the process in detail. It traditionally uses beef or veal. A very tasty and rich broth will turn out if you take meat on a marrow bone or brisket for it.


  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Tklapi - a piece of 10 cm (or tkemali sauce - half a glass).
  • Long grain rice - 50 gr.
  • Bulb - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
  • Nuts, pre-peeled - a third of a glass.
  • Dill, cilantro, coriander, parsley, black pepper, hot pepper pod, hop seasoning - suneli (a teaspoon), bay leaf and salt.
  • Water - one and a half liters.
  1. Cover beef with water and bring to a boil. Next, you need to cook it for two hours, no less, literally simmer it over low heat.
  2. At the same time, rinse rice groats in several waters and soak it for an hour.
  3. While the meat is cooking, prepare all the vegetables: peel and chop them. For kharcho, onions are usually chopped into small strips, and onions into thin plates.
  4. Remove the piece of meat from the broth, cut into small pieces. You don’t need the bone anymore, but send the beef back to the pan - let it cook further.
  5. Now it's time to add the main feature of kharcho - tklapi. If it is not there, then put two large spoons with a good slide of tkemali sauce instead.
  6. When the soup boils, put carrots in it, and after another ten minutes - onions. Continue cooking for another half an hour.
  7. Use this time to roast the nuts until their characteristic aroma appears. After that, grind them well so that the smallest crumb that can be made comes out.
  8. The next step is to add chopped garlic to the nuts.
  9. When the half hour appointed after laying the onion has passed, you need to put rice in the kharcho.
  10. After 10 minutes, there are nuts with garlic. And continue cooking for another quarter of an hour.
  11. And now it's time for seasonings. But we do not add them all at the same time, but in turn. First, put the laurel, salt, add a pinch of coriander, not sparing the hops - suneli and a pinch of black pepper.
  12. Try kharcho and decide if you need to add a little acid. If not enough, then pour in the pomegranate juice. Add crushed red pepper flakes as well. Continue to simmer kharcho for another five minutes.
  13. Now season the dish with parsley and dill with cilantro. Cook for a couple more minutes, let it boil strongly and turn it off. But already in the finished form, kharcho should be infused for at least ten minutes.

Ilya Lazerson, the author of the well-known television program, culinary specialist, has his own view on the preparation of the classic Georgian soup - kharcho. Get acquainted - you will not regret it, he knows what he is talking about.

Kharcho soup - chicken recipe

Cooking kharcho according to the classic version is a long, unhurried business. You can speed it up significantly by using chicken instead of beef. By the way, the bird greatly reduces the fat content of the first course, which is sometimes very important. A few secrets, read step by step recipe and you get a five plus.


  • Chicken fillet or chicken legs - 300 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Nuts - 100 gr.
  • Garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Seasonings - salt, lavrushka, coriander, black and hot peppers, hops - suneli, herbs.


  1. Like any other soup, the main thing in kharcho is the broth, rich and tasty at the same time. The chicken itself is not too fatty, even if you take the chicken leg. And in the case of the fillet, and at all. To make the broth tastier, fry the fillet until golden brown, and only then start cooking the broth from it.
  2. When the chicken is ready, take it out, cut it into pieces and put it back.
  3. There is one more difference in the preparation of chicken kharcho from the classic one with beef: onions and carrots are fried for it. The fact is that vegetables absorb beef fat during the cooking process. This will not happen with chicken. Therefore, cut them into smaller pieces, and stew them together with chopped garlic. Send to the pan with kharcho.
  4. It's time to prepare the tomatoes. Dip them first in boiling water for a minute, then peel and cut into cubes. At the same time chop the walnuts.
  5. Put the tomatoes and nuts in a saucepan, cook for 10 minutes and season. Add salt, bay leaf, hot and black pepper, coriander.
  6. After a couple of minutes after the soup boils, put the chopped greenfinch there and cook for exactly 2 minutes. After turning off, let stand for another 10 minutes.

Soup kharcho - recipe with rice and potatoes

The next variation on the theme of kharcho soup at home is with potatoes and rice. Very satisfying, spicy, in Georgia it is also prepared according to this recipe.


  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Long grain rice - 1/3 cup
  • Spices: hops - suneli, salt, bay leaf, salt, basil and pepper, any greens.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Tkemali (tomato) - 2 tablespoons.
  1. Boil the beef broth. Rinse and soak the rice while cooking the broth.
  2. Take out the meat, cut it, freeing it from the bone. Put the pieces back into the pot and when it boils, add the tkemali or tomato.
  3. After a few minutes, throw in rice and chopped large potatoes.
  4. Leave to cook on low heat until the rice and potatoes are cooked. Shortly before the end of cooking, put all the seasonings in a saucepan. And at the very end of the green.

Khrcho without meat, lean - recipe

For those who like to keep track of weight or fasting, cook lean kharcho soup without meat at all.

  • Medium sized potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Rice - half a glass.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Walnuts - half a glass.
  • Tomato - half a glass.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil, cinnamon, hot and fragrant pepper, laurel, hops - suneli, parsley root and salt, a little basil. Greens: parsley, cilantro with dill.
  1. First, prepare the vegetables - chop the onion, grate the carrot, also chop the garlic finely, chop the greens, chop the nuts finely.
  2. Boil water, put potato straws into it and start cooking. 10 minutes after boiling potatoes, add rice.
  3. While the potatoes and rice are cooking, make a fry: fry the tomato paste in sunflower oil for 5 minutes, add garlic and onions, then carrots, then, in turn, chopped nuts and all the spices. All together sweat for 3 - 4 minutes and you can turn it off.
  4. After you think that rice and potatoes are ready, add salt, fry, all remaining spices, let it boil and turn it off. If you have enough patience, then let the kharcho brew for half an hour. But 10 minutes will also be enough.

Soup kharcho with lamb

Lamb is an amateur meat, but there are real connoisseurs, especially if you cook kharcho with it, and even according to all the rules. For soup, take a low-fat brisket, it will work best.


  • Lamb - 500 gr.
  • Large onion - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 1/2 cup.
  • Tomato - a teaspoon.
  • Tkemali, sauce - Art. a spoon.
  • Adjika - a teaspoon.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Seasonings - parsley root, hops - suneli, cilantro, parsley, black pepper, chili pepper.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the brisket along the ribs and quickly fry in oil, adding a little chopped parsley root for flavor. Believe me, this will give the soup an incomparable taste.
  2. Put the fried meat in a saucepan, pour in water and set to boil.
  3. While the lamb is cooking, chop the onion, transfer it to a bowl, sprinkle with pepper and stir together, crushing the onion a little with your hands.
  4. After 40 minutes, after the lamb has boiled, send onion, washed rice and tomato paste to it.
  5. Cook kharcho until the rice is cooked. Well, about five minutes before the end, it will be time to add tkemali, adjika and garlic.
  6. Let the soup boil for a couple of minutes, add greens and, if the kharcho is not spicy enough, chopped chili.

Kharcho soup - pork recipe

In the homeland of soup, this recipe is less common. But in our reality, pork kharcho is prepared very often. To shorten the cooking time, take the meat without the bone.


  • Pork - 500 gr.
  • Bulb - 4 pcs.
  • Rice long-grained - 0.5 cups.
  • Tkemali - 2 tablespoons.
  • Walnuts - a third of a glass.
  • Parsley root, coriander, garlic, saffron, hot pepper, hops - suneli, and coriander greens, dill.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the pork into pieces and cook them for an hour on the smallest fire. Don't forget to skim off the foam.
  2. When the meat is cooked, take it out, strain the broth and lower the pieces of pork there again.
  3. After boiling, put rice, finely chopped onion and parsley root into the pan.
  4. Let it boil for a quarter of an hour and put in it a laurel, a little coriander, crushed nuts and tkemali sauce.
  5. Boil for another five minutes, and put chopped garlic into the soup, add hops - suneli and other seasonings.
  6. After two minutes of cooking, add the chopped greens and let it boil strongly. Then immediately turn off and let stand ready meal another 10 minutes.

Cooking kharcho soup in a slow cooker

The easiest option for preparing kharcho, but the result is not worse, but health benefits.


  • Veal or beef - 500 gr.
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.
  • Bulb - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - head.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Flour - Art. a spoon.
  • Tomato - a large spoon.
  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Pomegranate juice - half a glass.
  • Chili pepper, hops - suneli, pepper, herbs and salt.


  1. To make the beef cook faster, cut it into pieces. A few more preparatory work: chop hot peppers, onion and garlic, chop nuts.
  2. On the "Frying" mode, fry the onion in oil a little, after 6 - 8 minutes add the meat and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Dilute the flour in a spoonful of cold water and send it to the bowl, and after a couple of minutes put the tomato in the same place.
  4. Now it remains to pour in water and pomegranate juice, put all the seasonings, salt, close the lid and switch the slow cooker to the "Soup" mode.
  5. Set the time to 1.5 hours. When you open the lid after this time, put the greens and close it again so that the dish is infused for about 10 minutes.

Like the doors of a hospitable Georgian home, kharcho soup is always open for new recipes. Offer your own version of this magnificent dish at home, so we will fill out our cookbook. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Kharcho, according to Georgian custom, is made from beef with an abundance of herbs and spices. The soup should be thick in texture, spicy in taste, rich in color and incredibly fragrant.

In Georgian cuisine, it is customary to put walnuts, fresh cherry plums in kharcho, add tkemali sauce and season it with pomegranate juice.

The adapted version is much simpler, but no less tasty. It is this simplified way of cooking kharcho that is most often practiced in our everyday cuisine.

Cook fragrant spicy kharcho soup recipe with photo and step by step instructions It will help even those who have never tried it in their lives.

In the photo: ingredients for making kharcho soup:

  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Beef meat - 400 g.
  • Potato tubers - 3 pcs.
  • Onion heads - 3 pcs.
  • Rice - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Tomatoes - 500 g.
  • Vegetable unrefined oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dill - 0.5 bunch
  • Parsley - 0.5 bunch
  • Cilantro - 0.5 bunch
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Khmeli-suneli - a pinch
  • Dry leaf of a noble laurel - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice -3 peas
  • Basil - pinch
  • Hot hot pepper - a piece
  • Salt - to taste

Kharcho soup recipe (with photo):

We cut the meat for the broth across the fibers into small portioned pieces.

Put the pieces of meat in a bowl.

Fill it with water and put it on fire. When it boils, drain the water, wash the pieces of meat and fill it with water again. We give the opportunity to prepare the broth to boil and reduce the heat to a minimum so that the liquid in the pan barely gurgles.

We drain the water in which the meat boiled for the first time, due to the fact that it contains harmful substances.

In the process of cooking the broth, periodically remove the foam. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the pan, and filter the broth and add some salt.

In the broth, boil the potatoes, cut into cubes.

Chop onion and fry moderately.

When it turns golden, boiled meat should go to it. We fry it with onions.

In the meantime, we make cuts crosswise on the skin of the tomato and pour boiling water over the tomatoes so that the skin can be easily removed.

Cut the skinless tomatoes into cubes.

We send the chopped tomatoes to the pan and, together with onions and meat, continue to simmer this mixture for about fifteen minutes, and then we dip everything that is in our pan into the broth.

When the liquid in the pan boils, pour rice into it and let the future kharcho boil for about ten minutes.

We send garlic, herbs and spices to a mortar.

We crush them in a mortar with a piece of salted bacon and season the soup with this fragrant mixture.

Before serving, let the dish infuse and saturate with spicy aromas.

Serve kharcho soup hot with fresh herbs and pieces of hot peppers, which we put in each plate.

Georgian soup looks great in pure white bowls or broth bowls.

It does not hurt to offer him pita bread, which is not cut, but broken and dipped into the soup. Perhaps this way of eating the first course is at odds with the European tradition, but it is definitely worth a try. It is not for nothing that Georgians eat it with unleavened cakes.

Once cooked, kharcho soup will undoubtedly enter your menu as a traditional first course.

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