What marinade to pour soaked hot peppers. How to salt hot pepper

Recipes 11.11.2017

It has long been considered that hot peppers not very useful and even harmful to the stomach, but what is the most terrible provokes an ulcer. However, recent studies have refuted this stereotype and proved the opposite.

Hot salty pepper not only perfectly raises the appetite and activates digestion, but also helps to relieve chronic pain. If you cook pepper for the winter according to the presented very simple recipe, then it will retain all its useful qualities. So, how is salting bitter pepper? Very simply, the main thing is to follow our recommendations.

Salting bitter pepper for the winter - recipes

In order to pickle hot peppers for the winter, you will need:

  • one kilogram of hot salty pepper;
  • eight tablespoons of salt.

How to salt bitter pepper for the winter - recipe

  1. To pickle hot peppers for the winter, take a kilogram of hot hot peppers (green), wash well under cold running water. Next, remove bug-damaged and spoiled pods. Then cut each "tail" of pepper along about two centimeters. All this is done so that the brine gets inside the pepper during salting and completely salts it.
  2. Next, for salting hot peppers, prepare the brine for pouring. To do this, boil two liters of water and mix well with salt (eight spoons without top). Then lay the peppers prepared for pickling in very dense rows in a five-liter saucepan, and then pour in the hot brine.
  3. On top of the hot pepper in order to pickle it, place oppression weighing about two kilograms. For example, you can place a flat plate on top of the pepper and put liter jar with water (be sure to cover it with a plastic lid). Next, cover the pan with gauze on top and tie it well so that small rubbish and debris cannot get into the middle.
  4. Further, in order to pickle hot peppers for the winter, put the pan in a warm place for 72 hours (in summer you can use the windowsill of a well-lit window for this purpose, and in autumn you can put the pan near the boiler).
  5. After three days, in order to properly pickle hot peppers, drain the brine from the pan, and then pour freshly prepared brine over the pepper. Close the pan again with gauze and put in a warm place for five days.
  6. On the ninth day, transfer the hot pepper to a liter jar, then fill it with brine and cover with a plastic lid (if you intend to store it in the refrigerator until winter).
  7. You can also roll up salted peppers for the winter in sterilized jars, pre-fill it with hot fresh brine for the third time.

Perhaps the only way to protect meat and vegetables from spoilage for a long time is to salt them. This is the main way of preserving food, which is very popular among housewives and those who like salty snacks. This process is not complete without rock salt. With its help, a solution is formed in which products are placed for long-term storage. And how long this period will be depends on the correct preparation of the brine. Each product has its own standards and principles of salting, which must be strictly observed in order to obtain high quality food. Today we will talk about how salting peppers in a cold way. But before considering some recipes, let's find out what the mentioned canning method is.

cold pickling method

This method is a salting of products in jars, barrels, tubs, buckets and so on. In this case, they are poured with cold brine, and a press is placed on top. Such dishes must be placed in a cold place for a long time.

For example, salting pepper for the winter begins with the fact that all the fruits are pierced with a toothpick at the base. Layers of the vegetable are shifted with spices and herbs, garlic, and so on, covered with salt, poured with cold water, covered with a lid or put oppression and determined in a cold place. An important point here it is important that the products are always covered with brine, therefore, if necessary, it must be topped up. For this, twenty grams of salt and nine grams of salt are taken per liter of water. citric acid. How does the cold salting of peppers occur? Consider a few simple recipes. Such a preparation is no less common than pickling mushrooms, sauerkraut, and so on. Salted pepper is a very tasty and tender snack that has a pleasant aroma and bright color. The latter, by the way, is only amplified by several tones with this processing method. As for the varieties of the main product, almost everything is used: sweet red pepper, chili, etc.

Salting bell pepper for the winter

Ingredients: five kilograms of sweet pepper, parsley and celery, black peppercorns and bay leaf. For brine: five liters clean water, four hundred grams of table salt (not iodized).


To begin with, fruits of the same size are selected, washed with water and dried on a towel or napkin. Then the vegetables are cut in half, the core is removed and each half is cut into so-called boats. If you plan to pickle whole fruits, they are simply pierced in several places with a toothpick. You can blanch the vegetables if you like. To do this, they are dipped in hot water for three minutes, and then quickly dipped in cold water.

Brine preparation

Water is brought to a boil, salt is added and boiled until it is completely dissolved. The liquid is removed from the stove and filtered through gauze, then cooled to room temperature. Sweet peppers are poured with this brine, covered with gauze or cloth, a wooden circle or a large plate is placed, and a press is placed on top. This blank is left for twelve days at room temperature. After this time, the pepper will be ready, it is then cleaned in a cold place for storage. You can also transfer the fruits to jars, close with a nylon lid and refrigerate.

Bulgarian salted pepper: method number 1

Ingredients: ten kilograms of pepper, eight hundred grams of salt. For the brine: nine hundred and fifty grams of water and fifty grams of salt.


Salting of sweet pepper is carried out as follows: the fruits are sorted and washed in cold water, the testes are removed. Then the product is dipped in boiling water for two minutes, and then quickly spread in cold water. Blanching makes vegetables soft and elastic, so they can be packed tightly into a container. Then each peppercorn is sprinkled with salt, placed in a dish prepared in advance and covered with a towel, on which oppression is placed. So it is necessary to withstand the vegetables for twelve hours. During this time, they will release juice.

Then the fruits with juice are transferred to another bowl, poured with cold brine, wrapped in gauze and again put under pressure. The container is transferred to a cold place. This recipe for salting bell peppers is very popular in many countries. Ready fruits are thoroughly washed before use and soaked for ten hours in cold water.

Bulgarian salted pepper: method number 2

Ingredients: ten kilograms of bell pepper, one hundred grams of parsley and celery, cherry leaves, five grams of coriander seeds. For pouring: nine liters of water, seven hundred grams of salt, seven hundred grams of table vinegar.


Salting sweet peppers begins with the fact that they are washed and pierced with a fork at the base. A layer of herbs and spices is laid out at the bottom of the dishes, then pepper and seasonings again. Each jar is filled with cold brine and put under pressure for twelve days at room temperature. After the lapse of time, the container is transferred to a cold place. At the same time, pepper should always be covered with a filling, so it is added as necessary (thirty grams of salt and two tablespoons of vinegar are taken per liter of water) or vegetable oil is used instead.

Express method of pickling peppers

Ingredients: for one three-liter jar, take two kilograms of bell pepper, two cloves of garlic, two onions, two aspirin tablets, celery and dill. For filling: six liters of cold water, one glass of salt, two glasses of sugar, five hundred grams of vinegar.


This recipe for salting bell peppers is very simple. To do this, the vegetables are washed, the seeds are removed and cut into four parts. The onion is also cut into four parts, the celery is cut into pieces, the garlic is peeled. Greens and all the listed components are placed in each jar, aspirin is added. The contents of the jars are filled with cold brine and closed. nylon lids, after scalding them with boiling water. The container is stored in a cold place.

Salting hot peppers in a cold way

Ingredients: one kilogram of hot pepper, six grams of parsley, twenty grams of dill, fifteen grams of garlic, fifty grams of salt. For brine: one liter of water, fifty grams of salt.


Greens and garlic, as well as washed peppers, are laid out at the bottom of clean jars. Salt is added to boiling water, boiled and cooled to room temperature. Jars are poured with a cold solution, closed with lids and placed in a cold place for storage.

Salting bitter pepper in Assyrian style

Ingredients: bitter capsicum, two leaves of horseradish, four bunches of dill, five sheets of currant. For the brine: ten liters of water, two cups of salt.


Salting hot peppers in a cold way begins with the fact that the fruits are pierced with a fork or a toothpick at the base several times. Then they are tightly laid out in jars along with greens. The contents of the container are poured with cold brine, covered with lids and placed in a dark, cold place. The filling is topped up from time to time. If you want the pepper to pickle faster, transfer it to heat.

Salting pepper: method number 1


Salting peppers in a cold way is not particularly difficult. To do this, fresh fleshy fruits are washed, blanched in a colander, dipped in boiling water for two minutes and immediately cooled in cold water. Then the vegetables are cut into two parts, rubbed with salt and placed in a bowl. Then they put the press for fourteen hours so that the juice stands out. Then the peppers, along with the juice, are transferred to another container (jars), poured with cold brine, a clean circle of polyethylene lid is placed on top and put under pressure. Banks are covered with gauze and put in a cold place for two weeks. After the lapse of time, the container is closed with capron lids.

Salting pepper: method number 2

Ingredients: sweet pepper, salt. For brine: two tablespoons of salt per liter of water.


Cold salting of pepper begins with the fact that the fruits are washed well, the core and stalk are removed from them so that the pods remain intact. Then each peppercorn is rubbed with salt, put one in one in four pieces and fill the pan. Then they put oppression for one day. During this time, juice should form. Then the contents of the pan are laid out in jars, poured with cold filling, covered with nylon lids and taken out to a cold place.

Salted stuffed peppers

Ingredients: two and a half kilograms of pepper. For minced meat: one kilogram of carrots, one kilogram of parsley root, half a kilogram of celery root, one bunch of celery greens, one hundred grams of onion, twelve black peppercorns, a pinch of cinnamon, one spoonful of sugar.


Salting peppers for the winter according to this recipe is very simple. To do this, blanch the roots and carrots for three minutes. Then they are cleaned and cut into strips or rubbed on a grater. Onions are chopped, all these components are mixed and salted. The resulting minced meat is fried a little in oil. Celery stalks are dipped in boiling water for two minutes to soften.

Brine preparation

Pour five liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then add one glass of salt, one clove of garlic, fourteen cloves, six black peppercorns and five bay leaves. Boil the filling for two minutes, then cool and filter through gauze or a sieve.

Consider further the recipe for salting stuffed peppers. So, on each vegetable, an incision is made, the seeds and the stalk are removed. Minced meat is tightly rammed inside, tied with a stalk of celery and put in a bowl. The contents are poured with cold brine, put oppression and cleaned in a cold place for four weeks.

Salted peppers stuffed with cabbage

Ingredients: two kilograms of sweet pepper, three kilograms of cabbage, three hundred grams of carrots, two hundred grams of onions, one bunch of parsley or celery, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, two and a half tablespoons of salt, one spoonful of peppercorns, as well as seven bay leaves and one spoonful of cumin .


Salting pepper in a cold way begins with the fact that the stalk is cut off from it and the seeds are pulled out without damaging the pulp. Finely chop the carrots and onions, chop the greens, finely chop the cabbage, add salt and knead with your hands so that it releases the juice. Onions and carrots are fried for three minutes until soft, added to the cabbage and mixed. Blanch the peppers for four minutes and cool. Next, the fruits are stuffed with a mixture of cabbage, put in a large saucepan, put a circle and oppression on top and leave for four days. After that, the contents of the container, together with the juice, are transferred to jars, poured with brine, which can be prepared according to the recipe given above. Containers are placed in a cold place. In the same way, the salting of capsicum passes.


Recipes for hot peppers, pickled, salted and pickled for the winter

Nutritional value, indications and contraindications

Pickled hot pepper, carefully prepared for the winter, will give your favorite dishes a piquant taste and bright aroma. Eating hot pepper stimulates the production of endorphins in the human body - the hormone of joy and happiness.

Endorphin also:

  • stimulates nervous system, forcing her to stay in good shape;
  • strengthen the immune system, so a person is less likely to get sick;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves stress and pain.

However, this vegetable is not useful for all people because of the content of endorphins in it. Doctors warn that it is necessary to completely eliminate it from the diet or reduce the amount for those people who suffer from diseases. gastrointestinal tract(GIT). Therefore, if a person has gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis or a stomach ulcer, then hot hot pepper should be discarded.

For the marinade, you need to take the following components:

  • water - 1 l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp

The recipe is quite simple. Liter jars should be sterilized. In cooled sterilized jars, you need to lay blackcurrant, horseradish and cherry leaves on the bottom. Then add chopped greens (parsley, dill, tarragon, basil). Then spices (cinnamon, cloves), garlic and peppercorns are placed in the jar.

After all the pickling spices are in the jar, we move on to hot hot peppers. It must be washed and tightly laid in a jar up to its very shoulders.

Fill the workpiece with boiling water. Cover with a sterilized lid and let it brew for 5 minutes. Then pour the water from the jar into a saucepan and prepare the marinade based on it. To do this, add salt and sugar to boiling water. Add vinegar 1 minute before boiling. Ready hot marinade must be poured, and then the jars can be rolled up.

Appetizing marinated twist is ready. Now in winter you can enjoy the spicy taste of pepper in combination with your favorite dishes. Pickled peppers will be a wonderful decoration for both ordinary and festive tables.

Vinegar marinade can be replaced with lemon if you don't like the sour note in the dish.

Salting hot peppers for the winter: the best salting recipe for the whole family

Main Ingredients:

  • 1 kg hot hot pepper;
  • 50 g of dill, parsley, celery;
  • 50 g of garlic.

For brine we take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 ml of vinegar 6% or 60 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 50 g salt.

In order to prepare a good hot pepper pickle, you need to bake it in the oven until soft, then let it cool and carefully spread it very tightly in sterilized jars.

Each layer must be shifted alternately with garlic, then with herbs. Boil water for brine. Add salt, vinegar. Let cool. After that, pour the jars with the cooled brine up to the shoulders.

For a good taste of pickles in jars, you need to put a load and leave it there for 3 weeks. Jars of pickles should be stored at room temperature for up to 3 weeks and then refrigerated.

This winter twist is not canned or pickled. It is the most useful, because it retains all the substances and vitamins that our body needs. Salting hot peppers is exactly what your family needs for health.

Pickled hot peppers for the winter: a very simple recipe

Main Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of hot pepper;
  • 8 art. l. salt.

Cooking method. Spread hot pepper on a tray and let it dry for 2-3 days. It should slightly "wrinkle" and "sag". Then pierce it in several places with a fork.

Ready hot hot pepper should be placed in a bowl and pour brine. It is prepared from cooled boiled water with the addition of salt.

After you lay out all the pepper and fill it with brine, you need to put oppression on top. Leave oppression for 3 days, keeping everything at room temperature. Then the brine is drained, poured freshly prepared and again put under pressure. You need to ferment it for another 5 days, but only in a warm place. The best place for this - the kitchen, as it is warm and dry there. On day 9, you need to transfer pickled hot peppers to a sterilized jar and pour brine for the third time.

Cover with a plastic lid and store pickled peppers in the refrigerator. Such pickled peppers are insanely delicious, they are perfect for stewed vegetables and mashed potatoes. This is the best recipe pickled pepper. It will be enjoyed by your whole family.

Spicy Hot Pepper Roll without Salt

Main Ingredients:

  • 400 g of hot red pepper;
  • 100 g natural apple cider vinegar;
  • fragrant dried herbs: marjoram, oregano, basil, rosemary, etc. in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. 400 g of hot pepper.

Recipe. Rinse hot peppers and place in sterilized jars. Displace apple cider vinegar, fragrant herbs and honey and pour into a jar of hot peppers. Store in a dark place for 1 month. Then it can be put in the refrigerator. Spicy and very fragrant hot pepper without salt is ready. This is a great preparation for the winter.

Preservation of hot hot pepper with tomato

One of the most the best combinations in cooking, it is a combination of hot pepper with tomato. It does not matter which cooking technology you have chosen for this. This combination is optimal for pickling, salting, pickling and canning.

The salty taste of tomato juice, in which spicy hot peppers are marinated, will be an exquisite addition to any meat or fish dish.

Main Ingredients:

  • 200 g of hot red pepper;
  • 200 g of vegetable oil;
  • 500 ml of tomato juice;
  • salt and sugar to taste.


Wash the piquant hot pepper and fry in a pan in vegetable oil. It should become soft, for this it is necessary to fry it from all sides.

In order to do this much faster and easier, you can use the oven. It must be heated to 180 degrees, and grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil so that the vegetable does not burn. It is necessary to fry on all sides.

While the peppers are roasting, sterilize the twist jars. Place roasted or fried peppers in jars and pour over boiling tomato juice.

The tomato juice dressing should be thick, so evaporate the juice first if it's too thin. Don't forget to add salt and sugar.

Screw the finished preservation. A wonderful preparation for the winter is ready. Enjoy your meal!


Hot pepper for the winter recipe

Pickled hot peppers are the perfect appetizer for those who love hot dishes and sauces. It turns out very fragrant and appetizingly bright. While the season has not yet left, we will tell you how to make a preparation of bitter capsicum for the winter. The recipe for canning without sterilization, therefore, will not be very time-consuming.

Hot pepper for the winter

recipe for pickled hot peppers in pods with oil and garlic

This fiery pepper sailed to Europe on the ship of Columbus. His doctor brought this unusual vegetable as a gift for the Queen of Spain. They were in no hurry to cook pepper, at first the courtiers used it as a decoration for hats. But very soon, fiery pepper was “tasted” and began to be added to a variety of dishes and sauces.

According to Mexicans who love fiery snacks, hot pepper enlightens the mind, stimulates the appetite and promotes excellent digestion. After pickling, the fiery taste of the pepper softens, but it still remains sharp. Garlic gives the pickle an appetizing flavor. Pickled peppers prepared according to this recipe will be an excellent snack for unleavened cereals, borscht and strong drinks.

If a spicy snacks if you don’t like it, then according to the same recipe, you can deliciously marinate sweet peppers. A few jars of mouth-watering marinades will successfully diversify the menu, so have time to cook them before the pepper season is over.


  • bitter capsicum - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 3 heads.
  • sugar, vinegar 9%, water, vegetable oil - 1 cup each;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • ground black pepper (optional) - 1 tsp

Cooking process:

Prepare lids and jars in advance: wash with soda to a shine and sterilize.

Wash hot peppers in running water, let it drain and dry. Prick each peppercorn in several places with a fork or toothpick. So the chili will be better saturated with the marinade, and there will be no excess air left in the jars.

Garlic must be peeled (or add unpeeled part), rinse and leave the cloves intact.

To prepare the marinade, dissolve salt in water, add oil, vinegar, sugar, ground pepper and bring to a boil. Boil the garlic and hot peppers in the marinade for 5 minutes after boiling in batches.

Arrange pepper and garlic cloves in jars, pour marinade, roll up.

Turn the jars over, wait for cooling and put them in the cold, best of all, in the basement. If you leave the peppers warm, there is a risk that the jars will "explode". Therefore, it is better to find a cool place for them.

Many housewives add pickled hot peppers to their favorite dishes to give them a nice piquancy. Pepper, added in a small amount, will decorate the taste of meat dishes and vegetable stews. In addition, it will also be a good addition to the barbecue. Crushed pepper product can be added to sauces and soups.

As for the additional ingredients for pickling, you can add at your discretion: bay leaf, celery or coriander seeds.

By the way, hot chili is in the TOP of the most effective aphrodisiacs. If your loved one is not indifferent to spicy dishes, then invite him to try your delicious pickled peppers at dinner!

Thank you mom for the recipe and photos!


pickled hot pepper


You need: 1 kg of hot pepper (half red and green), salt - 1.5 tbsp. l. , sugar 1.5 tbsp. l. , vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l. for 1.5 liters of water.
Rinse the pepper, remove the stalks and make cuts on the blunt side. Arrange peppers in jars, alternating red and green. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 10 minutes.
Then drain the water, add salt, sugar and boil again. Pour vinegar into the brine and pour into jars. Roll up and turn over.

Vladimir Ptokhov

pickled hot pepper

For pickling, choose young green peppers, less spicy. Pour salt into the bottom of the jars. Sort the peppers, wash, put them whole and put the jars in the bottom of the refrigerator for a week. The color of the pepper will begin to change. As soon as some of the peppers turn yellow, vinegar essence and oil are added. Pepper at the same time acquires a sharp taste and does not deteriorate even in heat. Ready in two weeks.

pepper 1000 g, coarse salt 100 g, oil 100 g, vinegar essence 1 s. l.

Hot pepper marinated in caviar

Scroll pepper without stalks and seeds in a meat grinder. Mixed with salt. vinegar, sugar and vegetable oil. Put in a bank. Stored in the cold.

300 g pepper, 100 g oil, ½ s. l. salt, 1 s. l. vinegar or lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara


Rinse the hot peppers, pat dry and cut off the stems. Pack tightly into a jar.
Fill it with plain water. Drain this amount of water into a saucepan + 100 gr (for boiling)
Put to boil. Pour in 2 teaspoons of sugar and salt. Boil - pour 1 time. Let stand 10-15 minutes. Drain and boil again. Pour 50 grams of vinegar into the jar and add boiling solution under the lid. This is about a 700 gram can of pepper. Good luck!!!

Zakharia Milyavskaya

I don’t know salting, but you don’t ask for pickling. Pickled (when vinegar is added) in the same way as cucumbers with tomatoes (just cut or chop each pepper), with the same marinade, and pickling (vinegar is NOT ADDED) is a completely different matter ....

How to salt hot pepper? Who will share the recipe?

I want this beauty! And I don’t know how to salt hot peppers.


I make such beauty and yummy every year (I grow hot peppers). The criterion of taste was the fact that the answer to the question “what to give you for your birthday?” my friend replied: "jar hot honey pepper". Long whole pepper is pierced with a toothpick in several places, put in tall jars along with cloves (3 pcs) and garlic - 3 cloves and pour salted boiling water. Cool down, pour out the water and pour boiling marinade: 1 liter of water, 100 g of honey, 2 tbsp. salt, 1.5 cups apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Let's close hermetically. In winter, it removes all signs of a cold, it is worth eating at least one pepper.


In the picture, if I'm not mistaken, Georgian salted pepper ... Here we cook it like this. We buy yellowish hot peppers on the market, with a sharp knife we ​​make an incision on the side of each pepper so that there is no air inside and we give it a few days so that it wilts and becomes soft. Then the brine is boiled: for 1 liter of water - 1 full tablespoon of salt, 2-3 peas of allspice, 2 tablespoons of vinegar. We filter the finished brine. we dip the prepared peppers into the brine, bring to a boil, quickly remove the pepper, put it tightly in sterilized jars, pour it with boiling brine and cork. But you can do without rolling cans: Withered pepper is placed in an enameled bucket and poured with filtered boiling brine. A weight is placed on top so that the pepper is always in the brine. So he should stand in a cool room near 2-3 weeks. It does not have time to spoil, because it is quickly eaten


I will write, perhaps, my recipe for salted peppers. We will need: garlic, celery greens, bay leaf, salt. In an enameled bucket or bowl, first put the celery stalks, on them - pepper, garlic, bay leaf. Separately, we prepare the brine: boil 2.5 liters of water and 200 g of salt. When the brine has cooled, pour pepper over it, put a large plate or dish on top, and a load on it. I usually use a five liter water bottle. We leave it this way for 10-15 days, it is possible at room temperature, but it is better to put it on the balcony. Arrange the finished pepper in sterilized jars and pour over the brine in which it was salted. Bring the brine to a boil first. When cool, you can remove for long-term storage.


In principle, the recipes for preserving hot red peppers and onions, and even bell peppers, differ little. Choose seasonings that complement the taste of pepper and prepare the marinade. To preserve hot peppers, you need to take cilantro, mint and other traditional seasonings for salting.

But there is one feature, as experienced housewives advise. Pepper must be boiled before preservation, pour boiling water over it twice to remove the burning bitterness.

How to do it right and what other tricks are used in cooking hot peppers, see the link on this site.


I usually do this. First, I pierce each peppercorn with a match. Then I put the pepper in jars, put currant leaves on top, and horseradish leaves on the bottom. Brine: per liter of water - 1.5 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Peppercorns and/or bay leaf can be added if desired. Many housewives also add a spoon or two of sunflower oil to the jar, I also sometimes add it (at will and mood). I pour the brine three times.


To pickle hot peppers you need to do the following:

Prepare saline solution. Add enough salt to the water so that the egg does not sink in it. Sterilize the jars, put peppers in them, which must first be pierced with a fork in several places. fill the peppers with salt water, wait a bit (the water will fill the peppers) and add more. Close the jars with lids and everything can be stored in the cellar.


Prepare hot peppers in brine for the winter. It turns out spicy, retains pungency and sharpness.

Let's make this simple recipe.

We take products:

hot pepper - 1 kg,

dill - 40 g,

celery greens - 30 grams,

garlic cloves - 30 grams.

Doing brine:

water - 1 liter,

vinegar 6% - 80 - 100 ml,

salt - 60 grams.

Roast peppers in the oven. After that, we place it in clean pre-sterilized jars. Put the garlic and herbs between the peppers. Next, pour in the brine, leave oppression. It will ferment for three weeks, after which it can be sent to the cold and stored there for food.

Comes autumn time and therefore many housewives stock up on homemade preparations for the winter. Among them, there are some recipes for salting hot peppers. Such canned peppers are not very popular, so not many people know how to pickle them correctly. Peppers are salted just like that, as well as with the addition of spices and herbs. Pickled peppers are very tasty and very spicy. Canned hot peppers are a great addition to meat or fish dishes as a spicy snack.

Recipe 1.


  • Hot peppers - 1 kg
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch
  • Parsley greens - 1 small bunch
  • Garlic - half a head

Cooking method:

  1. Peppers need to be sorted out, rinsed well, cleaned of seeds, rinsed again and dried.
  2. Rinse parsley and dill, pat dry with paper towels and chop coarsely.
  3. Garlic needs to be peeled. Rinse and cut each clove into several pieces.
  4. The jars need to be washed well, sterilized, after which we put garlic, chopped dill, parsley on their bottom and fill the jars with prepared pepper on top.
  5. Next, you need to prepare the brine. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then we pour salt into the water in the proportion of 100 grams of salt per 2 liters of water and leave it on fire until the salt is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour jars of pepper with this brine, cover with prepared lids, roll up, turn over and cover with a blanket.

Recipe 2. Pickled hot peppers


  • Hot peppers - 1 kg
  • Vinegar 6%

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to prepare the jars: wash them, sterilize and dry them.
  2. Next, wash the pepper, dry it and put it in prepared jars.
  3. Then you need to pour boiling water over the pepper and after 5 minutes pour it back into the pan. Thus, it will be clear how many liters of marinade will be required and how much salt and vinegar will need to be added. The marinade is prepared in the following proportion: 50 ml of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of salt should be added to 1 liter jar.
  4. The finished marinade is poured into jars of pepper, a few centimeters below the top of the neck of the jar and covered with prepared lids.
  5. Then the pepper must be sterilized at a temperature of 100 degrees. 1 liter jars are sterilized for 10 minutes, half-liter jars for 7 minutes.
  6. After that, the cans need to be rolled up with a seaming key, turned over and wrapped.

Perhaps the only way to protect meat and vegetables from spoilage for a long time is to salt them. This is the main way of preserving food, which is very popular among housewives and those who like salty snacks. This process is not complete without. With its help, a solution is formed, in which products are placed for long-term storage. And how long this period will be depends on the correct preparation of the brine. Each product has its own standards and principles of salting, which must be strictly observed in order to obtain high quality food. Today we will talk about how salting peppers in a cold way. But before considering some recipes, let's find out what the mentioned canning method is.

cold pickling method

This method is a salting of products in jars, barrels, tubs, buckets and so on. In this case, they are poured with cold brine, and a press is placed on top. Such dishes must be placed in a cold place for a long time.

For example, salting begins with the fact that all the fruits are pierced with a toothpick at the base. Layers of the vegetable are shifted with spices and herbs, garlic, and so on, covered with salt, poured with cold water, covered with a lid or put oppression and determined in a cold place. An important point here is that the products are always covered with brine, so if necessary, it must be topped up. For this, twenty grams of salt and nine grams of citric acid are taken per liter of water. How does the cold salting of peppers occur? Consider a few simple recipes. Such a preparation is no less common than pickling mushrooms, sauerkraut, and so on. Salted pepper is a very tasty and tender snack that has a pleasant aroma and bright color. The latter, by the way, is only amplified by several tones with this processing method. As for the varieties of the main product, almost everything is used: sweet chili, etc.

Salting for the winter

Ingredients: five kilograms of parsley and celery, black peppercorns and bay leaf. For brine: five liters of clean water, four hundred grams of table salt (not iodized).


To begin with, fruits of the same size are selected, washed with water and dried on a towel or napkin. Then the vegetables are cut in half, the core is removed and each half is cut into so-called boats. If you plan to pickle whole fruits, they are simply pierced in several places with a toothpick. You can blanch the vegetables if you like. To do this, they are dipped in hot water for three minutes, and then quickly dipped in cold water.

Brine preparation

Water is brought to a boil, salt is added and boiled until it is completely dissolved. The liquid is removed from the stove and filtered through gauze, then cooled to room temperature. Sweet peppers are poured with this brine, covered with gauze or cloth, a wooden circle or a large plate is placed, and a press is placed on top. This blank is left for twelve days at room temperature. After this time, the pepper will be ready, it is then cleaned in a cold place for storage. You can also transfer the fruits to jars, close with a nylon lid and refrigerate.

Bulgarian salted pepper: method number 1

Ingredients: ten kilograms of pepper, eight hundred grams of salt. For the brine: nine hundred and fifty grams of water and fifty grams of salt.


Salting of sweet pepper is carried out as follows: the fruits are sorted and washed in cold water, the testes are removed. Then the product is dipped in boiling water for two minutes, and then quickly spread in cold water. Blanching makes vegetables soft and elastic, so they can be packed tightly into a container. Then each peppercorn is sprinkled with salt, placed in a dish prepared in advance and covered with a towel, on which oppression is placed. So it is necessary to withstand the vegetables for twelve hours. During this time, they will release juice.

Then the fruits with juice are transferred to another bowl, poured with cold brine, wrapped in gauze and again put under pressure. The container is transferred to a cold place. This recipe for salting bell peppers is very popular in many countries. Ready fruits are thoroughly washed before use and soaked for ten hours in cold water.

Bulgarian salted pepper: method number 2

Ingredients: ten kilograms of bell pepper, one hundred grams of parsley and celery, cherry leaves, five grams of coriander seeds. For pouring: nine liters of water, seven hundred grams of salt, seven hundred grams of table vinegar.


Salting sweet peppers begins with the fact that they are washed and pierced with a fork at the base. A layer of herbs and spices is laid out at the bottom of the dishes, then pepper and seasonings again. Each jar is filled with cold brine and put under pressure for twelve days at room temperature. After the lapse of time, the container is transferred to a cold place. At the same time, pepper should always be covered with a filling, so it is added as necessary (thirty grams of salt and two tablespoons of vinegar are taken per liter of water) or vegetable oil is used instead.

Express method of pickling peppers

Ingredients: for one three-liter jar, take two kilograms of bell pepper, two cloves of garlic, two onions, two aspirin tablets, celery and dill. For filling: six liters of cold water, one glass of salt, two glasses of sugar, five hundred grams of vinegar.


This recipe for salting bell peppers is very simple. To do this, the vegetables are washed, the seeds are removed and cut into four parts. The onion is also cut into four parts, the celery is cut into pieces, the garlic is peeled. Greens and all the listed components are placed in each jar, aspirin is added. The contents of the jars are poured with cold brine and closed after scalding them with boiling water. The container is stored in a cold place.

Salting hot peppers in a cold way

Ingredients: one kilogram of hot pepper, six grams of parsley, twenty grams of dill, fifteen grams of garlic, fifty grams of salt. For brine: one liter of water, fifty grams of salt.


Greens and garlic, as well as washed peppers, are laid out at the bottom of clean jars. Salt is added to boiling water, boiled and cooled to room temperature. Jars are poured with a cold solution, closed with lids and placed in a cold place for storage.

Salting bitter pepper in Assyrian style

Ingredients: bitter capsicum, two leaves of horseradish, four bunches of dill, five sheets of currant. For the brine: ten liters of water, two cups of salt.


Salting hot peppers in a cold way begins with the fact that the fruits are pierced with a fork or a toothpick at the base several times. Then they are tightly laid out in jars along with greens. The contents of the container are poured with cold brine, covered with lids and placed in a dark, cold place. The filling is topped up from time to time. If you want the pepper to pickle faster, transfer it to heat.

Salting pepper: method number 1


Salting peppers in a cold way is not particularly difficult. To do this, fresh fleshy fruits are washed, blanched in a colander, dipped in boiling water for two minutes and immediately cooled in cold water. Then the vegetables are cut into two parts, rubbed with salt and placed in a bowl. Then they put the press for fourteen hours so that the juice stands out. Then the peppers, along with the juice, are transferred to another container (jars), poured with cold brine, a clean circle of polyethylene lid is placed on top and put under pressure. Banks are covered with gauze and put in a cold place for two weeks. After the lapse of time, the container is closed with capron lids.

Salting pepper: method number 2

Ingredients: sweet pepper, salt. For brine: two tablespoons of salt per liter of water.


Cold salting of pepper begins with the fact that the fruits are washed well, the core and stalk are removed from them so that the pods remain intact. Then each peppercorn is rubbed with salt, put one in one in four pieces and fill the pan. Then they put oppression for one day. During this time, juice should form. Then the contents of the pan are laid out in jars, poured with cold filling, covered with nylon lids and taken out to a cold place.

Salted stuffed peppers

Ingredients: two and a half kilograms of pepper. For minced meat: one kilogram of carrots, one kilogram of parsley root, half a kilogram of celery root, one bunch of celery greens, one hundred grams of onion, twelve black peppercorns, a pinch of cinnamon, one spoonful of sugar.


Salting peppers for the winter according to this recipe is very simple. To do this, blanch the roots and carrots for three minutes. Then they are cleaned and cut into strips or rubbed on a grater. Onions are chopped, all these components are mixed and salted. The resulting minced meat is fried a little in oil. Celery stalks are dipped in boiling water for two minutes to soften.

Brine preparation

Pour five liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then add one glass of salt, one clove of garlic, fourteen cloves, six black peppercorns and five bay leaves. Boil the filling for two minutes, then cool and filter through gauze or a sieve.

Consider further the salting recipe. So, an incision is made on each vegetable, the seeds and the stalk are removed. Minced meat is tightly rammed inside, tied with a stalk of celery and put in a bowl. The contents are poured with cold brine, put oppression and cleaned in a cold place for four weeks.

Salted peppers stuffed with cabbage

Ingredients: two kilograms of sweet pepper, three kilograms of cabbage, three hundred grams of carrots, two hundred grams of onions, one bunch of parsley or celery, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, two and a half tablespoons of salt, one spoonful of peppercorns, as well as seven bay leaves and one spoonful of cumin .


Salting pepper in a cold way begins with the fact that the stalk is cut off from it and the seeds are pulled out without damaging the pulp. Finely chop the carrots and onions, chop the greens, finely chop the cabbage, add salt and knead with your hands so that it releases the juice. Onions and carrots are fried for three minutes until soft, added to the cabbage and mixed. Blanch the peppers for four minutes and cool. Next, the fruits are stuffed with a mixture of cabbage, put in a large saucepan, put a circle and oppression on top and leave for four days. After that, the contents of the container, together with the juice, are transferred to jars, poured with brine, which can be prepared according to the recipe given above. Containers are placed in a cold place. In the same way, the salting of capsicum passes.

To replenish the beneficial vitamins and trace elements that pepper is saturated with, you need to be able to properly prepare it at home. This, by the way, will significantly save the budget, because in winter period the prices for vegetables are very “biting”, and the quality of the products is in doubt, because it is not known where and how they were grown. Consider the most delicious and proven recipes for salting Bulgarian, bitter and hot peppers for the winter.

How to salt bell pepper

stands apart bell pepper whose homeland is America. Low calorie and vitamin value allows you to use it in almost unlimited quantities, and a rich color scheme will give free rein to the imagination when harvesting.

Classic garlic recipe

Bulgarian pickled peppers with garlic will go well with meat and fish dishes, boiled potatoes and rice. Onward to cooking!

We will need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 kg.
  • Garlic - 5 tooth.
  • Carnation - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 30 pcs.
  • Chile hot - 1 pc.


  • Vinegar 9% -50 ml.
  • Sugar - 7 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 40 gr.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Carefully washed and peeled pepper cut into several equal strips.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water in a 3 liter saucepan. Add sugar, salt and vinegar.
  3. In this marinade, blanch the peppers in portions for 5 minutes.
  4. In each sterilized container, put a peeled garlic clove, bay leaf, a piece of hot pepper, cloves and 5 peas.
  5. Peppers, taken out with a slotted spoon from the marinade, are tightly laid in jars.
  6. After evenly pour the boiling marinade and roll up.

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Leave jars upside down to cool. Can be wrapped, but not required. The recipe is also suitable for whole unpeeled peppers with tails. In this case, the marinade is made 2 times larger and the blanching time is increased to 10 minutes.

Recipe with onion and tomato paste

Highly delicious recipe canned bell peppers.


  • 1 kg of sweet pepper.
  • 2 large onions.
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vinegar.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste.
  • 1 glass of water.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Cut the peeled onion into large half rings.
  2. Sweet pepper for beauty can be chosen in different colors and sizes. We wash, clean from seeds and cut into arbitrary pieces, you should not grind too much.
  3. We heat the oil in a frying pan, and preferably in a saucepan, and fry the onion for about 3 minutes over medium heat, stirring, so as not to burn.
  4. Add the Bulgarian vegetable and fry for about 5 more minutes.
  5. Add tomato paste, a glass of water, pepper and salt to taste.
  6. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Two or three minutes before the end, pour in the vinegar.
  7. We spread the workpiece in sterilized jars, roll up and turn over.

You can store pickles both in the cellar and in the pantry at room temperature.

How to pickle hot peppers

A special piquancy is distinguished by hot chili peppers, which means red in translation. It will add an extra spiciness to any dish. It is a big misconception that eating hot peppers is unhealthy. On the contrary, it cleanses the blood, relieves insomnia, and normalizes brain activity. Anyone who loves this burning vegetable should definitely prepare it for the winter at home.

Honey Canned Chili

Ingredients for 1 jar:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey
  • 1 clove.
  • 1 bay leaf.
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
  • Allspice, dill and parsley to taste.
  • Hot pepper pods.


  1. Washed pods with tails are dipped in boiling water for two minutes, then we pierce each with a fork.
  2. We fill sterilized jars with peppers along with spices and herbs. According to taste preference, you can add horseradish, currant or grape leaves.
  3. We lay the ingredients tightly, up to the shoulders of the container.
  4. We prepare the marinade by heating 1 liter of water with honey, salt and sugar over low heat until completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the brine into filled jars, let cool slightly and drain the brine.
  6. Bring the brine to a boil and again pour into jars. We repeat the procedure 2 times.
  7. For the third time, add vinegar.
  8. Roll up and done!

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We store at room temperature, and an open dish in the refrigerator.

Easy Chili Recipe

A simple but no less delicious recipe for pickled hot peppers.

For one liter jar you will need:

  • 300 grams of chili.
  • 1 bay leaf.
  • 7 black peppercorns.
  • Art. a spoonful of coriander seeds.
  • Art. a spoonful of salt without a slide.
  • Art. a spoonful of sugar.
  • 500 grams of wine vinegar (white).

Preparation procedure:

  1. Carefully cut the washed pepper on one side and clean out the seeds with a teaspoon.
  2. We put in a suitable size pan and pour boiling water.
  3. We drain the water with the remnants of seeds, if there are seeds, remove them with a finger.
  4. In the prepared jar we put the chili along with the bay leaf, coriander and salt.
  5. Heat water in a small saucepan, add sugar and vinegar.
  6. Bringing to a boil, but not boiling brine, pour the blanks.

The finished product is stored in the refrigerator for up to six months, but it will end much earlier.

Canning green hot peppers

Unlike hot chili, hot pepper has green color and less pronounced stinging, although most people don't notice it.

For a 700-gram container, prepare:

  • Hot pepper.
  • 9% vinegar - 150 ml.
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Carnation - 1 pc.
  • Allspice - 5 pcs.

Pickling method:

  1. Immerse clean washed green peppers in boiling water for two minutes.
  2. To prepare the marinade, add sugar, cloves and allspice to 150 grams of water.

NOTE: If you like crispy peppers, don't blanch them. Immediately fill the jar with the laid pepper with boiling water and drain the water after a few minutes. This will reduce excess bitterness. Pour the second time with the marinade.

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