Proverbs on the autumn theme for schoolchildren. Material on the development of speech on the topic: Proverbs about autumn

Family and relationships 19.06.2019
Family and relationships

Card index "Autumn for children of the senior group".

Riddles, proverbs, sayings,

phrases about autumn.

Early autumn - golden time. Grasses, trees, bushes become golden. A short "Indian summer" gives warm days before the coming cold weather. In the cool, transparent air, the threads of cobwebs glisten. The days are getting shorter and colder, and the nights are longer, the sun no longer rises as high as in summer. It is raining more and more often, and fogs appear in the morning. The wind rips bright leaves from the trees, which cover the ground with a crimson-yellow carpet. Leaf fall exposes the branches of trees, depriving them of lush bright decoration.

By mid-autumn, the sun pleases with its appearance very rarely, it becomes more and more cloudy, more often there are long cold rains. More and more frosts occur at night.

Late fall - Silver Age. The first crust of ice appears on the puddles, snowflakes sometimes begin to fall on the already frozen ground, fallen leaves covered with hoarfrost silver, icy tree branches ring. Small bugs and spiders hide, and fly south, but not all, but only migratory ones. This immediately raises the question:

Which birds are migratory and which are not?

What else happens in nature in autumn?

What else to tell about autumn for children ?

How do animals prepare for winter?

They make useful supplies, build houses, insulate their nests and minks. Some change their fur coats for winter ones - warmer, lighter, fluffy, in order to be less noticeable on the white surface of the snow cover. And people harvest in the garden and in the garden, sow winter crops, prepare the fields for spring.

What vegetables and fruits are harvested in autumn?

autumn signs

Warm autumn - to a long winter.
In autumn, the morning is gray, so wait for the red day.
A lot of acorns on oak in September - for a fierce winter.
Migratory birds fly high in autumn, so there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow.
Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.
A lot of cobwebs for Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
The web spreads over the plants - to heat.
From Seeds of the Day (September 14) start Indian summer.
If the first day of Indian summer is clear and warm, then the whole autumn is clear and warm, and vice versa.
The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- to a mild winter.
If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, it will be a cold winter.
Until the cherry leaf has fallen cleanly, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
If in autumn the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from the bottom, then late.
In October thunder - snowless winter.
Dmitriev Day (November 8) - winter is already climbing on the wattle fence. If it is cold and snowy that day, the spring is late and cold, and if it is a thaw, winter and spring are warm.

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.
If cobwebs fly in autumn, Indian summer has come.
If migratory birds fly high in autumn, there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow.
Aspen leaves lie face up - for a cold winter, upside down - the winter will be mild, and if on both sides - the winter will be average.

Tongue twisters about autumn

In the autumn, Senya has a canopy in the hay.

In our backyard, the weather got wet.

From body to body there was an overload of watermelons. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.

Skinny, weak Koschei is dragging a box of vegetables.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a cap of peas

Autumn, autumn has blossomed

The sky's knitted veil has untied, blossomed

And turned into rain.

Styopa went out for a walk, he began to beg for rain:

Rain, rain don't rain

Rain, rain, wait

We don't need you

No puddles needed!

The rustle rustles the leaves

The whisper whispers with the grass.

All the maples turned red

And no one teases:

Since everyone is red

Who cares!

Someone will ask about the time -

Look and say "eight".

The artist draws autumn.

Because it really is autumn.

Riddles about autumn

Don't trust the warm sun
Blizzard ahead.
In a golden circle
Leaves flew.
I came with the rain
Leaf fall and winds. (Autumn)

The branches in the park rustle,
Throw off their outfit.
He is at the oak and birch
Multi-colored, bright, catchy. (Leaf fall)

It pours like an oblique wall
And knocks on our windows.
Himself cold, torrential,
And in the garden, the gazebos get wet.
The autumn leaf circles for a long time,
To then go down into the puddle. (Fall rain)

Squirrel in autumn without haste
Hides acorns, nuts,
The mouse collects grains,
The mink is stuffed tightly.
This is a warehouse, not a hole,
A mountain has grown!
What are the animals doing?
Guess guys!

(Stocks for the winter)

The field got wet in autumn
But the beets are ripe.
And in September gardens
Lots of apples on the branches. .
What do we collect for the winter?
What do we call it? (Harvest)

In November the trees are bare
Wet gardens and.
Next to a raindrop
A white fluff curls
It flies past the windows
And then melts on the grass. (First snow, snow with rain)

It's still warm in October
And on the puddle - glass.
After all, on a cold starry night
Our puddle is frozen
Immediately became more interesting:
Step on glass and it will crack! (First ice)

Hundreds of birds gathered in flocks
They fly away on an autumn day.
And they fly there
Where it's always warm.
Birds, where are you going?
Tell our children! (South)

In autumn it is often needed -
If the rain hits the puddles,
If the sky is in black clouds,
He is the best helper for us.
Open it above yourself
And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

September and October
There are so many in the yard!
The rain has passed - left them,
Medium, small, large. (puddles)

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,
And Varvara dries it.
And then we, together with Varya
We do it at home ... (herbarium)

I flew with the wind
And covered the huts.
The air is like milk
Submit your mugs! (Fog)

The days are short, the nights are long
We call each other
In October we fly like a wedge,
Pitifully curly. (Cranes)

I lashed my ears, a cloud walked across the sky,

He lashed his cheeks, Cloud lost her beads.

He tore off his hat, beads dance along the path,

And ... escaped. Like crystal peas.

(wind) (hail)

The collective-farm garden is empty, The face of nature is all darker:

Cobwebs fly into the distance, Blackened vegetable gardens,

And on the southern edge of the earth Forests are exposed,

Cranes stretched out. Silent bird voices

School doors opened. The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us? What month has come to us?

(September October)

The field became black and white:

It rains, then it snows.

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

The winter rye freezes in the field.

What a month, tell me!


Without a path and without a road It flies without wings and sings,

Walks the most long-legged, Passers-by touches.

He hides in the clouds, in the darkness, does not give one passage,

Only feet on the ground. He drives others away.

(rain) (wind)

Proverbs and sayings about autumn

For centuries, people have noticed everything that happens in nature in proverbs and sayings.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy and full.
Autumn - eight changes.
September is cold, but full.
In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.
In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
November is the gate of winter.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.

The hare's fur has turned white - winter is coming

Autumn is the time of eating (the proverb speaks of the harvest).

Autumn is rich - winter is hearty (if a lot of harvest is harvested, then in winter time food will be available).

In autumn, any bird is rich (there is something to profit from in the fields).

A few rainy hours - the earth dries for many days.

September - seeing off summer, meeting cold weather.

The day did not work - the harvest slammed.

November - winter threshold (ready for winter).

November - frost on the nose.

Gold autumn - sad time… This is how many poets call the beautiful time of the year. How many poems, sayings, proverbs and riddles have been invented in early September, it is multi-colored, lush, warm. There is no longer such a sultry heat. Agree that after the summer you want a little bit of coolness. In November, the sun peeps out less and less, the sky darkens, frequent rains begin and a lot of clothes. However, each season has its own unique charm. Toddlers also learn all the natural delights. In this article you will find new proverbs, sayings, signs about autumn.

Autumn time - kids have fun

The nights have become cooler, the day is not so hot, and the morning smells of autumn. Adults and children are tired of the heat and dream of getting a little cooler. However, no one wants a period of rain or frost. After all, gray dull everyday life becomes from this and stretches until spring. One wants to plunge into hibernation, like a bear in a den, and sleep through all the dull days. And if you do not think so, but remember that in autumn there is a great opportunity to enjoy the last warmth. Only at this time you can see colorful, bizarrely shaped leaves. With them, children in kindergartens and schools make wonderful applications. First, they go with teachers to the park, where there are a lot of bright and beautiful leaves, collect bouquets from them, make herbariums, and then crafts. How the kids love to jump into the mountains of leaves or just rustle them while walking.

Someone believes that it is in autumn that the body relaxes after a stormy and emotional summer. As they say, to each his own.

autumn signs

In ancient times, there were many different signs about autumn. From here we can say whether winter will be early or late, what autumn will be, etc. There are also for preschoolers 4, 5 years old. They are written in an accessible and understandable language.

Here is some of them:

  • If the leaves fall early, winter days will begin early.
  • Thunder in September - a warm and long autumn for kids.
  • What is the first day of December - such will be the earth in winter.
  • The indoor parrot is silent - a blizzard is knocking on our window.
  • A cat curled up in a ball - potatoes will be expensive.
  • A lot of cones on a pine tree - a triple cold winter.
  • Rainy days in September - all of January in silver.
  • In autumn, there are few mushrooms, and a lot of nuts - in winter there will be no laughing matter.
  • A squirrel has a lot of reserves in a hollow - for a fierce winter.
  • Birds fly low - they want rain to us.
  • The cat hid her face - the cold came.

Autumn sayings

Teachers and parents tell children a lot of sayings. Thus, an idea is given of the tricks of nature, the weather, animals, etc. Better than folk sayings, the baby does not tell about the seasons. Thanks to them, he understands nature and simple phrases more. Sayings about autumn for children say that there is no bad weather.

Every season pleases adults and children in its own way. Read the autumn and ask how they understand them.

  • Autumn is the time of eating (the proverb speaks of the harvest).
  • Autumn is rich - winter is satisfying (if a lot of crops are harvested, then there will be affordable food in winter).
  • In autumn, any bird is rich (there is something to profit from in the fields).
  • A few rainy hours - the earth dries for many days.
  • September - seeing off summer, meeting cold weather.
  • The day did not work - the harvest slammed.
  • November - winter threshold (ready for winter).
  • November - frost on the nose.

Sayings about autumn for children are best told in a team. This way they learn the material faster.

Autumn proverbs

Proverbs tell children about natural phenomena, talk about the habits of animals. Signs of autumn for preschoolers are found in almost every proverb.

Therefore, it is useful to tell them to kids. Exactly at short proverbs has all the information:

  • In autumn, everyone knows that the rains get in the way.
  • In September there are a lot of apples, in October cabbage is a gift.
  • Multi-colored autumn has come - it has brought fun to the children.
  • Autumn palette - I'm used to the herbarium.
  • When they cut hay, they didn't ask for rain.
  • Plant a tree - don't wait for the harvest now.
  • In September it is cold, but satisfying.
  • What you collect from the harvest, you live on in the winter.
  • The bread that is in the field cannot be put in your mouth.
  • There is no bad land, there are owners who do not understand anything about the harvest.
  • In November, winter and autumn argue.
  • You dig in the fall, you don't go hungry in the winter.
  • Whoever did not work in the fall has nothing in the winter.
  • Autumn has come and brought rain with it.

Tell proverbs and sayings about autumn for children in an accessible language. They need to understand exactly what they say. If the children ask questions, then explain what the phrases or words in proverbs or sayings mean.

Poems about autumn

Many poets write small quatrains for children just about this time. Why about autumn? Probably because nature is very beautiful, plays with a multi-colored palette. If everything is green in spring, then in autumn you can see bright red, yellow, orange and other colors.

The leaves are falling, covering the roads,

Nice to walk on them

All our worries subside

So we want to fool around.

Leaves fly and circle above us

What a beauty

Can't put into words

The autumn dream has arrived.

Birds fly to warmer climes

I look at them frozen

How they wag their tails

Take me with you.

The birdhouses are empty

I see the birds fly by

They didn't even sing the songs

With the feeling that blizzards will soon begin.

Autumn has come,

The rains have begun

We will ask her

Until you leave.

Riddles about autumn

After stories or poems for children, it is best to fix the material with riddles.

Of these, you can also determine some signs of autumn for preschoolers. Here is some of them:

  1. We are walking in the yard

Fun for our kids

When does it happen? … (In November).

2. She brought a lot of harvest to people,

This ... came to us (autumn).

3. There are no brushes or paints,

And decorated, like in a fairy tale (autumn).

4. We collect potatoes, when does this happen? (autumn).

5. The rain pours like a bucket,

the whole earth got wet.

When does it happen? (autumn).

6. Flies, but not a bird, howls, but not a wolf (wind).

7. Frightened by the cold, flew away where it's warm.

Stop singing and having fun

These are migratory ... (birds).

What children need to know about autumn

Before asking the guys questions about the season, first tell a little. Show the children the pictures. or riddles will be more understandable if they see with their own eyes what is meant. Tell them about cold days, wind, frequent rains, leaves come in different colors and shades. Children should understand that in autumn you can make wonderful crafts not only from leaves, but also from chestnuts, acorns, etc.

Show the kids with a good example, Let them run through the leaves, touch them with their hands, collect them for crafts. From the pictures you can see how a flock of birds fly south. It is possible with children aged 5-6 years to go to the fields on an excursion. Let them watch how people harvest, while listening to the teacher's story about what it is for and what will be done with it next. Make up a few sentences with the children on the autumn theme. Have them learn the verses. At the same time, memory, attention, thinking will develop. Ask them to come up with signs of autumn for preschoolers. From their observations, they can teach adults a lot.

Traditionally autumn in Russia - the time of agricultural holidays and harvest rites. At this time, the harvest was harvested, which ensured a happy and well-fed winter, prosperity and well-being in the family.

Small forms of folklore such as proverbs, preserved in speech and reflected the importance of the fruitful season in the life of a person dependent on nature. By means of a proverb, in a short, concise form, people drew analogies between a good harvest and wealth ( "In autumn and a crow has a heap of bread"), noted seasonal changes in the world of animals and plants.

The importance of the weather became the reason for the division of proverbs into phenological periods, that is, according to climatic features. So allocate early autumn- a bright, joyful period, reflecting the beauty and generosity of nature, golden - a great time for wilting leaves and travel of migratory birds, and pre-winter - a time of unpredictable bad weather, a sign to prepare for winter. All these phases thematically correspond to their own types of proverbs. Each autumn month also honored with special sayings.

Proverbs about autumn express the primary interests of the farmer: the health of livestock, folk omens on the weather, which may affect the economy, the desire for prosperity and peace.

  • Russian folk proverbs about autumn (from Dahl's collection),
  • Proverbs - signs about autumn,
  • Proverbs about autumn for children, schoolchildren,
  • Pro autumn months(September October November).

Russian folk proverbs about autumn

(from Dahl's collection)

Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full myself.
The cart carries bread to the house, the sleigh to the market.
Do not be tory in autumn, be rich by spring.
In autumn, the worker turns red, and the owner turns pale.
Autumn says: “Rotten” (ground), and spring: “Cute, if only it were.”
Autumn says: “I will harvest” (I will harvest); spring says: “I’ll look again” (or: “How will I look”, or: “And I’ll look into her eyes”).
Autumn says: "I will tidy the fields"; spring says: "I'll take a look."
Autumn winter is not put in the bins (do not pour).
Autumn is a uterus: jelly and pancakes; but in the spring, sit, sit and look!
In autumn, the crow has a shock, not only the black grouse.
The cover is not summer, and the meeting is not winter (October 14).
The cover will cover the earth (where with a leaf, where with a snowball).
White snow covers the ground: doesn’t it equip me young to marry?
He did not cover the cover, he will not cover even Christmas.

Father cover, heat our hut without firewood!

Proverbs - signs about autumn

Warm autumn - to a long winter.
One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn
Ivan Lenten came - he took away the red summer (September 11).
One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

A lot of netting for Indian summer, for clear autumn and cold winter.
If there is a lot of netting, wild geese sit down, and starlings do not fly away - the autumn is long and dry.

In September, if the web spreads over the plants - to heat.
October thunder - snowless winter.
Warm autumn - to a long winter.
Indian summer is rainy - autumn is dry
The drier and warmer September is, the later winter will come.
If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.

Autumn - eight weather.
The first snow is not lying.
Autumn night rides on twelve carts.
Semyon day, seeds away. It is a sin to sow bread. (September 14).
Semyon sees off the summer. Semyon brings Indian summer.
Small pure. Aspas day. Osenins. The second meeting of autumn (September 21).
In Fedora, summer ends, autumn begins. The third meeting of autumn. And the Indian summer will not reach Fedora (September 24).
On Artamon, the snakes go into the forests (in dens) and hide (September 25).
Movement - the caftan with a fur coat moved (September 27).
The movement of the caftan will shift from the shoulders, the sheepskin coat will move.
On the rise, the bird moved away.
On the rise of the winter - it does not matter to the peasant.
On Astafya note the wind: north to the cold; southern to warmth; western to phlegm; east to the bucket.
If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree (that is, not all foliage falls to snow) - by a cold winter (omen)
On Kupriyanov's day, the cranes gather in the swamp to keep an agreement which way - to fly by the way to warm water (September 13).
Birds fly low warm winter, and if they fly high - to a cold winter.
It will be a strict winter if the birds fly away together.
The rise of autumn to winter moves.
Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter. Early fall of foliage - by early winter. If the leaf fall passes soon, we should expect a steep winter.
Veil - the end of round dances, the beginning of gatherings.
The cover is the first winter. weddings. Deadline for Hiring and Transactions (October 14).
Cattle are fed on the cover with the harvest (last) sheaf and from that day on they are kept at home.
On the cover of the wind from the east - the winter is cold.
A cover will come, cover the girl's head.
If snow falls on the cover - happiness to the young.
Cranes fly away to cover - early, cold winter.
If the squirrel in the cover is clean (faded), then autumn will be good (Perm.).
The hare is gray-haired, has seen troubles (began to shed and became noticeable in the fallen snow)
In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it can snow in snowdrifts.
It will become cold and angry from the student (November 25). Cold from Studit - every day is worse. Fedor Studit - cools the earth.

Proverbs about autumn for children, schoolchildren

From autumn to summer there is no turn.
Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.
In autumn, cattle grow fat, and people become kinder.
In autumn, even the sparrow is rich.
In autumn, even a crow has a pile of bread.
Autumn is coming and rain is coming.
It is not from goodness that a tree drops a leaf.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Autumn rain sows finely, but lasts a long time.
Three sisters lived with my brother: spring - well done, winter - white-faced and autumn - waterdrop.
In summer, a bucket of water is a spoonful of mud; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud.
In the spring, the rain soars, and in the autumn it wets.
In the spring, if it spills like a river, you won’t see a drop; in autumn he will sift with chintz, and at least draw water with a bucket.
Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.
Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.
Autumn - eight weather.
The first snow is not lying.
In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, whistles and tears, pours and sweeps snow.
Autumn is the uterus: jelly and pancakes. And spring is a stepmother: sit and look (meaning that by spring the stocks stored since autumn are running out)
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is with sheaves.
Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and full.
Autumn says: "Rotten!", And spring: "If only it were."
Spring rain grows, and autumn rain rots.
Do not be tory in autumn, you will be rich by spring.
In autumn, a gray morning, a red day.
Autumn will order, and spring will say its own.
Autumn is great, winter is long.
Wheel road! - they shout to the cranes to turn them back.

About the autumn months


Summer ends in September, autumn begins
In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
Thunder in September portends a warm and long autumn.
September is wet weather and, above all, fertile.
August cooks, September - serves to the table.
September drove the birds on the road.
September is cold, but full (Siverko is cold, but satisfying)
September is never fruitless.
In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.
In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.

September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn
Father - September does not like to indulge.
September smells like apples, October - cabbage.
Father is cold - September, but there is a lot to feed.
Summer ends in September and autumn begins.
A lot of acorns on oak in September - for a fierce winter.
A lot of nettennik in Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
September is the evening of the year.
September is leaf fall.
Since September, fire in the field and in the hut.
September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.
In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
In September, the forest is less frequent and bird voice quiet.
September is cold, but full.
September smells like apples, October - cabbage.


October is dirty. Know autumn in October through mud.
October is dirty: neither the wheel nor the runner loves.
October is the month of near powder. October is winter.
October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball.
In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Russia, I’ll visit villages and villages, we’ll eat pies.”
In October, before lunch, autumn, and in the afternoon, winter-winter. In October, it is autumn before noon, and winter in the afternoon.
In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges. October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.
October is crying with cold tears.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.
In October thunder - winter is snowless, short and mild.
October crowns white snow with great mud.
October is the month of near powder.
October does not like wheels or runners.
October cries cold tears.
October will carry - November will pick up.


In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it can snow in snowdrifts.

November is the gate of winter.
In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.
In November, the first solid snow falls overnight.
In November, winter fights with autumn.
In November, the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.

November is the twilight of the year.
November is a semi-winter season: both the wheel and the snake love. The man says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
In November, the frost settles down.
Cold father - October, and November and it was cold.
December frost is torovat with November frosts.
November builds bridges without an axe. December without a nail zagvazhzhivaet.
November with a nail, December with a bridge.
In November, the sun smiles through tears and white flies.

In November, the warmth of the frost is not a decree.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will come after the rain.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
Whoever does not get cold in November will not freeze in December either.
No wonder in November white flies (snow).
Do not forge the river in winter without November - a blacksmith.
The smithy is small in November, but forges fetters on all rivers.
November is an off-road vehicle: either snow, or mud, or mud, or snow - neither the wheel nor the skid can move.
November December brother, September grandson.
November is a semi-winter season: a peasant says goodbye to a cart, climbs into a sleigh.
November nights are dark before the snow.
November is the gate of winter.
November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father.
November is the twilight of the year.
November will nail - December will pave.
November nights are dark before the snow.

Now autumn, and in the classroom schoolchildren of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 can give you an assignment find proverbs about this is the time of year. In the piggy bank of folk wisdom there are a lot of well-aimed sayings on the theme of autumn. But on this page we tried to collect the simplest, brightest and most accurate proverbs about autumn that will be understandable to children and suitable for school assignments.

At the beginning we give proverbs collected specially for schoolchildren in the manual by O. D. Ushakova “Schoolchild Dictionary. Proverbs, sayings, popular expressions ":

About autumn

  • Autumn - eight changes.
  • Autumn is coming and rain is coming.
  • Spring rain grows, autumn rots.
  • Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.
  • Spring is red, but hungry - autumn is rainy, but satisfying.
  • In autumn, a sparrow has a feast.
  • Autumn is great, winter is long.
  • In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
  • Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.
  • The first snow, although clean, will deceive - winter will never come overnight.
  • Summer slammed, autumn stomped, and then snow on the head.
  • Caught winter in a summer sundress.

About the autumn months

  • Father September does not like to indulge.
  • In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
  • September is cold, but full.
  • In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
  • In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.
  • In September, hold on tight to your caftan.
  • In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.
  • Since September, fire in the field and in the hut.
  • September smells like apples, October - cabbages.
  • October is a dirt man who doesn't like wheels or runners.
  • In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.
  • October is crying with cold tears.
  • In October at one o'clock and rain and snow.
  • November is the gate of winter.
  • November is the twilight of the year.
  • In November, winter and autumn fight.
  • In November, a man with a cart says goodbye, in a sleigh climbs.

From collections of Russian folk proverbs and sayings:

About autumn

From autumn to summer there is no turn.
In autumn, cattle grow fat, and people become kinder.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Three sisters lived with my brother: spring - well done, winter - white-faced and autumn - waterdrop.
Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.
Autumn - eight weather.
The first snow is not lying.
Autumn is the uterus: jelly and pancakes. And spring is a stepmother: sit and look (meaning that by spring the stocks stored since autumn are running out)
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is with sheaves.
Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and full.
Autumn says: "Rotten!", And spring: "If only it were."
Autumn is great, winter is long.
Wheel road! - they shout to the cranes to turn them back.
Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I myself will be full.

About the autumn months

Summer ends in September, autumn begins
Thunder in September portends a warm and long autumn.
September is wet weather and, above all, fertile.
August cooks, September - serves to the table.
September drove the birds on the road.
September is cold, but full (Siverko is cold, but satisfying)
In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.
In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn
September is the evening of the year.
September is leaf fall.
September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.
In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter.
September is cold, but full.

October is dirty. Know autumn in October through mud.
October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball.
In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Russia, I’ll visit villages and villages, we’ll eat pies.”
In October, before lunch, autumn, and in the afternoon, winter-winter. In October, it is autumn before noon, and winter in the afternoon.
In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
October is crying with cold tears.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
October crowns white snow with great mud.
October will carry - November will pick up.

November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father.
November is the gate of winter.
In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.
In November, the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.
November is the twilight of the year.
November is a semi-winter season: both the wheel and the snake love. The man says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
Cold father - October, and November and it was cold.
November builds bridges without an axe. December without a nail zagvazhzhivaet.
November with a nail, December with a bridge.
November nights are dark before the snow.
The smithy is small in November, but forges fetters on all rivers.
November is an off-road vehicle: either snow, or mud, or mud, or snow - neither the wheel nor the skid can move.

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Spring and autumn - all on a day of eight weather.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
In one hour and snow and rain.
In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
If the leaf fall passes soon, we must expect a harsh winter.
If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
As there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.
Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full myself.
Many acorns were born on the oak - by a fierce winter.
Autumn says - I will make gold, and winter - as I want.
Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.
Autumn does not wait, autumn hurries.
Autumn brings bad weather.
Autumn will order, and spring will say its own.
Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.
In autumn, even the sparrow is rich.
There is no turning back from autumn to summer.
In late autumn, one berry, and even then a bitter mountain ash.
After autumn, there is no smell of summer.
Autumn will come, yes, he will ask for everything.
Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.


Father September does not like to indulge.
In September, hold on tight to your caftan.
In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter.
Summer ends in September and autumn begins.
In September, one berry, and even that one is a bitter mountain ash.

Thunder in September - to a long autumn.
Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.
A lot of netting for Indian summer - by a clear autumn and cold winter.
September is never fruitless.
September is the evening of the year.
September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
September - leaf fall.
September is leaf fall.
September - dawn, frowning.
September smells of apples, October - of cabbage.
September reddened the swamps - oats are threshed with frost.
September drove the birds on the road.
Father September was getting cold, but there is much to feed.


The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.
In October, it is autumn before noon, and winter in the afternoon.
In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Russia, I’ll visit villages and villages, we’ll eat pies.”
In October, and a hut with firewood, and a peasant in bast shoes, but still no spores.
In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
Thunder in October portends a snowless, short and mild winter.
If in October a leaf from a birch and oak does not fall cleanly, expect a harsh winter.

October crowns white snow with great mud.
October is winter.
October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball.
October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.


In November, winter fights with autumn.
In November, the frost settles down.
In November, autumn - a fat woman with an evil one - fights in winter.
In November, the first solid snow falls overnight.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.
In November, the sun smiles through tears and white flies.
In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it can snow in snowdrifts.
In November, the warmth of the frost is not a decree.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will come after the rain.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
Whoever does not get cold in November will not freeze in December either.
The smithy is small in November, but forges fetters on all rivers.
No wonder in November white flies (snow).
Do not forge the river in winter without November - a blacksmith.
November is an off-road vehicle: now snow, now mud, now mud, now snow - neither the wheel nor the skid can move.
November December brother, September grandson.
November paves the way for winter.

Read also:

Autumn poems

Autumn songs

Autumn riddles

Autumn Filford

  • Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I myself will be full.
  • September is cold, but full.
  • Autumn winter is not put in the bins.
  • In the spring the rain soars, and in the autumn it wets.
  • In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, pours from above, and sweeps from below.
  • Autumn has come, the harvest has brought.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • Autumn is a gathering, winter is a pickle.
  • Autumn warmth is deceptive.
  • Indian summer is like Indian happiness - briefly.
  • The field is not red with views, but red with stacks.
  • Spring brings flowers and autumn brings fruits.
  • In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of mud; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud.
  • The tree is soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten from it.
  • So that the bread could not crumble, bring it down rather from your feet.
  • To a ripe ear - a daring sickle, To a red maiden - a daring groom.
  • Ear to spikelet - the motherland of the sheaf.
  • An ear of roads, though small, pick it up so that it does not disappear.
  • In autumn, and the sparrow has beer.
  • In autumn, even a crow has a pile of bread.
  • The autumn fly bites more painfully.
  • Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.
  • Autumn will order, and spring will say its own.
  • Autumn is a uterus; kissel and pancakes; and spring is a stepmother: sit and look.
  • Autumn is boastful, spring is fair.
  • In autumn, even the sparrow is rich.
  • In autumn the sparrow has beer.
  • In autumn, the cat has a pie.
  • Do not put autumn winter in the bin.
  • The autumn fly bites harder.
  • Autumn - eight changes.
  • Autumn says: "Rotten", and spring: "Cute, if only it were."
  • Autumn says: "I'll deviate", spring says: "As I want."
  • Autumn says: "I'll tidy up the fields", spring says: "I'll take a look."
  • In autumn they sip milk with a match.
  • In autumn, cattle grow fat, and people become kinder.

Proverbs and sayings about the golden season - proverbs and sayings about autumn. Proverbs and sayings about the coming cold, about the autumn heat, proverbs and sayings about autumn nature, proverbs and sayings about September, proverbs and sayings about October, about November.

Proverbs and sayings about autumn

Father September does not like to indulge.

In November, winter and autumn fight.

In November, the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.

In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.

In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

In autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, pours from above and sweeps from below.

In autumn, the crow has a shock, not only the black grouse.

In autumn, the cat has feasts.

In September, fire in the field and in the hut.

In September, one berry, and that one is a bitter mountain ash.

In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.

In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy, but satisfying.

Spring rain grows, autumn rots.

Everyone would take October, but the peasant has no move.

Knit a cart - howl, and when you go - sing songs.

Ready-made bread is good, but for the summer, pasha's arable land in the old way!

The day missed - the harvest was lost.

Hold on to mother earth - she alone will not give out.

Good aftermath - to winter.

Know autumn in October through mud.

The willow was covered with frost early - for a long winter.

Flax blooms for two weeks, sings for four weeks, and flies to the seventh seed.

They don't carry horses, they carry oats.

November is the gate of winter.

November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father.

November is the twilight of the year.

November will nail - December will pave.

November nights are dark before the snow.

October is the month of near powder.

October does not like wheels or runners.

October cries cold tears.

October will carry - November will pick up.

October thunder - snowless winter.

Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.

Autumn frost will not squeeze out tears, but winter frosts- from the eyes of tears.

Autumn night rides on twelve carts.

Autumn - eight changes.

Autumn is great, winter is long.

Autumn says: "Rotten", spring: "Cute, if only it were."

Autumn says: "I'll harness the fields", spring says: "I'll take a look."

Autumn is coming and the rain is coming.

Autumn will order, spring will say its own.

Autumn is a uterus: jelly and pancakes, but in spring it’s smooth: sit and look.

In autumn, a sparrow has a feast.

In autumn they sip milk with a match. They dunk it once, shake it twice, and then they carry it into their mouths.

In autumn, the morning is gray, so wait for the red day.

The weather is such that the good owner of the dog will not drive out of the yard.

The breezes rushed from midnight, ah yes September!

The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn - to a mild winter.

The leaf has not fallen from the birch - the snow will fall late.

September smells like apples, October - cabbage.

Plow feeds, clothes the spindle.

Warm autumn - to a long winter.

The weather hit - the threshing began.

September is cold, but full.

Chilled father-September, but much to feed.

That July and August will not be cooked, September will not fry.

Proverbs and sayings about natural phenomena

Proverbs and sayings about winter

Proverbs and sayings about spring

Proverbs and sayings about birds

Proverbs and sayings about work

Autumn is a wonderful, beautiful and exciting time. Golden leaf fall, turning into a soft fluffy carpet underfoot, evokes thoughts of folk beliefs, secrets, riddles and all sorts of signs.

What are the most reliable signs of autumn?

A lot of information can be learned from the falling leaves and from the trees and shrubs themselves.

  • Belated leaf fall portends a heavy, hungry and cold winter;
  • If the leaves fall from the trees early (especially oak and birch leaves), then the year promises to be rich in harvest and soil fertility;
  • Most of the fallen leaves lie face up - the crop will be small; purl - large;
  • If during the period of leaf fall you are greeted with a jug of milk, then you are considered an honored guest, if with a plate of honey, then you were not expected in this house;
  • On a birch, the leaves begin to turn yellow from below - spring is expected to be late; if the top turned yellow first, then it is early;
  • All the leaves flew around quickly - a harsh, blizzard winter is approaching;
  • The leaves are in no hurry to fall off and turn yellow slowly and gradually - severe frosts is not expected and the winter will pass quickly.

Autumn signs can be read in anything. Not only golden leaf fall can open the veil of the future, but also severe thunder, lightning, and others. weather. Animals and birds too can tell signs of autumn and tell the person what awaits him in the future.

Waiting for the cold long winter squirrels make a particularly large supply of nuts.

Migratory birds, flying south immediately rise up - it means that the winter will be snowy, and if they fly low above the ground, then there will be little snow.

About what the winter will be, the shot in the fall can tell hare. If there is a lot of fat under his skin, then he lived in anticipation of a harsh winter.

See a quiet flight in the sky cranes who seem to communicate with each other, you can expect a warm good autumn.

Moles in autumn they pull a lot of straw into the holes - they are preparing for a harsh winter.

During the harvesting of flax, there are many mouse nests - in winter there will be many snowdrifts.

chickens molt at the very beginning of autumn - winter is expected to be warm.

Folk omens it’s hard to count about autumn, they are so diverse that you can just get confused when understanding them. The mysteries of nature at first glance are very confusing, but if you carefully understand them, you can find out about everything that awaits us in the future.

Signs of inanimate nature

Autumn signs can be read by changes in inanimate nature. The strength and direction of the autumn wind, dispersing the golden leaf fall, the amount of precipitation, the condition of the clouds - all this forms the basis of folk signs. If you look closely at the surrounding objects and phenomena, you can know a lot and solve the mysteries of nature.

  • Rowan gave a good harvest - expect fierce frosts;
  • When the starlings are in no hurry to fly away, and the hares are in no hurry to change their gray coat to white, you should be prepared for a long, windy and rainy autumn;
  • When mushroom pickers go with empty baskets in autumn, the winter is expected to be severe;
  • During the Indian summer, cobwebs hang everywhere - a warm autumn and a rainy winter are expected;
  • A low flight of birds on an autumn day portends a cold winter, a high one - warm;
  • If spiders cobweb plants, it will soon become warm.

If you read the autumn signs and proverbs very carefully, you can identify a simple pattern: everything in nature goes on as usual, and each new event portends the next one. If we talk about proverbs, then they, just like signs, reveal to us the mysteries of the world around us. They clearly and comprehensibly characterize natural phenomena linking them to certain events. A lot of signs affect thunder and lightning, and this is easily explained. After all, it is thunder that frightens people, it is lightning that frightens and takes life. If you predict the appearance of thunder in time, you can avoid trouble. Of course stormy weather, which appeared at the wrong time, can also bring some kind of sign with it.

  • If in September thunder broke out in the sky, then autumn is expected to be warm;
  • When thunder rumbles in October, there will be almost no snow in winter.
  • Autumn weather is unpredictable, but it can also be predicted by knowing the old signs. Each of them hides a secret and a clue wanders next to it.
  • When the dogwood gives a big harvest, you can meet a harsh winter;
  • Rowan from gravity tends branches to the ground - rainy autumn predicts;
  • Mosquitoes will not calm down in any way even at the end of autumn - which means you can not be afraid of big cold weather, they will pass by;
  • Hoarfrost portends autumn good weather;
  • Rare clouds in the autumn sky - to the heat.
  • The autumn sunset is golden - portends good weather the next day;
  • The moon in the sky, pale and vague, predicts rain; clear and bright - the wind promises;
  • If you see how the geese flew, then winter will begin very soon;
  • If the first snow fell during the day, it will soon melt; if at night, it will lie for a long time;
  • Snow fell in early autumn - spring will also come early.

There is a lot autumn signs and they all have their similarities and differences. Sometimes, the same phenomenon of nature can be explained in different ways. Some people noticed an event of interest to them, others did not pay attention to it, but they saw something else. Folk omens have been collected for thousands of years, from time immemorial. But, oddly enough, these days they have not lost their relevance and are becoming more and more in demand and popular.

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