The riddle about the deer for children is short. Animal tongue twisters

Recipes 16.08.2019

Moms and dads want to brighten up their kids' leisure time with bright and varied games. Riddles about a deer, an elephant and other animals can come to the rescue in solving this issue. The main thing is to prepare in advance for the event for your child and pick up riddles that are suitable for the age of the boy or girl.

Why do children need riddles

Logical questions that need to be answered not only develop thinking, but also help to give impetus to the proper development of such qualities as:

  • perseverance.
  • Breadth of vision.
  • Ability to make decisions quickly.
  • Self confidence.

All these qualities are very important in the process of personality formation in a small child. Therefore, it is worth periodically holding training and developmental activities with your daughter or son.

Boys and girls will be happy to play with mom or dad in the game "Guess the animal". You can call this event so that the kids can easily accept the conditions. For the smallest boys and girls, you can take into account such riddles about a deer:

When snow and blizzards

Santa Claus is being driven in a sleigh fast ...

His horns are like branches

He lives in the forest.

How New Year it's getting close

He carries Santa in a sleigh across the sky.

There are branches on the head of this beast.

Two horns, many branches.

But he is not too lazy to wear these horns,

Because he is noble, forest...

He has two branches on his head,

Huge horns cling to the clouds.

He wanders in the forest, nibbling grass all day long.

Who is it? This is the northern forest…

He walks through the forest, and you will meet him in the tundra,

He has such big, branched horns,

That you will immediately notice it.

Such riddles about a deer can be guessed by kids preschool age. The main thing is to charge yourself with a good mood and, when reading questions, correctly place accents.

Riddles about a deer for school children

Boys and girls attending educational institution, will certainly be able to find answers to more difficult questions. You can take into account such riddles about a deer for schoolchildren:

The New Year is on its way.

Santa Claus rushes through the blizzards.

And they carry him in a sleigh,

Very fast…

This animal is very interesting

He has horns like branches.

On the field, he nibbles the grass all day,

Proud, noble and handsome…

Such riddles for boys and girls will surely appeal to the younger generation. The main thing is to prepare interesting and captivating kids logical questions, to be in good mood during the game. And also it will not be superfluous to come up with motivation for your child. For example, treat him with a sweet present for his efforts or play your favorite game.

He lives in the north
Thick snow beats with a hoof
Moss nibbles all day...
What is his name ... (Deer)

Like the branches of his horns!
He is noble. He is spotty.
Bypasses juicy meadows,
In the heat, the shady forest goes to the forest ... (Deer)

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide…(Deer)

Believe it or don't believe it:
An animal ran through the forest.
He carried on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes…(Deer)

He lives in ice and snow
Where is the short summer day
He has horns like branches
This is the Northern ... (Deer)

The beast is afraid of my branches,
Birds do not build nests in them,
In the branches is my beauty and power,
Tell me quickly - who am I…(Deer)

He has big horns
And he is not too lazy to run in the tundra,
Because not afraid of the enemy
Very smart and fast ... (Deer)

He rakes deep snow,
And delicious moss extracts,
He digs sometimes all day
Polar northern ... (Deer)

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss.
Likes snow meadows…(Deer)

Slim, fast,
The horns are branched.
Rides through the woods all day
It is called ... (Deer)

In the Tundra, he lives cold.
It's cold and snowy there.
Silent, noble.
Wears horns.
Moss to look for him under the snow
There will never be laziness.
And in a harness with a frisky run
The North is rushing ... (Deer)

This resident all year round
Lives only in the North.
He has branched horns
And with slender legs.
And on the legs of those hooves,
The animal is good, not angry.
He chews moss all day long.
This is northern ... (Deer)

On his head
Branches. Even just two.
They say: Only two horns,
Yes, but there are a lot of shoots.
How does he carry this load,
I'm not going to tell you.
He is not too lazy to wear them,
Because he ... (Deer)

He is a good friend to everyone
in the tundra, where the Arctic Circle.
There are horns and warm fur,
that keeps everyone warm in the winter.
Carries sleds far
with him in the North is easy.
Searching for reindeer moss all day long.
This is northern ... (Deer)

I'll tell you, believe me.
An animal ran through the forest.
The beast carried on his forehead for a reason,
Two huge bushes
He is not too lazy to wear them
The name of the beast is ... (Deer)

He lives in the North
The sled is driving through the snow,
He proudly wears horns
He is not afraid of a blizzard.
In the cold all day
This is the Northern ... (Deer)

White sheep beat the drums.

There was a white-winged ram,

He white-winged all the sheep.

The bull is stupid, the bull's lip is stupid.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.

Put on a cuckoo hood.

How funny he is in the hood.

The crab made the rake to the crab.

Filed a rake crab crab: hay, rake crab rob

Uncle Kolya daughter Field

Got a collie puppy.

But a collie puppy

Ran away from Paulie in the field.

The eyes of a gazelle stared at her from behind the spruce.

Thirty-three striped piglets

Thirty-three ponytails hang.

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

A sparrow sat on a pine tree, fell asleep - and fell down in a dream.

If he had not fallen in his sleep, he would still be sitting on a pine tree.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The otter at the otter strove to snatch the fish.

The heron chick clung tenaciously to the flail.

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow, the oak hollowed like a chisel.

Among the vines

Buried from the storm.

Here the storm is over.

The goats are here.

Where is the vine?

The old woman listened to the cuckoo on the edge of the forest.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

Starlings and tits are funny birds.

Rooks are clamoring at jackdaws, jackdaws are looking at rooks.

On the willow there is a jackdaw, on the shore there is a pebble.

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"You're still rustling, you're not sleeping!"

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"I'll rustle quieter."

Swans flew with swans.

The turtle is not bored for an hour sitting at a cup of tea.

Worth a cart of oats

Near the cart is a sheep.

Three chattering magpies chattered on the hill.

Squeezing white out of the cloud into a jar,

The squirrel was whitewashing the railing with a brush.

There is a goat with a scythe goat,

There is a goat with a barefoot goat,

There is a goat with a slanting goat,

There is a goat with a barefoot goat.

goose gog and goose

Gaga without each other not a step.

Quail quail swaddled.

There were jackdaws visiting wolf cubs.

There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaws.

Now the cubs are clamoring like jackdaws,

And, like wolf cubs, jackdaws are silent.

The wasp stung

I'm terribly sorry for him.

The sun is setting, water is flowing.

The tit bird looks into the water.

To teach a magpie is a hassle. and forty forty - forty troubles.

Two chickens are running right down the street.

The rook says to the rook:

"Fly with the rooks to the doctor,

It's time for them to get vaccinated

To strengthen the pen.

At the fence goat Goggled her eyes.

Kind beavers Go to the forests.

Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce.

The heron, standing on the porch, wrote the letter C.

The chicken is worried. Don't scare the chicken.

Gander after gander stomp in single file.

The gander looks down on the gander.

Dove, goose and jackdaw - that's the whole rhyme.

At the tortoise turtle

On turtle paws

Turtle Chobots.

On the roof of Shura lived the crane Zhura.

A couple of birds fluttered and fluttered and fluttered out.

* * *
Corydalis chickens are good.

At the tortoise turtle

On the back of a turtle

From bone plates

Turtle shirt.

The dry bough was carried by a badger.

The woodpecker was sitting on the tree and was chiseling.

If Kolya is around a collie,

That and the collie near Kolya.

* * *
Our Polkan from Baikal lapped.

Polkan lapped - Baikal did not shallow.

The cubs went to visit the fox.

The parrot says to the parrot:

"I'll scare you, parrot, parrot."

The parrot answers him:

"Parrot me, parrot!"

Quail quail hid from the guys.

Three ravens at the gate

Three magpies on the doorstep

Three trees, three black grouse.

Once upon a time there were crayfish, crayfish-bullies.

Crayfish lived noisily, started fights.

There is a vine on the cart, a goat by the cart.

Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle.

The raven raven crowed.

The mouse sat in the corner

She ate a piece of bagel.

Eats a pussy soup from a bowl.

Full pussy, empty bowl.

Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium.

Hen nimble, motley, Duck from the toe is flat.

A rook walks with a black rook in the garden on the ridge.

A sparrow sat on a pine tree.

Fell asleep and fell asleep.

If he hadn't fallen in his sleep,

Until now, I would sit on a pine tree.


Ruined the whole yard

dug, dug,

Didn't make it to the hole.

The falcon sat on a bare trunk.

Horse with rider

Yes, without a saddle and a bridle,

Without girth and bit.

A black grouse sat on a tree, and a black grouse with black grouse on a branch.

Six mice rustle in a hut.

The fox runs along the sixth: lick, fox, sand!

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies, two mice of a smaller size carried two pennies each.

Three birds are flying through three empty huts.

My duck, my drake, don't fly across the river, don't peck at the sand, don't blunt your sock!

The noble deer is a wonderful and very beautiful animal, it is the oldest inhabitant of forests. middle lane and south. Horns adorn the head of the male, and this decoration changes from year to year: in spring, the old deer antlers fall off, and new horns begin to grow in their place. Since ancient times, people have hunted deer, regulating its numbers, since large deer populations quite strongly eat away the young growth of trees, interfering with the natural renewal of the forest. These animals were valued both because of their meat, and for their horns and strong skin. Even before the Great Patriotic War there were quite a lot of deer in our area, but since then their number has been steadily decreasing and deer are now under the protection of the state, people protect and protect them.

Deer Riddles

Believe it or don't believe it:
An animal ran through the forest.
He carried on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes.
Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Guess what animal I am?
I have trees on my forehead!

Beats with hooves "tsok-tsok",
Snow flies, grain, sand,
Everyone who is not lazy knows
This is northern...

Yes, this case is very rare -
Two branches grow on the head.
(Deer horns)

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns
Eats lichen, green moss,
Likes snow meadows.

Slim, fast,
The horns are branched.
Rides through the woods all day
And his name is...

He is horned and noble,
He dreams of freedom.
All day at the zoo
The beast kicks...

The beast is afraid of my branches,
Birds will not build nests in them.
In the branches - my beauty and power.
Tell the children: who am I?

Proverbs about deer

A fool takes a horse for a deer.

Where two deer pass, there is a great road for us.

Poems about a deer

"Stubborn deer"

What's with the weird deer?
He decided he was a donkey.
He repeated all day:
"I'm a donkey, not a deer!"

And then my mother said:
“How stubborn you are!
Almost drove me crazy.
Maybe you're really an ass?"


Agniya Barto

Seryozha will not fall asleep in any way,
He looks at lying
thin-legged deer
On the lawn in the distance -
thin-legged deer
High on the ceiling
He is handsome, majestic,
He stands with his horns up
And around the dark grasses,
The meadows are spreading.
Seryozha got on his knees,
Looked at the ceiling
He sees cracks on the wall.
He was surprised and lay down.
Said the next day
When the curtains were opened:
- I know it was a deer,
But he raced off into the mountains.

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