What date does Indian summer begin? Interesting on the web

Helpful Hints 22.07.2019
Helpful Hints

The head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, said that residents of the Moscow region would most likely be waiting for the "Indian summer" in September. It is reported by Interfax. “Obviously, there is no direct connection between the very hot fourth or fifth five-day period of August and the warm weather period in September. But, according to ensemble forecasts, we should not say goodbye to summer yet. And in next month possible bursts of heat that we associate with the so-called " Indian summer”, said Vilfand.

According to him, all conditions for " Indian summer" in metropolitan area is, on the basis of which it can be stated that "it will be." However, forecasters are not yet ready to give exact dates. “The exact forecast will be in a few days, then we will be able to name specific dates. We will announce them with pleasure,” the head of the Hydrometeorological Center said.

Indian Summer: Other Names

Indian summer early period autumn is called among the western or Eastern Slavs. In the south, he is called Gypsy, in Serbia - Mikhailov. In Croatia, there is a third name - Martin's summer. In German-speaking - the old woman, in Holland - the afterlife, In North America- Indian, In Italy - Saint Martin, In France - Saint Denis. In Portuguese speakers - Veraniku (Letochko), in Spanish speakers - several names that depend on the month. For example, in August-September - St. Miguel, and in October or November - St. Joan.

History of Indian Summer

Why Indian summer is so called: the very first mentions were associated with the time when older women, before the cold weather, could bask in the sun for the last time this year. It was then that all the work in the field ended, and the village peasant women took up other things: they soaked, ruffled and wove flax.

Why Indian summer is so called: in the old days, cucumbers were often pickled during this period, and old conflicts were settled and reconciled. This period of time was considered a rural holiday. Indian summer, why they called it that: these days women often had gatherings, sang, spun, and when the cold came, they began to needlework and fiddled with canvases. Often the name of this period of time was associated with a common expression: “when almost everything is lost, only a woman can warm you very much.”

Indian summer: Duration, how long does it last

Sometimes, after the onset of cold weather, people think about the question of whether there will be an Indian summer this year? Of course, yes, it happens every year. When does Indian summer start? It is impossible to determine the exact number, since it can "come" to different time and its duration may vary. Most often, it lasts one or two weeks, which fall in mid-September, and sometimes it can capture the beginning of October. In Russia, the approximate beginning of Indian summer is September 14th. Other countries may have different months and dates. Everything depends on the climate.

If we consider modern scientific explanation, then to the question of “why is the Indian summer called so”, you can get the following answer: this is the time when a persistent anticyclone is established, affecting the warming of the weather. During such a period, the soil and air do not cool much at night, and warm up well during the day. But still, the heat is already in the past. Why is an anticyclone formed? With the onset of cold weather, the foliage begins to fade sharply, in the process a large amount of heat is released. It rises up, completely disperses the clouds, contributes to an increase in atmospheric pressure. Thus, an anticyclone appears.

Indian Summer: Customs and Signs

The people have developed their own signs that relate to this period of time. When the Indian summer comes, the peasants use it to determine the weather that will be in autumn and winter. A few folk signs and beliefs:

  • according to one of the customs, on the day when the Indian summer began, it was necessary to go hunting with a teenage son. They believed that because of this, dogs become kinder and do not get sick, and horses become bolder;
  • if during this period a rainbow appears in the sky, then the autumn will be long and warm;
  • during the rainy Indian summer, bad weather was expected;
  • when the Indian summer came, the web flies through the air - this is a sign that the winter will be cold and the autumn will be clear.

What is the essence of this period?

When the Indian summer comes, at this time all nature is preparing for the coming winter. In the leaves, the process of destruction of green chlorophyll occurs, and orange and yellow, red and purple colors begin to appear - carotene, xanthophyll and anthocyanin. It is these changes that affect wilting and are the cause autumn leaf fall. They contribute to the release of a large amount of heat.

Because of one leaf or several blades of grass, this effect would not have happened. It is millions of tons of vegetation that cause a significant increase in temperature - several degrees at once. This is the reason for such a sudden warming after the onset of cooling. Why does Indian summer happen at different times? It always depends on the weather that was last summer, and on the condition of shrubs, grasses and trees.

South and north winds, as well as meteorological conditions, can shorten or make Indian summer longer. But the heat that is released disperses all the clouds, and, consequently, there is very little precipitation. And here it already turns out that it is not the anticyclone that causes the “golden time”, but vice versa. Therefore, the period when the leaves have not yet begun to fall off, and at the same time they are green, cannot be called Indian summer.

Indian Summer: Folk Calendar

According to such a calendar in Russia, the "golden time" has long been divided into several names. Young Indian summer "stood" in the interval from August 28 to September 11. And the old one is from 14 to 24 September. Initially, according to this period, they simply determined what autumn would be like. There were signs. But then the Indian summer began to be associated with a warm and dry period, when nature makes it possible to enjoy the last sunny fine days before the cold.

Indian Summer: Can Indian Summer be twice a year?

It's pretty controversial issue, since it is generally believed that it can occur only once. But if August was warm and no cold weather was observed, then sometimes people think that the Indian summer has already passed. And when it starts in September, they believe that this is the second time. However, no, this means that Indian summer is "old" this year. It usually starts around September 14th. This is the day of memory of the Pioneer - Simeon the Stylite.

Periodically, two periods of its arrival are distinguished. Starting in August and ending in September. According to Orthodox calendar, it begins from the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God and lasts exactly until the day of John the Baptist (the day of the Beheading). The second period is considered already more mature, and it falls entirely on September, starting from the day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and ending with the Exaltation.

But in modern world meteorologists still insist that the Indian summer can be only once a year, and cannot be repeated. It's just that the boundaries of its onset and end are blurred, which leads people to confusion and controversial issues.

What Happens During Indian Summer

At this time, it is no longer worth swimming, as the water does not have time to warm up during the day and cools down a lot at night. But here is the general mood of appeasement, clear warm sunny days set people up for positive emotions. Previously, it was a period of completion of field and agricultural work, reconciliation, forgiveness. No wonder it coincides with church holidays.

Why is Indian summer so called: it is primarily associated with women, and older ones, who in the villages liked to sit on the mound during this period and “warm their bones”. According to folk tradition, it is at this time that a lot of wedding celebrations and various holidays are held. Nature is conducive to reflection, reflection, and even the beginning of a new period in life. It was in Indian summer in the old days that they tried to make plans for the future, believing that they would certainly come true.

Indian Summer: Mushroom Period

People, especially rural people, always looked at the weather, and gave great importance signs associated with it. If it rained on September 14, it meant that there would be quite a lot of mushrooms. When the trees begin to shed their leaves, thick fogs appear, and this precedes the wave of mushrooms. The period is short - only about ten days. It just precedes Indian summer. Then installed warm weather, which pleases the mushroom pickers so much, and they enthusiastically begin their “silent hunt”, looking for white hats under the fallen multi-colored foliage. You can find them not only directly in the forest, but also on the edges. In general, Indian summer is a great time to collect boletus and other mushrooms for salting. Moreover, during this period, due to the heat that comes from fallen leaves, there are quite a lot of them.

There is a time of nature of special light,

The dim sun, the gentlest heat ...

It's called Indian Summer

And in charm argues with the spring itself ...

Olga Bergolts

So the summer is gone, as if it had never happened ... A special time in nature, called "Indian summer", is in a hurry to replace it - a surprisingly heartfelt time filled with a transparent haze of light air, gentle warm rays of the sun, special languor, peace and some sadness from the approach of autumn bad weather. After all, autumn is often sad.

"Indian Summer" and why it is called that

What is "Indian Summer" and why is it called that? Here is what Wikipedia tells us about this:

"Indian summer", according to the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, is dry, clear weather in late August and early September, when the sidewalk spider's web flies in the air. In a word, Indian summer is the last warm days of the outgoing summer.

According to Dahl's dictionary, "Indian Summer" (Marfino's Summer) begins on Semyon-day, or the day of Simeon the Pilot (September 14) and ends on Aspos Day or Osenina (September 21) or Exaltation Day (September 28).

Here, near Dal, there is a young "Indian summer", which takes place from August 28 (the feast of the Assumption) to September 11.

Among the Eastern Slavs, this time is called "gypsy summer", in Holland - "afterlife" in Germany - "summer of older women", in Italy "summer of St. Martin". In North America - “Indian summer”, but in our country it is simply and understandable “Indian ...”) Why is it called that?

As you can see, the timing of the beginning of the Indian summer depends on the regions and time. This time does not have a strict framework, maybe twice - "young" Indian summer and after it wait for "mature". It can be very short, not at all, or long, as it promises to be this year 2018. So everything is unpredictable in our nature.

Why Indian summer?

Here are some options for where the name came from:

  1. From time immemorial, by this time the summer field work was being completed, because of which the peasant woman did not see the red summer. Ahead lay new work on processing the crop, preparing for cold winter. And as a gift of nature, these few days of warmth, a respite from hard work, like the last piece of summer ....
  2. And here is a very simple explanation: that was the name of the time when older women could still bask in the autumn sun. Not in the summer heat they bask. 🙂
  3. Or maybe, as a kind of last chance ... for a woman, as an analogy with the approach of the "autumn of life", as a tiny opportunity to feel the warmth of the outgoing summer on the eve of the dull melancholy of autumn, as an alluring hope .... Well, something like this ... In short, this is our summer).

How Science Explains "Indian Summer"

Well, science interprets the phenomenon of warming before the autumn season in this way cloudy days: this heat in the atmosphere is generated by the release of huge amounts of heat by trees during chemical reaction decomposition of chlorophyll during the period of rapid yellowing of foliage.

Why do leaves turn yellow? Because everything in this world has its end and its beginning, and in nature this is especially acutely felt. So, as the trees begin to turn yellow, it means Indian summer has come.

Indian summer in 2018

So there with the Indian summer, with the velvet season on Black Sea coast?

In 2016 in central Russia and in southern regions there was no Indian summer, immediately at the end of August it became sharply cold everywhere, and in mid-September, instead of the usual sunny Indian summer for these days, there were rains and even frosts.

Last year, Indian summer pleased us until mid-September. Autumn was truly magical. September was a wonderful traditional continuation of summer, only more forgiving and outwardly attractive.

Forecasters and meteorologists say that in most of the country September will be 1.5-2 degrees warmer than usual in summer. And even at the end of September, dry and sunny days are expected. heavy rains not expected but short-term, of course, cannot be avoided.

Fabulous weather awaits Muscovites and nearby territories from September 17 to 23, it will be sunny, dry and warm. New temperature records than so generously this year's summer.

In Siberia and the Urals, most likely summer in the usual sense will not return, it will be cool and rainy there.

A lot of rain storm winds are waiting Far East and the Amur region.

But on the Black Sea coast, the rains in early September confused the plans of vacationers and again on September 14 they came to the Kuban. The bad weather will stay for three days and already at the beginning of next week it will be dry, sunny and warm. We will rejoice until the end of September velvet season to be. Can swim not very successful.

Indian summer will definitely be in Central Russia, you just need to have time not to miss these days. We will all warm ourselves under the rays of its languid sun, with light cobwebs on crimson clusters of viburnum and mountain ash, wander through the fallen yellow leaves, rustling with it and listening to the great mystery of the world.

In nature, everything is harmonious, natural and always on time ....

Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow.

F. Tyutchev.

Do you have a favorite poem about autumn or Indian summer? Add in the comments, I will be grateful. 🙂

Oh this warm autumn time when the hot summer sun no longer bakes, but still continues to warm the entire planet with its gentle rays! To be honest, for the whole autumn, this short time is considered the most memorable for lovers of warm and clear weather. If you already understood, we are talking about Indian summer - the brightest autumn period, after which you should forget about sunny bliss until spring. Despite the fact that only the beginning of spring is outside, many are already interested in the question of when the Indian summer will be in Moscow in 2017. Let's deal with this in more detail.

General educational information

Do you know what is most interesting in this wonderful period? His name! Well, really, who had the idea to name a few warm autumn days Indian summer? On the this moment it is known that such time frames were designated weather years by our great-grandmothers. And why? Well, probably because why and "at 45 a woman is a berry again."

It should be noted that the stated autumn period can be observed not only in Russia, but also in many other European countries. For example, in France these short days are called "the summer of St. Martin", while the Germans know them under the name "Grandma's summer". True, Indian summer may not come every year, so do not despair - any autumn is good in its own way and you need to find your positive moments in it.

Usually Indian summer begins at the beginning or end of September, after a slight cooling. Initially, if you noticed, autumn begins according to two standard "scenarios". In the first, at the end of August, nasty small rains begin to pour, which catastrophically spoil the weather and bring with it the first autumn cold. But after about two weeks, all this stops, and the bright, but not so hot sun warms the earth again. Such a “warm” period lasts no more than 14 days. But in the second case, the Indian summer begins immediately after the onset of September 1, or rather, the transition between August and September remains imperceptible. Good sunny weather lasts about 2 weeks, after which autumn still comes into its legal rights with colds, winds and prolonged rains. So what scenario will weather conditions develop in Moscow in 2017?

Preliminary forecast of "Indian summer"

To determine the accuracy of the onset of this beautiful weather phenomenon in 2017, it’s worth knowing what it will be. In August next year, the weather conditions will be dry and unusually warm. At the beginning of the month, the thermometers will rise to 31 degrees, while in the third decade of the month everything will change dramatically. At the end of August, a rainy and prolonged cyclone is expected, which will lower the temperature column to 18 degrees. Winds from the north will blow through, but in a few days they will stop and the sun will peek out from behind the gray clouds. Already from September 13, the street will again become cozy and warm, and the air temperature will warm up to a record September mark of 25 degrees.

It is worth noting that the duration and quality of the Indian summer in Moscow will undoubtedly please all its residents, so even before the active cold autumn you can soak up the sunshine.

Signs and beliefs

In ancient times, people composed their beliefs, or signs, on the basis of certain natural phenomena. To date, these are unlikely folk wisdom can be called relevant, because it has been scientifically proven that nature independently makes adjustments to the weather, nevertheless, it is still worth knowing them.

1. If in the first days of the Indian summer of 2017 it is possible to see a rainbow in the sky, then the whole autumn will be very warm, without long heavy rains and early frosts.

2. If already from the first days of this period a small, but cold rain, all subsequent autumn will be very windy, rainy and disgustingly cold.

3. On the very first day of Indian summer knowledgeable people they hurried to saddle the horse, put the child on it and let it go for a walk in the open field. At the same time, it is imperative that dogs also run with them for a walk. According to beliefs, a walk on such days in the fresh air, surrounded by animals, gave a person strength and stamina against any disease or misfortune. And since the illnesses of children then often ended in death, it was especially important to send the younger generation for a walk.

4. After the autumn warming came, it was time for all the housewives to finish with the assembly work in the gardens and start preparing for the winter of 2017 and doing housework.

Additional Information

If you look at this natural period from a purely scientific point of view, the onset of Indian summer can be explained with the help of warm air masses that accumulate in the atmosphere in summer. Together with atmospheric pressure, which moves deep into Russia, which allows all its inhabitants to get a few extra warm days. All this ends with the onset of the October anticyclone, so it is almost impossible to accurately define the boundaries of the Indian summer because of their blur. According to the past years, it is hardly possible to guess with great accuracy exactly when this long-awaited autumn moment will come. Therefore, you should not plan any trips to the sea for this period, because you can simply not guess with the weather.

By the way, such a time is considered simply wonderful to walk around the boundless Moscow and enjoy its amazing views. One of the main attractions of the capital, which is equally beautiful both during the day and at night, is Red Square. Therefore, come to Moscow for Indian summer and enjoy the greatness of this city until the cold and rain hide it. Good luck and have a good Moscow Indian summer!

What do we expect from autumn? This, of course, is the soft rustling of leaves and the warm passing days. As a rule, the most beautiful weather comes when the Indian summer comes in nature. This event is absolutely not indicated in any calendar, and the specified time is also not present in church dates. This time took all its name from the people. Indian summer 2017, as well as any other, it will be gentle and affectionate. Expected given time in September, but no one can tell the exact time. No weather forecaster or modern astrologer is able to give the date and duration of a unique time period.

Each of us associates summer with heat. It is during this time period that nature pampers a person with warm and hot days, the scorching sun and gentle air. Rarely, when summer is rainy and dank, as a rule, even if it happens, then all the same, several days in this season will be devoted to truly summer days.

Indian summer in 2017 is approximately expected from September 15 to September 25. For all temperature forecasts, it can be concluded that last month the summer will become cool, the nights will begin to get frosty, and the days will no longer become sultry and unbearable. The beginning of September will become even tougher, the air temperature will drop noticeably, do not be surprised if the thermometer drops decisively to 15 degrees. This is a characteristic of nature, you should not be sad and angry about it. But after this period, when people will already begin to get used to the autumn season, and the Indian summer comes.

As mentioned above, it is reliably known that the indicated period of time will happen in the first month of autumn, but how long it will last is completely unknown to anyone. Indian summer forecast 2017 can be identified by general events: the air temperature during the day will approach 25 degrees, there will be a complete absence of precipitation, the nights will also be warm, but the temperature will be somewhat underestimated, there will be no wind at all. it general description specified period in time.
In the future, nature itself will distribute how long such a miracle of natural perfection will last. In past years, the Indian summer lasted about a week and a half, after which a sharp cold snap set in, and autumn fully came into its own. Some years were distinguished by the fact that this a natural phenomenon lasted only a few days, but this time was enough for people to remember the summer mood and warmth.

Strange as it may seem, but the Indian summer in 2017 is the time of wedding ceremonies and significant dates. What is the reason for such a rush in time - is not known. Perhaps people are happy about the returned warmth and try to capture their most significant events in this time period. Each person has his own reason to do something exactly at the indicated moment, but the time that nature bestows should not be missed, it is important to fully enjoy the warmth of the returned summer.

Only the lazy have not heard that there is also the fifth season of the year "Indian summer", which, as a rule, falls on the beginning of autumn. But weather forecasters and their forecasts will help determine exactly when Indian summer will be in 2017 in Moscow. It should be sunny, fun and warm during this period. Although Indian summer lasts, as a rule, a maximum of a few weeks.

If we consider such a strange, but no longer separable from our culture concept as "Indian summer", then it appeared in our country as early as the 18th century. Moreover, today there are as many as two versions of where exactly this concept came from. On the one hand, they say that the Indian summer is associated with sunny and clear weather in the spring, which precedes the beginning of leaf fall.

On the other hand, Indian summer is simply called the period of sharp warming just before the period of severe cooling begins. In any case, Indian summer is definitely associated with the sun and the last warmth in this calendar year, and many are waiting for this period. When they start.

What dates to target

For middle lane In Russia, the period of Indian summer, as a rule, falls at the beginning of autumn. This is the time when last days you will be able to enjoy the sun, warm air and clear weather without a single cloud in the sky. Interestingly, the duration of Indian summer in 2017 in Moscow or other regions is always different.

In some years, warm weather is set for a week, this is the average duration of autumn heat. Although, there are years when warm days last up to two weeks, and this, of course, is an unforgettable holiday for every person and an opportunity to enjoy summer and warmth for the last time this calendar year.

If we consider some average calendar that has come down to our days even from the people, then the young Indian summer falls already at the end of August and lasts somewhere until September 11th. After that comes the old Indian summer, which lasts from September 14 and can continue until September 24.

Interesting! It is clear that for this period among the people, as usual, there are many signs and beliefs. For example, if the young Indian summer this year was distinguished by good weather, then the second half of this period will be with bad weather. However, if everything happens the other way around, then good, dry and sunny weather will fall on the old Indian summer. Relevant at any time of the year.

What do scientists say?

It is clear that much of the stories about Indian summer and its timing are folk observations associated with beliefs and some traditions. And what do scientists say about this period? Meteorologists say that it is warm at this time for a simple and understandable scientific reason - because there is a movement of warm air masses that actively accumulated in the atmosphere during the summer.

In conjunction with high pressure, which becomes larger in autumn, the masses begin their active movement inland. Due to such a shift, additional warm days can be obtained, which will end immediately after the anticyclone sets in.

Scientists emphasize that it is quite difficult to predict the exact dates of the Indian summer, because the boundaries of this period are blurred. As for forecasts for the next year, they are not possible at all. However, in order to plan your vacation, you can listen to the advice of meteorologists, but do it very carefully.

Despite the fact that most of all people talk about Indian summer in our country, in other countries there is also such a period and it was noticed. For example, in Germany this period of warm autumn is translated as "grandmother's summer", the French call it "the summer of St. Martin". It also happens that the inhabitants of a country are unlucky and in a certain year the Indian summer does not come at all, there is no need to despair. You should just try to find beautiful and wonderful moments in the golden and bright autumn, which is full of its surprises, colors and interesting moods.

Interesting! Someone says that autumn is sometimes depressing, but the legacy of world culture suggests otherwise. After all, it was in autumn that many great writers, poets, artists and musicians found their inspiration. Despite or even in spite of dampness, cloudiness.

When to expect Indian summer in 2017?

So, it remains now to answer the main question of this material, when will the Indian summer be in 2017 in Moscow. A wonderful Indian summer comes already at the end of August, which this year in the capital was marked by warmth and dryness. At the end of August, it rained, and then September came and it was time for Indian summer. Because, the thermometer crept up and began to show 25 degrees of heat.

Already until the first decade of September, the thermometer, slowly lowering, will show 15 degrees Celsius. As for the dates for the end of the Indian summer, they will just have to be somewhere on the 20th of September, because, when it rains, it will be cool.

From the tenth of September, a real Indian summer will begin in Moscow, which will give residents days of warmth and comfort, the opportunity to say goodbye to a wonderful summer. It will be warm, but after a few days the temperature will begin to decrease, a cyclone will come and it will rain. So, in 2017, Muscovites will expect the Indian summer on September 10 and you should not hesitate, you need to do active recreation, enjoy the warmth and take the last sunbathing of the current year.

Curious folk omens for Indian summer:
1. At the very beginning of the Indian summer, you can observe a rainbow, if this phenomenon appears in the sky, then this is a sign of future warm weather.
2. If it rains in the first days of autumn, then you need to prepare for a rainy and cold autumn.
3. If you saddle a horse at the very beginning of Indian autumn, then next year diseases will bypass cattle.

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