What is Indian summer and will it still be warm this year. What is Indian summer and will it still be warm this year What is expected in October of the year

Interesting 05.08.2019

Autumn, like any other season, is attractive in its own way. Her pride is the crimson beauty of forests and fields, pure mirror rains and the first openwork frost. At this time, I want to take a walk in a bright park alley, visit the cozy corners of the suburbs and enjoy the last fine days before the onset of a harsh winter. If only the weather in October in Moscow and the Moscow region would make it possible to carry out autumn plans for the last warm weekend. It is good that we have the most accurate forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center for the beginning and end of the month. Using them, it is easy to track what the weather will be like in Moscow in October 2017, and successfully distribute working time and free rest hours on weekends.

What will be the weather in Moscow in the middle of autumn - the most accurate forecast for October 2017

Although the Moscow weather in October is unstable, the trend towards gradual cooling remains unchanged. At the beginning of the month, the trees are already covered with yellowed foliage, and by the end of the month, the golden decoration falls off completely. It is during this period that the first snowfall of the year falls, signaling the impending winter.

According to the most accurate forecasts for October 2017, the weather in Moscow in mid-autumn will turn out to be more cloudy than usual. During the day, the air will still warm up to + 8C - + 10C, but nighttime indicators at this time are unlikely to reach above + 3C. Frosts are possible in the second half of October, but short, not prolonged. Quantity clear days decrease to a critical minimum, and the average daily number of hours of sunshine will barely reach 4.5.

Unlike the first autumn month, the second will be less wet. The precipitation level in October 2017 will be equal to 59 mm, a total of 8 rainy days. Only 3 sunny days are expected. Along with the air temperature, the situation with autumn winds will worsen. Their direction will change to the north, and the speed will be 3.9 m/s. Given this, the weather in October in Moscow can seem even more strict and unfriendly.

The most accurate weather forecast for October 2017 for Muscovites and guests of the capital

Given the opinion of weather forecasters about what the weather will be like in Moscow in mid-autumn, the most accurate forecast for October 2017 can be made as follows:

  • average daily temperature - 4.7C;
  • average daily temperature - 8C;
  • average night temperature - 2C;
  • duration daylight hours— 10 h;
  • estimated number of days with precipitation - 8;
  • possible level of precipitation - 59 mm;
  • climate characteristic - heavy cloudiness;

Accurate weather in Moscow in October 2017: forecast for the beginning and end of the month from the Hydrometeorological Center

In the current weather conditions, a lot has changed when compared with the climate of the 19th and 20th centuries. Modern winters are often warmer autumn period. Summer heat comes to Muscovites only in late May - early June. Spring is usually long and protracted, while autumn is rainy and completely unpredictable. Already in October, all the foliage falls to the ground, and the first wet snow covers the area with a thin veil. The snow cover quickly melts, but the dirt and slush leaves obsessive thoughts about the coming frosts.

Autumn will also pass in 2017: the accurate forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center for the beginning and end of October do not please with mild weather, and even more so do not promise warm and sunny days. In the first days of the month, Muscovites will still be able to enjoy the light autumn atmosphere, but starting from the 10th of the month, the heavy breath of frost will break any hopes for continued warm weather. In the middle of the month, the mercury column will drop to minus levels, but it is unlikely to show below -5C. A characteristic phenomenon will be snow crusts and gusty winds. Even from the south side, the sun will not be able to warm the air enough to pamper the guests and residents of the capital a little more. At the end of October, the approaching breath of winter will be felt, leading to prickly frosts and white snowy mounds.

Weather forecast according to folk signs and superstitions

Hundreds of years ago, it was not possible to find out the exact weather in Moscow in October 2017 according to forecasts for the beginning and end of the month from the Hydrometeorological Center. At that time, our ancestors used folk signs and superstitions. Perhaps their wise experience will help today's Muscovites to navigate the upcoming weather conditions.

  1. If in October crows sit on the lower branches of trees, be bad weather;
  2. In mid-October, the birches are still covered with leaves - the snow will not fall soon;
  3. Fallen leaves lie inside out to the top - the next harvest will be plentiful;
  4. October hoarfrost to dry and clear weather;
  5. The rolling thunder of late October signals a dry, snowless winter;
  6. If the oak is completely bare by mid-autumn, the year will be easy;
  7. White clouds in the October sky - to a cold snap, gloomy gray - to a lingering rain;
  8. Mushroom October - warm winter;

What will be the weather in the Moscow region in October 2017

In Russia, the average autumn month called "dirty". At this time, sunny days left until the very spring, the sky became gloomy and gloomy, it often rained. They soaked the ground and created a sea of ​​mud from everywhere. It is not surprising that they tried to complete all field, garden and garden work before the onset of this difficult (from a climatic point of view) period. The weather pattern in the Moscow region in October 2017 will look similarly - rains, winds, morning frosts, dampness, cloudiness and all other harbingers of winter. At the beginning of the month, residents of the region will find +10C on mercury columns, but already in the middle and at the end they will be content with +3C - +5C. There will be only 3-4 sunny days, but the precipitation level will reach 63 mm. This will be the weather in the Moscow region in October 2017, but given the changeable mood of the "lady", changes are possible.

What to do in changeable weather in October in the suburbs

The weather in Moscow in October 2017 is not a gift. A little more beautiful climatic conditions in the Moscow region at the beginning and end of the second autumn month. But even the most pessimistic forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center should not spoil the plans for the autumn weekends. Whatever the weather, you can always choose the option of a fun and entertaining pastime in city squares or in the bosom of nature. In winter, you can’t clear the street, so you should use all the possibilities of autumn. For example, he will go to a forest barbecue with a company of his beloved friends, visit the bright crimson arboretums of the suburbs, set aside a day for a tour of the architectural beauties of Moscow, take a ferry ride on a darkened river, drink hot chocolate in a romantic square or a nearby cozy courtyard.

The summer of 2017 did not bring any joy to the citizens of Russia. Throughout June there are heavy rains, showers and even hurricanes. The abnormally cold summer of 2017 spoils all plans. Indeed, in such weather it is difficult even to get home, not to go to the beach. Why is June so cold? Will the heavy rains stop? What to expect from July and August? What will the weather be like in next months summer?

Causes of abnormal summer 2017

Meteorologists believe that the cold summer came due to several reasons. First reason- abnormal heating of the Earth. The fact is that the mesosphere and other layers of the air shell are very hot. Because of this, the temperature on Earth is slowly decreasing. Scientists predict the consequences of such weather - it will not come global warming, but global cooling, which could lead to an ice age.

The second reason- Launch of a Chinese satellite called Mo Tzu. It is the first satellite designed for quantum transmission of information on Earth. During the mission, the mechanism of quantum entanglement is being investigated, and test quantum teleportation is also being carried out. The first experiments were successful, but then something went wrong.

When the satellite begins to transmit information, negative air ions increase in the atmosphere, which contribute to the deterioration of the weather. Hurricanes and downpours form on Earth. In addition, monopoles appeared in the stratosphere. They were last seen in 1816, which was nicknamed the year without a summer. Then the main reason for the cold summer was the eruption of the Tambora volcano.

No matter how absurd this reason may be, world experts believe that the equipment on the satellite and the ongoing quantum operations can really affect weather planets. But they also report that soon everything should return to normal, and the long-awaited summer will come.

Third reason- "North Atlantic bloc". According to meteorologists, the "North Atlantic block" is an anticyclone. A powerful ridge formed at the middle level of the troposphere high pressure, which does not pass air masses from west to east. Now this block is located in the UK, so only Arctic air enters Russia.

Each of these reasons can affect the planet as a whole in its own way, but so far the result is the same - an abnormally cold summer is observed. One can only hope that July and August 2017 will bring the citizens of Russia a little more warmth than June.

Forecasts for July and August 2017

According to meteorologists, there will be no abnormal heat in the summer of 2017. But already in July, the thermometer scale will begin to rise. A long coolness will be replaced by a real summer. The air temperature is expected to reach +26 - 29 degrees. After the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the temperature will rise by a few more degrees.

According to popular forecast, in July, the Russians are waiting for rain again. Indeed, in the middle of the month the rains will return for several days. But the end of the month will please with the absence of abnormal weather. It will be warm, the temperature will rise to 32 degrees.

According to the people's forecast, the weather in August will constantly fluctuate. The first week of the month will start with quite hot weather. This week will be the peak of the heat wave of the anomalous summer of 2017 in Moscow. Residents of Russia are advised to visit the beaches and sunbathe a little. Meteorologists pay attention to the fact that forest fires are possible at this time.

After a week of heat, we will again have to go through several rainy days. From 25 degrees Celsius the temperature will drop to 17 degrees. A little more heat should be expected in the second half of the month. August will end with heavy rain and cold winds.

The summer of 2017 will bring not only heavy rains, but also beautiful summer warmth. Every resident of Russia will be able to enjoy the hot weather. Do not get upset ahead of time, even an abnormally cold summer will end one day.

According to weather forecasters, last decade there is a peculiar shift of the seasons: autumn is often "late" by 3-4 weeks. This may lead to the fact that the weather in Moscow - October 2017 in particular - will be characterized by moderate warmth at the very beginning and a gradual cooling to sub-zero temperatures at the end of the month. According to preliminary, but the most accurate forecasts received from the Hydrometeorological Center, at this time the entire Moscow Region will be covered by rains turning into sleet at night.

Weather in Moscow - the most accurate forecast for October 2017

October in Moscow is traditionally the most “slushy” and unpredictable month. At this time, ignoring all the most accurate forecasts, the weather can change within one day. It often happens that a gloomy October rainy morning is replaced by a sharp increase in daytime temperatures up to + 10 + 12⁰C, and the inhabitants of the Mother See almost never part with umbrellas. Who knows, what if, after a daytime thaw, the sky will again be covered with clouds and a downpour will begin? Per last years the capital's climate has changed - in 2017, weather forecasters predict a "wet" mid-autumn with below-average air temperatures.

What will be the weather in Moscow in October 2017 ― Long-term weather forecast

After reviewing the long-term weather forecasts, we can say that the first week of October 2017 will bring rain and temperatures around +11⁰C to Moscow. Such weather will last until the middle of the month, when a gradual cooling will change the rain to fine snow. At night, temperatures down to -4⁰C will be recorded on the soil surface.

Weather in Moscow for October 2017 - Forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

October has never spoiled the inhabitants of Moscow with sunny weather. Mid-autumn 2017 will not be an exception - the rains will start already in the first days of the month, and after October 15, due to the air cooling to 0–2⁰C, sleet will fall. However, the snow cover can be established only in November. At night, due to black ice on the roads of the capital, there will be a high accident rate. However, according to the forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center, the last week of the second autumn month promises to be warm and sunny - during the day the air will warm up to + 13⁰, and at night to + 6⁰C.

Moscow weather forecast for October 2017

If September is no-no with the Russian capital, and it will please the inhabitants of Moscow with its warmth, then in October real autumn comes. With the reduction of solar daylight, a gradual decrease in air temperature occurs. At the end of the month, when the nights become even longer, the sun does not have time to warm the earth during the day, and frosts are recorded on the soil surface at night. According to forecasts for October 2017 received from the Hydrometeorological Center, the average temperature of this month will reach +7⁰C during the day.

What will be the weather in the Moscow region at the beginning and end of October 2017

The difference between air temperatures in the Moscow region and the capital itself is no more than two degrees, however, during rain in the north of the region it becomes cooler. For example, on the border with the Vladimir and Tver regions (the cities of Dubna, Sergiev Posad, Klin) at the beginning and end of October 2017 it will be colder than in Belokamennaya. Rains here will take place only in the first week of the month, lowering daytime temperatures to + 7⁰C.

In mid-autumn, the rainy season comes to the Russian capital. Of course, the sky does not frown every day, but the sun peeks out from behind the clouds less and less, and the air is getting colder. If at the beginning of October there is still moderate heat (up to +12⁰C), then frosts with snow at the end of the month (up to -3-5⁰) are no longer considered something extraordinary. Of course, every resident of the Mother See in the summer begins to wonder what surprises the weather will bring in Moscow - October 2017. By this time, the Hydrometeorological Center is already making the most accurate forecast regarding the expected amount of precipitation and the number of rainy and sunny days in the Moscow region. However, the old-timers are increasingly trusting folk omens- keep diaries of observations of patterns of climate change for years.

The most accurate weather forecast for Moscow in October 2017

In 2017, in October, forecasters predict moderately cool, wet weather. In Moscow, at this time, the air humidity will reach 86%, but this will not upset the residents of the capital, who have long been accustomed to always carry an umbrella with them. On the contrary, the second autumn month will even please native Muscovites and guests of Belokamennaya, but, however, this joy will in no way be connected with the weather. At this time, the theatrical season begins here, and in the evenings most people rush to the Temple of Melpomene, forgetting about the wind and drizzling rain. average temperature air during the day here will fluctuate from +5 to +7⁰C, at night, especially in the second half of the month, frosts are expected to -5⁰C.

What will be the weather in Moscow in October 2017 - the most accurate weather forecast

The summer of 2017 literally shocked the residents of Moscow with its downpours and unexpectedly cool weather. Naturally, now every metropolitan resident and Russian who plans to visit the capital in the fall checks in advance with the most accurate weather forecast. In the meantime, the specialists of the Hydrometeorological Center do not scare us with October hurricanes and a sharp cold snap. Yes, more than normal precipitation will fall, but the climatic conditions here will not undergo drastic changes.

Weather in Moscow - October 2017 according to the forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

The weather forecast, already compiled by the specialists of the Hydrometeorological Center for 2017, promises Moscow residents a cool October. If in the daytime, especially at noon, the air warms up to + 13⁰C at the beginning and up to + 6⁰C at the end of the month, at night the puddles left on the ground after the rain will begin to freeze - the temperature at night will drop to 0 -3⁰C.

What will the weather be like in October 2017 in Moscow? Forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center

Forecasters of the Hydrometeorological Center are sure that in October 2017 there will be no weather surprises in Moscow. It means that gold autumn, despite its dampness and coolness, will still please the residents of the capital with warm days. According to the forecast of meteorologists, the first October 1-3 will be sunny and windless. By the end of the month it will get colder, but the rains will noticeably decrease.

Weather in the Moscow region and temperatures in October 2017

In 2017, in the middle of autumn in the north of the Moscow region, in Klin and Sergiev Posad, cloudy weather is expected with frosts in the 20th of October. In the south, in Silver Ponds, it will be on average 2 degrees higher than in the capital.

Expected weather in the Moscow region in October 2017

After the surprises of the weather in the summer of 2017, when Muscovites and residents of the region barely had time to change their umbrellas due to the fact that they could not withstand the strongest winds and downpours, they began to treat long-term forecasts meteorologists are very skeptical. However, they are already wondering what to expect from October, a traditionally wet and cool month. So far, weather forecasts do not surprise or upset - the average monthly temperature will approach +6⁰C.

Having listened to the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center, which claims that the weather in Moscow - October 2017 - will not bring unpleasant surprises, Russians can plan a trip to the Mother See or visit the cities of the Moscow region.

It has been monitoring the weather in Moscow since 1999. This page talks about weather in Moscow in October 2017. Below you will find information such as, humidity or wind speed in October 2017, weather history in Moscow in october and other data.

For convenience, all information is presented in the form of text descriptions, graphs and tables. So you will see temperature graph and weather table for the city of Moscow in October 2017. Remember that a different city and a different date can be selected in the site menu.

Temperature in Moscow in October 2017 (chart)

Below is graph of the average daily and current temperature in Moscow in October 2017 on every day. The graph will help answer the question, What was the temperature in Moscow in October 2017, as well as what were the minimum and maximum temperatures air.

As can be seen from the graph, the air temperature in Moscow ranged from −4°C to +14°C. Moreover, the temperature minimum (−4°C) occurred on October 26 at 02:00, and the maximum (+14°C) was recorded on October 9 at 11:00. Lowest temperature value the average per day was −1.5°C and coldest day in october turned up October 26th. The highest average air temperature equal to +11.88°C, and The warmest day in Moscow in October 2017- 9 October.

Humidity in Moscow in October 2017 (chart)

Graph of average daily and current humidity in Moscow in October 2017 for each day is shown below. From the graph, it can be seen What was the humidity in Moscow in October 2017. Also visible minimum and maximum values relative humidity air.

So, in Moscow in October 2017, relative humidity ranged from 53% to 100%. And the smallest humidity(53%) was on October 22 at 14:00, and highest humidity (100%) - October 31 at 02:00. In addition, we note that lowest humidity value air on average per day was 67.75% and driest day in october showed up October 3rd. The highest average air humidity equal to 93.75%, and wettest day in Moscow in October 2017- October 30.

Wind rose in Moscow in October 2017

(also called wind direction pattern or wind map) is given below. The wind rose shows what winds prevailed in this region. Our wind map shows the prevailing wind directions in Moscow in October 2017.

As can be seen from the wind rose, the main wind direction was southeast (24%). Besides, prevailing wind directions turned out to be southern (23%) and northwestern (20%). The rarest wind in Moscow in October 2017- Eastern (3%).

Wind rose in Moscow in October 2017

Weather diary (table of average daily values) for the city of Moscow in October 2017

The weather table contains data on the average daily air temperature in October 2017, as well as about relative humidity and about wind speed. Data are given for each day of the month of October. In fact, this is what weather diary in Moscow in October 2017

Average daily
+4.86°C 71.43% 1014 1 m/s
+4.29°C 78.14% 1014 0 m/s
+4.13°C 67.75% 1010 2 m/s
+6.5°C 72.00% 1000 2 m/s
+8.25°C 90.13% 985 2 m/s
+6.88°C 91.13% 980 1 m/s
+8°C 84.00% 991 1 m/s
+8.63°C 76.50% 998 1 m/s
+11.88°C 81.63% 992 2 m/s
+7.88°C 72.38% 995 1 m/s
+6.25°C 82.63% 996 1 m/s
+7.63°C 89.13% 992 1 m/s
+8.86°C 90.14% 987 1 m/s
+6°C 87.50% 990 2 m/s
+4.5°C 84.00% 988 2 m/s
+5.5°C 77.75% 997 2 m/s
+8.5°C 74.38% 996 2 m/s
+11.13°C 72.75% 990 2 m/s
+5.63°C 75.63% 998 1 m/s
+4.25°C 79.63% 1003 1 m/s
+1.63°C 77.88% 1002 1 m/s
-0.25°C 72.75% 1000 1 m/s
+0.13°C 78.00% 1005 1 m/s
-1.25°C 68.75% 1014 1 m/s
-1.38°C 69.25% 1014 1 m/s
-1.5°C 77.75% 999 2 m/s
-0.25°C 89.13% 987 2 m/s
+1°C 87.00% 982 2 m/s
Maximum average daily temperature+11.88°COctober 9
Average monthly temperature+4.75°C-

Average temperature, Moscow in 2017

To estimate the temperature in Moscow in October 2017 compared to other months of 2017, use the following chart. It shows the temperature chart for October 2017 against the background of the temperature spread for the whole of 2017.

Weather calendar in Moscow in October in different years

What was temperature in Moscow in October 2017 compared to other years, can be seen in the following graph. Above and below it dark color the zones are shaded, showing what temperatures have not been observed before. In other words, the white (unshaded) band shows the temperature spread over the past years. The red line displays the current temperature.

October weather history in Moscow

The coldest October in Moscow was in 2002. The average temperature was only +2.48°C.

Most warm October in Moscow was in 2008. The average temperature reached +9.02°C.

At the same time, October 2017 (+4.75°C) turned out to be very cold for 1999-2019.

The graph also shows this. average monthly temperature in Moscow in October for 1999 - 2019:

Average monthly temperature in October, Moscow

Average monthly temperature in October in Moscow obtained from various sources.

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