How old is Leontiev Valery. The lonely tramp of love: the personal life of Valery Leontiev

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Biography, life story Valery Leontiev

Leontiev Valery Yakovlevich - Soviet and Russian singer, film actor.


Valery Leontiev was born on March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa, Komi ASSR. His father Yakov Stepanovich worked as a military livestock specialist, his mother Ekaterina Ivanovna raised children (except for Valery, there was another daughter Maya in the Leontyev family). Ekaterina Ivanovna gave birth to a son at a late age - at 43 years old. By the way, for some time there were ambiguous rumors around the origin of Valery - they said that his mother was not Ekaterina Ivanovna, but Maya. Like, she gave birth to a child at the age of sixteen, and the parents, trying to protect their daughter from shame, wrote the boy on themselves. However, reliable confirmation of this information has not appeared.

Valery grew up as a very frisky boy, he was one of those who cared about everything. In early childhood, he was gored by a goat and a dog bit him, and at the age of five he almost drowned in the Dvina. At the age of six, he began to practice oral art- climbed onto a stool and read poetry to reindeer herders. When I went to first grade, I began to sing in the choir, and quickly became a soloist. True, he had one drawback - while singing, he could not stand still and always turned around, waving his arms. The teachers made comments to him, but they could not correct the soloist. And one day it ended badly.

On that day, Valery performed a song about a fisherman from the stage, while doing it visually - with a fishing rod in his hand, he sat at the “hole”, which was depicted by an overturned stool. However, Valery did not manage to “catch a fish” that day - when he swung the rod, the hook suddenly caught on the leg of the stool. Pulling the fishing rod a couple of times and both times unsuccessfully, Valery swung it in anger for the third time so hard that the stool overturned and almost fell off the stage into the auditorium. The audience began to laugh, and young Leontiev began to cry and ran backstage. “I will never sing from the stage again!”, - he then gave himself a firm word.

Having failed in the song field, Leontiev decided to devote himself to dramatic art and enrolled in a school drama club. And in parallel, he managed to study at a music school in the piano class. According to him: “In high school, conflicts began with parents and teachers. I dressed, spoke and behaved contrary to their requirements. I have always been guided by intuition and never by calculation. I just felt what to do and how to look. Nobody could reason with me. These conflicts sometimes ended peacefully and sometimes not. My parents sometimes beat me, and together ... ".



After graduating from school in 1966 in the city of Yuryevts, Ivanovo Region (the Leontiev family now lived there), Valery faced a choice - where to go next. Since the parents treated their son's stage experiences with a fair amount of skepticism, he was strongly recommended to choose a more serious profession. Which he did, deciding to go to Vladivostok to study as an oceanologist. However family budget Leontyev could not withstand such a long trip and this trip had to be canceled. It was then that Leontiev managed to persuade his parents to let him go to Moscow to try his luck in the acting field. The parents did not object, apparently deciding to give their son the opportunity to see for himself in his own acting failure. They say that he will fail and forever lose interest in the stage craft. And to some extent they were right. Valery applied to the acting department of GITIS, but did not reach the exams. Arriving at the institute on the appointed day, he saw so many young people who, in his opinion, looked much more promising than he, a provincial with a round dialect, that he did not tempt fate and took the documents. After that, he really for some time forgot about the stage. On the advice of his parents, he went to his older sister in Vorkuta, where he entered the Mining Institute without much difficulty.

Meanwhile, studying at the institute did not bring Leontiev due satisfaction, and after studying for three courses, he left it. After that, he worked with anyone: a postman, a draftsman, a laborer, a weaver at a textile factory, a tailor, an electrician. Moreover, before getting a job somewhere, he first found out whether amateur performance was well established at the enterprise, because then music entered his life again - he returned to singing. In the end, the case ended with the admission of Leontiev to the Syktyvkar Philharmonic in the vocal class. And literally in a year he managed to establish himself among its best performers.

In 1971, the Philharmonic announced a competition for amateur artists in order to send the most intelligent ones to study in the capital. Competitive selection was carried out by a high commission from Moscow. And it had to happen that on the eve of the competition, Leontiev was busy in the performance of the local theater "Zatyukanny Apostle" and managed to break his leg ... The situation was extremely unpleasant, but it was not in Leontiev's character to give up ahead of time. As a result, even the cast could not contain his energy and the examiners were incredibly surprised by the talents of the 24-year-old singer. So Leontiev, among 14 other lucky ones, ended up in the All-Union Workshop of Circus and Variety Art on the course of the famous singer G.P. Vinogradov.

Star Trek

In 1973 Leontiev finished his workshop and returned to Syktyvkar. There, the instrumental ensemble "Echo" was already waiting for him, ready for the upcoming tour and concert activity. The group was organized by a graduate of the Syktyvkar Musical College Lyudmila Isakovich, who soon became Leontiev's wife. With this team, they traveled almost the entire Union, mainly speaking in the provinces. During one of these performances, Leontiev met the head of the popular Integral ensemble, and he invited the talented singer to join his team. However, Leontiev, for a number of reasons, refused this proposal and continued his solo career as part of the native "Echo".

In 1979, Leontiev left Syktyvkar and moved first to Gorky and then to Lugansk, becoming a soloist with the Voroshilovgrad Philharmonic. It was from her that he went in the same year to the international festival "Yalta - 79", where he unexpectedly became a laureate, performing David Tukhmanov's song "In Memory of a Guitarist". However, the joy of this event was overshadowed by a tragedy - on the day the winners were announced, Leontiev's father died, never knowing about his son's victory.

Acquaintance with Tukhmanov, who in those years was considered one of the most popular composers on the Soviet stage, dramatically changed the fate of Leontiev. It opened the door to the pop crowd for the once unknown singer, replenished his repertoire with a number of hits (“There in September”, “Rad yellow slopes”, “Beloved Side”), allowed him to perform at a number of prestigious competitions and win several awards. Among them: "Grand Prix" at the "Golden Orpheus" song festival in Bulgaria in 1980, "Popularity Prize" at the music festival "Yerevan - 81".

However, Leontiev's unusual stage appearance, his expressive manner of performance and his voice, which did not fit into the usual framework, caused a burning rejection among the leaders of the Soviet stage. Therefore, despite the fact that the name of Leontiev was already becoming known among the listeners, the idea of ​​​​expanding his popularity through television did not even arise from the high leadership. Having shown Leontiev only once on the Central Television with the song “Beloved Side” (at the same time, the singer was ordered to stand in front of the camera almost at attention), the officials then stopped letting him on the blue screen. Why? They say that the cup of patience of officials was overwhelmed by the incident that occurred immediately after Leontiev's performance at the Yerevan-81 festival. American journalists accredited at the festival had the courage to compare Leontiev's vocals with Mick Jagger, and the choreography with Mikhail Baryshnikov. They wrote about it in their journal, and by some unknown means it lay on the table of the former chairman of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Lapin was indignant (they say, our soviet singer copies Western idols) and forbade showing Leontiev on television. In the same year, officials from the Ministry of Culture also agreed with Lapin, who put the singer on the “black list” of artists who were forbidden to perform in large cities such as Moscow, Kyiv, Yalta, etc.

Meanwhile, despite the active resistance of the official authorities, Leontiev's popularity among ordinary listeners in the early 80s was extremely high. In those years, even filmmakers paid attention to a talented singer - director Vladimir Laptev invited him to a small role in his film "At someone else's holiday" (1981). Leontiev's concerts were always sold out, and fans appeared in the pop environment who called themselves "Leontiev's fans." They pursued their idol literally everywhere. For example, when he lived in Moscow, he always stayed at a friend's apartment on Kalyaevskaya Street. And the bathroom windows overlooked the back door. However, despite the fact that the window was covered with a metal shield, the ubiquitous fangirls managed to drill a hole in it and peeped at the washing Leontiev. It was the same in the bedroom - it was the last floor and the fans made a hole in the ceiling and daily "stuck" to it with the secret hope of seeing something "exotic". They were only exposed after plaster collapsed on the singer's bed one evening. Luckily, he wasn't in the room at the time.

However, this was not all that Leontiev's fans were capable of. In another case, for example, he had to give explanations to the police about the suicide of one of his fans. Here is how it was. In the early 80s, Leontiev worked in the popular program "Melodies of Friends" (along with Soviet performers, artists from the socialist countries also participated in it) and lived in the hotel "Ukraine". Once, after a concert, he was sitting in the room of the Polish singer Maryla Rodovich, when people in civilian clothes came for him. "Valery Yakovlevich, please follow us", - they turned to the singer and escorted him to the office of the hotel. There it turned out that one of the singer's fans, having closed herself in the toilet, was poisoned with iodine. At the same time, she left a note at the scene: “I ask you to blame Valery Leontiev for my death”. It is not difficult to imagine what feelings the singer experienced at this news and what work he had to convince people in civilian clothes to believe that he had never known a suicide. Fortunately, the girl was saved and the story was hushed up.

In the early 80s, Leontiev experienced a very dramatic moment - the loss of his voice. It happened during one of the concerts. With great difficulty, Leontiev managed to sing the song to the end, after which he apologized and stopped the performance. The doctors who examined him did not give any guarantee that his voice would be restored after the operation on the ligaments. Therefore, the singer had to look for an “alternate airfield” for himself - in order to engage in a creative profession, he entered the directing department of the Leningrad Institute of Culture. And although the operation that took place soon was successful, Leontiev did not drop out of school and graduated from the university.

Meanwhile, Leontiev's disgrace, announced by cultural officials, continued until 1984. The singer managed to overcome it thanks to the help of another influential composer, who in those years was at the very zenith of his fame. Raymond Pauls obtained permission from the Ministry of Culture to hold Leontiev's concert in the prestigious Rossiya Hall (before that, Leontiev's largest stage venue was the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg). However, Leontiev remembered that concert not only for its pleasant side - before it began, the porter on duty did not want to let the singer into the hall, and only the intervention of officials helped to avoid a scandal.

It is worth noting that the song by Pauls performed by Leontiev “Disappeared sunny days"became the hit of the year.

But back to creative activity Leontiev on stage. In the mid-80s, Leontiev and the Leningrad singer played the title roles in the rock opera Giordano by L. Quint and V. Kostrov. Leontiev played three roles at once: Giordano, Satan and Jester, the witch.

In 1985, Leontiev again performed at the All-Union competition for the best performance of songs from the countries of the socialist community in Yalta and became a laureate. And in the same year, Valery almost died. It happened during the singer's trip to India. Late at night they were returning from the provinces to the city, Leontev was very tired and bowed his head on the shoulder of the driver. However, his wife Lyudmila Isakovich woke up the singer and asked him to move to the back seat. As soon as Leontiev changed places with the woman, a truck without dimensions jumped out of the darkness into the road a few minutes later and an accident occurred. Isakovich was seriously injured and for several hours it was not known if she would survive. Fortunately, everything worked out. By the way, Leontiev himself seriously believed that a certain talisman, which he was presented with during a visit to the Indian Ashram community, saved him from death.

At the end of the next 1986, a significant event took place in the creative life of Leontiev - on November 10 he was invited to the program "Musical Ring", which, after three years of existence on Leningrad TV, went on the air on Channel 1. Moreover, in order to break into this program, Leontiev again had to make every effort. Why? The fact is that in those years, the ideological work in the country was supervised by Politburo member Yegor Ligachev, who could not stand Leontiev at all. Naturally, when he found out that a television program was being prepared with the participation of Valery, he said a resolute no. However, the time was already different than five years ago, when one bossy roar was enough to cut down any creative undertaking in the bud. Enough sided with Leontiev famous people from the creative community, who published laudatory articles in various newspapers in support of the singer. And only after that it became possible to invite Leontiev to the "Musical Ring".

Since the late 80s, Leontiev's popularity among listeners has gained a second wind. From now on, not a single musical broadcast on television could do without his participation, at the Melodiya company a giant disc was released with songs performed by him, even in the cinema they could not do without him - director Vitaly Aksenov shot him as one of the main actors in the musical film How to Become a Star. In the wake of this success, many of the singer's personal problems began to be resolved in a positive way. In particular, the housing issue. In 1983-1989, during his visits to Moscow, Leontiev had to live either in hotels or with a friend on Kalyaevskaya Street. And finally, in the late 80s, through a five-fold exchange, he managed to permanently move to the capital - to an apartment in Tekstilshchiki. Then he exchanged it for an apartment near the Izmailovskaya metro station, and at the very beginning of the 90s, thanks to the order of the Minister of Culture of the USSR Zakharov, he moved to a three-room apartment on Lesnaya Street near the Belorussky railway station.

Meanwhile, despite new round popularity, the singer continued to have problems in communicating with individual high-ranking leaders, in particular, with party functionaries. For example, on tour in Kyiv, he was demanded to exclude Raymond Pauls' song "Cabaret" from the concert: “Party meetings are held on this stage and we cannot allow the girls to lift up their skirts on it. If you sing the song “Cabaret” again, you won’t sing at all!”. And Leontiev had to obey.

But, despite this attitude of bureaucrats, Valery was very popular in Ukraine, and not only among ordinary listeners. It was there that he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic, where he most often toured with concerts and even acted in films. In 1992, the director of the Odessa film studio Gennady Glagolev took Leontiev in leading role villain in the movie Psychic.

In 1991, Leontiev became the winner of another prestigious song competition - at the Monte Carlo Festival he was awarded the Golden Treble Clef prize.

Meanwhile, like any other popular performer, Leontiev did not escape the most incredible rumors and gossip concerning him. For some time, the St. Petersburg press caused him especially a lot of trouble. For example, in one of the newspapers there, a certain journalist told his readers the sensational news that real name singer ... Shponkin. Allegedly, in order to hide this dissonant surname, Valery fictitiously married the popular host of the program “From the bottom of my heart” back in the 70s. And after all, there were people who believed this newspaper duck.

Another topic for speculation around the name of Leontiev was his alleged non-traditional sexual orientation. The fact is that the singer himself threw a considerable amount of kerosene into the fire of these rumors. After the failure of his first marriage, he tried to build a family with another woman, but this attempt also ended in divorce. And since then, the singer lived alone. It was this circumstance that fueled the rumors about his unconventional orientation. Even Leontiev's new marriage to his first wife Lyudmila Isakovich, who left for America in 1993 and stayed there forever, did not manage to shake them. And three years later, he and Leontiev decided to reunite their destinies. While visiting his wife in the mid-90s, Leontiev, in collaboration with the famous composer Yuri Chernavsky, prepared the program “On the Road to Hollywood”.

Despite the appearance on the Russian stage of a large number of new performers, they did not manage to "score" the singers of the "old guard". The same Leontiev looked head and shoulders above his young opponents, although his repertoire looked weaker than it was a decade ago. This is understandable: the talented David Tukhmanov and Raymond Pauls were replaced by very ordinary composers. Standing apart in this series, however, his cooperation with Leontiev cannot be called too fruitful. And the singer himself is to blame for this. According to him, out of ten songs proposed by him, Leontyev chose only three: “The month of May”, “Treasures of the Black Sea”, “I forgot your face”. The rest is in the basket.

Meanwhile, the creative potential of Leontiev was looking for an outlet not only on the stage. The singer was actively invited by filmmakers and theater directors. For example, director Yuri Kara was going to shoot the singer in the film adaptation of Ch. Aitmatov's novel "Cassandra's Brand". However, after undergoing many medical tests, Leontiev was not allowed to skydive due to a long-standing knee injury (he was operated on twice). The only way out was to go to CITO and undergo the necessary treatment. But the singer turned out to have such a busy tour schedule that it was simply impossible to carve out a month from it for the operation.

In 1996, Leontiev once again changed his place of residence - from an apartment on Lesnaya Street, where his fans pestered him, he moved to the Moscow region, to luxury home in Valentinovka. True, his peace did not last long, and soon after his appearance in the new abode, fans appeared there. One of them even managed to get into the scandalous chronicle. What did she do? Wanting to attract the attention of the singer, she hard frost undressed to underwear and threw clothes on the territory of Leontiev's house. However, the singer was not at home and the girl stood at the gate in vain. But she achieved one thing - the neighbors drew their own conclusions from what had happened: they say, the artist took advantage of the lady and kicked her out into the cold.

In 1996, V. Leontiev was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

On March 29, 1998, at the "Square of Stars" near the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", a solemn laying of the star of the People's Artist of Russia Valery Leontiev took place.

Since the 2000s, Valery Leontiev's career has played with renewed vigor. The artist continued to record new albums, arranged bright and colorful shows, gave concerts ... His popularity remained, but now it has changed, has become more streamlined. His fans have matured and stopped harassing him with persecution, which allowed Leontiev to concentrate entirely on his work.

In the period from 1983 to 2014, Valery Yakovlevich recorded almost thirty albums. Each record was a huge success with the public. In addition, the artist has shot more than twenty high-quality video clips and starred in a couple of dozen films and television musicals.

Biography of Valery Leontiev

Pop star of Russia and the USSR, winner of many awards, an outstanding personality, a performer known far beyond the borders of the country.


On March 19, 1949, the future pop star Valery Leontiev was born in the small village of Ust-Usa. The boy was a late child in a family of reindeer herders. Together with him, his older sister Maya was also brought up. He spent his childhood in the Arkhangelsk region, the village of Upper Matigory.

Mom Valery is from Ukraine, and her father is a descendant of the Pomors that inhabited the Arkhangelsk region.

When the boy was 12 years old, the family decided to move to live on the Volga in Ivanovo region, the city of Yuryevets. There Valery graduated from high school. The family did not live richly, but from childhood the young man dreamed of becoming an oceanologist. Therefore, it was decided to enter the Far Eastern University, but this dream had to be abandoned, there was not enough money for life.

In 1966, Valery decided to enter GITIS, but he took the documents from there at the last moment.
And without becoming a student, the young man had to return to his hometown of Yuryevets. And then there were working days, because I had to feed myself and support myself. He had to work at a variety of jobs, he was a postman and an electrician, an auxiliary in a factory and a tailor, a worker in a flax mill.

Having tried many professions, the young man decides to get higher education, he decides to enter the Leningrad Mining Institute, choosing its branch in Vorkuta. Together with his studies, he worked at the research institute as a laboratory assistant. To future profession the soul of the young man did not lie, so he only finished his studies until the third year, dropping out of school. But the soul gravitated more and more to music. Valera wanted to sing, and he dreamed of a big stage.

The beginning of the creative path

In April 1972, Valery Leontiev gave his first solo concert in Vorkuta, the concert took place on the stage of the Palace of Culture. In the same year, the regional competition "Song-72" was held in Syktyvkar, Leontiev participated there with the song "Carnival in the North".

Having won this competition, he received as a prize training in Moscow with Georgy Vinogradov in his Creative Workshop. However, he could not complete his studies in Moscow, Valery decided to return to Syktyvkar, where he started working as a soloist in the city philharmonic, at the same time he worked as a soloist in the Echo musical group.

It was with this group that Leontiev traveled almost the entire Union with concerts, but they received a little-known group in local Houses of Culture.

So one of the concerts in Gorky took place, after which the singer was invited to work at the local philharmonic, Valery agreed on the condition that he would be sent to Yalta for the All-Union Music Competition. In Yalta, he performed a ballad to the verses of Robert Rozhdestvensky and the music of David Tukhmanov. Received first prize for performance. It is worth noting that the competition was broadcast on the screens of the whole country.

A year later, Leontiev took part in the Golden Orpheus International Festival held in Bulgaria. In the same competition, Leontiev took part in an unusual costume, which he himself invented for his stage image. The image was so successful that one of the Bulgarian fashion magazines presented the singer with a special prize.

And at one of the performances in Yerevan, American journalists really liked Leontiev, they even compared the singer's performance style with Mick Jaeger, which caused a wave of indignation among Soviet officials. This began a kind of black streak in the work of the performer. For almost three years he did not get on the TV screens, the audience did not listen to his performances and he was not invited to concerts. In the same period, the singer underwent a serious operation to remove a tumor in his throat. The operation, however, was successful, even managed to keep a beautiful voice. Raymond Pauls contributed to Leontiev's return to the stage.

In 1991, the singer was awarded the best performer award, in addition, he became the leader in the sale of discs in the USSR.

His performances have always been distinguished by their brightness, originality, even in the days of the USSR, he managed to make a real show out of his performance. Of course, the viewer perceived this more than positively, since this was not enough at that time. Often at performances, Leontiev was accompanied by ballet.

In 1997, a joint album called "On the Road to Hollywood" was recorded. The work took place with the composer Y. Chernyavsky.

Personal life

Always the personal life of Valery Leontiev was shrouded in mystery. A lot of rumors and no confirmation from the singer. For him, it's too personal to bring his personal life to the discussion of the public. But the public, coupled with journalists and the yellow press, spread all sorts of rumors that have not been confirmed.

They said that the singer had a non-traditional orientation, there were also rumors about his affair with the Primadonna, and also that the singer had a child.

In reality, the singer had a long marriage with Lyudmila Isakovich. She worked as a bass player, then moved to America. She still lives in Miami.

The relationship of the couple began in 1972, and only in 1998 was an official marriage registered.

Again, according to the rumors of the yellow press, the singer stopped flying to Miami for several years, leaving the house of his ex-wife. He himself lives in a Moscow apartment. When asked about paternity, he replies that the stage and creative life would not be allowed to good father. Therefore, he has no children, he devoted his life to creativity.

Valery Leontiev with his wife Lyudmila Isakovich

Name: Leontiev Valery

Age: 70 years old

Place of Birth: Ust-Usa, Russia

Growth: 1.75 m

Family status: married

Valery Leontiev is a popular singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, a prominent representative of the Russian stage. His work does not leave anyone indifferent, and his biography is full of secrets and mysteries. Today we will learn a little more about the personal life and creative path of Casanova in the 80s.


Valery Leontiev first saw the light in a small village located in the Komi Republic. His parents were far from creativity and worked as livestock specialists. Valera became a late child, at the time of his birth his mother was 43, and the eldest child, Maya, born in 1930, was brought up in the family.

Valery Leontiev in childhood

Interesting! Leontiev's father passed away in 1979, his mother - in 1996, his sister - in 2005.

Until the age of twelve, the future singer Valery Leontiev practically did not study; there was no school in the village where the star's biography was written. nearest educational institution located seven kilometers in a neighboring village. After the family moved to the town of Yuryevets, Ivanovo region, the boy entered school.

Leontiev in his youth

From childhood, Valera showed Creative skills- was fond of drawing and dancing, sang in the school choir, participated in amateur performances.

Interesting! Oddly enough, but the parents did not approve of the boy's creative inclinations. As Leontiev himself admitted, he was hit more than once by his elders for the manifestation of talents.

Despite the craving for art and obvious talents, a boy from a deep province and, to put it mildly, a poor family did not even have to dream of becoming an artist.

After the eighth grade, Valery is trying to become a student at the Murom Radio Engineering College, but luck was not on his side. The boy returns to his native village, where he continues his studies at school. After ten classes, Leontiev dreams of entering the Far Eastern University and studying to be an oceanologist. However, the family did not have enough money to buy a ticket to Vladivostok.

Then Valery decides to go to the capital and enter GITIS at the acting department. However, the young man lacks self-confidence, and he takes the documents.

Returning home, Leontiev tries his hand at many different professions. The guy works as a handyman at a brick factory, tries himself as a tailor, electrician and even a postman.

Some time later, Valery goes to Vorkuta, where he becomes a student of the evening department of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. However, after studying for three years, the future Russian pop star realizes that this is not his. Visiting couples in the evening, during the day Leontiev works as a draftsman and laboratory assistant in various research institutes. The years of study in Vorkuta can be considered the beginning of the pop path, because it was at this time that Valery began to actively participate in amateur art.


The start of Valery's creative biography came in 1972. Then his debut solo performance took place in Vorkuta. Inspired by the success, the young musician took part in one of the prestigious regional competitions. Unexpectedly for himself, Leontiev became the first and, as a reward, received the opportunity to study for free in the capital at the creative studio of Vinogradov. However, even here the study did not last long. What caused the departure is unknown. The guy returns to Syktyvkar.

Valery Leontiev and the group "Echo"

The next step in the musician's career was work in the Echo group, with which he traveled to almost all cities of the USSR. Despite the popularity, the team collected small halls, limited to local houses of culture.

Leontiev held his first major concert in 1978, performing on the stage of a numerous hall in Gorky. Valery was seen necessary people and was invited to work in the Philharmonic. The guy agreed, but on the condition that he would participate in the Yalta All-Union Competition of Musicians. Having performed with the composition "In Memory of the Guitarist", Leontiev received the main prize.

Interesting! At the same time, Valery appears on stage in an unusual designer costume, for which he receives a special prize from the Bulgarian fashion magazine.

A series of competitions and victories began. In the early 80s, everyone knew Leontiev. He was invited to participate in most of the combined concerts.

In 1983, the artist participates in the author's evening of R. Pauls, who gave rising star whole department. In the early 90s, Valery received the Music Awards in the nomination of the best performer in terms of the number of music media sold in the vastness of the USSR.

Interesting! By 1993, Leontiev released eleven albums, which were sold in millions of copies.

In 1996, the artist received the title of national, and in 1998, his personal symbol was laid on the Moscow Square of Stars.


Valery Leontiev does not really like to talk about his personal life, so there are a lot of inaccuracies, discrepancies and gossip in the singer's biography. There have always been many rumors around his person.

  • According to unofficial information, Valery's mother was his "sister" Maya, who at the time of the boy's birth was 16 years old. In order not to defame the daughter's name, the "grandmother" adopted the baby. Regarding the father, according to one version, he was a gypsy, according to another, a fellow villager.

Valery with older sister Maya

Interesting! Rumor has it that Valery himself learned the secret of his birth in 2005, from Maya before her death.

  • On the Internet you can find information that by nationality Leontiev is not Russian, but Mansi.
  • The singer was credited big number novels with the most famous performers of the Russian stage.

Alla Pugacheva and Valery Leontiev

Vaikule, Dolina, Diva, Laura Quint went in his "mistresses". At the same time, only the latter did not deny the rumors.

Irina Alegrova and Valery Leontiev

  • A few years ago, journalists announced that Leontiev had children - adult daughter in the singer's homeland, but the artist himself did not confirm this information.
  • Also, more than once in the media there was information about the unconventional orientation of the star. At the same time, Leontiev himself is somehow ambiguous about this.

Outrageous appearance, bright costumes and an unusual manner of performance, more than once became the causes of scandals around Leontiev's person, especially at the beginning of his career. So, in the early 80s, having won a festival in Yerevan and received a prize for popularity, the singer fell out of favor with officials and disappeared from television screens for three years. The reason was the comments of the American media, which compared the manner of Valery's performance with Mickey Jagger.

Personal life

Popularity and many non-existent novels did not prevent Valery from building a personal life. According to official data, Leontiev has a wife - musician Lyudmila Isakovich. They have been together since 1972, but legalized relations only in the late 90s.

Valery with his wife in his youth

AT this moment wife Valeria lives in their common house in the United States.

Interesting! There are rumors that the couple have not lived together for several years, and even that the couple has officially terminated their relationship. But, like everything around the artist's personal life, this information is also shrouded in mystery.

The spouses have no children. According to Leontiev himself, a busy touring schedule and a special creative warehouse of character made his fatherhood impossible. Yes, and wife Valery, according to information available in the media, did not really want to burden herself with motherhood.

Leontiev with his wife Lyudmila now

  • At the beginning of his career, Leontiev did not manage to get on television for a long time. Such an opportunity presented itself only after meeting D. Tukhmanov, who helped to make a performance for Blue Light. However, the shocking appearance of the artist was the reason that the number was cut from the air.
  • At the start of the 80s, the crisis affected not only Valery's work, but also his health. At this time, he undergoes a serious operation on his throat, he is removed from the tumor. But soon the voice is restored.
  • Having gained popularity and fame, the singer at some point recalls that he never received a higher education. Valery enters the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture, where he receives the specialty of a mass director.

Interesting! During his regular student life, Leontiev does not waste time, but gives more than twenty concerts in northern capital, which collect full halls of fans.

  • Over the years of creative activity, the artist has released twenty-six albums. The first saw the light in 1983 and was called "Muse".
  • In Leontiev's career there was even a place for a duet with Putin. In 2006, at a concert for the heads of the CIS countries, the artist was called for an encore, where he performed the song "Hope" in a duet with the head of the Russian Federation.

  • Each concert the artist puts on his own. The costumes used during the performance are copyrighted.
  • Leontiev also talented actor He has appeared in a number of feature films and documentaries.
  • Fans have repeatedly reproached the artist for a large number of plastic surgeries that made the singer almost unrecognizable (see photo). However, Leontiev himself claims that he resorted to the services of surgeons only a few times, and attributes the fans' complaints to makeup, without which he almost never appears in public.

Valery Leontiev is a legend Russian show business, whose popularity does not subside over the years, and representatives of the 4th generation of listeners continue to admire the artist's work.

At one time, the singer was the first to bring the traditions of musical and theatrical shows to the stage, in a short time turning from a modest provincial boy into a star international class, which American fans dubbed The One Who Gives Love ("The One Who Gives Love").

Childhood and youth

Valery Leontiev was born in March 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa, in Komi. His family had nothing to do with art. The Leontievs lived modestly. Father Yakov Stepanovich was a Pomor from the Arkhangelsk region, was engaged in reindeer breeding and worked as a veterinarian. Mom Ekaterina Ivanovna Klyuts was born in Ukraine. The boy was a late child - he was born when his mother was 43 years old. In addition to him, the older sister Maya grew up in the family (she died in 2005).

Soon the family moved from Ust-Usa to their father's homeland, to the Arkhangelsk region. Valery's early childhood passed in the village of Upper Matigory. When their son was 12 years old, the Leontievs moved again, this time to the Ivanovo region. We stopped in the city of Yuryevets, on the picturesque bank of the Volga.

In childhood and adolescence, Valery's relatives noticed that the boy was drawn to creativity. He drew well, was plastic and sang well, even soloed in the school choir. And he also participated in school amateur performances and went to the drama club with pleasure. But the boy from a poor family did not even dream of becoming an artist or a singer.

At the end of the 8th grade, Leontiev passed the documents to the radio technical school in Muromsk, but failed the exams and returned to finish his studies at his native school. Apparently, the genes of the Pomor father affected, and Valery begins to dream more and more about work related to the sea. In high school, he practically decided to go to Vladivostok after finishing school and enroll in an oceanologist, but for a modest family, such expenses were beyond their power.

At that time, Valery Leontiev realized that there is another profession with which he would like to connect his life. And he took a chance and in 1966 applied to the Moscow GITIS, choosing the acting department. But the indecision and complex of the provincial did their job: at the last moment, Leontiev changed his mind about acting.

Returning to Yuryevets, Valery immediately went to work. In his youth, the future pop star tried many professions: he worked as an electrician, a postman, a laborer at a brick factory, and even a tailor. But education had to be obtained, and Valery entered the Mining Institute in Vorkuta.

In the evening he studied, and during the day he earned his living, working as a laboratory assistant at a scientific research institute and as a draftsman at a design institute. Leontiev finished his studies only up to the 3rd year and dropped out - his soul did not lie in his future profession. But the further, the more I wanted to sing and perform on stage. Spotlights and full halls of cheering audience attracted the guy more and more.


The beginning of the creative biography of Valery Leontiev was laid in 1972. His first solo concert took place on April 9 at the House of Culture of Vorkuta. The first success inspired the young performer, he soon became the winner of the regional competition "We are looking for talents" in Syktyvkar.

The reward for the victory was studying in Moscow, at the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art Georgy Vinogradov. But Valery did not stay long in the capital. Without completing the course, he returned to Syktyvkar, to the local Philharmonic.

Soon Leontiev becomes a member of the Echo team. The musicians prepared 2 programs and, together with the new soloist Valery Leontiev, traveled to almost all cities Soviet Union. But the concerts were not held in large halls, but only on the stages of local houses of culture.

Only in 1978 Valery first performed on the stage of the concert hall in Gorky. The concert was a great success, and the singer received an invitation to work in the city philharmonic society. He agreed, but on the condition that he be sent to the Yalta All-Union Music Competition. And so it happened. For the performance of the musical ballad "In Memory of the Guitarist" in Yalta, Leontiev was awarded the first prize.

The competition was broadcast throughout the country. In the summer of next year, Valery Leontiev has a new one, resounding victory- the main prize at the 16th International Pop Song Festival "Golden Orpheus" in Sopot. There, for the first time, he appeared in an original stage costume of his own making, for which a Bulgarian fashion magazine awarded him a special prize.

In the early 80s, everyone already knew Valery Leontiev, he sang in almost all combined concerts and at the most famous venues. At one time, Leontiev tried to break into television, but he managed to do this only after meeting the composer.

Together they prepared a number that was filmed for the Blue Light program. However, the audience did not have a chance to see him - he was cut out. At the same time, further joint work, as well as victories in international competitions, made Leontiev famous.

The black streak in the life of the performer, oddly enough, began because of his success at the festival in Yerevan. He received a popularity prize, but fell into disgrace due to the compliment of American journalists who wrote that Leontiev was similar in style to.

Valery Leontiev - "Hang-glider"

Soviet cultural officials did not like this, and for 3 years Leontiev was not shown on TV and was not invited to Moscow concerts.

In addition to creative troubles, during this period Leontiev underwent a serious operation to remove a throat tumor. Fortunately, the voice soon recovered, and the singer was helped to return to the stage, who already had considerable influence at that time.

In addition, the artist remembered that he still has no education. This time he entered and graduated from the Institute of Culture in Leningrad, where he received a diploma in the specialty "Director of mass performances." At this time, Valery Leontiev gave almost 2 dozen concerts in the city on the Neva, which were sold out.

In 1983, Valery Yakovlevich again bathed in fame and popularity. And again thanks to the composer Raymond Pauls. It was he who gave the performer a whole section of his author's evening, held in the capital's concert hall "Russia". By this time, the well-known hits "There, in September", "Where the circus went", "Hang-gliding", "Singing mime" appeared.

Valery Leontiev - "Sunny days have disappeared"

In 1988, the show of the first video of the artist "Margarita" starts, although video versions of the performance of Leontiev's popular compositions have appeared before. The singer works in different genres. He succeeds in songs with humorous overtones ("Traffic Light") and lyrical ones ("Sunny days have disappeared"). Later, bright hits "Augustin" and "Casanova" appeared in the artist's repertoire.

In 1991, Valery Leontiev won The World Music Awards as the best selling sound carrier in the USSR. Indeed, by 1993, the pop star had 11 discs sold in millions of copies.

In 1996, Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev became people's artist Russia. In 1998, the name sign of the singer was laid on the Moscow Square of Stars.

For his long and rich creative career, the popular artist has recorded over two dozen studio albums. The debut, called "Muse", was released in 1983. The last “This is Love” for today is in 2017. The whole country knows his best songs. In the career of Valery Leontiev there is even a joint performance with the president. In 2006, in Sochi, at a concert for the heads of state of the CIS, Leontiev was called for an encore, and he began to sing "Hope". Unexpectedly, he was joined by the President of Russia, to whom Leontiev handed over the microphone.

All his concerts and dance shows Leontiev puts himself. His original costumes are also author's. Valery Yakovlevich is also known as an actor. On his account, the paintings "At someone else's holiday", "I want to fall in love", "The Colonel's Daughter" and others. More than once Leontiev appeared on the screens as the hero of documentaries about life and work.

Many copies have been broken about the nationality of Valery Leontiev. Information often appears on the Web that the singer is not Russian, but Mansi.

In 2017, Leontiev celebrated the 45th anniversary of his creative activity. In one interview, the artist said that he was not going to leave the stage yet.

Regular exercise helps him to be alert, fit and maintain fighting weight, proper nutrition, long sleep, good movies and books. And if earlier he carried a suitcase of books with him on tour, now he has mastered the iPad. Leontiev is also a very active user for a busy person. social networks. He has an account in "Instagram", page on Facebook. According to the singer, he often reads comments under the photo and personally communicates with fans.

According to many Internet users, Valery is too fond of plastic surgery, why he ceased to be like himself. Leontiev himself said that he did not use the services of plastic surgeons as often as everyone thinks. In addition, the artist never appears on stage or in public without makeup, although several photos of the singer without makeup still leaked to the Web.

According to Leontiev, at concerts, zealous fans strive to grab him by the hair, hoping to see an idol without a wig. But the legend of the Soviet and Russian stage hinted that they would not succeed, since his hair is real.

Personal life

The personal life of Valery Leontiev is jealously guarded from prying eyes, the singer rarely gives comments. Therefore, a lot of rumors have always swarmed around his person. They talked about being gay, having a child, having an affair with a prima donna, and much more.

In fact, Leontiev for a long time He was married to bass player Lyudmila Isakovich. They have been together since 1972, but officially registered their relationship only in 1998. Valery Yakovlevich's wife now lives in Miami.

Information appeared in the tabloids that Leontiev lives alone in a Moscow apartment and no longer flies to America. He allegedly left a house in Miami ex-wife. Some secular chroniclers said that the singer divorced many years ago, but did not advertise this event.

Leontiev's personal life is shrouded in secrets, legends are made up about her. At one time in the program “Let them talk!” concluded that the singer's mother was his older sister Maya, and Leontiev's alleged parents were his grandparents. Valery almost sued, but the conflict was resolved.

He was credited with a huge number of novels with the prima of the Soviet stage, Laura Quint. Laura was the only one who admitted to the veracity of such assumptions. Also in the mid-2000s, rumors began to circulate that Leontiev had an adult daughter.

Valery Leontiev and his "son" Alexander Bogdanovich

At the same time, performer Alexander Bogdanovich appeared on the stage, who was recorded as a relative of the star. According to information that appeared in the press, the mother young man at one time there was a short affair with an artist, as a result of which a boy was born. The message turned out to be a journalistic "duck".

AT recent interviews Leontiev has repeatedly mentioned spending time together with his wife Lucy. With her he was going to celebrate New Year, rested with her in Spain.

The singer suggests not to believe the gossip about divorce, which is spread by the yellow press. Between the spouses, according to them, a "friendly marriage" was established. They spend 3 months together in the USA, after which Valery returns to Russia, where he actively tours.

When asked why Leontyev has no children, he joked that with his schedule and windiness of character, he does not imagine that he could be a good father. Previously, the press wrote that his wife Lyudmila categorically did not want to become a mother.

Rumors are periodically renewed on the Web that Leontiev is going to leave the stage. Apart from physical activity associated with frequent concerts, the consequences of a knee injury that he received at the beginning of his career are affecting. The artist needs regular surgery to clean the joint and drug therapy. But according to Valery, he decided to hold on to the last, since “lying on the couch and accumulating fat” is not for him.

Valery Leontiev now

The creative activity of the artist does not subside over the years. In 2018, his repertoire was replenished with new tracks "Like Dali", "Time Does Not Heal". He is met with a full house at the best venues in the country - at the festivals " New wave”,“ Song of the Year ”,“ Legends of Retro FM ”, at a concert celebrating the birthday of the Muz TV channel, anniversary concert BKZ "October".

Valery Leontiev - "Time does not heal"

At the beginning of 2019, Valery Leontiev became a guest of the Tonight program, the release of which was dedicated to creativity. On the air, the artist performed the maestro's song "Steamboats". Alla Pugacheva and others participated in the TV show. The pop star also congratulated Raimonds Pauls on his birthday, speaking at the composer's author's evening.

Valery Leontiev in the program "Tonight" in 2019

Now the artist is preparing to perform on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace, which will take place on March 10, 2019. Leontiev will present the audience with a concert program "I'll be back ...".


  • 1983 - "Muse"
  • 1986 - Disco Club
  • 1988 - "I'm just a singer"
  • 1990 - "Sinful Way"
  • 1995 - On the Road to Hollywood
  • 1999 - "Everyone wants to love"
  • 2001 - "Augustin"
  • 2005 - "I'm falling into the sky ..."
  • 2011 - "Artist"
  • 2014 - "Love Trap"
  • 2017 - "This is love"

Name: Valery Leontev (Valeriy Leontev)
Date of Birth: March 19, 1949
Zodiac sign: Fish
Age: 70 years old
Place of Birth: Ust-Usa village
Growth: 175 cm
The weight: 75 kg
Activity: Soviet and Russian singer
Education: Leningrad Institute of Culture LIK
Family status: married


Valery Leontiev - biography

Leontiev Valery Yakovlevich is a legend of the national stage and a man with an unusual fate. Before climbing to the top of fame, he went a long and difficult path. The biography of the famous artist is not without interest to all fans of this artist.

In the photo, pop singer Valery Leontiev

Valery Leontiev - childhood and youth

Valery Leontiev was born in 1949 in the family of veterinarians Yakov Stepanovich and Ekaterina Ivanovna Leontiev in a small locality Republic of Komi. His father worked as a livestock specialist. The mother devoted herself to the upbringing of the children. The Leontief family had two children. The future celebrity was separated from her older sister by nineteen years.

It is worth saying that the biography of one of the most famous people the Soviet period is quite rich. When Valery was twelve years old, the family moved to the Ivanovo region. From here he went after the end of the ninth grade to a distant northern city to go to technical school. But he didn't pass his exams. He is with early years dreamed of becoming an oceanologist, but his parents did not have the funds for a long journey: the university that graduates these specialists was located thousands of kilometers from Ivanovo.

Then an attempt was made to become a student of GITIS. However, this time he was unlucky solely because of his natural modesty and insecurity in own forces. Having submitted documents to the Institute of Theater Arts, Valery took them a few days later.

After receiving the matriculation certificate, Leontiev worked for several more years at the factory, at the factory, and at the post office. But you still need to get a higher education. And therefore, Valery entered the Mining Institute. Why such a talented and bright personality chose mundane professions at the beginning of her life is unknown. As well as the reason that the future artist went to the distant city of Vorkuta to receive higher education is not clear.

It is only known that before luck smiled at Leontiev, he managed to try his hand at various fields. Before his first appearance on the stage, he was able to partially realize his creative potential only during the period when he modeled clothes and worked as a tailor.

Training in the profession of "mining engineer" did not deliver this creative personality. After studying at the evening department for two years, Leontiev left the institute. It is worth saying that no matter where this person worked or studied, he was always an active participant in organizing various amateur performances.

Career Valery Leontiev

The debut on the big stage in the creative biography of Valery Leontiev took place in 1972. It was a performance not at all in the capital's concert hall. But it was with participation in the regional competition that Leontiev's brilliant career began. On the Vorkuta stage, a hitherto unknown performer took an honorable second place. The auditorium was full of builders and miners. But the applause of these people gave confidence and strength to the young singer.

After the victory in Vorkuta, there was participation in the competition in the Syktyvkar competition. Then - study at the creative workshop of variety art in Moscow. But here, too, Leontiev failed to bring the matter to an end. A year later, he left again for Syktyvkar.

In the capital of Komi, Valery Leontiev no longer took up work that did not give pleasure. In this northern city, he organized an ensemble and released his first program. "Excellence in work in the countryside" - that was the name of Leontiev's first award.

Valery Leontiev - Star Trek

In 1975, the singer led an active concert activity. Being one of the organizers of the Echo group, Leontiev traveled on tour. The following year, the Smile northern star". And, although the performances of the group in most cases took place in provincial clubs and rural houses of creativity, its members managed to travel all over the Soviet Union in just two years.

Leontiev reached the level of the all-Union scale after winning the competition in Yalta. By that time, he already had a solo program. The repertoire has also changed somewhat. The song that brought him victory was a composition with words by Rozhdestvensky and music by Tukhmanov.

In 1980, Leontiev won the international competition and was awarded the Golden Orpheus Prize. In addition, at the festival in Sopot, he received a prize for the best stage image. After a brilliant participation in significant international festivals, Leontiev became a star. However Star Trek is known to be thorny.

Valery Leontiev: In disgrace

Leontiev's manner of speech was distinguished by expressiveness. Western journalists appreciated this quality, Soviet artists - not at all. But in the eighties, the Soviet pop star was still at home. And so it was for several years in disgrace. Leontiev managed to enter the big stage again thanks to the assistance of the composer Raimonds Pauls. But even here the black stripe did not end. The singer was diagnosed with cancer.

The diagnosis of "throat cancer" put an end to the career of the performer. But Valery Leontiev did not give up even after the discovery of a serious illness. After a complex operation and some time it took to restore his general physical condition, he decided to still get a higher education. This time he chose a profession that met his spiritual aspirations. Leontiev entered the Institute of Culture. Krupskaya. And five years later he received a diploma as a director of mass events.

Valery Leontiev - Return to the stage

At that time, when Leontiev was still a student of the correspondence department of the Institute of Culture, it suddenly turned out that he could still sing. He not only managed to overcome a terrible disease, but also to restore the vocal cords. And soon he performed with the solo program “Just a Singer”.
In the mid-eighties, Leontiev performed a lot, went on tour. During the Afghan war he visited hot spots. And, like many Soviet performers, he made a trip to Chernobyl.

Valery Leontiev took part in many television projects. He became the hero of documentaries dedicated musical creativity. The famous singer also tried his hand as an actor. There are four films in his filmography.

Personal life of Valery Leontiev

In the photo Valery Leontiev with his wife Lyudmila Isakovich
The wife of the legendary Soviet and Russian singer - Lyudmila Isakovich. Valery Leontiev met her in the seventies. Isakovich was the head of the Echo musical ensemble, with which the biography of her personal life and creative way singer. In the nineties, Leontiev's wife left for the United States. In the house, which is located in Miami, Valery Leontiev spends only a few months a year. The rest of the time is occupied by concert activity.

Author of the biography: Daria Shulgina 14098

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