Interesting anime of the year. Best movies online

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There are so many different anime created in dozens of different genres, subgenres and metagenres that it makes no sense to compare them with each other. However, each genre has its own best examples that stand out among a large number of anime.

If you don’t really like anime, then watch ours, or even 2018. Fortunately, the beginning of 2018 can boast of more than one anime.

We have selected the 5 best anime that come out in 2018. They are all different from one another, created in different genres and many of them have already passed the test of time, tk. this year there are new seasons of these anime series, while others are completely new anime, about which neither the Japanese nor the Western audience is yet known.

Attack on Titan - Best Action Anime

Why is this the best anime in its genre

"Attack on Titan" or as it is otherwise called "Attack on Titan" is indeed a terrifying anime, but in reality it is not a horror anime at all. If you can stand the grotesque, inside out appearance titans and brutal scenes when they devour their victims, then you will find this anime with a rather twisted plot, character development and atmosphere very exciting and so much so that it will be difficult to tear yourself away from it later.

There may be more quality series overall in the action anime genre than in any other genre, but Attack on Titan stands out because, thanks to the storyline's lack of strongholds of security, the stakes in the game between life and death are really high. One of the Western critics dubbed the "Attack on Titan" anime "death and destruction."

In the summer of 2018, the release of the 3rd season of the series is scheduled. In total, fans of the series have already seen 2 seasons. Also based on the manga and anime, a movie and a video game were released.

Best Sci-Fi Anime - Steins' Gate: Zero (Steins;Gate 0)

What makes it the best

Perhaps no other genre has paid as much attention to science fiction as anime, but it is in anime that you can find real golden mines of examples. science fiction who are researching interesting topics and concepts. In the "Steins Gate" example we are describing, the main theme can be called the hero's journey through time.

Unlike past episodes, the continuation of the series looks more gloomy: it is no wonder, because main character instead of saving his girlfriend, he kills her, of course, unintentionally. But now he is eaten by guilt and discovers that there is a program into which consciousness can be downloaded, as well as the fact that his girlfriend, even if now she is not in physical reality, but there is a digital version of her.

"Steins Gate" covers the theme of time travel, but the anime doesn't just use it as a plot build and development. Anime explores the concept itself in an incredible way and establishes internally consistent rules for how time travel functions, making this anime transcend or even transcend its genre group.

Best Comedy Anime - Gintama

Comedy is a tough nut to crack when anime stops there. Many of the funniest anime often rely on puns (in Japanese, of course) that are nearly impossible to translate. The first example of such an anime is "Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo", which Western audiences appreciate for its surreal and absurd humor. In the original Japanese, humor was originally based solely on puns and double entender conversations.

"Gintama" draws a fine line where some of the jokes are probably lost to Western audiences, but still doesn't lose ground and not only manages to stay funny, but also wins the title of best comedy anime in recent years.

Much of this high reputation is based on the fact that Japanese humor can be successfully translated and thus the language barrier considered passed. But this anime also has enough absurdist humor and visual gags that will still work regardless of which country the episodes of the series were released in.

Best Romance/Sci-Fi Anime Series - Darling in the franxx

Darling in the Franxx is a 2018 new original anime series. The plot is based on post-apocalyptic ideas, so the action of the series takes place in the distant future, when the earth was devastated and for its survival, robotic structures named after the creator Werner Frank "Franks" were created.

This anime will interest fans of the post-apocalyptic genre, as well as viewers prone to exploring futuristic concepts, because. this anime looks at several concepts that are currently being developed by scientists in case of possible catastrophic events in the future. And of course, if you like mecha and romance, this anime is definitely not worth missing.

The best anime of recent years - Drifters (Drifters)

Recognized as one of the best animated films recent years"Wanderers" or "Drifters" bears the features of an anime about the supernatural, or rather the new season will take place in other worlds, not on Earth at all, but somewhere higher or, let's say, in another dimension.

We know that in the previous season, Shimazu Tokisa, a samurai, had to fight in open combat with his enemy and managed to defeat him, but he himself was mortally wounded. Shimazu dies. What awaits us in the second season of "The Drifters"?

The action takes place in the other world, where Tokisa ends up after physical death. In a hall with hundreds of doors, he is greeted by a stoic, Murasaki.

Immediately, Tokisu is drawn into one of the doors, and he enters a world inhabited by fantastic creatures and other samurai from different times, who are considered dead on earth. Tokisa quickly makes friends, the famous warrior Nobunaga Oda and the ancient archer Yochi Suketaka Nasu, from whom our hero learns about the existence of a political conflict in a new world for him. It turns out that there are two opposing forces: the wanderers are fighting against the forces of the empire trying to dominate, while the imperials want to exterminate the elves and other demi-human races, and with them the wanderers who oppose the plans of the empire. Before Shimazu Tokisa and his friends do not even have a choice: they will join the wanderers in order to protect the inhabitants of new places and destroy the evil group.

Watch and enjoy the best series on the planet.

It's time to tell about best anime A must see in 2018. Many of the new products are a continuation of already beloved stories and will surely please their loyal viewers.

Recently, the industry has seen a kind of collapse, and many eminent authors predict a relatively quick decline in Japanese animation. The reason for this is the almost complete absence of young animators and is associated with a growing problem among the youth. People are increasingly trying to isolate themselves from society and full-fledged live communication. talking plain language These people just don't have experience. real life, which naturally affects the ability to create thoughtful and spectacular anime stories. Despite this, there are still talented authors who are ready to give their all and invest in the creation of high-quality and interesting anime films. In this article, we will talk about such series, which can rightly be called the best anime of 2018.

1 Fist of the North Star: Rebirth

On the threshold of 199X and human civilization is in decline. The reason for this was the nuclear apocalypse. People are divided into two classes: the weak are enslaved, and the genetic giants rule the Earth. Since only memories remain of the familiar weapons that people used before, the only thing a person can rely on is martial arts.


Many fans expect in 2018 the release of the 4th season of one of the best series - "Demons high school". The story will continue to follow the adventures of 17-year-old high school student Issei Hyoudou. Due to the lack of attention from the weaker sex, he is transferred to the women's gymnasium, which is famous for its free morals. Such an unusual move gives the desired result almost immediately: Issai is assigned a meeting by a very pretty girl. It just didn't work out the way he had hoped. Because she planned to kill the naive gentleman and perform a magical rite. The guy, in turn, is not so simple. It contains a divine artifact and after the girl kills Issei, the artifact launches and resurrects the boy, while awakening the ancient demon Rias. Now these two will take part in the eternal confrontation between dark and light forces.


The events of this anime series take place in the technologically advanced Academy City, located near Tokyo. It deals with the study of people improved with the help of scientific knowledge, called Espers. In an amazing city, there was a place for magic.

In the center of the story is one of the students of the Kamijo Toma Academy. He has the unique ability "Imagination Destroyer", touching any magic or ability of espers with his hand, he immediately dispels it. One day, Kamijou discovers a girl dressed in monastic robes on her balcony. It turns out that her name is Index and she is a nun in the service of a secret magical division of the English church. 103,000 books banned by the church were placed in her memory. Due to this chance encounter, Kamijou finds himself in the middle of a conflict involving espers and mages.


The Abyss is a complex system of caves. Its dimensions are so large that people have not been able to explore them completely. It is also unknown who and why created these huge underground communications. Mysterious creatures inhabit the Abyss. They protect ancient artifacts from strangers, the purpose of which remains a mystery.
People are constantly trying to get into the caves and get to the treasures of the Abyss. Such explorers are called Raiders.

In the city, which is located near the border with the abyss, the girl Riko lives. She lost her parents early and dreams of becoming a cave explorer like them. One day, her dream comes true and Riko goes into the abyss, where she meets a mysterious friend. This is where the adventure begins...


Tokyo Ghoul is an anime based on the manga of the same name by Sui Ishida. Tells about the events taking place in the alternate reality of modern Tokyo. According to the plot, a struggle is going on in the city, in which people are trying to resist ghouls - carnivorous creatures that can eat either people or their relatives. The manga was first adapted for TV in 2014, and a second season launched a year later.


Fairy Tail is a very popular anime series based on the manga by Hiro Mashima. The release began in 2009 and continues to this day. The series received recognition from the audience thanks to a deeply thought-out world, in order to find errors and inconsistencies in history, you will have to try hard. This is not surprising, because real professionals worked on the creation.
The main events of this anime take place in a fictional distant past, in the kingdom of Fiore. Magic in this world is an integral part of life. In different kingdoms there are guilds of magicians who constantly compete with each other. One of the most powerful, fun and unpredictable guilds is called Fairy Tail.

According to unofficial data, the anime Fairy Tail (Season 3) will be released in 2018, but the exact date has not yet been announced. There is information that it will be the last season, and the second Fairy Tail: Dragon's Cry will appear before it.

7 Sword Art Online: Alicization

unhealthy cravings for computer games, sometimes, can lead to the most unexpected consequences. This is what happened to the schoolboy Kazuto Kirigaya, nicknamed Kirito. He got into the online game "Masters of the Sword". It was very difficult to get out of it alive, but he succeeded. After his success, Kirito was recognized as a real expert and he was asked to help the police in investigating a crime, and for this you need to visit another online game "Gun Storm". With the new task, he also copes brilliantly.

In the new season, Kirito will work for the secret government organization RATH, which is developing the Assilization Project. He will enter the virtual world "Underworld". But he had never faced such challenges before. In just 3 days in the real world, he should live 10 years in the virtual one. After returning, he will have to re-enter the game, but since he did not remember anything from the first dive, he will have to start everything from scratch.


We could not help but include in the list of the best anime of 2018, perhaps the most anticipated sequel - the One-Punch Man series. The second season of the anime will continue to talk about the hero Saitama - himself strong man on Earth, capable of destroying everything with one blow. Enrolling in hero academy he sought to fight a worthy opponent, whom he could not lay down with the first blow. Perhaps this will appear in the new season.

A little background of this anime series: huge and very strong monsters appeared on the planet. Of course, they began to do what they were supposed to do - destroy everything around and kill people. To save the world from destruction, amazing people with superpowers stood up to protect humanity and justice.


Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurrection is another sequel that fans are looking forward to. It is not yet known in what format the anime will be released. Only one thing can be said for sure - the plot will be based on a story that takes place a couple of years after the events described in Requiem Zero. At the time of writing, there is no data on how the key character Lelouch will return, because in the second season of Code Geass: Rise of Lelouch, it was stated that the hero died and would no longer appear in the sequels of the story.

10 Steins Gate: Zero (Season 2)

Closes the Top 10 best anime of 2018 the second season of "Steins Gate: 0". The series tells about an 18-year-old student of a technological university and the founder of the "Future Gadget Laboratory" - Rintaro Okabe. Trying to change the past in order to save Makise Kurisa, who was accidentally killed by him, he tried all sorts of ways. His attempts to influence the past, one after another, ended in complete failure, saving one loved one, he immediately lost another. This continued until he realized that what had happened could not be undone.

After all the failures, Rintaro decides to say goodbye to scientific activity and live a simple student life. But the idyll does not last long, suddenly a friend of the deceased Kurisa Makise appears and tells that a device has appeared with which you can recreate the personality of a person inside yourself. Thus, there is hope and new attempts to bring Kurisu back to life. Whether Rintaro succeeds, you will find out by watching this anime series.

The best anime of 2018 - a list of series and films

Complete list of anime scheduled for release in 2018

View online anime 2018 was born far in the eastern hemisphere, in Japan of the last century; where the heavenly body rises and cherry blossoms. Many people incorrectly assume the origin of the word anime, thinking that the roots of this term come from the language of the land of the rising sun. Initially, it was English animation - that is, animation or a cartoon film, and then, by reduction, it was reborn by the locals into the first three syllables. These days, Japanese cartoons are famous in many countries, thanks to the brightness and brilliance of the picture, intricate storylines, and of course, due to the great variety of all sorts of genres, this is especially noticeable in the anime of 2017.

Received wide hype around the world, anime news has very strong differences from cartoons produced in various parts of Europe and the United States. In the easternmost power, images by drawing occupy a huge place in cultural intricacies, only because of the special mentality local residents. For many centuries, thanks to its geographic location, Japan was impregnable, and a power closed from any foreigners, so the development went in a unique and original way. And in our days a great country is building in the highest degree rules of human behavior, as well as traditions and mores, cultural heritage. It is very difficult for arriving foreigners to understand the indigenous population. Restraint, good manners and modesty, even in expressing one's own emotions, are a high priority. Because of the attitudes that show respect for any work done, the Japanese have managed to create an impressive anime production industry. AT given time more than a hundred genres are available, divided by the direction of style, gender, orientation of the characters, and age.

Video-format production is made with many distribution methods in mind, and its payback. The finished work can be a full-length film or many episodes of the same name. Today, both films and series are gaining unprecedented popularity all over the world. Surely it will not be clear for sure what has become more common - manga or anime 2018 of the year. For lovers of Japanese culture and handmade online, the Internet is full of a huge number of sites and is constantly updated with new ones. If you need something new and interesting, surf the net and look for what you need.

The classic definition of anime is that anime 2018 This is Japanese animation. In fact, this has not been the case for a long time. The world is changing, and with it, its content. Anime online is an original way of storytelling, designed to convey to the viewer a certain idea of ​​its creator, regardless of the age of its viewer. Often the plot tells about far from children's problems. modern world. The development of anime was influenced by the national culture of Japan, where the genre originated in the middle of the 20th century. For the first time, anime appears as a light-weight manga (Japanese alternative to comics). The style of depicting manga characters has been preserved in anime with certain changes, polished by the time during which the industry has developed rapidly.

The first thing that a neophyte of this genre pays attention to is the big eyes of the characters. Evil tongues laugh that this is how Japanese artists experience an inferiority complex, do not be deceived - this is not so. In Japan, it is not customary to look into the eyes of the interlocutor and openly express any strong emotions, leaving them behind a veil of ostentatious politeness, but if the situation requires it, the Japanese look through the face at a small dot between the eyes. From here the legs grow big eyes little anime heroines; why draw something that you don't look at anyway?! From here, the legs also grow at a detailed drawing of the surrounding world.

Best Anime 2018 is a very complex genre, it is divided into a huge number of subgenres, so that everyone can find something for themselves, whether it's action-filled shonen or romantic shojo. The popularity of anime and manga is currently at unattainable heights. Runet is teeming with various projects dedicated to the anime industry, but I advise you to visit the project. On this resource you will find the fastest dubbing of new episodes of your favorite anime series. On the resource, everything is done for your comfortable stay on it.

Watching anime movies for some people is an inexplicable thing, an entire religion or even a subculture that has conquered youth around the world. There are both supporters and opponents of this art. This genre is considered low-quality content for a small circle of fans. But this is not the case, and if you watch at least one anime work, you can observe an excellent plot component in which you can tell both a sad and exciting story of characters. If you want to know more, be sure to visit this section.

After all, anime is not just a culture, but a whole cartoon, which is made in a specific style and with a unique way of presenting. The origin of the word "anime" comes from the word "animation". It is noteworthy that this term appeared in Japan more than a hundred years ago. In 1917, the first such animated film was made, which marked the beginning of the "anime" genre. And, as a rule, earlier such anime was filmed based on the manga. A manga is a special Japanese comic, where there is a plot and inherent graphic rules.

What is the difference between anime and regular cartoon? Typically low frames per second. In addition, the graphics in such anime 2018 are quite simple. This factor allows many aspiring authors to try their way as an animator and soon become famous. One such example is Masashi Kishimoto. His path from just an animator to a famous one was thanks to the anime "Naruto"

In any case, here you can watch not only "Naruto" but also other famous or anime 2018 in good quality. And if you like this anime, then you are given a whole section that you can watch, at least all day.

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