Why do I need to know Russian. Why you need to learn Russian

Design and interior 19.09.2020
Design and interior

Why should you study Russian? (Composition-reasoning)

Russian is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It belongs to the eight international languages. This means that people of different nationalities communicate with each other in Russian.
I study at a Russian-language school. All our subjects are taught in Russian. All my relatives, friends and just acquaintances speak Russian. I think in Russian. So this language is my native language.
Of course, the more languages ​​a person knows, then it is cultural and developed. However, knowing the language in which you communicate and think is simply necessary! Therefore, I want to study Russian further.
Also, I think it is very important to have a good command of the Russian language, because great works have been created in this language. Pushkin and Gogol, Tolstoy and Chekhov, Blok and Yesenin wrote in Russian.
My grandfather was a Russian language teacher. Well spoken and well written. I want to be like my grandfather. And for this, I also need to know the Russian language very well, to study it.

The writing

The Russian language is the language of the great Russian people. We need it all the time. If there was no Russian language, we would not be able to speak, write, read. Russian language has a big vocabulary, variety of words. Many famous poets and writers glorified the Russian language. This is A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, M.Yu. Lermontov and others. Russian is the language of communication different peoples He is great, mighty and rich. Knowledge of the Russian language allows you to use the word as a weapon. The word can save a person, or it can kill. Therefore, it is very important who owns these weapons. Every person should be brought up from childhood in love for their native language and Russian culture.

They say the language is rich

He is undeniably rich.

Just often wrong

They get hit very hard.

Ishmukhametova Sofia, pupil3rd gradea.

The writing

Why do we need the Russian language?

When I was 1 year old, I said the first word, it was the word "mother". Now I am 9 years old and I know a lot of words. “The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it” - after all, all this is true. Words can hurt or vice versa.

The Russian language was praised by many different writers: L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Krylov, F.I. Tyutchev and others. Many different peoples live in Russia, but everyone speaks Russian.

The letters are stairs. We always go up the stairs.

Glory to our stairs! Stairs, not loafers.

Britchenkov Yaroslav, 3rd grade student.

The writing

WhyI teachRussian language?

For me, the Russian language is communication between people, the correct formation of my thoughts, reading interesting and informative books. With the help of words, you can convince a person, as well as praise. He praised the child, and he has an incentive to do something. The Russian language is very famous for its writers, for example: A. Pushkin, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, I. Turgenev. The Russian language is Slavic. To Slavic languages also include Ukrainian, Belarusian. Bulgarian, Polish, Czech. Here are the words that are similar: mother, mati, matsi. And those words mean one word - MOTHER.

Pavlenko Vyacheslav, 3rd grade student.

The writing

WhyI teachRussian language?

I love my native Russian very much. To know him well, you need to be able to listen and read more books. The power of the word is very great. It can be persuasion, praise or blame. Words can easily offend people.

Russian is the language of famous writers. I like such writers as A.S. Pushkin, K.I. Chukovsky, L.N. Tolstoy.

Our language is glorious and powerful. We have known him since birth.

Our Russian language is the best, there is nothing dearer!

I love my native language, we are inseparable friends.

I won't change it for another - it's the most euphonious.

We run to school, as always, and never, and never

We will not forget the rules!

Lemkin Alexander, 3rd grade student.

The writing

Why do weknowRussian language?

The Russian language occupies a central place in human life. When I was born, I couldn't talk. It all started with syllables. Growing up, I started speaking in sentences. Speaking Russian, I communicate with people.

The Russian language was glorified by famous writers, these are Maxim Gorky, Sergei Yesenin, Ivan Krylov, Nikolai Nikrasov and others. Thanks to the Russian language, they wrote their famous works.

Russian is a multinational language. The peoples of different nations speak Russian. Therefore, communicating in Russian, we find more and more friends.

Shaimukhanov Arlan, 3rd grade student.

The writing

Why do weknowRussian language?

I - Zyryanova Dasha, 3rd grade student. For me, the Russian language is a way of communication, reading, expressing my thoughts. To love your native language, you need to know it well. You need to read a lot of books, learn to listen to poems and songs. By the power of the word, you can convince the interlocutor of something, defend your thoughts.

It is not bitter to be homeless. And we will keep you, Russian speech.

Great Russian word We will carry you free and clean!

And we will give to our grandchildren and save us from captivity forever!

The writing

Why do we need the Russian language?

I am Kolya Sultanov, a citizen of Russia. Undoubtedly, the native language for each person is the best. But my native language is Russian. Russian is the language of international communication. No wonder they called the language great and powerful. I am proud of my native language and I believe that the Russian language has a great future. Pushkin, Tolstoy, Marshak, Turgenev, and other writers and poets glorified the Russian language with poems, fairy tales, and plays all their lives.

The Russian Federation is a multinational state. All peoples in it develop their culture and language. But everyone uses Russian. Knowledge of the Russian language facilitates communication between people of different nationalities.

With reverence touch what you are armed with,

Create light and revel in the boundless RUSSIAN LANGUAGE!

Sultanov Nikolai, 3rd grade student.

All-Russian Research Center public opinion decided to test the literacy of Russians by asking them questions from the Unified State Examination (USE) in the Russian language, which school graduates passed last year. As a result, only 4% of respondents answered correctly to eight simple questions.

Ongoing changes domestic system control of knowledge, the displacement of the composition by the Unified State Examination (USE), the rapid decline in the level of literacy of the population - all this cannot but attract attention. One of the most rapidly spreading stereotypes in society is that the Russian language and literature should be taught and known to the humanities, future philologists. Knowing the literature and being literate is not at all necessary for a mathematician or physicist.

We asked Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University Marina Yuryevna Sidorova to tell us about the consequences of such a view on the education system.

- Marina Yuryevna, tell me, what are the goals of the course "Russian language and culture of speech for non-philologists"? Why should non-philologists and even non-humanities students study Russian language and literature at a university?

— The course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" is part of the program of humanization of non-humanitarian education adopted in 2001-2002 and, accordingly, the movement of humanitarian specialties towards the natural sciences. According to this program, the humanities received a certain set of subjects, such as "Concepts modern natural science”, “Mathematics for the Humanities” and others, and natural scientists got the opportunity to choose from about ten humanitarian disciplines, one of which was the subject “Russian language and culture of speech”.

For traditional Russian culture, not only the result of any mental activity has always been important, but also the very course of thinking, which can only be expressed in language, in the text. Therefore, any person who receives higher education, be it an engineer, or a geographer, or an economist, a naturalist or a humanist, must be able to express his thought. Moreover, even if a person in his professional activity, like, for example, a chemist or mathematician, operates with the knowledge of other, non-verbal systems, that is, chemical and mathematical signs, he must be able to translate this knowledge into normal Russian.

Any information, knowledge is transmitted primarily through verbal communication. Experienced chess players can silently discuss the game only by rearranging the pieces, because they, as initiates, understand what is happening on the chessboard. But it is impossible to teach a child to play chess without saying a word. Similarly, an experienced tennis player needs only to correct his hand to understand why he has a wrong shot. But only showing how to play will achieve little.

Therefore, not only for a future scientist or teacher, for a leader, parent, for anyone who is going to work in a team, it is so important to be able to express and transfer knowledge in normal Russian.

In addition to teaching the culture of speech, the objectives of this course include teaching the culture of communication and intercultural communication, which acquires everything greater value in the era of globalization.

- And what changes in the culture of speech of a modern person are observed after recent decades?

— There are standard diseases. For example, agnonymy. An agnostic is a word that a person does not understand. Today's youth knows very few words. Including words of traditional Russian culture. It's not that modern man it is imperative to know what a sash is or what a wagon is. But if a person encounters a word many times and does not understand it, then he gets used to reading the text and not understanding much in it. He saw the word many times, but did not remember and will not recognize it. The airship and stagecoach are the same for him, and the elixir is the same as the electorate. Securitization for him is the training of security agents. The second disease is very serious, this is what can be called incontinence of the syntactic construction, if you use medical term. This is modern clip thinking. In cognitive science, there is an opinion that it is useful to break up information, presenting it in small parts. It is explained by the fact that RAM can hold about seven elements. But we, with Russian thinking, formed in our open spaces, in the education system, in politics, in fiction write and speak in long sentences. We have written textbooks, and we also give lectures in long sentences. And a modern young person is often not able to form these long sentences. He writes in the presentation: “Vasya saw an amazing pink bird,” and does not see that “an amazing pink bird” and “Vasya” are in the same nominative case. Why? Because he does not keep this structure in his head. Therefore, no instruction on the use of complex technology or, say, Terms of use He can no longer read Yandex.

Contemporary Politicians speak out not only for the abolition of the essay as a final and entrance examination, but also for a significant reduction in hours for literature in high school. Why are such tendencies dangerous?

- The trend is actually very dangerous. And its danger lies in the fact that not only politicians, but many educators are already in favor of canceling the work. Supporters of the USE say that the USE helps to select those people who should study at a university, while opponents, on the contrary, argue that the USE does not allow them to select talented people who should study at a university. Why do we educate people at all? It turns out that we give a person an education in order for him to function with us. In fact, a person does not get an education for an uncle, he gets an education for himself: in order to later have a job, good, highly paid, pleasant, in order to form as a person, to have a high level of spiritual comfort, as the wonderful surgeon Nikolai Amosov formulated it. . Here the study of literature at school helps to form this personality. Literature carries a certain moral charge. We read in War and Peace that Nikolai Rostov owes money and comes to his father and somehow tries to solve this problem. This is some situation in which a young person may find himself. This is a model of behavior that can be discussed. Let me give you a very rough comparison. They ask: why do young people get acquainted on the Internet, despite the fact that these acquaintances are very dangerous? Because this is such a testing ground where you can experience some sensations, try this or that model of relationships. And reading literature also gives a certain model of relations, in which cause and effect are clear, it shows what is good and what is bad.

There is another side. Knowledge can only be transmitted verbally. Therefore, we must check whether a person is able to read a more or less complex text, process it and create another one based on it. The essay checks this. In addition, the essay allows you to check spelling and punctuation. Spelling and punctuation are a certain discipline of the brain. This is generally a human discipline. During the entrance exams, physicists or chemists complain: “We have a person who will pour from test tube to test tube, and you check commas for him.” If a person does not care where to put a comma or a dash, then he does not care. I will not trust a test tube to a person who puts commas badly, because we will all fly into the air. And the exam is a very mechanical activity.

When we write an essay, we write a text. And when a person later comes to work after high school, he writes texts all the time. A manager writes reports, sales plans, a computer scientist or an engineer writes technical specifications. And with the help of his oral and written statements, he builds relationships with other people. This needs to be taught. And capable of this people to select. But I do not see any kind of future activity where it would be necessary to mark with pluses and minuses - right or wrong. I just don't see what the USE is simulating. What real activity?

– Igor (Administrator)

Almost everyone who is somehow connected with mathematics, which also includes programming, at least once, but wondered "why do you need to know the Russian language." Well, indeed, to create programs, carry out calculations, design mechanisms and so on - all this can be done without it. And for everything else, basic knowledge is enough, especially since today there are more and more electronic stores for taste and color. I posted my creation, wrote a couple of paragraphs and that's enough. However, if everything was so simple.

Originally, the problem grows from the fact that basic knowledge language is just a set of rules that you need to memorize in order to correctly answer questions later. But, the essence of the language is much more, which is rarely told. Therefore, in the framework of this article, I will throw a couple of thoughts on this topic.

The Russian language is multifaceted and allows you to specify and accurately describe any events, things, emotions, etc.. The trick here is that the language itself is not limited by anything and allows you to detail anything. Therefore, if you know the language well and you meet some kind of task, no matter what it is related to (even a conversation), then you can quickly and accurately describe it, understand it, present it and find a solution to it. Because you do not spend extra time converting the task into a form that is understandable to you and all subsequent steps. In addition, due to the versatility, you can easily describe the same thing in different ways, which greatly expands the range of possibilities.

Therefore, if you have a good command of the language, then it is not only much easier for you to support your creations (explain the impossibility of some actions, the difficulty in implementing functionality, etc.), but also find the optimal and appropriate solution methods.

A simple example. Let's say you need a program for writing tests. If this task is taken up by a person who communicates at the “hey kid” level (not for fun), then most likely the solution will be from the form “What? answers, well, it will do, "because in his understanding the task is simple and he will not consider it in detail.

If this task is taken up by a person who is fluent in Russian, then he will begin to have a lot of questions, since with a detailed presentation, the task may not be so simple. For example, do you need points for each answer. What kind of test. If there are answer options in it, or is the test compiled differently (questions without options, graphic tasks, etc.). Are there any restrictions such as time. And much more.

Knowledge of words does not mean that a person can make something valuable and useful out of them.. Many words in Russian have several meanings, and a lot depends on how accurately and correctly they are used. For example, try to imagine that you are reading a manual. How quickly can you figure out what in question in the instructions? I think everyone has come across documentation where it is not at all clear what the "author" wanted to say. Sometimes, you have to re-read the same paragraph dozens of times. Do you understand correctly what is written in the instructions? Have you met instructions where one thing is written, but in fact it turns out something else (although everything is correct from the point of view of the author)? If not, then you're in luck.

If you think that this only applies to instructions, then you are mistaken. There are many interfaces where labels for controls are composed in such a way that it is completely unclear from them what this element is responsible for. A simple example, will you understand what the "Polygon" tab in the text replacement program means without installing it and without screenshots of the tab? You can vaguely guess, but still there is not one option. Preliminary testing of the specified filters and settings can take place on it. Or vice versa, it is on this tab that you need to start the text replacement process. Or maybe in general this tab is for scanning file encodings. In other words, until you open it, this tab will be covered with a veil of secrecy. But an incorrect interface can scare or confuse users.

Sometimes we do not think about the simplest things: they exist and everything, and everyone uses them automatically. Here, for example, why does a person need a language (but not the one that is in the mouth, but the one we speak)? After all, if you look, it is one of the main characteristics that distinguishes us from the animal world. And perhaps, if speech had not arisen, people would still be at the lowest level of development. So, why does a person need a language? We will try to sort out this issue with you.

Means of communication

Why does a person need a language? In any society, even the most primitive and primitive, each of its members wants and is forced to communicate with other people. Without this communication existence is impossible. By the way, according to scientists, if a person gets on if there is no opportunity to communicate with other people, then in most cases it is likely that he will run wild or go crazy. So, communication is the basic need and need of everyone. And language acts as a means for this communication.

Why do people need the Russian language?

And some languages ​​are between various nations. different nations choose for themselves one of the languages ​​​​(or so it historically develops), in which it is most convenient to negotiate and solve the assigned tasks. It acts as a unifying principle for many millions of people. Such a means of interethnic communication is ours, great and mighty. Why do people need the Russian language? And how else do you imagine, for example, the communication of an Eskimo and a Dagestan or any other representatives of our Motherland, where many nations live. For them, the Russian language is as native as the national language, and serves state and public purposes.


According to the latest scientific data, a great variety of languages ​​are spoken on planet Earth (for some researchers, this figure has exceeded 6000, for others - over 2500). However, if you ask the average citizen of any country, he will certainly name a much smaller number of them - only up to a hundred. The difficulty of determining what exactly is considered an independent language, and whether it is a dialect, is due to the lack of knowledge. There are languages ​​spoken by a tiny number of speakers (only a few hundred). Such languages ​​are found in Africa, Polynesia. And the 170 languages ​​of the Indians of America are spoken only by a limited group of people (mostly old people), and these languages ​​are gradually dying out. In the Himalayas, there are up to 160 such languages, in the Niger River basin - more than 250.

Complex and simple languages

Many of the existing languages ​​do not know writing. Some are quite original in their forms. So, in the language of the Indians of America, Chippewa, there are about 6 thousand forms of verbs. And in the Tabasaran language in Dagestan - 44 cases. In the Haida language there are 70 prefixes, and in the Eskimo language there are as many as 63 forms of present tenses. But Chinese is recognized as one of the most complex linguists in the world: there are more than twenty million hieroglyphic icons in it! The easiest is Hawaiian (one of the dialects of Polynesia). There are only 6 consonants and 5 vowels - enviable minimalism! But in any of these languages, you can express feelings, emotions, talk about business, talk about yourself and your country.

The role of language

Why does a person need a language, what is its role in the life of society? The greatest minds of mankind were looking for answers to these questions. But, if you do not delve into the jungle of doxology, then you can say briefly and succinctly: with the help of language, people from one generation to another pass on their knowledge and experience. And at the moment when the speech was recorded in writing, and there was human civilization. In the modern world, the languages ​​of many peoples find many-sided application in national economy, learning, historical aspect developing along with scientific and technological progress.

Why does a person need a language? Essay at school

When writing an essay at school on a given topic, one should pay attention to the history of the emergence of the language and its main task - communication between people in society, as well as between different representatives of nationalities, talk about the role of language in antiquity and at the present time. Expand the topic "Why does a person need a language?" with the help of vivid examples from the history of countries and peoples: what unifying function does, for example, Russian or English language at the present stage.

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