Gorynych demining system. Domestic weapons and military equipment

diets 19.07.2019

"You can beg for everything! Money, fame, power, but not the Motherland ... Especially one like my Russia"

The UR-77 self-propelled lightly armored floating mine clearing unit is designed to make passages at least 6 meters wide and up to 90 meters long in minefields consisting of anti-tank anti-track mines and anti-tank anti-bottom mines with a pin target sensor, moreover, undermining high-explosive anti-personnel mines of American type M14 mines occur in a strip up to 14 meters wide.

The installation was created on the basis self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Carnation" in 1977 to replace a similar installation UR-67 based on the floating armored personnel carrier BTR-50PK.

The UR-67 units were tested during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war and other wars in Africa and Indochina. The experience of their application was used in the design of the UR-77, in which the identified shortcomings of the UR-67 were eliminated.

The UR-77 installation consists of a base machine (product 2S1) with launch equipment and two compartments with sections of the detonating cable UZP-77 or UZP-67. Demining charges are placed on the machine in a cassette and are fed into the minefield by air using DM-70 or DM-140 jet engines. Launch equipment with ammunition load is located in armored corps cars. The launch of the charge on the minefield and its detonation is carried out without the crew leaving the vehicle.

Installation during launches can be located in a shelter or in an open area. The charges are launched from a short stop. It is possible to launch charges when the vehicle is afloat (making passages in minefields located on the banks of a water barrier). The use (launch) of charges removed from the machine is not provided.

The UZP-77 demining charge consists of two parallel plastic charges 93 meters long each containing 725 kg of explosives. Each of these charges is assembled from nine sections of DKPR-4, which are connected using threaded couplings and union nuts. The DKPR-4 section is a charge 10.3 meters long and 7 cm in diameter, containing 40.25 kg of PVV-7 (plastic explosive, 71.5% RDX, 17% aluminum, 11.5% polyisobutylene).

The UZP-77 charge is placed in a special compartment of the machine and, with the help of special adapters, is attached to a powder rocket engine, which is placed in the guide tower. The 70-kg DM-70 engine has a powder charge of one piece weighing 27 kg. Engine running time 6–8 sec. When applying a charge for 200 m, one DM-70 engine is used, for 500 m - two engines. By changing the length of the brake rope, the range of charge supply is regulated.

In one UR-77 car, two demining charges are placed. One installation is capable of making two passes up to 100 meters long and about 6 meters wide. Or one passage 200 meters long (two successive launches).

The explosion of mines occurs as a result of the operation of their own fuses under the action of a shock wave generated during the explosion of an elongated demining charge. When examining the area after the use of elongated charges, the remaining intact anti-tank mines with double-click fuses, for example, of the TM-62 type with the MVD-62 fuse, anti-personnel mines tension action type OZM-72 with broken wires. Fuzes of the MVSh type, magnetic fuses of the MVN-72 type do not work. Fuzes with seismic, infrared target sensors do not respond to an explosion, although closely spaced ones may be disabled.

Destruction of anti-personnel fragmentation mines tension action is provided only partially, when fragments of the charge, soil, stones flying apart during the explosion pull the target sensor. The destruction of anti-personnel fragmentation mines with discontinuous target sensors is guaranteed if the explosion of the charge occurred in the zone of the target sensor.

To make a passage, the UR-77 advances to the minefield and stops at a distance of 200 to 500m. (up to 350m for UZP-67). The commander-operator, having determined the distance to the border minefield, lifts the tower installation with guides to the desired elevation angle and issues a command to start the charge from the control panel. The missile leaves the guide and flies along a ballistic trajectory, pulling a flexible cable with an explosive behind it.

After the rocket with the charge is removed from the installation by a length determined by the length of the brake rope attached to the nose of the vehicle, the charge falls onto the minefield and the rocket powder engine is cut off. The driver feeds the car back in order to equalize the charge in a straight line. After that, the commander-operator issues a command from the control panel to detonate the charge and shoot the brake rope. Time full cycle making the passage 3-5 min.
After the end of this cycle, it becomes possible to start the second charge.

To recharge, the machine follows a predetermined location. Reloading time by calculation forces with an attached sapper squad is 30-40 minutes.

Tactical and technical characteristics UR-77

Type of demining installation ............................................. Reactive explosive self-propelled tracked amphibious lightly armored
Type of demining charge used ............................. UZP-67, UZP-77
The length of the demining charge .............................................. 93m.
The number of explosives in one charge:
Demining charge delivery range:
UZP-67 ....... 200-350m.
The length of the resulting passage
Width of the resulting passage (guaranteed) ....... up to 6m.
The time of a full cycle of making a pass ........ 3-5 min.
Reloading time of the installation with two charges ............... (calculation + sapper department) 30-40 min
Installation calculation .............................................................. ................ 2 pers. (driver and commander-operator)
Base machine .................................................. ..................Universal caterpillar lung chassis 2S1
Weight of the base machine ............................................... ...... 11.1 t.
Weight of the equipment .................................................. .......... 3t.
The total mass of the curb installation ............................... 14.1t.
height ......................................... 1.64m.
Clearance................................................. .............................. 40.5 cm.
Track................................................. ................................. 2.5m.
Maximum travel speed:
on land ..................... 60 km / h
on the water...................4 km/h
Air transportability .............................................................. An-22, An-124, An-224, Il-76
Fuel range ............................................................... ......... 600 km.
Minimum turning radius .............................................. 1.25m.
Overcome obstacles:
max. angle of ascent........35 deg.
max. bank angle.............25 deg.
vertical wall............90cm.
ditch................................. 2m.
Armor resistance .................................................. ................... Armor-piercing bullet cal. 7.62mm. -50m.
Engine................................................. ............................ YaMZ-238V diesel four-stroke
Engine power................................................ .......... 240 hp

The mobility and maneuverability of the installation meets the requirements of tank and motorized rifle troops. UR-77 is in the engineering battalion of a motorized rifle (tank) division - 2 installations, in the engineering assault battalion - 6 installations.

Similar American AVLM installations, obtained by placing two sets of extended demining charge M58 MICLIC on the AVLB bridgelayer instead of the bridge, in the 91st year during Operation Desert Storm demonstrated that in half of the cases launches from them end in failure.

Installation of demining UR-77 engineer battalion 42 MRD.

During the Second World War and after it, not only engineering ammunition itself, in particular anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, but also tactics and methods of their use were rapidly developed. For example, a new element appeared order of battle- mobile barrier detachment (POZ). Its task is to quickly move to the direction of a possible breakthrough, advance, offensive or counterattack and, literally under the nose of the enemy, set up a minefield in order to delay the enemy and make it difficult for him to maneuver. To quickly lay minefields, trailed and self-propelled minelayers, helicopter mine spreaders and, finally, systems remote mining. The advance installation of mine-explosive barriers by the enemy also required time and money to make passages in them. Without solving the tasks of ensuring the overcoming of mine-explosive barriers, there could be no talk of any successful offensive operations. In this regard, the rapid making of passages in minefields and other mine-explosive barriers has become essential condition performance by units and formations of assigned combat missions. To this end, various means of neutralizing enemy mines were invented.

Where do the legs grow from "Gorynych"

As already noted, removing and disarming mines manually by specially trained sappers is long and risky. They began to make passages in minefields much faster with the advent of mine sweeps hung on tanks. But trawls, primarily roller ones, reduce the maneuverability of the tanks on which they are hung. Dismantling and transporting the roller sections in trucks, and again mounting them on tanks if necessary, is a waste of precious time, especially in battle. The idea to make passages in minefields with the help of an explosion was born between the world wars. Its essence was the use of tanks with mine sweeps, towing behind them the so-called "Bangalore torpedoes", which were a five-meter pipe with an explosive charge. "Bangalore torpedoes" were invented in 1912 by the British captain McClintock (McClintock) to destroy the explosion of barbed wire. The ammunition was slipped under the barrier and undermined, forming a hole in the wire barrier. To make passages in minefields with the help of "Bangalore torpedoes", the tank made a passage for itself with trawls and towed a bunch of pipes with explosives behind it. Then this “tail” was blown up, and other vehicles and infantry could follow the tank. The first serial tank adapted for such work was the British Churchill Snake, dragging 16 five-meter pipes with explosives linked one after another. The method is quite effective, but has one significant drawback - the tank with the trawl and the crew was very vulnerable.
Before the war, Soviet designers knew about the developments of the British, but at that time they had to solve more priority tasks. Therefore, the first "land torpedo" entered the Soviet army only after the war. Our new demining tool was called an elongated charge (US) and was a two-meter pipe with a diameter of 70 mm, which contained 5.2 kg of TNT. Later, US began to be assembled into triangular sections of three charges each. Thus, the mass of TNT per linear meter reached 7.8 kg, and the charge received the designation UZ-3. The charges could be connected to each other in series in a structure up to 100 m long (depending on the depth of the minefield). The method of using the UZ-3 was the same as that of the British: a tank with a trawl overcame a minefield, towing demining charges behind it, after which they were detonated, and a passage up to 6 m wide was formed. The disadvantage of the UZ-3 was a long assembly time sections, the vulnerability of the tug tank. The way out was seen in ensuring the "self-propelled" design of the UZ-3 sections. Then a proposal was made to equip the 100-meter UZ-3 structure with 45 solid-propellant jet engines. They had to lift the entire structure above the ground by one meter and drag it to the minefield, where it was blown up. The estimated flight altitude was one meter. This version of the extended charge was called the UZ-3R. Since it was not possible to ensure the simultaneous launch of all 45 engines, there was still a spread for some fractions of a second, the start of the structure’s movement turned out to be somewhat unstable: the UZ-3R began to wriggle, jump from side to side, but after a few seconds it still went into level flight. When meeting with an obstacle that was too high, the demining charge took off into the sky and wrote out pirouettes there. For such a wild temper and the roar of dozens of rocket engines, accompanied by flames, the UZ-3R received the nickname "Snake Gorynych". Later, all rocket-powered demining systems were also given this nickname.

Self-propelled systems

In the 60s of the last century Soviet designers created new system demining, which has not been used anywhere before. It was an armored personnel carrier BTR-50PK with a launcher for extended charges installed on it. The car went to the indicated position, aiming and launching the UZ-67 charge were carried out. Unlike the previous US, it did not have a rigid, but a flexible design, which consisted of two 83-meter hoses filled with TNT, the total mass of which was 665 kg. up to 300-350 m from the machine. After starting, flying and dropping the charge with the help of a brake cable and moving the car back, the UZ was dragged onto the minefield and leveled, it was blown up. 665 kg of TNT made a passage 6 m wide and up to 80 m long. In 1968, the demining machine under the name UR-67 was adopted by the Soviet engineering troops. There were two UZ-67 charges on the vehicle. In 1972, the UR-67 began to use a new demining charge - the UZP-72. Its length increased to 93 m, and the total mass explosive brand PVV-7 (plastid) amounted to 725 kg. The flight range of the UZP-72 reached 500 m, and the dimensions of the passage being made were 90x6 m.
In 1978, the UR-67 was replaced by the UR-77 "Meteorite", developed by the designers of the specialized institute NIIII (now JSC "NIIII"), which is now the main machine of this class in Russian army. The principle of operation of the new installation remained the same, although it received a new ammunition UZP-77. In terms of its characteristics, it is similar to the UZP-72 charge, but differs in a number of technological aspects. It consists of DKPR-4 detonating cables, each 10.3 m long, connected into a single cord using threaded couplings and union nuts. The lightly armored chassis of the self-propelled guns 2S1 was used as the base for the UR-77. The launch of the charge on the minefield and its detonation are carried out without the crew leaving the vehicle. When applying a charge at 200 m, one DM-70 rocket engine is used, at 500 m - two. The charging range is adjusted by changing the length of the brake cable. To recharge, the machine follows a predetermined location. Reloading time by calculation forces with an attached sapper squad is 30-40 minutes.

Foreign analogues and military history

Abroad similar UR-77 analogues do not exist. In the United States in the 80s of the last century, the M58 MICLIC (mine clearing line charge) remote demining system was created for the same purpose, which is designed to make passages in minefields in an explosive way. The system is capable of making a passage in a minefield up to 6-14 meters wide and up to 100 meters long. The installation was transported on wheeled or wheeled-tracked trailers or installed on floating conveyors marines USA AAV7A1 and LVTP7A1 or on the AVLB bridge layer based on the M60A1 tank, from which the bridge structure was previously removed. The M58 MICLIC Remote Demining System is currently being installed on combat vehicle obstacles Assault Breacher Vehicle (ABV), created on the basis of the M1Abrams tank. The main disadvantage of the foreign mine clearance system M58 MICLIC is a very small launch range - only 67 m, as well as a lower mass of explosives per linear meter.
The large mass of explosives per linear meter and the launch range of the elongated charge also predetermined the “abnormal use” of UR-77 vehicles in recent local conflicts. So, for example, one of the commanders of engineering platoons in the first Chechen war, during the battles for Grozny, used the UR-77 to destroy a group of militants advancing on one of the units of the Russian army in urban areas. when using the capabilities and power of the UZP-77, most of the advancing militants were destroyed. True, there was also a negative experience when it was not taken into account gusty wind and UZ got to their units. Successfully used UR-77 during fierce battles for the village of Komsomol. . On the video footage that got on the Web, you can clearly see how powerful the explosion of an elongated charge is and what destruction it can cause in urban areas. True, when using such funds according to the “abnormal” option, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Indeed, in fact, it is almost like air bombs with a capacity of 1 ton, only exploding not at one point, at a front of 100 m.

UR-77 "Meteorite" — Soviet demining installation. Created on the basisself-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Carnation" . Serially produced from 1978 instead UR-67 - this is how Wikipedia begins its story.

UR-77 is capable of making moves (passages - approx. D.B.) in anti-tank minefields during combat. The passage is about 6 meters wide and 80 to 90 meters long. Despite the fact that the UR-77 is not designed to clear anti-personnel mines, the installation can clear anti-personnel minefields from American M14 pressure mines, creating passages up to 14 meters wide, etc., etc. etc. And I will allow my impressions to be stated. For 20 years of service, I once saw the launch of this system, back in the early 80s, but when such an action takes place before your eyes, it is not forgotten. Immediately for skeptics and critics Soviet army and the Russian: The Armament Engineering Troops are diverse and diverse, and not every unit or formation has mine clearance installations on staff, and there’s no talk about the Arms of the Army, not everyone is so happy). Photos borrowed from here http://ok.ru/profile/74065071337 , look at the dynamics of the launch of the "Snake Gorynych" - that's what his mother called him - the infantry).
Demining is carried out by the occurrence of a shock wave from the explosion of the charge, which affects the mine fuse. However, complete clearance is not guaranteed. For example, mines with double-click fuses can remain intact (mine TM-62with fuse MVD-62 or Mk7 with fuse No. 5 Mk4), anti-personnel mines of tension action. Magnetic, seismic and infrared fuses do not respond to the blast wave.

After all, there are no American installations equal in combat qualities to the UR-77 even at the beginning of the 21st century. Agree that placing two sets of extended demining charge M58 MICLIC on the AVLB bridge layer instead of the bridge is not the best solution (especially since the Americans themselves admit that the experience of using such installations (AVLM) in 91 during Operation Desert Storm showed that in half of the cases the launches end in failure).

Installations of the same UR-67

UR-67 in the Park complex of the history of technology. K. Sakharova http://museum.vaz.ru/
were tested during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 and a number of other wars in Africa and Indochina. The experience of their use gave birth to the UR-77, in which the shortcomings inherent in the UR-67 were eliminated.

Demining charges are used as the main armament. One installation is capable of carrying two charges. One charge clears a rectangle with sides of 90x6 meters in a minefield. The UR-77 installation can use charges of the UZ-67, UZP-77 and ZRShch brands. In the process of launching the charge and demining, the crew remains inside the vehicle. The time of one complete demining cycle is about 3-5 minutes. Recharging takes about 30-40 minutes. In the presented video, the launch of a training charge, unlike a combat one, it does not give the full impression)

Minefield - the most effective method defend your positions from enemy attacks. Of course, this is not an absolute deterrent, but in many cases it is expedient and effective. But in order to get around such fields, you first need to neutralize them, and special systems help in this, for example, the Serpent Gorynych (weapon). What is it - reliable means worth investing in, or an unnecessary fixture?

A bit of history

Note that the first modern systems mines were set up by the British in 1912. Moreover, initially this weapon fought not with mines, but with barbed wire. For their explosion, a 5 m long pipe was used, which was charged with 27 kg of pyroxylin. Ammunition was slipped under the barrier and undermined. Due to the long shape, the ammunition was called a torpedo.

In the USSR, the first means of demining appeared during the war, and it was an elongated U3 charge: it was a pipe 2 m long and 7 cm in diameter, into which a little more than 5 kg of TNT could be placed. The essence of his action was that the tank with the trawl pulled out charges for mine clearance, after which they were blown up. Despite the effectiveness of such a system, it had many shortcomings. First of all, demining took place quickly, and it took a long time to prepare it.


"Serpent Gorynych" - a weapon based on the UR-67. This demining system was used to combat True, the first version was not the most perfect, and the UR-67 was replaced by the UR-77 Meteorite, which is still considered the main machine of this type in the Russian army. While maintaining the main design features system and its principle of operation, it began to be equipped with new ammunition. The elongated charge 77 is based on detonating cables with a length of more than 10 m, which are connected into a single cord with union nuts.

Why "Snake Gorynych"?

The weapon, the photo of which speaks of its formidability, received this name for a reason. This is due to a powerful and scary spectacle: first, a deafening roar is heard, after which a short rocket rises into the sky, and something white stretches behind it. After uncoupling, the rocket flies forward, and a long “sausage” falls to the ground, after which the earth is shaken by a severe explosion.

How the design has changed...

It is noteworthy, but when creating the model, the designers proposed to abandon the base tracked vehicle. This type of demining system received the designation UR-83P, it was transported by truck, after which it was assembled directly on the battlefield, in a tank trench.

The tank installation had a lightweight frame, but the system was not widely used, since it was much weaker in terms of efficiency. AT war time"Serpent Gorynych" (a weapon that is still considered one of the most reliable in the world) was an excellent assistant in overcoming minefields. At least it was possible to save the lives of sappers and miners.

What are the features?

"Serpent Gorynych" is a weapon that has been constantly improved. So, the chassis of the model is based on the design of the MT-LB tractor. The features of the new model include:

  1. A special turret cap protects the launch rail of the exhaust rockets and the boxes for the cord. This is an important innovation, since the armored ammunition boxes contain more than 1,500 tons of explosives. Before starting, the armored cap rises to the desired angle, then only three buttons work: starting the solid fuel engine, undermining the charge, and dropping the brake rope.
  2. Reloading the installation takes about 40 minutes.
  3. Explosive cord can be laid by crane or by hand.
  4. "Snake Gorynych" - a weapon that can be launched even from the water.

For the first time this installation was used in combat in 1973 - at that time weapons were supplied to Egypt. Subsequently, the models participated in almost all the hostilities of the USSR and Russia.

How does it work?

UR-77 is self-propelled unit clearance of light armored vehicles, which can make passages 6 m wide in minefields, which are “stuffed” with anti-tank anti-track mines and mines with a pin target sensor. Experts note that the system easily and reliably copes with the detonation of high-explosive anti-personnel mines (similar to the American M14) in a strip up to 14 m wide.

One of the most reliable demining tools today is the Zmey Gorynych system (weapon). How to use it? Mines explode due to the fact that their own fuses are triggered by the impact of the shock wave. It, in turn, is formed during the explosion of an elongated demining charge. The installation itself includes two elements - a base machine in the form of a modified chassis and a turret installation consisting of launch guides for two missiles and two compartments for detonating cable sections.

Based on the Gvozdika howitzer

"Snake Gorynych" is a demining weapon, which, due to its unique characteristics, has remained popular for more than a dozen years. The self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Gvozdika" was used as equipment, which has a classic turret design scheme. Its body is made on the basis of steel sheets, it is characterized by tightness and the ability to overcome water barriers. There are three departments in the building: power, control and combat.

On the roof is a welded tower, the fighting compartment of which is equipped with a rotating basket. The tower is equipped with a gun and a place for the crew. On the right side there is a loader's seat, stacking under the sleeves, and on the left along the side there is a gunner's seat and sights. The main weapon is a howitzer, which works on the basis of 122 mm ammunition. The work of the howitzer is based on different type, which are often supplemented by contact fuses. Maximum range shooting - 15.2 km.

Ammunition system "Serpent Gorynych"

The weapon has the following operating principle: it is supposed to use a certain ammunition load. It includes two extended demining charges that have solid propellant tow rockets. One charge is designed for one pass, that is, the installation with one ammunition can make two passes at once, 93 m long and 6 m wide. The installation itself can be placed both in shelter and in open areas during combat operations. Charges are started with a short stop. Charges can also be launched from the water when minefields along the coastline need to be cleared.

The main thing is setting

Powerful and modern "Snake Gorynych" weapon. The principle of operation of the entire demining system is as follows:

  1. UR-77 makes a passage and advances to the minefield, while it can stand at a distance of 200-500 m.
  2. The distance to the border of the minefield is determined by the commander, who raises the turret to a certain elevation angle, after which he gives the command to launch the charge.
  3. The rocket leaves the guide and flies along a certain trajectory, while pulling a flexible cable associated with it.
  4. A missile with a charge moves away to a length determined by the length of the brake rope - it is attached to the nose of the vehicle.
  5. The charge falls on the minefield, and the rocket powder engine is cut off.
  6. The machine is fed back by the driver to equalize the charge in a straight line.
  7. The brake rope is fired.
  8. The time of a full cycle of making a pass takes a maximum of 5 minutes
  9. After the first cycle is completed, the second charge is started.
  10. Recharging the machine takes about 40 minutes.

To carry out this procedure, the machine follows a predetermined place. Reloading time by calculation forces with an attached sapper squad is 30-40 minutes.

What are the prospects?

"Serpent Gorynych" (weapon UR-77), which was also called the "Meteorite" in the war, was again transferred to the arsenal of the Russian Federation in 2014, however, in a new form. The updated installation was developed by the Balashikha Research Institute and designers. The base was used as a chassis for this model. Launcher additionally equipped with extended demining charges.

"Serpent Gorynych" - a weapon in Russia, which is popular due to the thoughtful design and specifications. With their help, you can make passages in a minefield several tens of meters wide at any distance. Updated charges are able to destroy any type of mines. The charge of this installation is a rocket to which a long cable is attached: explosives are located on it. When the cable falls to the ground, the explosives detonate and detonate mines within a radius of several meters. Thus, a safe passage is created through which infantry can pass, drive military equipment.

According to experts who tested this system, demining charges detonate some of the mines. And devices that are protected from undermining are thrown out of the cleared passage. In any case, in combat conditions, this installation will be more effective.

Features of the updated system

It is planned that the UR-07M model, which will replace the Zmey Gorynych installation, will easily cope with the demining of the coastal strip. With its help, it will be possible to make passages of sufficient width in the coastal line of the sea at a depth of up to five meters. The passages will be made gradually - by launching groups of ammunition from a carrier that moves along the coast, after which they will be blown up in the alignment of the passage. It is noted that the pitching of the ship will not affect the accuracy of the supply of ammunition, since this will be compensated by automatic fire control based on a computer. Designers focus on the fact that "Serpent Gorynych" as a demining weapon still requires a revision of both design and technical parameters in order to meet modern requirements. That is why it was decided to improve the old system by introducing modern technologies into it.

As an addition to the system, there is a URP-01 "Garter" trailer installation, which allows you to make passages in anti-tank minefields. The charges are launched both from towing equipment, without requiring the crew to leave the vehicle, or autonomously - on the ground or from a trench.

UR-77 "Meteorite" - Soviet demining installation. Created on the basis of the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer. Serially produced since 1978 to replace the UR-67.

The UR-77 is capable of making moves in anti-tank minefields during combat. The passage is about 6 meters wide and 80 to 90 meters long. Despite the fact that the UR-77 is not designed to clear anti-personnel mines, the installation can clear anti-personnel minefields from American M14 pressure mines, creating passages up to 14 meters wide.

Demining is carried out by the occurrence of a shock wave from the explosion of the charge, which affects the mine fuse. However, complete clearance is not guaranteed. For example, mines with double-click fuses (TM-62 mine with an MVD-62 fuse or Mk7 with fuse No. 5 Mk4), anti-personnel mines of tension action can remain intact. Magnetic, seismic and infrared fuses do not respond to the blast wave.

The destruction of anti-personnel fragmentation mines of tension action is only partially ensured when fragments of the charge, soil, stones flying apart during the explosion pull the target sensor. The destruction of anti-personnel fragmentation mines with discontinuous target sensors is guaranteed if the explosion of the charge occurred in the zone of the target sensor.

Design Description

The installation consists of a base vehicle (product 2S1) with launch equipment and an ammunition load of two demining charges. Demining charges are placed on the machine in a cassette and are fed into the minefield through the air using jet engines. Launch equipment with ammunition charges is located in the armored body of the vehicle. The launch of the charge on the minefield and its detonation is carried out without the crew leaving the car

The UZP-77 demining charge consists of two parallel plastic charges 93 meters long each containing 725 kg of explosives. Each of these charges is assembled from nine DKPR-4 sections, which are connected using threaded couplings and union nuts.
The DKPR-4 section is a charge 10.3 meters long and 7 cm in diameter. Inside the PVV-7 (40.25 kg).
The UZP-77 charge is placed in a special compartment of the machine and, with the help of special adapters, is attached to the DM-70 rocket powder engine, which is placed in the guide tower.

The 70-kg DM-70 engine has a powder charge of one piece weighing 27 kg. Engine running time 6–8 sec. When applying a charge for 200 m, one DM-70 engine is used, for 500 m - two engines. By changing the length of the brake rope, the range of charge supply is regulated.

Two UZP-77 demining charges are placed in one UR-77 vehicle.
One installation is capable of making two passes 100 meters long and about 6 meters wide. Or one passage 200 meters long (two successive launches).

To make a passage, the UR-77 advances to the minefield and stops at a distance of 200 to 500m. (up to 350m for UZP-67). The commander-operator, having determined the distance to the border of the minefield, raises the turret installation with guides to the desired elevation angle and issues a command to start the charge from the control panel. The missile leaves the guide and flies along a ballistic trajectory, pulling a flexible cable with an explosive behind it.

After the rocket with the charge is removed from the installation by a length determined by the length of the brake rope attached to the nose of the vehicle, the charge falls onto the minefield and the rocket powder engine is cut off. The driver feeds the car back in order to equalize the charge in a straight line. After that, the commander-operator issues a command from the control panel to detonate the charge and shoot the brake rope. The time of a full cycle of making a passage is 3-5 minutes.
After the end of this cycle, it becomes possible to start the second charge.

To recharge, the car follows a predetermined location. Reloading time by calculation forces with an attached sapper squad is 30-40 minutes.

The performance characteristics of the UR-77

Combat weight - 15.5 tons;
- body length - 7260 mm;
- body width - 2850 mm;
- height on the roof of the tower - 2100 mm;
- engine - diesel YaMZ-238M;
- engine power - 300 hp;
- maximum speed- 60 km / h;
- maximum speed afloat - 4.5-5 km / h;

Type of charge used - UZ-67, UZP-77;
— the length of the demining charge — 93 m;
- the number of explosives in one charge UZ-67 1023 kg;
- the number of explosives in one charge UZP-77 1069 kg;
- the range of supply of the demining charge UZ-67 - 200-350 m;
- the range of supply of the demining charge UZP-77 - 200-500 m;
- the length of the resulting passage UZ-67 - 75-80 m;
- length of the resulting passage UZP-77 - 80-90 m;
- width of the resulting passage (guaranteed) - up to 6 m;
- time of a full cycle of making a passage - 3-5 minutes;
- reloading time of the installation with two charges (calculation + sapper department) - 30-40 minutes;

Photo UR-77

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